Step-by-step installation of the program without an installation disk. Choosing a crypto provider Cryptopro CSP Download and install the Cryptopro CSP program

The introduction of modern means of personal identification is a huge step in the development of electronic document management. Many believe that the development of such a direction has no practical meaning, that the use of such tools is necessary only for a small number of users, and nothing will exceed a simple signature in reliability and convenience, but this is far from the case.

An electronic digital signature allows you to determine the authenticity of your identity in digital document flow, which significantly increases its efficiency and saves time and money.

An electronic digital signature (or EDS) is, in essence, electronic props, which allows you to protect the digital version of a document from forgery. The legislator defines an electronic signature as an analogue of a handwritten signature, which is used for the purpose of identifying a person in electronic document management.

Types of digital signature

In practice, several variants of digital signature are used.

Simple digital signature does not contain elements of cryptographic protection. Security is ensured by using login, password and connection codes.

In general, it is used only for the actual identification of the user, but is not used to protect a specific document.

Such a signature can still certify documents, however, this requires fulfillment certain conditions:

  • adding to a specific document;
  • use complies with internal document flow rules;
  • availability of information about the identity of the sender of the file.

Unskilled refers to an enhanced signature, but its degree of protection is less than that of a qualified signature. However, in this case, cryptographic protection methods are already used. Using such a signature allows you not only to sign a document, but also to make changes to it and then confirm them.

Qualified I am considered the most secure option. Cryptographic protection methods are used, which are confirmed by special authorities. Use in practice is difficult, but there is an undoubted advantage - reliability. You can connect such a signature only in a special certification center.

Test methods, services and results

Using digital signature is undoubtedly practical and convenient. However, each user must have the skills to verify its accuracy, which protects against possible violations by counterparties.

It is not difficult to check. To do this, just use one of several services. Thus, you can verify the authenticity of a document signed using an electronic digital signature by uploading it to the website

This service will allow you to quickly analyze a document and get the result. To use it, you need to configure your computer accordingly, but it is not difficult, you just need to follow the instructions on the site.

If you cannot install the electronic signature on your computer yourself, you should contact certification centers. Upon completion of their work, an installation certificate for the electronic signature facility is drawn up.

  1. Certificate validity period.
  2. Is the signature on the list of revoked signatures?
  3. Is the digital signature one of those issued by accredited centers?

The most popular verification method is verification through the State Services portal. However, there are many more services that are approximately the same in their effectiveness.

In general, verification methods can be divided into two types:

  1. Verification of a document signed with digital signature.
  2. Checking the digital signature itself.

Another way to check your digital signature is to install the appropriate program on your PC. Typically used CryptoPro due to the many full-fledged functions for working with digital signatures.

The result of any check is confirmation or non-confirmation of the authenticity of the digital signature or the document signed by it. Such services simply need to be used for work, as they fully ensure the security of electronic document management.

If work via digital signature is carried out on an ongoing basis, it is recommended to use software from CryptoPro.

How to install digital signature

To install the electronic signature on a PC, you will need to download the appropriate software and follow the instructions.


First of all, you need to install it on your computer CryptoPro CSP program. Further:

  1. Run the program in any of the ways. As an option, open the Control Panel, the “Programs” menu and find what you need there, or find it through a search if the location is not known. Run as administrator.
  2. After starting the program, a window will appear in which you need to find the “Service” tab.
  3. Next, look for the “View certificates in container” menu.
  4. The Browse window appears, where you can view information about the container name and reader. Click OK.
  5. In the next window, “Certificates in the private key container,” you do not need to perform any actions. Just skip it by clicking Next.
  6. A window with user data will appear. You need to select "Properties".
  7. We install a new Certificate, to do this, select “Install Certificate”.
  8. In the next window we don’t do anything and just click “Next”.
  9. Next, you need to select the “Place all certificates in one storage” item, to do this, click “Browse” and select the “Personal” folder.
  10. The last step is to click “Finish”.


There is also a useful plugin from CryptoPro that allows you to create and verify signatures on web pages. CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in can work with any modern browser, including Chrome and Yandex.

  1. Sign documents for electronic document management.
  2. Validate web form data.
  3. Certify any files sent from the user's computer.
  4. Sign messages.

Using the plugin, you can check both regular and improved electronic signatures. An important advantage is that it is distributed completely free of charge.

