Profession smm. What kind of SMM specialist is he? Qualities required by a professional

21st century - era computer technology... It must be admitted that the Internet has completely absorbed life modern man. I found the time when in order to get into world wide web, it was necessary to connect the modem to the telephone cable, then listen to the hissing for a long time, and then the coveted signal appeared! Back then, just reading news on the Internet was such a blessing!

Now it is difficult to imagine life without the Internet. Therefore, it is not surprising that the 21st century is also the era of Internet professions. You can list them endlessly, but, as you guessed from the title of the article, we will talk about SMM. And no, I will not now list the books you need to read or tell you where to go to study. Let's talk about the most important things: motivation, principles, trends.

How can you characterize the specialty of SMM manager?

First of all, it is creativity, a love of writing, the ability to analyze and think strategically, a developed sense of aesthetics and a thirst for knowledge.

About motivation

In general, I think the golden rule for any profession is to LOVE what you do. It’s a bad idea to put profit or career growth, the desire to prove your worth to someone or get a fashionable profession as the main motivation.

If you are not able to have a passionate romance with your job, quit it!? Mountains of books and years of studying in steep courses will not help if you work from 9 to 18, counting every minute. You've probably noticed how time flies when you're busy doing what you love and vice versa - how long does it last when the activity is not a joy? You need to put your soul into SMM. Therefore, there is no way to do this without love!

Please don’t go to SMM if: “My husband recommended it,” “Friends told me how much they pay there,” or “You heard somewhere that it’s fashionable.” Make your choice consciously!

Do you want to be a cool SMM manager?

Get ready to improve yourself! And no, you don’t have to pay crazy amounts of money for prestigious courses in your city or buy a new book every week. But keeping abreast of new trends is the sacred duty of a social media manager. Therefore, thematic blogs, news sites, professional groups V in social networks– this is something you should read with pleasure and in any free moment.

Are you traveling in public transport while plugging into your phone? Get off Instagram and better read Rumyantsev’s group "Internet marketing from A to Z." Are you watching a series in the evening? Pause it and read the news on Like! Just one week without Digital news is enough to get lost in the world of SMM.

About trends and innovation

If you are by no means an innovator and not at all a fan of experiments, it is better not to meddle in SMM. Social networks are a unique platform where you can constantly experiment with content and strategy, implement cool features, test new services.

The competition in the Internet market is colossal, so it is increasingly difficult to stay one step ahead. In 2016, copy-paste and Googled images are no longer enough to make a cool post. Only unique and engaging text, only high quality images. And even better - cool videos!

Be a little bit of a psychologist

Social networks are social for the reason that people interact in them. SMM is an understanding of human psychology. If you do not intuitively understand how a person makes a choice of a particular product or cannot evaluate it social profile, don’t rush to go to SMM.

You will also have to be a strategist and an analyst. And a little bit of a designer! A kind of man-orchestra. Although in fact, it’s unrealistically cool to try yourself in different guises, manage a project completely from start to finish, and then watch its success with pride!

And once again about love

Only not to work, but to projects. Each person is unique, and each customer is special, as is his project. Nobody says that you have to like all the topics, and you have to make friends with all the clients. But also to turn away from the project without good reasons stupid. What to do in this case? Abstract yourself! Or find for yourself undeniable advantages in working with a specific project. Remember, every experience is equally unique and rewarding, whether positive or negative.

Do not be afraid to defend your position if you have sober arguments. The man whom I consider my first mentor in marketing taught me the main thing - to express my opinion in work matters. But only if you have something to confirm your point of view in facts and figures.

Respect yourself and value your time– another important postulate that applies to any profession. More than once I have met people who sacrifice their time and health to please their superiors, for the sake of an additional bonus, or for even more banal reasons. Work overtime solely for your own pleasure. And success will come to you as a consequence.

As Evgeny Leonov said: “Happiness is when you want to go to work in the morning and go home in the evening!” And if in the evening over a cup of tea, you complain to your family: “How tired of this work you are,” think about whether it’s time to change something in your life?

Well, now let's talk about specific facts, without which it is impossible toSMM!

As they say, it hurt. I conducted interviews and listened with a smile as one of the candidates said: “My friend leads a group, but I can do it too.” Now I work at a factory." I have nothing against factory workers, but the lack of a burning interest in social networks and development in general, the desire for easy money and just sitting on VKontakte and posting cats is killing me.

