Simple ideas VK. Find the passphrase

Today, social networks take up time during the day from every person, some more, some less, but you can’t get away from it. There are hundreds of millions of accounts in such resources that were created in different parts of our planet. Social networks are different: for sharing music, videos, photos (there is even a special social network for photographers), and of course for communication. One of the most popular social networks in our region is VKontakte. At the same time, few people understand that this site is a huge resource with more than 40 million users different ages And social statuses which is great for development. Let's figure out how to create a business in contact.

Where to start

Few people wonder why VKontakte creates something like this a large number of groups and communities, fill them with thematic information, add various posts, video and audio recordings, that is, try to attract as many subscribers as possible. The majority of users are convinced that this is all done for the convenience of the person and to make it interesting for him. This makes sense, since the goal of every creator of a group or community is to attract as many people as possible to their resource. Before creating a contact business, find out why it is being done. Every advanced group or community is a great place to advertise any services or products.

What is a group and how to choose its focus?

Before doing business in contact, let’s define the basic concepts and assess user preferences. A group is usually called a certain community of people whose interests coincide; in addition, they receive information, exchange it and share it with others. The key to attracting the maximum number of participants, and therefore expensive advertisers, is a well-chosen topic. To choose it, you need to understand what people are interested in, what they prefer and what they cannot imagine their lives without. Therefore, before you do business in contact, you need to decide on the orientation of your subscribers, it can be varied:

  • movies;
  • music;
  • funny videos and pictures;
  • humor and jokes;
  • sports (wrestling, martial arts, bodybuilding, proper nutrition, fitness, etc.);
  • Travel and tourism;
  • cars and motorcycles;
  • sale/purchase;
  • IT technologies;
  • tutorials on learning languages, creating websites, professional image and video processing, etc.;

Important! The most important thing is not the choice of users’ areas of interest, but filling the group with interesting and unique content(materials), since each item on this list has its own audience.

Group creation procedure

We’ve sorted out the basics, now we’ll tell you how to create a VKontakte business. In the left column, click “My groups”, then find in the right top corner"Create a Community" tab. In the window that appears, enter the previously thought-up name of the community and select its purpose:

  • group – more suitable for communication, conducting various conversations and discussions;
  • public page – ideal for disseminating news and information;
  • event - very convenient for attracting people to parties, concerts, sporting events, etc.

After that, click the “Create” button and the entire group is already created. Next important stage is to populate the group with information.

Note! Don’t forget to enter a description of the group in the “Group Management” tab (what it was created for, the focus of the group and for which people it is best suited); you also need to decide on the settings.

Group Implementation


How to create a group is clear, but now how to start a business in contact. This will require a little perseverance. You can create a kind of affiliate program, that is, if a person does not want to deal with issues of payment and delivery of goods, then he needs to contact the owner of any online store and offer work on the following conditions: “I am your client, and you give me money (percentage of the cost of the product or service).” .

Online store

It is also possible to create own internet store, of course, if a certain range of goods is available. An album is created to which photographs of things or products are added, under each of which the price and a brief description of. It is very important to consider a payment system and delivery of goods accessible to every user.


You can make money from advertising. Let’s say a “Fresh Jokes” group has been created, and at the end of each joke you can post a link to a site whose owner paid for it. The cost of the link increases if you carry out the following “fraud”: You can read the joke by clicking on the following link.

Creation, promotion, sale

In addition, the sale of already promoted groups or communities brings great profit. Some young companies that do not have their own website are ready to pay a tidy sum to acquire a group with more than 100 thousand subscribers. Do not forget that the cost of the group directly depends on the number of participants.

In our new article we will talk about making money on VKontakte. This is the most popular network in Russia, which is already more than 10 years old. Business on this social network can be established in several ways. Let's look at the most interesting and profitable ones.

The attractiveness of business in VK

We have previously talked about making money in. The turn has come for VKontakte. According to statistics, every 3rd inhabitant of our planet is registered in at least one social network. It turns out that the number of users is several billion. And these are, as a rule, young active and financially independent people. Just imagine the number potential clients your goods or services if you decide to start a business on this social network!

Who is this way of earning money suitable for? Yes, for almost anyone! This could be a student who decided to earn extra money in his free time from studying, or a young mother on maternity leave. VKontakte business is also suitable for a freelancer who is looking for additional or main income. All you need is a computer or smartphone, Internet access and a little time.

Agree, you still sit on social networks, aimlessly scrolling through your feed or chatting with friends, for the most part, about nothing. So why not use this time to generate income? Plus, you won't have to put in almost any effort.