To install the plugin, you don’t need any special skills; everything happens automatically. You just need to run the installer file, then select “Run”, “Next” and “Ok”. The program will do everything itself.

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Installation and configuration of CryptoPro for working with electronic signatures

To participate in electronic trading, each entrepreneur must have his own electronic digital signature. An electronic signature acts as an analogue of a handwritten signature, giving an electronic document legal force. To participate in electronic auctions on government procurement websites, it is necessary to provide high guarantees of the reliability and authenticity of the submitted signature in the application for participation in the tender and in all related documentation. In order to authenticate persons signing electronic documents, the CryptoPro cryptographic utility was created, which allows you to generate and verify digital signatures.

A little about the keys

To obtain your own digital signature, you must contact a certified certification center (CA), which issues a root certificate, as well as a public and private key.

CA root certificate is a file with the .cer extension that allows the system to identify the certification authority.

Subscriber public key– this is the personal file of the owner of the electronic key, used to verify the reliability and authenticity of the signed document. The public key can be published and sent in any way and to anyone; it is public information.

Subscriber private key is a set of encrypted files stored on electronic media. The owner of the private key uses a secret PIN code for authorization in the system, therefore, if it is lost, the subscriber must immediately revoke his key through the certification center.

After receiving an electronic signature, you need to install software on your computer to work with the digital signature. The cryptoprovider program CryptoPro 3.6 supports the state standards of the Russian Federation: GOST R 34.10–2001, GOST R 34.11–94 and GOST R 34.10–94.

The main purpose of CryptoPro

  1. Ensuring the process of giving electronic documents legal significance through the use of digital signatures;
  2. Ensuring confidentiality and monitoring the integrity of encrypted information;
  3. Integrity control and software protection from unauthorized changes.

The CryptoPro 3.6 utility is compatible with the following operating systems:

After the release of Microsoft Windows 10, CryptoPro also updates its software and certifies the new version of CryptoPro CSP 4.0

Installation and configuration of CryptoPro

  1. On the official website you need to purchase the required version of the utility and install the cryptoprovider. Launch CryptoPro CSP and, using the installer prompts, install the utility on your computer.
  2. Next, you need to install the electronic ID support driver. Private keys can be stored on floppy disks, smart cards and other electronic media, but tokens in the form of a USB key fob (eToken, Rutoken) are considered the most convenient analogue. For correct operation of the media, install the appropriate driver.
  3. Then you need to configure the readers. We launch CryptoPro as an administrator and in the window that opens, find the “Hardware” tab and click “Configure readers.” In the “Manage Readers” window that opens, click “Add”. Select the desired reader (for example, for eToken, select AKS ifdh 0). After installation, click “Finish”.
  4. Let's move on to installing a personal digital signature user certificate. In the “Service” tab, click “Install personal certificate”. Let's indicate the path to the certificate file with the .cer extension.
  5. Next, insert the token into the USB connector of the computer, indicating the container for storing the private key. To configure it in automatic mode, you can check the box next to “Find container automatically.” The system will prompt you to enter your PIN code and place your personal certificate in the storage. After installation, click Finish.
  6. Let's move on to setting up the browser to work with the government procurement portal. The website only works with the Internet Explorer browser. In the browser properties, you need to select the “Security” tab, in which you should select “Trusted Sites” and click “Sites”. In the window that opens, you need to register the following websites:
  1. Next, you need to go to the government procurement website and in the left column of the menu in the “Advanced” section, find the “Documents” item and click “Files for setting up the workplace.” Download all output files and install.

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How to check the operation of the digital signature?

Below is a topical video:

How to install cryptopro on a computer step by step where to start

Digital signature certificate(electronic digital signature) is essentially a set of numbers. These numbers are generated when a document is encrypted, which is based on personal data necessary to identify the user. After receiving a digital signature from the certification center, it must be installed. Only after this will you be able to use it. We will tell you.

Before installing digital signature make sure the program is available CryptoPro CSP. The absence of this program excludes the possibility of using a digital signature. Download CryptoPro you can by going to official site developers. This is a paid program, however, you will be given a free trial period that will last 3 months.

