Step-by-step instructions for installing Windows XP. Step-by-step instructions for installing Windows XP Installing windows xp from a disk via BIOS

Reinstalling the operating system allows you to correct accumulated operating errors, reformat hard drives, and completely clear the registry. It is recommended to reinstall Windows XP every six months.

Step 1. When you turn on your computer, enter the BIOS and set your drive to be the first priority boot device.

On a note! You can boot from the drive in another way: during the procedure “POST" enter the boot menu and select yourCD-ROM orDVD-ROM.

Step 2. During installation, you will be prompted to download specific drivers for SCSI or RAID devices. These drivers are used for server systems, so you can skip this step for a home computer.

Step 3. Please review the End User License Agreement (EULA). To confirm your consent, press F8. In case of failure (ESC), the installation will be interrupted.

On a note! The agreement has several points that few people pay attention to. For example, according to the specified document, you have the right to copy the installation disk no more than twice for each paid license. This way you can avoid various lawsuits associated with the use of unlicensed copies of distributions!

Step 4. Check out the capacity of your hard drive. To install to the selected partition, use the Enter key and go to step 7. If you want to change the number of volumes, go to step 5.

Step 5. Create the required number of logical partitions (volumes) of the hard drive by pressing the “C” key. Specify the size of the new volume.

Step 6. Specify the logical drive where you want to install XP.

Step 7 Check the desired option to format your hard drive.

Important! It is preferable to choose a full format rather than a quick format, since it checks for bad sectors. Please note that when installingXP volume selected for installation is completely cleared!

Step 8 Wait until the partition formatting process finishes.

Step 9 Wait until the process of copying system files is completed.

Step 10 To continue, a reboot is required; as a rule, it occurs automatically.

Step 11 After downloading, the system installation process begins.

Step 12 At the request of the installer program, configure the regional settings you need.

It is advisable to select the default layout as the one you use most often. You can change it later, in an already installed system.

Step 13 Setting up the ownership of programs is necessary for subsequent display in Windows XP of the name of the copyright holder of this licensed copy.

Step 14 When prompted by the installer, enter the key. As a rule, stickers with license keys are located on the computer case or on the original boxes for installation disks.

Step 15 Create and enter a computer name (required parameter), as well as a password for the “Administrator” account (optional parameter, but it is better to specify).

On a note! If your computer is not on a workgroup or domain network, you can specify any name. Otherwise, you should use the name in Latin, but make sure that it does not coincide with the previous one, otherwise problems may arise when connecting to a domain controller or another computer.

Step 16 Specify date and time settings.

On a note! When installing older versionsXP may have a problem with time zones. Currently, winter and summer time have been cancelled, but these transitions remain in the system. To avoid them without installing additional updates, specify your time zone for another country (for example, instead of Moscow, specify Istanbul).

Step 17 Network parameters are set as follows: if your computer should have a static IP, check the “Special parameters” option. If you select “Regular settings”, the network address of your computer, gateway and DNS server will be assigned automatically.

Step 18 Specify the domain or network group that your computer belongs to. The default is Workgroup.

Important! If you need to connect to a domain, it is better to specify it immediately during installation - this will allow you to quickly receive all operating system updates, security settings and standard workstation settings.

Step 19 Wait for the installation to complete.

Step 20. When prompted by your computer, give your consent to the system automatically adjusting your screen settings.

Step 21 Check the desired option in the Screen Resolution Wizard.

Step 22 Perform the final setup of the operating system according to the instructions.

Step 23 Check the desired system update option.

Important! Technical supportWindowsXP was discontinued in 2014, so there are currently no updates, with the exception of very important ones, for example, protection against ransomware viruses.

Step 24 Upon request, register your copy of Windows with Microsoft Corporation. Essentially, this feature provides access to all system updates.

Step 25 Specify computer users.

On a note! Users must be specified even if your machine is on a domain, since these records only apply to a specific workplace.

