Full setup and installation of Realtek High Definition Audio. Controlling sound from a headset (Android)

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After you have protected the premises as best you can from outside world, you need to understand how sound travels inside the room itself.

Sound travels through the air in the form of waves. These waves bounce off the walls of the room and cause effects such as reverberation and echo. One of the curses of home studios is that they tend to be very small in size. Since sound travels quite quickly (at a speed of about 330 m/s), when you sit near speaker systems and listen to music, you hear the sound coming from the speakers and the sound reflected from the walls equally. IN large rooms You hear the original and reflected sound separately, which reduces problems. In a good studio, you need to tame these reflections so that they do not interfere with the clear sound coming from the speakers.

It is quite difficult to describe all the reflections occurring in the room. Read books on acoustics (the science of sound propagation) and you will learn that there are different modes of resonance: axial (one dimension), tangential (two dimensions) and oblique (three dimensions). Each mode is associated with a specific method of distribution and interaction sound waves in room. Knowing the modes of your room can help you choose an acoustics strategy. However, the formulas used to calculate modes are indeed very complex, especially for tangential and oblique modes.

You can learn more about room resonance modes and even find mod calculators on the Internet by searching in your favorite search engine the phrase “resonance modes”. You will be offered just a few links from which you can start studying this issue. Study it yourself, as its detailed examination is worthy of an entire book.

So, at the risk of being anathematized by professional acoustic engineers around the world, I will still share with you some tricks that I have used in my studios. My main goal was to create a room that had a sound that I personally liked and had enough control over reflections. I, like many, recorded and mixed in the same room, which gave me the opportunity to make small adjustments along the way to make the sound more like what I was going for.

There are two moments in which sound plays a very important role - the actual recording and mixing. Each of these processes requires special approach so that the recording has the best possible sound. We will consider both of these processes in this section.

Some sites created using Flash technology have the ability to control sound. For example, you can turn off the sound while playing a cartoon, change the volume, and on some sites you can even adjust the sound balance. Let's first consider general information, and then let's move on to an example.
Sound object

To work with sound, just use the Sound class object and its methods. First, an object is defined using the following construct:
Mysound =new Sound О;
Here Mysound is the name assigned to the Sound class object. Now you can control the sound by appending method names to the object name with a dot and specifying
necessary parameters. The following are the main methods of the Sound object:

  • attachSound ("sound_name") - attaches a sound file from the library to the cartoon;
  • getPan() - returns the last balance value in the range from -100 to 100. The left speaker corresponds to a negative value, the right speaker to a positive value. A value of 0 represents an even distribution of sound intensity between speakers;
  • getVolume() - returns the volume level in the range from 0 to 100;
  • setPan() - Sets the balance between the left and right speakers. Values ​​from -100 to -1 correspond to greater volume for the left speaker, and from 1 to 100 for the right speaker;
  • setVolume() - sets the volume in the range from 0 to 100. The default value is 100;
  • start (delay, number_of_repetitions) - starts playback sound file.Optional parameters allow you to set the delay time in seconds and the number of playback repetitions;
  • stop() - Pauses the audio file. There are no parameters;

In addition to those listed above, there is one more method of the Sound object - setTransform. The syntax for using it is different. To call the setTransform method, you must specify an Object class object associated with the speaker control parameters. After this, an object of the Sound class is created that will process the values ​​of these parameters using the setTransform method. Parameters about which we're talking about, determine the input signal level as a percentage (in the range from -100 to 100):

  • l l-reproduction level in the left speaker of the signal coming from the left input;
  • 1 r - playback level in the left speaker of the signal coming from
    right entrance;
  • r r - playback level in the right speaker of the incoming signal
    from the right entrance;
  • r l - playback level in the right speaker of the signal coming from the left input.

By default, the ll and rr parameters are set to 100, and the 1r and rl parameters are set to 0. The procedure for setting audio parameters using the setTransform method is as follows:
Mytransform = ne Object();
Mytransform.il = 100;
Mytransform.Ir = 0;
Mytransform.rr = 100;
Mytransform.rl = 0;
MySound = new Sound();

By setting other combinations of sound parameters, you can get interesting effects.

