Practical work inserting graphic objects and decorative inscriptions into a text document. Practical work on MS Word: “Inserting various objects into a text document, editing and formatting objects

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1 Practical work 1. Editing images in a raster graphics editor Task. Open raster graphic image and transform it using effects. Description of work. (preparation if you still don’t have a personal folder in the “Home folder/shared network Linux/lserver/9th grade/” folder, then create it there, calling it with your last name.) 1. Launch the GIMP program (K-Graphics-GIMP) 2. From the folder " Shared drive Linux/lserver/9th grade practical work" open the file "Cover.jpg" (File-open) 3. This file contains a scanned cover of a 9th grade computer science textbook. Please note that the book itself is much smaller than the image, meaning the image must be cropped. Select the Crop tool 4 from the tool palette (on the left). Using this tool, carefully outline the image of the book exactly along the contour. Then click on the outline and the crop will be done. 5. Now apply two filters to the image. Since as a result we need to get two images and, therefore, two files, duplicate the image by selecting the window with the image and pressing Ctrl+D. 6. Go to one of the two images and apply the Lens filter (Filters - Light and Shadow Lens). In the window that opens, set the lens operation mode to preserve the original environment. Adjust the refractive index yourself in the range from 1.7 to 2.8. Click OK to apply the filter. 7. Save the image (File-Save As) in your folder (Home folder/Linux public network/lserver/9th grade/your folder) under the name Lens.tiff. To select a TIFF image type, in the “save image” window, expand the “Select file type” rollout and select the TIFF type from the list of types. Then at the top of the window select the desired folder and enter the file name Lens.tiff. 8. Go to the second cover image and apply the page curl filter (Filters-distortion-page curl). 9. Save this image in TIFF format to your folder as Curl.tiff. 10. Close GIMP editor 11. The work is finished.

2 Practical work 2. Creating gif animation in a raster graphics editor Assignment. Create animation based on existing blanks. Description of work. (preparation, if you still don’t have a personal folder in the “Home folder/shared network Linux/lserver/9th grade/” folder, then create it there, calling it with your last name.) 1. GIF animation is a sequence of images stored in one file and changing after a certain time. The only limitation is that a GIF image can only have 256 colors. 2. Open the folder “Linux shared disk/lserver/9class practical work/anim/” and set the folder view mode to Icons and Thumbnails. Look at the file thumbnails. As you can see, these images are actually individual frames of animation. Based on these frames, we will create an animation. 3. Open GIMP. To create an animation, each frame must be on a separate layer. 4. Open all the files in the anim folder in GIMP as layers (File-Open as layers) and in the Open Image window, select ALL the images located in the anim folder. After some time, all the images will be placed in separate layers of the document. 5. Without modification, the document is ready to create animation. Click File-Save As. In the window that appears, select your folder to save (Home folder/shared network Linux/lserver/9th grade/your folder), enter “Animation-1” in the name field, and select GIF Image in the “Select file type” rollout. Click Save. 6. In the Export file window that appears, select the Save as animation and Convert to indexed image mode and click the Export button. 7. In the Save as GIF window that appears, set the Endless loop mode (for looping animation) and set the interval between frames to 100 ms and click the Save button. 8. Check the saved animation by opening it in Explorer (Home folder/Linux public network/lserver/9th grade/your folder/animation-1.gif). 9. Close the drawing window and create a new document. In the document creation window, enter the dimensions width 300 and height 100 pixels. Create a document. 10. Select the Brush tool. Select green color brushes and, having selected the size of the brush, draw the inscription “HELLO” on the picture with the brush. Select a red color and use a brush to highlight the word you drew. 11. In the Layers window, click right click mouse on the Background layer and select Duplicate Layer. Repeat this 6 times for a total of seven layers. 12. In the Layers window, go to the bottom layer - Background and erase everything except the letter “P” with the eraser. To see the bottom layer under the top ones, turn off their visibility mode by clicking on the eye image. 13. For the second layer from the bottom, turn on the visibility mode and erase everything except “PR” 14. Repeat the same steps for the remaining layers, so that with each top layer the inscription opens by 1 letter. For layer 6, erase only the line. 15. Save the document as a Gif animation in your package named Animation-2.gif with a time interval between frames of 500 ms.

