Push message - what is it? How to enable and disable Push Notifications? How push notifications differ from SMS: comparison of two mailing channels.

Lately, Push notifications have become increasingly popular, so I decided to write this article in which I will analyze in detail what they are, as well as how to set up, disable, and even how to make money from Push notifications.

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What are Push Notifications:

Push notifications- this is a new look advertising mailing. Something between email and SMS mailings.

How it works?
When you visit a website, you may see this message:

If you click "Allow notifications", then subscribe to the Push newsletter of this site, after which the site will be able to send you notifications at any time directly to your browser.

These notifications look like this:

A small picture and a couple of lines of text. By clicking on this notification you will be redirected to the website page that is advertised in this push notification.

To receive push notifications you need:
1) Allow the site to send you notifications.
2) Connect to the Internet.
3) Open the Internet browser through which you subscribed to Push notifications.

In general, if you have subscribed to notifications from a site, then when you open your browser you will immediately see if this site has sent you something.

You can also watch the video, which explains in sufficient detail what Push Notifications are:

How to disable Push Notifications:

It often happens that you accidentally subscribed to notifications from some site and do not want to receive anything from it. What to do then?

It's very simple - you can unsubscribe from any website in just a few clicks. This is done in the browser settings.

Let's look at how to disable push notifications on Google example Chrome:

1) Go to Google settings Chrome:

2) In the settings, scroll to the very bottom and open the "Advanced" tab:

3) Then open the "Content Settings" tab:

4) Then open the Notifications tab:

5) Scroll to the very bottom and you will see a list called “Allow” - there will be all the sites that you have allowed to send you Push Notifications:

6) Click on the ellipsis to the right of the desired site and a list of actions will open in front of you - select “Block”, after which the selected site will no longer be able to send you notifications:

Done - push notifications are disabled!

For mobile devices everything is approximately the same (even a little simpler):
Go to your browser settings -> Site settings -> Notifications -> Turn off the necessary notifications.

Push notifications SberBank paid or free:

As I already wrote at the very beginning, push notifications are a new feature and many large sites (such as Sberbank or other banks) are just starting to use it, so not all users are familiar with push notifications and do not fully understand - is it paid or free?

I will answer - Push notifications are absolutely free! Not only for you, but also for the site itself that sends them, which is why more and more sites are using Push notifications.

Notification changed from SMS to Push:

Another question that many users of large sites have is why was I transferred from SMS notifications to Push notifications and what has changed because of this?

I answer - practically nothing has changed for you, you will also receive all notifications on your phone, the only difference is that An internet connection is required to receive Push Notifications. So if the Internet is turned off on your phone, then you will not be able to receive notifications, but don’t worry - as soon as you connect to the Internet, you will immediately receive all notifications.

Why do they switch from SMS to Push notifications?
As I already wrote above, everything is very simple - Push notifications can be sent for free, unlike SMS. Therefore, many large sites are now switching from SMS to push notifications.

How to enable Push notifications:

If you are the owner of a website and want to enable push notifications, then this is very easy to do - just register on one of the services that deals with push mailings and install special code to your website, after which you can track the number of subscribers and send them push notifications.

2) In your account on the service, go to the "Push" section and click "Add site":

3) You will then receive instructions on how to install the code on your site:

4) Install the code according to the instructions - after this, an offer to subscribe to your Push newsletter will be displayed on your website and you will be able to send Push notifications to your subscribers.

More detailed instructions You can watch the video to install the code:

Earnings from Push Notifications:

And as I promised, at the end of this article I would like to tell you how you can make money from Push notifications. In the previous paragraph of the article, I already mentioned that there is one service - PushProfit, which allows you to make money from Push notifications.

How it works?
It’s very simple - register with PushProfit, install their code on your website and start collecting subscribers.

After this, the service will send Push mailings with various advertisements to your subscribers every day, and you will receive money for each click on the advertising mailing.

Also, if you already have a collected base of Push subscribers, then you can connect it via the API to the PushProfit service and immediately start earning money by sending advertising messages to the already collected subscribers.

If you are interested in this method of earning money, you can find out more about it in my review of the PushProft service - read the review on PushProfit.

That's all I wanted to tell you about Push subscriptions, I hope you found the answer to your question, but if not, then feel free to ask questions in the comments below, I will try to answer everyone.

As our publication learned, Sberbank conducted a study of telecommunications and integration solutions existing on the market with large-scale testing of products, including products for non-voice communication services.

Push messages are not tied to mobile operators, SIM cards and subscriber numbers. The recipient of messages is not the device, but the mobile application installed on the device

Notifying clients in the form of text messages regarding transactions with a client account has long become commonplace banking service. Besides, the federal law“On the National Payment System” directly requires banks to notify customers about transactions.

