By what principle are important friends on VK. Important friends on VKontakte: what is it and how is the list formed

The social network “VKontakte” is one of the most popular Internet projects in all of Russia and the countries of the post-Soviet space. Every day, year after year, the resource is used by millions of users who go to the website not only to communicate with each other, but also to find out news, listen to their favorite audio recordings, watch a movie or TV series, find out something interesting and even make plans. where to go to update your wardrobe.

On this moment everyone can add up to 10 thousand other “inhabitants” of the social network as friends, and, as statistics show, the average user of the resource has about 200-300 people as friends. However, when looking through the list of your VKontakte friends, you may unexpectedly discover that they are located in different orders and can sometimes change places. Why does this happen and how is this entire list formed?

As it was before

Before answering the question asked above, I would like to remind you how the list of VKontakte friends was formed several years earlier. Just a few years ago, people appearing in a user's friends list were sorted by rating. Everything is clear here: the higher the user’s page rating, the higher he was displayed in the list of friends. The rating could be obtained by filling out information on your own page or by making a purchase additional votes. Later, it was decided to abandon the rating, which greatly upset users who bought a large number of votes and/or gave them to other “inhabitants” of the social network.

How is the friends list formed now?

Now the list of friends on the most popular social network is being formed in another way: The first positions in the list are those users with whom you communicate most often. Nevertheless, similar sorting the list of VK friends may puzzle some users. For example, some people wonder why a person with whom communication is extremely rare is so high on the list. The answer is simple - when creating a list, not only messages are taken into account, but also likes, page views, replies, and comments on posts. It turns out that the first person on your list of friends may not only be the user with whom you do not communicate that much.

However, there is one small exception to this rule: users whom you recently added to your friends list are usually located in 5th or 6th place on the list so that, according to the developers of the social network, you do not lose sight of them.

The order of friends who are on the site

Now it is worth mentioning how users are sorted from the online friends list. Here, by and large, exactly the same principle: the location of friends matches that in the general sequence, although only those users who are online are shown. If you use the “Colleagues”, “Best Friends” and the like options, then the distribution of friend lists in them will also be similar.

How other users' friends list is located

If the situation with the location of our own friends is already more or less clear, then what should we do with the friends of other users whom we see with own page? Here everything is a little different: the distribution of friends here is based on the number of mutual acquaintances with the person whose page you are viewing. If you do not have mutual friends, the list of friends is formed according to the date of registration of users on the site.

Is it possible to change the order?

After everything has become clear about sorting VKontakte friends, we can talk about whether it is possible to change this order. Unfortunately, the developers of the social network this function was not provided, so you cannot change the order of friends yourself.

If you want to keep someone close to you at the top of your friends list, try to communicate with them more. Otherwise, keep communication to a minimum. However, do not forget that no social media will not replace you real communication with friends and people close to you!

Previously, a rating system was introduced from the social network VKontakte and in the first places in the list of your friends were users with a high rating. Today, sorting friends happens in a completely different way. At the very top, the people with whom you exchange messages and leave comments the most, that is, the people with whom you show some activity. More activity, higher on the friends list.

After being added, new friends are also in the top ten of users, as if reminding them of their existence, and over time they move down.

How the list of friends of other users is formed

If a user is your friend, then you are in first place. Vacant positions are then filled by people who have a relationship with you. mutual friends. Next are all other pages, sorted by registration date.

How to promote a specific friend on your friends list

To raise a friend to the first place in the list or within visibility, you need to be more active on his page, visit it more often, like each new photo, write to him private messages and comment on his posts. A little time will pass and this user will surely take first place on your friends list.
If you need to quickly raise a friend, then remove him and add him again. The only negative is that your friend may find out about this manipulation if you hide all your updates in your privacy settings.

