After updating the phone's firmware, the camera does not work. Why doesn't the camera work on my Android phone? Mechanical damage to the module

. “Could not connect to the camera”: this error message is displayed on the screen when there is a problem accessing the camera of an Android device - smartphone or tablet computer. More and more users are reporting that they are encountering this particular error. The difficulty is that there is no single solution to the problem, since it can be equally likely to be related to both the software and the hardware of the device.

It all starts with the fact that when you try to use the camera on your Android device, you first see a blank screen with a camera icon in the center, and then you receive the message “Could not connect to the camera.” Sometimes it is possible to use the camera after rebooting the device, but, as a rule, the frequency of the error increases, and soon it becomes simply impossible to use the photo module to take a couple of photos. Many users also complain that they receive a similar error message when trying to shoot video at the minimum resolution (240p). Is it possible to somehow improve the situation? Let's try together to understand what is happening and find accessible ways independent decision Problems.

1. Available methods

Users report that the camera starts working after rebooting the Android device. Sometimes you have to reboot the gadget several times to achieve the desired result. In any case, it makes sense to try this elementary method - turn off and turn on your smartphone or tablet again.

Every Android device has a boot into "Safe Mode" feature, which means you reboot the phone and turn it on, activating only the essential apps and limited quantity available functions. Safe Mode is great for troubleshooting, as downloaded applications will be disabled and you will be able to determine if there really is a conflict between different software third party developers and system software related to the use of the camera.

To restart in safe mode:

If the camera works normally in safe mode, then you have narrowed down the search for the causes of the error. The problem is a conflict between third-party applications and system software. It is because of them that you cannot connect to the camera. Your next steps:

C) Remove conflicting third-party applications
Try uninstalling third-party applications related to the camera. These are applications that can take pictures during their operation. For example: Snapchat, Whatsapp, etc. Surely there are programs on your smartphone or tablet with which you can take photos directly from the application and share them. Remove such programs sequentially, one after another, checking after each removal to see if the error has disappeared. If you were able to connect to the camera, you have found a third-party application conflicting with the system software. And one more thing: do not forget to switch between video, panoramic shooting and other modes during the test - the problem can appear in any of them, and it is important for us to restore the full functionality of the camera.

D) Try using a third party camera app

If the system app is the only program that has access to the camera on your Android device, and you receive the message “Couldn’t connect to the camera,” it’s worth trying to work with it using third party application. IN Google store Play presents many programs suitable for this purpose. Use the search function to find apps in the Camera category. Choose one of the popular applications- such as: Candy Camera, Open Camera, Camera 360, Camera MX or Camera for Android. Download and install the application, launch it.

If from a third-party application downloaded from Google Play, you managed to start the camera, then the problem lies in the official system application for her. Try the following:

2. Medium difficulty methods

These are the standard steps you can take when the app shows the error message “Failed to connect to camera”. Try using them all - it should help. And don’t forget to stop the application and restart it before each new attempt to connect the camera. The methods given here to fix the “Unable to connect to the camera” error do not carry the risk of losing saved photos and videos.

A) Clear cache and data

B) Removal and reinstallation updates
Go to the same camera app settings as shown above. If there is an option to remove updates, do so. But remember that you should not use old versions of applications, so you will have to visit Play Market to update the camera app again.

B) Check permissions (Android Marshm only)
Android Marshmallow has a personalized system for allowing access to major applications. You must confirm that your camera app has permission to access the camera. Usually if required permission is missing, it is requested during application startup.

  • Go to "Settings" -> "Applications" -> "Cameras".
  • Click on "Permissions".
  • Make sure the Camera Resolution slider is moved to the right. You can turn it off and on again.

3. Error resolution methods for advanced users

Attention: These methods to fix the error “Couldn’t connect to the camera” when used will result in the loss of data saved on the Android device. In order not to lose contacts, photo galleries, games, music and other content, you must: backup. Save photos, information about account And backup copy applications in your Google account. All this will be re-installed after adding the same account Google posts to the device.

A) Clearing cache
This action allows you to clear the device system of temporary data - outdated and only cluttering up the memory. This option is activated in Recovery mode, which becomes available after rebooting the phone using the bootloader.

To clear the cache, follow these steps:

Once clearing cache is completed successfully, restart your phone and try launching the camera app again. Please note that your Android device may have a different button combination to access the mode. Maintenance and recovery.

