Why is there an authentication error on the phone. Authentication error when connecting to WiFi - Effective solutions

Quite often, many users of devices running mobile operating systems encounter an unpleasant situation when the device displays an authentication error when connecting to a wireless network. Such problems can equally be attributed to stationary systems, but it is in them that failures of this kind are much less common. For them, a method for eliminating the problem will be proposed separately, but for now we will focus on Android devices. It is to them that the occurrence of this failure is most often attributed. Accordingly, the proposed methods for eliminating such situations are mainly designed for mobile devices, and not stationary systems, although they cannot be discounted. But first things first. And first, a few words about the nature of the failure itself, without understanding which all solutions to correct the situation may turn out to be completely ineffective.

What is an authentication error in a general sense?

Let's look not even at the error itself and the nature of its failure, but at the authentication process itself. Don't confuse it with initialization and authorization. These are different things.

Authentication when trying to connect to a WiFi-based wireless network is a check of the key entered for access, or, more simply put, the password that is used in the settings of the router or the landline that distributes the signal. computer device to prevent unauthorized connection.

The most common situation associated with the appearance of a Wi-Fi authentication error is the usual inattention of the user himself, who enters the wrong combination as a password. In this case, you should go to the network settings, select change parameters and check the box next to the password display line, and after entering, compare it with what is used as the default access key.

Authentication error when connecting to WiFi: reasons for the failure

However, in most cases, this is not the main problem. It may very well be that the mobile device and router have different types protecting or encrypting data transmitted over a secure connection. Sometimes there may be short-term disruptions. It is especially worth noting that the router settings were incorrectly set in terms of selecting the connection type and the channel used. You can deal with all this using completely elementary methods, after which the problem will disappear. Below are several basic techniques.

Checking the current operating mode of the mobile device

So, we assume that when trying to connect to a network, the device generates an authentication error. What to do?

First of all, check the operating mode of the device. Every user should understand that when Airplane mode is activated, absolutely all connections are blocked. It may well be that you were trying to install silent mode by lowering the speaker volume, but accidentally made a longer press, which activated the corresponding “Airplane” mode. Just unplug it and check the connection.

The simplest method to resolve the error

Error WiFi authentication on Android, strange as it may sound, may be associated with short-term system failures, especially when you have some kind of optimizer installed that disables all background services to speed up the device.

Try simply rebooting the device, but do not use a restart for this, but turn off the device completely and turn it on again.

If we talk about home users whose Android system gives an authentication error when connecting to WiFi at home, the problem may also be related to the router itself. Execute full reset its settings by complete shutdown power supply for about ten to fifteen seconds, then turn on the device again. Some experts advise taking a longer pause (up to ten minutes), although I think this initial period is quite enough.

Difference in encryption systems

Let's understand a little about what an authentication error is. Now a few words about the most common reasons for its appearance. The problem is that the router and mobile device may use different types of selected security systems.

Very often this problem occurs with mobile devices model range Samsung Galaxy. The router is set to WPA-PSK Personal by default, and the phone is using WEP. This mismatch causes the device to generate a WiFi authentication error.

Router setup questions

Thus, this problem can be resolved by installing correct parameters both on the router and on the mobile device.

On the router you can use automatic settings, and as additional means select mixed connection mode (11b/g or 11b/g/n). Typically, these settings are located in the Wireless section. Yes, here's another thing. Don’t forget to check whether distribution is enabled on the router, otherwise the Internet connection indicator may blink, the provider’s router will be detected by external ping, but there will be no connection and there will be no connection.

Setting a priority channel on the router

There is another common problem related to the settings of the used channels allocated for connection. In this case, a failure message may also appear. What is an authentication error in in this case? Nothing more than the inability to connect via an automatically selected communication channel.

To fix the problem, log into the router’s web interface through any browser installed on a desktop computer system (for example, in Windows), and in the corresponding settings item, alternately select the use of one of eleven available channels saving settings and checking connectivity.

Pairing setup

Finally, one of global solutions problem of interconnection of mobile equipment with routers or stationary distributing devices is the establishment of pairing with standard protocols IP versions four and six. You need to set such options specifically on a smartphone or tablet.

