Pros and cons of the phone. Using a mobile phone: description of advantages and disadvantages

Municipal educational institution

Kondinskaya secondary school


Oncology" href="/text/category/onkologiya/" rel="bookmark">oncological diseases. According to one study by UK specialists, today millions of people suffer from diseases of the tendons of the fingers and hands due to monotonous work with the thumb. A modern means of communication, which is a cell phone, can cause harm not so much to physiology as to the psyche and nervous system of its owner, provoking excessive stress (for example, constantly waiting for a call).In recent years, telephone mania has become widespread.Telephone addicts have an obsessive desire to communicate on a mobile phone. Moreover, the fact of the conversation itself brings satisfaction, and not its content. Since the skull bones of children are thin and the nervous system is not formed, they are most vulnerable to radiation. The Russian Ministry of Health recommends limiting the use of mobile communications to persons under 18 years of age, but these warnings remain unheeded.

Thus, having studied various sources, we have identified the pros and cons of cell phones:

Pros of cell phones

Cons of Cell Phones

1. The ability to contact any subscriber where there is network coverage.

2. Cellular communications allow a huge number of subscribers to exchange information.

3. Possibility of accessing the Internet using your phone.

4. Availability of a timer, alarm clock, organizer, voice recorder.

5. Mobile phone is an excellent means of entertainment.

· Decreased immunity

· Headache

· Ear pain

Sleep disorder

· Nose bleed

· Memory loss

3. Mobile phone - source

4. Mobile phone is the reason

development of telephonomania (obsessive desire to communicate on the phone).

Based on the above, we formulated hypothesis our research:

Let's assume that a cell phone has a harmful effect on the health of a primary school student.

To test this hypothesis, it is necessary to conduct an experiment that will demonstrate the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation from a cell phone on human health. We considered it dangerous to use humans and animals as test subjects in this experiment. But we know that plants belong to living nature, so it was decided to conduct this study on plants whose lifespan is limited.

CHAPTERIII. Experimental study of the effect of electromagnetic radiation from a cell phone on plants.

Purpose of the study: to identify the consequences of frequent exposure to electromagnetic radiation from a cell phone on the growth and development of plants.

To conduct this experiment, it was necessary to select two plants, test and control. Both plants were in the same conditions: lighting, watering, temperature. The only difference was that during the day a cell phone was brought to the test plant at the moment the call was received.

I started conducting this experiment on July 13, 2009. Tomatoes were chosen for the experiment. I recorded all the changes occurring in the plants in my observation diary (Appendix 4). During the observations, I noted that the leaves of the test plant dried out more often, it was stunted in growth and did not bloom as profusely as the control plant. On August 10, the test plant began to die and on August 12, the experiment had to be stopped because the test plant died.

In September, we decided to conduct a similar experiment again. To do this, we dug up two marigold bushes from the flowerbed. We planted them in two pots. Both pots were brought into the classroom and placed on different windowsills. At almost every break, I brought my cell phone to the test plant and asked one of my classmates to call my number (Appendix 5). I entered all the changes that occurred with the plants into the table (Appendix 4). The experiment lasted from September 2009 to February 2010. During the experiment, it was noted that the leaves of the test plant curled and dried out more often than the control plant. Also, the test plants' flowers dried out and fell off, while the control plant bloomed profusely (Appendix 6).


This experiment showed that electromagnetic radiation from a cell phone negatively affects the growth and development of plants, therefore, it is dangerous to human health.

Thus, the hypothesis that a cell phone has a harmful effect on the health of primary schoolchildren was confirmed during the study.


The popularity of cell phones is increasing every year. Cell phones have also become popular among primary school students in our school.

The results of the study showed that 64% of students in grades 3–4 at our school have their own cell phones. Each student uses it approximately 19 times during the day.

As a result of studying the literature and talking with a specialist from the Telecommunications Department, the pros and cons of cell phones were identified.

The advantages of cell phones are:

1. The ability to contact the person you need at any time and anywhere (where there is network coverage).

2. Possibility of accessing the Internet using a cell phone.

3. The phone has a timer, alarm clock, organizer, voice recorder, video camera.

4. The ability to use your phone to fill your leisure time (music, games).

The disadvantages of cell phones are:

1. Mobile phones are a source of toxins (chromium, cadmium, lead), which can be dangerous if an outdated phone is not properly disposed of.

2. Electromagnetic radiation from a cell phone can cause human health problems:

· Decreased immunity

Increased blood pressure

· Headache

· Ear pain

Sleep disorder

· Nose bleed

· Memory loss

Predisposition to developing epilepsy

· The occurrence of cancer

Diseases of tendons and fingers

· Cell phone radiation affects brain rhythms

· Mobile phone - source

additional stress and hallucinations.

3. Mobile phone is the reason for the development of telephonomania (obsessive desire to communicate on the phone).

An experimental study showed that electromagnetic radiation from a cell phone negatively affects the growth and development of plants, therefore, it is dangerous to the health of a primary school student.

Thus, the hypothesis that a cell phone has a harmful effect on the health of primary schoolchildren was confirmed during the study.

Based on the above, we have developed a reminder for primary school students on using a cell phone (Appendix 7).

Appendix 5

Appendix 6.

Appendix 7.


for primary school students

“Rules for safe cell phone use.”

1. Unless absolutely necessary, try not to use a cell phone.

2. If such a need arises, give preference to SMS messages.

3. If possible, use an external microphone and headphones during a conversation.

4. Never carry a cell phone in your pockets; it is better to carry it in a bag!

5. If the signal is very weak, it is better to turn off the phone: in this case it works with the maximum level of radiation.

Remember! Electromagnetic radiation from a cell phone can harm your health!

Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation

Far Eastern State Technical University

(FEPI named after V.V. Kuibyshev)

Construction Institute

Department of Hydraulics, Water Supply and Sanitation

Abstract on life safety

on the topic: "Cellular communications. Pros and cons of a mobile phone."


student gr. S-2981

Goryainov I.N.

Checked by: Associate Professor

Brusnetsova T.A.



This work will consider the issue of the influence of a mobile (cell) phone on the human body. Today, every person who spares their time uses a cell phone; it is very difficult to surprise a new acquaintance with your handset, because the cell phone, as many people call it, walks through life with us and is unlikely to become a legend in the near future.

But is everything as cloudless as it seems at first glance?

I won’t try to convince you to stop using mobile communications and at the same time I won’t insist on buying a phone, I’ll just give a few examples from life.

“Mobile phones are harmful...”

Mobile phones really affect human health and, according to some data, cause cancer. The chief sanitary doctor of Russia, Gennady Onishchenko, stated this at the end of last week in an interview with the Ekho Moskvy radio station. A new wave of panic over the possible danger of cell phones, provoked by a recent study by European scientists, has reached Russia. Phone manufacturers, meanwhile, claim that the issue is in the radiation standards of the handsets, and their products comply with the standards.
Speaking on the Ekho Moskvy radio station, Gennady Onishchenko, chief state sanitary doctor and head of the Federal Agency for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, said that mobile phones really affect human health. "There is some reasonable concern here because the radiation that comes from using mobile phones has some harmful effects," he said. And he developed the topic: “There is some evidence that oncological diseases appear. This depends on the frequency characteristics of phones, on their security. It is no coincidence that we control this issue. There is a special sanitary standard. By the way, our national standard is much stricter than the Western one, which "causes concern among our liberals and others, but nevertheless we are holding back for now and saying that there really is a certain validity in the alarm that we are expressing."
Mr. Onishchenko’s opinion on the dangers of mobile phones was voiced just a month after the results of an authoritative European study on the same problem were announced. A week before the New Year, the results of the REFLEX project were announced, in which scientists from 12 institutes and laboratories from seven European countries studied the effect of cell phones on the cells of living organisms. The study lasted from 2000 to 2004, the cost of the project, the lion's share of which was sponsored by the European Union, amounted to 3.15 million euros. Researchers have come to a disappointing conclusion: electromagnetic radiation generated by GSM cellular devices can cause genetic changes in the cells of the human body.
The longer the cells were exposed to irradiation and the higher the intensity, the more the DNA structure changed. One of the possible consequences of mutations can be cancer. Studies have shown that changes in DNA were observed even at radiation levels of 0.3 W/kg, while the radiation power of GSM phones can reach 1 W/kg. However, a consolation for the owners of the tubes can be considered the fact that the studies were carried out on individual cells, and no formal evidence of the influence of GSM devices on the entire human genetic system was identified.
If mobile phones really harm your health, most Russians could suffer significant damage. According to the forecast of the research company IDC, about 30 million cell phones may be sold in Russia in 2004 (analysts have not yet provided final data for the year). And according to statistics from research companies iKS-Consulting and ACM-Consulting, in Moscow alone, following the results of the pre-New Year's campaign of new subscriber connections in December, the number of cellular users came close to 100%. Throughout Russia, analysts expect to reach a threshold of 65-70% of cellular users of the total population by the end of 2005.
However, mobile phone manufacturers are not inclined to regard the words of the chief sanitary doctor as the beginning of a campaign to combat handsets. As Sergei Sidorov, Nokia's public relations coordinator in the CIS countries, explained to Izvestia, decisions on the certification of mobile phones are entirely within the jurisdiction of regulatory authorities, and until now Nokia handsets have always been certified. The Russian office of Motorola refused to comment on the situation at all, calling Mr. Onishchenko’s words unfounded allegations.

Article published on the sitewww. info. com

Today, we have to shudder at the messages that appear with enviable frequency about the dangers of mobile phones for health. Disputes about their danger have not subsided for ten years now, and for every scientific study proving their harm, a refutation appears, prepared by no less authoritative scientists...
Among the charges brought against mobile phones and other devices that create an electromagnetic field, the most terrible is the charge of carcinogenicity. However, all official studies published in recent years refute these accusations. Data published by the Royal Society of Canada, the American Health Foundation and the British Independent Expert Panel on Mobile Phones all share the same conclusion that talking on a cell phone does not cause cancer or any other disease.
And yet, despite the overwhelming majority of optimistic conclusions, some researchers do not lose hope of “convicting” mobile phones of certain sins. Thus, recently, Hungarian scientist Imre Fejes from the University of Szeged, having examined 221 volunteers over 13 months, found that a mobile phone can degrade the quality (and therefore the effectiveness) of sperm by 30 percent. At the same time, you don’t have to talk a lot about it; it’s enough just to carry it with you in a “convenient” place – your trouser pocket or on your belt.
And employees of the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences recently discovered that a mobile phone operating in standby mode can shorten and disrupt the most important phases of night rest - REM sleep and slow-wave sleep.
In addition to the direct impact of the electromagnetic field on the human body, it is also assumed that mobile phones pose indirect dangers, for example, they can disable aircraft navigation devices or contribute to fires at gas stations. And although there is no objective data about this, talking on mobile phones during flights and at gas stations, just in case, is prohibited.

