Conducting paid webinars. How to organize a webinar: instructions, tips

We know that you have already seen many reviews of various platforms for webinars, but today we will do without a banal listing standard features: chat, conference, screen sharing and the phrase “many interesting tools” will not be there either - this will not surprise us. We conducted research on the Russian-language webinar market to collect for you the most important information on the most popular webinar services. Today there will only be specifics; we compare the capabilities and prices of monthly tariff plans for 150 participants.

For comparative table We have chosen the following platforms for webinars:

  • Mirapolis Virtual Room

Let's say right away that we did not find a single platform that would offer all the functions at once: for some, only one or two points were missing. In addition to the data collected in the table, we have highlighted several of the most notable functions and features for each site. To enlarge the table, click .

  • Stable work And high quality images thanks to the use of servers and data centers in different countries.
  • There is a set of 10 templates for creating registration pages.
  • There are no restrictions on functions - even in the cheapest tariff you don’t have to pay extra for anything.
  • - the only multilingual platform for webinars on our list.
  • There is integration with Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica.
  • Clear video tutorials and prompt technical support.

  • This service offers great amount functions for various events.
  • Allows you to gather up to 10 thousand participants.
  • The available features differ in each plan.
  • You can test the site online or order free plan for 5 participants with disabilities.
  • For large businesses, offers installation of a server version.

  • Be prepared for the fact that the cheaper your tariff plan, the lower its priority. What does this mean? During the heaviest load on the server, the quality of the webinar room in the Standard tariff will be several orders of magnitude lower than in the Premium tariff.
  • The site provides little space for storing files. Depending on the tariff, it ranges from 500 MB to 2 GB, so it is better to show the webinar video by first uploading it to YouTube.

  • Allows you to hold meetings for 500 participants simultaneously.
  • The only one with a limited number of records available for viewing.
  • The recordings are stored either as a link, or you can immediately record the webinar on your computer.
  • Important point- YouTube videos cannot be played on the service, but you can use Vimeo for this.
  • This fall, a large-scale update of the service was released: the interface and errors were corrected, and new functions were added, including support for subtitles for participants with hearing impairments.

  • Information about the platform and available tools there is little service on the page, and contacting technical support to obtain information is quite difficult.
  • One of the interesting features of the service is chat management: you can create private chat or several chats.
  • You can quickly create your own mini-site - landing page.

Mirapolis Virtual Room

    • The platform allows you to change the appearance of the webinar room and window sizes even during an online meeting.
    • Up to 15 speakers can speak at a webinar simultaneously, and Mirapolis offers free education one of your speakers for tariffs from 150 participants.
    • 30 GB will be allocated for your files, but all information on your webinars will be stored only for 7 days after the paid plan ends.
    • Conversion of the webinar recording must be started manually.

  • The service offers unlimited disk space to store your files.
  • The platform does an excellent job not only with surveys, but you can also conduct tests here, assigning points for answers.
  • The “Prompter” function allows you to leave hints on slides that will only be visible to the speaker.
  • There is no moderation function.
  • There is no mobile application - it only works from the browser.


  • They offer a server solution for hosting webinars.
  • The service has many functions, but they differ in each tariff.
  • It is difficult to contact support only by sending a request with a large number of fields. In addition, you need to indicate a phone number that starts with +7, and this is not always possible.
  • There are templates for creating events.
  • The trial period is provided for 14 days with the possibility of participation of 10 users. Registration will take time, but it is possible to take a virtual tour.

Expert System

  • Good decision for training, creating courses.
  • Allows you to create multiple webinar rooms and paid courses.
  • For an additional fee, they will help you create a video conference or course.
  • There is no need to confirm registration - you can start creating a webinar immediately after filling out the data.
  • The only service whose support team did not answer us.

  • Support for animation in ppt files.
  • For some tariffs, downloading a webinar recording to your computer can only be done for an additional fee. You can watch the video for free using the link.
  • Despite the high price of the plan, you will have to pay extra for branding functions and integration into your website.
  • Convenient control chat: you can record a message, group participants according to different parameters, chat moderation can be assigned to any participant, there is a private message mode.
  • You can determine the number of possible speakers for the conference based on the width of your Internet channel, dividing its value by 256. If you want to use HD video, the channel width should be divided by at least 512.