Audio Control Example

Now let's look at an example of creating a sound control. In the new cartoon we will define three layers. Let's call the first one, the top one, action, the second one - volume and the third one - pan . We should get it as shown in the figure:

Rice. 630. Creating action, volume and pan layers in a cartoon
Let's place the following action in the action layer:

zvuk = new Sound();
zvuk.start(0, 999999);

This creates a new sound object. We attach it from the library with the name zvuk and start from position 0, setting the number of repetitions to 99,999 times (i.e. almost infinitely). If we start a cartoon now, we won’t see or hear anything. To hear something, you need to give the sound a name. To do this, open the library and find our sound symbol in it. It doesn't matter what it's called now. To name a sound, click on its name right click mouse and select the Linkage () command in the context menu. In the window that opens, select the Export this symbol switch and set the name zvuk. In other words, let's do it as shown in the figure:

Rice. 632. Setting the coordinates and dimensions of the sound volume scale

Now let's create a new layer in this symbol and place polzunok_MC_volume there. The layer with the slider should be higher than the layer with the scale. Let's place the slider in the center of the scale and assign the following action to it:
root.zvuk.setVolume(this. x) ;

This will ensure that the sound has a value corresponding to the x coordinate of the slider. Now go to the main scene and insert the shkala_volume symbol there. So we have created a sound volume control.
Now let’s organize sound balancing between the left and right speakers. To do this, create a button symbol called polzunok_pan and draw a slider there, then create a Movie Clip type symbol called polzunok_MC_pan and place our polzunok_pan there. Let's give it an action:
on (press) (
startDrag (this, false, on (release) ( stopDrag ();
-100, 0, 100, 0) ;

Now let's create another Movie Clip symbol called shkala_pan. Let's draw our scale there in the form of a rectangle with parameters, as shown in the figure:

Rice. 633. Setting the coordinates and dimensions of the sound balancing scale

In the same symbol, create another layer and place it above the current one. In this layer, place the slider polzunok_MC_pan and set the following action for it:

(root.zvuk.setPan(this. x) ;

Now go to the main scene and insert the sound balancing scale shkala_pan into it. Watch the cartoon and try changing the position of the sliders. If there are no errors, then everything will work.

However, we do not have a digital display of volume and audio balance. Let's develop such a service. Let's insert two dynamic text fields into the main scene. One is for displaying volume, the other is for balance. Let's call them vol and pan respectively. First, let's deal with the vol field.
Select the shkala_volume symbol and open the Action palette for our slider. Let's add the following code to the existing one:
s = new Sound(zvuk);
_root.vol = s.getVolume();
Thus, we should get the following:
in Flash
root. zvuk. set Volume (this. _x) ; ^ = new Sound(zvuk); root.vol = s . getVolume();

Now the user can see the digital sound volume value. Let's organize a digital display of the balance. To do this, let's go to the shkala_pan symbol and add the following code to its actions:
s = new Sound (zvuk) ;
root. pan = s. getPan(); The result should be: onClipEvent(enterFrame) (
root. zvuk. set Pan (this -_x) ; s = new Sound(zvuk);
root. pan = s.getPan(); )

The user now receives information regarding the sound balance. However, when the slider moves to left side scale, we see negative numbers. Usually in similar programs positive numbers and the letter "L" or "R" are displayed. Let's try to do the same. To do this, in the shkala_pan symbol in the Actions palette for the slider, let's change a little existing code. After replacing it should look like this:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) (_root . zvuk . setPan (this . _x) ; s = new Sound (zvuk) ;
if (this._x<0) (
_root.pan = - (s .getPan ()) +"Left" ; ) else if (this._x>0) ( _root.pan = s . getPan () +"Right" ; ) else if (this._x = = 0) (_root.pan = s. getPan ();

Here we have set the condition that if the value of the x coordinate of the slider is less than zero (i.e. the balance is shifted to the left), then the pan field returns a value with a minus ( a negative number with a minus there is a positive number). In addition, the string Left is assigned to the Numeric value. And if the balance shifts to the right, then everything remains as it is and is also assigned to Right . If the value of the x coordinate is zero, then nothing is assigned at all. Now we have a more familiar form of displaying the balance. In the same way, you can make it display, for example, “OFF” or “Off” at minimum volume, and at maximum value- “MAX”. To do this, you just need to replace the code for the slider in the shkala_volume symbol with the following:
_root . zvuk. set Volume (this. _x) ;
s = new Sound (zvuk) ;
if (this._x == 0) (
root.vol = "Off"; T
else if (this._x == 100) ( _root.vol = "MAX"; T
else(_root.vol = s.getVolume());

We'll consider:

  • creating sound objects (Sound type objects);
  • linking sounds to such objects;
  • sound playback control;
  • dynamic change of sound parameters (volume and panning);
  • loading external .mp3 files into the Sound object.