Let's assume that the program CryptoPro you already have installed on your personal computer. The following steps will tell you, how to install a ZCP certificate on a computer:

  • Open on your computer “ Control Panel" In the panel window, select from the list of programs CryptoPro. Launch it by double clicking the mouse (left button);
  • In the window of the running program, from the list of various tabs, select the “tab” Service”;
  • In the tab that opens, click on the column “ View certificates in a container”;
  • Next, in the window that appears, click on “ Review" This window displays the available reader and container name. Review the information received, then click “ OK”;
  • The window that opens has the name “ Certificates in a private key container" Press “ Further” without any changes or input of information;
  • A window will open telling you about the user, the serial number of the electronic signature and its validity period. Select “ Properties”;
  • In the certificate window that appears, you need to install a new one. This is easy to do by clicking on “ Install certificate”;
  • Certificate Import Wizard" Review the information provided and click “ Further”;
  • In the new window, select the item called “ Place all certificates...” Click on the “ Review”;

Now you know how to install a digital signature certificate on a computer. Enjoy the simplicity and ease of working with a unique electronic digital signature.

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I made the installation algorithm, but I can’t log into my personal account for government procurement

How to install CryptoPro - how to install a certificate in CryptoPro?

CryptoPRO is a crypto provider that allows you to generate an electronic digital signature and makes it possible to work with key certificates. This article is devoted to the process of installing CryptoPRO on a personal computer. Let's take a closer look at how to install CryptoPro CSP for free.

A description of this process is contained in the user manual on the official website, and is also included when purchasing a license. Let's look at the procedure step by step.

CryptoPro plugin is not installed in the browser

Before starting work, the user needs to make sure that an outdated version of the product is not installed on his PC. The check is carried out in the menu if the CryptoPRO item is missing, therefore CryptoPro plugin is not installed in the browser.

If an item of interest is found in the menu, you need to check whether the version is outdated. To do this, launch CryptoPRO, in the License Management tab in the right window, look at the version number and license validity period.

Download CryptoPRO CSP

After it turns out that CryptoPro EDS browser plug in is not installed, let's start downloading CryptoPRO CSP and installing it on your PC.

Since the provider is a means of cryptographic information protection, its distribution is accordingly recorded by certain supervisory authorities. In order to download the program you will need to register. Next, refer to the link sent to your email. After clicking on it, select CryptoPRO CSP from the list of products.

Installing CryptoPRO on a computer R

The installation file is downloaded before how to install CryptoPRO on your computer. To install, run the file. If the security system issues a warning, then you need to allow the program to make changes to your PC. Next, click “Install” and wait a few minutes. User participation is not required at this stage. After installation, it is recommended to restart your computer.

CryptoPRO license key

Now enter the license key.

  • In the programs we look for CryptoPRO, select CryptoPRO CSP
  • Enter the serial number.

Check that the installed version matches the one you purchased. If you have version 4.0, then, accordingly, select CryptoPRO CSP 4.0. This version is recommended for Windows 10.

How to install CryptoPro on a computer, installing CryptoPro 4.0

CryptoPro CSP is a crypto provider and provides the legal significance of electronic documentation and connection protection. This is a key product among CryptoPro products. How CryptoPro CSP install most questions arise. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the information below to install the program correctly. To install this software on a computer, the user must have administrator rights. The software on the disk must be inserted into the drive or selected the distribution folder on the computer. After launching the Installation Wizard, you must select the language to use. During installation, it is also possible to select the protection level (class).

Further installation is carried out in accordance with the choice of actions specified by the Installation Wizard. Thus, you may need to specify a serial key, configure additional sensors, and adjust CIPF to use the key storage service. Installation can be complete or selective, depending on the user’s tasks. Custom installation will help you install additional required components. It is advisable to restart the computer after installation for the program to work correctly.

CryptoPRO is one of the cryptographic utilities (cryptoprovider). Which is necessary for generating an electronic digital signature () and working with key certificates. In this article we will analyze in detail the process of installing the CryptoPRO program on a computer.

After you have purchased a CryptoPro CSP license or decided to try out free three-month access to the program’s functions, the question arises: how to use it on a computer?

How to install Crypto-PRO

The answer, as always, is in the user manual, which is available on the program’s official website and is also included when purchasing a license. But since it so happens that no one reads it anyway, we’ll describe the installation process point by point.

First step: PC check

At this stage, you need to make sure that an old version of this program is not installed on your computer. You can do this by carefully looking through all the Start menu items on your computer; if you do not find the CryptoPRO item in it, then most likely this software was not installed on your computer.