The global trend of switching from desktop computers to mobile devices encourages banks to consider new tool communication with consumers - push messages. Unlike SMS, push messages are sent via cloud web services of mobile phone manufacturers. operating systems(Apple, Google, Microsoft), to access which mobile devices can use both 3G/4G Internet connections and Wi-Fi. Push messages are not tied to mobile operators, SIM cards and subscriber numbers. The recipient of messages is not the device, but the mobile application installed on the device. Thus, in order to take advantage of the new technology, the user must install the Sberbank Online mobile bank-client application on his device. This gives the user the opportunity to perform a lot of transactions directly from a smartphone, without using a PC to access the bank’s website and, of course, without visiting a bank branch.

Currently, applications have been released for all common mobile operating systems and devices, smartphones and tablets.

Push notifications are available on any device used for online banking

It should be noted that the use of push messages gives developers the opportunity to organize interactive communication with the client. For example, it can confirm or block transactions by pressing a push. And the use of geolocation services together with push notifications makes it possible to implement scenarios for notifying a client when he is in certain locations - for example, a request to evaluate the performance of a bank branch when leaving it.

Push notifications are available on any device that is used for online banking: tablet, laptop, smartphone or even smart watch. This is a more interactive form of communication. Notifications are app-specific and can be sent to the desired section of the app where the consumer can immediately take action. For example, if a transaction seems suspicious to the bank, then a message sent to the client on this topic may contain the opportunity to confirm the transaction by immediately clicking “yes” in the push message sent. This type of messages also allows you to make them more personalized due to geolocation.

An important advantage of push messages is that the cost of sending them is much cheaper than sending SMS messages, since the operator cellular communications does not participate in sending, but only provides the Internet service to the user. Sberbank is the largest sender of SMS messages in the Russian Federation.

According to forecasts of international experts in the field of financial services technologies, push messages claim to become one of the main types of communication between banks and clients.

“The transition to communicating with clients through push notifications is a continuation of the global trend of penetration of the ecosystem of smartphones, operating systems and mobile applications. Considering the number of Sberbank Online users, the bank can save more than 10 billion rubles over the next five years,” says Mikhail Alekseev, senior managing partner of AC&M Consulting.

The financial sector is traditionally more conservative and introduces technological innovations only after comprehensive assessment and verification. However, according to the forecasts of international experts in the field of financial services technology, push messages claim to become one of the main types of communication between banks and clients, and this is a matter of a short period of time.

Unfortunately, Sberbank representatives do not disclose all the details and suppliers participating in this global project. We were able to obtain only some details of the procedure for selecting a provider of non-voice communication services, namely a platform for generating and sending push messages. It became known that out of the applications submitted, ten applicants met the formal requirements, and only four companies moved into the pilot testing phase. The winner was assessed on numerous parameters, including: performance, fault tolerance, clustering and scalability, as well as the use of innovative approaches in the provided solution. Based on the results of all stages, MFMSolutions* was selected as a supplier.

Konstantin Pakhurov, CEO MFMSolutions, confirmed information about participation in the project. According to him, during the market research, the company was able to demonstrate high performance indicators of the proposed software, as well as unique approaches and algorithms within the framework of the task, thus confirming the status of a supplier that successfully implements the strategy of introducing innovative and relevant integrated solutions. Currently time is running planned implementation of MFMSolutions solutions into the company's infrastructure.

Ruslan Gurdzhiyan, Managing Director of the Digital Business Development Directorate of Sberbank, confirmed the fact of holding a competition and choosing a push notification platform, but did not disclose the amount of potential savings.

* According to independent research by the Advanced Communications & Media agency and the Association of Electronic Communications RAEC (2015, 2016), the company is also a leader as an SMS aggregator in the financial sector.

One of the newest types of attracting the attention of a wide audience to goods and services is the technology of push notifications (English push - pushing), arriving at mobile gadgets users or appearing in the browser. Compared to traditional information options, this method is faster and more widespread. What nuances do website owners need to know if they are planning to use such a promising notification tool?

Push notifications - what they are and what they are for

Push notifications are windows small size with advertising information that appears on top of all other open tabs on your device. Any gadget connected to the Internet is capable of receiving advertisements of this kind.

The American company HubSpot found out which first sentences do not inspire the reader, but, on the contrary, force them to delete the letter.

In our article we have collected 5 such phrases and ways to correct mistakes.

Popping up against the background of an open window, a push notification clearly attracts the user’s attention. Since the size of the message is minimal, even during the time required to close it, a person willy-nilly manages to familiarize himself with the contents of the notification. If you are interested, a hyperlink is provided for more detailed information.