The Sound object appeared in the 5th Flash versions, so all the techniques
discussed in the article, in addition to loading external .mp3 files, can be used
and in version 5.

Creating Sound Objects

Let's begin. You probably already guessed that in order to produce any
operations with sound, you need to create an object of type Sound. Make it very
Just. There is a standard design

soundObject = new Sound(target);

where soundObject is the name of the sound object to create and target
- optional parameter, indicating an object of type MovieClip, or level. If
we want our sound object to work only in one MovieClip or on
one level, then we must create it specifying this parameter:

movieSound = new Sound("SomeClip");

MovieSound = new Sound("_root.teddy.mouth");

LevelSound = new Sound("_level1");

If you plan to use the object anywhere on your flash drive,
then it is created without parameters:

globalSound = new Sound();

Binding sound to Sound objects

The Sound object allows you to play sounds that are not directly inserted
V key frame timeline. But to do this, they must first be placed in the library,
and then export for use in ActionScript.

To place a sound in the library, just select "File
-> Import to Library...", and in the window that appears, specify the name of the sound

Now that the file is already in the library, select it,

right-click on the name of the sound, and in the appeared
Select "Linkage..." from the context menu. A window like this should appear:

In the Identifier field we enter the identifier (name) of the sound resource.
You can check the "Export in first frame" checkbox, then the sound will be downloaded
already in the first frame of the cartoon, however, this method is not applicable for any
big sounds, because before the 1st frame starts loading (even the preloader is not visible!)
we see empty place, there is a feeling of a “stuck clip”. That's why
It is recommended to turn off this checkbox, and in the frame where you need to load sound, place
it to the timeline with Sync Stop options. Then the sound will not be downloaded
before this frame and you can safely use the preloader.

Next, to bind a sound resource to a sound object, you need
use the function attachSound(idName), in which the parameter idName
specifies the audio resource identifier:

mySound = new Sound();


After this, our sound object is ready for manipulation.

Playing and stopping sounds

The main actions performed with sound objects are,
play and stop play, of course.

To play sound, use the function start(offset,
object Sound. Parameter offset, indicates the offset
in seconds, from the beginning of the sound fragment, and loops- number of repetitions
fragment being played.

For example, if we want to play the second half of a 20 second
fragment 3 times, we write:

someSoundObject.play(10, 3);

The sound will start playing from the 10th second.

Both function parameters start() are optional.
By default, the sound is played once from the beginning:


You can repeat the sound fragment several times from the beginning, then
we specify a zero offset:

someSoundObject.play(0, 5);

To stop playback, use the function stop(idName).
Called without parameters, the function stops all sounds. By specifying the idName parameter,
denoting a sound identifier, only one specific one can be stopped



Dynamically changing sound parameters

The Sound object allows you to dynamically set the volume level
and balance (panning) of sound. There are also functions to get the value
balance and volume.

To set the sound volume, use the function setVolume(value).
Parameter value can take values ​​from 0 ( minimum level) before
100 (maximum level). The default volume level is 100.

To set the balance, use the function setPan(value).
Here's the parameter value can take values ​​from -100 (all sound in the left
channel) to 100 (all sound in the right channel). Value 0 (default)
means that the sound is evenly distributed between both channels.

globalSnd.setVolume(50); // Half

GlobalSnd.setPan(70); // Shift most of the audio to the right channel

Functions can be used getVolume() And getPan()
to get the current volume and balance respectively.

currentVolume = someSnd.getVolume();

CurrentPan = someSnd.getPan();

You can set all sound parameters at once using
functions setTransform(), but we do not consider it in this article.

You can call functions in a loop setVolume() And setPan(),
smoothly changing the value of the parameter, and thereby creating decaying effects,
rising and/or moving sound.

Flash MX now has the ability to download external files. For
this function is used loadSound(url, stream) object Sound.
The first parameter url, specifies the path to the file. Second, stream,
is a logical (Boolean) variable that determines the streaming download mode
sound file. If the value stream equals false, then Flash will wait
download the file completely before playing it. If stream
equals true, then the file can be played in streaming mode without downloading
fully. This mode recommended for use only on fast channels
communication or when used on local machine, because streaming playback
on our channels, the Internet often causes playback to be interrupted by long
pauses :).

snd1 = new Sound();

Snd1.loadSound("track03.mp3", true);

Snd2 = new Sound();

Snd2.loadSound("http://someserver.com/some_file.mp3", false);

Especially for this lesson I made a small player,
which uses external file loading and allows you to change volume and balance
song being played. It also allows you to track what percentage of the requested
songs loaded. This example can be downloaded (,
218k), and experiment for yourself.

