Internet testing program. About checking bandwidth (Internet speed)

NetWorx 5.1 is a free Windows program designed to monitor traffic ( local network and Internet) and measuring the speed of network connections. It will be useful if you have a per-megabyte Internet tariff and/or a limited amount of traffic per day (hour, week, month). Many who use wireless 3G Internet are familiar with this situation. For example, I pay 77 UAH. ($9.6) per month and I can use no more than 232 MB per day. If more, then for each megabyte I pay 0.1 UAH. With such prices, every megabyte is worth its weight in gold, almost literally.

I've been using the program for a couple of months. There were no problems or complaints. The review will be based on the latest stable version of NetWorx 5.1.7 at the time of writing (06/13/2011).

There are no special requirements for the system. Wherever one of the supported operating systems(Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, Seven, 2008 (there is support for 32 and 64 bit versions operating systems)), NetWorx 5.1 will also work. The review is conducted on the Windows 7 SP1 x64 operating system (build 7601). Modem – Huawei EC122. Modem characteristics (stated on the website):

  • standard – CDMA 2000 1xEV-DO Rev. A.
  • Antenna - built-in.
  • Interface – USB2.0.
  • Data transfer speed (upload) – up to 1.8 Mbit/s.
  • Data transfer speed (reception) – up to 3.1 Mbit/s.
  • Data transfer speed (average) – up to 400-600 Kbps.

After installation, NetWorx will appear in your taskbar next to the clock (picture below). When you click on its icon with the right mouse button, the main menu of the program will open (picture below).

The program is available in 28 languages. Among which there are Ukrainian and Russian. There is a certificate, but it is in English.

Let's look at the available menu items in more detail.


When you click on Show graph in the main NetWorx menu, a window with a graph will open in front of you, which will display incoming and outgoing traffic indicating the speed (picture below).

The graph window can be moved to any part of the screen. To configure the chart, right-click on it and select from the list that appears Settings. Then go to the tab Charts(picture below).

On this tab of the NetWorx program you can:

  • set the graph to be displayed on top of all windows.
  • Display the title of the graph window. For example, "NetWorx (all connections)".
  • Set window transparency as a percentage.
  • Set the graph to be displayed by pressing a certain key combination.
  • Set the display of the animated chart level (picture below).

  • Set the display of statistics on a chart for a day, week, month (picture below).

  • Choose one of three types graph display (histogram, line, numeric). The figure below shows all three types of chart displays in order.

You can also set the graph to dynamically display instead of the static NetWorx 5.1 icon in the taskbar. Three types available.

  1. Bar chart.
  2. Bold lines.
  3. Fine lines.

The figure below shows all three chart display types in the order they appear in the list above.

As you can see, the NetWorx Internet connection speed measurement program has enough good opportunities on information visualization.

You can set the graph display from left to right, minute marks on the graph, fix the Y axis, specify maximum speed(the speed of your current connection will be displayed relative to it) and select units of measurement (byte, KB, MB, bit, kbit, Mbit). After making these settings, you can get the following graph display (picture below). The settings are: display grid and axes, minute markers, fixed Y axis, maximum speed 1000 KB.

It is possible to measure speed in two units of measurement: Byte/s and Bit/s.

Speed ​​measurement

If you need to measure the current speed network connection, then NetWorx 5.1 provides a tool for this Speed ​​measurement(picture below).

It is very easy to use. Press the button Start and the counter begins to track the current one, calculate the average and record the maximum speed for incoming and outgoing connection. In addition, the counter displays the amount of transmitted and received information in bytes for the reporting period of time (the time from the moment the counter starts until the current time or until the countdown stops). It is possible to reset the counter, copy all lines to the clipboard, save data to text file(TXT) and call help.

I think that this functionality Any program that measures Internet connection speed is a must have. But the speed depends on many factors. For example, network congestion, the speed of your computer that you are visiting, the number of extensions and plugins installed in your browser, and so on.


One of the most important features of NetWorx 5.1 is the maintenance of statistical data over a given period of time. There is a tool specifically for this purpose. Statistics(picture below).

This tool is divided into eight tabs.

  1. General.
  2. Daily report.
  3. Weekly report.
  4. Monthly report.
  5. By users.
  6. Selective report.
  7. Dial-up session.
  8. Hourly report.

The toolbar contains eight buttons (picture above).

  1. Update. Refreshes the current contents of the window.
  2. Users. Allows you to present the report in each tab according to specific user or all at once.
  3. Display. Changes the set of data displayed in the active tab. For example, the Daily Report tab can be set to display data only for peak, off-peak, and all hours.
  4. Export data to one of the following formats: XLS, RTF, HTM, TXT, CSV.
  5. Backup copy. Allows you to create a copy of statistical data in XLS format. This function will be useful, for example, when reinstalling the operating system.
  6. Recovery. Allows you to restore a copy of statistical data from XLS format.
  7. Reset. Resets statistics.
  8. Reference. Opens the English-language NetWorx 5.1 Help site.

