How Facebook works. How to change your personal information

Each social network has its own characteristics, functionality and rules of use. Facebook is one of the most popular networks, which provides great opportunities for communication, business and networking with friends from all over the world. Interface Facebook somewhat similar to another one well-known network In contact with. In addition to communication, here you can display your photos, exchange them, read news, leave your comments and participate in discussions, join interest groups and open groups yourself, listen to music and play games.

How to use Facebook? And what features does it offer?

After registering on this network, decide on the direction of one topic of your account in order to attract more friends with similar interests and make a cover that will correspond to it.

A lot depends on the choice of cover, because many perceive what they see primarily visually, and such a cover will already be your representation.

It is usually believed that people who already know them are added as friends, and when asked to add friends stranger on Facebook they cannot always reciprocate, but in this case you will remain a subscriber of this person and you will see his messages in the general feed on home page.

So, if you decide to add someone as a friend, then go to his page and click on the box "Add as Friend".

Subscribe to communities and click on their page "Like" You become a subscriber to all his news that will come to you. Let's go to the main page and see what opportunities can be seen on it, and of course we pay attention not to the left panel.

Look through everything that might interest you on it. Starting with the inscription "Welcome", by clicking on which you will be redirected to a page where you will also be offered to find your new friends who are on other social networks in order to join them here too.

The news feed is the same main page on which you can view messages from your friends, subscriptions and leave your messages and photos in the window "What are you thinking about?" Write a message, add a photo if you wish and click the inscription at the bottom right "Publish" and your message will appear on the public network.

Well, if this operation seems complicated to you, then in the next video everything is described in detail.

If you like using Facebook apps, help find good apps The following video will help you.

Other communication tools can be seen immediately after the Facebook logo on the upper left side. There are only three of them - People, Messages And Notifications. In the first one you can submit a request to be added as a friend and in it you will also receive a response if you are added. The second will contain your personal correspondence and the third will contain Notifications about various events.

Communicate, express yourself, share your photos and look for friends with similar interests and business partners, meet new people, and learn a lot of new things. All these opportunities are provided to you by the social network Facebook!

Having registered on Facebook, most new users are sure that nothing complicated awaits them further - communicate, get acquainted, play, read the news and freely use all the benefits of modern social networks. However, the site's interface can be confusing and confusing for novice users. That's why this article we'll dedicate useful information about how to use social networks.

Let's understand the main sections

So, by typing in address bar browser, you are automatically taken to your Home page, presented in Russian. Otherwise, it can be called the News Feed. This is where updates from all your Friends and the Pages you follow are posted.

Another important section on Facebook is the user profile, also known as Timeline. You can go to it by simply clicking on your name in the site header.

Here you can see all the publications that you have made, as well as some information about you: interests, favorite films/performers/books, place of residence, date of birth. You can also use a profile header containing the following sections:

Information– a section that contains the personal data you specified. They can be edited at any time.

Friends– your contact list on Facebook. In addition to people who are already on your Friends list, here you can see users who have sent you requests to be added to Friends, as well as your own requests to other users social network.

Photo– it’s already clear from the name that the section is dedicated to the photographs you published. Everything is divided into photo albums. Convenient, clear and easy.

More– under this inscription all other sections are hidden: Videos, Places, Music, Movies, Groups, Likes, etc. You don't need to use them very often (and in most cases, never at all), so they are hidden compactly so as not to take up much space on the page.

Now let's go back to the main header of the site. In addition to the Profile and Home page, users have access to the Find Friends section. It is worth noting that using Facebook search is not as convenient as searching in many other social networks. Search parameters are limited to your full name, place of study, work and residence, and this information is usually not enough. However, Facebook management is doing nothing in this direction, and users have to put up with the available options.

You can also see 5 icons in the site header. 3 of them represent notifications:
– notifications about new requests to be added to Friends;
– notifications about new messages;
– all other notifications, incl. new comments and likes.

The icon will allow you to quickly change your privacy settings, and clicking the icon will take you to all other settings.

