Receiver tricolor gs 8306 instructions does not turn on. More complex options

Almost all modern receivers satellite television equipped with a scoreboard displaying the progress of their work. If the device does not turn on for some reason, the error code that has occurred is displayed on this small display. You can compare it with a special table in the equipment instructions and understand how to proceed. The situation is more complicated with earlier models of consoles, for example, with the gs 8306. They do not have a display. Instead, there are several LED indicators. Therefore, in a situation where the Tricolor gs 8306 receiver does not turn on, it is quite difficult to find out the causes of the problem. Let's try to figure out how to act in this case.

Screening out the most banal options

When the set-top box refuses to turn on, we inevitably immediately begin to think about the worst - the device is completely out of order. But before you panic, it's worth checking the most commonplace and simple options failure:

These little things should be diagnosed in any case, but first of all - if the gs 8306 does not turn on and the power indicator on it does not light up.

Checking the remote control

So, first of all, you should check the functionality of the set-top box control panel. Perhaps there is some damage to it, or the batteries are simply dead. If there is more than one receiver in the house, you should try to start a non-working set-top box using a different remote control. In any case, you need to make sure that this device is working properly.

Important! If the remote control breaks down, the subscriber can replace it with a new one by contacting the dealer from whom the equipment was purchased. There you can usually diagnose and repair the device.

Checking wires

The next common reason that the GS 8306 receiver does not work is a breakdown in its physical connection to the power source. The connector to which the wire from the outlet fits may have become loose, or the plug may have been damaged. Or maybe the wire itself has broken or broken in some place - this often happens in apartments where there are pets. The socket could also simply fail, for example, due to a voltage drop. All this needs to be checked:

  • make sure the cable is intact;
  • reconnect the power wires so that they fit tightly to the connector;
  • try plugging the receiver into a known working outlet.

All detected faults must be corrected.

Checking the power supply

The receiver of the model we are considering does not have a built-in power supply - it is brought out separately and connected to the power plug. You must ensure that this device is working and not damaged. You can diagnose the power supply or go the other way - connect it to the set-top box knowingly good block power supply and check its functionality.

Important! It is necessary to check the physical connection and power supply if the receiver often turns off or when you turn it on from the button on the panel, not two, but only one light comes on.

More complex options

After the most common causes of the problem have been verified, you can move on to more complex options. Let’s make a reservation right away - this should only be done if the user has the skills to repair such equipment and the appropriate tools. At a minimum you will need:

  • Screwdriver Set;
  • soldering iron

If the subscriber is not familiar with the principles of the device digital equipment, you should immediately contact the service or a trusted technician.

Crashes after update

Most often, users complain that after the update the gs 8306 receiver does not turn on. The LEDs light up, but not steadily, but blink randomly. This behavior of the device indicates that there is a failure in its firmware.

The most common reasons for this situation are factors such as:

  • turning off the power while downloading an update;
  • voltage drop when loading new software;
  • Incorrect implementation of the firmware procedure not from the satellite, but from other sources.

In some cases, the user may not notice a violation of the update process. For example, if during loading the light blinked or the contact in the USB connector, where the flash drive with the new software was inserted. This cannot be detected by the naked eye, but sensitive equipment reacts instantly. As a result, serious repair work has to be carried out.

Important! You should begin repairs if, after completing the update, the gs 8306 does not turn on, the power indicator is on, and the remaining LEDs on the panel do not light up at all or blink chaotically.

Repair instructions

Repairing a faulty receiver will consist of three stages:

  • power check;
  • establishing the performance of the processor;

Let's look at each of them in a little more detail.

Important! It should be understood that do-it-yourself repair the receiver deprives the subscriber of the warranty from the Tricolor service center.

Power check

We already talked at the beginning of the article about checking the power supply supplied with the set-top box. But its serviceability does not guarantee that the device receives the necessary energy. The power supply, as a supplier of electricity, can work normally. But in the receiver itself, breakdowns of the elements to which this electricity is supplied are possible. As a result of such breakdowns, the Tricolor TV gs 8306 receiver does not turn on.

How to test? There are several controllers installed on the device board, each of which is equipped with a choke. The operating voltage of the corresponding controller is indicated on the top of the inductor. When checking the controller with a tester, this voltage must match the readings of the test device. If the tester produces different values ​​on one of the controllers, it must be removed and a new one soldered in.

