Deploying an Access application. Which format to use

Microsoft Access 2007 allows you to organize comfortable work with databases, make changes to them in real time, control reporting and provide corporate access to shared documents. The main advantage of the program is its simplicity and functionality. Even without deep knowledge of the product’s features, the user can easily develop the necessary application using free templates.

Microsoft Access 2007 was especially liked by representatives of the business sector, who, using a simple program, can adapt developed projects in accordance with their areas and conduct business even more efficiently.

Microsoft Access 2007 Features


In addition to the ready-made templates that the program provides to users for free, Access 2007 is worth downloading for its other advantages and capabilities. For example, the software has several types of sample databases. By choosing the appropriate option among them, you can monitor the following parameters:

  • current tasks;
  • contacts;
  • important events;
  • other information that you need to organize your work process.

The application settings allow you to set parameters at your own discretion, so you can conveniently create forms, reports, tables, macros and other elements used in your work.

Access 2007 is integrated with other Microsoft office products, so you can easily transfer information from Excel and use it in your work.

Differences from previous versions


The differences are noticeable already at the first launch of the 2007 release.

  1. Compared to previous versions, creating tables has been significantly simplified. To do this, you just need to press one key with the appropriate name and fill out a standard form. The application will independently set the field type and optimize the table for convenient work.
  2. The developers paid special attention to the application interface, which has been significantly redesigned. Now the main part is the ribbon, which combines all the tools, simplifies the selection of commands and options, and makes searching more accessible. Therefore, the user will no longer have to spend as much time searching as before.
  3. Most of the dialog boxes have been replaced with a collection that displays the available options in a convenient way.
  4. Tooltips and previews help an inexperienced user make the right choice.

You can download Microsoft Access 2007 for free right now, but first familiarize yourself with its system requirements and make sure that your computer meets them.

Microsoft Office Access 2007- a relational DBMS from Microsoft Corporation. It has a wide range of functions, including related queries, communication with external tables and databases. Thanks to the built-in VBA language, Access itself can write applications that work with databases.

Microsoft Office Access 2007 provides an effective set of tools that allow you to quickly organize data accounting, reporting, and data sharing. Without specialized database knowledge, users can quickly create user-friendly accounting applications by customizing one of several ready-made templates, converting existing databases, or creating a new database. With Office Access 2007, you can easily adapt database applications and reports to meet your changing business needs. Enhanced support for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 in Office Access 2007 enables data sharing, verification, backup, and management.

System requirements:

  • Computer and processor: Frequency not lower than 500 MHz
  • Memory: RAM at least 256 MB
  • Hard disk space: 1.5 GB. Some disk space will be freed after installation by removing the original boot package from it.
  • Disc Reader: CD or DVD drive
  • Screen: Resolution of at least 1024x768 pixels
  • Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2003 SP1 or later*
*- The Office Cleanup Wizard is not available on 64-bit operating systems.

Size, OS: 211.77 Mb, Windows 7/Vista/XP
Language: Russian
Terms of distribution: The medicine is sewn in

Microsoft Access 2007 is one of the most famous programs for working with databases. The latest software release includes the ability to work with various file formats of earlier versions, as well as support for a new file type with the .accdb extension. The application also contains minor improvements to popular functions and settings that make working with the program even more comfortable and convenient. Despite the fact that the software is included in Microsoft Office, on our website you can download Access 2007 independently of the other programs in the package. The proposed release of the application is the Russian version.

What's interesting about Microsoft Access 2007


The new ACCDB file format includes support for multi-valued fields and attachments, as well as a number of new options:

  • Fields that can allow multiple different values ​​at the same time
    This type of fields is used in cases where it is necessary to store several different options without creating a database with a more complex structure.
  • Attachment data type
    This type of data is necessary for more convenient storage of documents of various types, as well as binary files in your database without additionally increasing its volume.
  • Improved encryption
    Now you can set a password for the database and also encrypt its contents
  • Improved integration with SharePoint Services and Microsoft Outlook 2007
  • MEMO history tracking for storing large amounts of information.

On our website you can download Microsoft Access 2007 for free - downloading and installing the application is quite quick and easy.

