Multi-colored stripes on the monitor. Stripes on the monitor: possible causes of malfunctions and their elimination

Telephone is a very common problem. The main trouble is that such a malfunction can appear at any time: on the day of purchase or after several years of use.

However, despite the frequent occurrence of the problem, there are still device owners who do not know how to solve it.

What does the defect look like?

The main thing to remember is that the display does not lose functionality after a malfunction is detected. But this is not a reason to abandon the device in this state, because only its owner suffers from the incorrect functioning of the smartphone. If stripes appear on the phone screen, the image quality drops, so you will have to exclude reading and watching movies (few people like to “break their eyes”). That is, there will no longer be any point in having such a device.

The defect manifests itself as distortion of the content on the display. It ripples and goes in stripes (horizontal or vertical) different colors: from black to rainbow tints.


Using this section, you can indirectly find out the cause of the breakdown, but it will be quite inaccurate. However, it's worth a try.

  • For example, colored and white stripes on a phone screen are often a sign of mechanical damage to some component of the display or a loose cable fit into the groove.
  • Black lines indicate the need to replace this part of the smartphone.
  • Colored ripples indicate a problem with the controller.

However, without opening the case, such “diagnosis” cannot be confirmed, so either your own hands or service centers can help.

How does the defect manifest itself?

This section is also important, as it will make it clear which part of the device (hardware or software) the fault relates to. Everything is quite simple here:

  • If stripes appear on your phone screen only at startup specific application or making any changes to the settings and files of the device, then the issue is a failure of the operating system.
  • When lines appear on the display after mechanical intervention, damage, or when touching the touchscreen, we can safely talk about problems in the hardware itself.

After determining the type of malfunction, you should move on to methods for solving it.

Line on the phone screen: what to do?

If the problem is caused mechanical damage, that is, there are two ways: take the gadget to a service center or disassemble it yourself. In the latter case, you should look for a master class in video format that will show you how to open the case and get to the display. Next, you will need to carefully examine this part of the gadget to understand the extent of the damage.

If the problem is only that the cable does not fit tightly into the groove, then it is quite simple to correct it, and the stripes on the phone screen will disappear. But if it or the controller (chip) is damaged, there is nothing left but a complete replacement of components.

At software glitch the situation is usually corrected by a hard reset (resetting the settings, during which all personal data is deleted; it is recommended to save before performing important files) or cleaning smartphones from viruses. Although the first method is more reliable, since many OS protection programs do not see the pest.

Reflashing the device also helps, but this step is best performed only by people with experience, otherwise the gadget will turn into a “brick” with a wave of the hand. Although this is also an option, then display malfunctions will be the least of your worries, but it’s not worth experimenting with.


Telephone problems arise in a number of situations, because modern gadget- the thing is very fragile. Among the common reasons, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • strong pressure on the display;
  • impact or fall from a great height;
  • moisture ingress (causes corrosion of microcircuits);
  • viruses leaked into the system with unverified applications;
  • manufacturing defects;
  • controller failure;
  • rupture or loose connection of the cable;
  • overheating when charging;
  • system failure;
  • unsuccessful flashing or update installation.

And these are not all the possible factors leading to breakdown. If the smartphone is assembled from low-quality parts, then you just need to shake it vigorously - and voila! Something inside will come off. Therefore, there are dozens of nuances, all of them impossible to predict.

Precautionary measures

To avoid such unpleasant consequences, you need to follow the basic rules for using equipment. Smartphones should not be dropped, wet, charged using an inappropriate adapter, or disassembled unnecessarily. You should not give them as a toy to small children, or install applications from suspicious sources. More the best solution If you install a program that blocks ads, then the phone will definitely not be affected.

And of course it's worth buying high-quality equipment. Otherwise, it’s pointless to even be surprised by another breakdown, because nothing else can expect such a “miracle” from the owner.