CPU check

Let's assume that everything is fine with the food. Why then does the Tricolor TV gs 8306 set-top box not turn on? The reason may lie in processor malfunctions. You can check this version as follows:

  • find a memory dump on the board;
  • use a tester to find out which leg of the microcircuit the data output is on;
  • install the oscilloscope probe on this leg;
  • check the readings.

The instrument must determine whether the processor is reading data from memory. If this does not happen, there are two options - replacing the processor or purchasing a new set-top box.

Reflashing the device

If the power supply and processor in the set-top box are working normally, then the problem is a software failure. In this case, the most reasonable option is to unsolder the memory chip from the receiver and flash it again. You can upload known working firmware to the card from your computer using a special adapter. Once the update is complete, the chip is soldered into place.

Important! You can also try flashing it from a known working console, if possible.

If all the steps described above do not help, there is only one way out - replacing the receiver through an official dealer.

To watch Tricolor TV satellite television, you must use special equipment. Many subscribers who have been using the company’s services for quite a long time have a GS 8306 receiver. The model is not new, but at one time it was very popular, as it was distinguished by high functionality and reliability. main feature consoles are the absence of a display. Accordingly, if the Tricolor TV GS 8306 set-top box does not turn on, it is extremely difficult to find out the cause of the failure. It will be necessary to conduct a complete technical audit of the device to identify the problem.

We carry out a general inspection

If the tricolor TV receiver GS 8306 does not turn on , it is far from a fact that it is broken. Everything may turn out to be much simpler:

  1. The control panel is out of order.
  2. The power supply is broken.
  3. Problems with the plug, socket, or cord.

When the device does not turn on, the presented nuances must be checked first.

Checking the status of the remote control is extremely simple. You can replace the batteries and evaluate its performance. Also try to start the console using the power key on the case. If the remote control does not work, we head to the dealer from whom we purchased the equipment. He will make a replacement.

Assessing the state of the physical connection

Receiver malfunctions may be due to lack of power. Need to check:

  • functionality of the socket;
  • condition of the cable and plug;
  • the power supply is working properly.

During long-term use, it is quite possible that the plug has become loose or a wire has broken somewhere. Everything needs to be checked carefully and thoroughly.

As for the power supply, checking its condition is extremely simple. Receiver Tricolor GS 8306 relative to many more modern models has an external power supply. Accordingly, examining his condition is quite simple. To do this, it is enough to use special testers or simply connect working model power supply.

It should be noted that if, while watching satellite television, the receiver turns off spontaneously, you already need to think about the state of the electrical connection and power supply.

Problems after installing a new software version

Quite often, the GS 8306 does not turn on after a software update. If the LEDs flash randomly, the update process has failed. The reasons can be very varied, but most often this happens if the user did not install the software from the provider’s official website.

However, before carrying out serious repairs, you must try to install the firmware again, but first return the equipment to factory settings. To do this, we proceed in the following sequence:

  1. Launch the main menu, select “Settings”.
  2. Click “Reset settings”, confirm the operation, if necessary, enter the code four zeros.
  3. The device will reboot, all that remains is to configure it.

It’s not difficult to figure out how to set up the receiver, as prompts are constantly displayed that greatly simplify the process.

The easiest way to get new version updates means downloading it from a satellite. To do this, you will need to launch channel 333 and follow the recommendations on the screen.

Also download necessary firmware You can visit the official portal of Tricolor TV. Using a flash card, we install it on the receiver. It is better for such an operation to be performed by a specialist.

Is it worth trying to repair the receiver yourself?

If the Tricolor GS 8306 receiver does not turn on, but everything standard methods have already been involved, all that remains is to look inside the equipment in search of a problem. If you don’t have experience, skills and special tools, it’s better not to do anything, but just head to service center. Specialists will diagnose and repair faults

If you still decide to independently find out the reasons why the set-top box does not work, then start by checking the controllers. To do this, you need to use a special tester. The operating voltage parameters are marked on the choke of each controller. Accordingly, during the testing process the readings must match. If there are deviations, the damaged element must be replaced.

If the set-top box still does not start, then all that remains is to check the processor. However, if it breaks, it will be easier than repairing it.

In conclusion

If your GS 8306 receiver does not turn on, this is not a reason to be upset. In most cases, you can restore its functionality on your own by applying the tips from this article. As a last resort, you can immediately go to a service center, where specialists will quickly restore the device.

Click! gs 8306 after update, repair!

Gs 8306 stopped turning on completely after the update. Maybe both LEDs on the display are lit and then the receiver hangs. All this suggests that the receiver has lost boot sectors, simply broke. If, as a result of the diagnostics, it is confirmed that the problem is in flash memory, then we perform a procedure to restore our receiver to working condition.

