Why doesn't the tablet receive 3g? The tablet shows no network what to do

Sometimes the tablet does not see Wi-Fi for a trivial reason. This could be a difference in frequencies or a cache buildup in the device. If the tablet does not see home network Wi-Fi, then first try rebooting the device. Typically, an overloaded gadget may simply not connect to the network due to garbage in the memory. You don’t need to think that if you can’t see Wi-Fi, then it’s a matter of build quality.

The tablet does not see Wi-Fi - the main reasons

There are several main reasons why the device does not connect to the network. First, we will list them, and then we will analyze each case separately. So, the reasons:

  • Frequency difference between modem and planet;
  • Hardware problem – a malfunction in the tablet’s hardware;
  • The problem is in the router settings;
  • Software failure (tablet, modem).

It is not necessary that there be only one reason. Sometimes they are combined. But in any case, you should act carefully, excluding possible reasons. If your tablet no longer sees Wi-Fi, then first do a small test. Check that it doesn’t see your router, or any other source either. This way you will understand where the fault itself is – in the tablet or in the modem.

Why doesn't my tablet see Wi-Fi?

We have already written about the difference in frequencies. Please note that the device and source may operate at different frequencies. Please clarify this point in the parameters. If this is so, then the question disappears. Also, the tablet does not see the Wi-Fi network due to incorrect settings router. You can configure the modem yourself, or contact your provider. As for the software failure, first try rebooting the device and router.

You can read about us on the website. If the tablet does not see any Wi-Fi network, then try to get rid of the cache. Rebooting often helps. Finally, all the fuss may be due to problems in the tablet’s hardware. This could cause the block to fail. Wi-Fi tablet. Possible oxidation on the contacts to the signal receiver. And problems with the antenna are quite possible. If you can work with a tester, then you need to open the device and check the contacts (search for short circuits).

Why doesn't the tablet see Wi-Fi or sees it but doesn't connect?

Why does my tablet see Wi-Fi but not connect to the Internet? There could be two reasons for this. Different frequencies or a problem in the router settings. The same can happen if the tablet does not see the operator’s network. Now you know why the tablet does not see Wi-Fi. In the next post we will look at the topic - why the phone stopped seeing wifi networks. If you have any questions, ask.

For some time now, tablets began to be equipped with special 3G modems and GSM modules, which allowed the manufacturer to launch devices of this type on new level demand. However, along with new communication capabilities The above-mentioned tablet devices have inherited from their smaller brothers (meaning ordinary cellular devices) a certain predestination to various kinds of network breakdowns. However, in most cases, the seemingly problematic situation “the tablet does not see the SIM card” has a fairly simple solution. This article will help you understand the reasons that led to the “technical blindness” of the device and understand how you can independently eliminate the identified malfunction. So let's turn on the positive and move on!

Form factor features of starter packs

You will be surprised, but in most cases the reason that the tablet does not see the SIM card is precisely the incorrect positioning of the SIM card itself. If the subscriber GSM chip does not fit into the special slot of the device or unnaturally falls into the depths electronic device, perhaps the SIM card does not meet the required standard.

Today, the most common use of SIM cards is the traditional type (MINI SIM). The slightly reduced size of GSM cards belongs to the MICRO SIM type. The NANO SIM standard closes the list. By the way, these are exactly the SIM cards that Apple devices are equipped with.

So, if after installation starter pack If you suddenly discover that the tablet does not see the SIM card, make sure that the embedded SIM matches technical requirements manufacturer of the tablet device. You may need to purchase a special adapter or carefully trim off the extra millimeters of the plastic frame of the GSM chip. In the context of the above, it becomes clear: the size of the SIM card matters.

“Naughty hands” and the consequences of their owner’s thoughtless haste

There are often cases when an unlucky user tries at all costs to shove or squeeze a SIM card that clearly does not want to go in (for known reasons) into the corresponding housing hole. As you understand, after such an “execution” the device is unlikely to work fully in the future. Usually, excessively applied force and the reluctance of some users to understand the current situation in more detail (the tablet does not see the SIM card) lead to a disastrous result: they break internal connectors SIM receiver. In the latter case, the “hurry” cannot avoid specialized repairs. Well, if you take into account the fact that the model is a brand name, then this kind of repair will cost a lot of money.