Let's talk about stripes on the monitor screen; what to do if vertical or horizontal lines? Some individuals advise immediately running to the “masters”. They say the problem is complex, and any intervention will only make it worse. Moreover, the price of such a service is about 1000 rubles. But why pay!? Let's solve the problem ourselves!

To start the reason should be determined streaks appearing on the computer screen.

Alas, but a chance software error MI-NI-MA-LEN. It's a matter of hardware. So check:

A) Are hdmi and other cables connected well? Are they damaged?

I recommend unscrewing everything and blowing it out (even when you are sure that everything is in order). Also make sure that there are no serious deformations on the blue cable (which leads to the monitor). They could very well be the culprit behind the irritating stripes.

B) The video card is damaged due to overheating.

Naturally, you won’t see this visually. There are practically no swellings or other things on it visual signs breakdowns. Indirectly, this can be indicated by a dust-clogged cooling system and Aida temperature readings.

There are two things you can do here:

1. Remove the video card, clean its contacts (especially the part with which it is inserted into the motherboard). It’s extremely rare, but it helps, I’m serious: the chances are slim.

2. check it on another, 100% working computer.

But there may be problems with either of them, the third reason is:

B) Motherboard malfunction.

Stripes on the monitor screen may be due to this. Whether the voltage jumped, whether there was overheating or a manufacturing defect is not so important. The fact is that this happens everywhere. In addition, if upon inspection (there is no need to remove it from the system unit) swelling of the condensers (such barrels) or their “blackening” are visible, then with 90% chance you have found the reason for your misfortune.

A faulty matrix is ​​the cause of streaks on the screen.

This is sadness. You can't fix it yourself. Unless to carry out diagnostics - connect the monitor to a laptop or other PC. The stripes remain - take the monitor to the service center. I’ll also tell you one “interesting” method.

At your own risk: lightly press (as if you were gently massaging the body) on the monitor that is turned on, preferably in the area of ​​the stripes. Now watch out: if the location of the stripes changes, the reason is in the monitor matrix or HDMI cable.

Compared to personal computer, on laptops it is much more difficult to understand why a vertical stripe appeared on the monitor and how to remove it, since almost the entire structure is one piece. This is a very annoying problem. It seems like you don’t use your laptop all the time, and you handle it with care, but the problem still arises. Let's find out the reasons for its occurrence, as well as ways to combat it.

Stripes on laptop screens can appear for various reasons:

  • Damage ( bad contact, break) of the cable from the matrix to the device board.
  • Failure of the matrix itself (only replacement will help here).
  • Faulty video card (sometimes repair or replacement of the video card is possible).
  • Faulty motherboard (often due to overheating components).

The forecast is disappointing: in almost all cases repairs are required at a service center. At home, you can only replace the video card, and only if it is not built-in. Some “Kulibins” may try to replace the matrix or cable with their own hands, but it is worth taking into account many nuances, which we will discuss below.

Important! On your own, you can only remove the video card driver and then install it again, although this is unlikely to help.

Finding the cause of the malfunction

Before you remove stripes on your computer monitor, you first need to try to determine by eye the cause of the malfunction:

  • To initially diagnose the cause of stripes on a laptop monitor screen, you will need a regular monitor that should be connected to the laptop. If the image on this monitor is excellent, without artifacts and stripes, then the problem lies in the cable or matrix. If there are also stripes on the monitor, then you will have to repair or replace the video card or motherboard.
  • Checking the matrix response to physical impact: try with both hands to bend and twist the screen, and also try to lightly press on it with your finger - of course, without fanaticism. If the stripes change, it means the cable or matrix is ​​faulty.
  • Pay attention to whether the stripes disappear or change when you open and close the laptop lid. Try both fast and slow. Changes in any direction indicate a malfunction of the matrix cable.

How can you visually determine the cause of a malfunction?