Access 2007 system requirements:

  1. Processor frequency from 500 MHz
  2. More than 256 MB of RAM
  3. 1.5-2 GB of free hard disk space
  4. Screen resolution more than 1024x768 pixels
  5. OS Windows XP with SP3, Vista with SP2, Windows Server 2003 with SP2 or newer versions.

Almost any computer user, and in principle any person, is faced with the need to systematize and organize various data, be it a list of films in the home video library, the results of a favorite football team, or the financial statements of a large company. Of course, with the advent and widespread use of personal computers, this has become much easier. This book is dedicated to the most popular and in demand database management system today - Microsoft Access. Despite the apparent complexity, mastering this program is quite simple. If you are holding this book in your hands, then the first step has already been taken. The video course is included only with the printed edition of the book.

A series: Video tutorial

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book Microsoft Access 2007 (A. G. Dneprov, 2008) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Beginning of work

Stages of working with the database

Let's get to work

Microsoft Access 2007 is a database management system (DBMS). Using Access, you can easily process large amounts of information and extract the information you need from the database. Access has enormous capabilities, and at the same time, to get started and create your own database, you only need to master a few simple operations.

This book will help you build your database from scratch: you will learn how to create a database structure, fill it with information, find the necessary data among a large amount of information, and create visual reports. The book provides detailed instructions for all the operations you will perform.

All basic concepts and principles of working with a database will be illustrated with examples. As an example, we will use a simple database containing information about a company's products, its customers, and orders placed by customers.

After reading this chapter, you will be able to design a data structure that meets your specific requirements, take the first steps in creating your database, and also learn about further stages of work. But first, familiarize yourself with a few simple concepts that underlie databases.

How does a Microsoft Access database work?

Access is a relational DBMS (from the English relation - relationship). This means that an Access database consists of interconnected tables. Let's look at the tables and their components, and then move on to studying the relationships.

A database table is a simple table of rows and columns. Below is an example of a table (Table 1.1) containing information about the company’s clients.

Table 1.1. Clients

Records and fields

The table rows are called records. Each record describes one object, and, as you can see from the example, the record contains several table cells that store specific information about the objects. In the example, each record contains information about one client, say, record No. 536 - about a client with the last name Krylov, record No. 534 - with the last name Petrov, etc.

In database terminology, the table cells that make up a record are called fields. Cells store object attributes. For example, if an object (that is, a client) has a rating of 1000, then in the corresponding record the field Rating contains the value 1000 .

A field is also called an entire column of a table. When we talk about a record field, we are talking about a cell. For example, field Name records 536 contains the value Krylov. When we talk about a table field, we are talking about a column. For example, field Number (ID) tables Clients must not contain duplicate values.

Each table field has a strictly defined data type. Yes, fields Number (ID) And Rating are numeric, and fields Name, Telephone And Address– text.

Relationships between tables

Connection between two tables is organized through common fields of these tables. Let's give an example of a table (Table 1.2) associated with the table Clients.

Table 1.2. Company orders

In this example, the common fields are the field Number (ID) tables Clients and field Client tables Orders. Namely, the field Client contains the customer number from the table Clients. Thus, each table entry Orders refers to some table record Clients.

Relational databases are built on this principle of organizing connections between tables. A seemingly simple method of communication provides a lot of useful opportunities. In particular, it allows you to extract information from several tables simultaneously (for example, you can create a report that is a list of customers indicating the total amount of orders for each customer), and also avoid duplication of information. So, in this example, it is not necessary to indicate the customer’s address in each order.

Also, it is useful to know that if one table references another, then the first table is called subsidiary(as table Orders), and the second – parental(as table Clients). If one record refers to another, they are also called child and parent.

Key fields

There are two types of key fields in a relational database: primary key and secondary key. To identify records in a table, use primary key– a field or set of table fields whose values ​​uniquely identify a record. Accordingly, the primary key values ​​must be unique, that is, there should not be two rows in the table with the same primary key values.

Almost always, a special field containing the record number is used as the primary key (for example, the field Number (ID) in the table Clients). Access assigns numbers to records automatically and ensures that the numbers are unique.

Secondary key is a field in a child table that contains the primary key values ​​of the parent table. For example, field Client in the table Orders is the secondary key. Thus, relationships between tables are organized using key fields.

Now that you are familiar with the basic elements of tables, you can begin to develop the structure of your own database.

