After cleaning the keyboard, some keys stopped working. You need to clean your gadget regularly

Sometimes users encounter such a problem that part of the keyboard on their laptop does not work. In principle, it happens that the entire keyboard does not work at once, but then, most likely, it just needs to be replaced. But if only some of the buttons stop functioning, everything is somewhat more complicated.

We will consider everything that can be done in this case independently, without the involvement of specialists.

Simple ways to solve the problem

It is not always necessary to do something complicated in order to restore the functionality of a part of the keyboard. Often the problem is solved quite simply. So from the very beginning, do this:

1.Try pressing the Fn and Num Lock keys. It is possible that pressing one of them blocked some buttons on the keyboard.

2. Hold Fn and press Num Lock, then release both buttons. In some cases, this simple method allows you to get the keyboard fully operational.

3. Take a brush and go over all the buttons. It is quite possible that some dust has accumulated under one of the buttons. If possible, also take a vacuum cleaner. On the Internet you can find special vacuum cleaners for small keyboards.

Keyboard vacuum cleaner

4. Restart your computer. In some cases, there may be some minor bug in the system that prevents certain buttons from working.

In most cases, the problem will be minor and can be fixed with one of these steps. If nothing works, move on to the next step.

Fixing a software glitch

It is quite possible that the problem is the malfunction of some programs or services. To check this option and fix the problem, you need to do the following:

1. Boot from safe mode without drivers. To do this, restart your computer and immediately start pressing the F8 button. Select “Safe Mode” from the boot options.

Note: Depending on your system configuration, the boot mode selection button may differ. So try using all the buttons from F1 to F12 if pressing F8 does not help. As a result, a window similar to that shown in Figure 2 should appear.

Options for selecting system boot mode

2. Try to create some kind of document and use all the buttons on the keyboard. You need to check not only those buttons that previously refused to work, but also all the others! If this is really the case software glitch, kit broken keys may change with each new launch.

So, if all the buttons work well, then the problem is really in the operating system. The most likely solution to the problem lies in updating the drivers. It's best to do this in a standard way:

  • Open the “Start” menu (Windows), then “Control Panel”, find “Device Manager” there;

Device Manager in Control Panel

  • open the “Keyboards” item;
  • usually there is only one keyboard, click on it right click mouse and select “Update drivers...” (if there are several keyboards, which is very unlikely, do the same with all of them);
  • select the item " Automatic search…»;
  • wait until the drivers are found on the Internet, they will be installed automatically.

Updating drivers using the standard Windows method

You can also download and install the program DriverPack Solution. It allows you to scan your entire computer for the latest available drivers. If the keyboard has incorrect (roughly speaking, “broken”) or outdated drivers, you can easily replace them. The usage of this program is as follows:

  • download the program (here is the link);
  • install it and run it;
  • An automatic scan will occur, after which just click on the “Update all” button.

DriverPack Solution Window

Scan the system with your antivirus and remove all detected viruses. You can also use for this special utilities, such as Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool or Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free.

If updating and scanning drivers does not help, try rolling back the system to a time when everything worked well.

To do this you need to do this:

  • open the “Start” menu, then “All Programs”, “Accessories”;
  • after that, go to the “Utilities” section and click on “System Restore”;

System Restore item in the Start menu

  • in the window that opens, click “Next”;
  • then select the desired restore point, and here they are sorted by date and time (you need to choose the one that most accurately corresponds to the time when everything was fine);

Selecting a restore point for system rollback

  • Click Next and then Finish.

In principle, you can reinstall drivers and roll back the system in cases where safe mode The keyboard also doesn't work properly. But in this case, the likelihood that it will help is very small. Most likely, the problem is mechanical, not software, and it needs to be solved by physical intervention in the computer device.

Fixing a physical glitch

In this case, you will have to disassemble the keyboard and see step by step what could have gone wrong. To do this, run the following actions(it is very important to adhere to the exact order in which all actions will be listed below):

1. Turn off the laptop and remove the battery.

2. Take a flat-blade screwdriver and carefully remove all the latches on the plate that holds the keyboard in place. If you don’t see any latches on your laptop, you should pick up the instructions and read what it says about the design of the keyboard and how it is removed. In any case, some kind of fastening mechanisms must be present.

The process of opening the keyboard plate latches

The keyboard plate is attached to the laptop itself using a cable. You will see it immediately.

3. So, if there is obvious damage on it, the cable should simply be removed and replaced with a new one. To do this, take an old cable, go to the nearest electronics store and buy the same one.

Keyboard cable

4. If the cable is not damaged, it still needs to be removed. Under no circumstances should you take the cable by the conductors! You can only grab those plastic parts that attach it to other parts of the laptop. For clarity, Figure 10 shows those parts that can be handled and those that cannot be handled. True, keyboards usually use slightly different cables.

5. There, under the keyboard plate, you can find the microcontroller. It's necessary dry and try to remove dust using a vacuum cleaner.

It is quite difficult to explain how to find this microcontroller. To put it simply, this is exactly the device to which the cable is attached. Just in case, when removing the keyboard, go through all the controllers you see. You won’t be able to do anything else on your own without special knowledge. Again, if you see obvious damage to the microcontroller, it is best to replace it.