3 Practical work 3. Text effects: Neon lettering effect, Gel text. Exercise. Create drawings with various text effects. NEON TEXT 1. Launch GIMP. Create a new image: Set black as the background color. To do this, double-click on the second square that determines the background color and select black. Select the Flat Fill tool and paint over the entire drawing. 2. Select the text tool (A), at the bottom in the font settings, select the font “Trebuchet MS Bold Italic”, color white, set the font size to 80 pixels and write “neon text”. Now make the Layer Layer to fit the image size. This will expand the boundaries of the text layer to the size of the image. 3. Take a brush, select a hard edge brush of size 11 px, now draw the connection between the letters as seen in the picture. The connections should not be too correct. These connections are needed because neon text is always connected. 4. Now go to “Filters Blur Gaussian Blur” and apply it at 15px. Thus, we will blur the boundaries of the text and give it the desired halo. 5. Once you apply the filter, head to Color Curves. In the window that opens, select the “Alpha channel” channel from the drop-down list and adjust the curves as shown in the figure below. 6. Finally, apply the “Alpha Filters in Neon Logo” with the parameters: Effect Size: 40 Background Color: Black Glow Color: Choose any color you like. 7. Now we're just adding a little more glow to the text. As a result of applying the filter, you should have the “Neon Tubes” and “Neon Glow” layers. Make the "Neon Glow" layer active and duplicate it. On the duplicate, apply a Gaussian Blur (Filters Blur Gaussian Blur): 35px. If the glow is still not enough for you, then duplicate the layer again. Experiment with colors. 8. Save several color variations of your work in your folder under the names “neon blue.jpeg”, “neon red.jpeg”, etc. GEL TEXT 1. Launch GIMP. Create a new image: Set White color as background color. 2. Using the text tool, leave its settings from the previous one

4 tasks, just change the font color to blue and increase the size from 80 to 105 pixels. Write the word “Hello” and align it to the center of the picture, and then expand the layer to the size of the image (Layer Layer to image size.) 3. In the layers tab, right-click on the text layer and select “Alpha Channel -> Selected Area”. This will create a selection just along the edges of the letters. Go to Selection Zoom Out and reduce the selection by 2 pixels. Fill the selection with a lighter (light blue or cyan) color. To do this, double-click the foreground color selection box and select the desired color, and then Edit Fill with foreground color 4. Use the Relief filter (Relief Map Filters) with the parameters as in the figure below. 5. As a result of applying the filter, you should get the following: 6. Let's also add a shadow. Use the “Cast Shadow” filter (Filters Light and Shadow Cast Shadow) with the parameters as in the image on the right 7. The result will be the following: 8. Save the work on your disk under the name “Gel text.jpeg”

