Is it possible to find a phone? How to find a lost phone

True, in that situation, if the mobile phone was allegedly stolen, you tried to call your number, but it was turned off, then it will be very difficult to find it - until the phone is turned on. Unfortunately, the time period that will be spent on searching can be either a couple of days or weeks or several months. Therefore, decide for yourself whether you really need it. For example, if your mobile phone is already more than two or three years old, then your wasted energy and free time will be spent practically in vain. It will be easier to simply buy a new cell phone. Please also note that most often after a theft occurs, the phone is immediately reflashed (settings reset, formatted), and the SIM card is thrown away. If the phone is reset, you will no longer be able to return contact data, photos, SMS, videos, etc. So think again whether the game is worth the candle.

What to do if your smartphone is stolen?

If, after all, your stolen phone is of great value to you, and you decide to return it with all your might, then even before going to the police, perform a few simple steps:

1) block your SIM card. This is especially important if you have a considerable amount in your account, or if you use a credit form of payment. In order to do this, you will need to contact the customer support service of your telecom operator. You will be asked to provide your passport details according to the contract;

2) if the amount in your account is not so large, then you still need to block the SIM card so that it is not used for personal gain. At the same time, request a printout of calls from your mobile, this will significantly increase the likelihood of finding your phone if it was stolen and it is turned off. It will also make the police's job much easier;

3) similar method, rather, from the realm of science fiction, but still worth a try - what if your phone was not stolen, but found. Therefore, just in case, try to call your number. If they do pick up the phone, talk calmly to the person, ask how they came into possession of your phone, and tell them that if the phone is returned, you will not contact the police. If the phone is so dear to you, promise a reward. Sometimes you can really agree and not look for other ways to find a phone if it was stolen;

4) if your iPhone was stolen, then you can try to use special applications that find the phone (for example, iCloud). Some Twitter and Google apps use geolocation, so you can record all the data that comes from a particular location. You may need them a little later;

5) just in case, change all passwords for programs, social networks and services that you used from your mobile;

6) Additionally, try to personally search for your mobile phone on various websites and newspapers where they advertise the sale of communication equipment. There is a possibility that scammers will try to get rid of your mobile phone in this way;

7) in addition, submit an advertisement for the purchase of your phone model yourself. Try to make your ad stand out from others in some way. Perhaps this way you can literally catch a thief “by the hand”;

8) since on any type of phone there is a function welcome messages, write as this message the number of your friend (parent, relative) and the amount of the reward. In this case, perhaps the person who stole will be interested in your offer and you will be able to negotiate with him;

9) if you were in a place where there was a large crowd of people before the loss was discovered, try to return there and ask about the phone. It’s quite rare, but it doesn’t always happen that someone found your phone and took it to the sellers (if you were in a store), or to the duty officers (at stations). Do not miss this opportunity, because perhaps people simply do not know how to use this or that phone to call the owner, but they are certainly ready to return it to you. Do not ignore this even if last time, when the phone was in your line of sight, it was almost dead. After all, maybe someone found your phone, but simply cannot contact you because it is completely dead;

10) there is another way to find a phone if it was stolen - by imei. It is a unique serial number of any phone that supports the GSM format. This number is transmitted automatically by the phone when connecting to any network operator. This serial number is located on the box in which the purchased phone was located - under the barcode. Also get the documents for the purchase - they may be useful to you - with the addition in the form of a receipt, the fact that the phone belongs to you will be confirmed.

Further actions

After you have completed these simple manipulations, contact the police directly. There you will need to file a statement regarding the theft (or loss). The application form is not particularly regulated. You must provide your personal information (full name), address, telephone number and signature. After the duty station accepts your application, you will receive a notification coupon with the application number and the name of the police officer who accepted your application. You can find out what will happen with your case, the timing of its consideration and progress either in the duty station or in the internal affairs accounting groups. Then, based on how busy the police officers who accepted your application will be, your mobile phone will be searched with the help of telecom operators. The search will proceed as follows: all SIM cards that were inserted into the mobile phone after the fact of theft will be identified, and the person who inserted their SIM card into the phone stolen from you will be “processed”. Starting from identifying such a person, the likelihood of finding and returning your phone will increase many times over.