Laptop with keyboard removed

6. If everything is fine with the cable, you will have to disconnect the keys and clean them. Usually the button can be removed in the standard way - pry it off with the same flat-head screwdriver. Start with the problem buttons. If you see damage underneath, replace the elements that secure the button to the laptop.

The process of removing buttons from the keyboard

7. Try using the keyboard again.

If the problem persists, remove all the buttons and remove the aluminum plate that is located under them. Usually it also has special fastenings that can be removed quite easily. But underneath it is hidden a polyethylene board with traces drawn on it.

Inspect it for obvious damage - if there is any, there are two options: draw new paths or buy new board. In any case, go over the board with a vacuum cleaner.

To check the integrity of the tracks, use a tester.

Checking the integrity of tracks on the keyboard board with a tester

To draw the tracks, use a car rear window heating filament repair kit (that’s what it’s called).

If all else fails, your best bet is to have your computer repaired.

The video below clearly shows the process of disassembling a laptop keyboard.

Part of the keyboard on a laptop does not work: what to do and how to fix it - a detailed guide

All owners of laptops and computers sooner or later decide to clean the keyboard, because dust constantly settles on it, dirt gets in, and it happens that the buttons are simply accidentally filled with something.

Most owners smart technology The question arises of how to quickly clean the keyboard so as not to harm the equipment and increase its service life.

Methods and means for cleaning your keyboard at home

To clean the keyboard, it is better to use products designed for this purpose. They are available for sale in specialized computer stores. You can purchase a cleaning kit that includes a specialized liquid, a brush and a cloth.

In the store you can buy special wipes, keyboard fluid, and small brushes.

A napkin is used to clean the buttons on the keyboard from various surface dirt; a brush can be used to remove dust and dirt between the buttons. Using these items you can quickly clean the buttons without disassembling the keyboard.

In addition to special drugs, other means are widely used, but their use must be done with great care.

You can take isopropyl alcohol diluted in a small amount of water and wipe the keys, this method will allow you to easily get rid of heavy dirt.

When wiping the keyboard, you need to carefully ensure that diluted alcohol does not get on the button contacts. You cannot use regular alcohol for these purposes; it can wipe off all the paint from the buttons.

Instead of a special brush, you can use a regular brush with soft, long bristles to clean the keyboard. The napkin can be replaced with a cloth based on non-woven fabric. The buttons should be wiped with soapy water as often as possible, and then wiped dry so that no moisture remains.

What can a dirty keyboard cause?

Cleaning the dirt off your keyboard helps improve it appearance and prevent the appearance possible malfunctions, such as:

  • sticking or jamming of keys on the keyboard;
  • the laptop may break due to dirty buttons;
  • Due to dust and dirt, there is a possibility of malfunctions of the unit.

The keyboard must be promptly cleaned of any dirt that has appeared, otherwise it may break.

IN regular computer it can be easily replaced with a new one. In a laptop this is not so easy, and if it breaks, then replacing it may cause some problems and the cost of the work will be corresponding. It is for these reasons that regular cleaning of the keyboard from dust is necessary.

Stories from our readers!
“My sister gave me this cleaning product when she found out that I was going to clean the barbecue and wrought-iron gazebo at the dacha. I was delighted! I did not expect such an effect. I ordered the same for myself.

At home I cleaned the oven, microwave, refrigerator, ceramic tiles. The product even allows you to get rid of wine stains on carpets and upholstered furniture. I advise."

Superficial cleaning of the computer keyboard

Any cleaning must be done very carefully so as not to damage the keyboard. If you regularly clean the keys superficially, then in some cases you can do without deep cleaning.

Surface cleaning should be done at least once a month to remove any dust and all kinds of dirt. Computer keyboard You need to turn it over and shake it thoroughly, some debris will fall out of the keys. Using a brush, you need to go between the buttons and remove any stuck debris.

To clean dirt from hard-to-reach places, you can use a special small keyboard vacuum cleaner or a can of compressed air, which can be purchased at computer stores.

To clean the buttons from adhering dirt and grease, you can wipe them with napkins or a rag. You need to make sure that liquid does not get inside the buttons.

To clean the laptop keyboard, first of all you need to disconnect it from the power supply and use a can of compressed air to clean the buttons. After this, the surface of the keys must be wiped with a special napkin and wiped dry with a cloth.

If you don’t have napkins, you can moisten a rag with soapy liquid and thoroughly clean the surface of the buttons.

If necessary, you can remove the keys using a small screwdriver. The buttons are carefully wiped and installed in place; in this case, you need to know their location.

Deep cleaning of the keyboard when heavily soiled

It is advisable to carry out surface cleaning at least once a month, and deep times at three months. When the keyboard has been superficially cleaned of dust, but the buttons are still difficult to press or stick, you will have to wash the keyboard after disassembling it.

For deep cleaning, you need to remove the keyboard, but this must be done with extreme care, otherwise you may damage any parts and it may fail.

After the keyboard is disassembled, the keys can be washed in a warm soapy solution; the contacts and base of the keyboard just need to be cleaned with a soft bristle brush.
If the contamination is severe, you can wipe the contacts with a cloth slightly moistened with soapy water or a keyboard cleaning solution. Next, all contacts need to be wiped dry so that no moisture remains.

