Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician and Gynecologist, magazine archive of issues.

Read in the public domain:
"Methodological recommendations (draft): Assessment of the state of the hemostatic system during physiological pregnancy" (No. 3-2018, issue 2)

ISSN 1726-6122 (Print), ISSN 2309-5148 (Online)

Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician-Gynecologist / “Rossiyskiy vestnik akushera-ginekologa”


Publication language:

  • metadata - in Russian and English,
  • articles are in Russian.

Magazine distribution model: by subscription; articles on the site go to open access one year after publication.

Scientific and practical peer-reviewed medical journal "Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician-Gynecologist"- the most important source of reliable and modern information for specialists in this field of medicine. The journal is represented in the following international databases and reference publications: RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index), Web of Science (Russian Science Citation Index - RSCI), Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Google Scholar.

Founded in 2001.

The journal is included in the list of publications approved by the Higher Attestation Commission for the publication of materials of candidate and doctoral dissertations, based on the fact that the publication complies with the Requirements.

The current list of publications is available on the website of the Higher Attestation Commission - Publications that are considered included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science, in scientific specialties and corresponding branches of science should be published .

Goals and objectives

The purpose of the magazine is to increase levels vocational training obstetrician-gynecologists.

The journal aims to improve the knowledge of obstetricians and gynecologists on the etiology and pathogenesis of obstetric complications and gynecological diseases; familiarization of obstetricians and gynecologists with new and improved technologies for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of pathological conditions in obstetrics and gynecology; improving the knowledge of obstetricians and gynecologists in the field of organizing obstetric and gynecological care; all possible assistance in increasing the efficiency of implementation of scientific research results in obstetric and gynecological practice.

The editorial board and editorial council of the journal include well-known obstetricians and gynecologists from various regions of Russia and foreign countries. Readers are not only Russian obstetricians and gynecologists, but also doctors from many CIS countries. The journal “Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician-Gynecologist” is of interest not only to scientists, but also to practicing doctors, as it includes such headings as “Postgraduate training” and “Advice to a doctor.” Also interesting is the “Point of View” section, which contains articles from original approach to solve certain obstetric and gynecological problems.

Main sections of the magazine:

Organization of obstetric and gynecological care
- Theory and practice
- Reviews
- Experience exchange
- Point of view
- Advice to the doctor
- Postgraduate training

The editors of the journal recognize the need to comply with journal ethics scientific publications and declares the absence of abuse of official position

A4 format
Frequency – 6 times a year
ISSN 1726-6122 (Print)
ISSN 2309-5148 (Online)


  • subscription through the Rospechat agency catalog
    • 80292 - for individual subscribers
    • 80293 - for enterprises and organizations
  • subscription through alternative agency directories
  • distribution at specialized forums and exhibitions

Branches of science and/or groups of scientific specialties according to the Nomenclature of the Higher Attestation Commission: 01/14/00 – clinical medicine, 02/14/00 – preventive medicine, 03/14/00 – medical and biological sciences.

Journal information:

Editorial team

Bulletin of the Russian Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists ~ Full text articles

  • An analysis of the pathomorphological study of 97 placentas in patients with genital herpetic infection in comparison with the characteristics of the course of pregnancy, the condition of their fetus and newborn

  • Contains modern information on the diagnosis and treatment of acute appendicitis in pregnant women

  • Terzhinan, compared to clotrimazole, removes faster and more effectively discomfort and itching, quickly normalizes vaginal flora and relieves symptoms of colpitis

  • It was possible to improve the course of postoperative illness, reduce the frequency of purulent-septic complications, and shorten the length of stay of patients in the hospital

  • The features of reparative processes in the surgical wound depending on the method of suturing and the pathomorphological features of scars on the uterus after cesarean section were studied.

  • The blood reaction that develops during laser irradiation is one of the important components of the clinical effect of biostimulation laser therapy for a typical form of genital herpes in women

  • When studying placentas in women with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, changes are observed that are characteristic of all structural levels, which are based on the phenomena of circulatory disorders, alteration, edema, and sclerosis.

  • Research confirms the need to develop medical and social programs to change the mentality of women and doctors regarding the reproductive behavior of the population

  • The complex of these medical and social measures with the targeted and methodical implementation of the sex education program will ensure in the future a reduction in the number of abortions of minors and preserve their health and reproductive function

  • Characteristics such forms of discoordination of labor forces as rapid labor, contraction ring, tetanus of the uterus, as well as the principles of labor management during these complications and their prevention

  • The results of many years of research devoted to the study of the problems of the postmenopausal period and hormone replacement therapy are presented.

  • Classification bacterial infections female genital organs, based on anatomical, topographical and etiological principles

  • The results of many years of research by the department on the problem of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of hypoxic conditions of the fetus and newborn are summed up

  • The method of choice for diagnosing and treating ovarian apoplexy in the presence of intra-abdominal bleeding is laparoscopy; transection is indicated for a combination of intra-abdominal bleeding and unstable hemodynamic parameters

  • The results of a study of the clinical effect of the drug Trisequence®, the effect on the lipid spectrum of the blood and the endometrium in perimenopausal women are presented.