Step 26 Complete the installation wizard.

Step 27 After completing the Windows installation process, you need to update the drivers for all devices.


We have looked at the main points of OS installation, but do not forget about the difference between installing on a “stand-alone” machine and a station in the domain. Try to update your system drivers as often as possible to maintain stable operation.

Video - Installing Windows XP

Greetings to our dear readers. Today, our computer portal has prepared another useful article for you.

This time we'll talk about reinstalling Windows XP. You know, how to properly reinstall Windows XP? Surely you have questions. In this publication, we will try to tell you absolutely free of charge and step by step about all the subtle points, from saving important data to formatting a logical drive. So let's get started.

How to reinstall correctly - preparing to reinstall Windows XP

How to properly reinstall Windows XP on a computer, laptop or netbook? First of all, let's figure out why you need to reinstall Windows XP. This could be viruses, a slow operating system, or general clutter. If you don't have these factors, then perhaps an XP reshuffle is what you need.

But if you still decide to reinstall Windows XP, then we will start by preparing for this procedure. First, we need to decide what we want to get in the end. By the way, we already have a good review article. Again, if your computer was attacked by viruses and you were unable to cope with them, then in this case it makes sense to reinstall Windows XP. Where should you start to reinstall windows xp correctly and without losing important data? That's right, from saving this important data to another logical drive or media. To do this, go through all the system folders in which you have valuable information. This also applies to the desktop and the “My Documents” folder. We advise you to double-check everything, because if you decide to format your hard drive while installing the new Windows XP, then all your data will be lost. Usually this applies to the C drive.

Saved? Go ahead. To reinstall Windows XP, we need an installation disk with a copy of the Windows XP distribution or an installed image of this operating system on a flash drive. Actually, it’s up to you to decide where to install the operating system from – whatever is more convenient, do it.

After reinstallation, you will also need your computer's device drivers. Therefore, we advise you to take care of this in advance and select the necessary drivers. Usually you can find them on the disk that comes with the motherboard or on the Internet, on the official websites of the manufacturers of your computer or laptop components.

Finally, we recommend reinstalling Windows XP SP3, since this is the latest edition from Microsoft and contains the maximum security patches. If you have Windows XP SP2, or even worse, SP1, then it is better to immediately reinstall it to SP3.

So, let's move on to reinstalling Windows XP. As we wrote earlier, there are two options from which you can reinstall the system:

  1. Reinstalling Windows XP from a USB flash drive
  2. Reinstalling Windows XP from disk

The first option provides the ability to reinstall windows xp without a disk, but from a flash drive on which the system image is recorded. Especially if you have a netbook or laptop without a DVD drive. Fortunately, it is always possible to download a program that writes an image to a flash drive. The second is less labor intensive if you already have a copy of the operating system on disk.

So, the following is a step-by-step reinstallation of windows xp in pictures. Insert a flash drive or disk. Reboot your laptop or computer and go into the BIOS. To do this, in order to get into the BIOS, as soon as the computer starts to reboot, periodically press the key Del or F1(it still happens F2, - everyone’s computers are different, and accordingly their BIOS is different). We look for the menu item “First Boot Device” and put the flash drive or DVD drive first in the boot.

Exit the BIOS saving the settings. This can be done by selecting “Save and Exit” in the corresponding tab or by clicking F10, and then Enter. If you have correctly selected the media from which you need to boot and saved the settings data in the BIOS, then after closing it, the computer will reboot, the installation of Windows XP will begin, at the beginning of which you will need to accept the license agreement (key F8). The installer will then ask if you would like to restore your operating system. Here you need to press a key Esc and continue reinstalling Windows XP. The following screen will appear:

As you can see, you need to press the key Enter to continue with the installation. After this, we get to the screen for working with hard disk partitions. Here you need to be very careful and delete exactly the partition on which you want to reinstall Windows XP. This is done with the keys D And L. The main thing is not to delete another logical drive (for example, the one on which you saved your data).