Let's look at the contents of each tab in more detail.

The General tab (picture above) contains a report on outgoing, incoming and total traffic for the day and from the moment statistics began to be maintained. It is also possible to view the duration of the Dial-up.

The Daily Report tab (picture below) contains data on outgoing, incoming and total traffic for a specific day. Plus, at the end the sum for each column for all days is displayed. Under the table you can see a histogram (two types: with grouping and with accumulation (the article provides examples of a histogram with accumulation)), visually displaying the daily state of traffic use.

The Weekly report tab (picture below) contains the same data as the tab Daily report, but week is selected as the reporting period.

The Monthly report tab (picture below) contains the same data as the tabs Day And Weekly report, but the month is selected as the reporting period.

On the By Users tab (picture below) you can view information about the use of incoming, outgoing and all traffic for a specific user or about all users together for the current day, week, month, year.

Using the Selected report tab (picture below), you can set the time interval of interest (for example, from 05/01/2011 to 05/31/2011) and receive information about outgoing, incoming and total traffic for a specific day of the selected period.

The Dial-up session (picture below) contains information about all Dial-up connections for a specific connection.

The Hourly report tab (picture below) displays information about outgoing, incoming and total traffic for each hour of operation since the start of statistics. In addition, it is possible to view the average incoming and outgoing connection speed. Based on this, you can draw conclusions about your Internet connection speed.

Based on the results from 04/15/2011 to 06/15/2011, my average incoming Internet connection speed was 4812.74183 bytes/s (4.7 kilobytes per second), outgoing - 695.4640523 bytes/s (0.679 kilobytes per second). I don't entirely agree with these data. However, when downloading files from “high-quality” servers, the speed can be kept within 1 Mbit/s.

If you have a limit (in megabytes) for using, for example, the Internet for a certain period of time (for example, a day), then it is possible to set a quota. In the quota settings (picture below), you set the type of quota (daily, weekly, monthly, for the last 24 hours), choose what to take into account (only incoming, only outgoing, all traffic or Dial-up duration), choose to take into account any time or only peak hours, units of measurement (KB, MB, GB) and indicate directly numeric value quotas.

The quota window (picture below) displays information about given settings quotas, reporting period, amount of used and remaining traffic in megabytes and percentage. In the same window, you can specify that NetWorx display a message when a certain traffic usage threshold is reached. In my opinion, this is a very convenient feature.

NetWorx 5.1 settings (picture below) are divided into six tabs.

  1. Are common.
  2. Schedule. The options available on this tab are discussed in detail above.
  3. Graphic colors.
  4. Notifications.
  5. Additional.
  6. Dial-up

NetWorx provides the ability to set a password to access the program.

Now let's look at each settings tab in more detail.

Are common. Tab Are common(picture above) contains global settings for NetWorx 5.1. On it you will be able to:

  • specify that NetWorx 5.1 should run alongside Windows.
  • Set the automatic start of checking for program updates on the developer's website.
  • Assign “hot” keys to launch graphics and statistics.
  • Select units of measurement (auto, Gigabyte, Megabyte, Kilobyte, Byte).
  • Set the multiplier (Kibi (1024) or Kilo (1000)). Here it is better to set the multiplier that is used by the company providing you with Internet services.
  • You can designate which connection NetWorx should monitor. For everyone or for some specific one. For example, only behind the local network.
  • It is possible to set the option to ignore local traffic (within the network). To do this, you simply specify IP addresses between which NetWorx 5.1 will not take into account received and transmitted information.

For greater convenience, when you hover over the program icon in the taskbar, you can configure the display of various statistical information (picture below). You can set what to display for various actions.

  • When you click in the tray, display: current speed, daily traffic, weekly traffic, monthly traffic, Dial-up duration, graph.
  • When you double click in the tray, display: statistics, graph or nothing.
  • When you hover the mouse, display: current speed, daily traffic, weekly traffic, monthly traffic, Dial-up duration, version.

Graphic colors. On the tab Graphic colors(Figure below) there are settings that relate to the color design of the chart window (discussed in more detail above).

If necessary, you can change the background color, the display of the color of incoming, outgoing, and general traffic, the color of the text and frame. Optionally, you can specify whether to use a gradient or solid background color, or set the background to an image (BMP).

Notifications. Tab Notifications(picture below) contains settings for displaying a corresponding signal to you when a certain traffic threshold value is reached under specified conditions.