Data Structure Design

Like building a building, building a database begins with design. To understand which database structure will be most convenient and useful for you, follow the design steps below.

1. First you need to find out what the purpose of the database is and what information needs to be obtained from the database. Make a list of typical database queries:

List of your clients with contact information;

List of orders for a specific client;

List of all orders for a certain period;

What goods in what quantities were ordered for a certain period, etc.

2. Select from this set the classes of objects about which you will need to obtain information from the database. Objects of each class will be stored in a separate table, and thus you will receive a list of tables of the future database. In the example from the previous paragraph, it is advisable to distinguish the following classes: clients, orders and goods. Thus, there will be three tables in the database.

3. Write down the attributes of objects of each class that interest you. For example, for each client it is necessary to store in the database his name (or the name of the organization) and contact information, for a product - the name and price. As a result, you will receive a list of fields for each table (Fig. 1.1). Please note that the table must have a primary key, and add an additional field to each table - a unique record number.

Thus, the attributes were listed and relationships between tables were established. For example, if the orders table has fields Product And Client containing the product code and customer number, then the table Orders also references the table Goods, and to the table Clients.

Rice. 1.1. Data structure

So, you have developed a preliminary data structure - preliminary, since the structure may change during the process, for example, new fields or even tables will appear. Having decided on the structure, you can begin building a database in Microsoft Access.

Stages of working with the database

Now that you already know what tables and columns your future database should contain, you are ready to move directly to working with the Access program. The full variety of Access capabilities opens up to you. Where to begin? How not to get confused in hundreds of commands and not get bogged down in technical details?

The approximate sequence of actions described below will help you figure out what stage of working with the database you are currently at and what Access tools you need at this stage. This way, you will gradually master all the tools that are required to create your particular database, and you will not have to study unnecessary information.

So, if you are creating a database from scratch, you will need to perform the following operations.

1. Create a database or open an already created one (see section “Let’s get started”).

2. Creating tables, setting up table fields and relationships between tables. This is described in Chap. 2.

3. Filling tables with information. You can enter data manually in table editing mode (see Chapter 2), create a data entry form (see Chapter 3) or import data from external sources (see Chapter 4).

4. And finally, obtaining information from the database is what it was created for. To search, select, sort and aggregate data, you can create requests(see Chapter 5), for a clear presentation of data - reports(see Chapter 7).

Now let's move on to practical actions and consider the first stage of working with a database - opening or creating it.

Let's get to work

In this section, you'll learn how to start a Microsoft Access program and then open or create a database.

Launch Access

You can use any of the standard Windows methods to start Microsoft Access 2007.

Click the button Start, in the menu, select the items sequentially All programsMicrosoft OfficeMicrosoft Office Access 2007.

Double-click the program shortcut on your desktop or in the Quick Launch panel.


To create such a shortcut, select Start → All Programs → Microsoft Office → Microsoft Office Access 2007 and, while holding down the Ctrl key, drag it to the desktop or to the Quick Launch panel, respectively.

Double-click on the existing database file. Immediately after launch, this database will be open for work.

When launched, the initial Access window appears (Fig. 1.2), which allows you to quickly move on to working with a specific database.

Rice. 1.2. Microsoft Access 2007 Start Window

Now you need to decide which database you will work with. Each database is stored in a file with the extension .accdb. This file also stores all reports, queries, data entry forms and other documents created for this database.

Opening an existing database

If the database has already been created, you can open it by clicking on its name in the area Open latest database(this area is located on the right side of the initial Access window, as shown in Figure 1.2).

If the database you need is not in the list, click the link Other. A standard Windows window will appear on the screen to open the file. In this window, select the database file and click the button Open.

In addition, you can use the button

in the upper left corner of the window, select the item in the menu that appears Open, and then select the file in the standard Windows window.

If Access detects potentially dangerous content in the database you are opening, a message bar with a warning will appear under the ribbon (button menu): Options Include this content and press the button OK.

So, you've learned how to open an existing database. If you just need to create a database, one of the following subsections will help you.

Creating an empty database

If you want to design your database structure, create tables, and enter data yourself, you must first create an empty database. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Click on the icon New database In chapter New empty database in the central part of the initial window (see Fig. 1.2) or click the button

in the upper left corner of the window, and then in the menu that appears, select Create.