B) Reset to factory settings
Resetting settings is considered the most drastic way to solve problems, as it entails complete loss of data. But if no other methods help, then you will simply be forced to use it. However, backup will help you save your data, and re-configuring the device will only strengthen your skills in working with Android devices. Here are two ways you can use to reset your phone or tablet to factory settings.

Method I: From the recovery menu

Method II: From System Settings

If none of these methods worked, then the problem most likely lies in the hardware of your Android device. You can return the phone or tablet back to the seller if the warranty period has not yet expired. Otherwise, you will have to contact the authorized service center of the gadget manufacturer or choose a repair shop with a good reputation, whose specialists will be able to understand the malfunction of the device. However, if you are not sure that the cause of the error “Could not connect to the camera” does not depend on the hardware, then you can wait for the next update operating system. Sometimes after updating some problems resolve themselves. The only pity is that this happens extremely rarely.

Buying a modern tablet or smartphone allows you to get at your disposal not only a device for making calls, but also a compact pocket computer, and even a photo and video camera. However, it is the last element of the device that sometimes fails and is not included in the most inopportune moment. There are many reasons why this problem arises. And some of them the user can solve independently, without contacting the service.

Software problems

Errors software are one of the main problems leading to the inability to use the camera. These include:

  • infection of the operating system with viruses. The growing popularity of the Android OS several years ago led to the spread of software specifically designed for it. malicious code. The problem can be solved by installing an antivirus application and scanning the device;
  • overflow random access memory. If the RAM size is less than a certain value (usually about 50–80 MB), some applications, including the camera, stop running. By clearing RAM of unnecessary data, you can restore functionality to all programs;
  • The camera cache is filled with data, which also needs to be cleared periodically. To do this, go to the settings menu, find the “Camera” application and click on the “Clear cache” button;
  • lost application settings. This situation often occurs if an SD card was selected as the location for saving photos and videos, which was subsequently removed.

    Not the most popular, but quite serious cause of problems is the conflict of applications installed on the system. The situation can be corrected by deleting several of them one by one. latest programs checking the camera launch after each. Sometimes you even have to uninstall the program itself, designed for taking photos and videos, and install new version– preferably from trusted sources.

    If the cause of the problem is an update or flashing of the operating system, a message like “Error/camera unavailable” will appear on the screen instead of the application starting. The solution to the issue comes down to restoring factory settings (via Recovery menu) or rollback installed firmware to the previous option. To reduce the likelihood of such a situation, it is recommended to install only official firmware from the manufacturer.

    Hardware problems

    Reasons for problems with the camera include: physical damage tablet or smartphone. For example, flash memory that has failed due to wear and tear and has a certain service life. You can find out that the problem with launching the Camera application is caused by a damaged microSD card by testing it for errors on another device (on a laptop with a card reader or on a desktop PC with a microSD-USB adapter).

    A dirty camera lens can cause startup problems. Liquid or dust that gets on the glass spoils the focusing of the device, making it impossible to adjust the image. Although in such cases the application still starts, but then freezes or closes back. To correct the situation, the lens should be carefully cleaned with a special cloth (microfiber) and liquid used to clean the monitor.

    Additional ways to resolve the issue

    To restore the functionality of the camera, when you try to launch it, the message “Camera failed Error Callback.on Error(1)” appears on the screen, you can use the following alternative method:
    1. Remove the device battery;
    2. Lightly press the camera with your finger (carefully wiping off the fingerprint, which may interfere with shooting);
    3. After waiting a few minutes, install the battery back;
    4. Launch the application again. Despite the fact that the method seems strange, as the experience of users on the Internet shows, sometimes it turns out to be effective.
    Ate neither ordinary nor alternative ways troubleshooting the camera did not lead to positive result, the only option is to contact the service. Although, if the cause of the problem with the camera is contact of this part with water or a broken sensor as a result of an impact (fall), you should contact a specialist immediately. Moreover, most of the problems associated with external influence on a smartphone or tablet can lead to failure of not only the camera, but also other important components.
  • Hello everyone, dear readers, in today’s post we will try to figure out why the camera on the phone does not work. Many users of mobile gadgets on the Android operating system experience similar problem. There may be several reasons for this unpleasant incident. Below we will look at each of the reasons and try to fix this annoying error.