  • Cloud service webinars for low price which offers a large number of functions for an additional fee.
  • To determine the number of available letters for distribution, you need to multiply the number of possible participants in your tariff plan by 3. If you need more letters, you will have to pay extra.
  • There is no designer for landing pages.
  • Although on the tariffs page Ruweber writes that the commission for accepting payments is a one-time fee of 3,000 rubles, technical support reported that this data is somewhat outdated and now the commission is 5% of the funds received, regardless of turnover.

Platforms for webinars: summing up

The most expensive webinar platforms were, Mirapolis Virtual Room and Vivavox. Their prices for a package for 150 people start at $160 per month, while average price for other sites it is approximately $44.

The leaders in terms of available functions are (the only thing missing was a system for accepting payments from participants), (without auto-webinars and with limited space for storing recordings).

I am glad that the number of platforms that allow several speakers to speak at once Lately increased. MyOwnConference promises that 10 people will be able to speak with the camera on, and Mirapolis - even 15.

Now all of the services considered allow conducting an unlimited number of webinars, which is good news. But the number of records may be limited, since records often also take up disk space for file storage. allows you to make only 30 entries.

Payments from participants are accepted by,, ExpertSystem and Ruweber, which charges the smallest commission.

All webinar platforms allow you to customize the appearance of your webinar, but and Ruweber will charge an additional fee for this, and Mind only offers this option in a package for $191/month.

As you can see, there is plenty to choose from. , prices and ease of use of the webinar platform, the efficiency of technical support and, of course, the quality and stability of their work.

Modern and easy-to-use webinar software is provided free of charge by various services. To choose a truly high-quality, proven and reliable program to use, you should focus on a number of requirements that organizers and presenters of online events make. So, any free webinar program must meet the following criteria:

  • Quality of video and sound broadcast.
  • Let us immediately note that not everything depends on software– the causes of problems may be hidden in low-quality equipment (camera, microphone or headset). Therefore, before making claims against the chosen free program To conduct webinars, you need to change the equipment to professional ones and make sure of the true cause of the technical problems.

  • Simplicity of the interface and ease of use of the software.
  • Not everyone wants, much less can, understand the complex and confusing interface that some programs have. To attract the attention of users and create optimal conditions for working with the selected software, it is necessary to make it as simple and intuitive as possible. clear interface. In particular, it is advisable to choose Russian-language services that have a simple and easy-to-understand menu.

  • Correct display of presentations and files.
  • Unfortunately, not every free webinar viewer can display downloaded demo files correctly. Therefore, it is best to check before the event. In addition, you should find out the maximum allowed size of uploaded files - if you upload larger images, they may not be displayed at all.

  • Ability to record webinars.
  • Some webinar software provides the ability to record an event for free. As a rule, after the end of the conference, its recording is sent to all participants, which is very convenient - it allows you to re-review the material, assimilate it better, clarify missed points, etc. In addition, the recording can be uploaded to a video hosting service to attract attention to your events.

  • Availability of a test period.
  • Before downloading the webinar program for free, we recommend using a trial period. With its help, you can become more familiar with the capabilities of each service and choose the option that best suits your requirements and criteria.

  • Product cost.
  • It must be remembered that a truly high-quality and reliable product has its own cost. When choosing optimal option You should focus on the functionality and capabilities of the service.

  • Technical support.

It is advisable that technical support the service you chose worked 24/7 - this will allow you to quickly receive advice and resolve various issues as they arise.

Increasingly, we may be faced with the need to hold a webinar or other event via the Internet. This could be a training course, staff training, master class, or something else. In all these cases, you need webinar software. In this article we will look at the main criteria by which you should choose a service for online meetings, and also provide a list of the most popular and quality programs presented on the market.

Webinar software

To make your choice easier, we have prepared a selection of the most popular programs for conducting webinars and highlighted the main features of each of them.