2. An area will appear on the right side of the window New database. In field File name enter a name for the new database. Click the button

to select the folder in which the database file will be stored.

3. Press the button Create. A new database will open with a single empty table, and the program will enter table editing mode.

You can now populate the new database with information: manually, using a data entry form, or by importing data from external sources. How to do this is described in the next three chapters.

Creating a copy of the database

The next way to create a database is to copy an existing database and continue working with the copy. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Open for reading the database you want to copy. Click the button

Open. A standard Windows window will appear on the screen to open the file.

2. Click on the desired database file and click the button to the right of the button Open(Fig. 1.3). In the file open menu, select Open for reading or item Read Exclusive.

Rice. 1.3. Database opening options

Once the database is opened in either of these two modes, you will not be able to make changes to it. A message bar will appear below the ribbon (button menu) warning you that the database is open for read-only use.

If the selected database is not available to other users, menu items Open for reading or Read Exclusive are equivalent.

You will be able to open the database in Open for reading, if it is not currently open by another user in Monopoly. Other users will be able to continue working with the database and open it in any access mode except Monopoly. This will display the last saved version, and unsaved changes will be ignored.

Opening a database in Read Exclusive only possible if it is not currently being used by another user in edit mode ( Open or Monopoly). However, other users will not be able to open this database in editing mode.

3. If Access detects potentially dangerous content in the database you are opening, a warning message bar will appear under the ribbon. Part of the database content is disabled. To open the entire database contents, including the locked part, click the button Options message panel. In the window that appears Microsoft Office Security Settings set the switch to position Include this content and press the button OK.

4. To create a copy of the open database, save it to another file. To do this, click the button

in the upper left corner of the main window, then in the menu that appears, select Save as. Next, specify the file format - Access 2007 Database.

A standard Windows window will appear on the screen. Preservation. Enter a name for the new database file, select the folder where the file will be stored, and click Save.

Now you can work with a copy of the database: create new tables, queries, reports or edit existing ones.

Creating a Database from a Template

Access 2007 includes database templates. They can be used to solve common problems or for educational purposes, since they include tables already filled with data, ready-made reports and forms for entering information. To create a database using a template, follow these steps:

1. In the left area of ​​the initial Access window (see Figure 1.2), select a template category. A list of templates in this category will be displayed in the center of the window. Click on the icon of the appropriate template (Fig. 1.4).

2. An area with the name of the template and its category will appear on the right side of the window. In field File name enter a name for the new database. Using a button

select the folder where the database file will be stored.

3. If you want to attach the new database to the SharePoint site, select the Create and attach a database to a Windows SharePoint Services site.

Rice. 1.4. Creating a database using a template


Windows SharePoint Services is a component of Windows Server that allows users to share data over the Internet. Refer to the Access 2007 Help (see Access 2007 User Interface) for detailed information on how to collaborate with databases using Windows SharePoint Services.

4. Press the button Create(for Microsoft Office Online templates it is called ). Access will generate a database using the specified template and open it in table editing mode.

5. If Access detects potentially dangerous content in the created database, a warning message bar will appear under the ribbon Part of the database content is disabled. To open the entire database contents, including the locked part, click the button Options message panel. In the window that appears Microsoft Office Security Settings set the switch to position Include this content and press the button OK.

You can edit a ready-made data structure: create or delete tables, fields, records, queries, reports, etc.

Closing the database

To close the current database, click the button

in the upper left corner of the window, then in the menu that appears, select Close database. The Access initial window will reappear on your screen.


Access can only have one database open. By opening the program several times, you can open your database in each window.

To continue working with an open or created database, you will need information about the user interface of the Access program.

Access 2007 user interface

Access 2007 has a completely new interface, unlike the interface of previous versions of the program. The new design makes it easier to find the controls you need and makes working with the program easier and more comfortable.

The previous section described the initial Access window (see Figure 1.2), which allows you to quickly get started. In this section, you will become familiar with the main window that appears after opening or creating a database.

The main elements of the main window are shown in Fig. 1.5.

The title bar contains the name of the database, the name of the file format (for example, Access 2007) and the name of the program - Microsoft Access.

Button Office Calls up a quick access menu that allows you to create, open, save and close a database, share the database, send database documents by email and print them. Is analogous to a menu File in previous versions of Microsoft Office.