On this moment Marketers face an even greater challenge. It is due to the fact that it is becoming more and more difficult to promote goods and services every day. Information space oversaturated with advertising, competition is constantly growing, especially in global network, which is more actively used than ever to use unusual forms of promotion. Push notifications are one of the newest ways to convey information to potential consumers.

The specificity of push notifications is the targeted nature of receiving information, since each subscriber registered on the network has a unique encrypted token.

When a user subscribes to web push-messages will be sent directly to his PC. Sending the same push notification to mobile phone or another user is excluded, since each site has its own token.

Who is suitable for sending push notifications?

Online stores

Push notifications are used to increase online sales. Messages may contain information about discounts on specific types of goods. In order to increase the effectiveness of push notifications, a preliminary division of the audience into segments is required.

News portals and blogs

This technology has long been adopted by the media. Their subscribers are already accustomed to reading notifications about the latest news on a topic that interests them. Push notifications for a site that specializes in publishing cutting-edge articles are reliable and convenient way maintain the attention of your audience.

Online events

It often happens that, having become interested in the topic of an upcoming webinar, a user registers to participate in it, but then forgets about it in the hustle and bustle of daily affairs. Missing an online lecture can be frustrating and depriving. necessary knowledge. Push notifications in the browser will help you avoid these annoying mistakes by reminding you of the date and time of your online conference.

Statistics and numbers

There are portals that are a source of extremely necessary information for business people about exchange rates, the rise and fall of stocks, etc. Push notifications containing such information will be appreciated.

Push Notifications: Advantages and Disadvantages of Use

First of all, it is necessary to emphasize the crucial role of push technology in raising advertising and the entire process of promoting goods and services to new level. The consumer can finally stop being the recipient of numerous spam messages.

There are many things to note common features between SMS messages, email newsletters and push notifications. Wherein new technology has a number of advantages:

  1. Easy to subscribe. To express consent to receive notifications, the user only needs to check one box.
  2. Good visibility of notifications. An ad that appears on top of running applications, according to the Jeapie service, is read almost 100% of the time. The number of subsequent clicks on the links it contains is also much higher than in the case of advertising banners.
  3. It's easy to install services on your website. The installation procedure for the push mailing module is simple and only requires entering a code.
  4. Price. Bulk SMS messaging is not covered. unlimited tariffs operators mobile communications. Therefore, the cost of sending is directly dependent on the volume of text sent. Unlike SMS, the price of push notifications is calculated based on the number of subscribers. In addition, there are services that do not charge any fees for their services.
  5. No spam. A user who receives too many untargeted notifications can easily unsubscribe and rid himself of the flow unnecessary information. Unlike push technology, email or cell phone number can send messages to numerous spam services, for which it is not a problem to obtain such data.
  6. Relevance of information. Recipients of the disseminated information are only those users who have confirmed their interest in it.

All these factors contribute to the fact that push notifications are rapidly spreading as a unique advertising tool. Their efficiency and relevance allows users to keep abreast of all updates.

The disadvantage of using push notifications is the low percentage of Runet users who are aware of the existence of this technology. Therefore, consumers often do not agree to receive these messages because they do not understand its essence.

In addition, there are still too few sites that use the capabilities of push notifications with maximum efficiency. So global growth in this segment of the advertising market is still ahead.

The limited volume of notifications should also be taken into account, which cannot exceed 125 characters. This encourages creators of advertising texts to formulate information briefly and succinctly. Push technology is another tool in the marketer’s arsenal that requires skill to master. Only then can it be guaranteed that the use of such messages will give the expected result.

Types of push notifications

Browser (web) push notifications

They can be received by the user’s computer or Android device on which Google Chrome is installed, from the website where the subscription was issued. iOS devices do not have the ability to receive web-push notifications.

  1. GCM: Google, absolutely free, you just need to create a key in the developer console.
  2. APNS: Apple, you need a developer with a certificate, or you can purchase it yourself for $100 per year.
  3. MSP: Mozilla Push Service, requires no payment or registration.

There is no need to spend thousands of rubles for the number of notifications or subscribers. The service itself costs nothing, while the operator will have to pay for sending SMS. Remuneration may be charged for intermediary services, comfort level, and calculation of statistics. But the cost of such a package will be insignificant, and with the increase in the number of subscribers it will constantly decrease. If we're talking about about a million notifications per hour, of course, it may require several thousand rubles, but it’s worth it. When it is necessary to send out 100 thousand notifications per day, this is a very small load on the server. GCM allows you to send 5-7 thousand push notifications per second. Although there is big number services they want for this service 1 thousand rub. per month.

PushAll provides the ability to send all types of notifications completely free of charge, without setting any restrictions.

Mobile push notifications

Mobile push notifications are frames with messages that appear at the top of the screen, in the so-called “curtain”, on the lock screen.