You can set it to trigger under the following condition:

  • received less.
  • Less sent.
  • More received.
  • More sent.
  • Less received or sent.
  • More received or sent.
  • Less received and sent.
  • More received and sent.

Then enter a numeric value in the " How", select the unit of measurement (KB, MB, GB, byte). You must also specify the time interval in seconds, minutes or hours. And set traffic tracking (all traffic, peak and non-peak hours). The action can be specified as follows:

  • Message and sound signal. Sound in WAV format.
  • Run the program.
  • Disconnect Dial-up connection.
  • Show graph.
  • Turn off computer. Power off, standby, hibernate, reboot.

Additional. This tab (picture below) will allow you to configure peak, off-peak and non-peak hours. What is it for? For example, in the agreement for the provision of Internet services, your provider has specified tariffs related to the time of day and days of the week. For example, from 00.00 to 06.00 from Monday to Friday, the Internet is absolutely free, and on other days and hours 1 MB = 0.1 UAH. This means that in this case you need to tell NetWorx which days and times to count traffic and which not.

Peak, off-peak and non-peak hours can be marked on the chart with a simple click of the mouse. Each time you click, the color of the cell will change. By clicking on the legend color markers to the right of the diagram, you can change their color. You can also set the start day of the week and the start day of the month on the Additional tab. It will be useful to change the start date of the month for those whose month is calculated (according to the contract with the provider) from the moment of the last payment, and not from the beginning of the calendar month. You can, if necessary, set data synchronization between different copies of NetWorx on different computers online.

Dial-up On the Dial-up tab (picture below), you can set NetWorx 5.1 to install automatically when Windows startup a specific connection with certain parameters. Select the desired connection from the Set this connection at startup drop-down list, click Properties and configure the connection (picture below).

NetWorx software allows you to trace the route of data on TCP/IP networks. Let's set it in the window (picture below) as the computer name “”.

As a result, the NetWorx program will show the “path” between my computer and the specified one. You can also specify the response timeout in milliseconds.

To test connections on TCP/IP-based networks, NetWorx provides the Ping command (picture below).

You specify the name of the computer with which you want to check the connection, set the response timeout in milliseconds and the number of requests.

Tab (picture below) contains information about applications that have received and/or are gaining access to the network.

You can view the name of the executable file of an application, the connection protocol, local address, remote address and connection status. If necessary, you can save the report in the following formats: XLS, RTF, HTM, TXT, CSV. Or simply copy the entire contents of the window (or a specific line) to the clipboard for further insertion this data to other programs.

NetWorx will also be useful for monitoring traffic and identifying, for example, network viral activity(sending spam, carrying out attacks on other computers through yours, sending to an attacker large quantity information and so on).

As you can see from the above, NetWorx has a lot of features that will be useful to many users who monitor their network connections. This includes tracking traffic to record payments to the provider, identifying abnormal computer traffic, tracing routes, and much more. Combined with the fact that the program works in most modern operating rooms Windows systems for personal computers, servers, laptops and netbooks. This makes it competitive among both free and paid analogues market. And in general, as a free Internet speed measurement program, NetWorx is a very good tool.

However, I would like to see functions that will allow cost calculations. For example, the ability to set the cost of one megabyte and link the pricing to the calendar and time of day.

On the Internet, as you know, you can do different things: watch videos, play online games, listen to music, spend time in in social networks and so on. Internet speed depends on the quality of the connection and the tariff plan of the provider. But the speed does not always remain stable: sometimes it becomes lower than the one set in tariff plan. This may depend both on the network load or the operation of the router, and on the action malware or fraud by a dishonest provider. To control and timely respond to such cases, we need programs for checking internet speed.

Full Speed

Free program Full Speed invites users not only to check, but also to optimize Internet speed.

The functions of this utility include checking the speed of downloading and uploading files, changing browser settings to speed up the loading of web pages and files from the local network or the Internet. When you start it for the first time, Full Speed ​​will test the connection with global network and then suggest optimal settings for browsers and download managers.

JDS Auto Speed ​​Tester

JDs Auto Speed ​​Tester utility - providing full information about the stability and speed of the connection, displaying it in a visual graph. It is possible to view the history of Internet speed changes over an hour, day, week, month or year.

The user can install servers for scanning himself, set automatic or manual start test. The results can be saved to a log or to an image file.


Using the NetWorx utility, the user can monitor the speed of the network connection in real time, as well as keep a constant record of traffic.

This function will be useful for users with per-megabyte Internet tariffs or limited quantity traffic per certain period. The program is completely free and takes up little space.