Matrix mobile computer needs replacement if:

  • Vertical stripes appear and disappear when the screen is torsed and bent, but on an external monitor everything is fine.
  • Only one side of the screen works, while the other is completely white or with other artifacts (or a wide white stripe in any part of the matrix).
  • There is a characteristic ripple on the screen.
  • There are multi-colored stripes on the screen.
  • When the matrix is ​​bent, the image becomes blurred.
  • All colors are displayed in negative, that is, black in white, and white in black.

Important! Repair or replacement of the matrix is ​​needed if there are many different colored lines on the screen or the image ripples and flickers, but when you move the laptop lid, the picture changes. Wherein external monitor works without problems.

What to do with a failed cable?

So, what to do if the problem is caused by a broken cable?

  • Give to service center.
  • Search on the Internet or on the market for the same cable for the same matrix model, but this is unlikely due to the wide range of names.
  • Try to repair the old cable. To do this you will need a soldering iron, MGTF wire, a regular tester and electronics skills. The essence of the repair is to search for a broken cable conductor using a tester, and then replace it with a new one. The new MGTF wiring should be placed on top of the old one and soldered at both ends.

Important! You can use ordinary thin and strong copper wires - MGTF is simply the most common. They can be bought in stores and radio markets.

What to do with a faulty motherboard or video card?

In case of faulty mother card or the built-in video card, the laptop will have to be repaired. This is not a cheap pleasure, so be sure to ask for agreement on the price of the repair.

If the video chip malfunctions, you may be offered three “treatment” options:

  • Warming up the chip is the cheapest option, but there is no guarantee that it will help, and besides, the malfunction may occur again later.
  • Chip reballing is a more expensive method, but if the chip is faulty, this option gives a 99% success rate.
  • A complete chip replacement is also 99% success, but this option is much more expensive than reballing, and it is not a fact that replacing the chip is so necessary.

Important! The motherboard could fail due to overheating, due to oxidation of the contacts, or could be slightly rusty due to, for example, spilled coffee. The repair options are the same as for the video card, plus some additional measures.


Thus, in this article we looked at the question of how to remove stripes on a computer monitor. This problem is not uncommon, so it is advisable for every laptop user to know why it can occur, as well as how to fix it.

Today in the age of development high technology not only the latest equipment and equipment are important, but also a delicate relationship various components. First of all we're talking about of course about personal computers, which are developing at a breakneck pace today.

To ensure that they do not break and work properly, they need care and careful monitoring. For each user can provide the necessary conditions operation. For this reason, various problems may arise that cause a lot of inconvenience to users.

We are mainly talking about technical problems. They are very difficult to diagnose, but easy enough to fix on your own. IN this review we will try to figure out why stripes may appear on a computer monitor, which sometimes lead to darkening of the picture. The problem, fortunately, is not critical. Today it can be solved quite easily. Streaks on the monitor screen may indicate a problem with other equipment. In this case, you will have to urgently replace it.

What is the problem?

Before trying to figure out the source of vertical stripes, it is necessary to pay attention to the problem itself. In most cases it is purely technical in nature. Virus activity, malfunctions software and other problems are not the reasons why defects may appear on the monitor screen. Vertical stripes appear due to negative influence to the monitor various elements computer in case of their incorrect interaction with each other.

You will learn more about the nature of this problem only after diagnosing the equipment. If this situation occurs, various defects may begin to appear on the computer monitor. This brings a lot of trouble to the user. The stripes can completely obscure the monitor or replace colors. Also, the image on the screen may completely disintegrate into pixels. Why might this occur? similar problem? If stripes appear on your computer monitor, this means only one thing: it’s time to diagnose the equipment.

Don't blame all problems on improper functioning of the video card. This item is by no means always main reason occurrence of a problem. Other components of your computer may also be involved. Eliminate options related to malfunctions of programs and drivers. Deterioration in image quality and the appearance of banding is a purely technical problem. You can safely disconnect the monitor from the computer and begin checking the equipment for physical damage, dust or other problems.