Main features:

  • Simple interface, easy to understand.
  • with full functionality preserved.
  • Ability to customize the design of the webinar room, add a banner and logo.
  • The program is served by more than 200 servers, which guarantees round-the-clock access and protection from failures.
  • There is a set of templates for creating registration pages.
  • There are no restrictions on functions depending on the tariff.

Price: From 600 rubles for a one-time event or from 1500 rubles per month.

Google Hangouts

Main features:

  • A Google account is required to use.
  • Works in any operating system and browser.
  • Video delay during broadcasting up to one minute.
  • Automatic publication of a webinar recording on YouTube.
  • There is no possibility to conduct paid webinars.

Price: for free.


Main features:

  • 3 types of tariffs (for 100, 500 or 2000 participants).
  • It is possible to hold large-scale conferences with up to 5 thousand participants.
  • The number of available functions depends on the tariff: the higher it is, the more opportunities.
  • Test period 7 days.
  • Recording of the webinar in HD quality.

Cost: from $89 per month.

Main features:

Cost: from $30 per month.

Cisco WebEx

Main features:

  • Complicated registration procedure.
  • Webinars for up to 100 participants are possible.
  • Suitable for paid webinars and corporate training.
  • High quality video and sound.
  • There are tools for registering participants: landing pages, mailing system.

Price: from $24 per month.


Main features:

  • Allows you to hold both small and large events (up to 1000 people).
  • Trial period 14 days.
  • Small set of functions.
  • Ability to accept payments from participants via PayPal.

Price: from $78 per month.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a webinar program?

Video and sound quality

It is necessary that the program you choose supports high quality video and sound. Listeners should hear and see you well: without noise, interference or interruption of communication.

Simplicity of the interface

Agree that few people have the time and desire to deal with sophisticated programs. Therefore, try to choose a service that will be easy for you to understand, and familiarization with the main functions will take a minimum of time.

Think about your webinar participants. Will they be able to figure out how to get into the room if the service is in English, or if they are required to mandatory registration.

Displaying presentations

Not all webinar software displays slides equally correctly. Therefore, check if there are any distortions when showing presentations.

It is also worth learning about the maximum allowable presentation size. If you add a presentation of a larger size, it may either not be loaded onto the service at all, or will be displayed incorrectly.

Recording of the webinar

Typically, after the webinar, a recording is sent to registered users. Perhaps not all of them were able to attend the broadcast or missed some part of it. In addition, you can post it on YouTube and thus further arouse interest in your events.

Test period

Before purchasing a webinar program, it is mandatory that almost everyone offers paid services absolutely free. At this time, you can check all the points mentioned above and understand whether the program is right for you or not.

To test the service, open the webinar room on your computer twice: in one browser as a presenter, in the other as a participant. Or ask someone else to listen to your test webinar.


Choose a site based on your capabilities and budget. Don't forget that good information product It's unlikely to be cheap. But it’s also not worth overpaying for the promotion of the site.

Pay attention to the discounts that different services provide. Sometimes paying for several months at once can save you a lot of money.

Availability of technical support and its work schedule

It’s convenient when all the questions you have about working with the platform can be resolved with a support agent. In addition, no one is immune from various force majeure events. And it’s better if support staff help eliminate their consequences than to deal with them alone.

We talked about the main criteria for choosing a webinar program. Now it's up to you. Determine which requirements are critical for you and which are not so much. This will make it easier for you to choose optimal program for conducting webinars.

We have highlighted the main features of 8 popular webinar programs. All programs are quite different: some are more suitable for conducting open large webinars, some are more suitable for organizing private online seminars. Choose what suits you.

In this article I will show you how to organize from scratch, with your own hands and (most importantly) completely free. Let's start with the very basics and gradually move on to more complex things.

Setting a webinar goal

Before you start organizing a webinar, you need to ask yourself a simple question - what is the purpose of the webinar? From here we will dance with you. Personally, I have always argued and maintain that a webinar can only have two goals - to sell something or teach something. Very often, beginning webinarists confuse these two goals.