Safety Cautions

In order to reduce the possibility of someone stealing your phone to a minimum, try to protect yourself. In addition, even before a possible theft occurs, simplify the task of getting your phone back (just in case):

1) try to carry your phone on some kind of mount - this will increase the likelihood that even if they try to pull your phone out, you will notice it;

2) install on your mobile special code protection - this aspect will greatly complicate the use of a “foreign” SIM card and will even lower the price for buyers of such goods - after all, such a phone will require unlocking;

3) a banal warning, but still worth mentioning - do not let strangers use your mobile phone;

4) try not to carry your phone in purses and bags, because they can be easily cut or simply snatched from your hands;

5) install special programs aimed at preventing theft as much as possible. For example, some of these programs: Guardian, SimWatcher, Thefft, PhoneSecure and the like can be installed for completely different phones: for communicators, and for PDAs, and for smartphones, and for standard mobile phones. If desired, you can install them in almost any GSM service. With the presence of such programs, even if your phone is stolen, you can significantly protect yourself. If another SIM card is inserted into your phone, then this type of program will send SMS messages to the numbers you personally specified. This way you can find out the number of the thief or the person who found your phone. Also, programs can completely block the operation of a mobile phone;

6) save your contact list in another place as well. After all, even if your mobile is lost, all important numbers will be safe;

7) if your mobile phone is very expensive, then you can insure it. Then in case of loss or theft you will receive mandatory compensation;

8) always keep all documents, receipts and phone box.

Losing a mobile phone is becoming a real problem - we cannot get in touch with necessary contacts or clients, we cannot access the Internet or pay public utilities using electronic payment systems. How to find lost phone And what you need to do? In our age of advanced information and communication technologies the likelihood of finding a lost phone is quite high, so you need to use everything available methods search.

Current ways to find lost phones

Lost my phone - how to find it? These are the questions people turn to search engines in the Internet. And the point here is not so much the high cost of the device itself, but the information stored in it. The value comes from contacts, photos, videos, passwords saved in the browser and applications, tied to a phone number bank cards and much more.

Undoubtedly, a lot can be recovered, but first you should look for the lost handset. How can you find a lost phone? Let's discuss the main methods:

  • Go around the places where you were before the loss was discovered;
  • Once again, “rummage” through the pockets of your clothes;
  • Call your number from another phone - it is possible that the lost handset is somewhere nearby;
  • Use coordinate determination (may not be available on all phones).

Any method can give a positive result (but it may not give at all).

Search in places of last stay

A modern person almost never parts with his mobile phone, so from the moment of loss to the moment of discovery of the loss, a maximum of 20-30 minutes passes (usually less). Remember what you were doing a few minutes ago, where you were, who they talked to on the phone and where they took him after the last call.

It is quite possible that you forgot it on the store counter - finding a lost phone here is more than possible. If you just got out of your car, go back - your phone is probably in the car or lying under it (fell out of your pocket). You should also return to your workplace; perhaps the “tube” is on the desktop. If the place of your last stay was a bus stop filled with people, then, in principle, you can not return there - 99.9% that there will be no telephone there.

If your last place was a park or a forest edge, then it is quite possible that the phone fell out of your pocket and is lying somewhere in the grass - return to your resting place, call your number from someone else’s phone and examine the area.

Never call your phone away from the location of the suspected loss. First return to this place and only then start calling. Otherwise, you will attract the attention of strangers who may take the found phone for themselves. But the best way to block a number is by calling hotline and continue your search without unnecessary calls.

Search by pockets

How to find cellular telephone, if you lost it and can’t find it? The easiest way is to go through your pockets again. If the phone is small, then it can easily hide in the pockets of your jacket or even fall under an accidentally torn lining. Another place of suspected loss is a large daily bag with a bunch of things. This is where your mobile phone can get lost (relevant for women).

Search by number

How to find a phone number and is it even possible? It's certainly possible. But only if your phone is stolen and you file a statement with the police. If the case is really serious, then the phone will most likely be found. But most often the case is left without progress, since the police are extremely reluctant to look for stolen phones.

