Applications for iOS 6.1 3. How to install an application from the App Store that requires a new version of iOS

This material is dedicated to the general nostalgia for iOS 6, which captured our editorial staff in Lately. Back then, every iPhone worked with virtually no problems.

And what did the interface and applications look like...

iOS home screen and icons on it

Homemade iOS screens 6 and iOS 11

The home screen and iOS as a whole, after the release of its 7th version, switched to a minimalistic design.

Before this, we were happy with skeuomorphism - the imitation of natural materials in the operating system interface. But instead they offered us appearance, which should not distract from the content. Well, OK.

Before iOS 11, we were already accustomed to translucent panels and flat menus, but when we look at iOS 6, nostalgia creeps up our skin - that’s how it is now.

I think today everyone would be happy to at least just flip through the pages iPhone tables with the previous interfaces. Oh, how long ago all this was.

Control Center and Multitasking

Latest running applications on iOS 6

Even today it is difficult to talk about full multitasking in iOS. And during the 6th version of the operating system, practically nothing worked in the background.

But the transition to iOS 7 several years ago, and then to iOS 11 this year, gave us not only more convenient switching between applications, but also that same background work.

And one of by far the most important features current systems can definitely be considered the Control Center, which today has grown to both incredible convenience and customization.

Multitasking and Item iOS controls 11 on iPad

The tandem of multitasking and Control Center iOS 11 looks especially interesting on the iPad. By the way, it is on the tablet that the current version of the operating system is most fully revealed.

Notification Center and Widget Menu

Center iOS notifications 6

In the Notification Center of iOS 6, we were first shown the appearance of widgets according to Apple.

However, they ultimately did not take root in such a form factor. And already in iOS 10 and iOS 11 we were presented with a full-fledged menu for widgets, which became really convenient to use.

Notification Center and Widgets in iOS 11

But strange things have been happening to the Notification Center for several years now. It was and remains a dump of messages that still make no sense.

Many people think that there should only be notifications that have not actually been read in applications. But for now, Apple has a different opinion.

Standard applications and Settings

Safari in iOS 6 and iOS 11

It’s a pity, but even in iOS 11 the ability to select default applications did not appear. That's why many of us continue to use Safari occasionally.

However, some do consider this browser to be the most user-friendly browser on mobile platforms. The issue is controversial, but today we have not gathered to discuss it.

Settings in iOS 6 and iOS 11

Before iOS 11, the operating system ceased to be simple and understandable even for the most ordinary user.

She's overgrown a huge amount possibilities and, as a result, settings.

What can I say if here now even search string there is one that only the most advanced can do without.

Calculator in iOS 6 and iOS 11

But the calculator has changed only externally - functionally, no special innovations have appeared in it. And rightly so - there is no need to touch something that already works perfectly.

Phone in iOS 6 and iOS 11

Music in iOS 6 and iOS 11

I think a few years ago, most of us could not even imagine that today we would listen to music using a proprietary streaming service. Apple service by subscription.

But it eventually happened. A great innovation that has already been appreciated by many.

Popular apps from the App Store

App/iTunes Store in iOS 6 and iOS 11

Most things that have changed since iOS 6 App Store. Moreover, in iOS 11 it differs not only in appearance, but also in content.

In the past every mobile app We perceived it as a miracle. And it really was. The programs and games were high quality, special and long-awaited.

However, today things have changed a lot. There is less and less quality software. And the methods of monetizing it are becoming more and more deplorable.

Skype in iOS 6 and iOS 11

Well, all popular programs have become minimalistic for the sake of the appearance of the operating system. Today it is almost impossible to find an application with skeuomorphism.

Snapseed in iOS 6 and iOS 11

And at this moment I propose to curtail the feeling of nostalgia. Modern world constantly changing, and often we cannot keep up with it. Is it worth it? No.

I suggest you just enjoy every moment and not pay attention to little things like the interface of your mobile device.

Have a good mood and a cheerful outlook! Everything will work out!

Exactly two weeks ago, Apple began signing older versions of its system, making it possible to roll back its device to a more advanced version. earlier version iOS, which works more stably compared to current updates, and in light of events with the software slowdown of their devices, this seemed a logical solution, giving users the opportunity to use what they liked, but unfortunately this “holiday” lasted only a couple of hours, after which Apple stopped issue certificates for signing older systems, again eliminating the possibility of rollback.