For example, a future speaker may tell me - I want to hold a webinar to show people the capabilities of my program. I want to teach them how to use my program effectively. In such a situation, he sincerely believes that the purpose of the webinar is education. In fact, the main goal of the webinar is to promote (read “sell”) its software. Training is simply a way of promoting and selling.

What do you need for a webinar?

If this is your first webinar, then you probably think that this is a very difficult task, and it requires a lot of money and even more effort. In fact, the webinar can be held for free. As for strength, here's everything you need to host a webinar:

  • Webinar platform
  • Audience
  • Webinar plan

Let's start with the simplest.

There are a lot of different services and programs for conducting webinars. They differ from each other in functionality, cost and some other little things. We will compare paid webinar platforms next time, in another article. Now I will recommend you Google hangout. It's free and very powerful service from Google, which will allow you to conduct an unlimited number of webinars for any number of people. In this case, you don’t even need to have your own website. You will conduct your webinar directly through YouTube in real time. This service has changed a lot. So you can't ignore it.

In order to use the hangout, you just need to register with Google+. After this, you will see a selection menu on the left (the so-called “Ribbon”). The “Hangouts” we are interested in will be there.

You will be able to choose either “Video Meetings” or “Live Broadcast”. Hangouts are more like group calls on Skype. There you can chat with multiple people in real time via video.

If you need to conduct a webinar for a large group of people, then choose “Live broadcast”. The hangout has a huge number of functions. We will look at how to conduct a webinar via hangout in another article – “Webinar on YouTube”.

Invitation to the webinar

This is where it gets a little more complicated. Gathering people for a webinar is not a matter of five minutes. You will need at least 3-4 days to post invitations. However, I do not recommend announcing the webinar more than 7 days before it takes place. Otherwise, your registered listeners may simply forget about it during this time.

To gather people for a webinar, it is not enough to simply post a link to your planned live broadcast in a hangout. Firstly, not everyone is registered with Google Plus. And secondly, you need to be able to remind people a couple of times that you are hosting a webinar. Even with reminders, no more than 35% of registered participants will come. And without reminders, you generally risk being left with nothing (that is, in an empty webinar room).

Registration for the webinar

The best way to remind people about the webinar is to: e-mail. You can collect emails of webinar participants for free either through the service (you can also create a webinar registration page there), or through another service from Google - Google Forms.

I will write you detailed instructions on how to use Justclick a little later. Now let's look at how to gather participants through Google Forms.

You are already registered with Google Plus, so you don’t need to register anywhere else. Go to the page of all services from Google and select “Google Drive” -> “Create” -> “More” -> “Google Forms”.

In the “New Form” field, enter the name of your webinar. In the “Description” field there is a little more detail about who this webinar is for and what benefits it will provide to participants. Next, create the first field of the form – “Your name”. The second field of the form is “Your email”.

Select “text” as the question type. You can also change the theme of the form to make it look more interesting. Don't forget to check the "Make this question required" checkbox for the "Your email" field. The name may not be required.

You can also allow users to change their data after filling it out (if they suddenly made a mistake when entering data).

I recommend that you change the message that the user receives after filling out the form. First of all, go to the "Add-ons" menu and install free application"Form notifications". This simple add-on will notify you when someone registers for a webinar and will also send a notification to the specified email of the person who filled out the form. In the form settings you can specify:

  • After what number of registrations will I send you a notification?
  • What question does the participant's email request (so that the application knows where to send the notification)
  • What notification text should be sent to the participant?

I recommend setting the subject line to “Congratulations on registering for the webinar.” In the body of the notification, indicate again when and what time the webinar will take place, and also briefly describe why this webinar should not be missed under any circumstances.

Additionally, change the static notification after registering for the webinar. To do this, at the bottom of the question editing page, find the “Answer recorded” field. Change to “Congratulations on registering for the webinar. See you online!” (or something like that).

Now your form is finally loaded in order to collect emails from webinar participants. In Google Form responses, you can copy all the collected emails and add them to the direct meeting settings in the hangout. You can now automatically send webinar reminders to registered participants.