The very concept of push notifications gained popularity shortly after its introduction Apple service Push Notification Service (APNS), which allows you to send notifications to devices running iOS 3. Moreover, with the introduction of this technology, Google was significantly ahead of Apple, making it possible to send such messages to Android a year earlier.

Whoever owns the palm, at the moment it does not matter much, since today there are many different services based on push notifications under the brands of various companies:

  1. Apple, having added the push system (APNS) for iPhones, introduced their use for iOS and Safari.
  2. Google introduced Android Cloud to Device Messaging (C2DM) back in 2008, replacing it in 2012 with Google Cloud Messaging (GCM). Of course, this service allows you to send notifications to Chrome-based applications as well.
  3. Microsoft, according to tradition, is trying to catch up with the leaders by creating MPNS. This made it possible to send push notifications to Windows Phone from its seventh version.

There are three types of push notifications in iOS:

  1. Audio—the user is notified of an incoming message using a sound signal.
  2. Audio/Banners—an audio alert sounds and a banner appears on the screen. The contents of both types of messages can be viewed by lowering the “curtain”, i.e. in Notification Center.
  3. Badges (Russian icon, symbol) - a number or a corresponding picture appears near the application icon.

Windows Phone 8 also has three types of push notifications:

  1. Toast (Russian toast) - a notification appears and remains for 10 seconds at the top of the screen. Of course, if desired, the user can go to the application by clicking on it.
  2. Tile (Russian tile) - appear as numbers on a tile (Live Tile) superimposed on the application icon.
  3. Raw (Russian rough) - used to transfer some information inside an application, most often intended for a game.

Not available in Android OS special system, allowing you to demonstrate incoming push notifications. They arrive in the application and can be transmitted in any form, just like raw notifications in WP8. Having received the data, the application either issues standard notification in the “curtain” and at the top of the screen, or a banner appears, as in iOS.

But, based on Android's exceptional ability to respond sensitively to all innovations and adapt to any requirements, push notifications can appear in any form. Let's say an application window may open, which contains all the advertising information.

How push notifications are used in marketing

Marketers have appreciated the capabilities of push notifications and began to widely use them for promotional purposes. However, it is very important not to cross the barely visible line between the desire to help the consumer and intrusiveness. The purpose of notifications should be to create a long-term cooperative relationship between the seller and the consumer. That is why they must meet the requirements of relevance and relevance.

For example, if a developer of educational applications for children sells space for push notifications to a company that specializes in the wholesale trade of coffee, the messages will not find the desired response and will be considered spam by recipients. This may provoke mass unsubscribe from such an application. There is an option for marketers to use GPS technology to send push notifications to the phone of consumers who are currently in close proximity to stores or cafes. This way of establishing cooperation seems more logical, since users receive information in right time and in the right place.

Another useful use of push notifications is to notify the user about the activities of their friends on social networks. For example, informing Facebook about new comments on their posts using push notifications in the browser.

When planning to use mobile or browser push notifications as part of your marketing strategy, check your actions against the following points:

  1. The content of notifications must be designed for the target group of recipients and meet the requirements of relevance.
  2. The ability to discuss the content of messages with friends on social networks increases their effectiveness.
  3. The mailing must include the possibility of cancellation at any time.
  4. Use moderation when sending push notifications. If their daily number exceeds 5-6, there is a high probability of losing subscribers.

Positive results come with experience. It's okay if your first attempt at sending push notifications doesn't bring the expected profit. By analyzing errors, you can improve the effectiveness of your actions in this direction.

2 ways to send push notifications

Method 1. Independent installation on your website

The first method makes it possible to be independent from specialized services and is absolutely free, but will require some effort. The main requirement is that your site supports a secure connection via https protocol, that is, having an SSL certificate. If you don't have one, you'll have to worry about purchasing one. The cheapest certificate will cost 500 rubles. in year.

Following the purchase of a certificate, an API must be created. The usual is enough for this Google account. All you need to do is go to console.developers.google.com and create a new project based on Google Cloud Messaging.

Method 2. Using third-party services

Another option would be to turn to specialized services that allow you to connect push notifications to your website, which requires purchasing an SSL certificate. In addition, you can create motivating widgets to more actively attract users. To the disadvantages this method This includes a two-stage subscription system and the need to pay for the services of intermediaries as the number of users increases. But despite this, working with services makes setting up push notifications much easier.

10 Ways to Make Push Notifications More Effective

1. Notification text

The text of the message, without a doubt, can be called the most important condition on which the effectiveness of your push notifications depends. After all, in an extremely limited volume (no more than 120 characters) it is necessary to fit text that fully reflects the essence of the proposal or advertisement. On at this stage The work of a copywriter, who is required to solve this difficult problem, is of particular importance.