Internet Speed ​​Booster

Internet Speed ​​Booster- it's not even one Internet speed test program, but a whole package consisting of three utilities.

With Internet Speed ​​Booster, the user can not only measure the speed of the Internet connection, but also improve it by optimizing the operating system settings with the program. This utility has many settings, which makes it very convenient for both inexperienced and advanced users.

It is worth remembering that when checking Internet speed, you need to temporarily disable all programs that use it - this way the result will be most consistent with reality.
Now you know about the main Internet speed testing programs, and you can easily determine the speed of your Internet connection. That's all for me, see you soon!

Speedtest - small program to measure connection speed. The system performs automatic tests for ping, server response and the functioning of the Internet in general. Helps replace constant calls to the provider with a simple operation to check the connection. Information is displayed on the screen with graphic tables for visual analysis on the page. Such assistance will be needed in games, offices, and work PCs.

The developer releases new updates for testing in latest versions. Disadvantages - frequent program crashes and errors when calculating the speed flow. It is recommended to bypass the firewall for the application to function properly.

This software will provide any information on networks, connection speed and Internet usage by pressing just one button.

Download the full Russian version of Speedtest for free from the official website without registration and SMS.

System requirements

  • Supported OS: Windows 7, 8.1, 8, Vista, 10, XP
  • Bit depth: 32 bit, 64 bit, x86

There are times when you need to measure the speed of the Internet and the question arises: How to do this? You can, of course, use Internet services, but they only measure connection speed, and constant monitoring there is no possibility. In this case, third-party software can help us.

What program can help us with this? Of course, there are a lot of such programs on the Internet, but most of them have an ugly interface and poor functionality, and some refuse to work at all, especially under new operating systems such as Windows 10.

After several hours of surfing the Internet, I managed to find one good and very convenient program for measuring Internet speed, it is called Networx. I’ll briefly tell you about the functionality: the program can measure the speed of any connection, be it dial-up or Ethernet, you can even measure the speed on a USB modem. The software itself weighs only a couple of megabytes and practically does not consume the precious resources of your machine. In Networx, you can monitor either all connections at once, or each one separately.

Additional Networx Features

In addition, the program can show a graph of Internet speed in real time. The interface of this speed meter is very pleasant and working with it will not cause any difficulties even for ordinary users. The graph and window are easily customizable; you can select any color of the graph, calibrate its size and position.

Another distinctive feature of this program is that it can show a notification in the form of a pop-up window under certain conditions (for example, if the limit daily traffic exceed the maximum), and if necessary, Networx can terminate the connection under certain conditions specified by the user.

Networx has a very handy statistics, which shows incoming and outgoing traffic per day, per week, per month, and indeed at any period of time. You can find this program by typing its name into any search engine.

The proven SpeedTest program in Russian provides the opportunity for each user to check real Internet connection speed indicators. This utility can easily determine the response of servers, so clients will receive real numbers and data. This way you can check your own Internet provider.

Features of using the SpeedTest program

If you download the speed test to your computer in Russian, you will have unlimited access to the server and client parts. When the program runs on one personal device, then it will provide all the data to another computer. With these features, users are able to measure accurate data transfer speeds between two PCs.

If necessary, the data, at the request of the client, is sent to any specified site. For execution of this action just enter it in address bar desired site and check the box " Web Page" After the speed of the current connection is measured, the following information will be displayed in the table:

  • testing activation time;
  • duration of data transfer to the server.
  • the total number of bytes that were transferred.
  • speed indicators in digital values, as well as in visual representation.

In the SpeedTest application, clients have the ability to specify a server that will test their speed. You can select an access point from another country or region. All information is provided exclusively in graphical form. If you download the speed test to your computer for free, this does not affect the number of functions. Users will still receive full access to all settings and tools of this utility.

Many people have already appreciated the thoughtful and simple interface that even a novice user can understand.

Main key features and functions of the SpeedTest program

We can highlight the main advantages of using the presented utility. It opens up unlimited possibilities for every person.

  1. Connection speed is measured between different servers and dots. Users, at their discretion, choose the direction of verification - “computer-to-computer” or “site-to-computer”.
  2. After a thorough and in-depth check, the most informative and accurate table of finished results will be provided.
  3. The ability to compare speed indicators of various connections thanks to the presence of a visual diagram.
  4. Intuitive and simple interface to use the program. Now the SpeedTest utility is available for wide use in Russian. Only on this site you can download SpeedTest with a Russian interface onto your personal computer and mobile devices.
  5. Small size installation file, quick unpacking and installation.
  6. Stable work.
  7. The program does not have Russian language.

By downloading this program you can check your own Internet provider. The utility works with personal computers, which are running operating systems such as Windows and Linux.