Why facetime doesn't work on iphone 5s. Reasons for FaceTime not working - how to solve the problem

Hello everyone, dear readers and users mobile gadgets iPhone and iPad. Today I will tell you what the FaceTime service is, what it is used for, how to set it up and how to use this service correctly. But first, so that you can see the whole picture, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the definition of the FaceTime service.

FaceTime is a service, a technology that allows you to free videos calls to others Apple users devices with the FaceTime app installed. In order to use this tool without restrictions, you need to have an account with this service, the Apple ID profile can act as an account. The application works via the Internet.

Below, in the relevant sections of this article, I will tell you how you can activate, disable, configure and comfortably use the FaceTime application and service. For work this application your iPhone must be connected to the internet via wireless network Wi-Fi.


So, follow the steps described below to enable FaceTime. First of all, set up your account:

Once you've completed all the steps above, you can start using FaceTime.


To start using and making calls to other users Apple gadgets, follow these steps:

  1. You need to open FaceTime program, the icon is located on the desktop of your iPhone;
  2. Now you need to enter the phone number of the person you want to make a video call to. In order for the video call to go smoothly, your interlocutor must have FaceTime set up;
  3. After that, press the video call or audio call button.

In addition to the method described above, you can activate FaceTime during a regular call. To do this, during a call, click on the FaceTime button; you can see the screenshot below.

FaceTime also has a standby mode available. To activate it, answer the current call and put the previous call on hold. After the call, you can disable the application.

That's all for me, I hope you managed to set up and start using such a wonderful service as FaceTime. If you have any questions, additions, clarifications or comments about the topic of today’s material, you can ask them using the comment form below. I would be glad if you share the article on your profiles social networks. See you in the next useful materials.

Unfortunately, many people are faced with the fact that FaceTime doesn't work. In fact this situation should not cause fear, since the situation is primarily explained by the update operating system iOS up to version seven. Errors may be due to high load on Apple servers. However, if the problem persists, you can try to resolve it.

In most cases, the error looks like this: under the application enable toggle switch there is a message “Waiting for activation”, which does not go away on its own for a long time.

First of all, you need to make sure that all personal data is entered correctly: address Email, Apple ID, mobile phone number. Only after this is it necessary to perform subsequent tricks to iMessage activation(program version for text messages), FaceTime (version of the program for calls in audio and video format).

How to activate iMessage?

You must go to settings and then go through the following scheme: “Messages” - iMessage - “Send / Receive”. Completing this circuit requires minimal effort.

How to activate FaceTime?

You should open your device and FaceTime settings, check the calling addresses. Perhaps there were mistakes and you will understand Why doesn't Face Time work? on your device. After this, you need to disable - enable both versions of the program.

In addition, disabling - turning on should be done even if everything was entered correctly. There is no need to act chaotically, so it is best to wait 5 seconds before restart. So, what actions need to be taken in this situation?

Is the error still there? There is no need to despair. You can try rebooting your device. Most likely, the program will still start working normally.

In the worst case scenario, it is necessary to restore the device's operating system. For this reason, if you have followed the tips described above, but you still have FaceTime doesn't work, it is advisable to contact experienced specialist, capable of restoring the operating system.

Any products Apple has proven itself to be very reliable. This applies to both computers and mobile devices, and to other equipment, and even to software. But even in best solutions sometimes there are glitches. For some people the relevant question is: Why doesn't Face work? Half on iPod, iPad or iPhone. let's consider possible problems when using the application and ways to solve them.

Possible problems

Possible problems can be divided into three groups based on symptoms: the application does not start/crashes, problems with calls, or problems with communication and sound. In most cases, it is the second one that occurs, but there are exceptions. One of the described troubleshooting methods will definitely help you.

Option 1: The application does not start/crashes

Everything is simple here, since FaceTime is integrated into the OS. It is enough to restart the device, check the quality of the Internet connection and settings. In some cases, the solution will be to update the firmware to latest version.

Option 2: Problems with calls

Mostly, users complain about problems with incoming and outgoing calls. First of all, you should check whether the Internet works on the device at all. The easiest way to do this is by opening any page in your browser.

There is often a situation where FaceTime does not work without Wi-Fi. The point here is the saving function mobile traffic, which prohibits calls via cellular communications. You can find out how to disable it.

To use the application, you must link your iPhone to your Apple ID. This is quite easy to do from the device settings menu. Go from there to FaceTime section and open the “Your address...” option.