Quick access panel - it is advisable to place icons of the most frequently used commands on it so that you can call them with one click of the mouse button and thereby significantly speed up your work.

The ribbon is a key interface element that combines all commands for working with the database. The ribbon consists of tabs, each of which contains icons for several groups of commands. To go to a tab, click on its name.

Tabs home, Creation, External data And Working with databases are on the tape constantly. The rest appear or disappear depending on what document is active in the workspace. For example, tab Working with tables, which contains a set of tools for working with tables, appears only if a table is open in the Access workspace. That is why the Access 2007 interface is not overloaded and is easy to navigate: at any time, only those tabs and buttons that are currently needed are displayed.

Rice. 1.5. Microsoft Access 2007 main window

The navigation pane displays a list of database documents (tables, queries, forms, reports, macros) and allows you to switch between them. To open a database document, simply double-click on its name in the navigation area. To hide and open the navigation area, use the button

in the upper right corner of the area.

Document windows/tabs. Database documents are arranged in the Access workspace as tabs or overlapping windows.

The status bar displays hints and messages about the program's status, and also contains a number of buttons that allow you to quickly switch between different modes of working with the current document.

Setting up interface elements

The Access work environment is quite comfortable and usually does not require any additional configuration. However, you can change many interface options to suit your preferences.

This section covers customizing the Command Ribbon, Quick Access Toolbar, document layout, and showing and hiding the status bar.

Rolling and restoring the tape

To free up more screen space, you can minimize the command ribbon. When the ribbon is minimized, only the names of the ribbon tabs are displayed; the tab opens only when you click on its name and immediately disappears after selecting a command or after clicking the mouse outside the ribbon.

You can change the feed display mode in any of two ways.

Double-click on the name of the active (currently opened) tab. If the entire ribbon was displayed, it will be collapsed. If the feed was hidden, it will be restored.

Right-click anywhere on the ribbon. In the context menu that appears, select Collapse the ribbon. If the checkbox for this item was unchecked, it will be selected and the tape will be collapsed. Conversely, if the checkbox was checked, it will be cleared and the entire feed will be displayed.

Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar

To make using Access more convenient, you can add buttons (command icons) that you frequently use to the Quick Access Toolbar. In this case, you won’t have to look for them on the tape every time. You can also remove unnecessary buttons from the panel to avoid clutter.


Operations with buttons performed on the Quick Access Toolbar do not in any way affect the presence of the same buttons in other places (on the ribbon, in the Quick Access menu, etc.). For example, when you remove a button, it disappears from the panel, but not from the ribbon.

Additionally, you can change the location of the panel.

Quickly add and remove a button

If you want to add a command icon to the Quick Access Toolbar, the easiest way to do this is to open the tab where the icon is located, right-click on it and select the item from the context menu that appears Add to Quick Access Toolbar.

If you want to remove a command icon from the Quick Access Toolbar, you just need to right-click on this icon and select the item in the context menu that appears Remove from Quick Access Toolbar.

If you need to add or remove several command icons at once, it is advisable to follow the steps described in the next subsection.

Adding or removing a button set

So, to customize the set of buttons on the Quick Access Toolbar, follow these steps.

1. Click the button

to the right of the panel. A menu will appear on the screen (Fig. 1.6).

2. At the top of this menu there is a list of buttons most often placed by users on the panel. If the checkbox next to the button name is checked, the button is displayed on the panel. Click on the menu item with the button name to check or uncheck the box.


After a button is added to the panel or removed, the menu disappears from the screen. To call up the menu again, you must press the button again.

Rice. 1.6. Menu Customize Quick Access Toolbar

Setting up interface elements 23

3. If in the menu Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar there is no button you need, select the item Other commands. A window will appear on the screen Access Options(Fig. 1.7).

Rice. 1.7. Access Options window in Quick Access Toolbar customization mode

4. Select in the field Select teams from team category. If you don't know which category a command belongs to, select a value All teams. In field Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar specify which part of the panel you want to work with: those command icons that appear for all databases, or those icons that appear in the panel only when the current database is open.

5. To add a team icon, click in the list on the left on the name of the team, and in the list on the right - on the name of the team whose icon should be followed by the icon to be added. Click the button Add. Repeat this step for all the commands that you would like to see on the Quick Access Toolbar.

