Prolog is an amazing programming language. JSC Scientific and Production Company Logic Technology of Professionals

Prologue– a program for reading and storing data received from heat calculator SPT (Logic) or transferred via ADS90, ADS91 drives and outputting them in the form of tables in the required format.

The Prolog Logic program provides:

  • support for all models of devices, SPT942, SPT961M, SPG741, ;
  • loading data from the ADS90 drive;
  • loading data from the drive;
  • downloading data obtained through the program;
  • downloading data from metering devices with direct connection;
  • downloading data from metering devices when connected via a telephone line via a modem to manual mode or according to a schedule;
  • downloading data from metering devices when connected via a local/global computer network;
  • downloading data from devices located in the network of devices;
  • maintaining an archive of subscribers, nodes and accounting data;
  • receiving current data from devices and displaying them on the computer screen in real time
  • printing reports on energy consumption using templates;
  • export of accounting data to EXCEL, CSV, SQL tables, text documents (rtf, txt, dbf formats) and web pages.

Minimum Installation Requirements

Minimum computer requirements for the Prologue program:

  • Operating system MS Windows Vista and higher.
  • When directly polling devices, at least one free COM port is required.
  • When polling devices over a telephone line, a modem is required.
  • When polling devices via the Internet, an Internet connection is required.

Requirements of the Prologue program for heat, water, gas and electricity meters:

  • When working with several devices, you must set a unique identifier (number) in the settings of each of them. Otherwise, when subsequently copying to a computer, data from different devices with the same identifiers will be lost.
  • Devices SPT961, SPG761, SPG762, SPG763 must be “systemic”.
  • Device versions must be: for SPT961 not lower than 27; for SPT961M not lower than 5; for SPT761 not lower than 11; for SPT762 not lower than 11; for SPT763 not lower than 12;
  • When working with SPT961, SPT961M, SPG761, SPG762, SPG763 devices via the RS232 port, the exchange rate should be set to 4800 bps in their settings.
  • When working with devices SPT961 (mod. 961.1, 961.2) SPG761 (mod. 761.1 and 761.2), SPG762, SPG762 (mod. 762.1 and 762.2), SPG763, SPG763 (mod. 763.1 and 763.2) it is recommended to set the exchange rate in their settings 19200 bits/ s if data is read using an ADS90 drive and 57600 bps if data is read directly from the device or via a modem via a telephone line
  • Immediately before reading data through the optical port, it is necessary to activate it, as described in the operating manual of the device. This requirement does not apply to VI generation heat calculator SPT941.20, SPT944, SPT962, in which the optical port is always on.
    The PROLOGIC LOGIC program has no restrictions and is distributed FREE OF CHARGE.

Prolog program for reading heat calculator data has no restrictions and is distributed free of charge.

1. Commercial or technological accounting.

2. Specifications for the design of UUTE (if available).

3. Type of heating system.

4. Heat supply system parameters (Gmax; Gmin; Pmax; Pmin; Tmax; Tmin for each pipeline; pipeline diameters; coolant).

5. Allowable pressure losses when installing flow meters.

6. Installation location, environmental conditions.

7. Dispatching volume.


What information is needed to diagnose UTE?

1. A database of setting parameters obtained directly from the heat meter using the Configurator or Database programs.

2. Heat meter archives.

3. Automation scheme for UUTE.

4. Diagram of external connections of UUTE.

5. Copies of passports of flow, temperature, pressure sensors.

6. Specifications for the design of UUTE.


When using the ADS91 drive and the APS78 adapter purchased with the ADS90, it is not possible to read data from the SPT943.1

The APS78 adapter purchased together with the ADS90 cannot be used with the ADS91 drive. On the APS78 case compatible with ADS91 there is an inscription: “for work with ADS91”


It is not possible to obtain archived data from SPT941.20 using the ADS90 drive and the APS78 adapter.

Due to the discontinuation of ADS90 drives from production, drive support for new NPF LOGIC devices, in particular SPT941.20 and SPT943.1 with software versions and higher, is not provided. The functions of reading data from the above devices are fully implemented in the new product of NPF LOGIKA - the ADS91 drive.


How can you organize data transfer on the Internet from heat meters SPT 943.2; SPT 961 and SPG 763 corrector with access to the Ethernet interface via the ARP-TCP/IP protocol?

To organize the transmission on the Internet of data received from energy metering devices in data collection systems, dispatching and monitoring of energy consumption and production facilities, ADS 99 adapters are designed, which ensure the integration of all modifications of heat meters SPT941, SPT943, SPT961, correctors SPG741, SPG742, SPG761, SPG762 , SPG763 and SPE542 adders with output to the Ethernet interface via the ARP-TCP/IP protocol.


How can you organize data transfer on the Internet from heat meters SPT 941.10; SPT 961.2 and LNG corrector 742 located at a distance of 160/120 m from each other via the PPP-TCP/IP protocol?

To organize the transmission on the Internet of data received from energy metering devices in data collection systems, dispatching and monitoring of energy consumption and production facilities, the ADS 98 adapter is designed, which ensures the integration of all modifications of heat meters SPT941, SPT943, SPT944, SPT961, SPT962, correctors SPG741, SPG742 , SPG761, SPG762, SPG763 and SPE542 adders with output to the RS232 interface via the PPP-TCP/IP protocol.


Is it possible to connect the SPT944 heat meter directly to a PC via the RS-232 interface, or is it necessary to use an adapter?

To directly connect single devices, for example SPT944, to the COM port of a computer via the RS-232 interface, use the APS77 adapter, which provides galvanic separation of the device and the computer. The adapter is installed in close proximity to the device. Adapterless connection to a computer COM port via the RS-232 interface is allowed only in laboratory conditions.