As for lost handsets, no one will look for them at all - whatever one may say, this is the problem of the subscriber himself (the police are not a lost and found office). By the way, Investigators look for stolen phones by IMEI, not by number. You can change the number, but the IMEI will remain - then the police will start shaking the person who installed his SIM card in the stolen phone. They can also determine the location of the phone, but not by satellite, but by geolocation using cellular networks.

Operators provide information about the location of the phone you are looking for. cellular communications upon request from law enforcement. You will not be able to submit such a request on your own.

Search by satellite

You can find a lost phone using satellite and cellular network coordinates. To do this, you must first install a tracking program on your device, which will continuously monitor the coordinates of the device. The search for lost devices is carried out via the Internet, using services belonging to program developers. You can also use them to perform remote blocking apparatus.

You need to remember that keep the GPS receiver in mobile phone when turned on, it is unprofitable - the battery runs out quickly. Therefore, most often the search is carried out using the coordinates of cellular networks. For a successful search, your lost phone must be connected to the Internet. If your phone is switched off, it will be much more difficult to find it.

In most cases, searching by IMEI helps.

Read our material on how to track your device and prevent repeated theft.

Modern technology, in particular, middle and higher price category, are of particular value to pickpockets.

They can steal your device and then resell it on the black market.

A logical question arises: how to track your phone in order to return it? In most cases, searching by IMEI helps.

This code is a unique 15-digit number that the manufacturer assigns to the device before sale.

It is almost impossible to change, even if you remove the SIM card. To find out the IMEI of your terminal, just dial *#06#.

Or it can be found on the box with the device.

But how do things work in practice, and will it be possible to find a device using the phone’s IMEI? The procedure is feasible, but poses a number of difficulties.

Statement to the police

Let's start with the fact that it is not possible to find the device on your own, because operators who store a list of IMEI numbers in the database will not release the data to third parties without permission from law enforcement agencies. They simply don't have the right.

In this regard, the victim is forced to go to the police, leaving a corresponding statement, attaching to it all the accompanying documentation confirming the act of ownership:

1) box;

2) purchase receipt;

3) warranty card.

It’s worth mentioning right away that the matter is very troublesome, but if you are an influential official, and the device stores a lot of important corporate and personal data, this will significantly speed up the search.

Checking against the official database

According to the legislation of Russia and Ukraine, the law enforcement officer is obliged to go to court, convincing the judges to obtain permission to search for information about the current position of the mobile terminal.

If the go-ahead is received and required document signed, the representative of the authorities turns to the national operator with a request to provide information about the IMEI code of interest.

Important: The identifier must be “white”, i.e. officially included in legislative framework mobile devices. IfIMEI is “gray”, i.e. the device was brought illegally from abroad, you may be subject to additional fines and criminal prosecution for using contraband.

Even if the operative received all the data, this does not indicate the success of the search.

Based on the information received, investigative measures will be carried out in order to track the current location. In other words, they will try to find the phone via satellite.

In most cases, the device is still located.

Remember that modern smartphones are mini-computers with an OS on board.

Smart thieves can using software methods change the unique identifier, after which no one will be able to find the phone.

This method is very complex and is only profitable when stealing very expensive or rare specimens; moreover, only a few are taken per shift.

The second point is the same trial. Your application may not be satisfied, and then further actions will no longer be possible.

Independent search on the Internet will also not lead to anything good.

Let's start with the fact that reliable information about IMEI can only be provided by an operator who, under no circumstances, will store its database on any dubious third party resources.

If you are asked to send an SMS message of any content to receive data, this is a common scam. At best, you will lose money in your account.

Alternative search methods

To protect yourself as much as possible from theft or loss, follow the following points described below.

Fill out the business card in the device profile, indicating contact details, including an alternative phone number, email and residential address.

If a respectable citizen finds the device, he will be able to dock with you, returning the lost item.

Install additional software that will automatically send SMS to specified number, if someone changed the SIM card in the phone.

If you are the owner of a product from Apple and other services. In addition, activate the Find My iPhone service.