Learning to work with Facebook is actually easier than it might seem during your first visits. A week of communication on the social network - and you will be able to properly use all the functions: send messages, write new posts and, perhaps, even open your own public page. The main thing is not to be afraid of anything and feel free to explore the wide possibilities of the site. And of course, follow the set of rules, established by management. Let's talk about them now.

Without breaking the internal “law”

Surely you have heard a lot about the rigor and integrity of the Facebook system. Users are often blocked, and the reasons may be different. To avoid becoming a “criminal” on a social network, you need to know and follow some important rules:

  • Respect others. Do not insult other members of the social network, do not behave provocatively. Immoral and aggressive behavior is strictly punished by the administration, including complete blocking of the account.
  • Do not distribute provocative or prohibited information. Propaganda of drugs, distribution of pornography and incitement of ethnic hatred are serious reasons for the final and irrevocable blocking.
  • No spam. Sending unauthorized advertisements or numerous requests to add strangers as Friends can lead to restrictions on your capabilities on Facebook.

If you want to use all the functions of the world's most popular social network, just follow the above rules, and you will be able to avoid unpleasant situations with limited functions and complete blocking.

What is FaceBook?

The FaceBook social network was developed in early 2004. In the same year, it was implemented by Mark Zuckerberg. At first, the site was called “TheFacebook” and was accessible only to students at Harvard University. Later, the social network spread to all universities in the United States. And two years later, anyone over the age of thirteen could get an account on this social network.

All that was required to register was a valid address Email. After the audience of the social network was significantly expanded, it changed its name to “Facebook”. It is under this name that it exists today. It is the largest social network on the Internet. Number of registered participants from different countries the world has already exceeded six hundred million. Russian version social network appeared just 4 years after its creation.

Despite great amount members of a social network, they can be divided into two categories. The first group includes adherents of this social network, and the second group includes users who are not satisfied with the functionality of the resource.

Registration on FaceBook

To get a social account FaceBook networks, you will have to go through the registration procedure on the official website. Here you will be asked to fill out a standard registration form. It will ask you to indicate your first and last name, email address and password, as well as date of birth and gender. After registration, you can hide your date of birth so that it is not available for viewing by other users of the social network.

After all fields of the registration form have been filled out, you must click on the “Registration” button. The system will automatically send a letter to your email in which your registration on the FaceBook social network will be confirmed. To fully use all the features of the social network, you need to complete a few more steps.

1. Search for friends: after completing the registration procedure, FaceBook will offer you to search the network for your friends and acquaintances with whom you communicated via Skype or email.
2. Profile information: in addition to basic information about yourself, you can also add your place of work or study.
3. Photograph: you can upload a ready-made photo from your computer, or take a photo using a webcam.

FaceBook is a classic social network. Here you can optionally specify personal information about yourself, for example, the country and city in which you live, education, age, etc. You can also upload your videos and photos, create a list of preferences (music and films, clubs and restaurants, athletes and favorite groups). You can correspond with friends, post and use built-in programs and applications of the social network (surveys, games and other entertainment). The service can be used not only as a simple social network. FaceBook can be used to promote your own business and attract new clients.

Relationship between users

Adding other users as "friends"

To ensure the security of your account, the developers have provided restrictions when adding new friends in the form of a limit of 5 thousand users. Also, if you and your potential friend don't have general information, for example, school or higher educational institution, then when you add a person as a friend, you will be asked if you know him. If the answer is no, you will earn a warning. Because of large quantity warnings, the administration of the social network may block the account.

After adding a new user as a friend, you can subscribe to his page. To do this, click special button in the profile. Until a potential friend confirms that you know him, you will be automatically subscribed to his updates. You can later easily unsubscribe from them, and the user will remain on your friends list. By default, all friends are divided into groups, according to the information you provided. So, for example, in your friends list you can find categories such as loved ones, relatives, university friends, school friends, etc. If you feel comfortable, you can create your own groups.

Using the Wink feature in FaceBook

For many, the purpose of this function still remains a mystery. This is simply a kind of greeting to another user. “Winking” no longer carries any functional load. Moreover, you can wink at other users countless times.

All messages on the FaceBook social network can be divided into only two types: incoming and other. The second group includes messages that you receive from users who are not on your friends list. This separation of messages is used to reduce the amount of spam on the social network.