Chinese "troubles", or Where is my operator?

Sometimes the user does not even know that he has become the owner not of the original device, but of a clone from the Middle Kingdom. It is worth mentioning that in Lately The stereotype “Chinese means...” has become somewhat outdated. However, the relevance of the consequences still applies to devices whose cost more than corresponds to the concept of “cheap”.

So, it may happen that when you insert a SIM card, your device will not be able to determine the operator, that is automatic settings won't work. It’s quite natural that the question will definitely arise in your head: “Why doesn’t the tablet see the SIM card?” The answer to such difficulties could not be simpler: search for active GSM networks manually, and after you specify the desired communication provider, the problem will be resolved.

Software failures and methods for eliminating them

A rather difficult situation is when, for example, a Lenovo tablet does not see a SIM card that is known to be working. What to do in this case?

  • Contact the store with a reasoned complaint about a malfunction of the device.
  • Check the firmware version yourself for compatibility with your device.
  • Uninstall third-party software.
  • Perform a hard reset of the device, first saving the necessary data to the memory card.

In case of absence positive results Contact a specialist workshop for assistance. Calm down, the flashing process is a fairly quick and relatively inexpensive procedure for this type of electronics such as a tablet.


So, we can say the main points of the question: “The tablet does not see the SIM card, what should I do?” You and I have allowed it. However, we should not forget that the cause of unnecessary worry may be the user’s banal inattention. Agree, turning to a specialist for help will make a person look a little stupid after the problem with the SIM card is resolved by simply deactivating the autonomous or “flight” mode. By the way, the priority assigned to Wi-Fi networks by the user can also become a kind of culprit for the inactivity of the GSM chip. And lastly: don’t discount the negative impact environment. After all, sometimes the question voiced in the article “why the tablet doesn’t see the SIM card” can have a funny and, nevertheless, truthful answer: “Write less SMS in the rain!”

That's all. All the best to you and... protect your gadget from bad weather!

More and more tablets are equipped with GSM or 3G modules, giving them the opportunity to access the network anytime, anywhere, and not just in the area Wi-Fi actions. However, with the advent of SIM card slots in tablet computers, a rather typical problem: The tablet does not see the SIM card.

When the software is to blame

Gadget software can also be the reason for the lack of Internet. For example, if after that the network suddenly disappeared, then, with a high degree of probability, the downloaded program was the cause. Just try to remove it.

And sometimes the user’s carelessness is to blame: they accidentally activated the “Airplane” or “Standalone” mode. In this case, you need to check in the device settings that mobile networks are turned on and data transfer is allowed. Look there to see if the priority is specified: in this case it may not work either Mobile Internet, despite the determined card.

Another reason could be a failure system firmware. In this case, a hard reset will probably help or, in more severe cases (remember that if full reset custom settings All information on the tablet will be lost, so you should make a backup copy first).

A common situation among people is when the device sees the SIM card, but does not connect to the mobile network. Most likely in the settings mobile networks Parameters have been set for native Chinese operators. You must indicate your mobile operator or, if it is not in the list and is not found during the search, manually set the APN and other parameters necessary for connection (you can find out on the operator’s website, in a communication store, or by calling technical support).

Let's sum it up

So, what should you do if your tablet says “no SIM card”? Here's a short algorithm:

  • check whether the “Airplane” or “Standalone” mode is activated;
  • if the Internet stops working after installing new applications, remove them;
  • check mobile network settings;
  • check the SIM card on another device (tablet or smartphone);
  • if everything is fine with the card, check the SIM reader connector using another SIM card (preferably from a different operator) - take the tablet to service center to replace the slot and cable;
  • if the connector works and sees a card from another operator, replace your SIM at a communication store;
  • if with new card the network does not appear, do a hard reset or ;
  • If all of the above did not help, go directly to the service center.

We hope that thanks to these tips, you will no longer have to scratch your head in confusion when the connection is disconnected and you will be able to solve the problem yourself in most cases.

A tablet computer is an incredibly convenient invention. With it you don’t have to be tied to your workplace, as is the case with stationary computing systems, and also avoid carrying around extra pounds in the form of a full-size laptop. However, without access to the Internet, the tablet significantly loses its flexibility of use. However, this applies to all mobile devices. In light of this, it is quite clear that if the tablet does not see WiFi, then similar problem must be resolved immediately.