Webinar promotion

If you want to use webinars for your information business, I recommend that you first read the article “” (will open in a new tab). You may not have to promote your webinar yourself right now. But if you’ve already decided for yourself, then start posting a link to your registration form wherever you can.

  • Try to use everything to promote your webinar.
  • Post the link on your VKontakte wall and share it with your friends.
  • Find thematic communities VKontakte and try to publish the webinar announcement there (on the community wall or in a special topic, if there is one).
  • Ask participants to like and repost so your invitation can be shared via .

These simple techniques will allow you to gather your first small audience, and it’s completely free or very inexpensive.

Webinar plan

Now it’s time to think - what and how to say at our webinar? The average webinar duration is 90 minutes. During this time, you can manage to say about 16,000 words. This is 48 pages of text (!) Under no circumstances should you try to speak “impromptu”. You must know absolutely exactly what you will say. Otherwise, your speech will be boring, you will make a lot of pauses, and your speech rate will be slow. Don’t be surprised if everyone in the audience has left long before the end of your webinar.

I have a whole one step-by-step instruction, what and how to say at a webinar so that people are interested and so that they end up buying what you offer.

Let me remind you that we do not always sell something for money. At a webinar, we can promote demo versions of our program, invite people to register somewhere, or simply spread some idea.

The main thing is to have a specific result of your performance in numbers, and not just “everyone seemed to like it.” Use ours to estimate how much income you can expect.

Here you can find. And in this article I will give you the main points that you should pay attention to.

1. Trust

If you are promoting or selling something, then the audience should first of all see you as an expert, that is, a person who can be trusted in this particular issue. Therefore, at the beginning of the webinar you need to tell us what successes you have achieved in this field. You can watch it to sound more convincing.

2. Value

You need to clearly and clearly explain to people the benefits and value of what you are selling during the webinar. Especially if you want to charge money for it. Listeners should see that your offer is worth many times more than your asking price. Basically, you should be “creating value” throughout the webinar. In the body of the webinar, you should provide the main content, constantly emphasizing how much value (in money or time) it brings to your prospects.

3. Uniqueness

You must be able to explain why this decision we need to take from you, not from your competitors. This stage is also called “detuning from competitors.” This can be left for the end of the webinar. By this point, your listeners should already understand why they need your solution. Make sure that they do not leave to compare your solution with analogues on the market, but stay with you.

This is, of course, a very general outline of the webinar. In another article we will walk you through in detail and step by step how to sell at a webinar, but I hope you get the basic idea. If you master these techniques, it will bring you excellent income.

Summary: How to organize a webinar with your own hands and for free

  • Create a “live broadcast” in Google Hangout
  • Create a registration form in Google Forms
  • Post a link to the registration form on social networks
  • Ask participants to spread the word about your webinar
  • Prepare your webinar plan in advance
  • At the beginning of the webinar, you try to inspire maximum confidence in the audience.
  • In the main part of the webinar, you provide content and emphasize the value of your offer.
  • At the end of the webinar, you differentiate yourself from your competitors

Don’t worry if you don’t manage to make money the first time (or even get anyone to attend the webinar). From time to time you will get better and better. I recommend studying my in-depth articles on each of these points to significantly increase the effectiveness of your webinars.

I hope this article was helpful to you. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the most fast way from zero to the first million on the Internet (extract from personal experience in 10 years =)

See you later!

Yours Dmitry Novoselov

Anyone who hosts or is planning to host online events is faced with the question: which webinar platform to choose? There are a huge variety of platforms, both paid and free, with a wide range of functionality and set technical characteristics. Therefore, you should initially set some review parameters so as not to get confused in hundreds of indicators and small differences.

We will evaluate popular webinar platforms among users according to a number of criteria: price, signal quality and functionality. Considering the variety of tariff scales, we will take as a basis a package of 150 people, as the most popular. It is also worth setting a “gold standard” of service functionality with which we will compare sites.