After the cleaning procedure is completed, you must leave the base and buttons until completely dry. After complete drying, the keyboard can be assembled.

If, after deep cleaning, some keys work poorly or do not respond at all, then repeated cleaning is pointless, this means that there is some kind of malfunction and the keyboard needs to be replaced or the laptop must be repaired.

Cleaning the keyboard after a spill

Cleaning a flooded keyboard is a fairly common occurrence, especially for people who prefer to eat in front of the monitor. If this problem is not corrected in time, the unit may fail. According to statistics, every third computer that broke down and arrived at the workshop was filled with some kind of liquid.

If liquid has been spilled on the keyboard, you must take the following actions as quickly as possible:

  1. The first thing you need to do is disconnect the equipment from the power supply, otherwise a short circuit may occur.
  2. Next, you need to turn over the keyboard or laptop and wait a little until all the liquid drains out.
  3. The remaining moisture must be removed with cotton wool and dried with a hairdryer, setting the cold air supply to the highest power.

If the spilled liquid was enough a large number of, then you need to start disassembling the keyboard or detaching the buttons
. When the keys are removed, wipe the surface of the keyboard with alcohol (isopropyl), then wipe it dry with a cloth or sponge.

In some cases, membranes (protective membranes) will have to be changed. If the spilled liquid leaves behind sticky streaks or stains, these areas must be cleaned using a special cleaning agent.

After carrying out all the procedures for cleaning the keyboard from spilled drinks, it must be thoroughly dried, connected to the network and checked for functionality.

Disassembling and assembling the keyboard

Many PC users do not know how to disassemble and clean the keyboard; this issue must be approached with all seriousness in order to eliminate problems that arise due to the loss of a button or its mechanism:

  1. Before you start disassembling the keyboard, you need to disconnect it from the PC and take a photo of the location of the keys. This is done so that after cleaning it can be collected with correct installation each button. It is advisable to carry out the analysis on a hard surface.
  2. You need to turn the keyboard over and, starting from the center, unscrew all the bolts using a Phillips screwdriver. All spare parts must be put in one place so that they do not get lost. After this, you can separate the body parts from each other.
  3. If you plan to disconnect the keys, then do this using a thin screwdriver, picking them up on one side and disconnecting them from the top of the keyboard. The key begins to rise slightly and pops out of the latch. Larger buttons will be a little more difficult to pull out, because... they have an additional metal retainer.
  4. There is a thin film on the bottom of the keyboard; contacts are located on it; touching it is strictly prohibited.
  5. After the keyboard is cleaned, it needs to be assembled; to do this, both parts must be connected and pressed slightly until a click occurs. Next, you need to put each key in place, guided by a photograph taken in advance. After assembling the buttons, you need to tighten the bolts on the bottom of the keyboard. You need to start screwing from the edges so that the keyboard does not move.

With a laptop, everything is not as simple as with a regular PC, where you can easily buy a new keyboard if necessary.

  1. First of all, you need to disconnect the laptop from the power supply and remove the battery from it. Each key has an individual mount, which it is advisable to put aside along with the button itself.
  2. It is advisable to start the analysis with the letters, pry the button with a screwdriver, under it there is a fastener that needs to be very carefully snapped off, starting from the top, so as not to damage it. The side parts of the fasteners are very fragile and must be removed with extreme caution so as not to break the latches.
  3. Once the letter buttons are detached, you can begin to detach other keys. Some of them will have white fasteners.
  4. After disconnecting all the keys, you need to remove the stencil on which there are special triangles corresponding to the buttons. Under the rubber base there is a thin film, which must be handled with extreme care; it can easily tear.
  5. The laptop keyboard is assembled in the same way as it was disassembled.

Features of cleaning a laptop keyboard

If the laptop owner does not have the skills to disassemble and assemble the keyboard, then it is better to give the device to a specialist. If the unit is on warranty service, then disassembling it is strictly prohibited.

If you do not have the skills to disassemble, then it is better to perform surface cleaning. You can also remove some heavily soiled keys and clean them.

If such cleaning does not bring results, then you need to give the laptop to a technician or do everything yourself, after first taking a photo of the location of the keys and remembering the disassembly sequence.

Each laptop model has its own individual layout and this must be taken into account when disassembling.

Modern means and devices for cleaning keyboards

To clean the keys you can purchase special means in computer stores.

There are special liquids and wipes on sale for cleaning the keyboard from dirt. Silicone rags (lizunes) are also widely used, which, due to their sticky properties, collect all existing dust and dirt.

Apply it several times until the sticky properties completely disappear. You can use a small keyboard vacuum cleaner that sucks out all the dirt from the buttons. In addition to cleaning the keyboard, cleaning the cooler is necessary. , you can find out here.

Precautionary measures

When cleaning the keyboard, you need to disconnect it from the PC or unplug the laptop from the network to avoid short circuit. After cleaning, you must wait until all the buttons and other mechanisms that have been cleaned are dry.

When disassembling a laptop, you need to be very careful when handling the film and fastening the buttons, otherwise the film can be torn and the fastenings broken.

For renewal life cycle laptop or PC, it is recommended to regularly clean the keyboard from dust and dirt. Surface cleaning is done quickly and does not take much time.