For correspondence on the Facebook social network, a special email is used. What is she like? Your personal email address looks like this: “your social network name” To view the archive of correspondence, simply go to the “Messages” tab. This will open a window displaying a list of interlocutors. The site also has the option quick exchange chat-like messages. In this case, each of your correspondence will be displayed in a small window located at the bottom of the browser window. This is very convenient because you can chat with friends and explore your news feed at the same time.

Your own website and FaceBook

Today, almost every entrepreneur has a community on a social network. Many people use the social network to create a page with their business. You can even create a whole group to promote your business. If you already have your own website and a page on the social network FaceBook, then in order to attract new clients and spread information about your business, you need to make sure that these two Internet resources overlap with each other.

For this purpose, it is possible to place a widget for your FaceBook group on the website. A group widget is a small block that contains important information about your page on the social network FaceBook. This could be information about the last post posted or the number of subscribers. Using the widget, any visitor to your website can join a community on a social network and receive last news about your business.

To add a FaceBook widget to your website, you need to insert the html code into the website page. You can get it from the developer section on the FaceBook website. There you need to click on Live Box and create your own widget. To do this you need to fill in the following fields:

— FaceBook Page URL – the address of your group on the FaceBook social network;
— Height – widget height;
— Width – widget width;
— Show Friends’ faces – when you check the box next to this item, the faces of your subscribers will be displayed on the widget;
— Show Posts – when you check the box next to this item, the widget will display the latest posts posted in the group.

After all fields are filled in, click on the “Get code” button. That's all! All that remains is to copy the result to the page of your website.

FaceBook: mobile version

Today, a huge number of Internet resources exist in two different options: regular and mobile. FaceBook is no exception to of this rule. The mobile version has a somewhat simplified interface. There are no unnecessary videos and pictures, which allows you to significantly speed up the page processing process. Using mobile FaceBook versions should not cause any particular difficulties. As well as in regular version, here you can view user pages, exchange messages, comment and change status. About 30% of all social network users have already switched to the mobile version.

Greetings, dear readers! Are you satisfied with your success on Facebook? Are you satisfied with the number of fans on your page? Would you like to increase user activity and get more likes, comments and shares? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are in the right place, so read on.

This article is a logical continuation of the article ““, in which I talked about how everyone can easily and simply improve their Facebook page. After you have gone through all 10 steps and prepared the page, it is likely that you will begin to think, what to do with this page now, what and when to publish on it? We will definitely look into this. At first I wanted to fit everything into one article, but there is too much information, so I will devote the next few articles to this topic, where we will analyze everything in detail and consider a lot real examples successful promotion on Facebook.

Before we start thinking about what to actually post on Facebook to achieve excellent results, I want to tell you how Facebook works so that you can later apply this knowledge to improve the performance of your page. Our goal is not only to learn how to drive a car, but also to understand how it works, so that in case of any malfunction, we do not stupidly look under the hood, but clearly understand what is malfunctioning and how to fix it, so that we can move on.

Let's start from the very beginning. I warn you that the article will be informative and voluminous, so get ready for a long read and go get some tea and a cookie :))

Introduction: some statistics

If you have a young page, then most likely silence or low activity on the page can cause you irritation and indignation, and sometimes the desire to quit everything and concentrate on something else. I went through this myself and therefore am very familiar with this feeling. When I first started, there wasn’t much information and I had to learn everything through trial and error. Previously, although there was less information on Facebook, the competition in readers’ news feeds was not so high. Think for yourself how huge Facebook is - at the end of last year there were more than 25 million business pages And 1.26 billion users.

Guys, check out the latest statistics here:

Just 4 years ago, the average Facebook user's list of likes included about 4.5 pages, while today their number is already more than 40! The record holders for page likes are US users - on average they like about 70 pages. In the past, pages were not updated as often - only about five times a month, but today the number of posts increased to 36 per month, i.e., on average, pages are published more than once a day. Considering the fact that the user is a fan of about 40 pages, each of which makes about 36 publications per month, then the user’s news feed contains more than 1,440 competing publications per month, or at least 40 per day.