If you don't want your message to be read by the user and forgotten a minute later, do not lose sight of the following: it must contain a clear message to action and indicate the benefits that the consumer will gain by taking advantage of the offer. Push notifications are not enough to be effective. general information about a sale going on in the store. It is much better if it contains the advantages that will be received by the user to whom it is addressed.

3. Alert time

The specificity of push notifications for websites is such that the user is expected to respond immediately. Therefore, we must not forget that subscribers may be in different time zones. Therefore, it is very important to respect the time frame. Notifications should be sent to subscribers at a time during the day that is convenient for them, regardless of their location in any part of the world. This will require additional effort on your part, but will be appreciated by users.

4. Mailing frequency

Often, website owners deprive themselves of subscribers by not following the precautions when sending push notifications. Even if at first this tactic gives positive results, over time, excessively frequent messages begin to cause irritation and lead to unsubscribe.

5. Segmentation

In order for push notifications to work as efficiently as possible, it is impossible not to take into account that each group of subscribers has its own prevailing interests, messages on the topic of which will be more in demand than other information. Therefore, at the subscription stage, it is necessary to receive answers to several questions that will help determine the main directions. Another basis for segmentation may be the degree of activity of your site users who are subscribed to notifications, as well as the content of the pages they view.

6. Offer to enable push notifications

Many users, when installing the application, immediately refuse to receive notifications. Work with them to offer their consent to the subscription, taking into account the benefits they will receive as a result. For this purpose, you can use the application's internal notification system.

7. A/B testing of mailings

Messages also have the ability to perform A/B testing. This tool helps you rank the effectiveness of push notifications. Submit checks Various types messages, types of wording, motivational slogans.

8. Trigger messages

An effective point is to set up and regularly measure automatic mailing based on the results of steps taken by subscribers. The same types of push notifications that are used in online trading work in mobile applications of retail outlets:

  • reminder about the product in the cart;
  • message about a new product;
  • personal offer for a product marked with the “like” icon;
  • selection of additional, related products to the purchased one.

9. Feedback

A mobile application allows you to receive user feedback, so don’t neglect the opportunity to learn directly from consumers about their wishes and needs, without involving expensive market research. Create forms for feedback, fields for product impressions, ask questions about new services, and the like.

10. It’s important to track more than just the number of conversions

When assessing the effectiveness of push notifications, many take into account solely the number of clicks on them that are made as a result of the mailing. However, this indicator is not true enough, because it is necessary to subtract purchases, downloads trial version, ad clicks and many other factors. It is worth marking links with UTM tags in order to more accurately track the actions of subscribers who clicked on them. This is the only way to know how effective notifications are.

Which push notification service to choose: overview of popular options


Service features:

  1. Availability of push notification templates.
  2. There are our own unique formats that allow you to include buttons and emoji in the content of push notifications.
  3. Works in Opera, Chrome, Yandex Browser, Amigo, Firefox.
  4. The number of newsletters and subscribers is unlimited.
  5. Eat free plan nal plan.
  6. Price paid subscription- from $29 monthly.
  • add a platform;
  • indicate the type of request;
  • place the code on the site.


This platform has long been known to marketers who use its capabilities to conduct various campaigns. Provides the ability to produce all types of mailings, both SMS and e-mail, and push notifications.

Service specifics:

  1. There are no restrictions on the number of mailings and subscribers.
  2. Possibility of serial push mailing (creating a cycle of interconnected notifications).
  3. Automatic mailing news from RSS via push messages.
  4. Support Safari, Chrome, Firefox.
  5. Advanced message output settings (delay time, simulation appearance under system notification Chrome and others).
  6. It is possible to use without paying a fee.
  7. Cost of paid tariff plan- 4 thousand rubles. monthly.

The first step, similar for all services, is registration. After this, the mailing type (PUSH) is selected and the site is added. Then the code obtained as a result of generation is placed in the site header.


This platform has several advantages:

  1. Free API access.
  2. Collection of analytics.
  3. Extended pricing (six use cases).
  4. Availability of a free tariff plan limited to 500 notifications.

Supported: IE, Chrome, Yandex Browser, Safari, Firefox.

Integration of the insert into the site is possible after receiving the code in the “Installation” section.


This service is distinguished by the absence of a Russian-language interface, therefore it is suitable only for users who are fluent in English.


  1. Wider notification template settings.
  2. RSS distribution is automatically configured.
  3. Plugins for common CMS (Joomla and WordPress).
  4. A rich collection of controls available for use in messages (buttons, links and widgets).
  5. Impressive number additional functions(geotargeting, testing and others).
  6. Compatible with Chrome and Firefox.
  7. I have an opportunity free use, if the number of subscribers is no more than 500.
  8. Tariffs starting from $25 per month (the cost is calculated based on the number of subscribers).
  9. You can test the service for two weeks.