If you find CryptoPRO in the list of programs, make sure that its version is outdated, for this:

  1. Launch CryptoPRO PKI
  2. Open the License Management tab – CryptoPRO CSP
  3. Look at the version number in the right window

If the program version is 3.6.**** and higher, then reinstallation is not necessary and you can proceed to the fourth step. If the specified version is lower than 3.6.****, uninstall the program using standard Windows tools and restart the computer. Then proceed to the next step.

Second step: download the distribution

Fill in the required fields, agree to the license agreement and go to the next page (at the time of writing the instructions it looked like this):

Third step: installing CryptoPRO CSP on your computer

Run the downloaded file and follow the installer steps until you see the following window:

Enter the required information and the Serial Number you received when purchasing the license. If you want to get free trial access, leave this field blank and click Further.

After installation is complete, restart your computer. Ready!

Fourth step: enter the license key (optional)

If the program is already installed on your computer and you only need to enter the license key, follow the following path.

The first place to start is to decide on the version you need. Client or server. If you plan to use the CryptoPro CSP CIPF on the server, buy it right away. A client license will not work. Yes, the price of a server license is several times higher, and in earlier versions it was possible to install a client license on the server, but today client licenses simply cannot be installed on server operating systems, despite the fact that everything worked in the trial (test) period.

GOST R 34.10-2012

Find out if you need support for the new 2012 electronic signature standards. Only supports the electronic signature standard GOST R 34.10-2012 (“Creating a signature” and “Verifying a signature”). The remaining versions of the crypto provider (3.0, 3.6 and 3.9) support GOST 94 and 2001.

Please be informed

The procedure for transition to the national standard GOST R 34.10-2012 in electronic signature tools for information that does not contain state secrets has been determined.

From the document of the FSB of Russia No. 149/7/1/3-58 dated January 31, 2014 “On the procedure for transition to the use of new digital signature standards and hashing functions,” we learn that after December 31, 2019, it will be unacceptable to use GOST R 34.10 to create an electronic signature -2001.

FSB Certificate

In many information systems (especially government ones), one of the main and mandatory requirements is the presence of an FSB certificate of conformity for the software. Currently versions 3.6 and 4.0 are certified.

The CryptoPro CSP 4.0 version has FSB certificates for protection classes and for operating systems from Windows Vista to Windows 10.

CryptoPro CSP 3.9 R2 CryptoPro CSP 4.0 R2 supporting work in Windows 10 today received a positive conclusion from the FSB.

Windows or Unix

If you choose version 3.6, then you need to decide on which operating system the software will be installed - Windows or Unix-like. This division is only available in versions of CryptoPro CSP 3.6 and earlier. If you purchase the or version, then it does not matter which operating system you plan to install it on - Windows or Unix-like.

CryptoPro CSP 5.0 is a new generation of crypto provider, developing three main product lines of the CryptoPro company: CryptoPro CSP (classic tokens and other passive storage of secret keys), CryptoPro FKN CSP/Rutoken CSP (unretrievable keys on tokens with secure messaging) and CryptoPro DSS (keys in the cloud).

All the advantages of products from these lines are not only preserved, but also multiplied in CryptoPro CSP 5.0: the list of supported platforms and algorithms is wider, performance is higher, and the user interface is more convenient. But the main thing is that working with all key media, including keys in the cloud, is now uniform. To transfer the application system in which CryptoPro CSP of any version worked to support keys in the cloud or to new media with non-removable keys, no software reworking will be required - the access interface remains the same, and work with the key in the cloud will occur exactly the same in the same way as with the classic key carrier.

Purpose of CryptoPro CSP

  • Generating and verifying an electronic signature.
  • Ensuring confidentiality and monitoring the integrity of information through its encryption and imitation protection.
  • Ensuring authenticity, confidentiality and imitational protection of connections using the and protocols.
  • Monitoring the integrity of system and application software to protect it from unauthorized changes and violations of trusted functioning.

Supported Algorithms

In CryptoPro CSP 5.0, along with Russian ones, foreign cryptographic algorithms are implemented. Now users have the opportunity to use familiar key media to store RSA and ECDSA private keys.

Supported key storage technologies

Cloud token

In the cryptoprovider CryptoPro CSP 5.0, for the first time, it became possible to use keys stored on the CryptoPro DSS cloud service through the CryptoAPI interface. Now keys stored in the cloud can be easily used by any user applications, as well as most Microsoft applications.