Example from life: I decided to do a little research and check how many likes I myself and highly active and weakly active friends have. I discovered that I had 78 liked pages, that is, I outdid even the Americans :)) But imagine my surprise when I discovered that most of my friends had far more than 100 likes, and some had more than a thousand. Considering the fact that users also have friends, imagine now how difficult it is to get into such a busy feed!

Of course, it’s not easy to break through, but some people manage to do it. How do they do it?

How does Facebook work?

What publications appear in your news feed is determined by the secret Facebook algorithm. I will not go into details, since this topic is quite voluminous and 10 separate articles could be written about it, I just want to briefly explain what the essence of this algorithm is.

According to Facebook, every time you log into the social network, there are more than 1,500 news items (posts from friends, updates from liked pages, event information, recommended pages, advertisements, etc.) that Facebook can show you. It is clear that no one will view so many news stories in chronological order, which is why an algorithm is needed to show you those news that should interest you more than others. Thus, out of 1,500 potential posts, only 300 will appear in your feed.

How does Facebook decide what a user might like?

Facebook is constantly looking at how you interact with content:

How often do you interact with posts from a specific friend, page, or celebrity?(for example, an actor, singer), that is, if you often communicate with, say, Masha, then Facebook will regard Masha as an interesting person for you, and will push the Publishing Machine higher in your feed, since you show more interest in her than, say, to Pasha. The same applies to pages.

— the number of likes, reposts and comments for the publication from all users and from your friends. The more activity there is on a certain post, the more valuable it is and, therefore, the more likely it is that the post will end up in your feed, especially if your friends have shown interest in that post. Like attracts like, so if you publish quality and interesting content, which people like, it will gain more and more likes, because because of these same likes it [the content] appears in the news feeds of more and more users.

how often do you interact with a certain type of content?(regular status, link, photo, video, etc.). Facebook also pays attention to which posts you prefer by liking them, commenting on them, and pushes similar posts higher in your news feed.

Advice: This is why you should publish a variety of types of content, and not concentrate only on images, as many do and are very mistaken. By publishing the same type of posts, for example photos, you are missing out on those fans who, for example, interact more with simple links or statuses, since photos will appear much less often in these people’s feeds.

how often do users want to hide your posts?(no matter personal or publication pages) or worse, report them as spam. This algorithm element was added less than a year ago, encouraging pages to publish content best quality. Previously, negative reviews were simply not taken into account, but now they have a fairly large impact on whether your news will appear—or, more precisely, not appear—in users’ feeds.

I wanted to briefly talk about the algorithm, but it’s impossible to do so briefly. I think this is quite important information, so you, as a marketer, need to have an understanding of how Facebook works. The algorithm is constantly updated and supplemented, so you need to be aware of such updates in order to use them for the benefit of your page and achieve best results than competing pages. If you are interested in this topic, you can also read the following articles:

With the algorithm at this stage, I think everything is clear. Now I want to talk to you about statistics, or more precisely, their most important indicators that indicate the success of your work. Unfortunately, many marketers are confused about what is truly important and direct all their efforts in the wrong direction.

Facebook statistics: what should you pay attention to?

Very often, page managers set themselves the goal of having as many fans as possible on the page. Of course, we need fans, otherwise why would we even need a Facebook page? But fan to fan discord. Sometimes it's better to have 10 fans who actively interact with your page than 1,000 inactive fans who don't care about your page, so to speak. Honestly, I never understood why some managers buy fans, buy likes and comments? These are all too short-term strategies that will not bring much benefit to your page or your business.

Think about why you need a Facebook page?