The sixth protocol, apparently, will not have to be used, since in the post-Soviet space there are not so many providers using DHCP servers of the sixth version. Therefore, you can limit yourself to pairing with IPv4.

Windows Solutions

But so far everything described has applied mostly to mobile systems. You shouldn't forget about Windows either. This is especially true for situations where a distribution server is installed on a computer or laptop.

As a rule, IPv4 settings indicate automatic receipt addresses of all types, but often the problem may be that the system cannot convert standard requests to domain name V digital combination, what DNS servers are responsible for.

To fix the problem, try simply changing the Preferred and Alternate settings DNS server, setting the parameters in the form of free Google combinations (options with eights and fours).

Sometimes, if distribution is not carried out, it is necessary to call the services section (services.msc in the “Run” menu), find there DNS clients and DHCP, check their status (they must be active with the priority set to “Running”). If the services are stopped, you should enter editing options (double click or RMB menu), press the start button to start them manually and set the startup type to automatic. After completing all actions and saving the settings, the computer system should be rebooted without fail, and after the restart, check the possibility of connecting via WiFi.

Another common problem is blocking of incoming and outgoing connections on the created server by installed standard antiviruses and Windows firewall. At least, the occurrence of such situations is very often associated with the Avast package.

To fix the problem, disable your antivirus for ten minutes and check the connection. If it works, get rid of it software. If there is no effect, deactivate the Windows Firewall.

If you suspect exposure to viruses, use portable scanners like KVRT or Dr. Web CureIt, but it is best to check the system before starting the download using disk applications like Kaspersky Rescue Disk. The uniqueness of such utilities is that when recording to removable media you can use built-in loaders, select a graphical interface and scan computer system even before Windows boot. Such tools are not provided for mobile systems (unfortunately).

The maximum that can be used is mobile antiviruses or programs that disable everything unnecessary services like Root Booster. Such applications, however, will require superuser rights, but the effect of increasing productivity cannot be compared with anything. In practice, this particular utility has shown itself to be the best.

Instead of a total

In general, if we summarize what an authentication error is, it should already be clear. And you shouldn’t associate its appearance solely with mobile systems. As follows from the material presented above, in the presence of dispensing devices based on virtual server For Windows systems, the occurrence of such a failure is also no exception. As for troubleshooting, you should start, of course, with the router settings and mobile device, since the same types of the same protection systems may not be the same. Otherwise, the proposed solutions can be used exactly in the order of their description, although in most cases it can be quite difficult to name the true cause of the failure, especially since the error message itself almost never indicates anything particularly specific about the description. And this is precisely the biggest disadvantage, because of which it is simply impossible to initiate a failure.

operating room Android system allows you to perform various actions with a smartphone or tablet, including connecting to the Internet using a Wi-Fi wireless network. But, as practice shows, users are not always able to successfully establish a connection. Quite often, an authentication error occurs when connecting to Wi-Fi on Android. What can be done in this case? How to continue correct operation with the Internet, social networks? Or is that all complete collapse and should I call a technician?

OS Android, of course, is a vast operating system, but within the framework of this article there will be enough space to consider the main problems of such errors using the example of tablets and smartphones. Well, let's go...

Reasons for authentication errors when connecting to Wi-Fi

So, first of all, let's look at the most common reasons for this error that relate directly to the router. Looking ahead, we want to warn you that in 90% of cases this problem occurs due to simply entering the Wi-Fi password incorrectly. Therefore, always first try to enter the password carefully several times.

