Works on excel. Cells and their contents

You need to know the basic techniques for working with cells and their contents in Excel to calculate, analyze, and organize information.

In this tutorial you will learn how to select cells, enter content, delete cells and their contents. You'll also learn how to cut, copy and paste cells, drag and fill cells using the fill handle.

Cells and their contents

Cells are the basic building blocks of a sheet. Cells can have a variety of contents, e.g. text, formulas or functions. To work with cells, you need to know how to select them, enter content, and delete cells and their contents.


Each rectangle on a sheet is called a cell. A cell is the intersection of a row and a column.

Each cell has a name or cell address, which is formed based on the names of the column and row, the intersection of which forms the cell. The address of the selected cell is shown in the Name field. Here you can see that the cell is selected C5.

You can also select multiple cells at the same time. A group of cells is called range of cells. If you are referring not to a single cell, but to a range, then use a notation of the addresses of the first and last cells, separated by a colon. For example, a range of cells including cells A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 would be written as A1:A5.

To select a cell:

You can also move between cells and highlight them using the arrow keys on your keyboard.

To select multiple cells:

Each cell can contain its own text, formatting, comments, formulas, or functions.

Cells can contain letters, numbers, and dates.

Formatting Attributes
Cells can contain formatting attributes that change the way letters, numbers, and dates are displayed. For example, dates can be formatted as MM/DD/YYYY or Month/D/YYYY.

Cells can contain comments from multiple reviewers.

Formulas and functions
Cells can contain formulas and functions that calculate cell values. For example, SUM (cell 1, cell 2...) is a formula that adds the values ​​of multiple cells.

To enter content:

  1. Click on a cell to select it.
  2. Enter content into the selected cell using the keyboard. It will appear in the cell and formula bar. You can also enter and edit content in the formula bar.

To delete the contents of a cell:

  1. Select the desired cell.
  2. Click the Clear command on the ribbon. A dialog box will appear.
  3. Select Clear Contents.

You can also use the Backspace key to delete content from a single cell or Delete key to delete content from multiple cells.

To delete cells:

  1. Select the cells you want to delete.
  2. On the ribbon, select Delete.

There is a huge difference between deleting cell contents And deleting the cell itself. If you delete a cell, by default the cells below the cell you delete will move up to take its place.

To copy and paste cell contents:

To cut and paste cell contents:

To access paste options:

There are quite a few paste options that can be accessed from the Paste command's drop-down menu. These options may be useful for advanced users whose cells contain formulas or formatting.

To access formatting commands:

  1. Select the cells you want to format.
  2. Right-click on the selected cells. A dialog box will appear where you can easily find many commands that are also available on the ribbon.

To move cells:

To use a fill handle to fill cells:


  1. Open an existing Excel 2010 workbook.
  2. Select cell D3, and notice how its address looks in the Name field and its contents in the formula bar.
  3. Try writing text and numbers.
  4. Use the fill handle to fill adjacent cells vertically and horizontally.
  5. Cut out the cells and paste them somewhere else.
  6. Delete a cell and notice how the cells underneath move upward.
  7. Try dragging the cells.

In continuation, I will tell you how to work in Microsoft Excel, a spreadsheet included in the Microsoft Office suite.

The same principles of operation, which we will consider here, are also suitable for the free WPS Office package, which was discussed in the previous lesson (if you do not have Microsoft package Office).

There are a lot of sites on the Internet dedicated to working in Microsoft Excel. The capabilities of spreadsheets, which include Excel, are very large. Perhaps that is why, with the release in 1979 of the first such program, which was called VisiCalc, for the Apple II microcomputer, they began to be widely used not only for entertainment, but also for practical work with calculations, formulas, finances.

In order to begin the first steps to understand the principle of working in Excel, I offer this lesson.
You can object to me - why do I need Excel for home calculations? standard calculator, which is in . If you add up two or three numbers, I agree with you. What is the advantage of spreadsheets, I will tell you.