During registration, the URL of the site and the possible number of users must be indicated.

The code to embed on the site is in the “Setting” section. To create and configure notifications, you must use the green “Send Push Notification” button.


Main characteristics of Push4site:

  1. API available.
  2. Works in all major browsers.
  3. IN free version There are no restrictions on the number of mailings and subscribers.
  4. The cost of the paid tariff plan is 990 rubles. monthly.

To organize push mailing, you first need to add a platform. Click the “Create website” button, enter the address and name of your resource. After this, specify the type of message (request) and paste the generated code into the site markup.


This service does not require payment. Payment only provides access to premium features.

OneSignal is a completely cross-platform solution. It supports all common browsers, including Chinese UC Browser.

Platform features:

  1. Open API.
  2. Integration with multiple development environments.
  3. Audience segmentation.
  4. Possibility of testing.
  5. Mailing personalization.
  6. Setting up automatic mailing.

Working with this platform has some peculiarities. To create a push notification mailing, you first need to enter all the site indicators, after which an identifier for installing the SDK will be issued.

The next step is to go to the site and insert the identifier into its markup. And only then the push notification itself is created. It is worth noting that the Russian language is not provided for users of the service.


A service that has a number of characteristic features:

  1. Interface in Russian.
  2. Does not require payment.
  3. Financial support for the platform comes from voluntary contributions from users and the opportunity to purchase paid functions (disable advertising, get a “personalized” address, higher sending priority, etc.).
  4. Works with Safari, browsers from Yandex, Chrome and Firefox.

Additionally, PushAll has a mobile application and an extension for Chrome. Thanks to them, users can become subscribers individual channels with the possibility of receiving newsletters.

To create your own push channel, you need to go to the administrative panel and select “Administration” in the side menu. At the top left, click on the red plus.

After this, fill out the fields of a specially designed form, and click the “Create channel” button at the bottom.

This serves as a command for of this service generate an API access key. In the “Distribution + Widget” section, an instant subscription link and widgets that are designed to be placed on your site will be available.

The use of PushAll is limited to certain points. The main one is the inability to directly integrate push mailing into the website and authorization of subscribers exclusively through a Google account.


A service for organizing the delivery of push notifications that does not have an interface for Russian-speaking users. Distribution is organized exclusively through the API.

Pushover client applications are designed for the following platforms:

  • desktop;
  • Android.

You can use the service for free for 7 days - this is the duration of the test period. After this, you should decide to purchase a software license for each platform, which costs $5.

The limit for creating and sending push notifications is 7,500 messages per month. When it is exhausted, you need to purchase additional packages.

To access the API, a token is required. You can get it by filling out the form in the “Your Applications” section.

Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)

  1. Up to 1 million push messages are sent free of charge.
  2. When the limit is reached, the fee is $1 per 1 million messages.
  3. Supports platforms: all Google devices and Apple, Windows, Fire OS.
  4. You can forward messages to Chinese users via Baidu Cloud Push.

7 practical ideas for using push notifications

Idea 1. Send out messages about seasonal flash sales. Sample push notification from the fur store “Polar Night”: A snowstorm is approaching. Sale of suitable clothes - fur coats, hats, mittens.

Idea 2. The notification should be of interest: reverse messages work well to attract attention. An example of a push notification from the culinary site “Let’s cook”: It’s a pity that you don’t come to us... Without you, we have mastered so many interesting dishes.

Idea 3. Follow the news and regularly send out something fun and interesting - contacts will be more frequent. Sample push notification from the Posidelki anti-cafe: Hockey. Russia - Sweden 0 - 1. Take revenge on PlayStation!

Idea 4. Send push messages with random questions to motivate subscribers to visit. Sample push notification from the Grand Cafe coffee shop: Good morning! Are you as usual?

Idea 5. Send out information that is useful for your clients and users. An example of a push notification from the hobby goods store “Marya the Artisan”: British scientists have come to the conclusion that embroidery contributes to the harmonious development of personality. We invite you to a master class.

Idea 6. Drive sales by encouraging users to support you on Twitter. Increase your efficiency social networks using push notifications. Example of a push notification from the online store “GP”: Tweet # GPLastCall and get a 10% discount + free shipping orders from 2000 rub. for 3 days!

Idea 7. Try organizing a contest or lottery that motivates subscribers to definitely participate. Sample push notification from the travel agency “Beyond the Seven Seas”: Today is the last day of the drawing for a trip to Thailand. Tell everyone about your travel adventures with our agency.

