Register of attachments in a letter. Samples of accompanying documents

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Attachment inventory form according to form 107 used in the following cases:

  • a description of the contents in the parcel;
  • an inventory of the contents of the parcel.

The sender must fill out two forms for inventory of attachments f.107, which states:

  • name and mailing address addressee;
  • name, number of items and the amount of their assessment.

After filling out, the sender puts his signature on each form. If among the items being sent there are unvalued items, then a dash is placed next to their name in the “declared value” column on each form. At the request of the sender, the valuation of the items may not be indicated on the copy of the inventory included in the postal item.

After filling out the inventory forms, the postal worker must:

  • compare entries in both copies of the inventory;
  • compare the correspondence of the address and the name of the addressee indicated in the inventory and on the address side of the shell (address label) of the registered postal item(RPO);
  • compare the items being sent with the entries in the inventory;
  • check the compliance of the total value of investments indicated in the inventory with the amount of the declared value of the RPO. The amount of the declared value of the RPO must be equal to the total value of all investments indicated in the inventory;
  • put a calendar stamp on both copies of the inventory and sign them;
  • insert the first copy of the inventory on top of the attachment in the RPO and pack it, give the second copy to the sender along with the receipt.

For checking the list of contents of parcels handed over by citizens and RPOs with declared value handed over legal entities, a fee will apply.

The Tax Code provides for a method for the taxpayer (payer of the fee, tax agent) to submit a tax return (calculation) to the tax authority in the form of a postal item with a description of the attachment.

For valuable postal items, you can choose the service - inventory of attachments.

Inventory of attachments in a valuable letter

Legally attached to a letter, parcel or parcel with a description of the contents meaningful description content. Please note that the service is only available for sending items within Russia.

The sender fills out a form indicating all the items being sent, their quantity and declared value. For items without an assessment, a dash is placed in the “Declared Value” column. Corrections are not allowed.

A letter or parcel with a description of the contents is presented to the post office in open form and with the inventory form f.107 completed in two copies.

If the list does not fit into a sheet of the form, it is continued on the next sheet. In this case, on each sheet of the inventory you need to indicate its number and total quantity: for example, “Sheet 1 of 2”, “Sheet 2 of 2”.

When accepting a shipment with an inventory of the attachment, a Russian Post employee compares the contents with the inventory, after which he puts a stamp with the date, post office index and his signature.

One copy of the inventory is included in the shipment, the other is returned to the sender.

Upon receipt, a postal item with an inventory of the contents can be opened in the presence of a Post Office employee and compared with the inventory. If it turns out that the shipment did not reach the addressee in full, the employee post office will draw up an appropriate report, which will be sent to a higher organization for investigation. Such an investigation is carried out within a specified time frame - up to 2 months. Upon completion, the sender (or recipient) will be reimbursed for the missing items.

Inventory of the attachment: why it is needed and how to fill out the form correctly

Date of publication: 02/09/2018

Inventory of attachment f.107 is a special postal document that indicates the contents of the postal item. The inventory of the attachment is a form f. 107 (Form 107). This designation of the form form is used only by Russian Post.

Inventory of attachment

This form is filled out directly by the sender in two copies.

The attachment inventory is additional service Russian Post and is only valid for valuable registered postal items (RPO). Valuable postal item is a type of postal item for which it is indicated declared value. A letter, a parcel post or a parcel can be valuable.

Accordingly, if you want to send a registered letter with a description of the attachment, then you will not be able to do this! After all this service mail applies only to valuable letters. But don't despair. A valuable letter is essentially the same as a registered letter. The only difference between them is that for a valuable letter you will need to indicate the declared value. But you will have to pay more than twice as much for a valuable letter of standard weight up to 20 grams: 112.10 rubles versus 48.38 rubles for a registered letter.

All mail, be it a parcel or a letter, must be presented to the postal employee in an open form when sent. The employee must check and compare the contents of the shipment with the items indicated in the Form 107. Therefore, if you are sending a parcel with an inventory of the contents, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to pack all the items at the post office, and not at home.

The main advantage of mail with a list of attachments is that the recipient, in the presence of a Russian Post employee at the time of receipt, can open the letter or parcel and check its contents. Moreover, if some part of the contents is missing or damaged, but appears in the inventory, then the post office must compensate for this based on the value of the damaged/missing item or the entire shipment as a whole.