If, while entering several numbers, we notice an error on the calculator, especially at the beginning of the entry, we need to erase everything that was typed before the error and start typing over. Here we can correct any value without affecting others; we can calculate many values ​​with one coefficient, then changing only it with another. I hope I have convinced you that this is very interesting program, which is worth getting to know.

Launching Microsoft Excel

To start the program, click the button – Start – All Programs – Microsoft Office – Microsoft Excel (if you have free package WPS Office – Start – All Programs – WPS Office – WPS Spreadsheets).

In order to enlarge the image, click on the picture with the mouse, return - another click

The program window Fig. 1 opens. Just like Word, you can select several areas - they are marked with numbers.

    1. Tabs.
    2. Tab Tools.
    3. Sheet navigation area.
    4. Formula area.
    5. Columns.
    6. Lines.
    7. Page layout area.
    8. Image scale.
    9. Working area of ​​the sheet.
    10. Book navigation area.

Now a little more detail.

Excel is called spreadsheet because at its core it is a table with cells at the intersection of columns and rows. Each cell can contain different data. The data format can be:

  • text
  • numerical
  • monetary
  • time
  • percentage
  • boolean values
  • formulas

Text, as a rule, is needed not for calculations, but for the user. In order for the data in a cell to become text, it is enough to put an apostrophe – ‘ at the beginning of the line. What comes after the apostrophe will be perceived as a line, or select the “Text” cell format. Fig.2
Numbers are the main object on which calculations are performed. Fig.3
Date and Time – Displays the date and time. You can perform calculations on dates. Fig.4 ( different formats display)
Boolean values ​​can take two values ​​– “True” and “False”. When used in formulas, different branches of calculations can be performed depending on the Boolean value. Fig.5
Formulas in cells are needed directly for calculations. As a rule, in the cell where the formula is located, we see the result of the calculation; we will see the formula itself in the formula bar when we stand on this cell. The formula begins with the ‘=’ sign. For example, we want to add the number in cell A1 with the number in cell B1 and place the result in cell C1. We write the first number in cell A1, the second in B1, in cell C1 we write the formula “=A1+B1” (A and B on English layout keyboard) and press. In cell C1 we see the result. We return the cursor to cell C1 and in the formula bar we see the formula. Fig.6
By default, the cell format is general, depending on the entered value, the program tries to determine the value (except when we put an apostrophe (‘) or equal (=) at the beginning).

Numbers 5 and 6 in Fig. 1 indicate the columns and rows of our table. Each cell is uniquely identified by a column letter and row number. The cursor in Fig. 1 is in the left top corner in cell A1 (displayed in the navigation area under the number 3), next to the right is B1, and from A1, next down is A2. Fig.7

Example of working in Microsoft Excel

The easiest way to learn how to work in Excel is to learn by example. Let's calculate the rent for the month. I’ll say right away that the example is conditional, the tariffs and volumes of resources consumed are conditional.

Let's place the cursor on column A, Fig. 8,
and click on it with the left mouse button. In the menu that opens, click on “Format Cells...”. In the next menu that opens, Fig. 9
On the “Number” tab, select the “Text” item. In this column we will write the name of the services.

From the second line we write:
Cold water
Solid waste removal

Our inscriptions go to column B. We place the cursor on the border between columns A and B, it turns into a dash with two arrows to the left and to the right. Click left button mouse and, moving the border to the right, increase the width of column A in Fig. 10.

With the cursor on column B, press the left mouse button and, moving to the right, select columns B, C, D. By clicking on the selected area with the right mouse button, Fig. 11,
In the menu that opens, on the “Number” tab, select the “Numeric” format.
In cell B1 we write “Tariff”, in C1 “Volume”, D1 “Amount”, Fig. 12.