But, I was lucky enough to become one of those who managed to roll back my device to old version. For several reasons, I chose iOS 6. Firstly, this version is native to mine iPad mini first generation, which is why it works like a Swiss watch. Secondly, the design and atmosphere of iOS of that time remains unshakable for me, the icons “you want to lick”, the most logical and clear interface.

At one time, neither I nor my friends had Apple devices and I had no idea what iOS was. Devices running the Apple operating system seemed very interesting and friendly to me, a kind of “Adam’s apples,” but Symbian was everything to us.

In order to revive the iPad mini and plunge into the atmosphere of the era of skeuomorphism, I rolled back my tablet from iOS 8.4.1 to iOS 6.1.3. Which gave a second life to my gadget.

Why do a rollback at all? What about this old interface?

I understand people who want to downgrade for the sake of the interface. Details from real life systems integrated into the interface do not complicate the experience of working with the device, but on the contrary, make use simpler and more enjoyable.

The images, textures, shapes of objects that we encounter day after day within the operating system may currently look a little wild when compared with the general idea of ​​minimalism, but this does not mean that the design is bad, it just does not correspond to the rules and ideas , which the community of designers and marketers so corrosively imposed on us.

I recognize and understand that the industry needs a vector of development, movement, and it is normal that design trends have changed, but this does not make the appearance of old interfaces bad in terms of visual aesthetics. They are just different forms, to each their own.

For me and many others, this is a breath of fresh air against the backdrop of monotonous, similar friends to other interfaces. This factor, coupled with the stability of the system, gave me new pleasant impressions of the device, and now, for two weeks now, I have been using the iPad mini as my main device, at home and on the road.

What about the applications?

Surprisingly, with the applications I specifically use, old system there are no problems. Loading the desired program from the App Store, you will be prompted to download an earlier version that supports your iOS. Of course, some software lacks functions inherent in a newer version, but for example, this did not stop me from drawing such an illustration in Procreate:

It's surprising that even then iPad time could be used as a full-fledged Graphics tablet thanks to this software.

I’ll highlight a few programs that I couldn’t install on my tablet with iOS 6.1.3: the whole package Apple applications, Pixelmator, Lightroom, Affinity photo And Adobe Illustrator Draw.

Most of all, I was offended by the iWork software package, which I use quite actively. I had to look required applications on the Internet in order to install them when you try to download, for example Pages from the App Store, this warning pops up:

Required condition For life on the old system in our time, it is the presence of Jailbreak, which should be installed immediately after a rollback. But use it wisely, without going into the jungle of system customization, otherwise there is a chance that you will “overturn” the system on the device, and you will only be able to recover to the latest version. In my case, this is the version created by Satan himself - iOS 9.3.5, without the ability to roll back.

Personally, I use Jail for the AppSync tweak, for installation scenarios of old applications and games, if the App Store does not allow this. And for the tweak F.Lux, which is the ancestor of Night shift.

And what is the performance gain?

I was very surprised by the performance of the system and applications - there are no lags at all, everything works smoothly, including games that lag on the latter current version on iPad mini. There is no trace of this on the old version.

Human multitasking has emerged. I can look at a page in Safari, go to Twitter, read a book in iBooks, sketch an illustration in Procreate, and again I can return to any of the previous open applications without rebooting it.

Comparison of results iPod touch 5 (iOS 9.3.5, Apple A5) and iPad mini (iOS 6.1.3, Apple A5) on Geekbench:

Bottom line

Despite the fact that a whole chasm has formed between iOS 6 and iOS 11 over so many years, today the system is still usable. Most current services still support it, so if you have an old device on this system, I strongly do not recommend updating. Firstly, this update is perhaps the most stable for 32-bit processors, and secondly, after a while, devices running on this system can become rare and increase in price, which will give you the opportunity to sell the device for good money. If you have previously saved SHSH certificates, roll back your old device, get a pleasant experience and new experience from using the gadget. You will not regret.