Having finished (in a good way) with the partitions, we move on to the next stage of reinstallation. Division of a logical partition. In general, you can do it simpler and leave the amount of disk space that you had. But if for some reason you want to change the size of the logical disk, then it is not difficult to do. You can see everything in the picture:

After we have decided on the partition size for Windows XP, we move on to the next reinstallation point - formatting. Everything is simple here. Select “Quick format NTFS” and complete the installation of the operating system by rebooting the computer.

After rebooting, the Windows XP installer will start.

Further installation of Windows XP

So, the installer has started. The first thing it will ask you to do is configure regional settings. There is nothing complicated here. Just correctly determine the time zone in which you live.

After that, select the default language. In this tab, you can also add any other language and assign keys for switching input languages.

After selecting languages, the installer will ask you to enter your computer name, username and password, which you do not need to enter if this is your home computer. You will also need to enter your Windows XP license key, as well as your region and date.

Having completed all these simple steps, you will almost complete the reinstallation. As you can see, reinstalling Windows XP is not that difficult. The computer will restart again and you will be taken to the desktop. So, welcome to the new Windows XP. What to do next? Configure, install drivers and necessary programs. We will definitely talk about this in our other article.

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Insert the Windows XP installation disc into the optical drive, then save your changes and exit the BIOS. Your computer will restart and the message “Press any key to boot from CD” will appear on the screen. Press any key to boot from the installation disk.

  • The computer will download the files needed to begin the installation; this may take several minutes. Once the download is complete, a welcome window will open.

The Welcome window will display several options, but if you are installing or reinstalling Windows XP, press Enter to configure your system installation options.

Read the license agreement and then press F8 to agree to the terms.

A list of partitions on your hard drive (or multiple drives) will be displayed. If you install Windows XP on a new hard drive, you will only see one partition called "Unallocated Space". If you already have a system installed on your drive, you will likely see multiple partitions displayed.

  • Installing Windows XP will destroy all data on the selected partition. Therefore, select an empty partition or a partition with the data you need.
  • You can delete partitions using the D key. They will turn into unallocated space. If you delete a partition, you will lose all data stored in it.
  • Create a new section. Select the unallocated space and press C. A new window will open where you can set the size of the partition to be created. Enter the size in megabytes (MB) and press Enter.

    • By default, the size of the created partition will be equal to the size of the entire unallocated space. If you don't plan to create multiple partitions, leave everything as default.
    • Windows XP itself requires at least 1.5 GB (1536 MB) of free space. Therefore, create a partition of at least 5 GB (5120 MB) in size, or larger if you plan to install a lot of programs.
    • You can create multiple partitions on one disk. This will allow you to store programs and media files in different partitions or install a different operating system. Windows XP can only be installed on one partition.
  • Select a new section. After creating the partition, you will be returned to a window where you can select the partition. The new partition is usually called "C: Partition 1". Select it and press Enter.

    Select "Format partition with NTFS file system" and press Enter. NTFS can handle large files and is more secure than FAT. NTFS also supports system-level compression.

    • If the partition size is larger than 32 GB, then you will not be able to select FAT.
    • Do not select the Quick Format option, as this will not check the hard drive for errors or bad sectors. Therefore, perform a full format of the disk. If the disk is damaged, it is better to replace it immediately.
  • The duration of the formatting process depends on the size of the selected partition (the larger the size, the longer it will take).

    Windows will now begin copying the files from the installation disc and will ask you to restart your computer when the process is complete. Press Enter when prompted to restart your computer, or after 15 seconds the system will do so automatically.

    When you reboot, you will again see a message prompting you to press a key to boot from the CD. Ignore this suggestion and let the computer boot from the hard drive.

  • The Windows logo will appear on the screen, and then a list of steps for installing the system will be displayed on the left half of the screen, and tips on working with the system will be displayed on the right half. The time remaining until the installation is completed will be displayed below the list of steps.