Many people strive to make purchases in online stores only by cash on delivery, assuming that cash on delivery is a guarantee that the seller will not deceive and will actually send the item that was ordered. In reality, cash on delivery is only a guarantee that the buyer will receive and pay for a parcel with certain contents. In this case, the contents of the parcel may not at all coincide with what the person ordered/purchased. You can open and check the parcel before payment only if the parcel has a description of the contents.

Sample of filling out the investment inventory

Form f 107 “inventory of attachment” is available free of charge at all Russian Post offices. Besides this form You can download, print and fill out at home. It is necessary to fill out the list of attachments in two copies: one form is attached to the postal item and sent along with it, and the second remains in the hands of the sender.

In the description of the attachment, the sender must indicate:

  • name of the item, number of items, declared value of each embedded item
  • in old-type forms - address, index, full name of the addressee; in new type forms - full name of the sender

Sample of filling out the new form f 107:

If the number of lines in the form is not enough to describe the entire contents of the shipment, then you can take another form. In this case, it will be necessary to indicate it on each form serial number and total quantity: “Sheet 1 of 2”, “Sheet 2 of 2”.

As mentioned above, the postal item must be provided to the postal employee in an open form. After the employee compares the contents of the shipment with the inventory, they will be given a stamp with the department index and date and signature.

Indicate the estimated value of items at your discretion, for example, based on the market value of a particular item. Remember that the more you value your letter or package, the more it will cost to send it.

You can fill out the attachment inventory online on the official website of the Russian Post. Next, the forms need to be downloaded and printed.

Blank forms can be downloaded here.pdf.

In our country, in order to endorse all items that we send by mail by letter or parcel post, you must fill out an attachment inventory form.

Inventory of documents according to form F 107. Sample and form

This is a fairly simple document that can be drawn up by hand or on a computer. The inventory form includes the name, as well as the quantity and value of the items. Russian Post uses an inventory form in Form 107 and each post office puts its own stamp on this document.

The attachment inventory according to Form 107 is used for three types of shipments:

  • a description of the attachments in the valuable letter;
  • a description of the contents in the parcel;
  • an inventory of the contents of the parcel.

Let's take a closer look at the procedure for filling out documents to list attachments at any post office.

First, you need to fill out two forms that indicate: the full name and postal address of the addressee, the name, number of items and the amount of their valuation from the sender’s point of view. It is important to take into account here that this cost, on the one hand, affects the amount of compensation that you will receive in the event of loss of a postal item, and on the other hand, it increases the insurance fee for the item.

Secondly, the sender puts his signature on each completed form. If among the items being sent there are unvalued items, then in the “declared value” column opposite them in the line there is a dash on each form. In this case, at the request of the sender, the valuation of the items may not be indicated on the copy of the inventory included in the mailing.

Next comes the actual work postal worker. It compares the entries in both copies of the attachment inventory, compares the correspondence of the address and name of the addressee indicated in the inventory and on the address side of the envelope (address label) of the postal item, compares the items sent with the entries in the inventory, checks the compliance of the total amount of attachments from the inventory with the declared amount the value of the postal item (naturally, these amounts must be identical).

All copies of the inventory are marked with a calendar stamp and signed by a postal worker, the first copy is placed on top of the attachment in the mail and packaged, the second copy is issued to the sender along with the receipt.

The listed services of postal workers may be paid.

Opened form:

Form 107 is nothing more than an “inventory of attachments”, which describes all attachments in quantitative and monetary characteristics of the postal item. Form-107 can be filled out by hand, but it is more convenient to fill it out on a computer, which is included in the postal item, be it a letter, parcel or parcel post. The entire list of items contained in the postal item must be described in the form of a table with quantity and declared value. Before enclosing Form 107 in the mail, endorse it with the post office stamp.

You can submit the form in the following ways:
1. Place in the parcel.
2. Place it in a parcel post.
3. Enclose in a valuable letter.

It should be taken into account that the indicated value of items affects 2 factors:

1. Shipping cost.

2. The amount of compensation you will receive if the shipment is lost.

If there are positions without evaluation, then “0” or a dash is placed instead of the value.