If after a quick cleaning the keys continue to stick, then you need to do a deep cleaning. If you have doubts about the capabilities of assembling and disassembling the laptop, it is recommended to take it to a workshop to prevent damage to any parts.

If you spilled a drink on your keyboard and it stopped working, but you don’t want to buy a new one or you can’t, don’t worry, cleaning it isn’t that difficult. All you need is patience and about two hours of your time. If your keyboard has dried out and started working on its own, don’t worry, you still need to clean it, otherwise the problem will return to you later, but cleaning will not help.

Well, if you still haven’t spilled anything, don’t despair, this can happen to anyone! My laptop, for example, was very high and far away in relation to the drink. However, you never know in advance what flight path the spilled tea will take.

First of all, it should be noted that liquids pose a danger to the entire system. Even if everything works now, in a few months your laptop may go to the landfill. In the event of an incident, it is advisable to immediately turn off the power to the laptop by removing the charger and battery (yes, the liquid will not wait for the programs to complete). Then just as quickly turn it over with the flooded side down and let the liquid drain. Then completely unscrew and assess the damage. Do not connect the power if there is liquid inside or its remains in the form of sweet syrup. In the case of pure (distilled?) water, you need to wait a day for all the liquid to evaporate. In the case of tea/coffee and other drinks, the insides must be cleaned, otherwise there will be a short circuit on the board, oxidation, and this will easily kill your laptop. In this article I will not describe how to rinse motherboard. We will assume that you, like me, opened up the laptop and discovered that you were wildly lucky, because... Only the keyboard was flooded.

The experimental sample is my damaged Eee PC 901. Naturally, yours may have some differences, but in general the procedure is identical on most models. Sorry for the quality of the photo, I shot with what was at hand. Well, I hope everyone understands that they follow my advice at their own peril and risk.

We remove the keyboard. For me, it is secured with three latches on top, which need to be carefully pressed one at a time, while pulling the keyboard up. As soon as you free the keyboard, do not rush to happily pull it out: you need to disconnect the cable. In the photo you can see it at the bottom left.

No, at the very bottom - my legs accidentally got into the frame, and the train was right under the keyboard. The cable doesn't just pull out. It is secured with clips on the sides. First, carefully pull them up along the train. A small screwdriver will work for this (this will also come in handy later). Then the cable can be easily removed. I repeat: EASY! Be careful not to scratch the tracks on the motherboard with a screwdriver.

So, we have a disconnected keyboard. We examine the space under it for something tasty. We are especially interested in the liquid or its characteristic traces, identified by the color of the original drink.

If there is at least some suspicion that the liquid could penetrate further, then it is better to continue disassembly. You can find instructions for your laptop model online. If there are no traces of liquid under the keyboard, and you are so lazy to disassemble further that you are absolutely sure that only the keyboard was damaged, then we leave it on your conscience.

On the Internet you can often find advice to rinse the keyboard in warm water. I would advise you to take this matter more seriously and rinse the entire laptop at once. But... I won't. Let's take a look inside to realize the ineffectiveness and danger of this method.

First you need to remove all the buttons. Each button consists of an upper platform and an elevator - a miniature structure under the platform that ensures the mobility of the button. I found advice to first remove the platforms, prying them up in a strictly defined place, and then remove the elevators. This method seemed weird to me, because I wasn’t sure whether the button would come off before the elevator broke down. In addition, I still didn’t understand where to put the screwdriver in order to safely unhook the button. Finally, when I turned the keyboard over, I realized that at least in my model you can unhook the buttons immediately with the elevators. This simplifies everything.

The photo shows (badly, but clearly) that there are three “holes” for each button. In your case there may be four. Well, if not at all, then you will have to first remove the sites separately. On one side, the elevator is fixed with a “hook”, on the other - with two latches. We select the most unnecessary button on the keyboard (e?), and try using a screwdriver to first disconnect the latches, pressing down and to the side, then the hook. Broke? It’s okay, don’t mind, you still have so many of them!

The detachable buttons can be neatly folded in the same order for easier assembly later. Attention! Small children really like these buttons, keep them away from each other.

It is also advisable to photograph or scan/xerify it in advance.

After all the buttons are removed, remove the top rubber gasket.

This thing acts as springs, and usually does not serve as contacts (unlike remote controls, if anyone has taken it apart). But for hygienic reasons, it’s still worth washing it.

Below it we see this picture.

At first glance it may seem scary, but when we break everything down into layers, it will become clearer.

The heart of the keyboard is three layers of films with tracks and contacts. The upper and lower ones are formed by folding a solid film in half, with tracks and contacts inward.

The middle layer is insulating, has no tracks, but has holes through which the contacts of the upper and lower layers come into contact when you press the buttons.

These three layers pose a problem, because liquid willingly flows there, carrying sugar and other substances dissolved in it. The water will dry out, but the pollution will remain. It will be quite difficult, if not impossible, to wash an unassembled keyboard in water. Therefore, the layers need to be separated. This is the hardest part.

The film layers are glued together. I can see blue glue: a solid strip along the edge, and dots throughout the entire area.