  • Incorrect password. Often similar problem occurs when the password is entered incorrectly or subsequently changed. For example, you once connected to a Wi-Fi point and accessed the network without any problems and used various applications, but at one point an authentication error appeared. Most likely, the password you have saved on your device is incorrect! In this case, you need to reconnect again.
  • Reboot the router or modem to which you are connecting via a Wi-Fi point. In most cases, such actions normalize the operation of the device, and the user can access the Internet via a smartphone.
  • Update the software firmware in your router. For example, ZyXEL, Asus and other popular companies very often release updates for latest models routers. On most devices, updating is done with the click of a single tab.
  • Check if you have paid internet! One of the common problems is a simple mistake by a person, when he simply forgot to enter another advance payment for using the Internet. This is where problems arise with Wi-Fi, which is provided from the router!
  • Change your password. Another common problem is an incorrectly entered password. According to the standard, the Wi-Fi password in the router is written automatically using characters, upper and lower case. Users often make mistakes when entering with such a large number of characters. The recommended password format is 8 upper and lower case characters, more than 50% numbers.
  • Use WPA-PSK standards. Go to the router settings and in the “Encryption type” set the WPA-PSK standard. As a rule, most routers were developed a long time ago and do not support new standards in modern mobile devices. To avoid purchasing new router, you can simply change the settings as described above.

Solving problems with authentication errors on your device

Above we described methods that apply to your home router. That is, in most cases, the problem, as a rule, was hidden in the router and could be solved by the user himself. Next, we will describe the main problems and ways to solve them specifically for an Android smartphone.

As practice shows, in some cases an authentication error occurs due to incorrect settings Wi-Fi directly on the device itself.

Here are the two most common mistakes and how to solve them:

  • Old Wi-Fi recordings. The Android system remembers the saved passwords and tries to connect to the access point with this data, and in some cases you don’t even see a notification about an incorrect password on your screen. In this case, you need to go to “Settings”, select the “Wireless Networks” tab, find the access point you are trying to connect to and click on it. In the window that appears, select “Erase data” or “Forget network”, depending on the version of Android. The system will now re-identify this access point and you will need to enter the password for it again.
  • Incorrect Wi-Fi operation module. If nothing helps and the problem is 100% not in your router, most likely Wi-Fi on your device simply does not work. In this case, first try restarting the device or resetting it to factory settings. We also recommend taking another smartphone and trying to connect to the same access point from it. If there are no problems, then Wi-Fi is not working on your phone. In this case, contact the store where you purchased the device or take it directly to the workshop.

An authentication error on Android devices when connecting to wi-fi may occur due to various reasons, and not all of them are described above in this article.

If you are trying to connect to public wifi point, for example, in a cafe, then the correct operation can only be checked by “deleting/replacing” Wi-Fi data. If the problem is not resolved, nothing can be done! In this case, change your location and connect to others Wi-Fi points. Fortunately, it has now been developed for search huge amount applications that allow you to receive real-time data about Wi-Fi networks and passwords in any city.

One of the most common problems when Android connection phone or tablet to Wi-Fi - authentication error, or simply the message “Saved, WPA/WPA2 protection” after trying to connect to a wireless network.

In this article, I will talk about the ways that I know of to fix the authentication problem and still connect to the Internet distributed by your Wi-Fi router, as well as what may cause this behavior.

Saved, WPA/WPA2 protection on Android

Typically, the connection process itself when an authentication error occurs is as follows: you select a wireless network, enter its password, and then see the status change: Connection - Authentication - Saved, WPA2 or WPA protection. If a little later the status changes to “Authentication Error”, but the network connection itself does not occur, then something is wrong with the password or security settings on the router. If it just says “Saved,” then it’s probably a matter of Wi-Fi settings networks. And now, in order, what can be done in this case to connect to the network.

Important Note: When changing the wireless network settings in the router, delete the saved network on your phone or tablet. To do this, in Wi-Fi settings, select your network and hold it until a menu appears. There is also an “Edit” item in this menu, but for some reason, even on latest versions Android, after making changes (for example, a new password), the authentication error still appears, while after deleting the network everything is fine.

Very often, such an error is caused by an incorrect password entry, while the user can be sure that he is entering everything correctly. First of all, make sure that the Wi-Fi password does not use Cyrillic, and when entering you respect the case of letters (capital and small). For ease of verification, you can temporarily change the password on the router to a completely digital one. You can read about how to do this in the instructions for setting up the router (there is information for all common brands and models) on my website (also there you will find how to log in in the router settings for the changes described below).