You need to fill out 2 forms either using a carbon copy or print out 2 copies of one form on a printer. The post office operator is obliged to check all the data, especially compare copies of forms and endorse them: with a calendar stamp and put his signature.

One copy of the form, along with the quotation, is given to the client.

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Download the form postal form 107 in “xls” format, one copy (80 KB)

Download the postal form 107 in “doc” format, two copies (260 KB)

Download the postal form 107 in “doc” format, one copy (45 KB)

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You can fill out the attachment inventory either by hand or on the computer.
(according to the head of the post office 549 of Moscow).

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When registering a parcel, parcel, as well as registered letter a special inventory of the attachment is required. It is a form that includes information about the quantitative and cost characteristics of the item.

Before you put the inventory in a parcel, parcel or registered letter, it is necessary that it be endorsed. Understand, how to fill out an attachment list in a registered letter, very simple. Each post office has forms, as well as samples to fill out. At first glance, it may seem that there is no difference between registered and valuable letters. But in fact, as for a registered letter, its content is not checked. Therefore, if you are sending securities, it is better to use the delivery of valuable letters, since they are sent with an inventory. This way you will be sure that the entire list of documents is included in the investment inventory list.

  • ! Example is correctThe completed list of attachments in a letter or parcel will open by clicking on the picture.

You can also fill out the investment inventory online. There are many forms on the Internet in the appropriate form. To do this, you need to fill them out in accordance with the required data, and then simply print them out and bring them to the post office when you check out the shipment. This method will reduce the time you spend at the post office. After all, now everyone wants to save their time for more important things.

In order to fill out the list of attachments in the letter in online mode, you need a sample, since not all points are always clear. There are no problems with this either, since the samples are all on the same form and you will fill everything out correctly. Search system will give you many sites where you can download both the form itself and a sample form.

So how to fill out an inventory of attachments in a valuable letter? Yes, very simple. It does not contain such a large list of information. The first line indicates what the investment is in in this case in a valuable letter, then to whom and where it is sent. The “to” column indicates the number of the post office to which the letter will be sent. In the “to” column - the full address to which delivery will be made, indicating the country, region, city, as well as the post office code. Then there is a list of items being sent, their quantity and value. The name of each individual item is described in detail, and at the end a summary of their total amount, as well as the total amount of the estimated value, is summed up.

If the item has a declared value, then it must be sent open, but with an inventory of the contents. In this case, it is necessary to fill out two copies of the form. The sender's signature is required on each form. If among the assessed items there are also unappraised ones, a dash must be placed opposite their names. After the forms are filled out, they must be checked for identity in all respects. If everything matches, the postal worker signs and puts a postmark. Then one of the forms is attached to the attachment and packaged, and the second is given to the sender.

Well, we basically figured out how to fill out an inventory of attachments in a letter. The main thing is to indicate and fill out everything correctly, then there will be no nuances. Moreover, all necessary information provided for free use.

Russian Post provides customers with a wide range of different services. So, for example, by contacting the branch you can make Money transfers, send or receive a parcel, as well as send the most ordinary, registered or valuable letter, parcel post. In order to be sure of the safety of valuable documents sent by mail, it is recommended before sending them.

The list of attachments itself is a document inserted into the shipment and containing detailed information about the quantity and cost of sent objects. It is issued at the post office when handing over a parcel, parcel or valuable letter, and guarantees the safety of the item transferred to the post office.

The inventory is a list of valuable investments, and is drawn up in a separate document according to form No. 107, approved by order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" dated May 17, 2012, with the consent of the sender. This document is from the sending department and is sealed in an envelope at the time of its transfer (sending) at the post office.

The inventory registration service is useful for those who are really concerned about the integrity of what is being sent or want to have proof that a document (or other attachment) was sent by mail.

Businessmen, entrepreneurs or members of organizations dealing with serious documentation often resort to using an inventory. So, in order to, you can send them by mail. It is for such cases that it is useful to draw up an inventory of investments.

What are the benefits of creating an inventory?