“Mobile phones lead to gene mutation.” - Tver news, 10/15/2005.
Radio waves from mobile phones damage cells in the human body and change its DNA. This conclusion was reached by scientists working on the Reflex project, the purpose of which is to study the effects of mobile phones on the human body.
In a project called Reflex, twelve research groups from seven European countries studied the effects of cell phone radiation on animal and human cells over four years. The study was coordinated by the German group Verum and was almost entirely funded by the European Union. According to Reuters, despite the conclusion that electromagnetic radiation damages DNA in laboratory conditions, scientists have not been able to definitively prove that mobile phones threaten human health in real life. They believe that such conclusions require further research outside the laboratory - on animals and human volunteers.
At the same time, the Reflex project report recommends using a mobile phone only in cases of urgent need, especially for children. “We don’t want to cause panic, but precautions can’t hurt,” said Franz Adlkofer, project manager for Reflex. According to him, scientists will be able to come to more specific and final conclusions in 4-5 years.
In turn, representatives of the Association of Mobile Phone Operators consider the results of the study to be preliminary and require independent confirmation, BBC reports. At the same time, none of the six leading mobile phone manufacturers commented on the results of the study.
The scientists used radiation in their experiments within the so-called Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) between 0.3 and 2 watts/kg. Most mobile phones emit in the SAR range from 0.5 to 1 watt/kg, but not more than 2 watt/kg. This radiation in laboratory conditions caused serious damage to DNA, the carrier of genetic information. DNA damage can lead to diseases and, if the germ cells are damaged, the birth of defective children. One cell with abnormal DNA structure can give rise to a benign or malignant tumor. Cells have a mechanism for repairing (eliminating) DNA damage, but it does not always work. Cells with disorders are destroyed by the immune system, but this also does not always happen. During the study, in many cases, mutant cells passed on their acquired properties to the next generation of cells.
Today there are about 1.5 billion mobile phone users in the world. This year alone, according to analysts, about 650 million handsets will be sold. The debate about whether this achievement of progress is harmful to humans or not has been going on for many years. Representatives of mobile phone companies, whose market size is estimated at $100 billion a year, zealously defend their position, arguing that there is no scientific evidence that electromagnetic radiation is harmful.

Why does a schoolchild need a cell phone?

Parents buy their child a cell phone so that they can communicate with their child at any time. But we can say without a doubt that for a schoolchild, a cell phone is not only a means of communication with parents, but an object with which you can pass the time in boring lessons, play exciting games, call friends several times and endlessly brag about a newfangled melody or picture, recently uploaded to your phone in front of your friends.

ADVANTAGES of cellular communication:

1. Expands communication between people.

2. Enables parents to always know where the child is.

3. Guarantees the safety of the student: panic buttons to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, to the police, to a psychologist consultant.

4. Contributes to obtaining new information via the Internet.

5. The phone is equipped with a calculator, alarm clock, clock, flashlight, and camera, which can be used at the right time.

DISADVANTAGES of cellular communication:

1. Melodies played during lessons and sent SMS distract students from the lesson and disturb teachers.

2. Listening to music or talking on the phone makes a person absent-minded: according to statistics, people on the street talking on the phone or listening to music are several times more likely than other pedestrians to get hit by a car.

3. Accidents occur more often if the driver was also talking on the phone while driving.

4. Provokes theft. Not every parent can buy a super-fashionable phone for their child. Therefore, a telephone can become an object of envy and can provoke teenagers to commit a crime. There have been cases of phone theft in our school. I would like to remind you that the school is not responsible for the loss of your phone.

5.Frequent conversations and SMS correspondence require additional financial costs (sometimes not small!).

5. Harmful effects on human health.

The four systems most susceptible to the harmful effects of mobile phones are:

central nervous system

1. The risk of developing a brain tumor increases.

2. Disruption of normal sleep patterns, disruption of the change of phases of the day.

3. Effect on the bioelectrical activity of the brain.

4. Motorists develop “Tunnel vision” or “inattentive blindness” syndrome.

5. In transport drivers, the retina of the eye does not react even to a change in the color of a traffic light or to road signs.

6 . After 15 seconds of conversation, alpha waves of brain activity are suppressed, manifested by a weakening of volitional functions, memory, attention, and concentration.

7. When using a phone for several years, sleep disturbances, immunosuppression,anemia .

8. During a prolonged conversation, there is an increase in the temperature of the ear, eardrum, adjacent tissues and the adjacent area of ​​the brain.

9. Cell phones of the Nokia, Siemens, Samsung, Motorola, Benefon brands generally cause an increase in head temperature by 1°C when talking and activate weakening of the immune system.

10. Using a mobile phone for 10 years increases the risk of developing a brain tumor.

The immune system

1.Mobile phones provoke asthma and eczema.

2. Failure in the immune system contributes to vulnerability to diseases (viral, bacterial, fungal, helminthic, protozoal, diabetes, lens diseases).

Endocrine system

1. Destruction of blood cells - red blood cells (anemia).

2. Increased blood pressure.

3. Increased outputadrenaline , slight fluctuations in hormone levels are recorded.

Reproductive system

1. Changes in DNA, which can provoke the birth of children - deformities and children with congenital defects.

Psychological special effects

A certain part of the population has psychological disorders and is susceptible to various fears (phobias) and addictions (manias).

A mobile phone is addictive - this is the conclusion that psychologists draw when studying cell phone owners. Psychological dependence on the device can manifest itself in several forms.

1. Worry about not having a phone. If you do not have the treasured pipe, then there is a feeling of loneliness, a depressed mood, the person experiences severe anxiety, in some cases it can develop into panic. In this case, hypertensive phenomena are recorded - jumps in blood pressure. If a loved one didn’t take his cell phone with him - and now there’s a reason for concern, where is he, what’s wrong with him, why is he delayed?

2. SMS - mania. A person writes and sends dozens of SMS a day and cannot stop, even if it is easier for him to call.

3. Information mania. The owner of the phone is constantly waiting for a call or SMS, takes out his mobile phone, checks whether he has missed important information, reads email and SMS messages. As a result, a person cannot remember what information is important to him, and turns to his mobile phone again and again.

4. Dependence on the device itself (new model, accessories). The owner of the phone strives to buy a new model, some accessories that will distinguish his cell phone from the mass of ordinary - average phones. In this situation, a person feels an increase in social status and is ready to spend all the money on his cell phone, even at the expense of other important things.

Today, many people use their cell phone as an alarm clock, placing it near the head of the bed. We sleep at night, but our brain and mobile phone do not “sleep”. The phone constantly, even when waiting for a call, operates in pulsating mode.

Mobile phones have long been installed in children's rooms and school bags. This worries both psychologists and doctors. The reason is obvious: children's brains are especially susceptible to the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields from cell phones because children's skulls are thinner than adults'. The skull of a five-year-old child, for example, in the parotid zone usually does not exceed half a centimeter, and in a young man aged 21, the thickness of the skull at the same point will be equal to two centimeters. According to the results, prolonged use of the phone can lead to a number of complications: from headaches to cancer. But no one is willing to give up their cell phone because of its convenience. In this situation, you need to know and apply preventive measures and protection from the harmful effects of a cell phone. You need to know how to protect yourself.

According to scientists at the Institute of Biophysics, the duration of one conversation should be limited to three minutes, and the period between two conversations should be increased as much as possible (minimum pause - 15 minutes).Children are recommended to use models with a low radiation density or send SMS messages instead of calls. To avoid unnecessary exposure to electromagnetic radiation, use a landline telephone if you have it on hand, even if you have an unlimited tariff.

Don't carry your phone in your pocket or on a lanyard, but keep it on your desk or bag to avoid cancer.

Do not talk on a cell phone in a car or on a bus, as electromagnetic waves, when reflected from a metal body, are amplified several times.

During sleep, turn off the phone and move it away from the sleeping place, since at this time our body does not offer any resistance to electromagnetic radiation, and it easily penetrates the sleeper’s body, causes headaches and does not allow complete rest.

Do not put the phone to your ear while dialing, but only after connecting, as the phone emits a large amount of radiation during dialing. And during the conversation, use headphones or speakerphone.

Use phone cases made of a unique material that attenuates electromagnetic radiation by 500-1000 times.

Conclusion: To preserve and strengthen the health of a growing organism, you should follow the rules for using a cell phone and player.

Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation

Far Eastern State Technical University

(FEPI named after V.V. Kuibyshev)

Construction Institute

Department of Hydraulics, Water Supply and Sanitation

on life safety

on the topic: "Cellular communications. Pros and cons of a mobile phone."


student gr. S-2981

Goryainov I.N.

Checked by: Associate Professor

Brusnetsova T.A.



This work will consider the issue of the influence of a mobile (cell) phone on the human body. Today, every person who spares their time uses a cell phone; it is very difficult to surprise a new acquaintance with your handset, because the cell phone, as many people call it, walks through life with us and is unlikely to become a legend in the near future.

But is everything as cloudless as it seems at first glance?

I won’t try to convince you to stop using mobile communications and at the same time I won’t insist on buying a phone, I’ll just give a few examples from life.

“Mobile phones are harmful...”

Mobile phones really affect human health and, according to some data, cause cancer. The chief sanitary doctor of Russia, Gennady Onishchenko, stated this at the end of last week in an interview with the Ekho Moskvy radio station. A new wave of panic over the possible danger of cell phones, provoked by a recent study by European scientists, has reached Russia. Phone manufacturers, meanwhile, claim that the issue is in the radiation standards of the handsets, and their products comply with the standards.
Speaking on the Ekho Moskvy radio station, Gennady Onishchenko, chief state sanitary doctor and head of the Federal Agency for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, said that mobile phones really affect human health. "There is some reasonable concern here because the radiation that comes from using mobile phones has some harmful effects," he said. And he developed the topic: “There is some evidence that oncological diseases appear. This depends on the frequency characteristics of phones, on their security. It is no coincidence that we control this issue. There is a special sanitary standard. By the way, our national standard is much stricter than the Western one, which "causes concern among our liberals and others, but nevertheless we are holding back for now and saying that there really is a certain validity in the alarm that we are expressing."
Mr. Onishchenko’s opinion on the dangers of mobile phones was voiced just a month after the results of an authoritative European study on the same problem were announced. A week before the New Year, the results of the REFLEX project were announced, in which scientists from 12 institutes and laboratories from seven European countries studied the effect of cell phones on the cells of living organisms. The study lasted from 2000 to 2004, the cost of the project, the lion's share of which was sponsored by the European Union, amounted to 3.15 million euros. Researchers have come to a disappointing conclusion: electromagnetic radiation generated by GSM cellular devices can cause genetic changes in the cells of the human body.
The longer the cells were exposed to irradiation and the higher the intensity, the more the DNA structure changed. One of the possible consequences of mutations can be cancer. Studies have shown that changes in DNA were observed even at radiation levels of 0.3 W/kg, while the radiation power of GSM phones can reach 1 W/kg. However, a consolation for the owners of the tubes can be considered the fact that the studies were carried out on individual cells, and no formal evidence of the influence of GSM devices on the entire human genetic system was identified.
If mobile phones really harm your health, most Russians could suffer significant damage. According to the forecast of the research company IDC, about 30 million cell phones may be sold in Russia in 2004 (analysts have not yet provided final data for the year). And according to statistics from research companies iKS-Consulting and ACM-Consulting, in Moscow alone, following the results of the pre-New Year's campaign of new subscriber connections in December, the number of cellular users came close to 100%. Throughout Russia, analysts expect to reach a threshold of 65-70% of cellular users of the total population by the end of 2005.
However, mobile phone manufacturers are not inclined to regard the words of the chief sanitary doctor as the beginning of a campaign to combat handsets. As Sergei Sidorov, Nokia's public relations coordinator in the CIS countries, explained to Izvestia, decisions on the certification of mobile phones are entirely within the jurisdiction of regulatory authorities, and until now Nokia handsets have always been certified. The Russian office of Motorola refused to comment on the situation at all, calling Mr. Onishchenko’s words unfounded allegations.