Connection procedure

Quantity tablet computers, running the Android operating system, are tens of times more than their counterparts running the corresponding Windows version or iOS. That is why this article will focus specifically on mass-produced devices. People who first encountered devices on Android based, cannot always use correctly wireless communication. And since in in good condition If the Wi-Fi module is turned off, then newbies have a question: “Why doesn’t the tablet connect to WiFi?” It's actually quite simple. The process of joining an existing wireless network includes several mandatory steps:

  • using the transceiver module of the tablet computer;
  • scanning the range and selecting the desired SSID name from the list;
  • secret combination set.

If the network to which you are connecting is open (Free), then the last point is not required.

How to connect a tablet via WiFi

You need to open the “Application Menu”, which is available on any Android device. Typically, to access it you need to click on the circle icon at the bottom of the screen. Next, carefully look through all the icons and find “Settings”. After clicking on it, a window will open where there is a “Wireless Networks” section.

If you select the WLAN item, you will see an “Off/On” switch. When turned on, it will automatically scan frequencies and display a list of detected networks. You can also see if password access is used and where exactly. If the network is open, then just click on its name and the tablet will connect to it. In case of security (WEP/WPA/WPA2), when you try to join, a password request window will be displayed. By specifying it and clicking the corresponding button, you can link mobile device with the network.

There are more quick way Wi-Fi access. There is no need to search for “Settings” to do this. Just slide your finger down the screen, pulling the curtain, find the WLAN (Wi-Fi) image and click on it. The module will be activated, scanned and a list of networks will be displayed.

Nuances of the alternative method

Nowadays, many Android device owners often replace official firmware custom (made by craftsmen). As a result, not all functions work as usual. For example, if you use a call through the curtain, the tablet often does not see WiFi. The list of detected networks is simply not displayed.
Therefore, in such cases, it is necessary to enable the Wi-Fi module through “Settings”. When using, be aware that some of them have recognized networking bugs. At the same time, in the newest “self-written” software updates often integrate the latest versions Wi-Fi drivers. The conclusion is simple: before studying a lot of information about why the tablet does not connect to WiFi, sometimes it is enough to change the firmware.

The problem of standards

In order for devices to form a wireless network, the protocols they support must be compatible with each other. Thus, the first models of Android tablets may simply not “know” how to work with WPA2 security, supporting only WEP. In this case, changing the encoding type in the router settings can help. Another thing is also true: a “clumsily” configured access point can ruin the life of the most patient owner of a modern tablet.

Interim solution

So why won't my tablet connect to WiFi? There are many reasons. We have indicated the simplest ones above. In addition to them, the tablet’s ability to work with a wireless network is affected by the power of its transmitter.

Very often, when scanning, the desired SSID is determined, and even a password is accepted, but it is impossible to work with such a connection. This occurs due to the fact that, although the device “sees” the router, the data packets sent do not reach the recipient. The solution is simple - physically move closer to the access point. This “disease” often affects inexpensive transmitters that use cheap transmitters.

A crutch program

But what to do if without apparent reason Has your tablet stopped connecting to WiFi, although until recently everything was working fine? You can try to use the wonderful software solution, distributed free of charge in the Market, is Wi-Fi Fixer. After installing the application, the tablet must be restarted, and the subsequent connection to the network must be made through the interface of this program, which will be displayed in the curtain. In addition, sometimes it helps solve problems with transmission speed.

Working with settings

When figuring out why the tablet doesn’t connect to WiFi, we can’t help but mention possible failures in the operating system itself. Installation third party applications, making changes to the operation of components, obtaining root rights - all this can affect Wi-Fi. You can try to restore functionality by returning to factory settings. To do this, go to “Settings - Personal Data” and enable “Backup and Reset”. In this case, all user data (including phone book, not saved to a file) will be erased. Therefore, you must first prepare copies.

Thanks to the increased speed, more and more tablets are equipped with GSM or 3G modules, giving them the opportunity to access the network anytime, anywhere, and not just within Wi-Fi coverage. However, with the advent of SIM card slots in tablet computers, a rather typical problem arose: the tablet does not see the SIM card.