5 Inkscape. Practical work 2. Creating a logo for a coffee shop 1. Launch the Inkscape program and in the File-Document Properties menu, set the units of measurement to millimeters (mm). 2. In the upper left corner of the sheet, draw an ellipse of any size, and then select it with the Selection tool. At the top, in the tool properties panel, enter millimeters (mm), and in the width (W) field, enter 50, and in the height (H) field. With the ellipse still selected, open the Fill and Stroke panel. Go to the Fill tab, turn on the mode RGB palettes and set the fill color to R-143,G-71,B-0. Alpha channel 255, opacity 100%. In the Stroke tab, set the stroke color to R-85, G-34, B-0, in the Stroke Style tab, set the stroke thickness to 1 mm. 4. Open the Transform panel (Object - Transform). Duplicate your ellipse (Ctrl+D). Just move the duplicate somewhere to the right, it will be useful to us later. Re-select your ellipse and duplicate it again, but don't move it. Go to the Transform panel, set the units to millimeters, turn on (if not) the relative offset mode, and enter a vertical offset of -30 mm. Click Apply. Now you have two ellipses under each other. 5. Make sure that the bottom ellipse is selected and in the Transform panel in the Scale tab, turn on the Proportional scaling mode and enter the size 80%. Click Apply. 6. Select both ellipses of the mug blank. Unite them (Outline-Merge), and then outline the resulting object (Outline-Outline Object). 7. Using the Nodes tool, select two nodes as shown in the picture on the right and break the nodes with the Break path tool in the selected node, and then delete them by clicking Delete key on keyboard. 8. Select with a frame two nodes on the right on the resulting half-ellipses and connect them with a line using the Connect contours along selected nodes tool. Repeat the same with the left pair of nodes. 9. By controlling the knot levers, slightly adjust the curvature of the sides of the resulting cup so that they appear convex. 10. Now select the first duplicated ellipse that you left somewhere on the edge, move it to the top (Bring selection to front button), and then align it with the top of the coffee cup. 11. Select the top ellipse and change its fill to a linear gradient from dark brown (R-92,G-45,B-0) on the left to light brown (R-228,G-113,B-0) on the right. 12. Select the mug and assign a radial gradient with three colors (R-255,G-128,B-4), (R-143,G-271,B-0), (R-71,G-35,B- 0). Move the center of the linear gradient so that the light appears to be shining on the mug from the top left. 13. Using the Draw Bezier Curves tool, draw a handle for the cup as shown in the image on the right 14. Set the stroke weight of the handle to 4mm, set the smooth ends, and set the stroke color to R-43,G-17,B Align the handle with the mug and group the mug fully.

6 16. Move the mug to the side. 17. Using the Draw Stars and Polygons tool, setting the number of corners to 3, with the Ctrl key draw an equilateral triangle with a horizontal base. 18. Select the drawn triangle, close the proportional resizing mode and enter 70 mm in the width (W) field. 19. Set the fill color of the triangle to R-200,G-113,B-55, and the stroke color to R-128,G-51,B-0. Stroke thickness 3 mm. 20. Using the Transform panel, Rotate tab, rotate the triangle 45 degrees counterclockwise (in the Angle field, enter 45 and click Apply) 21. Duplicate the triangle and flip the duplicate vertically, and then use the Transform panel to move the reflected triangle 65 mm down. 22. Select two triangles at once, duplicate them and flip them horizontally, and then move them 65 mm to the right. You have 4 triangles. 23. Hold down the Ctrl key and draw a square with the Rectangle Tool. Select the drawn square and set the dimensions to 100 mm in width and height. Using the Knot tool, slightly round the corners of the square. 24. Set the fill color of the square to R-233,G-198,B-175, and the stroke color to R-170,G-0,B-0. Stroke thickness 5 mm. 25. Rotate the square 45 degrees and align its center with the center of the 4 triangles as shown in the picture on the right. 26. Move the previously created coffee cup to the center of the created logo, raising it slightly above the center. Most likely you will have to lift the cup to the very top layer, since it will most likely end up not on the logo, but under it. Using the method you know, duplicate it, fill it with black, make it blurry and translucent and create a shadow under the mug. 27. Using the Rectangle Tool and the Nodes Tool, draw a rounded rectangle below the circle with a black stroke and fill color R-227,G-219,B-219. Stroke thickness 1 mm. 28. In the drawn rectangle, enter the text The Coffee Shop, as shown in the image on the right. Create a blurry shadow for the rectangle below the lettering. 29. Group all the objects and save them to The Coffee Shop file on your NETWORK drive.

Laboratory work 5 Task 1. Creating a file with GIF animation 1. Open any image File/Open. 2. Write the text. For example, “Congratulations!” 3. Select the text: Layer > Transparency > Alpha Channel

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Practical part methodological manual for conducting laboratory work on the subject Computer graphics 1 In this section we will talk about vector graphics. Image 1: Inkscape 2 main window

Laboratory and practical work No.