Article published on the site www . info . com

Today, we have to shudder at the messages that appear with enviable frequency about the dangers of mobile phones for health. Disputes about their danger have not subsided for ten years now, and for every scientific study proving their harm, a refutation appears, prepared by no less authoritative scientists...
Among the charges brought against mobile phones and other devices that create an electromagnetic field, the most terrible is the charge of carcinogenicity. However, all official studies published in recent years refute these accusations. Data published by the Royal Society of Canada, the American Health Foundation and the British Independent Expert Panel on Mobile Phones all share the same conclusion that talking on a cell phone does not cause cancer or any other disease.
And yet, despite the overwhelming majority of optimistic conclusions, some researchers do not lose hope of “convicting” mobile phones of certain sins. Thus, recently, Hungarian scientist Imre Fejes from the University of Szeged, having examined 221 volunteers over 13 months, found that a mobile phone can degrade the quality (and therefore the effectiveness) of sperm by 30 percent. At the same time, you don’t have to talk a lot about it; it’s enough just to carry it with you in a “convenient” place – your trouser pocket or on your belt.
And employees of the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences recently discovered that a mobile phone operating in standby mode can shorten and disrupt the most important phases of night rest - REM sleep and slow-wave sleep.
In addition to the direct impact of the electromagnetic field on the human body, it is also assumed that mobile phones pose indirect dangers, for example, they can disable aircraft navigation devices or contribute to fires at gas stations. And although there is no objective data about this, talking on mobile phones during flights and at gas stations, just in case, is prohibited.

“Mobile phones lead to gene mutation.” - Tver news, 10/15/2005.
Radio waves from mobile phones damage cells in the human body and change its DNA. This conclusion was reached by scientists working on the Reflex project, the purpose of which is to study the effects of mobile phones on the human body.
In a project called Reflex, twelve research groups from seven European countries studied the effects of cell phone radiation on animal and human cells over four years. The study was coordinated by the German group Verum and was almost entirely funded by the European Union. According to Reuters, despite the conclusion that electromagnetic radiation damages DNA in laboratory conditions, scientists have not been able to definitively prove that mobile phones threaten human health in real life. They believe that such conclusions require further research outside the laboratory - on animals and human volunteers.
At the same time, the Reflex project report recommends using a mobile phone only in cases of urgent need, especially for children. “We don’t want to cause panic, but precautions can’t hurt,” said Franz Adlkofer, project manager for Reflex. According to him, scientists will be able to come to more specific and final conclusions in 4-5 years.
In turn, representatives of the Association of Mobile Phone Operators consider the results of the study to be preliminary and require independent confirmation, BBC reports. At the same time, none of the six leading mobile phone manufacturers commented on the results of the study.
The scientists used radiation in their experiments within the so-called Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) between 0.3 and 2 watts/kg. Most mobile phones emit in the SAR range from 0.5 to 1 watt/kg, but not more than 2 watt/kg. This radiation in laboratory conditions caused serious damage to DNA, the carrier of genetic information. DNA damage can lead to diseases and, if the germ cells are damaged, the birth of defective children. One cell with abnormal DNA structure can give rise to a benign or malignant tumor. Cells have a mechanism for repairing (eliminating) DNA damage, but it does not always work. Cells with disorders are destroyed by the immune system, but this also does not always happen. During the study, in many cases, mutant cells passed on their acquired properties to the next generation of cells.
Today there are about 1.5 billion mobile phone users in the world. This year alone, according to analysts, about 650 million handsets will be sold. The debate about whether this achievement of progress is harmful to humans or not has been going on for many years. Representatives of mobile phone companies, whose market size is estimated at $100 billion a year, zealously defend their position, arguing that there is no scientific evidence that electromagnetic radiation is harmful.

Is a cell phone dangerous?

On January 15, KP reported on the research of English professor William Stewart, who came to the conclusion that cell phones are dangerous to children’s health. How do cell phones affect adults?
Back in 2001, the European Parliament's Research Directorate pronounced a “sentence” on a cell phone: it causes “a predisposition to the development of epilepsy, weakened immunity, and the occurrence of cancer.”

Embryos die...
At the Moscow Institute of Biophysics, Professor Yuri Grigoriev made two incubators. I put 63 chicken eggs in each. A GSM mobile phone was suspended above one “bird house” at a height of 10 cm. The phone worked in this mode: on for 1.5 minutes, off for half a minute. Embryonic development disorders began on the third day. Only 16 birds hatched and “listened” to the phone! But they also turned out to be unviable. For comparison: in an incubator where the eggs were not pestered with calls, 51 chicks were born without any problems.

...children are slowing down...
Alan Preece, head of the biophysics department at the Bristol Cancer Centre, gave phones to 10- and 11-year-olds for half an hour. For half they worked in talk mode, for others they were disabled. And then the scientist conducted neurophysiological tests. For those who had mobile phones turned on, all reactions were slow. Another experiment showed that even after a two-minute conversation, the bioelectrical activity of the brain changes in adolescents aged 11-13 years. It returns to normal only after two hours. What does it mean? The child’s mood changes, he perceives the material in class worse if he was chatting on his cell phone during the break.

...and adults' blood boils
Hungarian biologist Turocsi asked 76 volunteers to make two calls, each lasting 7.5 minutes. The body trembled with all its fibers: the biocurrents of the brain changed, cerebral circulation slowed down, and blood pressure dropped. Doctors recorded anxiety and stress in the subjects.
And Russian professor Igor Belyaev, working at Stockholm University, turned on the phone next to test tubes with human blood. An hour later, the blood in several of them “boiled”! “No, it didn’t heat up,” explains the researcher. “But the blood cells, lymphocytes, behaved as if the person had a very high fever - 44 degrees.” The heat shock effect lasted 72 hours.

But there are scientists who claim: all these are just “horror stories” and cellular communications are not at all dangerous for us.
Finn Tahvanainen measured the pulse and blood pressure of 32 people after a 35-minute conversation. And I didn’t notice any problems!
The Italian Calabrese found no effect of the electromagnetic field of the telephone on the memory and cognitive abilities of 52 volunteers.
“We did a lot of experiments on rats and monkeys. Both on cubs and pregnant females. And they did not find the effect of mobile phones on the development of brain cancer, or on the functioning of the central nervous system, or on the development of offspring, or on blood biochemistry or animal behavior!” - says Michael Swicord, an employee of the Motorola scientific laboratory in California.
True, by a strange coincidence, most of these studies were paid for from the funds of tube manufacturers...

Oleg GRIGORIEV, director of the Center for Electromagnetic Safety, deputy, gives advice to Komsomolskaya Pravda readers. Chairman of the National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection:
Each conversation should last no more than three minutes, the break between calls should be at least 15 minutes.
Use a hands-free headset, devices with Bluetooth wireless technology, or write SMS. The main thing is to move the phone away from your head. (By the way, Grigoriev himself speaks exclusively into a “hands-free” microphone. - Yu. S.)
Should you wear your phone on your belt? “There were suggestions that the radiation from a cell phone, if it hangs next to the genitals, can inhibit spermatogenesis,” says Oleg Aleksandrovich. - But it turned out that this ancient and stable function of the body is not so easy to suppress! Brains are much more vulnerable.” But scientists from Moscow State University discovered that cell phones kill yeast and acetic acid bacteria. This means that a device on a belt or in a pocket - next to the intestines - can ruin the life of one of the 500 microorganisms living there! And they will take revenge on the careless owner.

You can't scare us!
They have already frightened us - first with televisions (the nervous system becomes unusable), then with computers (you can go bald from radiation). Survived! Now they tell us: mobile phones are the problem. But how can an ignorant person figure out which studies are objective and which were carried out in order to discredit a market competitor?
It is clear that a mobile phone has some effect on the body. But the iron is also dangerous - and it emits radiation. What should I do? It’s easier to follow simple safety precautions. And at the same time continue to put pressure on phone manufacturers - let them improve their products! In the early 90s, manufacturers of computer monitors were criticized. They took over and improved the screens. Today's monitors are several times safer than their relatives from ten years ago. Now the whole world will take on the creators of mobile phones...
Alexander MILKUS

Below are studies from Russian and foreign media.
Russian print media

Cell phones are not only extremely convenient, but, as recently discovered, they can be very dangerous. It is no wonder, therefore, that when a cellular communications base station begins to be installed on the roof of a residential building, the Muscovites who live in this house are overwhelmed with terrible anxiety.

As Oleg Grigoriev, director of the Center for Electromagnetic Safety, said, mostly city residents are afraid of electromagnetic radiation that is harmful to their health. Owners of apartments located on the upper floors of buildings are especially zealously opposed to the installation of cellular base stations (BSs): as one of the capital’s myths says, they are “irradiated” the most by the antenna. For example, in 1997, a real scandal broke out in Troitsk near Moscow after a BS was installed on one of the outlying high-rise buildings. Residents organized rallies, cut cables and even tried to uproot the base station from the roof with their own efforts. We achieved that the BS was moved to a neighboring building. But the activists of the “anti-cellular” movement did not stop there and, in order to prove to the authorities that cell phones were irradiating them, they invited specialists from the Center for Electromagnetic Safety to take measurements. After conducting research, the Center’s employees found out that in the house on the roof of which the BS stood, the level of the electromagnetic field (EMF) was BELOW THE SENSITIVITY OF THE DEVICE. But in the neighboring building, where there is no base station, the EMF is 2-3 μW/cm 2, this indicator, although 3-5 times lower than the maximum limit, is already monitored by instruments.

All cellular base stations are subject to mandatory sanitary control. According to the regulations, you cannot approach the base station closer than 1.5 m and grab its antenna with your hands. But you can live under a roof with BS, and much better than under a neighboring roof. The fact is that the radiation from the base station antenna does not go down - into the house - but to the side. Its main power is concentrated in a rather narrow “beam”, in the path of which someone’s windows may well stand. It is not yet clear how dangerous such powerful “directional” radiation is, but experts say that it is better to stay away from such “rays”. By the way, scandals and panic when a base station appears on the roof of a house are not always a consequence of the fear that has gripped the residents. Often, resourceful Muscovites try to get “rent” for the roof from cell phone companies in this way, for example, in the form of metal doors, an intercom, or entrance repairs. As practice shows, it is easier for companies to pay such a “buyout” than to look for a new place of residence for the BS. What can you do: everyone spins as best they can.


On January 15, 2002, world news agencies reported that in the city of Balaloid (Spain), four students from the Garcia Cantana elementary school were diagnosed with cancer. The city administration and schools attribute these diseases to electromagnetic radiation from a cellular base station located near the school.

This message was commented on for Izvestia-Nauka by the Chairman of the Russian National Committee for Protection against Non-Ionizing Radiation, Professor Yuri Grigoriev.

The possible negative impact of the electromagnetic field (EMF) of cellular base stations on public health is a real problem, actively discussed by both specialists and scientists, and the public around the world. To date, a situation has arisen where almost all large cities and a significant part of the territories outside the city are “covered” by electromagnetic radiation from cellular communications.

The number of base stations in Moscow and the region alone is already more than 2000. Although the intensity of the emitted EMF of the base station is small compared, for example, with the intensity of the radiation of a locator or television center, the situation of continuous and total exposure of the population to EMF is new for hygiene and radiobiology. Therefore, no one can yet give a definite answer about the potential harm. Possible consequences may appear after several years of prolonged exposure, and especially on the new generation. In such a situation, there is insufficient knowledge about the possible consequences of exposure to EMFs. The World Health Organization recommends adhering to the precautionary principle and avoiding situations of increased risk of exposure to EMFs. The situation reminds me of the late 50s, when knowledge about the biological effects of ionizing radiation was accumulating. Now everyone knows how cruelly the population of many regions of the country had to pay for insufficient knowledge about the dangers of radiation.

Taking into account the fact that the population is forced to be exposed to an increased risk of disease due to exposure to EMF from base stations, it may be advisable to consider tightening the requirements for the maximum permissible level of EMF of cellular base stations and return to the values ​​justified and in force in the USSR. They are 10 times more stringent than the current ones.