The second common option, especially for older and budget phones and tablets - unsupported Wi-Fi mode networks. You should try turning on 802.11 b/g mode (instead of n or Auto) and try connecting again. Also, in rare cases, changing the wireless network region to the USA (or Russia, if you have a different region installed) helps.

The next thing to check and try to change is the authentication method and WPA encryption (also in the router’s wireless network settings, the items may be named differently). If you have WPA2-Personal installed by default, try installing WPA. Encryption - AES.

If there is a mistake Wi-Fi authentication On Android you have poor signal reception, try for a wireless network. Unlikely, but changing the channel width to 20 MHz may help.

Update: in the comments, Kirill described this method (which, according to further reviews, worked for many, and therefore I’m putting it here): Go to the settings, click the More button - Modem mode - Set the access point and pairing to IPv4 and IPv6 - BT modem Off/ on (leave it off) turn on the access point, then turn it off. (top switch). Also go to the VPN tab and set a password, then remove it from the settings. The last step is to turn on/off airplane mode. After all this, my Wi-Fi came to life and automatically connected without pressing.

Another method suggested in the comments - try setting a Wi-Fi network password consisting only of numbers, it may help.

AND last method, which you can try if something happens - this is automatic problem fixing using an application for Android WiFi Fixer (can be downloaded for free from Google Play). The application automatically corrects many errors related to wireless connection and, judging by the reviews, it works (although I don’t quite understand how exactly).

When connecting to Wi-Fi networks in some locations, a number of problems arise that significantly impede or prevent the establishment of a connection between the device and the network at all.

Most often, similar difficulties are encountered by users of devices running on Android platform.

When you try to connect to the network, an error notification appears, and the following message appears in the network information section: “Saved, WPA/WPA2 protected.”

In order to study this problem in detail, it is possible to reproduce it at home. To do this you need to change the settings wi-fi router and change the network type from Auto to n Only, which in most cases will contribute to this problem.

The exact cause of this problem cannot be determined. In most cases, this is due to malfunctions of the router that provides connection to the network.

Cases have been observed more than once when the indicator wifi signal The phone shows an active connection, but there is no Internet access.

The way to solve this problem is full reboot operation of the router, which in most cases allows you to solve this problem.

Why does wpa and wpa2 protection error occur over Wi-Fi on Android.

Another possible reason The cause of this problem is changing the encryption type. For example, if the network was previously open, and then became encrypted and accessible only to a certain number of people, then the appearance of the “Saved, WPA/WPA2 protected” error will also be inevitable.

To avoid this type of problem, it is strongly recommended to carefully check all network data.

Changing the operating mode of the router, provided by switching the mode, by changing the b/g/n parameters available in the settings of the device itself can also have a positive effect on the occurrence of this problem.

To ensure a normal connection and conflict-free operation of the router with the device receiving the signal, it is strongly recommended to install standard parameters and meanings.

These values ​​are:

1) Network type WPA/WPA2 Personal (Recommended)

2) WPA-PSK connection version

3) Encryption type recognized by mobile devices, AES

4) Entering a new key password consisting of 8 or more characters and numbers.

After doing all of the above, normal operation the router will be restored. Next, it is recommended to reboot the router and delete the existing connection on the device receiving the signal, then find this wi-fi network, select it from the list of available ones and perform the operation of connecting and remembering the device. A variant of this problem, the probability of which is very low, but still exists, is a change in the frequency and channel width of the device generating the Wi-Fi signal.

The channel width, automatically available in the router settings, is presented in three categories: Auto, 20Mhz, and 40Mhz. It is recommended to switch frequencies, which may allow you to restore the lost signal.

To carry out the process of changing the channel width, you need to go to the router settings, then log in by entering the data indicated on the bottom panel of the device. Next, you need to save all the changes made and reboot the router again to ensure full operation.

To summarize, the "Saved, WPA/WPA2 protected" issue occurs when trying to connect an Android device to existing network arises due to a number of circumstances and technical problems, for which there is no clear solution. There is also an option that links this problem to the imperfection and incompleteness of the Android platform.

In any case, careful adherence to the above rules will allow you to avoid the occurrence of such an error, and if it was not possible to prevent its occurrence, then write about it in the comments to the article - we will try to help!

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