In cell B2, the “Electricity” tariff, we enter the tariff, in cell C2 the volume, the number of kilowatts of electricity consumed.
In B3 the tariff for water, in C3 the volume, the number of cubic meters of water consumed.
In B4, the tariff for solid waste removal, in C4, the area of ​​the apartment (if the tariff depends on the area, or the number of residents, if the tariff depends on the number of people).
In B5, the tariff is for thermal energy, in B5, the area of ​​the apartment (if the tariff depends on the area).
Let's go to cell D2 in Fig. 13,
write the formula “=B2*C2” and press. The result of Fig. 14 appears in cell D2.
We return to cell D2 in Fig. 15.
Move the cursor to the lower right corner of the cell where the dot is. The cursor turns into a cross. Press the left mouse button and drag the cursor down to cell D5. We copy the formulas from cell D2 to cell D5, and we immediately see the result in Fig. 16.
In cell D2 we wrote the formula “=B2*C2”, if we go to cell D3 in Fig. 17,
then we will see that when copying in the formula bar it changes to “=B3*C3”, in cell D4 there will be a formula “=B4*C4”, in D5, “=B5*C5”. These are relative links, more about absolute ones a little later.

We wrote the formula by hand. I'll show you another option for introducing the formula. Let's calculate the final result. Place the cursor in cell D6 in order to insert the total formula there. In the formula bar in Fig. 18,
left-click on the function inscription, marked with the number 1, in the menu that opens, select the “SUM” function, marked with the number 2, at the bottom (highlighted with the number 3) there is a hint on what it does this function. Next, click “OK”. The function arguments window in Fig. 19 opens,
where by default the range of arguments for summation is proposed (numbers 1, 2). If the range suits us, click “OK”. As a result, we get the result in Fig. 20.

You can save the book under any name. Next time, to find out the amount, just open it, enter the consumption volumes for the next month, and we will immediately get the result.

Absolute and relative links

What are absolute and relative links. We encountered relative links in the previous example. When we copied the formula, our cell addresses from the formula changed in accordance with the changes in the rows. A relative link is written as A1 or B5.

Now we will look at another example.

Let's type a list of fruits, price, weight, amount, discounted amount, discounted amount, discount.
Let's fill out the table in Fig. 21.
For the amount in column D, we will type the sum formula and copy it as in the previous example. Let's put a discount in cell C2, let's say 15%. Now let's write a formula for the discount amount in cell F2. If we write “=D2*G2”, then when copying in the 3rd line of formulas it will be “=D3*G3”, and the discount percentage is in cell “G2”, and in cell “G3” is empty. In order for the formula to copy when copying, the reference remains to cell “G2” and there is absolute addressing.

To do this, place a dollar sign in front of the column and row names. It looks like this – “$G$2”. Let’s try to write the formula “=D2*$G$2” like this and then copy Fig. 22.
Place the cursor in cell F3 (marked with number 1) Fig. 23,
in the formula bar we see the formula “=D3*$G$2” (marked with the number 2), i.e. what we need. Well, now we can write a formula for the amount with a discount “=D2-D2*$G$2” (number 2) Fig. 23.

There is another type of links - mixed. When the dollar sign appears only before the column name or only before the row name.

A little trick. Sometimes it is necessary to number a list in Microsoft Excel. There are several ways to do this. I'll show you one of them. Let us have a list in Fig. 24.
Right click Click on column A and select “Insert” from the menu that opens. New column select Fig. 27 and set the alignment to the middle and alignment to the center. In cell A1 we put the number 1, in A2 we put the number 2. Select these two cells and place the cursor in the lower left corner of Fig. 25
(to the point), the cursor turns into a cross, and drag down to the end of the list. Release the mouse button - the list is numbered Fig. 29

This data is enough to start working in Microsoft Excel. This is the purpose of this lesson.

There are some things that you can completely live without. For example, an electric can opener, or a sausage cutter. This list One could continue ad infinitum, however, the meaning is probably already clear. In ordinary life they are simply not needed. Of course, there is some probability that someday they will also find use.

For example, you expect a large number of guests and you need to open 10 cans of green peas, and then cut 20 loaves of sausage into thin slices. Of course, under such circumstances, the above things will be very useful. But this special cases. In everyday life, it’s easier for us to open a can of canned food. in the usual way, as well as cutting off a couple of slices of sausage for a sandwich.