Attention! mp3 files are not included in the example archive, so you
you will have to use your own, after first changing the paths to them in the component parameters

I hope you found this article helpful.

Perhaps traveling through endless spaces World Wide Web, Have you noticed on some Flash sites the ability to control the sound (for example, you can turn it off while a clip is playing or change its volume, and on some sites you can even adjust its balance). If you have the desire and enough patience, let's try to make such sound control.
In order to create this effect, we need the sound itself and the actual Flash program 5 (exactly the fifth version, since the example is written in it).
Create a new clip with three layers in it. Name the first one (hereinafter the layers will be listed from top to bottom, i.e. the topmost is the first, below is the second, etc.) “action”, the second - “vol” and the third - “pan”. You should end up with something like this:

In the "action" layer place the following action:

zvuk = new Sound();
zvuk.start(0, 999999);
With this you create a new sound object, attach it from the library with the name "zvuk" and launch it from position 0 and repeat it 99999 times, i.e. almost endlessly: If you start the clip now, you won’t see or hear anything. So that you can hear something about your sound, you need to give it a name; for this, open the library and find your sound there. It doesn't matter what it's called now, it doesn't make any difference to actually name the sound, you should right-click on its name and from context menu select "Linkage" in this window, select "Export this symbol" and set the name "zvuk". In general, do everything as shown in the picture.

Now if you watch the clip, you will hear your sound.
So, almost half of the work has already been done, all that remains is to organize the management of this sound. There are many ways to solve this problem. We will do it using what I think is the most common method, the “slider” method. this method is used in many music players(for example, in WinAmp).
Create new symbol- a button and name it “polzunok_vol” this button will be the volume control. Create another symbol of the Movie Clip type, with the name "Polzunok_MC_vol", place the symbol "polzunok_vol" there from the library and give it the following action:
on (press) (
startDrag(this, false, 0, 7, 100, 7);
on (release) (

Then create another symbol of the Movie Clip type and call it “shkala_vol”, in this symbol draw a rectangle along which our slider will move. For proper operation, give it coordinates as shown in the figure.

Now create a new layer in this symbol and place “polzunok_MC_vol” there, the layer with the slider should be above the layer with the scale, place the slider in the center of the scale and assign the following action to it:


By this we will ensure that the sound will have the same value equivalent to the “X” value of the slider, and since it crawls from 0 to 100 along the “X” coordinate, the value of the sound will be corresponding. Now go to the main scene and insert the symbol "shkala_vol" there. Here we have sound volume control.

Now let's organize sound balancing between the left and right speakers.
To do this, let's create a symbol - a button called "polzunok_pan" and draw a slider there, then create a Movie Clip symbol named "polzunok_MC_pan" and place our "polzunok_pan" there. Let's give it an action:
on (press) (
startDrag(this, false, -100, 0, 100, 0);
on (release) (

Now let's create another symbol - Movie Clip with the name "shkala_pan"
And let's draw our scale there in the form of a rectangle with parameters exactly as shown in the figure.

In the same symbol, create another layer and place it above the current one. Place our slider "polzunok_MC_pan" in this layer and give it the following action:


Now go to the main scene and insert "shkala_pan" into it.
Watch the clip and try to tinker with everything, if everything was done correctly, everything will work.

But, as you can probably see for yourself, there are some minor drawbacks. For example, the user does not see a digital display of sound volume or balance: Let's provide him with such a service.