If you are seriously thinking about becoming an SMM specialist and are thinking where to start, what you need, what to read and where to study– this article is for you.

First of all, I want to introduce you to the responsibilities of an SMM manager and the skills that will be useful to you.


  • Analysis of SMM activities of competitors.
  • Development and implementation of SMM strategy.
  • Maintaining communities.
  • Writing a content plan for the month ahead.
  • Planning publications (via auto-posting services).
  • Content branding (make a picture for a competition/promotion, develop templates for sections, or at least stick a logo on the picture).
  • Setting up targeted advertising.
  • Search for communities for advertising.
  • Conducting competitions and promotions: mechanics, picture + text, attracting people, summing up results.
  • Search for opinion leaders.
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of SMM events and development of recommendations for improvement.

SKILLS that will help you:

Literacy. Agree, it’s disgusting to read posts from a cool brand with errors? Trust immediately goes to zero.

Marketing knowledge. Yes, this is the case when economic education will help you, or rather the thinking that you learned at the institute.

Copywriting. There are certain formulas and nuances of writing texts and you need to know them. This skill is necessary for writing posts and advertising texts.

Analytic skills. Calculation of the cost and effectiveness of campaigns, analysis of results.

Logics. It will help to put forward hypotheses about the target audience and divide it into segments.

Creativity– come up with activities, catchy features and interesting ideas to promote the client's business.

Knowledge graphic editors. Corel Draw, Photoshop, Illustrator, online editors for creating images for posts, advertising, promotions, competitions.

Sales– communication with the client, creating effective presentations, being able to persuade.

Knowledge of trends and technologies— track the latest tools, updates, solutions, follow trends.

Needless to say, an SMM specialist should love social networks and actively use them? 🙂


There are a lot of books on the Internet, the SMM field is rapidly developing, so books quickly become outdated. Here I am attaching a list of books for a minimum reading base that I have read myself.

Important: Despite the fact that you plan to work in SMM, you also need to understand the basics of Internet marketing, because All channels - SEO, web analytics, copywriting, email - are closely interconnected.

1. “Business promotion on VKontakte. New practices and technologies", Dmitry Rumyantsev

2. “100+ practical hacks for internet marketers”, Evgenia Kryukova

3. " ", Damir Khalilov

5. “Facebook - effect for business and self-PR”, Olga Filina

6. “Content, marketing and rock and roll”, Denis Kaplunov

7. “”, Denis Kaplunov

9. " . We create texts that sell”, Dmitry Kot


In contact with

  1. Internet marketing from A to Z -
  1. Practice SMM 3.0 -
  1. SMM promotion and sales! —
  1. SMMers -
  1. Marketing. Advertising. SMM -
  1. Cerebro Target (public service for specialists in targeted advertising) -
  1. Lazy SMM manager's blog -
  1. SMM|Targeting -
  1. SMM planner (public auto-posting service) -


  1. Content Marketing -
  2. SMM Party -
  3. Internet marketers' smoking room. Articles, cases, tools, tricks -


Like books, blogs are devoted not only to SMM, but to various areas of Internet marketing. Subscribe to newsletters!

Russian-language sources:

  • Academy of Internet Marketing Web promo expert -
  • The first one-day Internet marketing school “I-marketing” -
  • GeniusMarketing (facebook, email, business development) -
  • Free webinars are held almost everywhere, stay tuned for updates or subscribe to newsletters)

    I would especially like to highlight the courses that I took:

  1. A unique practical course “Targeting from A to Z live.”
  1. Internet marketing school “I-marketingschool” in Kharkov -

Good luck to everyone! I believe you.

Who is an SMM specialist from a business point of view?

Benefits of working on social networks for businessmen– this is a very wide coverage, “ word of mouth"; precise targeting of the audience, because on social networks people share a lot detailed information About Me; interactive interaction and prompt response to negativity.

What do customers want fromSMM-specialists?

1. Sales, more sales)))

LinkedIn works great in b2b, especially in the Western segment. Companies even have special managers who work exclusively with this professional social network and bring in leads or potential Clients and transfer them to the sales department.

Facebook works great in b2c (for some topics it’s even better than contextual Google advertising AdWords, as discussed in Perry Marshall’s book “Contextual Advertising That Works”) and VKontakte.

2. Branding

3. Traffic(especially relevant for news resources)

Common and distinctive features of SMM and SEO

Who is an SMM specialist?

