Why are some pages not displayed correctly? Solving the problem with incorrect display of Russian letters in Windows

This problem was encountered previously with website layout errors, but now it almost never occurs at all. Multiple interpretations of language HTML markup browsers and the CSS style file was causing this problem. Now almost all browsers work correctly with universal layout in the most common website content management systems (CMS).

This atavism occurs only when using older versions of the IE browser (Internet Explorer from MicroSoft). Such problematic browsers remain the IE6 and IE7 browsers, most often installed in the still very popular Windows system XP on old and low-power computers.

What to do if sites are displayed incorrectly when using these particular browsers.
In fact, the solution is quite simple - you just need to update the version of the IE browser on your computer. Google Chrome, Opera, Mazilla Firefox all support HTML standards 5 and CSS specs— there shouldn’t be any problems with them.

If it doesn’t help and the problem remains, you may need a newer one. this moment recommended stable version Windows 7. IE browser for this operating system Windows can be downloaded from

Hello, dear visitors! Today I want to tell you about a problem that I encountered literally two hours ago and this problem arose so suddenly and unexpectedly that I did not have time to realize my actions, which may have led to it.

At that time I was in the console of one of my blogs and calmly edited the entry. After making all the amendments, I clicked on the “Save” button. And what did I see? The console has stretched! On the left side, the console navigation menu collapsed on its own; I didn’t even think to press the “Collapse Menu” button, but left panel WordPress, which offers access to all CMS functionality, has completely disappeared.

I decided to go to the site and see if my site was displayed crookedly or not.

To my great regret, my site was displayed, to put it mildly, incorrectly. It also expanded in width, while the sidebar that I have on the right disappeared.

This is the picture I saw.

Neither my photo in the header, nor the categories, nor the Top Commentators were displayed, and the reason would have been clear if I had made any changes to the HTML code, but I did not change anything and this version was cut off by itself.

Then I decided to check how it was displayed home page blog in the Google Chrome browser. Both in GoogleChrome and Mozilla browser Firefox on another computer displayed everything correctly.

The browser crashed Mozilla Firefox on my laptop and now I will tell you what I did to return the browser settings to their original position.

To open the browser menu, I clicked on the “Open Menu” icon, which is located in the upper right side of the Mozilla Firefox browser.

In the settings menu that opened, I clicked on question mark and a new Help window opened.

I was interested in information about solving problems, so I followed this link.

After the transition, all I had to do was click on the “Clean Firefox” button.

The problem was resolved, but I still don't know why it happened. Any novice blogger may have a similar problem, so I boldly publish my post and know that a certain audience will find my information useful.

I look forward to comments that will help not only me understand the current situation, but also all those who have a similar problem.

The site is not always displayed crookedly due to incorrect code; it turns out that there are failures in the browser itself.

For each webmaster, eliminating the difference in website display in different browsers is the most difficult task and every webmaster faces it. The most important thing is to use it latest version browser, but even among my friends there are those who still use Internet Exploer.

Of course, you can install several browsers on one machine and check how the site is displayed, but this is very inconvenient. Today, webmasters have online services that will help us save time and disk space.

Many of them are paid, but I want to recommend one to you today free service, which will allow you to check the display not only in the most popular browsers, but also in rare cases. And here is the link - http://browsershots.org/.

Remember to check your sites to see how they display in different browsers. And all I can do is wish you and myself to deal less with similar problems. Best regards, Natalya Krasnova.

Hello, dear friends!

A lot has been said about problems with the Firefox browser. However, the above does not change the problems: new ones arise that can confuse the average PC user.

Today we’ll talk about a problem such as the unexpected and very strange display of some pages in this browser. So, let's begin!

You have the Firefox browser installed, it works, there are no particular complaints, in general, everything is in order.

But then one fine day, when you go to some site that you have bookmarked, you discover a big inconsistency.

The familiar interface of the site has changed dramatically: instead of convenient control you see some kind of dregs. That is, everything is written in Russian, but the arrangement of the text and pictures has been completely changed. Why did it happen? And how is this treated?

Well, this happened due to the fault of the browser itself: another glitch that occurred partly through the fault of the developers and partly through your fault. After all, the browser cannot heal itself: it does not have such an option. There is simply an overload in the area of ​​“cookies” and “cache”, which is why such glitches happen.

And it’s not so scary if some minor site in your bookmarks is down. But what if you work online? For example, if such “art” happens to your office on some site, say, on a text exchange, then you are guaranteed a lot of unpleasant minutes!

And the administration has absolutely nothing to do with it: the problem concerns exclusively you and only your browser. In general, let us tell you how to easily get rid of the problem with incorrect display website pages or your online work account.

The whole solution lies in the area of ​​“cache” and “cookies” (this was just mentioned). To resolve the issue, follow this simple algorithm: open your browser, click on the “Tools” - “Settings” tab. In the appeared separate window“Settings” click on the “Privacy” tab.

In this section there are active lines (they are blue) - “Clear your recent history” - click on it. A small window will open where you can select the number of hours of history that you can delete: from 1 hour to the entire history! If a problem with displaying pages occurred today, then select the “for today” item, click “Clear now”.