It's the same with computer programs. Studying them simply for general development, in the hope that someday they will be needed, would be a waste of time. Of course, during your training you will in any case improve your general computer skills. For example, you become more confident in holding a mouse, you begin to type faster and faster, you become more fluent in unfamiliar interfaces... However, first of all, you should master programs that will really help you in your work or personal life.

MS Excel program is universal tool and is suitable for almost any person who, as part of his job, has to calculate something, maintain databases, build diagrams, and the like. Moreover, the word “calculate” is often scary ordinary people. Something like matrix transposition or differential equations immediately appears.

In fact, even in everyday life there is a place for calculations. Let's look at some simple examples.

The first is the most banal: you need to keep a table of expenses and income. If you are not lazy and write down at least large expenses there, you will be able to draw conclusions about the structure of expenses and adjust them.

Second: you need to make a diagram using the existing table. In Excel, this can be done in just a few minutes (of course, if you know how).

Fourth: you need to maintain a small database of the company’s clients.

All these and many other tasks become easily solvable if you use Microsoft Excel.

Due to the nature of my work, I constantly have to analyze digital data. Previously, this took a lot of time because I preferred to work with a regular calculator. However, when the boss once again hinted at the presence of constant errors in the calculations and asked to speed up the provision of reports with the results of business trips, “bad” thoughts began to creep into my head that it was time to shake off the old days and start training.

How to learn Excel

Everyone comes to Excel differently. However, few people manage to master the program on their own, using textbooks. The fact is that, as a rule, there is absolutely no time for this. The bosses don't really care that you need to learn something. He needs results.

Therefore, we have to do it in fits and starts. IN free time. Buying books at your own expense.

There is another tactic: you can endlessly terrorize your colleagues by asking them question after question, asking them to show how this or that operation is done. Colleagues are different. Some people try to help you at first. Others immediately come up with a way to make you “get rid of” yourself. For example, giving advice in a deliberately dismissive tone, showing with all your appearance that you are an impenetrable idiot, and without a single hope of correction.

Alas, selfeducation usually goes slowly. Sometimes a person simply falls into a stupor, because he is firmly up against an insurmountable obstacle. Day after day nothing works out, and there is no one to ask. Colleagues, seeing you approaching their table, immediately take on such a puzzled look that they simply don’t dare ask them questions.

What to do, you think, and decide to look for some MS Excel courses.

MS Excel courses

Here, as they say, depending on your luck. If you are lucky enough to find a good teacher who actually works with the program in practice, and did not study it from books a month before the start of your courses, consider that half the battle is done.

If your boss agrees to let you study at work time- it will be even better. And if he also deigns to pay for your tuition, then you can consider yourself a real darling of fate.

What if everything turns out the other way around?

You will go to the training center after work, when your head is already boiling from production tasks. You will pay a considerable amount of money out of your own pocket for the Excel course. And with all this, you will come across a teacher who can only talk about the program within the framework of the book “Excel for Dummies”. Any question “aside” from the general line will baffle him.

As a result, after completing the training you will be completely convinced that Excel is one of the most complex programs in the world, and you yourself are one of the most stupid students, a disgrace to the training center that graduated you and the teacher personally. How can you not return to the good old calculator, causing the wrath of your superiors and the smirks of your more advanced colleagues.

Even if this sad “second option” does not happen to you, you still have to travel halfway across the city to classes at the end of the working day, waste time in traffic jams, sit in a stuffy classroom under flickering neon lights, adjust to the speed of work of the slowest student in the group - is it really Is this how learning should take place in the 21st century?

Online MS Excel lessons

Of course not! I immediately dismissed the in-person courses and started looking for online learning options. In general, there are a lot of completely free ones on the Internet. materials for mastering Excel. At first I was delighted and began to look through them, but over time it became clear that free lessons very scattered, difficult to find continuation, etc.

Sometimes the quality of information delivery left much to be desired.