Over time, this specialty turns from unknown to anyone into very popular and in demand. It is intended for those who are not afraid to experiment, look for new approaches to solving problems and always be open to communication.

An SMM specialist manages the presence and promotion of a brand in social networks or the “promotion” of a website in social channels. It solves a number of problems related to attracting customers from social networks, increasing the company’s image, as well as the recognition and popularity of a product or service. Not directly, but still, an SMM specialist has an impact on increasing sales volume.

Prospects and salaries. Due to the high demand for these specialists in the market and relatively low competition, the salary of a representative of this profession is about $300 per month.

As for the prospects, according to most experts, this area will develop rapidly, and with its help more and more opportunities will open up.

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.


An SMM marketer is a specialist who attracts traffic from social networks for companies.

Such an employee can be compared to a magician. One who skillfully juggles several objects in the air at once. All the attention of the public at this moment is concentrated on the circus performer. The same is true in social media marketing. A true professional in this field is a one-man orchestra. He uses a large number of tools to gather his target audience around the brand, expand its reach, and increase profits. There is only one difference - people look at the brand, and not at the SMMer himself.

Ideal SMM marketer for the project

It's not easy to be such a specialist. To give you an idea of ​​the scale, a few years ago an article was published about one hundred skills that he should master. We will talk about key skills. In general, such an employee is responsible for all work with content, communications and traffic.

What are the responsibilities of an SMM marketer?

  • Analysis of competitors' activities.
  • Research of preferences and reactions of potential buyers.
  • Drawing up a content plan for the month.
  • Preparation of a brand or product promotion strategy.
  • Creation, content and maintenance of a group, public, account.
  • Communication with users, etc.
  • Attracting people to the community.
  • Studying new trends and implementing them when necessary.
  • Conducting competitions and quizzes.
  • Setting up targeting and contextual advertising, searching for a site for its placement.
  • Track metrics using special services(number of subscribers, growth in coverage, number of transitions to the site, company recognition, involvement, user activity, return on money invested in promotion).

Qualities and skills of a good SMM manager

Do you like to use social networks? Do you know how to communicate with different people? Possess analytical thinking? If you answered “yes” to all these questions, you have a good chance of becoming a... Of course, you will need a lot more skills to grow into a professional.

  • Literacy. Communities run by a specialist are the face of the brand. Mistakes are unacceptable, as they can cause negative reactions from subscribers.
  • Introduction to graphic editors. Most of the content you will have to deal with is visual. Resizing an image, adding a logo to it, enhancing a photo - all this should not be a problem for you.
  • Knowledge. It is very important to learn at least the basics, because this position involves working with the company’s reputation, attracting clients, managing advertising and its budget.
  • Ability to write texts. You need to know the nuances and formulas of writing informational and regular posts. You also need to have an instinct and understand what your target audience will like.
  • Understanding psychology. The specialist’s responsibilities include communicating with subscribers, increasing visitor activity, and responding to negative reviews and messages.
  • Creative thinking. You will need it in order to easily generate new promotion ideas, create competitions, promotions, and features to increase audience engagement.
  • Knowledge of web analytics tools and services that help evaluate work results.

How to become an SMM specialist

There are no educational institutions where you can obtain the necessary skills, but there are numerous courses. It will be a good help higher education marketer. But the only guarantee of success for an SMM manager is constant self-education.

  • Read books on PR, SEO, copywriting, advertising. All this will be useful in your activities.
  • Watch video tutorials. There is plenty of free material on YouTube and other sites.
  • Take online and regular master classes. Don't miss the chance to chat live with an expert. This is how you get valuable advice and be inspired by his example.
  • Public pages, groups, blogs, Instagrams on relevant topics. There are a lot of them: Cossa, SMMPlanner, Popartmarketing, Instashkola,, and more.

There are a lot of sources; you need to be able to structure the information received and immediately apply it in practice. Remember that theoretical training is important, but it will not make you a professional. How to gain invaluable experience?

To start, do personal accounts on those sites where you want to work first. You can immediately apply all the knowledge gained in your account. In addition, it will be strange if an SMM marketer does not have his own page. This way you will kill two birds with one stone: you will begin to create a personal brand and develop skills.

There are several more ways to learn how to promote on social networks from scratch:

  • Come up with a company and promote it.
  • Create communities for the businesses of your acquaintances.
  • Find companies that clearly need help and offer your services.
  • Get a job as an intern at an agency or with a well-known specialist.