    • During installation, the screen may flicker, go dark, or change image size.
  • Select your language and regional settings in the appropriate window that opens during the system installation process. Select the appropriate options and click Next.

    • Enter your name (if you wish). This can be done in the "Owner" window; the name will be used in certain situations, such as when creating documents.
  • Enter the key. You will not be able to complete the installation process without a valid product key. Click Next to continue.

    • Some versions of Windows do not require you to enter a key until the installation process is complete.
  • This section describes in more detail all steps to install Windows XP Professional. Windows XP Installation Procedure Home Edition is a process close to the procedure for completing tasks - Professional Edition. Starting with Windows XP Pro being a more advanced operating system, looking at it we will be able to demonstrate the installation procedure, but in a different way.

    The most optimal and correct solution for installing Windows XP will be in the case when the previous operating system is completely “removed” and all files and folders are deleted. It's not difficult, to perform a clean installation, you should follow some guidelines. Namely, you have to check the Windows XP compatibility list to make sure that your hardware is supported by XP. It is possible to check compatibility online to download drivers for Windows XP. Be sure to save any necessary drivers to a floppy disk or CD before starting the installation.

    Windows xp can also be installed from a usb drive (flash drive). To do this, you need to prepare the USB flash drive itself. How to do this was described here: . This is necessary when you have a netbook or a broken disk drive. The installation procedure itself is no different from installing from a disk. With the exception of setting boot priority in the BIOS. In our case, we will install from disk.

    So, all versions of Windows XP from the boot CD are saved. To boot from a CD/DVD-ROM, you need to set boot sequences. Look for the boot sequence in the BOOT tab, according to your BIOS settings, and check that the device comes first - from the CD/DVD-ROM drive. Only now can you proceed to the following lists in order:

    Guide on how to install Windows XP on a netbook and computer

    Step 1— Start your computer and place the Windows XP CD in the CD/DVD-ROM drive. The computer will automatically detect the CD and you will receive the following message: “Press any key to boot from CD.” This is fine. Now, as soon as the computer starts loading from your disk, the following window will be displayed:

    Step 2- Now you have to press F6 in order for further drivers to be installed: SCSI or Raid. If you are using an IDE hard drive, you do not need to press the F6 key. If you are using a SCSI or SATA Hard Drive, then you must press the F6 key, otherwise Windows will not recognize the hard drive during installation. Be sure to check that the Raid drivers are on the floppy disk. Drivers usually come on a CD, which you can copy to a floppy disk ready for installation.

    Step 3— Click “S” to indicate that you want to install an additional device.

    Step 4- You will be asked to insert a floppy disk with Raid or SCSI drivers. You must continue to follow the instructions provided by the installation system. Press the enter key after you have inserted the disc.

    Step 5— Here is a Raid list of drivers for your HDD. Now you should select the desired and correct driver for your device, and click the enter key.

    Step 6- After this, you will get Windows XP Professional installation on the screen. You have the opportunity to install new components of your PC, “repair” the previous installation, or select quit (end the process). Since we decided to perform a new and complete installation, just click Enter to continue.

    Step 7— A window will open for you to accept the licensed version and your consent. Press the “F8” button to accept the terms and continue installation:

    Step 8Perform this action carefully! A partition will be created here, and Windows will be installed there. If you have a new unformatted disk that you received before this procedure, similar to the one shown below. In our case, the disk size is 10237MB. Here you can make a choice to install Windows on the disk without creating a partition, i.e., the entire disk space will be used. If this step seems right to you, just go ahead and press enter, Windows will automatically partition and format the drive as one large disk space.

    However, for this demo I will be creating two sections. The size of the first partition can be 6001MB (drive C:) and the second partition will be slightly smaller - 4228MB (drive E:). We can create two partitions, having one that stores Windows applications and another that stores our data. So in the future, if anything goes wrong with our Windows installations, such as a virus or spyware, we can reinstall Windows on the C: drive and our data on the E: drive will not be affected. Please note that you have the opportunity to choose any partition size as you see fit. Let's say if you have a 320 GB hard drive, you can divide it into 2 160 GB partitions.