Insert two dynamic text fields into the main scene. One for displaying volume, the other for balance. Name them "vol" and "pan" respectively. Let's take a look at the "vol" field first.
Go to the symbol "shkala_vol" and there open the action window for our slider and add the following code there to the code already there
s = new Sound(zvuk);
_root.vol = s.getVolume();

and then you should get:
s = new Sound(zvuk);
_root.vol = s.getVolume();

Now the user can see the digital sound volume value. Let's move on to organizing a digital display of the balance. Go to the symbol "shkala_pan" and add the following code there:
s = new Sound(zvuk);
_root.pan = s.getPan();

The result should be:
s = new Sound(zvuk);
_root.pan = s.getPan();

The user now receives information regarding the sound balance. That seems to be all, but when watching the clip, one detail catches the eye, namely: who likes that when the slider moves to the left side of the scale, we see negative numbers: Usually in such programs positive numbers and the letter “L” or “ are displayed. R". Let's try to do the same. To do this, in the “shkala_pan” symbol in the actions window for the slider, we’ll add, or rather, it’s better to replace the existing code. After replacing it should look like this:

s = new Sound(zvuk);
if (this._x<0) {
_root.pan = -(s.getPan())+"Left";
) else if (this._x>0) (
_root.pan = s.getPan()+"Right";
) else if (this._x == 0) (
_root.pan = s.getPan();

Let me explain a little what happened. We have set the condition that if the “X” value of the slider is less than zero (i.e. the balance shifts to the left), then the value with a minus is returned in the “pan” field (and a minus on a minus gives a plus) and in addition the string Left is assigned. Well, if the balance shifts to the left, then everything remains as it is and is also assigned to “Right”. Well, if the “X” coordinate is zero, then nothing is assigned at all. Now we have a more familiar form of recording a balance sheet. In the same way, you can make it so that when the volume is at a minimum, it would display, for example, “OFF”, and at the maximum value, “MAX”. To do this, you just need to replace the code in the slider in the "shkala_vol" symbol with the following code:
s = new Sound(zvuk);
if (this._x == 0) (
_root.vol = "OFF";
) else if (this._x == 100) (
_root.vol = "MAX";
) else (
_root.vol = s.getVolume();

Now we have everything we need for normal sound display and balance.

This article talks about wired headsets working with OS-based devices Android.
A headset is headphones with a microphone.

Headsets with one button

A one-button headset is so simple that almost any modern androphone is compatible with any one-button headset. The exception is headsets “for old Nokias” due to the fact that they are wired according to the “old” standard, but you still need to look for them.

The remote control of the one-button headset contains a microphone, a capacitor and a short circuit button. All of them are wired parallel to each other and connected to pins No. 3 and No. 4 of the TRRS plug ▼

When you press the button, the microphone is bypassed and the resistance between pins 3-4 drops to zero. By this sign, the smartphone understands that a button has been pressed. The capacitor serves to smooth out the click that occurs when the button is pressed. In addition, it is by the presence of a capacitor that some smartphones determine that a headset is connected to them.

The main functions of the button are to accept a call, end a call and enable voice search. Voice search called by holding the button until a characteristic signal appears - “OK Google beep” ▼

When playing audio or video, the button functions as a pause. By the way, when recording on a dictaphone too.

You can expand the capabilities of the button, such as double tap- go to the next track, triple - to the previous one. For this purpose they serve special applications- look for them on Google Play for a request like “headset button control”. In addition, some players allow you to customize the functionality of the headset button, for example “Dream Player”.

Headsets with three or more buttons

More sophisticated headsets allow you to adjust the volume and skip tracks forward/backward. This or that function is triggered by setting a certain resistance between pins 3-4 of the TRRS plug ▼

And here everything is not as simple as with a one-button headset. As usual, there are two troubles:

There is no single standard for the value of these resistors! Why is there no full compatibility of three-button headsets with various models smartphones. Each manufacturer has its own resistances. Although, there is one trying to reconcile everyone.

The smartphone is not required to carry out all sound control commands. Samsung, for example, can without any software He can’t change the volume on command from the headset, but he can’t switch tracks. And some Fly models are not controlled by resistance at all.

That is, the three-button HTC headset will, of course, reproduce sound from Samsung and the microphone will work. But switching tracks will not work, although there are rewind buttons on the remote control. The only thing that works with all smartphones is the Play/Pause button. It simply closes contacts 3-4 of the TRRS plug.

Of course, with androphones does not work media buttons on an iPhone headset.

Xiaomi, Nexus One

Xiaomi And Nexus One On command from the remote control they switch tracks. The resistor values ​​correspond to the information distributed on the Internet about the supposed standard set resistances for Android smartphones. In fact, not all androphones support this “standard”.

Pause ⏸ - 0 Ω
Previous track ⏪ - 220 Ω
Next track ⏩ - 600 Ω

HTC Desire

Budget model HTC Desire controls volume. For comparison, I note that HTC Sensation XE controls track switching.

2024 gtavrl.ru.