When the software is to blame

Gadget software can also be the reason for the lack of Internet. For example, if after that the network suddenly disappeared, then, with a high degree of probability, the downloaded program was the cause. Just try to remove it.

And sometimes the user’s carelessness is to blame: they accidentally activated the “Airplane” or “Standalone” mode. In this case, you need to check in the device settings that mobile networks are turned on and data transfer is allowed. There, look to see if the priority is indicated: in this case, the mobile Internet may also not work, despite the card being identified.

Another reason could be a system firmware failure. In this case, a hard reset will probably help or, in more severe cases, (remember that if you completely reset the user settings, all information on the tablet will be lost, so it’s worth making a backup copy first).

A common situation is when the device sees the SIM card, but does not connect to the mobile network. Most likely, the settings for mobile networks are set to parameters for native Chinese operators. You must indicate your mobile operator there or, if it is not in the list and is not found in the search, manually set the APN and other parameters necessary for connection (you can find out on the operator’s website, in a communication store, or by calling technical support).

Let's sum it up

So, what should you do if your tablet says “no SIM card”? Here's a short algorithm:

  • check whether the “Airplane” or “Standalone” mode is activated;
  • if the Internet stops working after installing new applications, remove them;
  • check mobile network settings;
  • check the SIM card on another device (tablet or smartphone);
  • if everything is fine with the card, check the SIM reader connector using another SIM card (preferably from a different operator) - take the tablet to a service center to replace the slot and cable;
  • if the connector works and sees a card from another operator, replace your SIM at a communication store;
  • if the network does not appear with the new card, do a hard reset or;
  • If all of the above did not help, go directly to the service center.

We hope that thanks to these tips, you will no longer have to scratch your head in confusion when the connection is disconnected and you will be able to solve the problem yourself in most cases.

After purchasing a tablet, you will most likely want to use wireless connectivity. Often, users find themselves in a situation where the device does not see the network or displays a number of errors when connecting. In this article we will look at the most common problems that arise when accessing the Internet and ways to solve them.

Why doesn't my tablet connect to the wireless network?

1. Introduction incorrect password

The most common reason for wireless Internet failure on a tablet. Most often it occurs if the user has changed the password, but the Android device has never connected to it. Enter a new password and check if your device connects to the Internet.

2. Viruses

Sometimes the reason why your device won't connect to the Internet may be due to malware. To fix this problem, you need to scan the gadget with an antivirus.

3. Power failure

Typical for inexpensive routers unstable work. Voltage surges can lead to the tablet not seeing the network. To solve the problem, reboot the router by disconnecting it from power for 2-3 minutes. Then turn it on again. Sometimes a reboot needs to be done several times.

4. Wrong encryption type

To check the encryption type, go to the router settings. For this purpose in address bar browser, enter the router's IP address. This data can be found on the device sticker or in the instructions. In the tab that opens, select “Advanced settings”. Then, under Wi-Fi, click Security Settings. To view the encryption type, go to the “Network Authentication” menu. From the proposed options, select WPA-PSK\WPA2-PSK2 mixed. Reboot your router. 5. Time and date settings are incorrect

In some cases, the tablet does not connect to the wireless network due to incorrect date and time values. After correcting these parameters to correct work networks will resume.

6. Checking the MAC filter mode

Another reason why a user on a tablet does not see Wi-Fi may be changes in MAC address filtering settings. To exclude this option in the router settings in the “Wi-Fi” section, go to the “MAC filter” item. Check which mode is selected. The following values ​​are possible:

  • Disabled – by default, there is no restriction for MAC addresses.
  • Allow – access to the wireless network is allowed only to those devices whose MAC addresses are registered on the corresponding tab. Other devices are not allowed to access the Internet.

Deny – there is a list of MAC addresses that are restricted from accessing the Internet. If the router sees a prohibited MAC address, it closes the Wi-Fi access for this device.

If the “Allow” or “Deny” modes are selected in the router settings, check whether the MAC address of your device has access to the wireless network. Or change the mode to Disabled. After these manipulations, check how the gadget connects to the network.

7. Channel diagnostics

If the tablet sees the network but does not connect to it, check the channel matches. This problem occurs when the signals of two routers operating on the same channel intersect. There is interference that prevents access to the wireless network.