We disassemble the receiver and prepare our main board for repair.

gs 8306 stopped turning on after the update.

If necessary, we clean the main board from dust and other contaminants.

We are repairing Gs 8306.

We take flux and apply it to the contacts of the microcircuit. All contacts must be covered so that it would be easier to remove our microcircuit from main board.

Gs 8306 remove the flash drive.

We turn on the soldering station, take a hairdryer and begin to warm up the element that we need to remove. In this repair we are interested in W25Q128BV.

W25Q128BV programming

After we have removed the chip from the main board, we begin programming. To do this, we need a programmer and a corresponding socket - adapter.

Repair of W25Q128BV on 8306.

We insert it into the programmer and turn on the program. Let's see if the device recognizes our flash drive.

programming W25Q128BV on chipprog 48

If everything is in order and the contact is good, then you can upload a new dump into the chip’s memory. ChipProg-48 during operation will show what state it is in; if there is an error, the red indicator will light up.

ChipProg-48 programming 8306

After everything has been flashed, we mount the microcircuit on the board. First we apply flux.

We do 8306 after an unsuccessful update.

When everything is soldered, wait until everything cools down. Take the front panel and connect the power. Our receiver is starting to work! We check our receiver in all modes.

If you still have questions, you can watch our video, in which we showed everything clearly! The main thing is to remember, if you are not confident in your abilities, then take the broken receiver to a service center!

Somehow it turns out that after last update Firmware for the GS 8306 receiver up to version 1.9.160, the previously normally working receiver becomes somehow uncontrollable. If, of course, it happens at all. After all, many receivers cannot withstand the process of flashing to version 1.9.160 and stop turning on. The same receivers that still completed the firmware procedure are buggy on the new firmware in different ways. They may freeze when watching, freeze when switching channels, display a “no signal” message, or display out-of-sync audio and video streams. And in general, do a number of other things dear to the heart. And having received such a receiver after flashing, you can decide that it is simply broken. But common sense dictates that it just worked perfectly on the old firmware, which means that the problem is not in the hardware component of the GS 8306 receiver.

What can happen to the GS 8306 receiver after updating to firmware ver. 1.9.160

1. Tricolor TV receiver gs 8306 does not turn on after update

In such a situation, it can be assumed that the firmware was not completed completely. It means that old firmware has already been erased, and the new one has not been loaded into the receiver’s memory. In this situation, the receiver turns, as they say in slang, “into a brick.” Similar problem solved either by replacement motherboard receiver (which is quite expensive and difficult to find a replacement board), or by separately flashing the receiver's flash memory chip with new normal firmware. To perform separate firmware, you need to unsolder the flash memory chip of the GS 8306 receiver, then use the programmer to “fill” the flash with the new necessary firmware and finally solder the flash chip to the receiver board again. In the presence of necessary equipment and experience in handling it, the entire procedure takes 50-60 minutes.

2. Tricolor TV receiver gs 8306 does not show via hdmi

In the new firmware 1.9.160, the active video output control mode has been updated. If previously the active video output on the receiver was selected using the “in” key. sing" on the remote control, pressing which alternately activated either the 3RCA (tulip) or the HDMI video output, but now the receiver has learned to independently determine which video output to make active. But in order for the mechanism automatic detection active video output worked correctly, it is recommended to connect the 8306 receiver to the TV at a time with only one cord. If both 3RCA and HDMI cords, then the receiver may not understand which video output to activate.

Another important aspect is changing the operating mode of the LED indication on the front panel of the receiver. Now the uniform glow of the top LED means that the receiver is in standby mode and to start viewing it still needs to be turned on using the remote control (on firmware up to 1.9.160, the glow of the top LED meant that the receiver is turned on and working via the 3RCA output)

3. Tricolor TV receiver gs 8306 produces a pink picture

There are videos on YouTube that show how wonderful the picture from the gs 8306 looks in pink. This bug is associated with the update to 1.9.160. The problem is temporarily resolved by resetting the receiver to factory settings and searching for channels again. But then it appears again. The problem can be completely eliminated by updating the receiver to a different software version.

4. Tricolor TV receiver gs 8306 constantly freezes after flashing the firmware

The reason for this is presumably the same firmware. Which presumably has greater load per processor than the previous version. Eliminating such a problem again leads to the need to replace the firmware.