I was able to easily separate one layer, starting from the edge. Then, by pulling the top layer up by the edge and holding the bottom one at the base of the keyboard, I separated it completely. The second one did not want to give in. It turned out to “tear” the edge with a screwdriver through the hole in the film. Further - as with the first. If the layer comes off poorly, or does not come off at all, you can try heating it with a hairdryer. Be careful not to tear the tracks. And be careful with the hairdryer too. Keep the hairdryer at a sufficient distance, and if such a function is provided, adjust the temperature so that the air does not burn your hands. Otherwise you might end up melting something.

The bottom layer is glued to the base of the keyboard along with the cable, so I did not separate it so as not to damage the connection. But in general this is not necessary.

Now each layer needs to be carefully cleaned, paying special attention to the contacts, tracks and spaces between tracks. Then we dry everything. A hairdryer will again help us speed up the process. Make sure everything is really dry and clean. You probably won't want to take it apart a second time.

Here I would like to quote very helpful comments from user Hayz about what to wash with. I washed it with water, because I couldn’t find any sane explanations at that time. It helped me, but I don’t know for how long.

I strongly do not recommend using water to wash keyboard contacts. Otherwise, subsequent oxidation of these contacts is possible, and, as a result, everything will have to be changed. It is better to do this with alcohol, and at least 96% is highly desirable. And the sooner after the “flooding”, the better. The essence of alcohol is that it collects water that is in the pores and quickly evaporates. It is clear that in this case the amount of alcohol should be much greater than the water in the solution. Otherwise, there will be no effect of moisture collection. Those. vodka 40% will not work. Cologne "Triple" 75% is better, but not good.

Tap water is not that pure - there are a lot of all sorts of impurities and salts that act as a catalyst for corrosion and begin to destroy the metal. There are much fewer such salts in atmospheric air, so corrosion takes much longer to occur.

Regarding alcohol, everything is not entirely clear. Alcohol and alcohol are different, and not everyone can be suitable for these purposes. It is better to use traditional ethyl alcohol (ethanol). Isopropyl alcohol has sometimes erased people's contacts and letters on their keyboards. And if you rinse with water, then be sure to use distilled water. From my point of view this is the safest option. Of course, all this does not apply to the rubber gasket and other non-conductive elements. They can also be washed under the tap. Overall, this issue is still not clear enough, and it would be good to hear the opinion of a competent person.

It is also worth inspecting the paths for damage. It could happen if a lot of time has passed since the flooding, as well as if the layers were inaccurately separated. According to victims, the tracks can oxidize and crumble, crack or peel. The tracks can be restored using conductive varnish. They say this one is sold inexpensively in car dealerships and is intended for restoring rear window heating filaments. They need to carefully draw the damaged parts of the tracks. At the same time, make sure that thin threads of varnish do not form a short circuit between the tracks.

Once we've finished cleaning and repairing, we put everything back in reverse order. Carefully and evenly connect the layers of film, put an elastic band on top, and secure everything with corner buttons so that nothing moves out.

The button is placed like this: attach the hook, gently press on the pad from the side of the latches, click - and you're done! To make sure that everything is done correctly, we install the keyboard in place, fixing the cable, turn on the laptop and check the operation of the buttons. Everything works, nothing fails? Turn off the power again, remove the keyboard and install the remaining buttons in random order. There are approximately 80-100 pieces in total. Not as much as it might seem.

Before putting the keyboard back in place, carefully inspect the buttons to make sure they are all aligned. My Enter is crooked, and some other buttons are dancing (which, in general, is not critical). But I don’t want to turn off the laptop. That's how we live.

Repairing a flooded keyboard

Remember, the most dangerous enemy of your laptop is liquids spilled on the keyboard. Coffee, juice, Pepsi kill buttons with their taste. The keys of a flooded keyboard, having drunk sweet water, are hard to press, jam, and stick. Unpleasant? Then we go to you! If you delay, the keyboard will have to be replaced. The keyboard is especially well killed by Coca-Cola and Pepsi - these are the leaders in the corrosive ability of conductive paths! Oh, I forgot about beer, wine and puppy urine :). But I don’t have a dog yet (I hope I never will).

So, in my unintentional experiment, the laptop asus eee-pc 901 reacted with Tonus juice “Apple with pulp” (without added sugar). What exactly this juice contains in 100% quantities could not be determined as a result of the reaction. However, the keyboard was flooded. Description of the experiment: as a result of inappropriate tremor of the hands, the juice flew past the glass and splashed out in the area of ​​the Enter key. Immediately after realizing the gravity of this event, the laptop was turned upside down, but this changed little of the consequences. Without thinking twice, I decided to disassemble the keyboard and remove the remaining juice! On regular laptops, the keyboard mounting screws are located at the bottom of the case. I turned over my eee-pc 901, but I couldn't find any screws with a keyboard icon. “An unusual laptop,” I thought. Taking a closer look at the keyboard itself, I noticed that on the front part, in the area function keys F1, F6 and F12 have latches that hold it.

I pressed three little white buttons in succession and the panel with the buttons easily came off. To avoid damaging the cable during manipulations, I also unfastened it. To do this, use a thin object to push back the latches on each side of the connector. So, the keyboard has been removed.