How to learn to write

You need practice. The more you write, the better you get at it. Read books about sales and informational texts, think about what interests your audience (real or fictional) and get started. You can create your own tasks or register on a content exchange. The second option is less suitable, since an interesting task is not always found. But for completing it you will receive payment (albeit small), and you will overcome fear clean slate and get an idea of ​​what commercial articles are.

An SMM specialist is a complex and in-demand profession. If you decide to become an SMM specialist, get ready for constant self-education, experiments and irregular days. Very often, such specialists are in touch most of the day, since you also need to be a community manager, which means answering subscribers’ questions in a timely manner. This can be called the main disadvantage of working on social networks. Otherwise, this is an exciting activity, during which you will gain a lot of knowledge and skills in related fields and become a sought-after employee.

SMM manager- is a specialist in SMM (Social Media Marketing), a set of measures to promote websites, goods or services using social media tools, which include: blogs; social media; thematic Internet resources of the Web 2.0 class The profession is suitable for those who are interested in Russian language and literature and social studies (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Short description

The profession of an SMM manager is at the intersection of marketing and IT, so a specialist is required to have high computer literacy in the field of creating and filling websites, knowledge of marketing communications strategy, basic knowledge programming languages ​​and graphic editors, online applications and tools.

Why do you need SMM?

SMM promotion is an extremely dynamic process, during which you must constantly monitor changes in the interests of the audience and the emergence of new trends.

Features of the profession

What does an SMM manager do:

  • strategy development - identifying the target audience and studying its interests, behavior, searching for sites with a high concentration of the target audience, developing a customer loyalty system, integrating SMM activity into the overall marketing strategy companies;
  • advertising management - holding competitions, flash mobs, developing applications for social networks, creating channels on video hosting sites;
  • reputation management - collection feedback from the target audience and reaction to comments, influencing the public through PR materials on social networks;
  • community management - directing discussions in the right direction, increasing user activity in communities, neutralizing negative users, organizing support services through social networks;
  • maintaining accounts and moderating them on all social networks;
  • working with contractors (freelancers);
  • content management - adapting branded content to a blog or video hosting format, writing texts for a social network format, sending out releases, creating scripts for videos;
  • working with interfaces - integrating a website with social networks and social networks with an electronic store, creating incentives for joining, creating start pages and tabs;
  • working with opinion leaders and using “agents of influence” in social networks - identifying opinion leaders for the target audience and organizing events for them;
  • monitoring and analysis;
  • creation, support and promotion of corporate accounts in blogging services
  • hidden marketing and advertising on blogs.

The functional responsibilities of an SMM manager include:

Pros and cons of the profession SMM manager


  • A job in demand, as demand in the market for social media marketing services is constantly growing;
  • loyal attitude of users compared to a negative attitude towards direct advertising of goods and services;
  • large-scale ability to accurately select the target audience;
  • low cost of promotions;
  • the rapid effect of word of mouth.


Training to become an SMM manager

The principles of offline marketing also apply online. Along with this, serious knowledge in the field of Internet marketing is welcome, which can be obtained at the relevant courses: Yandex seminars on Internet advertising, the Internet and Business conference, etc.

Practical intensive course "SMM manager" SMM Digital Agency with 17 years of experience. All the most important things, without water. Only necessary materials, practice, and detailed analysis cases. Upon completion of the course you will receive a certificate. Individual checking of homework by the teacher. You can study in a convenient place, from your mobile phone, tablet or laptop. During the course you receive theory plus homework: practicing new skills in practice, as well as a handout with a list of useful books, podcasts, YouTuBe and Telegram channels. The course is taught by practicing specialists with more than 5 years of experience in Internet marketing.


Due to the novelty of this profession, this particular specialty is not taught in any university. But university graduates with majors in journalism, mathematics, physics or cybernetics, and especially marketing, work successfully in this field.

You can become a marketing specialist and gain real marketing thinking by enrolling in leading universities in the capital:

State University of Management (SUM)

Moscow State University Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI),

Russian Economic Academy named after. G.V. Plekhanov (REA named after G.V. PLEKHANOV)

Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU)

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN).

The specialty “Marketing” is also available in many non-state universities: the Moscow International Higher School of Business “MIRBIS”, the International Academy of Marketing and Management (“MAMARMEN”), the Moscow Financial and Industrial Academy (IFPA), the International Academy of Business and Management (MABiU) and etc.