How to deal with negative user reactions to push notifications

The main problem today remains the lack of familiarity of the wider audience with this communication channel. When most users see a request to send messages, they ignore it.

According to Google surveys, only 35% of English-speaking Internet users agree to push notifications in Chrome. In RuNet, things are even worse with subscriptions to such messages. There are two ways to correct the situation.

  1. Program the appearance of a window with a subscription request not immediately as soon as the user enters the site, but when he clicks on one of the buttons. This way, the person will have time to think: is there a need to receive notifications from this resource, and will he be able to glean something useful from the messages sent.
  2. Describe the benefits of subscribing to push notifications from your site. When receiving messages by e-mail, the user is always informed in advance about the subject of the subscription. This rule should also work for. It is necessary to place a description of the mailing opportunities in the subscription window. As a result, this will help reverse the negative attitude of users.

Help your potential subscribers by educating them on the benefits of the latest communication tool, push notifications.

Modern technologies do not stand still, and new ways to attract audiences are constantly being created. The most popular tool for this today is push notifications. Many people wonder what it is. And this despite the fact that they receive them literally every day.

What are push notifications and what are they for?

Translated from in English"push" means "pushing". Regarding notifications, this term is considered as a way of disseminating information to the general public.

The history of the technology dates back to the nineties of the last century, when the Point Cast service delivered messages about stock market news. Subsequently, push notifications began to be sent via browsers Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. But in those years they gained popularity because not many people actively used the Internet, or the connection speed was extremely low.

At the moment, “push notifications” are an easy way to attract visitors to a site while monetizing it, which implies actions aimed at making a profit. These alerts can be browser or mobile. They are presented in the form of pop-up windows containing various information.

When entering a resource, a push notification prompts the visitor to enable or disable (block) notifications from the source. If the user subscribes to the newsletter, he will receive them whenever they are generated on the server.

Push notifications and SMS mailings: differences and advantages

Despite the similarity of push notifications with sending via SMS or email, these technologies have differences. Moreover, push notifications have more advantages. So, what are the differences and advantages:

  1. Notifications in a browser or mobile app have a title, a small block of text, a link to a landing page, and sometimes an image. So from this short message the user receives maximum information.
  2. This message is displayed on top of all open windows, even if the resource or browser is closed.
  3. By clicking on the pop-up message, the user is immediately taken to the target site.
  4. Subscribing to push notifications is quite simple, you just need to press the “Allow” button. The visitor is not required to fill out any registration forms or worry about how to set up push notifications.
  5. Blocking is just as simple, you just need to press the disable button, unlike SMS and sending advertising by e-mail. In the latter cases, unsubscribing will not be so easy.
  6. Setting up push notifications does not require any extensions or special software elements; you just need to install the Yandex browser or any other.
  7. When creating an alert, you can use any text, as long as it does not violate moral and ethical standards.
  8. Sending push notifications, although not free, will still cost much less than via SMS or email, the price of which cannot be considered affordable for owners of new, not yet promoted, sites.

In other words, with the help of push notifications it is not at all difficult to attract new visitors to the site or bring back existing ones. And in order to retain them, you will need to work hard and develop a number of appropriate measures

Where are these notifications used?

Owners of websites on WordPress or other platforms use push notifications for Windows and other operating systems, pursuing the following goals:

  1. Retain the visitor. If he subscribed to notifications, this means that he was interested in the information presented on the resource. But to prevent this interest from being lost, it is worth notifying about the posting of new materials and other events.
  2. Advertise goods or services. The advantage in this case is the absence of intermediate steps. Potential client clicks on the advertising message and is immediately taken to the order form.
  3. Notify the buyer about the status of the order. Quite often, this tool is used by online trading platforms so that the client can track delivery. The cost of push notifications, as mentioned earlier, is lower than notifications via SMS or email.
  4. Notify the audience about the ongoing webinar. Learning platforms that conduct online conferences can notify users in this way that the broadcast has begun.
  5. Notify about activity on a social network or game. When a new message arrives or an event occurs on gaming platform, push notifications - The best way notify the user about this.
  6. Promptly submit new information. This is relevant for business resources, whose users must receive timely information about current quotes of currencies, exchange instruments, etc.
  7. Spread the "hot" news. Push notifications allow you to quickly notify users who have subscribed to the news portal about the receipt of information.

If you install Push notifications on your website, this will solve the problem of how to notify people about new events. Such a tool will help you not to lose subscribers, and, therefore, maintain the popularity of the resource.