This will help you calculate current location gadget via the Internet.

Has your mobile phone been stolen? Not the best news. Both at home and abroad, you should try to return the device as soon as possible. Modern phones and smartphones are found by built-in or preinstalled program, which allows you to track the device. Such applications have different levels of practicality. In some cases, it is necessary that your device is turned on and connected to the Internet. You can also find a phone the old fashioned way - just call or text and arrange a return.


How to return a missing phone

    Call the phone. If you are lost regular phone(not a smartphone) from which you cannot connect to the Internet, you will not be able to track the device online. A different approach needs to be taken. Start calling your number. If you are lucky, the thief may answer your call. If the phone simply fell out of your pocket (in a taxi or on the subway), the person who found it can arrange a meeting with you to return it.

    • If the call is answered, say, “Hello, my name is [your name]. You have my mobile phone. He is very important to me. I would like to return the device. We can meet?"
  1. Write a message. Even if the call is not answered, try writing a message. Perhaps the thief will change his mind and decide to return the phone to the owner. Send short message: Provide a number where you can be reached and ask for the device to be returned. If you deem it appropriate, you can offer a reward.

    • To do this, you will need another mobile phone. Reach out to a friend. If you are far from friends and family, then try asking a stranger with a polite request.
  2. Be careful if you arrange to meet. If the person (who stole or accidentally found the phone) agrees to meet you and return the device, then take precautions. Arrange to meet in a crowded place such as a central square or a busy bus stop during daylight hours. Try not to go to the meeting alone. Go to such a meeting with a friend (for company and for safety reasons). Ask a friend to take a cell phone with you so you can call the police if necessary.

    • Take every possible precaution, even if the person's tone seems friendly enough, when you communicate over the phone or via text.

    How to notify authorities and your telecom operator

    1. Contact authorities. If you contact the police about your lost phone, they will be able to provide you with limited assistance in locating your device. Call the police on a non-emergency number. The branch employee will ask you for the serial number of the device. On a smartphone as serial number may be Android ID, which is indicated under the battery (if it is removable). Android ID is a series of numbers preceded by an “IMEI” (International Mobile Equipment Identifier).

      • When contacting the police, say something like this: “Hello, I believe my phone was stolen. I noticed it was missing about 10 minutes ago near the library.”
    2. Notify the operator. If a call to your phone remains unanswered, call the operator mobile communications and report your phone theft. The company may be able to locate your device using GPS navigation.

      • If a GPS search is not possible or is unsuccessful, ask your operator to suspend service for your phone. This way, a thief won't be able to use your number and you won't have to pay potentially large bills for calls.
    3. Try looking for a phone number. Try to remember where you noticed the phone was missing and return to that place. Perhaps the thief suddenly changed his mind and dumped your device near the site of the theft.

      • Reverse your route and continue calling your number.

    How to track a stolen phone

    1. Enable apps to track your smartphone's location. On the iPhone, this program is called “Find My iPhone,” and on Android devices- “Find device”. The program will track the location of the phone and transmit the relevant information to cloud storage. First of all, you need to set up this function when you purchase the phone (you won’t be able to activate the search after it’s lost).

    2. Turn on Lost Mode. This mode can be enabled remotely: log in to your account iCloud recording or Google and activate this function. If you enable Lost Mode, the owner of your device will not be able to log into account and access smartphone data and applications.

      • If you managed to return the phone, then enter the special password code on home screen smartphone to turn off lost mode.
      • Even iPhone device or Android is offline (no network connection), it can still be locked remotely. To do this, you will need to log in to your account on the site. All changes will take effect the next time your device connects to the Internet.

This is done as follows:

  • Go to settings, then go to the “Security” menu (on some versions “Protection”), then click on “Device Administrators” appearance which is shown in Figure No. 1.

  • The “Device Administrators” section contains a single item called “Device Manager”. There is a checkbox next to it. Actually, all the user needs to do is check that box and exit the settings. However, after the checkbox is checked, a message will appear, the appearance of which is shown in Figure No. 2.