Check on your tablet to see if there are other wireless networks nearby. If your neighbors have Wi-Fi, then perhaps your routers operate on the same frequency.

To change the channel in the router settings, go to the “Wi-Fi” section to the “Basic settings” tab. Find the “Channel” line, try choosing a different value.

Reboot your router.

If the channel is set to “Auto” mode in the settings, the router itself will search for an available free channel and use it. Therefore, in most cases it is recommended to use this mode.

8. Changing Wi-Fi version

The reason why the tablet does not see the wireless network may be that it does not support the wireless version that is installed in the router settings. On the “Wi-Fi” tab, go to “Basic Settings”. In the “Wireless mode” line, enter 802.11b\g\mixed. In this mode, the router provides Internet access for all types of devices.

What to do if the tablet sees the network and connects, but the connection is unstable

  • Try connecting the device to another router and check if the connection is stable. If the connection is stable, then the problem is with your home router.
  • If your tablet runs out of power while accessing the Internet and it is connected to the power supply, check the connection with the adapter turned off. A faulty power supply can cause wireless problems.

If all else fails, watch this video and repeat:

If you have used the above tips, but the device still does not see the network, contact a specialist. You may need to reflash your tablet or router.

A tablet computer is an incredibly convenient invention. With it, you don’t have to be tied to your workplace, as is the case with stationary computing systems, and you also don’t have to carry around extra pounds in the form of a full-size laptop. However, without access to the Internet, the tablet significantly loses its flexibility of use. However, this applies to all mobile devices. In light of this, it is quite clear that if the tablet does not see WiFi, then such a problem should be solved immediately.

Connection procedure

The number of tablet computers running the Android operating system is tens of times greater than their counterparts running the corresponding version of Windows or iOS. That is why this article will focus specifically on mass-produced devices. People who are encountering Android-based devices for the first time may not always be able to use wireless communications correctly. And since in normal state the Wi-Fi module is turned off, beginners have a question: “Why doesn’t the tablet connect to WiFi?” It's actually quite simple. The process of joining an existing wireless network includes several mandatory steps:

  • using the transceiver module of the tablet computer;
  • scanning the range and selecting the desired SSID name from the list;
  • secret combination set.

If the network to which you are connecting is open (Free), then the last point is not required.

How to connect a tablet via WiFi

You need to open the “Application Menu”, which is available on any Android device. Typically, to access it you need to click on the circle icon at the bottom of the screen. Next, carefully look through all the icons and find “Settings”. After clicking on it, a window will open where there is a “Wireless Networks” section.

If you select the WLAN item, you will see an “Off/On” switch. When turned on, it will automatically scan frequencies and display a list of detected networks. You can also see if password access is used and where exactly. If the network is open, then just click on its name and the tablet will connect to it. In case of security (WEP/WPA/WPA2), when you try to join, a password request window will be displayed. By specifying it and clicking the corresponding button, you can connect your mobile device to the network.

There is a faster way to access Wi-Fi. There is no need to search for “Settings” to do this. Just slide your finger down the screen, pulling the curtain, find the WLAN (Wi-Fi) image and click on it. The module will be activated, scanned and a list of networks will be displayed.

Nuances of the alternative method

Nowadays, many owners of Android devices often replace the official firmware with a custom one (made by craftsmen). As a result, not all functions work as usual. For example, if you use a call through the curtain, the tablet often does not see WiFi. The list of detected networks is simply not displayed.
Therefore, in such cases, it is necessary to enable the Wi-Fi module through “Settings”. When using, be aware that some of them have recognized networking bugs. At the same time, the latest “homemade” software updates often integrate the latest versions of Wi-Fi drivers. The conclusion is simple: before studying a lot of information about why the tablet does not connect to WiFi, sometimes it is enough to change the firmware.

The problem of standards

In order for devices to form a wireless network, the protocols they support must be compatible with each other. Thus, the first models of Android tablets may simply not “know” how to work with WPA2 security, supporting only WEP. In this case, changing the encoding type in the router settings can help. Another thing is also true: a “clumsily” configured access point can ruin the life of the most patient owner of a modern tablet.

Interim solution

So why won't my tablet connect to WiFi? There are many reasons. We have indicated the simplest ones above. In addition to them, the tablet’s ability to work with a wireless network is affected by the power of its transmitter.