  • The use of Zoladex does not produce steroid effects, improves the preoperative condition of patients, stops uterine bleeding, reduces tumor volume, and, as a result, reduces technical difficulties during surgery

  • The results of the presence of persistent microflora in the microbiocenosis of the vagina and cervical canal indicate the pathogenetic role of the latter in inflammatory diseases and dysbiotic conditions of the vagina and cervical canal of women

  • The course of induced pregnancy has some features: the need for hormonal therapy in early dates gestation, greater risk of multiple, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, development of fetoplacental insufficiency

  • The most effective and widely available means of post-abortion contraception are combined oral contraceptives; oral contraceptives containing progestogen; long-acting drugs: implants and injectable progestogen-containing drugs

  • Prescription of estrogen monotherapy for women of reproductive age after hysterectomy and when symptoms of estrogen deficiency appear

    Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences

    In 1961 he graduated from the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute named after N.I. Pirogov. From August 1961 to the present time he has been working at MONIIAG. From 1961 to 1963 studied in clinical residency in obstetrics and gynecology, after which he worked as a junior researcher, from 1967 - senior researcher, from 1973 - head of a gynecological clinic. Since 1985, director of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution MO MONIIAG. At the Scientific Council of the Institute on March 16, 2017, he was elected President of MONIIAG.

    Since 1990 V.I. Krasnopolsky heads the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Faculty of Advanced Training for Doctors of the Moscow Region at the State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare of the Moscow Region MONIKI named after M.F. Vladimirsky.

    Labor activity of V.I. Krasnopolsky is multifaceted and combines medical, research, organizational and methodological work. In 1967, Vladislav Ivanovich defended his candidate’s thesis on the topic “Caesarean section after rupture of water”, in 1978 - his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Modern aspects of diagnosis, surgical treatment and prevention of purulent formations of the uterine appendages.”

    In the field of gynecology Scientific research IN AND. Krasnopolsky allowed us to formulate the concept of connective tissue failure due to prolapse of the internal genital organs. They were offered original methods surgical treatment of stress urinary incontinence, ureter transplantation, correction of incompetent pelvic floor muscles, prolapse and prolapse of the uterus and vaginal walls, methods for the prevention of severe postoperative complications in case of purulent lesions of the pelvic organs, peritonitis, and extensive endometriosis, for which copyright certificates and patents have been obtained.

    In the field of obstetrics under the leadership of V.I. Krasnopolsky developed problems of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of postpartum purulent-septic complications, as well as various aspects Caesarean section operations. Fundamental research is being carried out on diabetes mellitus in pregnant women, diabetic fetopathy, the cellular-molecular and pathophysiological basis of dysmetabolism and angiopathy, methods for their prevention and correction have been developed.

    IN AND. Krasnopolsky and his students developed and presented scientific data on the management of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period in women in environmentally unfavorable areas exposed to radioactive contamination as a result of the Chernobyl accident. They proposed a scheme for organizing obstetric care for women in these regions, providing for the prevention of complications in the mother, fetus and newborn, as well as the rehabilitation of the reproductive health of the female population.

    IN AND. Krasnopolsky created a school of obstetricians and gynecologists, developing not only current issues of gynecological and laparoscopic operations, cesarean section, but also critical issues spontaneous birth in women at high risk.

    Author 350 scientific works, including 14 monographs, many methodological recommendations and manuals for practicing doctors. Under his leadership, 16 doctoral and 32 candidate dissertations were completed and defended.

    In 2012 V.I. Krasnopolsky was elected Academician Russian Academy Sci.

    Member of the Interdepartmental Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (1993), member of the bureau of the Scientific Medical Council of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (1993), chairman of the section and member of the expert council on obstetrics and gynecology of the Problem Scientific Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (1993), chairman of the scientific council of MONIIAG (1995), chairman of the dissertation Council at MONIIAG (1990), vice-president of the Russian Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (1993), member of the Coordination Council for Healthcare under the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District (2001), member of the bureau of the Department of Clinical Medicine of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2002), member of the scientific expert council under the Chairman of the Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (2002), member of the editorial board of the journal "Obstetrics and Gynecology" (1989), member of the editorial board of the journal "Bulletin of the Russian Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists" (1994-2000), editor-in-chief of the journal "Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician-Gynecologist" (2001), member of the editorial board of the journal “Obstetrics and Women’s Diseases” (1997), head of the department of obstetrics and gynecology at the Faculty of Internal Medicine at the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Moscow Region Monica named after M.F. Vladimirsky (1990).

    Government Prize Laureate Russian Federation(2002) for the development and implementation of endoscopic methods in gynecology, Honored Doctor of Russia (1995). Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (1998), Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (2007). Honorary citizen of the Moscow region (2003).