    Reasons for the camera not working

    1. Mechanical is the most unpleasant reason why your camera does not work. For example, if the camera stopped working as a result of the phone falling. A similar reason A non-working camera can only be fixed at a service center; I don’t recommend dealing with this problem yourself, because... you can only make it worse;
    2. System error - in this case, the reason for the camera not working is an error in the Android operating system. For example, an outdated error. Below I will tell you how you can check and;
    3. Viruses - some viruses that get into your mobile device, disrupt and block the operation of the camera - both the front camera and external camera. This problem can be solved by simply installing antivirus software and checking the operating system. Below I will provide a list of antiviruses that you can use.

    System update

    To check for the latest updates for your operating system, do the following:

    1. First of all, you need to launch the Settings application;
    2. Now scroll to the very bottom of the page and select “About phone”, in this section you need to select “System update” and click on it;
    3. If you did everything correctly, the system update process will begin.

    Let's move on to the last reason for the camera not working, namely the presence of viruses on the phone.

    Nowadays, a large number of users of all kinds electronic gadgets give preference operating platform Android.

    The choice of this software is based on taking into account some important criteria, but in most cases the key role is played by the ability to get a practical video camera or photo camera at a relatively low cost.

    But, in practice, situations often arise when the device one fine day does not work as it should, in other words, in source code platform there is a certain failure.

    Probable Causes

    Usually, camera does not work when several underlying causes occur, for example:

      Update process current firmware gadget. It is known that updating the system is an automatic function and does not depend on the will of the user, but it can easily become a catalyst emergency situations V correct operation cameras. To solve the problem, you should roll back the system version after the next Android update;

      Camera onAndroid may fail due to mechanical shock. For example, if the gadget is overturned, the module responsible for the camera settings may fail;

      Dust accumulation on the sensor. Row portable devices have remote modules, therefore, their surface is easily contaminated;

      The module cache is clogged.

    Setting up the camera correctly Android

    Setting up the camera can be done in one of three known ways:

      Manual system reset mobile gadget to factory settings. In order to do this, you should perform the following operations - open the gadget settings menu, go to the tab "backup" and check the configuration box "reset to factory settings";

      Downloading the antivirus and subsequent "cleaning" systems. To date, many have been developed and effectively implemented antivirus programs, which can be freely viewed and downloaded on Google Play;

      Clear module cache. To do this, you should go to settings, select menu "applications", count "camera" and click on the line below "clear cache";

      Gently wipe the camera's protective lens with an alcohol-soaked cloth;

      Download alternative application. There are countless of them on the Internet, both paid and completely free. After you install similar application, its icon will become available on the desktop.

    In conclusion, it should be noted that the camera on Android tends to work incorrectly, and working with it has its own characteristics.

    It is imperative to take into account a number of requirements for proper operation, and you will not have problems with the operation of the camera module and OS!

    With the question “Why doesn’t the camera work on Android?” any user may encounter. Don’t immediately panic and quickly run to the nearest service center. Maybe it's small hardware failure, which you can quite calmly solve yourself. Therefore it is important to know possible reasons such problems, as well as ways to eliminate them.

    Causes and solutions to the problem with the camera not working on an Android tablet


    The most common reasons for the breakdown or malfunction of the Android camera may be the following:

    1. Due to this, which is installed automatically in most cases, problems may occur in the operation of the device as a whole. Problems may also affect the operating mode of the camera, as a result of which it may stop working.
    2. An important reason may be on a tablet or smartphone. Especially in Lately this has become especially relevant. It never hurts to be careful.
    3. Mechanical damage devices can also negatively affect the performance of the device’s camera. If you drop your tablet on asphalt or in water, you may damage the special module responsible for the camera.
    4. Manufacturers of devices with camera modules located on the outside are especially prone to problems associated with the ingress of dust and other contaminants.
    5. Another influencing factor may be a clogged module cache.

    Troubleshooting solutions

    Naturally, you need to familiarize yourself with using existing methods eliminate these problems.

    After the completed manipulations, everything should work again.

    If it stops working for you front-camera on Android, and only a black screen is visible, you should contact the service center or store where you purchased the device. You can use warranty repairs in case the cause of the camera breakdown was not your intervention either inside or a banal fall of the device. Well, you can always count on paid repairs.

    Now you know the reasons why the camera does not work on Android, as well as some popular ways to solve this problem. Perhaps one of them will help you. If not, then most likely the problems have become more widespread, and you should probably seek help from a specialist.

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