You must have some specific goal, otherwise all your efforts will not bring the desired results and you will simply get confused along the way. If you have a store, then most likely you want to attract more customers and, accordingly, increase sales. If you have an organization or association that helps those in need, then you probably want to attract more attention to your activities and, thereby, receive more resources for its implementation. If you are a singer or an artist, then you probably want to have more fans of your talent and be able to sell more CDs or paintings. Whatever one may say, behind any Facebook page or Twitter account, there is one ultimate goal - to sell more. Everything else is just methods that, sooner or later, should lead to the desired the final result— increase sales/conversions. How can you sell more? The options here may be different: attracting attention potential clients, increasing the loyalty of existing customers, increasing the frequency of sales, etc. Here you decide for yourself what works specifically for your business or organization. Unfortunately, many people very often forget about the final goal and all activity on Facebook is aimed at getting “likes”, where everything stops, since sales do not increase and in the future such a strategy leads to the conclusion “Yes, this Facebook of yours is nonsense.” dog! It doesn’t work for the hell of it!” I’ve heard this a thousand times, which is why I want to draw your attention to such a development in the scenario so that you avoid the same fate and so that you don’t have to redo everything after being disappointed and spending a lot of time and money.

So, always keep the focus on why you need a Facebook page and as soon as you notice that things are not going as well as you would like, be sure to remember the main goal and think about the best method to get to it.

The indicator you should pay attention to is not likes on the page, but user engagement and one more metric, which you will learn about below. As I said above, engagement determines the likelihood of a publication getting into news feed users. There is a simple pattern at work here: the more involved users are in relation to a post, the more likely it is that new fans will see the post, which, in turn, will increase engagement again, and so on, until the post becomes outdated.

What is engagement?

Involvement can be of two types:

  • Engagement on a specific post. It is not at all difficult to calculate it (see formula below). IN new statistics Facebook calculates this metric automatically, so all you have to do is analyze it.
  • Engaged Users, i.e. unique number people who clicked, liked, commented or shared your posts within 7 days.

You can find this metric on the main Statistics Overview page.

The number of engaged users alone does not give anything, so it needs to be correlated with the number of fans of the page. In the example above, I provided a screenshot from my new Facebook page. As you can see, the page has only 30 fans so far, and the number of engaged users is 13, that is, the engagement is about 43%, which is a very good indicator.

Another important metric that I want to draw your attention to is the Discussions metric.

What does the “People Discussing This” metric mean?

The “Discussed” metric is public, meaning that every visitor can see how popular your page is by looking at the “Discussed” label, which is located under the page title.

This metric is much larger than engaged users, as it includes more elements. But first things first. Let's start with a definition.

"People Discussing It" = Engaged Users(likes, comments, reposts, everything except clicks) + Other page activity(mentions about the page, location marks (check-ins), user publications on the page, etc.).

“People Discussing This” includes all interactions with the page other than clicks (which counts as engaged users but is not counted in the Discussing metric):

  • new “likes” on the page;
  • publications on the wall of the page;
  • post likes;

It is difficult today to find a person who is not registered on any social network. And how can you resist spying on how your friends, colleagues and classmates live? Facebook is rightfully considered one of the most popular social networks around the world. It was created by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 and already has over a billion users.

In order to become the owner of a Facebook account, you will have to go through a simple registration. Anyone over 13 years of age with internet access can register. First and last names written in Russian are automatically translated into English language. When specifying your email, you need to take into account that it can only be used on Facebook once. That is, subsequently no one will be able to authenticate under it. After you officially become the owner of a Facebook account, set your photo on the user page. She is also called “avatar”. You can also add information about yourself to the page if you wish. Indicate your city, school, university, place of work, places of leisure. All this data will help you find possible friends.

Upon completion of registration, a confirmation letter from the social network Facebook will be sent to your email address. As a rule, a message arrives in short term, and if it's been missing for too long, check your spam folder. Having personal page, you can use all the services and features of the Facebook interface. Upper horizontal panel will help control personal account. There are buttons for setting up personal data and setting the privacy of finding friends. You can search for friends on Facebook using email, Skype, ICQ number or QIP and importing from other social networks. If your friends are already registered on Facebook, then you can add them to your account, otherwise, invite them to this social network. The main information panel is located on the vertical left. She is responsible for entertainment and communication with friends. There you can find access to music, games, messages, photos, news, and more interesting pages. There is also a list of friends, which for convenience can be divided into loved ones, relatives and acquaintances.

The parallel between Facebook and the VKontakte network is obvious. There are similarities in both design and functional use, but the main difference and advantages of a foreign social network from others is that it is long-distance and allows you to communicate with people all over the world.