How to demote a specific friend from your friends list

To do this, it is enough not to communicate with him, not to visit his pages, and every day the user will go down, hiding behind those with whom you communicate. If all your friend's activity and updates are displayed in the news, you can click on the cross in the right top corner, then click on the “Do not show Vasya Pupkin’s news” button. This action over time will move your friend Vasya down several positions. You are not interested in his news, which means you are not interested in his page, why display it in the top positions?

I think it is useful for many users to know on what basis is the list of VKontakte friends formed? in 2019.

Once upon a time, everything was very simple: whoever had a higher rating was at the very beginning of the list. But times have changed, the rating was canceled, and now friends sorting happens differently.

First of all, go to the “My Friends” section and deal with the list of friends on your page:

Who do we see first on our friends list? That's right, those with whom we communicate most.

The principle of sorting the list of friends: the first will be those friends with whom you most often correspond, but also those whose pages you constantly view, like, and comment on posts.

Thus, the first friend can be one with whom you may not have communicated at all, but always follow his page and (or) be active on it.

But there is a small nuance: users whom you recently added as friends are initially displayed above the rest (usually occupying 5-10 positions in the list). This is done so that you do not lose sight of them.

How the list of friends of other VKontakte users is formed

Now let's consider principle of sorting friends among other VKontakte users. If their list of friends is formed according to the principle described above, then we see friends completely differently.

We open the user's friends list and see the following:

You are the first in the list if this user is your friend. Next are the users who have friends with you: the more mutual friends you have, the higher they are in the list. Even lower are users sorted by date of registration in VKontakte: those who registered earlier are higher.

This is how the list of friends of other users is sorted.

How to change the sort order of your friends list

If you wish, you can promote in the list a certain friend. To do this, it’s enough to communicate with him more often, visit his page, be active (like, repost, comment on posts/photos).

Thus, after a short period of time, the selected user will take first place in the list of your friends. The reverse way Can .

By clicking on the Friends section in our VK profile, we are used to seeing colleagues, relatives, classmates, friends from the Internet, etc. there. There are tens, hundreds, thousands of them. And the order in which they are located is not always the same. It changes regularly without direct user intervention. And at the top there are always those people whose pages you visit and towards whom you are active. They are called important.

Today we’ll try to figure out how to make this list, try to customize it for ourselves and identify important friends on someone else’s page.

There is no clear algorithm for generating a friend list. It all depends on the activity of the user himself and this means different consequences. Among the factors are the following:

  • correspondence and visiting a friend’s page. Those pages that you visit most often and with whom you communicate a lot are in the top places;
  • date of adding as a friend. Recently added pages are ranked higher, one is sure to be in the top five;
  • number of friends close to you;
  • page filling activity. Abandoned, long-deleted, empty ones are often displayed below the rest.

It is impossible to change the location of friends on your friend list according to a clear plan. It will be determined automatically, but with your visits, likes, reposts and correspondence, you promote the people you need to the top.

If you want to lower a friend from your friends list, do not perform any actions with his profile for a while, do not write or visit the page.

The only way to organize the right people Your preference is to create a separate friends list. To do this you need:

You can always add a new person there, but you also can't promote or demote them. general procedure. Although there will be no problems with the location, since you can always do new list, which will contain your selected top people.

How to see a friend's important friends

There is no way to see another user’s friend list from your page through his eyes. That is, the output for you will still be different. You won’t be able to find out the order for a friend through the interface of the VK website, just like using third party programs. Of course, if you hack a person’s page, then friends will be displayed in his order, but we will not consider this option.

If you go to a friend’s page and open the list of his friends, they will be sorted for you from top to bottom in the following order:

  1. Your profile is first on the list.
  2. People who have mutual friends with you (the more of them, the higher on the list).
  3. Sorting by registration date and page rank.

Mutual friends are included in a separate list. If a friend created their own, you will see it too.

Important friends on the phone

Everything described applies not only to the web version of the VK website for personal computer, but also official mobile applications for iPhone, Android.