Quality webinar platforms usually have the following features:

  • Materials. Demonstration of accompanying video and audio materials, images and slides.
  • Polls. The teacher can conduct surveys on any topic during the webinar or conference.
  • Multiscreen. This function allows you to connect several presenters to an online event at the same time.
  • Recording of the webinar. Possibility of creating an archived recording of a webinar.
  • Desktop demo. Allows you to demonstrate the operation of a service or application on the speaker’s computer.
  • Drawing board. Visualization of main points on the board
  • Chat. Listeners enjoy text chat, it is possible to connect audio and video communication

Webinar platforms

Rate. A monthly rate for 155 people costs $41. The service provides 14 days of free trial access for 15 participants. All functions will be available to you, the only caveat is that the duration of one recording does not exceed 20 minutes.

Signal. The signal quality is good; however, there is a delay of only a couple of seconds, which is not critical. The same story with the transfer of related materials.

Functional. The portal follows the standard list of features, but there is no white board for drawing. The number of presenters depends on the chosen tariff. As part of the “Maximum” package for 1000 participants, you can connect up to 10 speakers simultaneously.


  • Possibility to choose the layout of the hall
  • Advanced Moderation Feature
  • 18 available Landing templates Page, 2 of which are adapted for mobile devices


  • The duration of one recording cannot exceed 3 hours
  • Designating the priority of the tariff plan during peak loads in favor of more expensive packages
  • Limited file storage – recordings are retained for 30 days

Rate. For $79 per month, the resource offers a plan for only 100 people; there is no package for 150 participants. Next possible step- 500 participants, but for $179. Prices are noticeably “biting”, even despite a 20% discount if you purchase a tariff for 1 year.

Signal. American development, users note good signal quality and fast loading files. The service was not noticeable with any “sagging”; the sound was clear, without any extraneous noise.

Functional. The platform pleases with an extensive set of not only basic, but also non-standard functions. Multi-user access mode account And The address book webinars are a completely original development, which has no analogues on the Runet yet.



  • Simultaneous chat translation
  • Mobile app ClickMeeting
  • Integration with PayPal to accept payments
  • Interface adapted to 13 languages
  • Private chat allows moderators to communicate with each participant separately


  • Training videos exclusively on English language
  • Conducting parallel sessions, increasing the recording limit and storage size only for an additional fee
  • High price
  • There are no one-time tariffs, only monthly and annual steps are available
  • Slow response from technical support, closed on weekends

Rate. The system provides ample opportunities for advanced users at a high price - $190 for a tariff for 150 people. But how justified is this price, even taking into account quality service? We can say that this platform is suitable for large companies that are willing to pay that kind of money. There are discounts depending on the rental period.

Signal. The quality of communication is generally excellent; if there are delays, they are almost unnoticeable.

Functional. The site fully complies with the “gold standard” of functions. There are also a number additional features(security settings, mobile version), which are offset by poor quality implementation of individual elements.



  • Frequent technical problems on the server
  • Lack of stated technical support 24/7; response time to chat messages ranges from several hours to a day
  • High price
  • Many features are only available at extra cost

Rate. A convenient premium portal for conducting webinars and video conferences. However, the price of the optimal tariff can be daunting - $110 for 150 people. But at the same time, the service provides discounts of up to 30% depending on the rental period. To evaluate the functionality, the platform provides 10 days of free trial access for 10 participants.

Signal. The signal quality is excellent and does not cause any complaints. Demonstration of presentations, video and audio occurs very quickly. Voice chat works without delay.

Functional. Standard set + a number of functions with excellent implementation (branding, integration into your website).


  • Settings appearance virtual room
  • Flexible and clear interface
  • Simultaneous audio and video broadcasting of up to 15 speakers
  • Ability to change listener roles directly during the webinar


  • High rental price
  • There are no one-time tariffs, the minimum is for 1 month
  • After the end of the paid period, information about past events is stored for 7 days
  • Recordings up to 3 hours long are converted free of charge, from 3 to 12 hours - for an additional fee

Rate. The tariff schedule is structured in an interesting way. For the “Affiliate” tariff you will have to pay only $1 per day, but you can hold a webinar for a maximum of 50 participants. In most cases, this is extremely little, so we look at the next tariff, hoping to see the coveted 150 people. But we see only 100 for $57. But we want 150 participants! Let's look at the next (and last) step - 500 people for $180. If you need a larger room, then this is good. But if 150 people are for you, then you will have to significantly overpay. There are discounts depending on the rental period and special offers for government agencies.