Previous articles:

Today the sphere mobile technologies continues to develop at a fairly rapid pace. Progress in production cell phones and smartphones becomes especially noticeable if you pay attention to how quickly Yesterday's new products become obsolete, unable to withstand the competition of newly released flagships. We will talk about eliminating one of the signs of such obsolescence below.

iPhone and iOS obsolescence

In one of our previous articles: - we looked at an option that allows you to play online videos in high quality on an old computer.
But if the process of obsolescence of hardware in most cases can be considered natural and necessary, then with software everything is not always so obvious.

In the issue of software obsolescence, two main directions can be distinguished:

  1. Lack of support and release of operating system updates by the manufacturer for old devices
  2. Absence backward compatibility new versions software with old OS

Support period

The first point is clear. The smartphone manufacturer does not want to spend effort and money on optimization new system for outdated hardware, even if this task is technically feasible. In addition to saving resources, this step also contributes to the rapid growth of sales of new manufactured devices (by the outflow of the customer base to a more loyal manufacturer in in this case we neglect), which also does not speak in favor of increasing the duration of support for its products.

Software backwards compatibility

As for the question backward compatibility, then this side may seem even more controversial. To begin with, let us give a conditional answer in the context of the current article to the question: What is backward compatibility?

backward compatibility- is the ability of new software versions to work with old data formats on an old operating system

Both versions of this problem are very acute for owners of previous releases of the company’s cell phones. Apple.
For example, the latter is available to owners iPhone 4S version iOS - 9.3.5 , For iPhone 4 the situation is even worse; this device can only be officially installed iOS 7.1.2. And this despite the fact that latest version operating room Apple systems on this moment time - 10.3.1

Consequences of software obsolescence

What does this mean?
One of the main troubles they will face users of outdated Apple devices- that, often, It is impossible to install some programs from the App Store on iOS below a certain release.
In particular, to install such popular program exchange quick messages and calls via the Internet, like Viber, from App store le will require availability installed version iOS no lower than 8.1. For applications such as Skype, network client In contact with or mobile application Instagram, maximum old version of the phone system that meets the installation conditions for the listed software - iOS 8.0.

From all of the above, we can conclude that officially we do not have the opportunity install Viber on iPhone 4 . The same applies to the other programs mentioned: Skype, vk client for iOS, Instagram and many others. Moreover, the same fate will soon befall newer models, so this issue may in the future affect an increasing number of users of Apple products.

However, there is a way to install the same Instagram on iPhone 4. Work this method will be with most programs.
The essence of this method is preload applications from the App Store linked to Apple ID and subsequent installation of the supported version of the program on the phone itself.

So, we will need:

  1. Computer with Internet access.
  2. Connecting to the Internet on iPhone.

Let's get started.

Installing VK App in Apple ID via iTunes

If we try install the VKontakte program on iPhone 4, then nothing will work for us, we will get an error For of this content(app) requires iOS 8.0 and later with a proposal to update the device to iOS 8.0

But if we go along the path Settings - General - Software Update, we will see that we have installed " newest"Software, namely iOS 7.1.2, which is the latest for iPhone 4

This means that we will have to look for workarounds.

Download to your computer from the official website Apple program iTunes and install it.
Let's launch iTunes and log in using the account with which your iPhone was activated.

Now on the left top corner Click on the drop-down menu and select Edit menu...

In the list that appears, check the box next to Programs and click Finish.

Next, in the drop-down list, go to the Programs section we added.
In the central part of the screen, click on the App Store tab. In the upper right corner, in the search bar, enter the name of the program we are interested in, let it be VKontakte client for iPhone. Click the button under the application icon Download, enter the password for your Apple ID and click the Buy button ( The app is free, nothing to worry about)

The application is downloaded to our account, we no longer need a computer.

Installing VK App on iPhone 4 via the App Store

We connect the phone to the Internet via mobile network or via Wi-Fi. Let's launch App Store on the device and can immediately go to the tab Updates. Here we will have the same application that we downloaded from iTunes, that is, the client VK App. To the right of the program icon there will be a button in the form of a cloud with an arrow, which allows us to install the application from the Apple ID.
Click on the cloud

Now we will see a notification that To download the latest version of the program, an updated version of the operating system is required. But here we will be asked download the previous version of this application, which we will use by pressing the button Download

We are waiting for the last one to finish loading compatible version and we can run the installed program.
It is worth mentioning that this way it will not be possible install the latest version of the program on iPhone(the solution to the issue is possible if you have a Jailbreak), that is, you will probably not have access to the full functionality of the application added in new releases, but this is most often not required for comfortable use of the main features.