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How VKontakte friends are distributed

Today, the social network Vkontakte is considered the most popular in Russia and the CIS countries. Every day, hundreds of millions of users visit the website to read news, find out something interesting, listen to music, watch movies and, of course, chat with friends. After all, what are social networks for in the first place? Of course, for communication!

Today maximum amount for one user is neither more nor less - 10 thousand people, and the average number of people who are on such a list for a socially active user is, according to statistics, 200-300 people.

Looking through these people, many of us think about how VKontakte friends are sorted, how their list is formed and what influences given sequence. Some people go even further in their thinking and want to know how to change the order of VKontakte friends and whether it can be done at all. In this article we will try to give answers to these and many other questions about the list of VK friends, revealing to you several useful secrets.

Arrangement order

Let's start with a simple one: how are friends located on VKontakte and who is first? If you open the list, you will see that your first friends on VKontakte are those users with whom you communicate most often. Sometimes sorting VKontakte friends can be a little confusing - for example, among your important acquaintances there may be those with whom you have not corresponded for a long time. How so? It's very simple - the communications that influence how people are sorted include not only private messages, as one might think, but also comments on posts, replies, etc. Thus, the first person on the list is not only the one with whom you have the longest correspondence, but also the one whose posts and news are most interesting to you. How to move friends to the top of the display list? Just communicate with them more often, that’s all!

However, there is an exception to this rule - users you added recently are automatically moved to the first 5 VKontakte friends so that you do not lose track of them if they end up at the end of the list. In the future, if you do not communicate with the newly added one too often, he will become one of the first 10 friends on VKontakte, and then the sequence will become standard.

Order online

Another issue is the order of the list online. How is it sorted? It’s very simple - the arrangement of friends in it is the same as in the general sequence, with the only difference being that there are no people who are now offline.

If you use an option such as lists of added people, you will probably be interested in how VKontakte friends are distributed if you add them to the list - for example, "Colleagues" or "Relatives". Everything works the same here: the more messages, likes and replies you are connected with, the higher the acquaintance’s position on the page will be.

The order of people who appear on your page has one, and one more interesting feature. If you go to your page, you will see that the first six people online and the first six in the general list never match. By the way, how are the friends you see in these sequences displayed? Everything follows the same principle - according to the frequency of your communication with them.

From other users

So, everything is more or less clear with our own friends, but what about this question: how are the friends of other users whom we see from our page located? Here, again, everything is simple: the distribution occurs according to the number of mutual acquaintances. What if you and the user whose page you looked at don’t have a single friend in common? Then the order of friends is based on the date of registration.

Changing the order

Well, now we have figured out how such sequences of people are displayed and how friends are distributed in VKontakte. Let's move on to practical questions, the first of which will be: is it possible to change this order? How to move friends in lists and sort them at your own discretion, how to swap friends? Alas, the order, as already mentioned, is set automatically, and currently VKontakte does not have a function that allows you to perform such an operation. If you are interested in how to raise a friend and how to lower him in the general list, then there is only one way - to communicate more often with this person in any form or, conversely, to reduce communication to a minimum.

And now - a couple of interesting and useful options.

Let's start with the useful: as you know, many VKontakte users share their real coordinates, including their mobile phone number, Skype login, as well as links to blogs, etc. However, few people know that there is an application for mobile phones, which allows you to synchronize contacts with VK with notebook in the phone's memory. The application is called "VKontakte Sync" and available for operating system Android.

Now for something interesting: imagine what your list of your acquaintances would look like if you presented it in the form of a graph? Visualization of friends- this is a very real function that the site offers. You only need to allow the application hosted on the site to access your page, and the program will build an interactive friends graph, which displays all your connections between people, visually and informatively.

The last thing I would like to say is that in pursuit of a huge amount added people on VKontakte, do not forget about those who are close to you, and when communicating on the Internet, you should not neglect live communication, because they will never replace real acquaintances!