Reasons for this problem

Horizontal or vertical stripes on the monitor may appear due to overheating or hardware failure. Also take into account the possibility of incorrect interaction between the various technical elements of your PC. Do not forget also that the cause of this problem may be contamination or dust in the cables connecting the various elements of your computer. Therefore, to determine the true cause of the appearance of defects on the computer screen, it is necessary to perform a number of diagnostic procedures.

They will allow you to determine the true cause of the problem. After this, you can begin to search for methods to eliminate this problem. Remember, you shouldn’t immediately run to the service center. In most cases, you can fix this problem on your own. If technical problem was classified as critical, then you still have to contact the service center.

Video card

Defects on the monitor screen, including horizontal stripes, may be primarily caused by a faulty graphics adapter. In this case, you need to check whether the video card is functioning correctly. Perhaps the cooler got dusty on it. This may cause the equipment to overheat. Also check that the video card is connected correctly to the motherboard and that the wires are intact. The video card in a personal computer serves as an image processing center.

If it malfunctions, image defects may occur. The video card must be cleaned of dust using cotton swabs. If the board works fine, then the problem may be in the connectors. Check them for physical damage. If you find that the wires are damaged, then you will need to replace the equipment. If no problems were found and all video card connectors were cleaned, you need to perform another check. It consists of studying the technical features of the video card.

It all sounds quite complicated, but in reality everything turns out to be very simple. You need to check the hardware you are using on another PC. Just insert the video card into another computer and see if the stripes appear on it. If there are no stripes, then the problem is not with the video card. If the defect still exists, then the reason for its occurrence lies precisely in graphics adapter. In this case, you need to have the video card repaired or purchase a new one.

Monitor failure

If dark streaks appear on your computer monitor, this is not a reason to panic. Just check your equipment. Problems with image deformation can be caused by any physical impact on the monitor. You can also note factors such as exposure to sunlight, high humidity, etc. To check the device, you do not need to have a technical background. Just connect the monitor to another computer. You can ask a friend for help. If, after connecting to another computer, the stripes on the monitor disappear, then the problem is that your computer is faulty. If the stripes on the monitor remain, then you will need to take it in for repair. It is unlikely that you will be able to fix this problem on your own.

Checking loops

The appearance of stripes on the monitor screen may indicate problems with the connections of the elements. They may simply be dusty or physically damaged. To check the condition of the cable, you need to carefully examine every millimeter of it. Are there any black spots on it? Is the cable itself inserted correctly? Does it have any bends? Is the device connected correctly? You can try checking the loops on another computer.

The problem with the cable is actually quite complex. Not every user will be able to independently check the wire for damage. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to immediately diagnose the problem. It's good if you have several spare cables on hand to replace them if necessary. If, after using new cables, stripes still remain on the screen, then the source of the problem lies in other equipment. If the problem has been resolved, then you can continue to enjoy all the benefits virtual space.

Cleaning your computer

Stripes on the monitor, as a rule, appear completely unexpectedly for the user. However, this problem is quite natural. The main enemy of any computer element is dust. To reduce the likelihood of this problem occurring, you should clean your computer from dust at least once a week. This will reduce the risk of equipment failure, including the appearance of dark stripes. To clean, use a dry cloth. Cotton swabs are also suitable for this purpose. With their help, you can clean even the most hard-to-reach places on your PC.

Malfunction of internal computer components

We should not exclude the possibility of a breakdown of one of the internal devices of the PC. This may also cause defects on the screen. These elements also include tracks on the motherboard. If you look closely at these elements, you will probably find that some resistors are swollen and the strips have turned black. This may be the cause of the defect. You cannot fix such a breakdown on your own. Therefore, if you notice that one of the elements of the motherboard has failed, most likely you will need to replace the entire board.

Stripes appearing on the monitor: how to solve the problem?

This article discussed the most common causes of this problem. The first thing you have to do in any case is to diagnose the equipment. Then you need to clean your computer from dust. Dust can cause overheating of important components of a personal computer.