6. To remove a command icon from the panel, click on the name of this command in the list on the right and click the button Delete. Repeat this step for all commands that you do not need on the Quick Access Toolbar.

7. To change the order of command icons on the panel, click on the command name in the right list and move it up or down the list using the buttons

8. To complete the settings in the window Access Options click the button OK. After this, you can immediately use the updated Quick Access Toolbar.

In addition to the set of buttons, customizing the quick access panel also includes choosing the location of the panel in the program window.

Changing the location of the Quick Access Toolbar

You can position the Quick Access Toolbar above the ribbon or below the ribbon. To move a panel, right-click on the panel or ribbon and select Place the Quick Access Toolbar below the Ribbon(if the panel is now above the ribbon) or, accordingly, the item Place the Quick Access Toolbar above the Ribbon(if the panel is now under the ribbon).

Setting the document display mode

Database documents (tables, reports, queries, input forms, etc.) can, as mentioned above, be displayed in the Access workspace in one of two modes.

Tabbed mode: all documents are combined into one window with several tabs (see Fig. 1.5). This mode allows you to view only one document at a time. You can switch between tabs by clicking on the tab names (icons). In addition, the display of tab names can be disabled, then navigation is carried out using the navigation area.

Overlapping windows mode (Fig. 1.8): each object (document) is located in a separate window. This mode allows you to view multiple documents simultaneously. Windows can be freely moved and resized in the workspace, and a new window is placed on top of existing windows. When you double-click on the window title, it fills the entire work area. To organize document windows and switch between them, use the button

located on the ribbon on the right side of the tab home.

Rice. 1.8. Document windows


The document display mode is set separately for each database. The database must be open before you change this mode for it.

To select a document display mode that is convenient for you, follow these steps:

1. Click the button

in the upper left corner of the main window. In the lower right corner of the menu that appears, click the button Access Options, which will open a window Access Options.

2. In the left area of ​​the window, select Current database.

Application settings select switch position Document Window Option:

Position Overlapping windows, if you need to display overlapping windows;

Position Tabs, if you want to display document tabs. If you want to show tab names, check the box Document Tabs.

4. For the mode change to take effect, you must close and reopen the current database. How to do this was described in section. "Let's get to work."

Finally, let's look at the last interface parameter in this section - the status bar display mode.

Hide or show the status bar

If you want to show or hide the status bar, follow these steps.

1. Click the button Office. In the lower right corner of the menu that appears, click the button Access Options. A window will open Access Options.

2. In the left area of ​​the window, click on the item Current database.

3. In the right area of ​​the window in the section Application settings check the box Status bar, if you want to display the status bar, or clear it if you don't want to display the status bar.

4. For the change to take effect, you must close and reopen the current database. How to do this is described in section. "Let's get to work."


In the Access Options window, you can select various options in the left pane to view and change many settings for your Access workspace.

Let's now take a look at the Access help system - an indispensable source of information, useful both at the initial and subsequent stages of work.


The status bar display mode, as well as the document display mode, is set separately for each database. The database must be open before you configure the status bar.

Access 2007 Help System

If you don't find the answer to your question in this book, you can use the Microsoft Access help system to help. It allows you to search not only the built-in help, but also the Office Online website and the Offline Developer Help.


The Help interface in Access 2007 has also changed from previous versions. Thus, the Microsoft Office Assistant - an animated character that gives advice - is not included in the new version of the help system.

To open the help system, press the key F1 or button

at the end of the command strip on the right. A window will appear on the screen Help: Access(Fig. 1.9).

Rice. 1.9. Help window: Access

Getting to know the help system begins with window settings Help: Access.

Customizing the appearance of the help window

To customize the appearance of the help window, use the following buttons on the help window toolbar.

– allows you to change the font size used to display help text.

– Allows you to display the help table of contents panel. The table of contents panel is convenient to use when searching for information using a list of sections. If the table of contents pane is open, the button

allows you to hide the table of contents panel.

– specifies that the Help window is always placed on top of other Access windows. When pressed, the button changes to a button

which indicates that the display of the Help window on top of other windows is canceled.