Option 3: Communication or sound problems

Malfunctions with communication or sound can be caused solely by insufficient data transmission speed of one of the interlocutors (or both). In this case, it is worth checking the network status or Wi-Fi status. Sometimes a simple reboot of the device helps.

FaceTime is one of the unique applications from Apple. It is designed for making calls in audio format. Using this software, it is very easy to communicate with friends who also have devices from this manufacturer.

The program was presented by himself Steve Jobs back in 2010. But it gained popularity among the masses only in 2012. This was due to the release of the sixth version of the OS, which made it possible to access Wi-Fi networks. Such restrictions were due to the fact that mobile networks have low throughput, and the program in them would not be able to work normally. But the modern version of the software already operates in 3 and 4G networks.

In this article you will learn what FaceTime is and how to enable and configure FaceTime on iPhone.

Now let's talk about basic rules using face time on an iPhone. This software can support such versions of Apple gadgets as:

  • iPhone 4 and versions older than this.
  • iPad 2 and all older versions.
  • iPad mini (absolutely all versions).

Thanks to the data transfer tariff mode, FaceTime can be used without Wi-Fi networks on iPhone 4s and subsequent phone models from Apple.

The iPhone 4 FaceTime software may not work if the gadget was purchased in a number of countries (Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and some others). Or if the gadget is used in the territory of one of these states.

FaceTime on iPhone 5 what is it and how to enable it

To run the software not only on the fifth iPhone, but also on the iPhone 6 and iPhone 7, you must first open the program. Next, the system will ask the user to enter an Apple ID number. This can also be done in the FaceTime settings.

When you enter the program from a smartphone, it will automatically register the user’s phone number. And to provide your email address, you need to go to the program settings section, enter your ID, and enter it. Registration is carried out in the same way not only from an iPhone, but also from another iOS device.

FaceTime enabled and calling

So, you have entered the program. But making your first call will take time and patience. After all, you need to figure out how to configure some options. For example, to make a call, you need to find out the phone number or e-mail of another person.

There are several methods for making a call in the program:

  • Open it and enter your phone number or email address in the appropriate field. Click on the call icon (regular or video).
  • If you have a phone number or e-mail, you need to click on the subscriber’s name, and then on the call icon.
  • You can start a video call right during a regular call. To do this, you just need to click on the program icon, and the conversation will continue in it.

FaceTime waiting feature

On iPhones with OS version 8 and older, you can use the hold function during an audio call. It provides the following features:

  • End the current call and start an incoming call.
  • Accept a new call and put the current one on hold.
  • Dropping a new call.

Difficulties with FaceTime

If you want to use this software from Apple, but nothing works, most likely the reason lies in the following:

  • The service is unavailable in your region.
  • The service is not supported by your carrier.
  • Sometimes call forwarding is not supported.
  • Difficulties are possible when switching from a regular call to FaceTime or vice versa.

What should I do if receiving and making a call is impossible?

If the factors mentioned above have nothing to do with your device, try the following:

  • Double-check that your gadget is connected to the network via Wi-Fi or cellular data network. Limit the functions of antivirus programs and other software that can interfere with the process.
  • If you are using cellular networks data connection, check that the "Cellular Data" option is in active state. You need to go to the settings of this option and enable the FaceTime icon.
  • Install automatic parameters time and date on the device.
  • Reboot the system.
  • Update the operating system to the latest version.

Connectivity and sound quality issues

Sometimes problems with software appear due to slow connection via Wi-Fi. Difficulties may also arise if other users use streaming data transfer mode.

The problems mentioned above manifest themselves as follows:

  • Messages about connection impossibility pop up on the gadget's screen.
  • The video is shown fragmentarily.
  • Black screen, as if the device was turned off.
  • At the time of the call, the connection is often interrupted or completely interrupted.

To avoid these misunderstandings, make sure that the person you are calling is using a network connection high speed. You also need to have a broadband connection.

How to disable the program

Not all users were satisfied with this software from Apple. And most often, dissatisfaction was associated with accidental use of the application. The fact is that requests for calls can be made without the desire of the subscriber. That is why many are interested in the question of how to disable FaceTime on an Apple gadget.

To do this, you need to enter settings and select mode limited access. You can secure your decision by additionally entering a password. After this, all that remains is to move the toggle switch opposite the program image, and it will no longer appear in the list of contacts.

Unlocking the software is also very easy - you just need to move the toggle switch to its original position.