    Click "C" to create a partition.

    Step 8- Windows will display information about the total size of the hard drive, and ask you how much you want to allocate for the partition you are about to create. I will choose 6001MB. The screen shown below will appear. Notice it shows "C:" is partition 1 and then the size is 6001 MB. This means the partition has been created. We still have 4236MB of unallocated space. Now select the unallocated space by clicking the arrow key. Press "C:" to create a new partition. You will see the total space available for the new partition. Just choose, in our case 4236MB.

    Step 9- Now you will see that both sections are in the list. Partition 1 (Disk C:) 6001MB and Partition 2 (Disk E:) 4228MB. You will also have 8MB of unallocated space. Do not worry about it. Just leave it. Typically, Windows has some unallocated space. You might be wondering what happened to the D: drive. Windows is automatically allocated to the D: drive on the CD/DVD-ROM.

    Select Partition 1 (Drive C:), and click Enter.

    Step 10— Select format the partition using the NTFS file file system - it is recommended to use the file system for this procedure. If the hard drive was formatted before starting work, then you can select NTFS quick formatting. We chose NTFS because it offers many security features, handles large disk sizes, and has many secure formatting features.

    Now, Windows will begin formatting the “C:” drive and copying the installation program files, as shown in the two photos below:

    Step 11– Once the installation has completed copying all the necessary files to your computer, you will be warned that your PC will restart. Do not under any circumstances remove the CD from XP. After turning on the PC, a sign will be displayed, but this time DO NOT press any key when the message “Press any key to boot from CD”, etc. appears. After a few seconds, the installation program will continue. The Windows XP Setup wizard will walk you through the installation process to collect information about your computer.

    Step 12— Select your region and language.

    Step 13— Enter the desired name and organization name.

    Step 14. Enter your product key.

    Step 15— Computer name and enter the Administrator password (you can do without it if you are the only user on this PC). Don't forget to write down the Administrator password.

    Step 16— Enter the correct date, time and select your time zone.

    Step 17— To configure the network, select normal and click “next”

    Step 18— Select the name of the workgroup or domain. If you are not a member of the domain, then leave the default settings and click “next”. Windows will reboot again and will now configure the display

    Step 19– Windows will eventually start and display the welcome message screen. Press the “next” key to continue.

    Step 20- Select “help protect my computer, turn on automatic updates and click “next”.

    Step 21— Next, you need to choose how you will connect to the Internet. If you are connected to a router or local network, then select: “Yes, this computer will be connected to the Internet through a local network or home network.” If you have a dial-up modem, select: “No, this computer will connect directly to the Internet.” Then click the “Next” button.

    Step 22— Done, now what do you need to activate Windows? Select “yes” if you want to activate Windows via the Internet. Select “no” if you want to leave activation for a later time.

    Step 23— Add users who will be subscribed to this computer and click “continue.”

    Step 24-The PC system will display a window similar to “Thank you”, you should confirm the installation is complete. Click the “Done” button.

    Step 25. Now you should forcefully restart the computer and enter, so to speak, “a clean OS system” again.

    Step 26- Now you should check in Device Manager and make sure that all drivers have been loaded or if there are any conflicts. From the Start menu, select Start -> Settings -> Control Panel. Click on the System icon, and then from the System Properties window, select the Hardware tab, then click on Device Manager.

    You will see a yellow exclamation mark "!" opposite any of the listed devices, this means that no drivers or incorrectly loaded drivers were detected. In our case, we have a Video controller (VGA-compatible) on which no drivers are installed.

    To install the driver manually, use the following procedure:

    (a) From the device manager, double-click on the device containing the exclamation mark.

    (b) This will open the device properties window.

    (c) Click on the Driver tab.