As it turned out later, removing the keyboard is the easiest thing in this rescue operation. Trying to remove the buttons, I broke two fasteners before I understood the mechanism for attaching and removing the buttons. However, the functioning of the broken buttons itself was not affected by this. Now, after a while, it’s even difficult to determine which of them were broken. For those who still want to remove the buttons, I’ll tell you. On the back of the panel with buttons there are three holes for each key. It is necessary to press with a sharp object (a blunt awl, for example) from the outer sides sequentially on the plastic fasteners in the holes located nearby.

At the same time, the buttons move away with a quiet click. They do not depart to another world, but separate with the hope of further strengthening in their rightful place. Having separated the two buttons, I suddenly remembered that it would be nice to photograph the position of the keys so as not to rack my brains about which key has which place. After disassembling the keyboard, one thing became clear - it is disposable. Disposable - somewhere in Japan or Germany, but not in Russia. Removing the keys revealed numerous transparent films.

Under the films there is a tin substrate. Traces of the evil reagent - sour apple juice - were already visible on the substrate. Here it is, a keyboard covered in juice...

In the operation to neutralize the latter, cotton swabs for children's ears, alcohol and patience were used. Of course, the lint from the sticks is our evil enemy, but there was no other material at hand. And so, while everyone was sleeping, I started cleaning up. Having cleaned the tin layer, I suddenly noticed that juicy (it would be more accurate to say, juice) stains already existed between transparent layers films with contacts. I had to separate the layers. There were four of them.

Each of the layers was neutralized with natural real alcohol, brought specially for such operations from abroad. After this manipulation, the keyboard was assembled in reverse order. Yes, I had to tinker with the keys again before I learned how to put them in place. I'll tell you for those interested. Each key has three mounts. First we put on the mount that stands alone. After the fastener is put on, gently press the button and the key sits in its place. So, the keyboard is assembled. We connect it to the cable. We check the functionality of each of the keys. If there are problems, I'm afraid that you will have to remove all the keys again and repeat the operation.

Therefore, I urge you to immediately do disinfection efficiently the first time. In order to eliminate the consequences of a flooded keyboard. I performed this operation properly and did not have to do the job twice. We turn on the laptop - everything is normal. By the way, I connected the keyboard directly while the laptop was running. The next morning, a couple of keys were still somehow hard to press. It turned out that under the keys themselves, under the plastic, there were also juice residues. I removed the problematic keys and washed them under running water and dried them. If your case is fatal for the keyboard, then this can also be corrected on your own.

Take care of your Klava.

Some advice from victims:

The following steps must be taken immediately.

1. Disconnect the laptop from the network (unplug Charger from laptop)

2. Remove battery from laptop

3. Wipe off any remaining liquid with a dry paper towel or rag.

All these actions must be performed immediately after water gets on the laptop, without waiting for the computer to shut down normally.

How to remove the keyboard?

  • First, find two screws labeled “KBD” (keyboard/keyboard) on the bottom of the laptop.
  • Unscrew the screws and turn the laptop over to its normal position.
  • Now look carefully at the edge of the keyboard closest to you. Approximately the gap between the spacebar on the keyboard and the laptop.
  • Along the entire length of the keyboard you will see three small latches. These latches must be carefully pushed aside to release the keyboard.

ATTENTION! After disconnecting the keyboard, do not pull it sharply towards yourself or try to move it away. It is connected to the laptop with a thin and short cable. Disconnect the cable and go into battle.

You can try just drying it:

  • It is advisable to first rinse it in distilled water. If tea, coffee, beer, juice is spilled on the keyboard, it is MANDATORY to wash it in distilled water!
  • There is a high probability that after drying it will be fully functional. For drying, you can use, for example, an electric oven. Set the temperature to 70 degrees and dry the keyboard in it for 4 hours or more. You should not set the temperature higher, because... The buttons may melt.
  • You can simply put it in the sun for at least 1 day, or better yet, two. It's better to spend more time drying it than to buy a new keyboard later.
  • After all, if you don’t dry the keyboard completely, moisture will remain between the films and the tracks will gradually be eaten away by corrosion.
  • After that, try connecting the keyboard and check its functionality in text editor. If the keys print other letters or the letters print themselves, it means the keyboard has not dried out enough and there is moisture left between the films with sprayed tracks. Repeat the drying process.
  • If the keys on the contrary do not work, it means contact areas dielectric or corrosion present. Try rinsing again more thoroughly and drying for a longer time.

Lenovo G700, G710 how to disassemble and change the keyboard

Once a month you need to carry out superficial cleaning. It will get rid of dust and crumbs (applies to those who like to chew something tasty in front of the monitor).

Turn the keyboard over and shake it a little. Some of the garbage will disappear at this stage.

Take a small brush or paintbrush and brush away any dust or crumbs stuck between the keys.

You can get rid of dust in hard-to-reach places using a special USB vacuum cleaner for the keyboard or cans of compressed air, which are sold in digital and digital stores. household appliances(cleaning products department). An ordinary hairdryer will also work, but only if the keys fit tightly and there is no chance that debris will simply clog deeper.

You can only blow the keyboard with cold air.

To remove grease from the keys, go over them with a paper towel or microfiber.

When performing preventative cleaning, you should never use wet rags: no liquid should get inside the keyboard. Maximum - wet wipes for the computer.

Deep cleaning

Once every three months you need to disassemble and wash. You will have to do the same if you spill something on it.