5 popular ideas for making money on VKontakte

So, what options exist for generating income on this social network? Let's consider the most interesting, accessible and understandable methods.

  1. Earning money from communities and groups

Any VKontakte user knows that this social network is primarily based on useful and interesting groups and communities. Each of them, as a rule, is subordinated to a specific topic. Most popular topics:

  • Work and business
  • beauty and health
  • Hand-made
  • Chinese products
  • Medicine
  • Design and renovation
  • Online Games
  • Jokes.

A group is an association of interests, as well as a promising type of income. There are several ways to earn income from communities:

How to find a job as a moderator? To do this, it is advisable to understand the topic of the group. It is also necessary to be online regularly, especially if the community is popular.
A moderator is a watchful eye that monitors all users

  1. Earning money from comments and likes

Such work is not paid as highly as a moderator, but it will still bring additional income. And this is much better than just surfing the Internet.

To start making money from likes and comments, you just need to meet the following simple conditions:

  • Have your own VKontakte page
  • Join the desired group
  • Like, repost posts, comment on them
  • Add to user group
  • Join other groups
  • Post news, photos, videos

That is, you are doing what you did before on social networks, only you get money for it.

What is it for? Primarily to promote the group. The more likes, comments and reposts a news story has, the more people want to read it and join the group. This means that the popularity of the community is growing and, along with it, the income of its owner.

Every like brings you money

  1. Community Design

For a group to be successful, it is not enough to attract big number users. It is very important that she is visually attractive.

VKontakte communities are decorated in different ways, making them more vibrant and memorable. First of all, you need a high-quality banner, convenient menu, as well as regularly posting funny pictures.

To make money on this type of service, you need to understand this. The amount of income depends on your professionalism.

How much can you earn from group design? The average cost of turnkey page design is 3,500 rubles and more.

  1. Selling goods and services

As we said earlier, VKontakte has collected a huge number of users. Perhaps nowhere else are there so many potential buyers any product or service. All that remains is to make sure that your offer is known as much as possible. more people.

VKontakte already sells clothes, tours, provides translation services, website creation, organizing holidays and much more.

If you decide to sell through social network, great attention must be paid to design, content and promotion.

To attract new customers and increase sales, it is worth regularly holding various promotions, sweepstakes, and sales.

Business in VK is simple and interesting. Even if you have absolutely no understanding of any of the proposed ideas, you just need to spend a little time studying necessary information. Go for it, you will definitely succeed!

We invite you to watch a video about how to make money on VKontakte:

We tried to collect the most interesting, relevant and engaging mechanics for competitions on social networks.

If you have more ideas, feel free to write them in the comments. It will be useful.

Today we will tell you:

Why are competitions held on social networks?

Whether we like it or not, competitions on pages are an integral part of promotion. There are many reasons why it is important to remember to conduct activities on the page:

  • Attracting new subscribers.
  • Introducing a new product to the market.
  • Generate interest in your product or service.
  • The maximum virality of such content, i.e. rapid dissemination of information about your brand without attracting additional budget, but only due to the excitement of subscribers around the competition.
  • Brand loyalty is formed. An organizer who honestly fulfills all the conditions of the competition will undoubtedly increase his status in the eyes of subscribers, increasing trust in his brand. Users who are left without prizes will definitely try their luck in your next competition and again “bring up” new subscribers.

There are two types of competitions:

  • with the selection of the winner by random generator numbers (Giveaway);
  • with the choice of the winner manually (by the organizer himself) or through voting between participants.

Let's consider competition ideas for the 3 most popular social networks in Russia.

Ideas for competitions on Instagram

Selfie with product

Participants take a photo with a product from your brand (or against the background of your store/salon) and post it on Instagram, not forgetting to mention information about the product and the competition itself in the hashtag. This is great advertising for a brand, although not everyone is ready to take a selfie with, say, a toilet, so not every product is suitable for this type of competition.

Product photo + story about it

Who can best tell you about your product? That's right - your clients! So ask them about it and reward them generously for the most exciting story. The competition is suitable for advertising products that have already been introduced to the market and are in demand.

Original photo

"Do the most unusual photo with our product and get a prize for it!” Just don’t forget to set some boundaries so that none of the daredevils risk their health.


Let the participants think about how to use a “winter” product in the summer (for example, skates: they will come in handy at a picnic if you forgot to take a knife with you (absurd, but fun) and publish a photo-instruction. Prize - the most original!


Ask users to show which parts of the world your product has already “visited”. Many people like to share photos from their vacations and travels - there will be plenty of people willing to take part in the competition.

Photo collage

Participants must take a photo story about some process related to your brand. For example, if you sell Christmas tree decorations, ask participants to document the process of decorating the Christmas tree.