However, at some point I discovered two courses that seemed good to me. Alas, one of them was not complete enough and contained only the most. This was only suitable for the most novice users. The second course was thorough and serious. What captivated me most was that the analysis of the program’s functions was not a simple abstract enumeration, but based on specific examples.

Even though these were examples not entirely from my field, they helped me master the capabilities of the program, get better at it, and absorb working techniques. All this made it possible to take subsequent independent steps, acting by analogy.

Online learning versus classic courses

There are disciplines where online training powerless. Everything there is built on live interaction between mentor and student. However, if we are talking about mastering a new computer program, then a video lesson will work more successfully than a regular one when both the teacher and the student are in the classroom at the same time.

If we work with video lessons, then we are not tied to a specific time and place of study. You can study when you have time. The main thing is not to give up. This rule is very important! Many people who criticize distance learning turn out to be undisciplined slobs. Having paid for the course, they believe that they will learn in any case and are very surprised when month after month passes, and somehow their knowledge does not increase at all.

Nothing surprising. On weekdays they usually have no time to study - work, fatigue, TV. And when they sit down to study on the weekend, what they mastered a week ago is almost forgotten. You have to endlessly go back and re-watch already completed video lessons. And not just watch, but do all the actions yourself. And then there are tasks for independent work.

Another problem is passively watching video tutorials without any attempts to complete the proposed exercises with your own hands. Indeed, why carry them out when everything is already clear. Let's move on...

As a result, without gaining practical skills day after day, simply watching lessons during a lunch break with a cup of coffee in hand, a person does not study, but wastes time. It is not surprising that some people have a strong antipathy towards distance learning.

Yes, it is not for slobs. If you want to learn something, watch and learn.

Excel lessons by Andrey Sukhov

As I already said, I liked the course. All topics are discussed using specific examples, which are much better remembered. I liked the fact that the author did not record one large video lesson covering an entire section of the course, but divided it into several short videos.

Watching a short video covering a specific situation and its solution is much more convenient. It's very easy to rewind the video if you've missed something. It is constantly suggested that you perform this or that action yourself. So not only the head, but also the hands remember the sequence of operations.

It is valuable that the author offers to watch the first, introductory part of the course without setting any conditions. It covers the most basic information and skills, which are nevertheless sufficient to solve simple, non-specialized problems.

At the same time, you have the opportunity to listen to how the author teaches lessons. Are there any problems with diction, is the pace of presentation of the material normal, are the examples clear, etc.

At one time, I also first subscribed to the first free part, and then paid full course. It cost 1800 rubles. On the one hand, it seems expensive. On the other hand, full-time courses are much more expensive. If you buy a textbook, the savings will be very doubtful. Indeed, there are inexpensive books, but the training takes a lot of time.

Result of training and implementation of Excel

Now the bosses are quite happy with me. I have fewer mistakes and I submit reports on time. What about the bosses! I myself am completely delighted. After all, as soon as I created and debugged the table once, all the work then consisted only of adding fresh, relevant numbers to several cells. The program instantly performed calculations and produced ready-made numbers.

If earlier drawing up a damned report was real hard labor, now it has turned into a holiday. Everything works out quickly and without errors. Almost "itself" :)

Who said the phrase: “Manual labor on the shoulders of machines?” This is exactly what happened in my case. The time spent learning has paid off handsomely. Thank you Microsoft for such useful program and Andrey Sukhov for clear and useful.


From my own experience, I will say one obvious thing: many novice users underestimate Excel (and, I would say, even very much underestimate it). Maybe I'm judging by personal experience(when previously I could not add 2 numbers) and had no idea why Excel was needed, and then becoming an “average” user of Excel, I was able to solve problems tens of times faster with which I had previously sat and “thought”...

Purpose of this article: not only show how to perform this or that action, but also show the potential capabilities of the program for novice users who are not even aware of them. After all, if you have even very basic skills in Excel (as I said earlier), you can speed up your work several times!