Method 1. Standard

This method is suitable for cleaning the built-in laptop keyboard.

Remove the keys. Usually the buttons are secured with latches. They are easy to pull off with a paper clip, flat-head screwdriver or knife, starting from the side edge of the key. This must be done very carefully, because thin plastic is easy to damage.

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Pay special attention to long keys such as Shift, Enter, and Spacebar. They are usually secured with metal clips, making them more difficult to remove and reattach. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better not to touch them. Some laptops do not have this feature at all.

Clean the mounting area. Use a flannel cloth, damp cloth, or paper towel to go over the joints. You can blow out the inside of the keyboard with a can of compressed air or a cold hairdryer.

Don't forget to take a photo of the keyboard before disassembling it.

Rinse the keys with plain water, soapy water, or antiseptic. Alternative way: Place all the buttons in a clean sock, tie it, soak it in detergent, and then run it under running water.

Dry the keys. If you don't want to wait for the moisture to evaporate, use a hairdryer.

Secure first big keys, then everyone else. This is where the photo you took before cleaning will be very useful.

Method 2. Complete disassembly

Take a photo of the keyboard, and then turn it over and use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws. Open the device and place both halves on the table with the inside facing up.

The lower part can be set aside as there is no need to clean it.

Gently press the keys out. Note the spacebar and Shift, which can be additionally secured with metal pins. Enter key do not remove it: usually it has a very complex fastening, so putting it back will be very difficult.

Place all keys in a sink and rinse under running water or leave in a disinfectant solution for a while. If the plastic is very dirty, go over it with a soft toothbrush. Then dry the keys.

Rinse top part keyboard under running water, using a toothbrush to remove dirt, especially in the corners and joints. Then let it dry.

Secure the keys in their original position. If you hear a click when pressed, everything is in order: the button is firmly secured.

Connect the upper and lower parts of the keyboard, tighten the screws.

Connect your device to and make sure all keys work.

Method 3: Cleaning up after a spill

If water, hot coffee, or any other drink has been spilled on the keyboard, immediately turn it over and shake it thoroughly. Wipe with a dry cloth.

Leave it overnight to let the keyboard dry. If the next day some of the keys are stuck or do not work, use the first or second cleaning method.

Owners of laptops and PCs are familiar with the problem when they don’t work due to contamination. separate buttons on keyboard. Over time, cleaning the entire surface is required, because many users eat chips, cookies, drink tea, coffee, and juices while working. Crumbs and drops of liquid inevitably fall on the keyboard; over time, they accumulate in the space between the keys and damage them.

Cleaning your laptop keyboard is a must. It should be performed not only as needed, but at least once a month.

Why clean your keyboard?

Cleaning a laptop keyboard with your own hands is not such a difficult task. It is recommended that it be carried out, even if there are no visual or technical problems. A laptop or any other device that runs on electricity attracts dust. The ventilation system not only cools the unit, but also sucks small debris inside. Caring for your laptop involves promptly cleaning it from dust, debris and stains. Such actions not only maintain a neat appearance, but also extend their service life.

Types of cleaning

How to clean a laptop keyboard? First, understand what types of cleaning there are. There are two main ones - superficial and deep cleaning. The first is cleaning the buttons and the space between them. The second is removing dust from contacts. The more often you carry out superficial cleaning of your laptop keyboard, the less often you will have to do a deep cleaning. Not all laptop models can have the buttons removed; they are a single design. In this case, you will have to disassemble the unit.

How to clean your keyboard

How to clean a flooded laptop keyboard? First of all, choose your cleansing products. Specialty stores sell cleaning kits that include liquid, a cloth and a brush. If you don't have such a kit, use the tools at hand. It is permissible to use diluted isopropyl alcohol. It will get rid of heavy dirt. Soak a soft, clean cloth in alcohol and wipe the keys. Carry out the procedure carefully. You can also use soapy water. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and remove dirt. Afterwards the keyboard is wiped with a dry cloth.

What not to use

If the keyboard does not work after cleaning your laptop, you may be using inappropriate products during the procedure. It is prohibited to use aggressive substances, including acetone. They can remove paint from the keyboard and even deform the laptop case. Ethyl alcohol in its pure form is not recommended, as it will damage the keyboard. Of course, you cannot pour water or cleaning agents onto the surface. All only with the use of napkins, cotton pads, soft fabrics and brushes.

Deep cleaning at home

How to deep clean your keyboard Asus laptop? This type of cleaning is recommended if you are not sure that you have completely gotten rid of debris, dust and dirt. First, disassemble the keyboard, remove the keys using a flat-head screwdriver, and thoroughly clean the contacts and rubber bands with soft cloths and cleaning agents. If you are afraid that you will not remove the buttons carefully, then contact a specialist. It's better than taking risks. If you still decide to carry out deep cleaning yourself, do everything step by step.

  1. Be sure to take a photo of the keyboard. This will help return the buttons to their place without disturbing the order.
  2. The keys are removed using a flat-head screwdriver. Proceed as carefully as possible, as the buttons are very fragile on laptops.
  3. Use a brush, broom or vacuum cleaner to remove dust and dirt.
  4. Put the buttons back in place.
  5. If the keyboard does not work after cleaning and installation, it means it is faulty. In this case, it will have to be replaced with a new one.