Today we talked about how to install the program on iPhone with outdated system iOS.

Long support and constant updates to you.

Yesterday we talked about how iPhone and iPad can install outdated versions of applications using the Charlie program. From the comments to that article, it turned out that there is an easier way that does not involve the use of third-party tools. This method only works if the new version of the application is not supported by your device due to system requirements.

If you are using an old Apple smartphone or tablet, or have not updated iOS to version 8 or 9, you will inevitably encounter limitations - the App Store will prompt you first or update operating system. However, you can cheat and download not new version applications, and compatible with old technology or an outdated iOS build.

How to install on iOS old application version?

1. Go to system settings iPhone or iPad and turn on iCloud synchronization.
2. Launch iTunes on your computer and download the application you need, even if it’s a new version.
3. Open the App Store on mobile device and find the application you downloaded through iTunes.
4. Near the name of the application, instead of the “download” button, a button with a cloud will appear, which shows what is in your account a "purchase" has already been registered and you can freely download this application on your device.
5. If your iPhone or iPad is incompatible with this application, the system will display an error and... offer to download the version that was once compatible with it.
6. Wait a while - the outdated version of the application will be downloaded to your device.

We emphasize once again that this installation method can only be used on older devices (iPhone 3, 4, etc.), and install outdated versions of applications on new smartphones and Apple tablets you can use the Charlie app, which we recently wrote about. Charlie works as a proxy that downloads from servers Apple needed you a version of the application - more stable than the new one or with features that were subsequently removed by the developers. One of these applications is the official VKontakte client, which once had a full-fledged music section, but now only excerpts from songs are available, leading to the iTunes store.

The editors do not remain aloof from the New Year's excitement and the preparation of surprises. Together with the Apple Jesus online store, we have prepared one of the best gifts for any holiday - a brand new iPhone 6s in any color of your choice. To participate in the drawing you only need to complete five simple tasks. Read, participate and good luck!

Hi all! Apple constantly releases new versions of iOS and, frankly, many thanks to them for that. Why? Because, thereby, she does not let me get bored - something is constantly happening. Well, okay, let's get back to the topic of the article. So, Apple is trying and producing, and game and application developers, in turn, promptly and very quickly rework their programs so that they are fully compatible with the new firmware.

And in the end, this may be the situation - you are trying to download an application from the App Store, and your iPhone or iPad tells you that you need to update your gadget to a new version of iOS and nothing will be installed or downloaded until this moment. This is such an unexpected ultimatum from the Apple company and its services. Checkmate! Or not?

This mess looks something like this:

This content (application) requires iOS 7.0 (any version can be used here) and newer. To download and use this application, please update to iOS 7.0 (or higher software version).

And it would seem, what is the problem? Update and download! But:

  • There is not always a need for a new firmware version; someone wants to leave their device on the old and proven version of the software. "jambs" in iOS 10! Not everyone will want to upgrade.
  • Many people simply cannot install new firmware- , pay attention to the number of comments.
  • On this moment, people still have many gadgets like the iPhone 4 in their hands. And, as we know, the latest version of iOS for it is 7.1.2. That’s it, you can’t update it further, and many applications and games require iOS 8 and no less when downloaded from the App Store! And this will continue in the future - the next in line is the iPhone 4S, and then it’s not far from the “fives”.

What to do in this case? Leave the gadget without programs and games? Of course not, there is a way to download those applications on the iPhone that require a newer version of iOS than the one currently installed.

Updated! Apple surprised everyone and removed the App Store from new ones iTunes versions. Therefore, before you start following the instructions, it’s worth checking whether you have access to the games and application store from your computer? No? . All OK"? Let's continue...

True, one smartphone is not enough for this; you will also need a computer. The algorithm is quite simple:

That's it, we managed to install a program that previously required a newer version of iOS on your iPhone and iPad. Moreover, we didn’t even touch the firmware - we didn’t need to update it!

The only thing, as you already understood, is that this way old versions of applications and games are installed (specifically for the iOS that is currently installed on your device). So there may not be any new features (introduced in subsequent editions of the program).