If you want, you can select “All”: the entire history of your visits to the Internet will be deleted. But the bookmarks will remain in place! In general, this cleaning procedure solves the problem with displaying pages in 9 cases out of 10! This procedure for clearing cookies and cache solves this problem.

P.S: if it doesn’t help, which is extremely rare, then just reinstall the browser. Download new Firefox version, But old browser Don't uninstall Firefox! Just start the installation process and select the “Update” button in the window that appears.

The process will not be reinstalled, but Firefox updates. After this, everything should fall into place and the problem with displaying pages will be resolved in your favor.
Good luck!

By the way, here’s how it’s created in !

Distant work with high wages

On this page I will try to collect all the solutions known to me for the problem when pages in the browser do not load completely. Sites do not open completely. For example, some images or scripts on sites do not load. Pages in the browser are displayed crookedly, or only part of the site loads. And some sites don't open at all. Or they open, but not the first time, but the second or third time. We will look at solutions for Windows 10, 8, 7. Simply put, for computers. If you encounter this problem on mobile device, then most likely the reason is in the router (if you are connected through it). I will write more about this in the article. This is roughly what it all looks like.

I myself have encountered a problem several times when my browser did not open sites completely. For example, pictures were uploaded to VKontakte. In Odnoklassniki and others in social networks this also happens. I don’t remember exactly, but my solution was simple: clear the cache, restart the browser. There are also more serious reasons. For example, the MTU value is incorrect. This parameter can be changed in the router settings, or in Windows itself.

The most common reasons:

  1. Browser glitch. As a rule, restarting the browser, restarting the computer, or clearing the browser cache helps.
  2. Problem with browser add-ons. Sometimes, some add-ons installed in the browser prevent the page from loading completely. Most often, add-ons that block advertising on websites are to blame for this.
  3. Incorrect MTU value. We will not understand what this is and how it affects the loading of sites, but very often because of it, sites either do not load at all or do not load completely. As I wrote above, MTU can be changed in the router settings (if the Internet is connected directly, then Windows settings) . Usually the value there is 1500. After setting 1460, everything starts to open normally. But there is no guarantee that in your case the problem is with the MTU.
  4. Viruses and malware. I am sure that some viruses can prevent browsers from displaying pages normally.

I would like to note that such problems with “crooked” display of sites can be observed in all browsers: Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Yandex Browser, Microsoft Edge and even Internet Explorer. Which, even without any problems, can load sites incompletely or crookedly :)

Sites do not open completely: the first solution and search for the reason

To begin with, I recommend close the browser and restart the computer, or laptop. Perhaps everything will work great. If your Internet connection is via a router or modem, you can also reboot it. It definitely won't hurt.

Since nowadays a router is almost always installed, and all devices connect to the Internet through it, check how sites open on other devices. You can even check on Android, or iOS smartphones and tablets. But it’s better, of course, on a computer. If possible, connect your computer to another Internet. For example, to another Wi-Fi networks, which you can even distribute from your phone.

Check how everything works through another browser. Even standard. Remember, maybe you installed some add-ons or programs before this.

This way we can understand the cause of our problem and where to move next. You can describe the results of these checks and reflections in the comments. I will try to help.

Clearing the browser cache

This is one of the first solutions to try when you encounter this type of problem. I am planning a separate article on this topic, but here I will briefly show how to clear the cache in the most popular browsers.

If you have some other browser, then I think that you can easily find the cache clearing function in the settings. Or ask in the comments.

Checking browser add-ons installed

If clearing the cache did not help, and the page in the browser still does not open completely, then I recommend checking installed add-ons and temporarily disable them (if they exist).

You can also do this in the browser settings, somewhere in the “Extensions”, “Add-ons” section. For example, in the Opera browser:

Disable all installed extensions for a while.

If you don’t know where these settings are located in your browser, then look at the article. In it I showed how to manage extensions in popular browsers.

Also look at what programs you have installed and running on your computer. Maybe you'll find something suspicious.

MTU and problems with incomplete loading of sites

I already talked about this parameter above in the article. As a rule, it is changed in the router settings. Very often, due to incorrect MTU values, problems arise with displaying pages when connecting to the Internet via 3G/4G modems. When the modem is connected to the router. But also with cable connection This happens.

You can change the MTU in the router settings, in the section with Internet connection settings: “WAN”, “Internet”.

I'll show you how to change MTU on some routers.

In the WAN section there is an item "MTU Size". By default there is 1500. You can register 1460, or even 1400.

If you have PPPoE, then you need to click on the "Advanced" button and change the value there.

Save the settings and reboot the router.

In the "Internet" section. "MTU" field.

I can't show in detail how to do this on routers different manufacturers. Therefore, if you don’t find these settings, write in the comments.

Virus checking and more...

If all else fails, then it would be a good idea to check your computer for viruses. You can run a scan in your antivirus (if installed), or check the system of one of the free antivirus utilities. For example, Dr.Web CureIt!.

If, when connecting to another Internet (Wi-Fi network), sites load the first time and completely, then it makes sense to call the provider’s support and explain the problem. Maybe they have some kind of problem.

You can also try on Google Public DNS.

I told you everything I know on this topic at the moment. If there is new information, I will definitely add it. You can also share your observations and advice. Best wishes!

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