It is important to handle your laptop carefully. You should not tear off the buttons, and you should clean the motherboard carefully. It is advisable to do this with a soft brush. To remove dirt and dust, you can dilute medical alcohol 2:1. Please pay Special attention: When removing the keyboard, try not to damage the cable connecting it to the device body.

From dust

Over time, the dust that accumulates between the buttons turns into dirt, especially if it is periodically exposed to drops of water or sweet tea. Dust removal is carried out once a month. It is recommended to wipe the keys with a soft cloth that does not leave lint behind. It is not recommended to use cotton wool, but this is also acceptable (if the disks or cotton swabs are of high quality). There are many cleaning products on the market that are easy to use at home.

Isopropyl alcohol has proven itself well and can be used to wipe laptop and PC parts. However, it is first diluted with water. Special mini USB vacuum cleaners for computers are also sold. This is very convenient, especially for those whose work is directly related to the PC. You can wipe off dust from your keyboard at least daily. Agree, it is not very pleasant to work with a dirty and dusty device. In addition, a dirty keyboard means the accumulation and proliferation of bacteria with which the user is constantly in contact. Isn't this a reason to keep your work equipment clean?

From garbage

Cleaning the keyboard Acer laptop - important stage, if dirt and small debris have collected under the keys. All this gets in the way normal operation devices. First, turn off the laptop, turn it over, and shake out any debris onto the paper. Use a stiff brush. Finally, blow off the keyboard with a regular hairdryer, but with cold air. It is also possible to use a vacuum cleaner with a narrow nozzle.

From liquid

How to clean a laptop keyboard after a spill? Even the most cautious users relax from time to time. Watching a movie, playing, or working is often incomplete without a mug of sweet tea, coffee or other drink. One awkward move and a large amount of liquid gets onto the keyboard. What are the first steps in this case?

  1. Turn off the device, completely disconnect the laptop from power, and remove all wires.
  2. Turn the laptop over by shaking the liquid onto a previously prepared rag or paper.
  3. Be sure to remove the battery and place it on dry material.
  4. If the entire keyboard and touchpad are flooded, leave the laptop in the open position and wipe the surface with a dry soft cloth.
  5. The laptop should be left open for several days, but do not rush to turn it on. Everything should dry. Additionally, you can dry it with a hairdryer, but the air must be cold, remember that this is not done right away.

If you spill ordinary water or mineral water, the consequences will be minimal. But with hot sweet drinks and juices everything is much more complicated. Even after drying, the buttons will stick. In this case, the surface and each button individually are wiped with special alcohol. If the laptop does not work even after these steps, “slows down”, or turns off on its own, then hurry up and send it in for repair.

If the keyboard doesn't work

The keyboard of a laptop or PC is the keys arranged in a certain order that control the device. The keyboard stops working for several reasons:

  1. Software glitch. After turning on the laptop, the user realizes that the keyboard does not work. Experts advise rebooting the device. In 60% of cases, after a reboot the keyboard works again. This happens due to a software glitch that occurred during the OS loading stage. If it doesn't work, go to the BIOS (press Tab, F10 or DEL). Then exit and boot your laptop. In some cases you will need to reinstall operating system.
  2. Drivers. Often problems with the keyboard are related to drivers. They may be damaged or missing altogether. In the case of a laptop, almost every component requires a driver to be installed. For your laptop model, find a suitable driver, which is freely available on the official website. If you have Asus model, then look for the driver on the website of this company. Download it and install it.
  3. Plume. If the problem is not with the drivers, perhaps the reason lies in a damaged cable that connects the keyboard and the case. In this case, do not rush to disassemble the laptop yourself. If it has a warranty, take it to the store along with your receipt. Chances are that they will repair it for you free of charge. It is not recommended to wipe the cable yourself with alcohol and other special liquids.
  4. Mechanical damage. They occur if the laptop is dropped on a hard floor or something heavy is dropped on it. In this case, most often one or more buttons fail, but the entire keyboard rarely fails. At mechanical damage contact the service center.

Dirt and spilled liquid are among the reasons why the keyboard does not work.

Cleaning the keyboard of an HP laptop, like other laptops, begins with preparation. Below are some tips to help you perform a quality procedure:

  1. Use liquids intended for equipment.
  2. To remove dust and dirt from contacts and keys, use lint-free wipes.
  3. Special brushes also clean well. With their help, dust and dirt are eliminated between the keys.
  4. Computer wipes impregnated with the composition are sold.
  5. Cotton swabs and pads do a good job of removing surface stains.
  6. If you are doing deep cleaning, that is, removing each button, first take a photo of the keyboard so that you can install it correctly after.

Unfortunately, not at all modern laptops The buttons are removed separately. In this case, cleaning is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to completely disassemble the device.


If you do not clean your laptop keyboard in a timely manner, this will lead to dire consequences. When debris gets on your PC keyboard, it damages it over time. If this happens to a laptop, the user faces serious problems:

  1. One or more buttons fail and they begin to jam.
  2. The entire keyboard breaks if liquid is spilled on its surface.
  3. Internal parts become unusable if moisture gets inside.
  4. If dust accumulates in the heatsink, the laptop overheats and shuts down.

A combination of unfavorable factors leads to device failure.