How to enable notifications: reliable services and operating principle of Push
If the site owner is convinced that he needs to enable push notifications, and their cost is acceptable to him, the question arises of how to do this. Sending similar messages can be configured via special services. The most popular of them are:

  1. ViaPush. This service is considered one of the most “advanced” today. Here you can use a large number of convenient tools, as well as the services of a personal manager. A company employee will assist in developing a mailing strategy and creating notifications.
  2. Sendpulse. Using this platform, not only push notifications are sent, but also messages by email and SMS. You can configure the service in Safari browsers, Chrome and Firefox. There are also advanced settings that help you set the type of notifications. There are no restrictions on the number of subscribers and the intensity of mailings.
  3. Push.world. The advantage of this service is that it works on almost all browsers. In addition, it is possible to use ready-made notification templates, and the number of mailings and subscribed users is not limited.
  4. PushExpert. This platform is great suitable for beginners, because there is a free plan that allows you to send 500 notifications. In addition, there is no charge cash for access to API and collection of analytical data. To provide services on on a paid basis 6 packages have been developed.
  5. PushAll. This service with a Russian interface is considered controversial due to some features. There is no charge for using the service, and the platform is maintained through user donations. In addition, there are some additional offers that are available for a fee. However, subscribers can only receive notifications from this platform through their Google account. In addition, there is a Chrome browser extension and a mobile application.

How it works:

  1. First, register on the service server. Subsequently, people who visit the site will see a proposal to connect alerts from a specific resource. If the visitor agrees by clicking the appropriate button, he is assigned unique number and registers on the server.
  2. We receive the identifier of a new subscriber to the server of our site.
  3. We make a message with the required text. You can include reply buttons, images, links, sound accompaniment And so on.

After performing these steps, the server will send the generated notification to all clients who have agreed to receive

Attention! To collect subscribers and send them notifications, the resource must have SSL certification. There are services for which this condition is not necessary, but in this case, push notifications will be sent on behalf of the subdomain, as a result of which they will remain slightly unfinished.

Installing push notifications is not difficult at all, but you should understand how to use this technology through any service to avoid mistakes. Main principle in working with push notifications- they should not be intrusive, otherwise it will alienate subscribers.

In addition, it is worth choosing wisely target audience. For example, set settings dividing people by gender, age, location and other criteria.

Another rule is that the content must be relevant. That is, you need to provide only the latest information, otherwise it will be perceived as spam.

It is also worth considering how timely the notification will be delivered. Many people install on their devices sound signal when delivering any messages, and few people will like it if it sounds after midnight.

You still need to dose out the information. This rule has something in common with the first one; subscribers should develop a loyal, but not negative, attitude towards the mailing source.

To summarize, we can say that the competent use of push notifications is based on three pillars: relevance, unobtrusiveness and timeliness. By following these rules, you can attract a large number of users and constantly maintain their interest in your site.

Hello, dear readers!

This technical article is primarily dedicated to all of you. To keep up with the times, in October 2016, I added to my website the ability to send push-up pop-up notifications for Chrome browsers and Firefox. To do this, I switched to a secure https connection, may Google and Yandex reward me with traffic.

What are Push-up notifications

Push-up notifications are short pop-up notifications that appear on the screen personal computer or smartphone, which report updates on the site and others important events. For example, you can use them to congratulate readers (subscribers), but not write a “congratulatory” article.

Initially, Push notifications appeared as a way for mobile applications to interact with users of smartphones and tablets. However, in Lately The technology of browser push notifications or web push has become very popular.

How to subscribe to a web push website

When you visit my website immediately or after a while, the following notification will appear on your browser screen. Click ALLOW

Or this notification (on a darkened screen)

You will immediately receive a subscription confirmation

Now you will receive such notifications as soon as a new article appears on my blog. Sometimes I make announcements of popular old articles - perhaps they will interest you too.

Three easy ways to disable Push notifications

For example, you became uninterested in receiving news from my website and decided to unsubscribe.

Two mouse clicks

It's simple! To do this, you can click on the next notification that arrives right click mouse and click TURN OFF ALERTS

Two mouse clicks somewhere else

Site setup

If you do not want to wait for the next message, you can unsubscribe at any time in your browser settings on the site. To do this, click on the lock in address bar and go to site settings

Then scroll through the settings to ALERTS and click “Configure exceptions”

Then REMOVE my site from notification exceptions

This way you will prevent the receipt of push notifications.

Push notifications on a smartphone

To unsubscribe from push notifications on your smartphone, click on the padlock in the address bar mobile browser. Next, click SITE SETTINGS



And the second option is to click CLEAR AND RESET

If you want to be the first to know about new articles, subscribe to PUSH notifications about my blog updates. If you suddenly get tired of receiving messages from me, you can unsubscribe at any time.

Repost the pinned post on my VKontakte page and receive .

Also here you can leave a review about my newsletter, what you liked and what you didn’t.

2024 gtavrl.ru.