The lessons are small instructions to perform this or that action. I chose the topics for the lessons myself, based on questions that I often have to answer.

Lesson topics : sorting the list by the desired column, adding numbers (sum formula), filtering rows, creating a table in Excel, drawing up a graph (diagram).

Excel 2016 Lessons

1) How to sort the list alphabetically, ascending (by required column/column)

This kind of problem occurs very often. For example, there is a table in Excel (or you copied it there) and now you need to sort it by some column/column (for example, the table as in Fig. 1).

Now the task: it would be nice to sort it in ascending order of numbers in December.

First you need to select the table with the left mouse button: note that you need to select those columns and columns that you want to sort (This important point : for example, if I did not select column A (with the names of people) and sort by “December”, then the values ​​​​from column B would be lost relative to the names in column A. That is the connections would be broken, and Albina would not be with “1”, but with “5”, for example).

After selecting the table, go to the next section: " Data/Sorting"(see Fig. 2).

Then you need to configure the sorting: select the column by which to sort and the direction: ascending or descending. There is nothing special to comment on here (see Fig. 3).

2) How to add several numbers in a table, sum formula

Also one of the most popular tasks. Let's look at how to quickly solve it. Let's say that we need to add up three months and get the total amount for each participant (see Fig. 5).

We select one cell in which we want to get the amount (in Fig. 5 it will be “Albina”).

Actually, in the window that appears, you need to indicate (select) the cells that you want to add. This is done very simply: select with the left mouse button and press the “OK” button (see Fig. 7).

After this, you will see the result in the previously selected cell (see Fig. 7 - result “8”).

In theory, this amount is usually required for each participant in the table. Therefore, in order not to enter the formula again manually, you can simply copy it into the required cells. In fact, everything looks simple: select a cell (in Fig. 9 it is E2), in the corner of this cell there will be a small rectangle - “stretch” it to the end of your table!

As a result, Excel will calculate the sum of each participant (see Fig. 10). Everything is simple and fast!

3) Filtering: leave only those rows where the value is greater (or where it contains...)

After the amount has been calculated, very often it is necessary to leave only those who have fulfilled a certain barrier (for example, made more than the number 15). For this purpose, Excel has special opportunity- filter.

First you need to select the table (see Fig. 11).

Small “arrows” should appear. If you click on it, the filter menu will open: you can select, for example, numeric filters and configure which rows to show (for example, the “more than” filter will leave only rows in which this column the number will be greater than you specify).

By the way, please note that the filter can be set for each column! The column containing text data (in our case, people's names) will be filtered with slightly different filters: namely, here it is not greater and less (as in numeric filters), but “begins” or “contains”. For example, in my example I introduced a filter for names that begin with the letter “A”.

Rice. 14. The name text contains (or begins with ...)

Please note one thing: the columns in which the filter operates are marked in a special way(see green arrows in Fig. 15).

Overall, the filter is very powerful and useful tool. By the way, in order to turn it off, just top menu Excel - “press” the button of the same name.

4) How to create a table in Excel

Sometimes I get confused by this question. The fact is that Excel is one big table. True, it has no borders, no sheet markings, etc. (as it does in Word - and this misleads many).

Most often, this question refers to creating table boundaries (table formatting). This is done quite easily: first select the entire table, then go to the section: “ Home/Format as table". In the pop-up window, select the design you need: the type of frame, its color, etc. (see Fig. 16).

Rice. 16. Format as a table

The formatting result is shown in Fig. 17. In this form, this table can be transferred, for example, to Word document, make a visual screenshot from it, or simply present it on the screen for the audience. In this form it is much easier to “read”.

5) How to build a graph/chart in Excel

To build a diagram you will need already ready table(or, by at least, 2 columns of data). First of all, you need to add a diagram, to do this, click: “ Insert/pie/3D pie chart" (for example). The choice of chart depends on the requirements (which you follow) or your preferences.

Next, you can choose its style and design. I recommend not using weak and dull colors (light pink, yellow, etc.) in diagrams. The fact is that usually a diagram is made to show it - and these colors are poorly perceived both on the screen and when printed (especially if the printer is not the best).