Vertical stripes on the monitor and any other graphic defects may be caused by the problems we have discussed. We also looked at several solutions possible problems. We also looked at the issue of a malfunction of the motherboard itself. It can be a source of negative impact. Unfortunately, this is quite difficult to verify. The only correct solution to the problem in this case is to contact the service center. The rest is quite easy to check. A specialized service is guaranteed to help you fix this problem.

Image disintegration into pixels, black stripes on the monitor or complete disappearance of the image, as well as incorrect color gamut - all this may indicate a malfunction of one of the systems on your computer. After reading this article, you know how you can diagnose the equipment yourself, as well as how you can fix it yourself. possible reasons defects appear on the monitor. Many users are afraid to touch anything with their hands or disassemble a personal computer.

In this case, if you are not confident in your own abilities, you can contact a specialized computer center. Qualified specialists will provide you with all the necessary services. Your computer will be cleaned and the image on your monitor will be restored. For a fee, of course... If the breakdown is critical, specialists will point it out to you and advise you on possible ways its elimination. Now it will be easier for you to navigate even if problems arise. emergency situation when working with a personal computer. We hope that this article has given you new information about the management and control of computer systems.

Technical equipment, new technologies, subtle but not necessary interconnection of various elements - this is what modern progress has come to. We are, of course, talking about a computer, which has a lot of elements that require care and careful monitoring so that they work correctly and do not break. But not each of us can achieve this, so we are faced with various problems, which sometimes manifest themselves very strongly and cause a lot of inconvenience. We will mainly talk about technical problems that are difficult to diagnose, but it is quite possible to fix them yourself. And in this article we will look at where and why stripes appear on the monitor, which sometimes overshadow the entire picture on the screen. Fortunately, the problem is not always critical, so in most cases you can fix it yourself. And sometimes they indicate that the equipment has broken down and urgently needs to be replaced.

What is this problem?

Before you figure out where the vertical stripes appeared on the monitor, it’s worth considering the problem itself, which in most cases is of a technical nature. Yes, a program failure, a virus and other problems, even an option related to drivers - none of this is the reason why defects appear on the monitor screen. This problem is a consequence of the negative influence of computer elements on the monitor or their improper interaction with each other. The problem is simple and critical, but this will become known only after a thorough diagnosis of the equipment. When this unpleasant situation occurs, various defective stripes begin to appear on the monitor, which bring with them a lot of trouble. Either they completely obscure the entire monitor, or they replace the colors, or the screen completely disintegrates into pixels.

Why does it occur?

If stripes appear on the monitor, this means that it is time to diagnose all equipment. You shouldn’t blame everything on the video card in advance, since it is not always the main cause of the problem. There may be other parts of your equipment involved that may contribute to this defect. It is worth completely excluding options that relate to programs or driver failures, since image distortion, which is also filled with extra stripes, is guaranteed to be a technical problem. Therefore, you can safely turn off your computer and start checking all your equipment for damage, dust, and much more.

Main causes of this problem

Vertical or horizontal stripes on the monitor may appear due to hardware failure or overheating. The incorrect interaction of various technical elements should also be taken into account. In addition, do not forget that the source of the problem can be dust and contamination of the cables, which are the connecting connection between various elements. Therefore, in order to establish the true causes, you need to conduct a series of diagnostic studies that will identify the true problem, and only then think about ways that will help get rid of this unpleasant situation. And it’s worth remembering that you shouldn’t immediately run to the service center, since in most cases you can get out of this situation with your own efforts. Well, if a technical problem is classified as critical, then there are no options - you will have to find among your friends those who have experience in troubleshooting such problems.

Video card

Horizontal stripes on the monitor and, in general, any defects on the monitor screen can be caused primarily by a faulty video card. It is necessary to check whether it is working normally, whether the cooler on it is dusty, which can cause overheating of the equipment, and whether it is connected to the motherboard correctly, that is, whether the wires are damaged. Yes, the video card is the image processing center, which can cause the problem. Therefore, if you suddenly notice that the board itself is working normally, you should definitely clean it of dust using cotton swabs. Then check its connectors and try to clean them. After this, check the wires for physical damage. If it's not there, then it's good news; If the wires are damaged, then the equipment will need to be replaced.