Sometimes I use a mobile phone with a vibration alert as a vibrator, calling myself from my home phone to my mobile phone. This is not dangerous? L. Kremneva, Tula

Oleg GRIGORIEV, director of the Center for Electromagnetic Safety, answers:

From the point of view of electromagnetic biology, this issue has not yet been studied, so the dangers of unusual use of a telephone can only be discussed theoretically.

The vibration alert only works when dialing a phone, and the subscriber does not have to answer, and in this case the system itself interrupts the call after 1-2 minutes. Thus, the duration of a single exposure does not exceed two minutes. The electromagnetic field does not touch the brain, since the body strongly shields it. In addition, from sexual arousal, the signal to the brain (strongest in nature) will have to interrupt the brain activation from the electromagnetic field of the cell phone. So with a single call there will be no harm from the field.

LAST CALL. MOBILE PHONES MAY BE OUTLAW. Savin A. / News from October 26, 2001.

The Russian National Committee for Protection against Non-Ionizing Radiation has developed recommendations for cell phone users. It is strictly not recommended for children, pregnant women and psychopaths to use this device. And, most importantly, the current standards that allow issuing a safety certificate for phones do not correspond to modern ideas about the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. This means that until new regulations are developed, the use of cell phones should be prohibited.

The Russian National Committee for Protection against Non-Ionizing Radiation brings together leading Russian scientists and specialists in the field of the effects of electromagnetic waves on human health - doctors, physiologists, and hygienists. The National Committee works in close cooperation with its “dad” - the corresponding committee of the World Health Organization. Based on research conducted by Russian scientists and their colleagues abroad, the committee concluded that the use of cell phones should be limited. Here are the experts' recommendations:

  • do not use cell phones for children and adolescents under 16 years of age;
  • refrain from calling pregnant women, starting from the moment the fact of pregnancy is established;
  • do not use a cell phone for persons suffering from epilepsy, neurasthenia, psychopathy, psychasthenia;
  • The “mobile phone” is also extremely harmful for people suffering from neuroses, the clinical picture of which is characterized by asthenic, obsessive, hysterical disorders, as well as decreased mental and physical performance, decreased memory, and sleep disorders.

Scientists believe that the duration of conversations should be limited (a single conversation - up to 3 minutes), and the period between two conversations should be maximized (the minimum recommended is 15 minutes).

“We consider it necessary for cellular operators and device dealers to bring such information to users,” Professor Yuri Grigoriev, Chairman of the National Committee for Protection from Non-Ionizing Radiation, told us.

The norms and regulations in force today, which limit the levels of electromagnetic radiation, do not correspond to the knowledge about the dangers of high-frequency electromagnetic waves that have been obtained recently by scientists around the world, continues Yuri Grigoriev. - Therefore, certificates issued to cell phones cannot in any way guarantee their harmlessness to human health. It follows that certification according to outdated standards should be stopped. As far as we know, the national committee is preparing proposals for the Russian Ministry of Health and Gosstandart to suspend the relevant sections of sanitary standards. If this happens, cell phones may become illegal.

Every year, the world spends $100 million on research on the effects of cellular communications on health. Russia's contribution to the overall effort is more than modest - approximately 200-300 thousand rubles. The point of view of representatives of scientists and operating companies is given.

Non-telephone conversation.

Scientific institutes and centers in 23 countries are actively engaged in research in this area. So far, the opinions of researchers are divided: half insist on the safety of mobile phones, the other, on the contrary, considers them to be the culprits of all sorts of misfortunes - from the runny nose to cancer. Moreover, neither side has indisputable evidence that they are right.

“In fact, only the fact that the body’s reaction to the field of a cell phone exists has been proven,” says Professor Oleg Grigoriev, director of the Center for Electromagnetic Safety. After a 15-minute conversation on a mobile phone, bioelectrical changes occur in the rhythm of the brain, and the hormonal background of the body is rearranged. However, after a few minutes these indicators return to normal. It can be assumed that over time such changes accumulate and become the cause of some pathology. But these are just assumptions.

By the way, talk about harmful and even “deadly” radiation from mobile phones began back in the days when cell phones were a source of much more powerful radiation. Over the past 10 years, it has been possible to improve cellular technologies and the handsets themselves so much that the radiation power of modern models has decreased by 5 - 7 times. “Now the security of a specific phone model depends mainly on two things - the method of organizing the signal and the temporary mode of using cellular communications,” says Professor Grigoriev.

Vyacheslav Afanasyev, executive director of the Association of Russian GSM Operators, believes that the excitement around this topic is sometimes fueled by the opportunistic interests of companies. He said that the association constantly monitors issues related to the environmental parameters of cellular communications: “We are now implementing a special program that involves improving the regulatory framework - safety standards and sanitary standards.” By the way, Russian standards for maximum permissible radiation doses are more stringent than those recommended by the World Health Organization.

Accusation and acquittal.

A record number of cell phone convictions are related to brain tumors. Such hypotheses are based on the fact that at the moment of conversation the tube - the source of radiation - is in close proximity to the head. There is even a version that the tumor most often occurs in the temporal part of the brain, where the density of electromagnetic radiation is especially high.

In contrast to these data, acquittals also appear. For example, specialists from the American Health Foundation, having studied the lifestyle of 900 people (half of whom had a brain tumor), found no connection between the use of cell phones and the risk of developing this disease.

Owners of pipes are afraid of migraines, weakened immunity and decreased intelligence, deterioration of vision, hearing, and even “one-sided nasal congestion,” which supposedly occurs on the side with which the user holds the pipe. In addition to these assumptions, there are also versions that are absolutely far-fetched. One company stated that frequent cell phone conversations upset the bowels, acting as a laxative. And to relieve the unpleasant effect, she offered the drug at a price of $40.

But you can quite agree with some unexpected conclusions of doctors, especially if you have a sense of humor. For example, the results of a study that showed that mobile phone users are at risk of obesity. Their arguments are quite reasonable: a phone that is always with you reduces the number of body movements to a minimum, which contributes to the accumulation of extra pounds.

Hold a pause.

So, we clearly lack accurate knowledge on the problem, but there are quite reasonable recommendations that will help minimize the impact of electromagnetic radiation on the body.

First of all, they relate to limiting the frequency and duration of telephone conversations. After each conversation, it is advisable to pause for 15 - 20 minutes. A one-time three-minute communication session is better than five half-minute calls made one after another. By the way, this is a favorite technique of those who, trying to fit into the free eight seconds, conduct a conversation in short bursts.

The more expensive the phone model, the more sensitive it is. Accordingly, it can be considered less aggressive in terms of radiation. So buying the oldest models from a similar class is not only prestigious, but also reasonable.

When choosing a handset, you should give preference to those with remote antennas. Although phones with an internal antenna are more compact and look more modern, they are inferior to their counterparts in terms of security.

The World Health Organization recently issued a call to protect children and adolescents under 16 years of age from cellular communications - any such exposure is potentially dangerous for the developing nervous system. The same warning applies to pregnant women, whom doctors advise to give up cell phones literally from the moment the child is conceived.

However, consumer protection organizations are demanding that handsets sold for sale carry information similar to what can be found on every cigarette pack: "Cell phones may be hazardous to your health."

The European Parliament has published a report recommending that EU member states introduce a complete ban on the use of mobile phones by children under 16 years of age, since their use slows down the child's development and harms educational success.

The long debate about the dangers and safety of mobile phones seems to have come to an end. The European Parliament's Research Office has published a report recommending that all EU member states introduce a complete ban on the use of mobile phones for children under adolescence. Using them slows down a child’s development and, at the very least, harms academic success, experts believe.

Moreover, experts recommend withdrawing even toy mobile phones from sale and eliminating all advertising aimed at children for this type of communication, so as not to develop interest too early. The report states that children's brains are particularly susceptible to harmful effects from cell phone radiation. For many parents in European countries, these findings will probably be a big nuisance: they are already used to buying their children mobile phones along with textbooks for first grade. Cell phones are also becoming more and more popular in our schools - parents feel safer when they know at any moment where the child is and what’s happening to him.

Adults with a weakened nervous system, as well as those who are often exposed to stress, should also be considered a risk group, say the authors of the report. The long-term studies involved experts from the University of Warwick (UK), the German Institute of Biophysics and the British Group of Independent Experts. Scientists sharply criticize the irresponsible, in their words, assurances from cell phone manufacturers about the “constant reduction in the level of electromagnetic impact on the user’s body,” which supposedly distinguishes new cell phone models. This is pure deception, say the authors of the report, since manufacturers have in mind only one harmful component, namely thermal exposure, but not the entire spectrum of electromagnetic radiation from cell phones. Experiments on animals prove that the danger of negative consequences is not reduced. Possible effects include a predisposition to the development of epilepsy, weakening of immune defense, and the occurrence of cancer. It can also be considered proven that radiation can cause sleep disturbances, headaches, nosebleeds, and memory impairment in humans.

The European Parliament recommended that cell phone manufacturers advertise the safety of their products based not on data on the reduction of thermal radiation, but on the effectiveness of protective systems, in particular, external headphones, proven by the results of biological tests.


The American non-governmental organization CTIA, uniting manufacturers of cellular equipment, announced an unprecedented action. Now the packaging of each cell phone must contain information about the level of electromagnetic radiation, and in a clear and accessible form. But this does not threaten our users yet.

Since the 90s, for every scientific study proving that the use of cell phones can cause irreversible changes in health, there is a refutation prepared by equally authoritative scientists. Cellular companies and phone manufacturers spare no expense on this. When late last year Sony Electronics Inc. It was forced to recall 60 thousand cell phones, which, as it turned out, did not “fit” into the standards established by the American Federal Communications Commission, the reaction of the manufacturers was completely unusual - they proposed not to recall the phones, but simply to increase the maximum permissible level of radiation.

For Russian telephone dealers, the news that the United States had decided to obligatory inform the buyer did not come as a bolt from the blue: our customers had long ago adopted the Western habit of taking care of their own health.

Buyers often ask about the dangers of radiation, Vitaly Gorelov, a salesman at one of the communication stores, told Izvestia. - However, I have not met anyone who would refuse to buy because of this.

Cell phones sold in Russia have a certificate indicating their characteristics, including radiation standards. If you wish, you can ask the seller for a copy of the certificate, although these numbers will mean little to mere mortals. According to experts, if the Russian authorities also oblige cell phone manufacturers to indicate the level of radiation in an accessible and understandable form, this will benefit both manufacturers and sellers - another powerful advertising lever will appear for successful sales.

The level of radiation in any case will depend on how far you are from the base station, Irina Veretina, head of the department of the capital’s State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center, assured Izvestia. - If you are talking on the phone near the station, the radiation level will be very low, almost zero. But the decision of the American organization is quite reasonable, first of all for the buyer - it will reassure him.

However, according to the observations of the same State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, in Russia, owners of cell phones are still little concerned about how harmful they are to health. According to Veretina, they have never received complaints about cell phones, but pensioners who are terrified of power lines often contact them.

CELL PHONE IS OUTSIDE RUSSIAN LAW. Medvedev Yu./ News No. 183 (25528) dated September 30, 1999

It is quite natural that among all Russian cities Moscow leads in the number of cell phones per capita. This means of mobile communication has long ceased to be a luxury item and is now, rather, a necessity for many professions and occupations. However, the issue of security still worries many, many.

The main practical goal of the conference "Problems of human electromagnetic safety. Fundamental and applied research" was the harmonization of electromagnetic safety standards. In the CIS countries and Eastern Europe they are hundreds and even thousands of times tougher than in the rest of the world. Therefore, the use of many types of electrical household appliances here, and in particular cell phones, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is unlawful. However, according to the head of the non-ionizing radiation hygiene department of the Federal Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance, Alexander Sterlikov, there is no problem with cell phones in Russia: they undergo hygienic testing and comply with standards.