Signal. The quality of the signal and transmission of materials is excellent, no delays were noticed.

Functional. This platform offers a standard set of features plus its own system for withdrawing earned funds to client accounts.


  • Possibility to conduct webinars with mobile phone or tablet
  • Using WebRTC technology – high quality audio and video
  • Broadcasting events on the client’s website
  • Unlimited number of participants without additional equipment or increasing the speed of your Internet connection


  • Inconvenient tariff schedule
  • The maximum number of speakers per webinar is 2
  • Limitations on the volume and time of data storage
  • Technical support and branding are available only within maximum tariff for 500 participants

Rate. The service offers a flexible and convenient tariff schedule: the first step is 60 people, the last - 2000. A package for 150 participants will cost $60. Rental plans differ not only in the period and number of participants, but also in the available disk space. When purchasing a package for more than 1 month, a discount system is activated. You can test the service for free for 30 days, with a limit of 20 participants and 2 speakers.

Signal. The use of data centers that meet international TIER III standards ensures high-quality picture and sound.

Functional. The platform has complete set basic functions. Nice bonus- the ability to upload videos in mp4 format directly from your computer, without having to upload to YouTube or Vimeo.


  • Simultaneous broadcasting of up to 10 speakers
  • Ability to customize the design of the webinar room
  • Technical support support regardless of tariff
  • The control panel and webinar room interface are available in 16 languages
  • Integration with social networks


  • Each package by default contains only one webinar room
  • Ultra HD recording format is only available in packages of 500 participants or more, purchased for more than a month
  • Complex interface

Rate. A worthy tool for conducting webinars, which, with quality comparable to other companies, pleases with reasonable prices - $40 for 150 participants. When paying for several months, discounts are provided for everyone tariff plans. For example, if you pay for an annual package for 150 participants, the price will be $32. The portal provides 30 days of free trial access to a virtual room for 5 people.

Signal. Users note a signal delay in voice chat of up to 5 seconds, which is not the best indicator.

Functional. On this portal webinars contains all the basic functions that may be required for conducting online seminars and conferences, in addition to testing.


  • Setting the location of the list of participants and chat blocks
  • Webinar link copy protection mode
  • Simultaneous activation of up to 10 speakers
  • Connection Google statistics Analytics
  • Separate chat for moderators


  • No built-in layouts Landing Page
  • Average signal quality in voice chat, delay of several seconds
  • Size restrictions cloud storage and the number of records available for viewing
  • Branding is available at an additional cost

Rate. A virtual room for 150 people will cost you $49. Discounts are available when paying for several months. To evaluate all the capabilities of the portal, test access is provided for 14 days, with a limit on the number of users to 10 people.

Signal. The platform is different good quality signal and clear sound. Pictures load quickly, file transfer occurs without problems.

Functional. The range of functions fully corresponds to the standard list of capabilities of platforms for holding webinars. There are also a number of bonuses (broadcasting a webinar on your website, branding, availability of series and cycles of events).



  • Unlimited file storage
  • Maximum recording time for 1 webinar – 72 hours
  • Free technical support (chat, email, phone), messages are answered within a few minutes
  • 5 webinar room layouts
  • Built-in Landing Page designer
  • Integration with Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica
  • Free access to the Knowledge Base of 80+ master classes on creating, conducting and promoting webinars


  • Participants do not have the opportunity to download the webinar recording to their computer; they can only view it on the platform server
  • The presenter cannot conduct online events from a mobile phone, only from a PC
  • There is no system for accepting payments for paid events

comparison table

Number of webinar participants













As you can see, almost all of these services have good functionality and acceptable signal quality. The main differences are price category platforms. In any case, we advise you to choose the webinar platform that suits your needs and test it for free.

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