With the FaceTime app you can make free video or audio calls to everyone iPhone owners, iPad or Mac. You can talk to each other for free if you have Wi-Fi or mobile internet. If FaceTime isn't working, you need to find out why. Either this is due to the fault of Apple, or for another reason. Corrective methods will help you eliminate FaceTime problems on iPhone (6, 7, 8, X) for successful video calls.

Because FaceTime is a two-way program, some of the troubleshooting needs to be done on both sides of the connection: both yours and the recipient device. Otherwise, FaceTime will report connection failures.

A user tweeted that he encountered an issue where the settings disappear and are not restored to default as soon as he closes the camera app. When you go to the “Save Settings”, “Camera Settings” menu, video modes, filters and lighting effects are saved, but live photos taken during video calls are not saved.

What to do if FaceTime on iPhone stops working?

Quick tips. Try turning FaceTime off and on again using the following:

iOS: Settings > FaceTime OR FaceTime for Mac: FaceTime > Preferences.

Make sure FaceTime is turned on and restart it:

  1. Settings > FaceTime.
  2. Turn the FaceTime switch to the OFF position.
  3. Toggle the "FaceTime" switch back to the "ON" position and wait until it finishes reactivating.
  4. When finished, try starting the FaceTime call again.

Make sure the camera for FaceTime is not limited:

  1. Settings > General > Restrictions.
  2. To check that the date and time are set correctly, tap Settings > General > Date & Time.
  3. Make sure you are using the correct method to call the person.

iPhone users: Use your phone number.

For users Mac iPad, iPod touch or FaceTime: Use your email address.

Make sure this is your Apple ID (here: ): to register FaceTime on iPad 2, iPod touch.

FaceTime for Mac must be an email address.

You can create new Apple ID or make changes by visiting and using the “Manage your account" Stopped working on iPhone and iPad?

If your status is Verifying, click Settings > FaceTime to make sure your email address is verified. Then try turning FaceTime off and on (Settings > FaceTime or FaceTime for Mac: FaceTime > Preferences).

Users may be blocked

With FaceTame you can block users from calling. If you don't want to receive calls from anyone on FaceTime, you can block them by going to Settings -> FaceTime -> Blocked.

Here is a list of subscribers whose calls are blocked. If the person you want to call on FaceTime is on your Blocked list, simply remove them from that list.

FaceTime isn't working: Check your Wi-Fi and mobile connection

If FaceTime isn't working, the first thing you need to do is check your internet connection. Before you try to find out if Apple server FaceTime, you need to make sure the Internet is turned on.

There are times when the Internet works fine, but there is a problem with setting up the device that does not allow you to connect:

Tap Settings > Wi-Fi on your iOS device and System Settings»>Network on Mac OS X and check if the settings match your local routers.

Most networks mobile phones allow FaceTime to work over cellular communications. If you want to use the connection to make calls, check: Settings > Mobile data on iPad and iPhone.

Sometimes there are some problems with network connection. Try turning on airplane mode ON in the settings, and after a few seconds turn it on OFF. This will update your network, be it Wi-Fi or cellular.

FaceTime doesn't work on latest iOS

The first step is to make sure that the software is on all iOS devices and Mac OS X updated.

When providing the FaceTime service, Apple may change software requirements. Check what's yours iOS version is the last one by going to Settings > General > Software Update.

Why FaceTime doesn't work on iOS, what should I do?

If the Apple FaceTime server is not available, you have no way to test it. Here we will show you how to check if the FaceTime app is having server problems.

Apple has its own. On the site Apple System Status you need to enter your FaceTime status in accordance with other Apple services: iMessage, App Store And Apple Music. It often happens that the power of some of them decreases at the same time.

If any services are held Maintenance, you can use the FaceTime app from the System Status web page. To do this, before starting an important video call with a client or grandparent, you need to check the operating status of the company's servers. Apple also uses the web page to report recently resolved issues with its services.

If this site turns on first for you, if you have problems with FaceTime (or any of Apple's services), you can at least find out whether it is an issue with your device or with your Internet connection.

If it turns out that the problem is with your gadget, check out our recommendations below.

Before you begin troubleshooting, you need to be absolutely sure that FaceTime not working is due to local problem, which doesn't appear on Apple's website. State website Apple systems It may not be reporting the problem to all customers, or it may be that the website is doing maintenance every 5/10/30 minutes and the update has not yet gone through on your iPhone.

Fortunately, there are some third-party websites that, based on the experiences of numerous consumers, provide the most latest information about the status. We suggest using the services of a website that will report the status Apple services, as well as other services such as Steam. Look at the graph

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