Subject: “Inserting graphic objects. Printing a document"

Target : - learn to insert pictures, adjust their image, set position and text wrapping;

  • learn how to convert drawings into a background;

  • learn to add a title to a picture and determine its position;

  • learn how to insert curly text into a WordArt object and give it the desired effect;

  • learn to insert autoshapes into text;

  • learn to insert date and time into text ;

  • learn to create footnotes for words;

  • learn to add page numbering and determine its position on the page;

  • learn how to print a document;

  • strengthen the skills of opening and saving a document, previewing a document
Students must know and be able to:

  • insert pictures and customize their image;

  • add a title to the picture;

  • insert curly text of a WordArt object, autoshapes, date and time;

  • create footnotes for words, add page numbers;

  • print a document
Equipment : - PC, Microsoft Word, pictures folder and Microsoft Clip Gallery folder, network printer, printing paper


task No. 1 min.

task No. 2 min.

task No. 3 min.

task No. 4 min.

task No. 5 min.

task No. 6 min.

task No. 7 min.

task No. 8 min.

task No. 9 min.

task No. 10 min.

task No. 11 min.

task No. 12 min


  1. Launch Microsoft Word. Open the file Example2.doc from the C:\My Documents folder. Insert a picture from the Microsoft Clip Gallery folder into the first paragraph, adjust its image, set the position and text wrapping. Convert the drawing to a background.

  2. Paste into last paragraph drawing from the file and customize its image, add a title to it.

  3. Embed the picture via the clipboard.

  4. Insert a WordArt object at the end of the document, specifying the text of the proverb. Set the desired effect.

  5. Insert autoshapes into text.

  6. Assignment for independent work:

  7. Insert at the end of the document current date and time.

  8. Insert footnotes for words: prose, word processor, character formatting.

  9. Number the pages in the document.

  10. Print the first page on paper.

  11. Present the results of the work to the teacher.

  12. Turn off computer.

Work technology

Task No. 1

  1. Launch Word and open the file Example2.d from the C:\My Documents folder.

  2. Insert a picture from Microsoft Clip Gallery into the first paragraph. To do this, select the menu command Insert  Picture  Pictures. Using markers on the outline frame of the drawing, reduce its size.

  3. Learn the purpose of the buttons on the Image Adjustment panel (Fig. 1)

Using the Image Adjustment panel tools , change the contrast and brightness of the image.

Task No. 2

  1. Insert a picture from the file into the last paragraph. To do this, specify the insertion location and select the command Insert  Picture  From File from the menu. In the Add Picture dialog box, open the folder, select the file that contains the picture you want, and click the button.

  2. Reduce the size of the picture.

  3. To insert a picture as movable, i.e. insert into a graphic layer, which allows you to set its exact position on the page and place it in front or behind text and other objects by right-clicking on the picture, opening the context menu and selecting the Format Picture command . On the Position tab of the Picture Format window, select Over Text . On the Wrap tab, set the option for text to wrap the picture around the frame . Close the Picture Format window and view the result of changing picture formatting options.

  4. Select the picture with the mouse and press left button mouse, drag to the middle of the line, watching how the text flows around the drawing.

  5. Add a title to the picture by selecting the picture and selecting the Caption command from the Insert menu. . This will open the Title dialog box. . In this case, the mouse pointer will change to + . With the left mouse button pressed, stretch the frames to the desired size, type the text of the inscription, and complete the typing by clicking outside the frame.
The Label Format command, similar to the Picture Format command, is applicable to the Caption object.

To delete an object Inscription select it by clicking on the frame.

Task No. 3

  1. Embed the picture via the clipboard. To do this, we will use the Paint graphic editor, in which the necessary drawing has already been created, or we will create it right now.

  2. Without closing the Word document, launch through the Start button on the taskbar Paint program(StartProgramsAccessoriesPaint graphics editor). The running program window will appear on the screen.