It turns out that WHO thinks more about the health of Russians than the state control body? Of course not. The WHO has a different interest. Michael Repacholi, head of the Electromagnetic Fields and Humans program, believes that the discrepancy lies in the standards. If some scientists claim that new electrical technology is safe, while others claim that, on the contrary, it is harmful, then anxiety and a negative attitude towards this technology are generated in society. In addition, strict regulations can block its access to the market at any time. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a general psychology of safety standards.

Why did Russia find itself ahead of the planet, surpassing even the West in terms of strict standards, where the cult of health reigns? The standards were developed 40 years ago by Professor Zinaida Gordon, who studies the influence of electromagnetic fields on the immune, endocrine, nervous and other systems of the body. In the West, until recently, the only type of impact taken into account is thermal. Hence the difference is almost 10 thousand times in the maximum permissible radiation levels.

20 years ago, an international commission with the participation of the USSR made adjustments: Western standards were significantly tightened, and Soviet standards were softened. But in some places the difference still remained. This worries foreign specialists who are unable to understand why cell phones are sold in Russia if they do not meet Russian standards? And in general, why do our officials claim that the problem does not exist in principle?

There are no formal reasons for a ban on selling foreign electrical equipment in Russia, explains Oleg Grigoriev, director of the Center for Electromagnetic Safety. - The standards for cell phone radiation were developed at the Institute of Occupational Medicine in 1994 from purely theoretical considerations - then no one held them in their hands. And there were no instruments. There are many complaints about these figures. And it is extremely difficult to study electromagnetic fields at a distance of up to 30 centimeters near the source. In a good way, we need to start serious research, check the validity of both our standards and Western ones.

The European Union has allocated $12 billion for a 10-year program to study the effects of electromagnetic fields on humans. The work was scheduled to be completed in 2006. However, it is already clear that the deadline is too optimistic. The problem turned out to be much more complex. True, on one most important issue, scientists have come, as Michael Repacholi put it, to harmony: they agreed that cellular base stations are completely safe for human health. But it seems like there will be heated debates around cell phones themselves for a long time.

CELLULAR COMMUNICATION - A CURE FOR COLDS? // News from February 6, 1999 (Based on materials from the Swedish newspaper "Aftonbladet").

It turns out that cell phone users are affected by certain viral diseases on average 42% less often than those who do not use a cell phone. The GSM-1800 standard turned out to be the most antiviral.

In 1997 - 1998, a unique epidemiological study of the health of the population exposed to cellular communications was conducted in Sweden and Norway. 53 thousand people were examined in Sweden and 17 thousand in Norway. Some of the processed results were made public in Zagreb at the international congress of the European Bioelectromagnetic Association, which took place at the end of 1998.

Among other results that are not widely understood by the general public, one completely unexpected fact was established - it turns out that cell phone users are affected by some viral diseases, in particular the flu, on average 42 percent less often than their neighbors who do not use cell phones. And residents of houses where cellular base stations are installed suffer from the flu on average 27 percent less often. Moreover, this phenomenon does not apply to other radio transmitters. According to the scientists of the Swedish-Norwegian group who conducted the research, this fact is associated with the peculiarities of the choice of operating frequencies and radio signal modulation modes for cellular communications. This indirectly confirms the established differences in the strength of the effect of cellular communication standards with different radio frequency and modulation parameters. The GSM-1800 standard turned out to be the most “antiviral”.

The head of the special program “Electromagnetic fields and human health” of the World Health Organization, Michael Repacholi, commented on the results of the study:

Since the nature of this phenomenon has not yet been studied, we can only put forward different versions. It is possible that acupuncture points in the temporal and ear regions are activated, which leads to an increase in the overall immune resistance of the body. However, a statistically significant decrease in the number of influenza diseases turned out to be, so I am inclined to believe that this is a manifestation of the little-studied influence of the electromagnetic field on the virus, associated with the recently discovered phenomenon of the so-called “frequency windows.” Obviously, it is necessary to continue research in this direction due to the high practical significance of the result.


A group of researchers led by M. Repacholi reported the results of experiments on irradiating mice (twice a day for 30 minutes) with a pulse-modulated radio frequency signal (900 MHz). After six months, 43% of the irradiated animals developed lymphoma, compared to 22% in the control group."

Australian scientists have proven that there is a direct connection between the increase in cancer and electromagnetic radiation from a mobile phone.

Disputes about the impact of electromagnetic radiation from cellular communication devices on the health of users have been going on for several years, while the most important argument of radiotelephone defenders was the lack of reliable experimental data on the connection between high-frequency radiation and morbidity.

In the May issue of the journal Radiation Research, a team of researchers led by Dr. Michael Repacholi reported experiments in which they exposed laboratory animals to a pulse-modulated radio frequency signal (900 MHz) corresponding to one of the most common cellular communication standards.

The study was conducted on mice bred using genetic engineering to study cancer. These mice have a special gene that causes a tendency to form lymphoma, and scientists know in advance what percentage of the animals under normal conditions will be sick at any given time. During the experiment, about 100 female mice were exposed to radiation twice a day for 30 minutes. The absorbed power doses ranged from 0.008 to 4 W/kg (in accordance with the EEC standard CENELEC 50166, the limit value of this indicator for the population is 0.08 W/kg).

After a year and a half, 43 percent of the irradiated animals developed lymphoma, compared to only 22 percent in the control group.

These experiments establish a statistically significant connection between electromagnetic radiation from a cell phone and the growth of cancer in experimental animals.

To what extent do the results of these experiments apply to humans? We asked this question to the head of the Center for Electromagnetic Safety, doctor of medical works, professor Yuri Grigoriev.

The research by Michael Repacholi's group was carried out by a qualified team using the most modern methods. The work was carried out within the framework of the international project of the World Health Organization "Biological effects of electromagnetic fields", and its results obviously indicate the possibility of carcinogenic effects of electromagnetic fields, especially in combination with other carcinogenic factors.

However, it is too early to fully transfer these results to humans. It is impossible to conduct experiments on humans, so we must wait until the health consequences of today's radiotelephone users become apparent. Similarly, in the forties, scientists had no data on the oncological effects of nuclear radiation on humans, although experiments on animals reliably linked radiation and cancer. Only later, during medical observations of victims of nuclear explosions and accidents, all laboratory research data were confirmed.

The results of Dr. Repacholi's research are an alarming signal and require great caution in the use of mobile communication technology.


The reasons for the alarm were small, but in itself it was quite capable of preventing the expansion of cellular telephone networks

For a number of years, both scientists and the public have paid a lot of attention to the problem of the possible carcinogenic effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human body. First it was about high voltage power lines, then about electric heated blankets and finally about electric alarm clocks. Now a new threat has appeared - portable radiotelephones of cellular telephone networks.

Consumer fear of cancer may be the first major obstacle to the rapid development of the cellular radiotelephone industry and the new type of wireless communications networks that are ready for implementation. There are currently 10 million cordless telephone users in the United States; their production has successfully overcome the economic downturn, and the number of subscribers has doubled over the past three years. A new generation of lighter and cheaper telephones is currently being developed, which gives experts grounds for an optimistic forecast for the prospects for the activities of companies directly related to cellular telephone communications. Some of them even believe that by 1997 the income of these firms will double. At the same time, it is planned to invest more than one billion dollars in the mentioned networks offering a new type of service - the so-called professional search call. Meanwhile, the computer and telephone industries are gearing up to produce revolutionary new portable communications devices, such as the "personal communicator" and "personal digital assistant," that can send and receive faxes, digital information and other types of messages over cellular telephone networks. And this is just part of the emerging world of wireless communications, which, apparently, is capable of radically changing the current communications system.

FIRST DOUBT. Now, all these grandiose plans risk crumbling if fears spread among the general public - whether based on scientific findings or not - that cell phones and other wireless communications may cause cancer. The first doubts arose in the public consciousness in connection with lawsuits against the Japanese manufacturer of radio telephones NEC Corp., as well as against the owner of the cellular telephone network, GTE Corp. and a company engaged in the retail trade of radiotelephones. A Florida resident accused them that the brain tumor that led to the death of his wife was caused by her constant use of a cellular radiotelephone. Unfortunately, media reports of this lawsuit coincided with the discovery of brain cancer in the CEOs of two companies - i.e. those who, by the standards of stereotypical thinking, should have used exclusively cellular radiotelephones. On January 19, 1993, Reginald Lewis of TLC Beatrice International Holdings Inc. died of brain cancer, followed by Michael Walsh of Tenneco Inc. the next day. it became known that he was being treated for the same disease.

And although it remained unclear whether Lewis or Walsh often used the radiotelephone, it no longer mattered. Fear of cancer caused panic, which in turn caused a sharp drop in the market price of shares of the McCaw Cellular Communications Inc. concern. - the largest owner of cellular networks in the United States, Motorola Inc. and other companies operating in this industry.

True, quotes quickly recovered, but once such a problem has appeared, it will not be easy to end it.

As for the safety of cell phones or vice versa, nothing can be said yet. Firstly, no one can imagine how they can - and whether they can do it at all? - influence the human body by electromagnetic vibrations in the range in which radio communication is carried out. Secondly, even if there is some harmful effect at the cellular level, it is extremely difficult to prove that it is involved in the occurrence of cancer.

Biologists are well aware that strong electromagnetic fields, say, such as in a microwave oven, can heat the tissues of a living organism, causing damage and even death. Traditionally, scientists believed that if the field was too weak to cause heat, then it was safe. However, this view is now being questioned, and some researchers are trying to find out whether weak fields can cause harm in other ways, for example by interacting with the natural electric fields of cell membranes. Stephen Cleary of Richmond, Virginia Medical College found that even without the heating effect, strong fields oscillating above or below the cell's own field frequency stimulate the growth of tumor cells previously removed from the brain. However, many scientists are convinced that such an effect is impossible. "This phenomenon cannot be explained theoretically," says Yale University physicist Robert Adair.

CLOSE ACQUAINTANCE. Stressing that the scientific results still need to be thoroughly verified, Nokia's Kjellgren believes that industry should conduct further research in this direction in order to then widely publicize their findings. In fact, in a decade of fairly heavy use of cellular telephone networks, not a single study has been conducted that would shed light on this problem. Most scientific work has been devoted to the effects of low-frequency electromagnetic radiation on the body, for example from power lines or video monitors of computer terminals, and has not addressed the issue of exposure to high-frequency vibrations in which cellular telephone networks operate.

It is likely that the alarming doubts are caused by the design of portable radiotelephone devices. Unlike car or earlier models of portable radiotelephones, all existing "pocket" designs provide for the operation of a radio transmitter near the user's head. Consumers are afraid that radio waves destined for the nearest node of a given cellular network penetrate the brain. By the way, Motorola in its manual for handheld devices warns buyers that during a telephone conversation the antenna should not come into contact with the body. (Cordless home telephones are above suspicion, since the power of the radio signals they emit is a hundred times less than that of cellular radiotelephones).

Meanwhile, companies directly related to cellular telephone communications are making desperate efforts to mitigate the negative consequences of the panic that has arisen. The leaders of Motorola, the largest manufacturer of cellular devices and network transmitters, held a press conference where, in the presence of journalists and experts, they publicly stated that the company’s scientists have been conducting research on the effects of radio fields on the human body for over twenty years and “during this entire period, no not a single case of even a slight threat to human health when using cellular radiotelephones." And as Edward Staiano, president of the integrated systems division, which produces equipment for cellular networks, assured, “if our company had any suspicion that compact cordless phones were dangerous, their sale would immediately be stopped.” However, regarding the possibility of biological effects from cell phone radio waves, Motorola has provided detailed information only from one pending study that it is funding.