Media with non-retrievable keys and secure messaging

CryptoPro CSP 5.0 adds support for media with non-retrievable keys that implement the protocol SESPAKE, allowing authentication without transmitting the user’s password in clear text, and establishing an encrypted channel for the exchange of messages between the crypto provider and the carrier. An attacker located in the channel between the medium and the user's application can neither steal the authentication password nor replace the signed data. When using such media, the problem of secure work with non-removable keys is completely solved.

The companies Active, InfoCrypt, SmartPark and Gemalto have developed new secure tokens that support this protocol (SmartPark and Gemalto starting from version 5.0 R2).

Media with non-removable keys

Many users want to be able to work with non-retrievable keys, but not upgrade tokens to the FKN level. Especially for them, the provider has added support for the popular key carriers Rutoken EDS 2.0, JaCarta-2 GOST and InfoCrypt VPN-Key-TLS.

List of manufacturers and models supported by CryptoPro CSP 5.0

List of manufacturers and models of media with non-retrievable keys supported by CryptoPro CSP 5.0
Company Carrier
ISBC Esmart Token GOST
Assets Rutoken 2151
Rutoken PINPad
Rutoken EDS
Rutoken EDS 2.0
Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100
Rutoken EDS 2.0 3000
Rutoken EDS PKI
Rutoken EDS 2.0 Flash
Rutoken EDS 2.0 Bluetooth
Rutoken EDS 2.0 Touch
Smart card Rutoken 2151
Smart card Rutoken EDS 2.0 2100
Aladdin R.D. JaCarta-2 GOST
Infocrypt InfoCrypt Token++ TLS
InfoCrypt VPN-Key-TLS

Classic passive USB tokens and smart cards

Most users prefer fast, cheap and convenient key storage solutions. As a rule, preference is given to tokens and smart cards without cryptographic coprocessors. As in previous versions of the provider, CryptoPro CSP 5.0 retains support for all compatible media produced by the companies Active, Aladdin R.D., Gemalto/SafeNet, Multisoft, NovaCard, Rosan, Alioth, MorphoKST and SmartPark.

In addition, of course, as before, methods for storing keys in the Windows registry, on a hard drive, on flash drives on all platforms are supported.

List of manufacturers and models supported by CryptoPro CSP 5.0

List of manufacturers and models of classic passive USB tokens and smart cards supported by CryptoPro CSP 5.0
Company Carrier
Alioth SCOne Series (v5/v6)
Gemalto Optelio Contactless Dxx Rx
Optelio Dxx FXR3 Java
Optelio G257
Optelio MPH150
ISBC Esmart Token
Esmart Token GOST
MorphoKST MorphoKST
NovaCard Cosmo
Rosan G&D element V14 / V15
G&D 3.45 / 4.42 / 4.44 / 4.45 / 4.65 / 4.80
Kona 2200s / 251 / 151s / 261 / 2320
Kona2 S2120s/C2304/D1080
SafeNet eToken Java Pro JC
eToken 4100
eToken 5100
eToken 5110
eToken 5105
eToken 5205
Assets Rutoken 2151
Rutoken S
Rutoken KP
Rutoken Lite
Rutoken EDS
Rutoken EDS 2.0
Rutoken EDS 2.0 3000
Rutoken EDS Bluetooth
Rutoken EDS Flash
Smart card Rutoken 2151
Smart card Rutoken Lite
Smart card Rutoken EDS SC
Smart card Rutoken EDS 2.0
Aladdin R.D. JaCarta GOST
JaCarta PKI
JaCarta PRO
JaCarta LT
JaCarta-2 GOST
Infocrypt InfoCrypt Token++ lite
Multisoft MS_Key isp.8 Hangar
MS_Key ESMART use.5
SmartPark Master's degree
R301 Foros
Oscar 2
Magister's Rutoken

CryptoPro Tools

As part of CryptoPro CSP 5.0, a cross-platform (Windows/Linux/macOS) graphical application appeared - “CryptoPro Tools”.

The main idea is to provide users with the opportunity to conveniently solve common problems. All basic functions are available in a simple interface - at the same time, we have also implemented a mode for advanced users, which opens up additional possibilities.

Using CryptoPro Tools, the tasks of managing containers, smart cards and crypto provider settings are solved, and we have also added the ability to create and verify a PKCS#7 electronic signature.