5. The Tricolor TV receiver gs 8306 after updating it often loses the signal and writes no signal.

Also, the problem under consideration can be expressed in the fact that when searching for channels, a random number of channels is found; if you’re lucky, the receiver can find 86 channels, after a minute 140, and after another minute 57. Possible Solution in such a situation - a change in the local oscillator frequency by 1 Mg up to a value of 10751 MHz (both the upper and lower frequencies of the local oscillator). We performed this frequency increase on several receivers, after which the receiver began to operate more stably and stopped losing signal.

What to do if the GS 8306 does not work, but you don’t have the slightest desire to repair it or replace it with a new one?

In the event that only 20 basic federal channels, it will be possible to switch to receiving digital terrestrial television. Reception of digital terrestrial television broadcasts is available in large quantities settlements Russian Federation. As of December 1, 2016, digital terrestrial television broadcast in open mode and it can be viewed without subscription fee. But it is important to understand that satellite antenna not suitable for digital reception air signal, which means for confident reception signal will have to be set to normal terrestrial antenna(internal or external), as well as purchase a digital DVB-T2 receiver (this is the case if there is not one built into the TV itself)

GS 8306 - how to return previous version Software after updating to 1 9 160

Rolling back the software of the 8306 receiver from version 1.9.160 to the previous version is possible only with the help of a programmer - the flash memory chip containing the firmware is unsoldered, placed in the programmer, flashed with the selected firmware and soldered back to the receiver board. Roll back to previous versions when USB help The drive and firmware will not work on it - the new software does not allow updating to previous versions.

These are the thoughts that have accumulated regarding firmware 1.9.160 for the GS 8306 receiver as of December 1, 2016, from the date of its release - September 27, 2016.

What are the prospects for the GS 8306 receiver? To the landfill? For replacement?

In the event that the developer releases a new corrected firmware for the GS 8306 receiver, the prospects for this receiver are no worse than the prospects for other HD-class receivers for tricolor TV. About the need for release new firmware for GS 8306, our service center specialists have already informed the technical support of the tricolor TV operator by phone. 8-800-500-0123. Other tricolor TV users can do this too. If new software for the receiver does not appear, its operation may cause some difficulties.

If your receiver model GS 8306 from Tricolor TV does not turn on, there may be a variety of reasons. Often, they are explained by a “banal” lack of power, due to the unstable - “shaky” position of the plug in the socket, but sometimes, the “silence” of the receiver means the presence of a real technical problem. Below, we will try to find ways to make a suddenly broken device turn on.

Technical description

First of all, it is necessary to emphasize that the GS 8300 series receivers are quite common equipment in the telecommunications system. Depending on the model, receivers have some differences in characteristics and layout, but fundamentally, their designs are very unified. Let's start getting acquainted with the 8306 model that interests us from the rear panel of the device. All outputs of the Tricolor receiver have letter designations, and this will make our task much easier.

Let's understand the notation and functional Rear panel output assignments:

If the Tricolor receiver freezes on a “black screen” or does not respond to the remote control, be sure to make sure that there are connections on the rear panel and that the supply cables are intact.

A special feature of the “zero six” is that this receiver does not have a display where you can track its operating status. Instead, the functionality and malfunctions of the receiver can be identified thanks to signals from indicator lights on its front panel. Therefore, the purpose and operation of these alarms should be considered in more detail:

Of the GS 8300 series receivers, the GS 8305 and GS 8306 models are equipped with indicators. Beyond this model range, LED signaling devices have the GS b211 prefix. Notification about the operation of the device and its possible malfunctions in these receivers occurs in a similar way.

There are other reasons for a situation when the Tricolor TV GS 8306 receiver does not turn on. Let's look at them in detail.

Information about the absence of a signal may indicate for various reasons malfunctions. Let's look at the main ones:

Signal coding or access restriction

The first thing to do in this case is to make sure you have basic package Tricolor. When some channels work and others don't, it's usually in payment. Almost always, the television company warns the subscriber about the expiration of the deadline. Own balance can be viewed in Personal account on the service provider's website If everything is fine, try turning off and, after a while, turning on again. If it doesn't help, call Technical Assistance.

Why the TV does not work with similar “symptoms” is sometimes explained by the lack of contacts in the smart card slot.

Reboot it, remove it and insert it into old place. The technique works quite often.

Random blinking of indicators

These signs indicate a failure in software device or the failure of its motherboard. Repairing or reprogramming a device involves costs with minimal guarantee of its subsequent productive operation. In such cases, it is better to buy a new device.

Another reason could be power supply failure. This problem often happens with older models where the unit is built into the receiver. On the GS 8306 it is located separately. Replacing with a new one may help.