The success of the companies' campaign to attract new, non-traditional subscribers to cellular networks will be critically dependent on how successful the industry's attempts to appease anxious Americans will be. These include, for example, older couples who want a cell phone in their car in case of medical emergencies, or college students who see a cell phone as just another fashion accessory. Due to the potential health risks, such people will be among the first to abandon the idea of ​​becoming cellular network subscribers. In addition to the possible loss of future clientele, owners of cellular telephone networks may suffer damage if current users, fearing for their health, limit the number of conversations.

TOO MANY EXPERTS. This is the cloud that has now gathered over the cellular radiotelephone. Meanwhile, analyst John Bauer of Prudential Securities Inc. recently stated that all these alarms are nothing more than “the result of the hype raised by the media.” True, in addition to what was said, Bauer noted: “To be honest, I am somewhat embarrassed that the opinions of experts are divided, and they seem to be fighting with equal conviction on both sides of the barricades.”

Hershel Szostek, who owns a consulting firm in Silver Spring, Maryland, that deals with cellular telephony issues, also regards everything that is happening as just another social fever, initiated by the press and television. He believes that this problem will attract public attention for some time, and then it will simply cease to interest anyone. Nokia's Kjellgren noted that something similar had already happened around microwave ovens in the early 1980s, accompanied by an equally scandalous media campaign. “Well, then everyone happily forgot about these worries and made full use of this device that made life so much easier,” he smiles. And since cellular telephony is an important step into the coming world of wireless communications, let's hope that current fears will eventually dissipate.

DELAYED DEATH. Valentin GRAKOVICH, deputy chairman of the "Cedar" movement // "Evening Novosibirsk", 06.08.99

Electromagnetic pollution in large cities has reached a critical point. Kedr considers the task of protecting public health to be its main goal.

The scale of electromagnetic pollution of the environment has become so significant in recent years that the World Health Organization has included this problem among the most pressing for humanity. And some experts not only classify electromagnetic fields (EMF) as powerful environmental factors, but also believe that they have catastrophic consequences for all living things.

The level of electromagnetic pollution is especially high near power lines, radio and television stations, radar and radio communications (including mobile and satellite), various energy-intensive installations, and urban electric transport. The result of prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields, even at relatively weak levels, can be cancer, changes in human behavior, memory loss, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, sudden infant death syndrome, depression of sexual function and many other conditions, including increased suicide rates.

The number of EMF sources across the entire frequency range in cities has increased especially sharply in recent years. Dozens of new radio and television channels, mobile radio communication systems, and traffic police radars have appeared. When issuing permits for the operation of a specific facility, as a rule, the general electromagnetic situation in the area is not taken into account. And there simply is no such data.

Separate attempts to compile special maps of particularly dangerous areas were carried out in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Saratov. The research results showed that the electromagnetic background in cities has increased by 2-3 orders of magnitude and its distribution is extremely heterogeneous. Of particular concern is the electromagnetic environment near radio transmitting centers. Several years ago, employees of the Research Institute of Occupational Medicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences began work to determine zones of adverse effects of electromagnetic fields. And during the study, it was discovered that in the area of ​​the Oktyabrsky Radio Transmitting Center (Moscow), some of the housing falls into a zone where the maximum permissible EMF levels are exceeded at a height of more than two meters from the surface. A separate topic is the situation in the area of ​​the Ostankino Tower. Residents of Ostankino began receiving complaints about the television tower almost immediately after it was put into operation in 1967. This behavior was perceived as black ingratitude, because the television transmission center was considered the most valuable gift to Muscovites for the fiftieth anniversary of Soviet power. Instead of seriously studying the problem, local authorities resorted to ordinary replies. Anna Ch., who has been living on 2nd Novoostankinskaya Street for thirty years, has preserved a letter from the sanitary inspection, which explained that “subjective complaints are caused by the psychological effect of an “object dominating the area,” and objective facts about the harm of electromagnetic radiation to health are unknown to science ".

The last statement was not entirely true even for that distant 1970. Russia is the first country where research began on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the nervous system. In 1966, Professor Yu. Kholodov’s monograph “The Influence of Electromagnetic and Magnetic Fields on the Central Nervous System” described the direct effect of radiation on the brain. At the same time, weakening of memory, deterioration of conditioned reflex activity, abnormal psychophysiological reactions of a person, and chronic depression syndrome were noted. However, science is science, and construction is construction. New buildings were erected closer and closer to the TV tower, and today some of them are located at a distance of less than 1000 meters from the tower. A resident of one of these houses on the street. Academician Koroleva, Natalya Shkarupina, a doctor by profession, says: “Since the building was occupied in 1991, people living here constantly talk about deteriorating health. The most typical complaints among young residents of the house are insomnia, and among older residents - arrhythmia and vascular reactions." Residents who relatively recently moved to this house from other areas of Moscow testify as one: before we felt better. The document entitled “Sanitary rules and standards for the protection of the population of Moscow from electromagnetic fields of radio transmitting objects” establishes for the population the maximum permissible level of EMF in the range of 30-300 MHz as follows: the intensity of the alternating electric field created by radio engineering objects should not exceed 2 V/ m for residential buildings of any kind, children's, educational institutions and other premises intended for round-the-clock occupancy of people.

Specialists from the Center for Electromagnetic Safety measured the level of electromagnetic radiation in several apartments in building 8, building. 2 on Academician Koroleva Street. The measurement results showed that in many of the examined premises the EMF values ​​exceed the maximum permissible level by 1.5 - 2 times. The energy of the electromagnetic field is mainly concentrated in the frequency range 40-250 MHz, which makes it possible to unambiguously attribute the results obtained to the activities of a television transmission center. And compared to the average city background of radio emission in this range, the level of the electromagnetic field in the house on Korolev Street turned out to be 10-15 times higher. Moreover, experts believe that it is necessary to reduce the level of the electromagnetic field here not to the maximum permissible level (2 V/m), but to values ​​corresponding to the average background level in the city - less than 0.1 V/m. What is the reason for this “hard” approach, says Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Yuri Grigoriev.

The development of pathological reactions of a particular organism is significantly influenced by the amount of absorbed energy, the mode of its modulation and parameters such as age and lifestyle. Therefore, it is very difficult to talk about a safe level here. It varies from person to person. In addition, an important fact is the possibility of accumulation of the biological effect of EMR under conditions of prolonged exposure. As a result of this process, there is a possibility of the occurrence of distant pathology. Children and embryos developing in the womb are especially sensitive to the effects of EMR. All this leads to the need to minimize human contact with electromagnetic radiation, and in some cases completely eliminate this additional load. In recent years, city landscapes have been “decorated” with new structures - antennas of base stations (BS) of cellular radiotelephone communication systems. In Moscow alone, there are already more than 500 of them. The frequency of electromagnetic radiation from the stations lies in the range from 450 to 1800 MHz and depends on the communication standard. Over the past two years, the sanitary and epidemiological authorities, the Research Institute of Occupational Medicine of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Center for Electromagnetic Safety have registered more than a hundred requests from residents asking to assess the possible health hazard from electromagnetic radiation from cellular communication stations. As a rule, stations are located directly in a residential area, and often several base stations of different systems are installed on one building. Seeing multi-tiered clusters of antennas from your balcony is, of course, alarming, especially since, according to the International Radiation Protection Committee in Geneva, the energy flux density in areas adjacent to base stations can reach 20 μW/sq. cm.

The situation when the base station is located directly above the apartments on the upper floors usually causes the greatest concern for residents. However, research by specialists from the Electromagnetic Safety Center has shown that the residents of such apartments are in an even better position than residents of nearby buildings.

A similar situation has developed in the city of Troitsk, Moscow region. A cellular base station was supposed to be located on one of the high-rise buildings. The residents of the house made heroic efforts and managed to move the station to a neighboring house. But measurements showed that in the apartments of the building where the BS was installed, the level of the electromagnetic field was almost on the verge of the sensitivity of the devices. But on the balconies of the house whose residents managed to move the base station, it turned out to be about four times larger.

According to the observations of scientists from St. Petersburg, even very weak radiation from base stations of cellular communication systems can cause significant harm to people who use a pacemaker. In experiments, researchers were able to disrupt or even disable the heart pacemaker in the immediate vicinity of a cell phone station.

The Kedr movement considers the task of protecting public health to be its main goal. That is why the issues of electromagnetic pollution of the environment were reflected in hearings specially held by Kedr in the Chamber of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Political Advisory Council under the President of the Russian Federation. The movement's specialists, together with the Beeline company, also carried out very specific studies of the influence of cellular antennas on the health of residents of some areas of the capital.

However, the problem is so global and has not yet been studied that it will probably require colossal financial and intellectual resources, as well as the combined efforts of many public organizations and government structures.

Electronic media


A two-year study of the effects of cell phones on humans, conducted by Finnish scientists, showed that radiation from them causes an increase in the activity of hundreds of proteins found in the body's cells. Brain cells are no exception. The experiments were carried out on cells grown in the laboratory.

Darius Leszczynski, head of the research team at the Finnish Nuclear and Radiation Safety Authority (STUK), says further testing is needed to determine the severity of the changes, including the extent of the effects on the brain or body. "We know that there is a certain biological response. We can detect it using highly sensitive instruments, but we do not know whether it has any physiological effect on the body as a whole."

The study raises an important question: whether radiation from cell phones can weaken the defenses of cells, particularly those that prevent harmful substances from entering the brain through the blood.

According to research results, the hsp27 protein, which is involved in the blood-brain barrier, increases its activity, which may affect the decrease in the protective functions of the barrier. The activity can cause the cells—not the blood vessels, but the cells themselves—to narrow, and some harmful molecules can leak into the gaps, the researchers say. "Although this is not life-threatening, it can cause a variety of discomforts, such as fatigue or sleep disturbances. A Swedish group of scientists who reviewed the results saw this as an increase in the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease. Whether this is true, I don't know." Leszczynski said. According to him, he, his wife and children use mobile phones, and the research results do not provide a reason for any restrictions on use.

Leszczynski will give a presentation on the research next week at a conference in Quebec City.

TUBES HAVE NOT BEEN SAFER // (Based on materials from

Judging by the parameters of electromagnetic harmfulness, which will now be indicated on the packaging of mobile phones by their manufacturers, the “mobiles” of the current generation have not become any safer.

In June last year, the Mobile Communications Industry Association CTIA proposed that mobile phone manufacturers must include specific absorption rates (SAR) in their phone characteristics. This parameter numerically corresponds to the power of the electromagnetic field of a cell phone affecting every kilogram of the human brain. Simply put, the higher the SAR, the worse the speaker's head.

The industry did not disown the new parameter, but, on the contrary, grabbed the initiative with both hands and took a step towards the public, excited by the problem of “electromagnetic smog.” The three most reputable mobile phone manufacturers (Nokia, Motorola, Ericsson) set out to develop a unified standard for the permissible level of radiation from mobile phones. This summer, all official papers will be prepared, test procedures will be determined, and all the necessary laboratory equipment will be made. And in the fall, consumers will become aware of the “SAR number” for each new mobile phone model.

However, the data on electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones was not classified either before or now: they are not hidden, but simply not advertised. It is not difficult to find data on SAR on the Internet, and from “official” sources (Do-Mode,, that is, the manufacturers themselves. But there is a problem: the radiation values ​​​​announced by manufacturers are given either for mobile phones of less common communication standards, or even for discontinued models.