  3. Using the tools provided by the graphic editor Paint, create an illustration that you want to embed in a Word document. Select a fragment of the illustration intended for implementation, for which in the panel Paint tools click on the button, place the mouse cursor in the left top corner this fragment and, holding down the left mouse button, enclose this fragment with a dashed selection rectangle.

  4. From the Paint editor menu bar, choose EditCopy. The selected area is now on the clipboard.

  5. Return to the Word program window.

  6. Place text cursor to the place in your Word document where the picture should be inserted. Choose Edit Special insert. The Paste Special dialog box will appear on the screen. From the How to list, select BMP Bitmap (Object). Click the button. As a result, the graphic object prepared in the Paint editor will be inserted into your document.
Task No. 4

Insert a WordArt object at the end of the document, specifying the text of the proverb. Set the desired effect.

Task No. 5

Insert autoshapes into the text: stars, callouts, curly arrows, for which:

  1. In the Insert menu, select the Drawing command , then - the AutoShapes command or click the AutoShapes button on the Drawing toolbar . After this, the AutoShape toolbar will open on the screen (Figure 2) .

  1. Selecting from the panel desired type autoshape, specify the insertion location in the document and set its size.
Task No. 6

Assignment for independent work.

Using the Draw toolbar, draw your computer. On the screen, type the text: “Learning how to insert graphics into a Word document.”

Task No. 7

Insert the current date and time at the end of the document. For this:

  1. In the Insert menu, select Date and Time

  2. select the desired format, .

Task No. 8

Insert regular footnotes on words: prose, word processors, character formatting.

Task No. 9

Number the pages in the document. For this:

  1. Execute the command Insert  Page numbers .

  2. In the Page Numbers window (Fig. 4), determine the position of the number at the top of the page , alignment Outside , turn off the number display on the first page.

  3. Clicking the button , determine the number format, indicate which number to start page numbering from of this document(Fig. 5). Clicking , close the Page Format window and the Page Numbers window .

^ Task No. 10

Print the first page on paper.

  1. View what the document looks like. To do this, go to the document preview mode before printing by clicking the button on the Standard toolbar... Preview the document, and then close the print preview window.

  2. Print the first page of the document on paper. To print the current document, select File Print from the menu. . In the Print dialog box, in the Pages field, specify the number 2, in the Number of Copies field, set 1, in the Print field, select the option All pages in the range (Fig. 6) and click the button to start printing.

  1. To monitor the printing process, right-click the printer icon in the taskbar and select Open from the context menu . In the printer window, observe the printing status of the document. Close the printer window.
You can cancel printing of the document. To do this, you need to select the document, in the Document menu of the printer window, select Cancel Printing .

^ Task No. 11

Present the results of your work to the teacher.

Task No. 12

To finish work text editor, saving the file under the same name.


Control questions

  1. How to insert a picture from the Microsoft Clip Gallery folder into a document?

  2. How to insert a picture from a file into a document?

  3. How to embed a drawing via the clipboard?

  4. How to scale a drawing? How to change the position of a picture in a Word document?

  5. Name three ways to link a picture in a Word document. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method?

  6. Describe the drawing capabilities of Microsoft Word. Explore and describe all of the Drawing panel icons. What are the names of the objects that we create using this panel?

  7. How to insert the current date and time into a document?

  8. How to create footnotes for words?

  9. How to number pages?

  10. How do the options for printing a document differ: left-clicking on the Print button in the Standard toolbar or starting printing from the File menu with the Print command?

  11. How to insert a WordArt object?

  12. How to create autoshapes?

Purpose of work: Mastering the principles and methods of creating and editing graphic objects, using a collection of graphic clips for artistic design

Brief theory.

Often used in compound Word documents various types graphic arts:

· clips - drawings from a collection created by manufacturers software;

· graphic objects stored in files and created by specialized computer graphics tools;

· graphic objects created using the toolbar Drawing Word that appears on the screen after clicking the button<Рисование>on the panel Standard.