Place of work

Online trading projects operating using the E-Commerce Marketplace system (mediation between stores and customers); companies using the Internet to conduct important marketing campaigns to promote their products.

SMM manager salary

Salary as of 04/01/2019

Russia 20000—65000 ₽

Moscow 30000—100000 ₽

The salary level depends on the skill level of the specialist, the scale of the project and the breadth functional responsibilities, and also has regional dependence.

Career steps and prospects

In the future, a good specialist can head the Internet projects department in a large business, take a leadership position in a specialized company, or open his own Internet agency.

Portrait and types of SMM managers:

There are several types of specialists in this field:

1. Moderators of the VKontakte group,Fineknowledgeable features of their group and the format of communication in it, but may be unfamiliar with other platforms. As a rule, they are young and work for the future. Unable to create from scratch active group on the desired topic and develop a digital strategy.

2. LJ-ists,have been blogging for many years. They have experience in promoting blogs in LiveJournal to the “thousandth” level with the most different methods, work in communities, offer blog posts and hold competitions. As a rule, they do not know how to work on Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter. They do not have the skills to write advertising commercial offers for agencies or clients.

3. Former or current SEO optimizers, smo specialists,which actively use automated methods, know how to “drive traffic”, optimize blogs, and own a database of virtuals on all platforms. The issue of SMM management is approached with SEO thinking in the form of spam, mailings, etc.

4. Humble but capable performers,able accurately carry out the assigned task. They usually work as freelancers for a small fee. Properly conduct monitoring and search necessary information, communicate skillfully on forums, but are not strong in matters of self-promotion.

5. Project managers in agencieswith experience inPR-companies that are well versed in social networks.

6. Stars with marketing thinking, extensive experience in the market, able to sell, lead projects, develop strategy, manage a team of employees, run blogs and conferences. Have own projects with high results.

7. Digital creator- a super professional at the level of the owner of his own agency or the head of the coolest company

The profession of SMM manager was finally formed only in 2010, when social networks took a strong position as a platform for business promotion. SMM specialists are responsible for promoting brands, products and services on social networks, and the scope of their responsibilities greatly depends on the concept of the project. For example, for one project you can do , and for another.

Everything that an SMM manager does is aimed at making a profit from social networks. The specialist attracts traffic, works with the audience, and shapes their opinion about the brand.

The main responsibilities of an SMM manager include:

  1. Strategy Development company presence on social networks. A specialist usually forms a clear promotion goal: increasing the flow of customers, increasing brand loyalty, setting oneself apart from competitors, and so on.
  2. Creation and design thematic communities, groups, pages, publics.
  3. Drawing up media plans and content plans.
  4. Content generation– both with and without the involvement of “contractors” (designers and copywriters).
  5. Promotion groups, pages, publics and so on. This includes the creation and configuration advertisements, holding competitions and attracting traffic by any other available means.
  6. Analysis conversion rates and adjustments advertising companies depending on the result.
  7. Communication— creating responses to negative and positive user messages.
  8. Making report and analytical work.

These are the main responsibilities of an SMM manager. Depending on the project, its functions may expand or, conversely, narrow. For example, it is often practiced to promote groups by a team in which one is responsible for content, another for advertising, a third for design, and so on. Many professionals provide additional training to their assistants.

Each project usually has a clear job description for specialists.

Key skills of an SMM manager

Important skills of an SMM manager, without which his services will not have the desired effect, are:

  • communication skills: a specialist must be able to communicate with different audiences in their language;
  • equilibrium: it helps to get out of unpleasant situations with dignity;
  • responsibility: the specialist is obliged to finish what he starts and not abandon the project halfway;
  • stress resistance– without it it is impossible to resolve force majeure situations;
  • resistance to criticism– without it it is difficult to see and correct mistakes made.

These requirements are often found in job vacancies. Some companies are ready to provide training to beginners, while paying the minimum salary if they have good personal qualities.

How to find a job as an SMM manager?

An SMM manager must be able to independently search for orders. Many specialists work as freelancers and are looking for new clients with the help of:

  • social networks- you can start working page and publish cases, tips, your thoughts and other interesting things there potential clients content;
  • mailings resumes for vacancies on various sites such as HeadHunter, Avito, and so on;
  • KP mailings– commercial offers – for different companies that have no open vacancies, but their presence on social networks is minimal;
  • publication of resumes on special portals such as Avito and other well-known resources;
  • freelance exchanges type Kwork,, and so on.