SAR for new GSM products can so far only be found in independent sources. Table 1 is compiled from data obtained from ComputerBILD, K-Tipp and Saldo magazines. For comparison, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with Table 2, which shows SAR data (we quote from the same, not “official” sources) for some popular mobile phones of previous years of production.

It would seem that from this year mobile phone manufacturers should be doubly interested in reducing SAR values, but for some reason this reduction did not happen. “The statement that the lower the SAR value, the higher the safety of a mobile phone, is meaningless. If a phone has an SAR of less than 1.6 W/kg, then it is already safe for the user, as defined by the new standard,” comments Michael Leier. , Siemens specialist in the field of mobile communication systems and their impact on human health.

However, Mr. Leyer immediately explains that for the industry, of course, the SAR parameter is very important. It will serve to optimize the technical characteristics of mobile phones. “There are three interrelated factors,” continues Michael Leier, “that we as manufacturers must take into account: the quality of the phone in operator networks, its attractiveness to the consumer in terms of size, weight and design and, finally, SAR. By reducing the size of the phone and improving the quality of communication "We're going to see his SAR get higher. It's a physical dependency."

Behind the purely engineering explanation of the reasons for the high radiation power of new products, there are also political reasons. If the industry now starts producing phones with low SAR, then it will actually deprive itself of reserves in the “struggle for security” in the future. One thing is consoling for now: the “mobile” industry has already doomed itself to reducing SAR, and with it the electromagnetic radiation of cellular phones that actually affects the consumer.

Meanwhile, medicine has not yet given a clear answer to the question: is a mobile phone harmful and to what extent? The maximum SAR value adopted in the standard (1.6 W/kg) cannot even be confidently classified as a “hard” or “soft” standard.

The main thing is that from now on a new number will appear on mobile boxes. She will attract attention. But it will actually be needed only to ensure that health-conscious consumers do not interfere with manufacturers making money.

Table 1.

Radiation of new mobile phone models

Model phone SAR, W /kg
Alcatel One Touch 701 0,68
Alcatel One Touch 501 0,62-0,79
Benefon Q 1,45
Benefon Twin 1,01
Ericsson T20s 0,76-1,07
Ericsson A2618s 0,79
Ericsson A2628s 0,62
Ericsson R310s 0,94
Ericsson R320s 0,75-0,94
Ericsson R380s 0,45-0,90
Motorola Timeport 250 0,52-0,83
Motorola v2288 0,54-0,68
Motorola v3690 1,07-1,13
Motorola v50 0,33
Nokia 3330 0,75
Nokia 6250 0,33-0,91
Nokia 6210 1,19
Nokia 8890 0,53-0,94
Panasonic EB-GD92 0,97-1,07
Panasonic EB-GD93 0,38-1,00
Philips Azalis 0,68
Philips Ozeo 0,65
Philips Xenium 0,77-1,14
Samsung SGH-M100 0,94
Samsung SGH-N100 1,38
Samsung SGH-2400 0,95-1,07
Siemens C35i 1,45
Siemens M35i 1,14
Siemens S35i 0,99
Siemens S40 0,21
Siemens SL45 0,75-0,97
Sony CMD-J5 0,71-1,06
Sony CMD-Z5 1,06-1,20
Trium (Mitsubishi) Cosmo 0,72
Trium (Mitsubishi) Mars 0,76

Table 2.

Radiation from popular mobile phones of yesteryear

Model phone SAR, W /kg
Alcatel One Touch Club 0,69
Bosch 909 Dual S 0,81
Bosch 908 1,59
Ericsson A1018s 0,88
Ericsson T28s 1,27
Ericsson T18s 0,61
Motorola cd930 0,94
Motorola Timeport P7389 0,83
Motorola StarTac 130 0,38
Motorola v3688 1,58
Nokia 3110 1,24
Nokia 6150 0,71-0,98
Nokia 7110 0,76-0,94
Philips Diga 1,06
Philips Genie db 1,41
Philips Savvy 1,11
Siemens C25 1,33
Siemens S10 0,5
Siemens S25 1,33
Sony CMD-C1 0,55
Sony CMD-Z1 0,88

Copyright (C)

BANGLADESH AUTHORITIES INTEND TO PROHIBIT CHILDREN USE MOBILE PHONES // (Based on materials from RosBusinessKansaltin, 06/03/2002)

Bangladesh is preparing a law banning children under 16 years of age from using mobile phones. According to Bangladesh's Environment Minister Shayakhan Siraya, the reason for the ban on the use of cell phones was radiation, which harms children's bodies. Doctors in Bangladesh believe that prolonged and regular use of a mobile phone impairs blood circulation, and also causes high blood pressure and a decrease in the number of red blood cells, AP reports.

Such government plans have already caused a wave of discontent among local mobile phone manufacturers. Most of them believe that a ban on the sale of devices will not improve the health of children, since there is no reliable medical evidence of the harmful effects of cell phones, but will only deal a serious blow to the manufacturers of this type of product.

The UK Department of Health has released a brochure on the dangers of cell phones. Before Christmas it will be sold along with all mobile phones. The authors of the brochure note that cell phones are especially dangerous for children. Dr. Gerald Hyland from the University of Warwick noted that this is due to the insufficient development of their immune system.

A little earlier, representatives of the Walt Disney Company expressed concerns about the health of children, in whom mobile phones are becoming increasingly popular. They reported that they prohibit the use of popular cartoon characters for the advertising campaign of pipe manufacturers.

The reason for the increased interest in the problem of the influence of cell phone radiation on children's bodies was a study, the results of which were recently published in the Lancet journal. Although there is still no absolutely convincing data on the dangers of mobile phones, many organizations, including government agencies, prefer to play it safe.

CELL PHONE AND HEALTH SAFETY // (Based on materials from the site, July 26, 2000)

Over the past year, the phone has turned from a toy and measure of wealth into an ordinary working tool, as it should be. Almost everyone uses cell phones (we are talking about Moscow, where the author lives) and the ringing of a cell phone can be heard anywhere today. So, very often telephones ring at performances, and even more often in cinemas, which, in my opinion, is a drawback of the upbringing of their owners. I bet that in 5 minutes in the city center you can count more than a dozen cell phones of people passing by. First of all, this availability is associated with the constant reduction in the cost of the handsets themselves and, of course, a significant reduction in the cost of a minute of conversation from cellular operators. The army of mobile phone users is replenished with new recruits, and those who have had a phone for a long time can now afford to talk several times more, but for the same money than just two years ago. This leads to the main question of this article: is a cell phone as safe as we think?

First of all, I would like to present the results of a survey conducted in June of this year on the website about the safety of cell phones.

The question was: Do you think that using a cell phone is harmful to your health?

1. Yes 39% (60 people)

2. No 32% (49 people)

3. It’s harmful, but I don’t use my phone that often 27% (42 people)

As can be seen from this survey, opinions were divided approximately equally. Moreover, taking into account the fact that the third answer option still implies the negative impact of a cell phone on the human body, we can safely say that the majority of respondents (69%) consider mobile phones harmful.

Is there any reason for the majority to consider phones harmful and still use them?! Let's try to figure this issue out together. First of all, it should be noted that all the information available to the average person today is very contradictory. But some conclusions can still be drawn from it.

Research results

So, just recently (06/28/00) the World Health Organization published its recommendations on the issue of cell phone safety in connection with the upcoming conference of the European Parliament. The recommendations note that to date there is no convincing evidence linking the use of mobile phones with the development of cancer or other serious diseases. Final conclusions are expected to be drawn from the results of a multi-year study in 10 countries, which will be completed in 2003. Negative effects such as slower reaction time or sleep disorders are also considered not scientifically confirmed. Thus, the recommendations indicate that no special security measures should be applied to cell phones.

This study corresponds to data obtained by a group of scientists from Canada who studied the effect of exposure to radio waves (from cellular antennas installed on the roofs of buildings and from cell phones) on humans. Their independent study was conducted at the request of Health Canada, and the report stated "that exposure (to radio frequency fields) of the type and intensity generated by radiocommunication devices does not cause or cause tumors in animals or humans." Despite this, the need to improve Canadian laws in the field of protection of personnel working in the field of cellular communications was noted.

Already this year, the results of Canadian scientists were confirmed by the British Commission on Radiological Protection (National Radiological Protection Board, NRPB). A study was conducted of the level of radiation from cellular antennas located on the roofs of buildings. The study was carried out at 118 sites in 17 localities. The objects of the study were mainly school buildings, and in those places where the population showed maximum concern on this issue. As a result, the commission found that at all sites the level of radiation inside buildings was much below the maximum permissible values, both according to British and international standards. Essentially, schoolchildren indoors receive a lower dose of radiation than outdoors at a distance of 300 m from the antenna. However, the study leader believes further research is needed at a larger number of sites as there are around 20,000 cellular antennas installed in the UK.

However, there is already evidence of indirect harm to cellular antennas installed in populated areas. According to German scientists who tested three cellular communication standards NMT-450, GSM 900 and GSM 1800 (they tested phones directly) and 231 pacemakers from various manufacturers, more than 30% of pacemakers experience interference from phones operating in the NMT-450 and GSM 900 standards. No influence of GSM 1800 standard phones on the operation of pacemakers was detected. The study did not measure radiation near cellular antennas, but it is safe to say that the radiated power of the base station is between 6 and 10 W, as opposed to the handset, which emits between 0.05 W and 0.6 W.

Today, the safety level of a cell phone is usually assessed in SAR (Specific Absorption Rates) - the level of radiation (emission) in watts of emitted energy per kg of brain (W/kg). The list below shows some phone models and the level of security for their use. The lower the SAR value, the safer the device.

Manufacturer: Model: SAR: (*)

  • Motorola Star Tac 130 (A) 0.10 +
  • Motorola Star Tac 130 (B) 0.38 +
  • Nokia 8810 0.22 --
  • Sony CMD-C1 0.55 --
  • Ericsson I8888 World 0.60+
  • Ericsson S868 0.77+
  • Nokia 6110 0.87 --
  • Ericsson A1018s 0.88+
  • Ericsson SH888 0.90+
  • Trium Galaxy (A) 0.93++
  • Trium Galaxy (B) 1.16++
  • Motorola cd930 0.94+
  • Panasonic EB-G520 0.95 --
  • Alcatel One Touch max (A) 0.97 -
  • Alcatel One Touch max (B) 1.29 -
  • Ericsson T18s 0.97+
  • Nokia 6150 0.98 --
  • Panasonic EB-GD70 0.99 --
  • Philips Savy 1.11 -
  • Bosch GSM 909 1.13 -
  • Nokia 3210 1.14 --
  • Motorola cd920 1.17+
  • Nokia 3110 1.24 --
  • Philips Genie 1800(A) 1.26+
  • Philips Genie 1800 (B) 1.41+
  • Siemens C25 1.33 --
  • Philips Genie 900(A) 1.52+
  • Philips Genie 900 (B) 2.67+
  • Motorola v3688 1.58+
  • Bosch GSM 908 1.59 -
  • (A) = external antenna
  • (B) = internal antenna

(*) = Warning regarding possible radiation hazards is described in the user manual:

  • -- = not described
  • - = bad
  • + = good
  • ++ = very good

The shortcomings of the legislative framework, which does not keep pace with the progress of mobile communication devices, are evidenced by the fact that in the UK the safe SAR level is still considered to be 10. The same picture is observed in other countries.

Despite such large tolerances in matters of safety of cellular communication devices, the UK was the first to begin to consider the issue of the impact of mobile phones on the health of children. 05/11/00 a report by a group of leading British scientists studying the impact of mobile phones on children's health was published. The report states that children should not use mobile phones due to their greater sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation. The study was commissioned by the British government, which immediately responded to the report. Ministers have been instructed to draw up new rules for the use of mobile phones by children, which will specify the minimum age of users, the maximum duration of a call and the number of possible daily calls. The announcement of possible risks to child mobile phone users has left many mobile phone companies in disarray as they rely on this demographic in their business plans.