This message talks about what this very “Device Manager” can do, and specifically:

  1. Delete all data from the device;
  2. Change passwords on it;
  3. Block your phone.

You just need to agree to this message by clicking on the “Activate” button.

Note: On all versions of Android, starting from 5.0, all the above settings do not need to be done. In them, the device manager is enabled by default.

By the way, this is the only case when a stolen or lost phone on the Android platform can be found without any actions taken before its loss - if it has the version operating system 5.0 or higher. In all other cases, it is simply impossible to find him without the help of law enforcement agencies.

That's all. The process of connecting the phone, in fact, to the tracking service is completed. Now you can try to find out the location of the device. To do this, you need to follow the automatic device tracking link, which looks like this: Of course, you will need to log in there, if this has not been done earlier. After this, the system itself, in automatic mode, will find the phone that is registered to this account. Again, so that the phone is tied to Google account, you need to log in to it with Google once. The look of the window itself is quite classic for similar programs.

In Figure No. 3 highlighted main panel management. As you can see, it has three buttons that allow you to do test call, block it or clear all data from the device. To carry out one of these actions, you just need to click on the appropriate button. In addition, this window has a map where you can see the real location of the phone. Even if it is now turned off, the system will show the place where the phone was during its last connection to the Internet. Thus, it can be said that Google services They are simply irreplaceable help if you have lost your phone. They allow you to track the location of the device via a computer in a matter of minutes.

Method number 2. Using pre-installed programs

In general, there are quite a lot of all kinds of programs that help in finding a lost phone via the Internet. All of them perform the same function as Google’s “Device Manager,” namely, displaying the device’s location on a map, but each has its own unique features in terms of functionality, interface, or other nuances. Therefore, below is a list of the most popular programs to find a phone or other device on the Android platform via the Internet:

Lost Android

This program is interesting, first of all, because attackers really know little about it, and even if the phone ends up in their hands, they are unlikely to realize that such a program is on it. Accordingly, they will not understand that the owner may know where in this moment his device is located. And all thanks to the fact that in the list of Lost Android programs it is displayed simply as Personal Notes and has a shortcut to a regular notepad. Accordingly, the attacker will think that this is just some kind of notebook and nothing more.

On the official website of this program ( you can find a download link and full instructions by use. To start using Lost Android, you must also log in to Google using the button highlighted in Figure 4.

Lost Android features are:

  1. Find out the location of the phone;
  2. Give sound signal(for example, a siren);
  3. Make the device vibrate;
  4. Send an email about an incorrectly entered PIN code;
  5. Send the location of the device by email.

Lookout Security & Antivirus

Here we're talking about about a complete system for protecting your phone from unauthorized access, viruses and spyware and from other various threats. In addition, functions standard for such programs are available, such as location determination, sound notification and device locking. Among the features, it is worth noting an unusual interface that will appeal to high-tech lovers, as well as the ability to recover data from a phone that was in the hands of attackers. In general, also very useful application if you lost your phone.

By the way, the Lookout Security & Antivirus application is often included in the TOPs of the best on Google Play(link:, and the 4.5 rating says a lot!

Where's My Droid

Everything here is based on sending an SMS message with a special syntax. So, using special codes, you can make the phone ring itself or send its coordinates to a given phone. IN Pro version it is also possible to do hidden photos. This means that the person holding the device in his hands will not even know that he is being photographed at that moment, and the resulting photos are sent to the specified email. Download link –

All these programs allow you to find your phone through your computer.

Method number 3. Law enforcement

So, if you have an Android version on your phone less than 5.0 and no special programs You haven’t installed it before, there is only one way left, which is to contact the police. There you just need to write a statement about the missing mobile phone. It is possible that law enforcement officers will be able to recognize your device by IMEI, that is, a unique identifier that every phone has.

Advice for those who have not yet lost their phone. Write down your ID somewhere so that law enforcement officers can later recognize your device by IMEI. To find it out, you just need to dial *#06# on your phone.

The application will need to indicate all the phone information. To prove that you are its owner, take with you a box, a receipt from the store, or any other documents and things that may indicate this.

Below you can clearly see how a phone search occurs using standard services Android connected to Google.