The inventory of the property, valuables or securities being sent is useful service provided by all post offices in the territory Russian Federation. Often, an inventory allows you to get rid of a number of problems:

  1. When sending any documents, an inventory confirms that the letter was sent to certain time and contained specific documents. Thus, the inventory is documentary evidence of the contents of the letter.
  2. Upon receipt of the letter, the recipient can check the correspondence of the contents of the envelope with the inventory directly at the Russian Post office itself. If inconsistencies are detected, the addressee has the right to present his claims on the spot.

It is the inventory that often plays a key role in resolving controversial issues, since its presence is on the side of the sender:

  • When citizens appeal to supervisory authorities
  • When sending various types of applications that officials, employees of organizations or members of certain authorities for any reason refuse to accept

Another important detail is that the date of reporting and sending of the letter is also the date of acceptance of the letter. In other words, sending a letter with attached reporting and inventory (even at the last moment) relieves the sender of the need to pay penalties in case of delay.

How to prepare an inventory of valuable documents

Since the document inventory service is provided at any post office of the Russian Post, registration forms can always be taken on the spot: they are freely available. You can also pre-issue forms at home or download a design template on the official website of the Russian Post.

Like all official documents, the Russian Post document inventory form is drawn up according to a specific template as follows:

  • Fill out the inventory in two copies: one is included in the shipment, the other remains with the sender
  • Specify the type of shipment (parcel, parcel post or valuable letter)
  • Fill in the recipient's mailing address and zip code
  • Enter the addressee's full name in the appropriate line or
  • Fill out the attached table of shipment contents

The Form 107 table itself is also designed in accordance with a specific template:

  • number listed in order
  • full name of the object
  • quantity
  • declared value of the item(s)

In the “Total” field located under the table, you must indicate the total number of objects declared in the inventory and the total amount of value (in rubles).

At the end of the inventory, the sender’s data lines (full name or full name of the organization) and his signature are drawn up. If there are unused cells left in the table, they must be crossed out, and if the number of items being sent exceeds the number of rows in the table, it is allowed to use an additional form.

It is also worth remembering that the inventory is an official document, so it is not acceptable when preparing it.

The declared value serves as a kind of guarantee that important valuable documents will not be lost or lost. If anything happens to the reflow, upon presentation of the inventory, the sender will receive a monetary compensation.

Correct completion of the inventory and compliance with the postal employee's attachment. His signature is placed on both copies of the inventory.

Thus, drawing up an inventory of documents on Russian Post letterhead is a guarantee that the valuable item will reach the addressee safely, and the sender will have indisputable proof of sending exactly those documents that are indicated in the inventory of the attachment.

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Discussion: there is 1 comment

    I was involved in the inventory of documents in court cases when I was doing my internship. Great care was taken to ensure everything was clean, neat and legible. And when sending by mail, it is also important to indicate everything correctly.


A list of attachments in a mail item is a special form that is filled out by the sender if necessary or at will. This document is quite simple, but it requires care and accuracy. We'll tell you how to fill out an inventory of attachments to a valuable letter online, where to get a form to fill out manually, and what to pay attention to.

What is an inventory of Russian Post attachments (form) and when is it needed?

The law provides for the possibility of transferring various papers and documents not in person, but by mail. Thus, for example, you can submit tax returns, send statements of claim to the court, and transmit messages to shareholders about a general meeting. But in all cases where confirmation of shipment is necessary, it is necessary to draw up an inventory of the contents. This gives additional guarantee the sender that his parcel or letter will be delivered safe and sound or he will receive compensation commensurate with the declared value. At the same time, this document explains to recipients what is contained in the letter or parcel.

Russian Post calls the inventory form Form 107. It was approved by order of the state enterprise dated May 17, 2012 N 114-P, but the document can only be used when sending:

  • valuable letter (weight up to 2 kg);
  • parcels (weight cannot exceed 5 kg, and when sent within the Russian Federation - 2 kg);
  • parcels (shipment weight is not limited).

Form 107 Russian Post (the form can be downloaded at the end of the article) looks like this:

Essentially, this is a list listing the items or documents being sent, drawn up on Russian Post letterhead. We'll tell you what to do with it further.

How to fill out the form correctly

If you need to send a parcel or letter with valuable documents, you can use two methods.