Actually, all that remains is to specify the data for the diagram. To do this, click on it with the left mouse button: at the top, in the Excel menu - the section “ Working with charts

Rice. 23. Resulting diagram

Actually, I’ll sum it up with this diagram. In this article I have collected (as it seems to me) all the most basic questions that novice users have. Having dealt with these basic capabilities- you yourself will not notice how you will begin to learn new “tricks” faster and faster.

Having learned to use 1-2 formulas, many other formulas will be “created” in the same way!

Today, not a single computer or laptop running on operating system Windows cannot do without a spreadsheet editor. This is why many users need to learn as much as possible about how to work in Excel. We decided to help all beginners and do everything to ensure that familiarization with the program inspires them to work with all kinds of formulas, numbers and functional tables.

So, the first thing worth saying when starting to work with Excel is that some types of information are better perceived only when they are systematized and presented in table form. If you want to learn how to independently convert data received from the external environment, we advise you to start using Excel from the simplest thing - creating a table.

To create a new table, you need to open the editor and use the cursor to select the range of cells you need on the worksheet. The zone you select will light up in light gray, and its boundaries will be indicated by a thick black line. It is with this zone that we will work in the future to convert it into a table.

After you set the table to the required size, go to the “Home” tab and find the “Table Formatting” category in the sheet that opens. A window should open in front of you with a list of styles that you can use to decorate your table. Specify all the necessary parameters, enter the headers and confirm your actions by clicking on the “OK” button. If you did everything correctly, the cells you selected at the first stage will be converted to the style you defined.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in the headers of the table you created there are arrow buttons. They are needed for comfortable filtering of data that will be entered into the editor grid. For convenience, we advise you to immediately indicate the names of the values ​​by writing them in the column headings.

Is it possible to change the table?

The initial appearance of the table you created can be changed at any time. While working with a data matrix, you have the opportunity to change its design, increase it by adding new rows and columns, or, conversely, decrease it by removing the latter. In addition, in Excel you can build graphs and perform complex calculations and actions with data entered into the table. So that you can use all the features of the program, we suggest you learn how to add to an already existing and functioning table additional columns and lines.

So, if in the process of working with a data grid you catch yourself thinking that you do not have enough space to enter all the necessary information values, then you need to change the size of this grid. You can do this in two ways:

  1. The first involves adding data directly to a cell located outside the grid area. That is, depending on which element in the table you are missing - a column or a row, the data will be added either to the right or to the bottom, automatically expanding the working area of ​​the grid;
  2. The second way to add columns and rows is by simply dragging the table frame to the distance you need.

Experimenting with style

It is also important to learn how to change a previously selected table style. To do this, you will need to select any cell in the grid workspace and go to the “Design” tab. In the functional sheet that appears, find the “Express Styles” category and select the one that you like best and will satisfy the requirements for the design of your grid.

Parameter changes

If you learn how to use the Design tab, you can not only change appearance matrices with data, but also add and remove all sorts of options. For example, you can provide your grid with a “Heading” or “Alternating Row” option at any time. You may find options such as "First Column" or "Total" useful. In any case, in order to change the parameters, you need to select the zone of cells you need and go to the “Design” tab. There, by checking and unchecking the appropriate “Style Options”, you can make the changes you need.

How to delete tables?

Well, the last thing you need to learn at the first stage of getting to know Excel is the process of deleting created tables. Cases when the need for delimiting data disappears, but the values ​​themselves remain, happen all the time. This is why it is so important to keep the information safe and sound so that you can continue to work with it in the future. To delete a grid, you need to go to the “Designer” and select the “Tools” group containing the “Convert Range” command. By clicking on the last one and confirming your action, you will return the table to the appearance of a normal range.

The information presented in this article is only a small part of what you can do in Excel. Therefore, now that you have a basic understanding of the editor and working in it, the process of learning all the intricacies of converting information will be more productive and fruitful.