Access to the collection of Microsoft clips is provided by the Microsoft Clipart (Clip Gallery) application, which supports not only pictures, but also sounds and videos. Microsoft Clipart is designed not only for previewing clips and inserting them into a document, but also for managing them: expanding the clip gallery, creating collections of clips by topic, etc.

Login to Microsoft Clipart using the commands Insert, Drawing, Pictures or Insert, New Object. To insert a graphic clip, you need to go to the tab Graphic arts or Images select the required picture from the collection and press the button<Вставить>.

On the tab Graphic arts contains vector objects (images) various types. A vector drawing consists of a certain set of graphic primitives (elementary objects): circles, rectangles, closed and open curves. Each primitive is characterized by the thickness and color of the lines, and if the primitive covers a certain area, then the fill color of this area is specified. A vector design is formed by sequentially superimposing one primitive onto another, so that the topmost primitive covers some parts of the underlying primitives. Thus, a vector drawing has a multi-layered structure, and its overall appearance depends on the order in which the layers appear. Layers of a drawing can be formed not only by individual primitives, but also by groups of them. Within groups, primitives also go through layers. These objects are created in programs such as Microsoft Draw, Word picture editor, etc.

On the tab Images contains raster objects (images). A raster graphic object is formed as a matrix of the simplest elements - pixels. Each pixel is painted a specific color, and the entire set of pixels creates a complete image. Raster images characterized by parameters such as grain (pixel size, expressed as the number of pixels per inch), color model (the number of pixel colors and the way they are formed). The origin of a raster image can be very different, including as a result of digitizing photographs, using programs such as Microsoft Paint, or by scanning an image.

Button<Параметры клипа>Use to obtain file format information for the selected image. Button<Импортировать клипы>serves to include new clips in the collection. Button<Изменить>serves to add, rename or delete a section with clips on this tab.

Inserting graphic objects from files is carried out using OLE technologies:

· introduction of graphic objects;

· connection with a graphic object (file).

Import of graphic images is carried out in two options:

· in the form of a whole graphic file;

· as part of a graphic image saved as a fragment in another file.

To insert a graphic file, use the command Insert, Drawing, From file.

In the dialog box<<Добавить файл>> select the format (type) of the graphic file, folder, file name.

To link with graphic file switch is indicated Link to file which allows you to automatically update the graphic image when there are changes in the source file. To update the connection, run the command Edit, Connections.

Editing of pictures is carried out after selecting it with the command Edit, Object Drawing or double click left mouse button on the picture. A window opens<<Рисунок>>, which contains graphic editing tools.

Vector-type drawings allow element-by-element editing; for this, certain elements of the drawing are selected by clicking the left mouse button and their graphic settings are performed (color, line, size, location). It is possible to add new graphic elements, shift the entire picture beyond the initially specified outline, or change the size of the outline.

Table 3 describes the main actions with graphic objects.

Table 3. Basic actions with graphic objects.

End of table 3

Graphic objects in Word can be created and edited using the panel tools Drawing. As a result, it will be created vector image, consisting of elementary graphic shapes: squares, rectangles, polygons, lines, circles, ellipses, etc.

When placing the mouse pointer on a toolbar tool Drawing The name of the button - the drawing tool - is displayed.

Buttons geometric shapes: line, square or rectangle, circle or ellipse, curvilinear closed flat figure, text frames (inscription), a set of autoshapes - provide the construction of the basis of a geometric design.

Buttons color design And line style provide formatting of picture elements.

A drawn object has a multi-layer structure; individual elements of the drawing can be positioned in a certain way relative to other objects. This mode is controlled by the button<Рисование>, which calls up a menu with commands for working with graphic objects:

Group (Regroup) - to group all selected graphic objects into one object. These commands should be entered after pressing the arrow button<Выбор объектов>, you will select the entire group;

Ungroup- ungrouping the selected graphic object into components;

Order- placement of a graphic object relative to the text (in front of the text, behind the text) or relative position of graphic objects (in the foreground, in the background, place forward, move backward);

Net- setting the step of shifting the graphic object horizontally and vertically, which can be free or discrete along the grid nodes;

Shift pattern up, down, left, right;

Align- coordination of selected objects relative to each other or the printed page;

Rotate/flip- changing the orientation of a graphic object: rotation, rotation, mirror reflection;

Edit AutoShape- replacement with another type of autoshape.