The need for this may arise when performing the procedure for updating the resident software of the device, or when performing a preliminary download of the device database before installing it at a place of permanent operation. If the computer is located at a significant distance from the device (hundreds of meters), it is advisable to install the second APS77 adapter in close proximity to the computer, ensuring its protection from industrial interference.


How to configure the SPG761 corrector to be able to receive heat supply parameters and archive data on a PC via the APS79 adapter?

The APS79 adapter is designed to work with a network of devices and allows you to connect a computer via the RS485 interface to a network consisting of SPT961, SPT961M, SPT962, SPG761, SPG762, SPG763 devices. Devices in the network are connected two-wire line communication, which at the hardware level complies with the RS485 standard, and in its logical organization is a bus with token access. The network configuration can be bus, star, or tree.

The network exchange speed is from 300 to 4800 bits per second. The total length of all segments can reach 10 km. The network provides information exchange between 30 subscribers. The adapter is programmable and allows you to transfer measured values ​​of individual parameters, for example, values ​​of temperature and cold water pressure, from one device to another within a network according to a given list. Exchange with devices via the APS79 adapter is supported by the SPSet®, PROLOG and OPC server "LOGIC" programs.

To connect a single device, just enter following settings: Specification of external LNG equipment 761.2 parameter 003=1050000025. Specification of external equipment APS 79 parameter 003=1050001025.


How to transfer archived data read by the ADS 90 drive to a PC that does not have a COM port?

1. Purchase a USB-RS232 interface converter.

2. Connect the USB-RS232 interface converter to the PC.

3. Install drivers for the USB-RS232 interface converter.

4. Make sure that the USB-RS232 interface converter is recognized by the computer as a COM port. Remember the COM port number.

5. Open the Prolog program (if the program is not installed, install it using the CD or the website). In the program settings “Service-Settings-Communication” set the COM port number.

6. To download data from the ADS90 drive, you need to connect it using the K228 connector to the USB-RS232 interface converter. Using the “Communication-Poll ADS90” command, new data will be loaded into the program archive.


At what maximum distance from the LNG corrector 761.2 and the heat meter SPT 941.20 are the ADS 98 and ADS 99 adapters installed?

The length of the Ethernet trunk should not exceed 200 m. The length of the RS485 and M4 trunks is determined by the number of subscribers connected to it, cable parameters, data transfer speed and ranges from 0.8 to 12 km. For local data exchange, a device equipped with an RS232C port can act as the leading subscriber; in this case, the length of the communication line should not exceed 100 m.

Detailed data on the length of the trunks are given in the documents "Trunk Protocol SPSet. Programmer's Guide" and "Trunk Protocol M4. Programmer's Guide", posted on


How to automate the accounting of electricity consumption broken down by workshop and shift?

The SPE542 Adder is designed for automated accounting (commercial and technical) of electrical energy and power at industrial and energy enterprises. The adder is designed to work with electrical energy meters equipped with devices for converting the measured energy value into a pulse number signal (pulse sensors). The adder allows you to organize energy consumption metering under two-part tariffs, when not only electricity is measured, but also power during peak hours, as well as energy consumption metering under tariffs differentiated by day zones (for example, as is customary at the Federal Wholesale market of electric energy and power).

The device provides the ability to connect pulse sensors ADS68, E440, E440.01, E870, MX-1, Zh7AP1 and others. The adder allows servicing up to 128 channels of reference counters, which can be combined into groups with a total number of up to 32. Sixteen pulse channels can be connected directly to the SPE542, the rest through spatially separated ADS84 adapters connected to the SPE542 via the RS-485 interface. Up to 16 pulse channels can be connected to each ADS84 adapter. Instead of pulse sensors, telesignaling sensors can be connected to the corresponding inputs of the adder and ADS84 adapters. The adder and each ADS84 adapter can generate up to 4 output two-position signals intended for signaling and load control.


The parameters and quantities of which gas-liquid unstable hydrocarbon mixtures can be controlled and taken into account using LNG 763.2?

Correctors LNG 763.2 are used as part of measuring systems(complexes) for accounting:

  • liquid stable hydrocarbon gas condensates, including pentane and heavier hydrocarbons (C5H12+); liquid homogeneous hydrocarbon mixtures (products of processing of gas condensates and wide fractions of light hydrocarbons);
  • gas-liquid unstable gas condensates, including deethanized (without CH4 and C2H6 or with their total content not exceeding 1% of the mass) and debutanized (without CH4, C2H6, C3H8, C4H10), including, in addition to C5H12+, light hydrocarbons up to butane inclusive;
  • non-hydrocarbon components N2, CO2, H2S, RSH, CH3OH, mechanical impurities and H2O, gas-liquid unstable (raw) hydrocarbon mixtures with a total content of CH4 and C2H6 of no more than 3% by weight;
  • non-hydrocarbon components N2, CO2, H2S, RSH, CH3OH, mechanical impurities and H2O (broad fractions of light hydrocarbons);
  • gas mixtures containing hydrocarbon components up to heptane inclusive and non-hydrocarbon components N2, CO2, H2S, H2O, O2 (wet petroleum gas).


The Prolog programming language was developed by a team led by Kolmerauer around 1970. This was the first attempt to develop a language that would allow the programmer to describe his tasks using mathematical logic, rather than using traditional programming constructs indicating What And When should do Calculating machine. This idea is reflected in the name of the programming language "Prolog" (the English name "Prolog" is an abbreviation for Programming in Logic.- Transl.).

This book focused on issues related to using Prolog as a tool for solving practical problems. At the same time, nothing was said about ways to achieve the final goal - the creation of a logic programming system, a step towards which is Prolog. In this chapter we intend to partially correct this discrepancy by briefly considering Prolog's relationship with mathematical logic and the question of to what extent Prolog programming corresponds to the idea of ​​logic programming.

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