Find the mistake!

Award the most competent participant in the competition who took as many photographs of erroneously written advertisements as possible (and, unfortunately, there are many of these in every city). A useful competition in all respects.

Do you love ... (brand)?

“Show in the photo how attached you are to our brand.” Don’t forget about the 18+ restriction, otherwise people are different...

I'm a morning person!

Only those who post photos between 6:00 and 7:00 Moscow time can take part.

What did you do on the weekend?

“Show us what you did over the weekend and get the most likes to win a prize!”

There are 100,000 of us!

“We share our joy with you and want the same in return! Take a selfie with this number and post it on your page - the one with the most likes will become the owner...”

Come up with a slogan

The winner will be the best dreamer who comes up with the best slogan for your company and takes a photo with it.

Complete the sentence

Let your users think a little! It is advisable to take a phrase related to your product or brand.
Don't forget that the basis of Instagram competitions is photographs, so all ideas should be closely intertwined with them.

Ideas for competitions on VKontakte



Set interest Ask, and the prize will be drawn among those who answered correctly using a random number generator.

Find the passphrase

Encrypt some code on your website or page and give hints on how to find it.

There are more and more of us!
Give a prize to every 100th person who reposts a post about you reaching a certain subscriber threshold (For example: “We are 50,000!”).


“Do you know in what year the company “your company name” was founded? Leave your answer in the comments!” The winner will be the one who gives the correct answer first.

One Hundred Words

Give some long, complex word and ask your followers to make as many other words from it as possible. The one who comes up with the maximum combinations will be the lucky one.

Most original way

“Come up with the most original way to use our product and take a photo of it.” The most inventive person will receive a gift.

Riddle one day
Ask your subscribers to repost the entry about the competition, and in the information for it indicate that on such and such a date a riddle will be heard in the commentary on the topic - the first person to guess it will receive a prize.

Come up with a name or signature

Let participants come up with an extraordinary caption for a photo and share the post on their page.


Ask your subscribers what the score will be in the match between team A and team B. The first one to give the correct answer will receive a prize. (It is appropriate to hold such competitions during the Olympiad and championships).

Photo game


“Make the most original photoshop with our brand and win a prize!”

Best photo report

Participants are given a time limit during which they must make an interesting report and post it on their page with a link to your company’s page.

Best video story

Ask subscribers to write down interesting video on a given topic, but remember that for successful advertising campaign Such a competition needs to provide a good prize.

Write a poem

But not just a verse, but with a mention of your company. You choose the winner yourself.

Competition for the number of invitees

Your subscribers should invite as many people as possible to the group. Those invited will write back to you about the person who invited them to the group.

Best Avatar

Anyone can become a participant. To do this, just come up with an original avatar for the group and send it in the comments to the entry about the competition.

20 Facebook contest ideas

Invite a friend

Users must like the contest entry and indicate a person from their contact list with whom they would like to share the prize.

Why do I like it

Participants in the competition are those who click “Like” on the competition post and write in a commentary why they like it.

Answer to the question

Ask your subscribers a question and give a prize to the first one to answer correctly.

Finish the sentence

Come up with any expression (or use a well-known one) and ask users to complete it according to its meaning. For example: “Love to a man’s heart lies through...”

Photo caption

Users must come up with an original caption for the photo you offer.

Best photo of the month
Let your subscribers take a thematic photo (for example, based on the time of year) and post it with a link to your competition.

Mini quiz

Throughout the week, ask fans questions about thematic questions, the winner is the one who gives the most correct answers.


Come up with a short but useful questionnaire for your company that participants must fill out. Give each of them a modest but pleasant gift (for example, a 10% discount). Great way collection email addresses to replenish the e-mail mailing list.

Scavenger hunt

Your subscribers should create a photo collage of items, a list of which you will post at the appointed time on your page. The first one to do this will be the winner.

Last comment

It's simple - whose comment will be the last by a certain time will win.

Best quote about the company

The user leaves a quote on the company’s page (possibly with a photo) and “collects” likes. The one who collects the most will win.


For example, ask your followers to count how many candies are in a large clear bowl that you personally photographed. The person who comes closest to the correct answer will win a prize.

Give an answer

“At yesterday's conference we said a code word. Did you hear him? An interesting competition, but only if your company is well promoted.

Like me…

Let your subscribers tell and show how they do something. For example, when raffling off movie tickets, ask them to show a photo of themselves going to the cinema.

In conclusion

In fact, any competition can be successful, but they must be held regularly so that readers do not lose interest in the resource. Combine different ideas and don’t skimp on nice words and prizes for the winner!