If no problems are found and everything is cleaned, it is worth carrying out another check, which consists of examining technical features video cards. It sounds complicated, but in reality everything is simple: you need to check the equipment on another computer. A friend can help you with this: just insert the video card into his computer and check if there are stripes on his monitor. If there are no stripes, then the problem is different; if there is a defect, then the problem is in that graphics hardware. This means you should contact service or buy a new video card.

Monitor malfunction

When vertical stripes appear on your monitor, do not panic. Just start checking your equipment. And it’s worth noting right away that the option with a monitor is also appropriate, although this element is not programmable. Any physical impact on the monitor can cause a lot of problems regarding image deformation. You can also note factors such as exposure to sunlight and exposure to high humidity on the monitor. To test this device, you do not need special education; you just need to test it on another computer. Take advantage of this opportunity from a friend. If after connecting the bars on the monitor disappear, then the problem is in your computer; if the opposite result occurs, then you need to contact a specialized service, since such a problem cannot be corrected with your own hands.

Checking loops

Stripes on the monitor screen can also mean that you probably have problems in the connections of the elements themselves, which can sometimes be either physically damaged or simply dusty. To check them, you need to carefully examine every millimeter of the cable for physical damage. Are there blackheads there? Is the cable itself positioned correctly? Does it have unnecessary bends? Is everything connected correctly? If this is possible, then it is worth checking them on another computer. In fact, the problem of cables is quite complex, and not everyone can fully check these wires, therefore, in order to diagnose such a problem instantly, you must always have several spare cables on hand, which can be replaced if necessary. If, after using fresh wire options, stripes continue to appear on the monitor, then you should look for the source of the problem in other equipment. And if there is no problem, then you have already solved it and can continue to enjoy the possibilities of the virtual space. It is worth remembering this nuance, since not many people know that this can also be the cause of an unpleasant situation.

Cleaning your computer

Damage to internal elements

But do not forget about the possible breakdown of internal devices, which can also cause defects on the screen. These elements mainly include tracks and connecting elements on the motherboard. If you check them carefully, you will find that some of the strips have turned black and the resistors are swollen. It is this state of affairs that is the cause of the breakdown, which cannot be corrected by one’s own efforts. Therefore, if you find at least one element from the listed ones, then it is worth replacing motherboard, since repairing it will no longer be possible.

How to solve this problem?

Stripes appeared on the monitor. How to solve this problem? Actually, we have considered everything possible options solutions in this article, all of them are described above. First, you need to diagnose the equipment, clean the computer, since dust can cause overheating of important computer elements, and then draw conclusions and look for a way out of this unpleasant situation. Vertical stripe on the monitor or another graphic defect - all this is caused by the problems that we have discussed. As for the ways to eliminate them, we also examined them, in particular we mentioned the motherboard itself, which can serve as a source of negative impact. But, unfortunately, it is quite difficult to check it, so the only correct solution may be to contact a service center. Everything else can be checked and you can figure out what exactly is the reason for the defect appearing on the screen.

Service is a guaranteed solution to the problem

A black line on the monitor, the image breaking up into pixels of different sizes, the image disappearing, incorrect color gamut - all this and much more indicates that there is a problem with your computer. This article allows you to fix them or diagnose them yourself. But it happens that your hands are simply afraid to touch anything there and generally disassemble the computer. It is in such cases, when you are not confident in your abilities, that a specialized service center will help you, where they will provide all the necessary services. For a fee, they will clean your computer and restore the normal image on the monitor. And if the breakdown is critical, then they will definitely tell you what exactly the problem is and how to fix it. Now it has become much easier to navigate this situation, which will undoubtedly serve as a positive new experience in terms of managing and monitoring computer technology.