Drawing editing operations (copying, moving, deleting, etc.) can be performed on one or a group of drawn objects.


1. Using pictures from the clip collection and graphic objects from the collection WordArt, create complimentary ticket or a greeting card (see Fig. 6).

§ Insert a picture that will serve as a background for the text.

Practical work Processing graphic information, contains 12 tasks on the relevant topic (the work is suitable for 8th grade students studying Bosovaya’s teaching materials).

Task 1. Working with graphic primitives.

To draw a graphic primitive (rectangle, rounded rectangle, ellipse), you need to click on the button with its image on the toolbar, move the mouse pointer to the work area, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move the mouse pointer diagonally, following the image on screen. To display a square and circle when using the corresponding tools, hold down the key Shift.

To change the outline width for shapes made with tools Rectangle, Ellipse And Rounded rectangle, you must first activate the tool Line(tab home group Figures) and in its settings menu specify the required width.

1. Launch the graphics editor Paint.
2. Set the dimensions of the drawing area: width - 1024 pixels, height - 512 pixels. Home > Images > Resize.
3. Repeat the pattern below using tools Line, Rectangle, Rounded rectangle And Ellipse.

4. Save the result of your work in a personal folder:
in file p1.bmp as 24-bit image;
in file p2.bmp as a 256-color drawing;
in file p3.bmp as 16-color drawing;
in file p4.bmp as a monochrome drawing;
in file p5.jreg;
in file p5.gif.
5. Compare the sizes of the received files and the quality of the images saved in them.

Task 2. Selecting and deleting fragments

1. In a graphic editor, open the file Devices.bmp.

2. Leave only the input devices in the picture, and remove everything unnecessary by first selecting the fragments using the tool Select. Home > Images > Select.
3. Save the drawing in a personal folder under the name Input Devices.

Task 3. Moving fragments


2. Using a tool Selection Select rectangular, transparent fragments one by one and move them so that the fairy-tale characters take on their true appearance.

Task 4. Converting fragments

1. In the Paint graphic editor, open the file Dragonfly.bmp.

2. Select the rectangular fragments (transparent background) one by one, rotate them if necessary (command To turn menu Images) and move them so that you get an illustration for I. Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”.
3. Save the result of your work in a personal folder.

Task 5. Construction complex objects and graphic primitives

It is advisable to depict complex objects in parts. Draw each of the primitives separately. Then select them one by one (the Selection, mode Transparent fragment) and drag it to the desired location.

2. Draw one of the following pictures:

3. Save the result of your work in a personal folder under the name My_drawing.

Task 6. Creating labels

1. In the Paint graphic editor, open the file Panel.bmp.
2. Using a tool Text sign the tools of the graphic editor Paint

3. Save the drawing in a personal folder as a file Panel1.bmp.

Task 7. Copying fragments

1. Launch the Paint graphic editor.
2. Using the following sequence of actions as a basis, draw a chessboard.

3. Label the rows and columns of the chessboard.
4. Save the drawing in a personal folder under the name Chess board.

Task 8. Working with multiple files

Download files for work:

1. In the Paint graphic editor, open the Scheme.bmp file.
2. Illustrate the diagram by adding images of the corresponding devices from the files RAM.bmp, Winchester.bmp, Disk.bmp, Floppy Disk.bmp, Flash Drive.bmp. For convenience, open each of these files in a new window. Copy the necessary images to the clipboard and paste them into the desired places on the diagram.

3. Save the result in a personal folder under the name Scheme 1.

Task 9. Getting a screen copy

1. Launch the Paint graphic editor, minimize its window and make a copy of this window (keys Alt+PrintScreen- press simultaneously).
2. Expand the Paint graphic editor window to full screen and place the resulting image in the center of the work area (tab home, group Clipboard, button Insert), label the main interface elements.
3. Save the result of your work in a personal folder under the name Paint.