    (d) Click the "Update Driver" button.

    You now get multiple solutions. The first solution automatically searches for the required driver. The second parameter allows you to specify the location of the driver. If you do not know the location of the driver, select automatic search, which can find the required driver from the manufacturer on the included CD or Floppy disk. Windows will install the necessary drivers and may ask you to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. Use this procedure to install drivers for all devices that contain an exclamation mark. Windows will be fully installed and ready to use when there are no more exclamation marks in Device Manager.

    As everyone knows, to work with a computer we need an operating system, which over time becomes “unusable” due to viruses, “garbage” and other factors. Many people think that it is better to turn to a professional for reinstallation, but I offer you step-by-step instructions for installing Windows XP. After studying it, you will have no doubt that you can install Windows XP yourself.

    Why do you have to reinstall Windows?
    According to statistics, even if you have good computer protection from viruses and careful handling, you still have to reinstall Windows xp every three years. The “garbage” that accumulates in the system is sometimes the remnants of uninstalling programs and games, which contain settings, configuration files and other system files of the old application. Many programs make entries in the registry, and after deleting the entry remains “live” in the system. It also happens that the computer hangs and there is no way to “revive” it, and the conclusion suggests itself: you need to install a new Windows xp.

    Setting up your computer to boot from disk.
    Usually, when the computer boots, the motherboard splash screen appears for a moment, then the post is checked, and now we see the “Windows XP” greeting. To install, we do not need to launch Windows itself, but we need to launch a disk with our windows xp image. To do this you need to go to Bios. To enter Bios, you must press the DEL or F1 key when turning on the computer. (On laptops use F1, F2, F3, DEL, Ctrl+Alt+Esc. If more than one combination does not work, then you need to look on the official website for how to enter bios).

    Most often there are only two types of bios:

    1. Phoenix AwardBIOS.
    If you have this particular version, then you need to do the following: enter the Advanced BIOS Features section, select First Boot Device and assign the value CD-ROM. Then press the F10 key (to save the settings and exit) and select Yes in the dialog box that appears.

    2. American Megatrends BIOS.
    In this version, the background will be gray and the sections will be written in a line at the top. First you need to enter the Boot section, then the Boot Device Priority subsection and in the 1st Boot Device item select your CD-ROM drive. And just like in Phoenix AwardBIOS, press the F10 key and confirm Yes.
    This completes the computer setup.

    Launch the windows installer.
    The first step is to insert the Windows disk into the drive and restart the computer. On the dark screen we will see the inscription “Press any key to boot from CD”, which means press any key to boot the disk, which is what we do. This message is displayed for no more than five seconds, so you need to immediately press any key. If you didn’t have time, you should restart the computer and press the key again.

    On the monitor we will see that the Windows installation has started. There is no need to interfere unless you want to install a special RAID or SCSI driver. In this case, you need to press the F6 key.

    We press Enter and the license agreement appears; to agree and continue the installation, press F8. Next, you need to select the hard drive partition on which the installation will be performed. If the disk is new and there is only an unallocated area on it, you need to create a partition (C key), specify the required size in it.

    We will also be offered to format the hard drive quickly and normally. Formatting is best done as usual with the ntfs file system. After all, the long-awaited installation of windows xp will finally begin; upon completion, the computer will reboot itself and a window will appear with the inscription “Press any key to boot from CD”, this time we are not pressing anything!

    A window like this will appear in which you don’t need to change anything, but in the next one, be sure to enter the Name and Organization.

    The password is set at the user's discretion. We leave the date, time and time zone as is or adjust it if necessary.

    If the network card driver was built into this build of Windows, then you will see a configuration of network parameters in which you need to select “Normal settings” and click “Next”.

    When selecting a workgroup or domain, it is worth checking the first item with the value WORKGROUP.

    Well, here we see the Microsoft logo and the latest windows configuration settings.
    Welcome to logging in and loading the desktop.

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