Very often, when scanning, the desired SSID is determined, and even a password is accepted, but it is impossible to work with such a connection. This occurs due to the fact that, although the device “sees” the router, the data packets sent do not reach the recipient. The solution is simple - physically move closer to the access point. This “disease” often affects inexpensive transmitters that use cheap transmitters.

A crutch program

But what should you do if, for no apparent reason, your tablet stops connecting to WiFi, although until recently everything was working properly? You can try using a wonderful software solution that is distributed free of charge in the Market - Wi-Fi Fixer. After installing the application, the tablet must be restarted, and the subsequent connection to the network must be made through the interface of this program, which will be displayed in the curtain. In addition, sometimes it helps solve problems with transmission speed.

Working with settings

When figuring out why the tablet does not connect to WiFi, one cannot help but mention possible failures in the operating system itself. Installing third-party applications, making changes to the operation of components, obtaining root rights - all this can affect Wi-Fi. You can try to restore functionality by returning to factory settings. To do this, go to “Settings - Personal Data” and enable “Backup and Reset”. In this case, all user data (including the phone book that has not been saved to a file) will be erased. Therefore, you must first prepare copies.

It's hard to imagine a modern tablet without Wi-Fi module. However, sometimes the user encounters a problem where the tablet does not see Wi-Fi. What could be the reasons?

1. The first reason that immediately comes to mind is a weak signal due to design features gadget. Unlike a laptop antenna, a tablet's Wi-Fi antenna is smaller and can be covered with a metal cover, which can significantly weaken the received signal.

Solution: Place the tablet in close proximity to the router or try to strengthen the signal.

Finding Wi-Fi on iPad

2. Operating the router on a frequency not supported by the tablet may cause the tablet to not see Wi-Fi access points. There are three main standards: 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n. Despite the fact that many routers are capable of operating in mixed mode, providing data transmission to all possible frequencies, some network devices only support one data transfer standard. Let's say 5 GHz. And the tablet only works at 2.4 GHz (802.11b or 802.11g). Of course, the tablet will never see Wi-Fi.

Solution: Find out in detail the characteristics of the tablet before purchasing, making sure that the router and tablet are compatible in terms of supported Wi-Fi protocols.

3. The reason may also be that the access point was hidden by its owner.

Solution: Change the router settings so that the access point is no longer hidden. At the same time, it’s worth checking whether the wireless mode is turned on. Can work here general rule. In the settings of many routers there is an option “Enable SSID broadcasting”. If you uncheck this setting, the network will become hidden. There should also be a checkmark next to the “Enable wireless broadcasting” setting - in this case, the wireless connection as such will be allowed.

4. The reason may lie in the router itself. There are several possible ways to solve the problem.


Solution #1: Reboot the router.

Solution #2: rollback network device to factory settings.

Solution #3: reflash the router by downloading the latest firmware from the official website of the device manufacturer.

Solution #4: buy new router, if none of the above helped.

5. The reason that Wi-Fi does not see the planets may also lie in the tablet. Here you can also successively try to resolve it in several ways.

Cause: The router freezes or malfunctions.

Solution #1: Reboot the gadget, as a result of which the cache will be cleared and some errors in the system will disappear.

Solution #2: Reset the gadget settings to factory settings. This measure is drastic, but sometimes it is impossible to do without it. The fact is that, unlike Windows OS with its flexible network settings, the Android operating system will not allow you to reinstall the drivers for the Wi-Fi module, reset network parameters or configure the network adapter. Android devices, as a rule, connect to the access point automatically.

Other reasons: router problems as a result physical impact, namely:

  1. Antenna failure due to gadget fall.
  2. Oxidation of its contacts in high humidity conditions.
  3. Negligence of a repairman during repair work when he forgets to connect the antenna.

Solution: open the tablet case and:

  1. Make sure the antenna is connected.
  2. If there are traces of oxidation of the contacts, clean them.

Cause: failure of the tablet’s network adapter as a result of its burnout due to overloads in its operation.

Thanks to the increased speed, more and more tablets are equipped with GSM or 3G modules, giving them the opportunity to access the network anytime, anywhere, and not just within Wi-Fi coverage. However, with the advent of...

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