Supported Software

CryptoPro CSP allows you to quickly and securely use Russian cryptographic algorithms in the following standard applications:

  • office suite Microsoft Office;
  • mail server Microsoft Exchange and client Microsoft Outlook;
  • products Adobe Systems Inc.;
  • browsers Yandex.Browser, Sputnik, Internet Explorer,Edge;
  • application signature generation and verification tool Microsoft Authenticode;
  • web servers Microsoft IIS, nginx, Apache;
  • Remote Desktop Tools Microsoft Remote Desktop Services;
  • Microsoft Active Directory.

Integration with the CryptoPro platform

From the very first release, support and compatibility with all our products are provided:

  • CryptoPro CA;
  • CA Services;
  • CryptoPro EDS;
  • CryptoPro IPsec;
  • CryptoPro EFS;
  • CryptoPro.NET;
  • CryptoPro Java CSP.
  • CryptoPro NGate

Operating systems and hardware platforms

Traditionally, we work in an unrivaled wide range of systems:

  • Microsoft Windows;
  • Mac OS;
  • Linux;
  • FreeBSD;
  • Solaris;
  • Android;
  • Sailfish OS.

hardware platforms:

  • Intel/AMD;
  • PowerPC;
  • MIPS (Baikal);
  • VLIW (Elbrus);
  • Sparc.

and virtual environments:

  • Microsoft Hyper-V
  • VMWare
  • Oracle Virtual Box
  • RHEV.

Supported by different versions of CryptoPro CSP.

To use CryptoPro CSP with a license for a workstation and a server.

Interfaces for embedding

For integration into applications on all platforms, CryptoPro CSP is available through standard interfaces for cryptographic tools:

  • Microsoft CryptoAPI;
  • PKCS#11;
  • OpenSSL engine;
  • Java CSP (Java Cryptography Architecture)
  • Qt SSL.

Performance for every taste

Years of development experience allows us to cover all solutions from miniature ARM boards such as Raspberry PI to multiprocessor servers based on Intel Xeon, AMD EPYC and PowerPC, with excellent performance scaling.

Regulatory documents

Complete list of regulatory documents

  • The crypto provider uses algorithms, protocols and parameters defined in the following documents of the Russian standardization system:
  • R 50.1.113–2016 “Information technology. Cryptographic information protection. Cryptographic algorithms accompanying the use of electronic digital signature algorithms and hashing functions" (also see RFC 7836 "Guidelines on the Cryptographic Algorithms to Accompany the Usage of Standards GOST R 34.10-2012 and GOST R 34.11-2012")
  • R 50.1.114–2016 “Information technology. Cryptographic information protection. Elliptic curve parameters for cryptographic algorithms and protocols" (also see RFC 7836 "Guidelines on the Cryptographic Algorithms to Accompany the Usage of Standards GOST R 34.10-2012 and GOST R 34.11-2012")
  • R 50.1.111–2016 “Information technology. Cryptographic information protection. Password protection of key information"
  • R 50.1.115–2016 “Information technology. Cryptographic information protection. "Shared Key Generation Protocol with Password Authentication" (also see RFC 8133 The Security Evaluated Standardized Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (SESPAKE) Protocol ")
  • Methodological recommendations TC 26 “Cryptographic information protection” “Use of sets of encryption algorithms based on GOST 28147-89 for the transport layer security protocol (TLS)”
  • Methodological recommendations TC 26 “Cryptographic information protection” “Use of GOST 28147-89, GOST R 34.11 and GOST R 34.10 algorithms in cryptographic messages in CMS format”
  • Technical specification TC 26 “Cryptographic information protection” “Use of GOST 28147-89, GOST R 34.11-2012 and GOST R 34.10-2012 in the IKE and ISAKMP key exchange protocols”
  • Technical specification TC 26 “Cryptographic information protection” “Use of GOST 28147-89 when encrypting attachments in IPsec ESP protocols”
  • Technical specification TC 26 “Cryptographic information protection” “Use of GOST R 34.10, GOST R 34.11 algorithms in the certificate profile and certificate revocation list (CRL) of the X.509 public key infrastructure”
  • Technical specification TC 26 “Cryptographic information protection” “Extension of PKCS#11 for the use of Russian standards GOST R 34.10-2012 and GOST R 34.11-2012”