Task 10. Creating animation

1. Open the file in the Paint graphic editor Acrobat.bmp.
2. Copy and mirror the existing fragment, combine the two halves and color the resulting acrobat figure. Save the resulting image in your personal folder as a file a1.gif.
3. By copying, moving and deleting individual parts of the image, make changes to the acrobat figurine (for example, depict an acrobat with his arms down). Save the resulting image in your personal folder as a file a2.gif.

4. Go to the website and, following the instructions there, create an animation by repeating two frames multiple times.
5. Save the result of your work in a personal folder.

Task 11. Artistic image processing

1. Launch the Gimp graphics editor.
2. Open the file in the Paint graphic editor mamont.jpg.
3. Apply to original image various filters so that the result is close to what is shown in the figure below.

4. Save your results in files mamont1.jpg, mamont2.jpg, mamont3.jpg And mamont4.jpg.

Task 12. Scaling raster and vector images

1. In the Paint graphic editor, create the following image:

2. Save your work in a personal folder as a 24-bit graphic (file type).
3. Select any fragment of the picture. Zoom in and out on the selected fragment several times. Observe how scaling operations affect image quality.
4. Create the same drawing in the graphic editor Draw. Save your work in a personal folder as an ODF Drawing (file type).
5. Select any fragment of the picture. Zoom in and out on the selected fragment several times. Observe how scaling operations affect image quality.
6. Finish working with graphic editors.

Laboratory and practical work No. 11
Microsoft Word.
“Inserting a finished drawing.
Working with ClipArt"

After completing this practical work, you will learn:

    Learn how to insert a ready-made drawing from the Microsoft ClipArt collection;

    Get acquainted with the basic techniques of working with graphic objects using the example of creating an advertisement according to the proposed sample;

    Apply previously learned skills to create the required document: table, page setup, formatting various elements text.

Creating quite complex compositions can be very labor-intensive. In such cases, use ready-made libraries (collections) of drawings (Clipart), which are included in the delivery package Microsoft package Office.

To insert ClipArt use the command Insert, Drawing, Pictures. There is a corresponding button on the toolbar. Drawing, Add a picture.

The dialog box that opens is called Inserting a picture.

ClipArt graphics are centered on the Pictures tab. They are classified into categories. Having found the desired picture, just select it and insert it into the document by clicking on the button Insert.

As a result, the selected picture will be inserted into the document.

Resize and move ClipArt objects.

You can resize and move ClipArt objects directly in the main document window using your mouse. In addition, these and a number of other settings can be made, as in the case of graphic objects and pictures, in the dialog box Object Format called up in the menu Format.

Before performing any of these actions, the object must be selected by clicking the mouse.

Exercise: Make an announcement about the next meeting of the astronomy club and save it on your hard drive. (My documents - Your group (class) folder.

Work technology:

    Create a new document.

    Set the following Page Options (File menu):

margins - 1.5 cm,
binding – 0 cm;
orientation – landscape,
paper size – 210x148 mm (A5 format).

The size of the picture can be changed using markers, dragging them to the desired distance with the mouse (see Fig. 1). It is possible to symmetrically position a picture in a table cell by double-clicking on the picture to open a window Figure format(Fig. 2), select the tab Position – Along the contour and move the drawing to the right place.

    In the right column, enter the text:

Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!
We invite you to the next meeting of the computer club, which will take place in the assembly hall on May 12, 2006 at 17:00.¶

    Select all text. Execute the main menu command Format – Font and set the following parameters:

font – Arial
style – bold
size – 26
color – blue
Modification (effect) – with shadow.

You should end up with a prompt similar to the one shown in the image below.

    If you're happy with what you see, click the button Close.

    If you are not happy with what you see, click the button Close. and continue editing the document until you achieve the desired result

    Save the file in your folder under the name Announcement_Petrov. doc

    Show the result to the teacher.