Over time, many specialists are approached by recommendation, and then the SMM manager is not looking for a job - it “floats” into his hands. True, this only applies to those who really know their business well and increase company profits through their development on social networks.

How much does a specialist earn? The exact amount depends on the scope of responsibilities, region of promotion, company budget and other factors. For example, average salary experienced specialist in Moscow as of May 2016, according to HeadHunter, amounted to 60,000 rubles. Statistics were collected based on 220 vacancies.

Today there are few people (among those who are friends with the Internet) who would not have heard of such a specialist as SMM manager. However, only a few will be able to answer the question “who is he and what does he do?” And even among employers posting vacancies looking for this “fashionable” professional, there is no clearly defined understanding of the tasks and responsibilities of an SMM specialist. However, this does not prevent them from conducting interviews and hiring people responsible for promotion on social networks, and applicants from calling themselves experts in this field and putting forward requests that sometimes shock even generous “salary providers.” So who is he, this unpredictable and so necessary SMM manager in our time?

SMM and SMO - what is the difference?

Before we talk about the profession itself and its representatives, let’s first understand this: what is SMM? How is it different from SMO? what role do these components play in promoting a website/product/company on the Internet?

If we compare it with SEO, then SMO is work directly “on” and “with” the site ( internal optimization), and SMM is activity outside of it (external optimization) or marketing on social networks.

The essence of SMM activities

Aimed at promoting goods and services posted on the website, social networks, forums and blogs in order to make them recognizable and thereby attract target visitors- consumers, clients, etc.

SMM activities are often confused with SMO. However, these two are absolutely different directions works designed to achieve one goal - brand promotion. Unlike SMO, marketing in social networks does not involve any work directly with the company’s website, its content, transformation and optimization. All work is carried out on an external platform and consists of communicating with a potential audience, attracting new subscribers and future clients to the site, as well as smoothing out conflicts that arise around the company/brand/product through competent responses to negative reviews/comments.

Thus, we can say that SMM is effective tool creating a positive image of a company or product, allowing as soon as possible convey information about it through active work on social networks.

SMM specialist and the limits of his responsibility

Now, having some understanding of the essence of SMM activities, we can move on to discussing the specialists who carry them out. What should an ideal candidate for this position be like, what knowledge and skills should he possess, and, finally, what are the main ones in the company?

Let's start with the fact that the profession is relatively new and is not yet fully understood by both employers and job seekers in this field. That is why today there is great amount such different and often contradictory opinions and ideas regarding the boundaries of responsibility of an SMM manager. So, for example, he should not be involved in one-time advertising and PR campaigns (this is the responsibility of PR and online advertising specialists) or drawing up proposals or managing clients (this is the direct task of the account manager).

An SMM manager is a specialist who is responsible for managing social networks. His responsibility is to achieve specific tasks set for the commercial platform (groups, pages, blogs) by communicating with target audience V virtual space. In this case, the tasks can be different: sales, increasing brand awareness and product memory, improving the company’s image, etc.

Thus, we can distinguish two main areas of work for a social media manager:

  • attracting and increasing the audience (subscribers);
  • working with an engaged audience (communication, answering questions/comments/dealing with negative reviews).

What does an SMM manager do during the day?

Considering the above, it is interesting to know how the working day of an SMM specialist goes? In order for its work to be effective, it is important to organize it correctly. So, throughout the day, an SMM manager needs:

What kind of SMM specialist is he? Qualities required by a professional

Agree, the above tasks cannot be called easy and, naturally, not everyone who calls themselves an “SMM manager” will be able to do them. What professional and personal qualities should a candidate for this “proud title” have?

In addition, a good specialist must be technically savvy and proficient in social media tools. So, it would not be superfluous to understand analytics and SEO, programming, understand (at least basic level) Social Media API.

Why should you “want” to become a professional in the field of SMM?

Today it is not so often to come across such a comprehensively developed SMM manager in his field. Meanwhile, vacancies are appearing more and more often on popular job search sites. If you are someone who dreams of a career in the field of social Internet marketing, then re-read the article again and evaluate the quality of your knowledge, skills and abilities. Weak spots You can always develop, pump up and build up, the main thing is to have the desire and not be lazy. However, the salary of an SMM manager is one of the incentives to become a real pro and get into good company as this specialist. In some areas, wages for SMM specialists reach the level of 100 thousand rubles or more. Therefore, if you feel strong, go for it!