Finding Help

To find the information you need in Help, follow these steps:

1. Press the key F1 to launch the help system.

2. Select a search area. To do this, click the button

located to the right of the button Search. The menu that appears presents the areas in which you can search (Fig. 1.10).

Rice. 1.10. Menu for selecting a search area

The areas are divided into two groups. Group Content on the Office Online site(online help) contains content published on the Office Online site. These materials are available to you only if you have an Internet connection. The group includes the following search areas.

All Access– all materials on the site.

Access Help– latest versions of reference materials.

Access Templates– database templates.

Access Training– Access training courses.

Group Content on this computer(offline help) includes the following search areas.

Access Help– built-in reference materials for working with the Access program.

Offline Developer Help– Database developer's reference book.


After you select a search area, the button in the lower right corner of the Help window will be called Connected to the Office Online site if you selected the online Help area, or it will be called Work offline if you selected the offline Help area. Your choice of help mode (online or offline) persists after you close and reopen the help window.

3. Find the help page you need using a query or table of contents. To search for a query, enter keywords in the search field and click the button Search. The system will display a list of found pages. Click on the appropriate link. If not a single link suits you or nothing is found for your request, try changing the text of the request and repeat the search.

4. To search by table of contents, click the button

on the help window toolbar. In the table of contents panel that appears, click on the title of the desired section to expand its contents (the section icon will change: instead of a closed book, an open one will be displayed). Then, if necessary, click on the appropriate subsection heading and so on until you reach the desired page.

Use the buttons to navigate through previously opened help pages.

In this chapter, you learned that Access 2007 is a relational database management system and that the database is made up of interrelated tables. You have become familiar with the key concepts of database theory, the process of designing a data structure, and the stages of building your own database. In addition, you learned how to customize the Access interface to make using the program even more convenient and to find answers to your questions in the Access help system.

You will actively use all this knowledge at all stages of working with the database. You have already mastered the first stage - opening or creating a database. Now you are ready to proceed to the next stage: creating tables, setting up relationships between tables, entering and editing data. The next chapter is devoted to this stage.

Microsoft Access 2007 is one of the early builds of the popular database management system from one of the world's leading software manufacturers. Based on the Access 2007 engine, you can build a normalized, clearly structured database with keys, indexes and relationships added to it. The program also has the ability to use interactive reports that extract information from tables based on specified business logic and display it to the user without the need to specify any additional parameters and relationships. Reports can contain both static text content and dynamic fields generated by calculations or by extracting content directly from table cells. Access 2007 supports a fairly wide range of data types, including text, numeric, monetary, fixed, exponential values, as well as date and time, Boolean fields, attachments, and hyperlinks. Thanks to the built-in query wizard, the entire procedure for generating SQL queries in Access 2007 is fully automated, which opens up additional opportunities for extracting content and retrieving data from the database.

Microsoft Access 2007 Advanced Options and Tools


In the next edition of the proprietary office tool, the following improvements and enhancements were implemented:

  • An optimized Office Fluent interface designed to make searching easier and more efficient in the Access 2007 microenvironment
  • improved transition tools. The new navigation pane provides tools for getting a complete structural and visual view of tables, forms, queries and reports
  • imported contact records from Outlook 2007. The standard functionality includes both importing content from the Outlook contact book and exporting user data to external infrastructure
  • filtering and sorting data. The presented function allows you to obtain reliable, understandable information on business activity and business tasks. Personalized filtering settings apply for text, numbers and dates
  • multitasking and intuitive WYSIWYG form builder. In it, the user can modify and configure the form layout independently, in real time.

If you are looking for a stable, reliable official build of the program with full Russian localization, on our website you can download the latest version of Access 2007, avoiding prior registration and authentication on the portal. All software on the portal is distributed free of charge, without functional restrictions.

Microsoft Access 2007 system requirements

To quickly and efficiently interact with the DBMS environment, make sure that your working device meets the following parameters:

  • graphics adapter: the video card must support a minimum resolution of 1024x768 or higher
  • storage: 1.5 - 2 GB of free space on physical media
  • operating shell: Win Vista SP2/XP SP3, Windows Server 2003 SP2, as well as subsequent versions of current generation systems
  • RAM: 256 MB RAM
  • processor: device with a frequency of 500 MHz or higher.

Video review of Microsoft Access 2007