  1. You can fill out the investment inventory online.
  2. You can print the form or take it to the branch and fill it out manually.

Which method you use does not matter of great importance, because at the very end you sign the document personally, and no one will doubt its authenticity.

However, from the point of view of saving time, the first method - filling out an inventory of the attachment (Russian Post) online - is better. Because you need to bring two identical lists to the department: one will remain with the sender, and the other will be sent to the addressee. If you fill out the list manually, you will have to duplicate entries. And when you fill out the list on the website, when you download it for further printing, you receive two completely identical lists, which you only have to sign.

Let's consider in detail how to fill out an inventory of investments (form 107 form) online. We go to the Russian Post website and get to this page:

Let's start filling in line by line:

  • Full name or name of the organization;
  • name of items;
  • their number;
  • declared value.

Please note that it is advisable to indicate the names of items completely and correctly. If you send a tax return to the Federal Tax Service, it is advisable to write this:

"original tax return"

if this is a copy of the service agreement, then you must indicate

“copy of the service agreement.”

Other details - for example, the date of drawing up the declaration or the second party to the contract - are not needed. Exceptions include government bonds and lottery tickets. They are reported by numbers, series, face value and even the winning amount if the tickets are winning.

If there are a lot of things and there are not enough lines, you can use additional sheets.

Many people are interested in how to value sent items and documents and whether it is necessary to declare any value. This is done at will, and the sender can indicate any value. Perhaps one person will value a copy of a service agreement at 1,000 rubles, while for another, a tax return will not even cost 10 rubles. In addition, it is possible that someone simply does not want the recipient to see the cost of the items. In this case, the fields with the declared value can be left blank for the addressee. In general, the declared value is used to calculate compensation for damage to the sender if it turns out that some document or item was not delivered.

But let's get back to filling out the form. Once you have listed all the contents and indicated the value of each document/item, you need to calculate the total value. Another advantage of the online service is that it will calculate the amount itself.

Filling example

See what the inventory of a letter with papers for the court from citizen Sergei Petrovich Ivanov will look like.

After you click on the “Download form” button, you will see the following page:

Postal inventory is ready! The form is not at all difficult to fill out and print, and you won’t waste time on it at the post office. The only thing else that needs to be done is to sign in the fields provided for this, and then present it along with the unsealed envelope or parcel to the post office employee.

You will have to pay for verification

We figured out where and how to fill out the inventory by email (the form can be downloaded at the end of the text). It remains to be told what the post office employees will do. According to the rules, the sender brings the parcel or letter unsealed so that the postal worker can verify the presence of all listed items in the shipment. After this, a stamp confirming the inspection is placed, and the postal worker signs the inventory. Then you can seal the letter. After payment, you must be returned one copy of Form 107, at the top of which the postal item (track) number will be indicated. With its help you can monitor the movement of the letter.

Please note: no matter who sends the parcel with the inventory, they will be charged additional money for comparing the contents and the list of specified items. This payable service. But you can find out its cost only in the branch from which you will send papers or things, since approval of tariffs is the prerogative of the branches of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post".

Inventory of attachment- this is a document that is included in the postal item and contains the name, quantity and cost of the items being sent. The attachment inventory is used when sending valuable letters, parcels, and parcels. This document must be endorsed with a post office stamp before sealing the postal item.

The attachment inventory form has standard form 107.

How to fill out an investment inventory

Let's consider the procedure for filling out the form for listing the contents of a mail item.

First, indicate the type of shipment: valuable letter, parcel post or parcel.

Then in the “To” line we write the full name, in the “Where” line - the recipient’s postal address.

We proceed to filling out the table in which we indicate the item number, the name of the items being sent, their quantity and cost (in rubles). The declared value affects the amount of compensation in case of loss of mail. But it is important to take into account that the higher it is, the higher the insurance fee for the shipment. postal parcel. If the sender wishes, it may not be indicated.

We put a signature in the “Sender” line.

Below is the position and signature of the postal worker who verified all the completed information.

The list of attachments is drawn up in two copies - one of them is included in the postal item, the second is received by the sender along with the receipt. This document is written by hand or filled out on a computer. Corrections are not allowed. Before sealing the postal item, a postal item is stamped on the attachment inventory form.