A study conducted among 11,000 cellular users commissioned by the Norwegian Radiation Protection Board, the National Institute of Working Life (Sweden), and SINTEF Unimed (Norway) also shows that young people are more exposed to radiation. The study found that even people who used their phones for less than 2 minutes a day reported discomfort and side effects. Health problems increase the longer you use your phone. Those who use their phone for about 30 minutes daily are almost twice as likely to experience memory loss as those who limit themselves to 2 minutes a day. Half of the surveyed subscribers reported that when using cell phones they experience unpleasant heating in the head area around the ear. Young people are most at risk. Those who are under 30 are 3-4 times more likely to be susceptible to side effects.

Interesting information about diseases associated with the use of phones was published on the website Medscape which presented data from a study by Swedish scientists of 233 patients. Scientists examined the distribution of the probability of a tumor appearing in precisely those areas of the brain that are usually most susceptible to the influence of electromagnetic radiation from a radiotelephone. As statistical analysis showed, this probability was noticeably higher than in other areas, but this fact alone cannot serve as a basis for making any conclusion. 12 out of 13 patients with malignant or benign brain tumors used old analog phones with increased radiation. Of course, this fact indicates the possibility of danger, but the statistical sample is clearly not enough for the matter to take a more serious turn.

Dr. George Lundberg, MedScape's editor-in-chief, said of the new work: "The study once again confirms that more research is needed on this issue, despite the recent downplaying of the role of phones in diseases, emphasizing the minimal radiation power of new digital devices. With the rapid spread of cellular telephony and the continued use of old analog telephones, research is needed to adequately assess the risk that cordless telephone users may potentially expose themselves to."

And again, British researchers distinguished themselves by proving the harmfulness of miniature headphones (hand's free) for cell phones. Many people use such headphones, assuming that they reduce the harmful effects of the cell phone antenna, but everything turns out just the opposite. As research by the British Consumers Association has shown, these devices act like antennas, and the level of electromagnetic radiation entering the subscriber's brain is three times higher than that of a conventional telephone in the handset.Although the relationship between exposure and illness of subscribers has not yet been clearly established, the association advises consumers to limit the use of such devices.

And in Japan, unlike the UK, which has only (!!!) 30 million cellular users, the percentage of cellular phones in terms of the country's population is much higher. Perhaps it was this fact that forced the Japanese government to revise the standards for radiation levels of mobile phones in the direction of tightening the requirements. Mobile phone manufacturers will be required to maintain radiation levels of no more than 2 watts per kilogram of a customer's brain. The adoption of such a decision reflects concern about the possible impact of electromagnetic radiation on health, which has especially increased after the publication of the study report by English scientists (see above) and the reaction of the British government to it. Manufacturers, however, do not believe that the new government requirements will greatly affect the development of mobile communications, since phones currently produced emit radiation at levels of 0.13 to 0.6 watts. As we see, the Japanese government does not want to harm the high-tech and, most importantly, profitable production industry with its actions. Therefore, legislators were somewhat disingenuous by adopting a restriction at a level that was obviously too high compared to the produced phone models.

They went a little further in Israel. A bill put forward by a deputy from the Israel Ahat parliamentary association, aimed at warning about the dangers of cell phones to the health of users, will be submitted to the Israeli Knesset (parliament). If the bill is passed, advertisements for cell phones in Israel will be required to carry a health warning; The same warnings will appear on purchased devices or packaging.

And finally, the most interesting study. Scientists at the University of Bristol and the Royal Bristol Hospital conducted a trial led by Dr Alan Preece, involving volunteers, to determine the short-term effects of radiation from mobile phones. The participants in the experiment were asked to perform a certain set of intelligence tasks while being in different conditions: under the influence of microwave radiation from digital telephones, analog telephones, and without any influence. There were no significant changes in short-term memory or attention spans after 30 minutes of radiation exposure. Meanwhile, studies have established that the brain's reaction time during visual tests is even reduced - for this, 36 subjects were exposed to radiation characteristic of working mobile phones. This effect appears to be due to increased blood flow in the brain when exposed to radiation. The increase in blood flow, according to scientists, can be caused by slight heating. The rise in temperature can be explained by two reasons: either the microwave radiation itself causes heating, or it is a consequence of the production of certain substances in the blood, which occurs when the body's defense mechanism is triggered in response to the threat of illness or injury.

To summarize all of the above, it should be noted that today it is impossible to say for sure that using a cell phone is harmful or safe. Research in this area is being conducted, but the results are mixed.

For now, we can only draw general conclusions by comparing standards and phones with each other:

  • The longer the phone conversation, the greater the impact it has on a person.
  • Analog cellular communication standards such as NMT450i and AMPS have the greatest impact on the human body. This is due to the high power of both base stations and the transmitters of the phones themselves. Modern digital standards such as GSM 1800 and CDMA have less impact on the human body.
  • The more expensive the phone, the greater the likelihood that it has less impact on the human body. The greater sensitivity of the receiver in the phone not only increases the distance of reliable communication, but also allows the use of a lower power transmitter at the base station.
  • It is possible that health is influenced not only by cell phone radiation, but by a combination of factors. For example, radiation and unhealthy lifestyle.

AGE LIMIT FOR USING A MOBILE PHONE // (Materials from the ZDNet UK website, May 11, 2000)

A UK government-appointed panel could recommend new mandatory rules setting the minimum age for mobile phone users and the duration and number of calls children are allowed to make. The commission concluded that mobile phones pose a greater threat to the health of children than to the health of adults.

The results were released last week, just after the Treasury received £22.5 billion from an auction of next-generation mobile phone licenses. The full report of the so-called Stewart Commission will be published tomorrow. She calls for restrictions on mobile phone sales to minors, who currently account for a quarter of all sales.

According to press reports, the report emphasizes that the commission has no conclusive evidence of the harmful effects of mobile phones on health, but it calls for continued research into the non-thermal effects these devices cause in the body, especially in children. The Health Secretary promised to assist Stewart in further work on protection measures for mobile phone users.

Members of the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) took part in the work of the commission. Its spokesman Michael Clark said: "This is a fundamentally new way of looking at the subject without any pressure from government or industry. It raises broader issues that have never been considered before, such as planning the siting of mobile phone stations."

One of the report's authors said the study's findings do not reveal actual risk factors, but only the likelihood of risk. "Whatever the nature of the risk, children are always more susceptible to it - this is the main conclusion of the report. It talks about preventive measures, and not about real danger," he added.

The Consumers Association and the government declined to comment.

Foreign media about the problem

WHO DIRECTOR GENERAL & CELL PHONE PROBLEMS // February 28, 2002, Dagbladet Norge

Former Prime Minister of Norway and Director General of WHO, Gro Harlem Brandtland gets headaches every time she uses a mobile phone.

EMF generated by a mobile phone causes headaches in Gro Harlem Brandtland. She starts getting headaches when talking on a cell phone. In addition, people who are close to her turn off their phones so as not to create discomfort.

"It's not sound, but waves that I react to. My hypersensitivity is so high that I can even sense cell phones that are closer than 4 meters," says Gro. When we were in her Helsetilsynet office in Oslo, she asked if there was a working mobile phone in the room. She felt a slight headache. It turned out that the photographer had a working cell phone in his jacket pocket, with the sound signal turned off.

The Prime Minister had never had her own mobile phone before, but she had to work with people who had one and often had to take calls from her colleagues. She says there are good reasons to be careful when using a mobile phone.

"In the beginning, I felt a warmth near my ear. But then the symptoms worsened, and transformed into severe discomfort and headaches every time I used my mobile phone." She thought that she could avoid the unpleasant sensations by reducing the time she talked on the phone, but this did not help.

It didn't help that she herself stopped using her cell phone. Today, almost everyone uses this type of communication, including in the WHO office in Geneva.

“It was only after some time that I felt that I had developed sensitivity to radiation. And so that they would not consider me hysterical, so that they would not think that I had made it all up, I conducted several tests: people gathered in my office with mobile phones hidden in their bags or pocket. Not knowing whether the phone was on or off, we tested my reaction. I always felt when the phone was on and when it was off. Thus, I was left with no doubts.

What about personal computers?

- “If I read information from a computer screen, it’s like an electric current runs through my hands.”

The headache that occurs after using the phone lasts about half an hour to an hour after stopping the call. She also does not tolerate cordless phones, which are becoming commonplace in homes. It is believed that their radiation is even greater than that of mobile phones (due to the lack of a low power mode). Gro also cannot stand such phones: “I have an instant reaction as soon as I touch such a phone.”

Do you advise not to use mobile phones?

“We do not have scientific evidence to give reasonable warnings. It has not been established that radiation, for example, can lead to brain cancer. The WHO is conducting a study that will be completed in about 2-3 years, after which we will have answers to all these questions.

But I understand scientists who warn of danger. I think we have reason to be cautious and it is more than necessary to stop using mobile phones. Young people have more reason to take it seriously. I think it is necessary to follow the precautionary principle," says Gro Harlem Brandland.

Previously, scientists and doctors ignored the problem of electrical hypersensitivity. There was so much resistance from the Norwegian Electrosensitivity Association that they stopped their work [they have now started again].

"But I believe this issue needs to be taken seriously. Some people develop sensitivity to electricity and radiation from devices such as mobile phones or personal computers. Can sensitivity lead to adverse health effects in people, such as cancer or other diseases, "We don't know yet. But I think we should be guided by a precautionary principle, especially for the safety of our children."

Cell phone: friend or foe? Svetlana Litskevich.// "Soviet Belarus". No. 24 (21021), January 26, 2001 IN

Europe has a new phobia. This time by telephone. The cell phone has become the object of universal fear. More and more often reproaches are being heard against him. Moreover, as a rule, they are medically justified. Among the haters of technological progress, personified by the cellular pipe, are many medical luminaries from Italy, England, and France. If we sum up all their conclusions, it turns out that this is not a convenient and extremely necessary thing for busy people, but just some kind of time bomb. However, first things first. The Englishman David Pomere began to sow panic - he tried to influence earthworms with microwave waves (they are very close to the high-frequency radiation of telephones). And the creatures did not like this effect very much - they overheated. The conclusion came as a slight shock: if you talk on the phone for too long, your brain cells heat up. Just 6 minutes after the start of the conversation, the temperature of the skin under the phone increases by 1.5 - 2 degrees.

The second serious sign of concern was Gerard Hyland's statement that the radiation generated by cell phones affects brain rhythms. Headaches, insomnia, irritability appear, and memory is weakened. This idea was developed by Italian scientists who came to the conclusion that the frequencies used in cell phones have a depressing effect on certain areas of the brain. In addition, concerns have been repeatedly expressed that too frequent use of a cell phone can even lead to a malignant brain tumor. Moreover, the tumor appears on the side of the ear to which the phone is usually applied.

A group of scientists from the University of Essen in Germany reported the results of an examination of 118 patients with a rare type of eye cancer - uveal melanoma. Researchers say cancer patients were significantly more likely to use mobile phones than healthy controls. Six months ago, a similar study was conducted in the UK: its authors claimed that constant use of cellular communications increases the risk of brain cancer by 2.5 times.

One of the Americans, whose passion for litigation is well known, after such a fuss even managed to sue the Motorola company, declaring it to be the culprit of his serious illness - terminal brain cancer.

However, an alternative wave soon appeared - numerous results from studies of cancer patients refuting the relationship between tumor development and cell phone use. And in general, according to doctors, there could still be minimal risk when using old cell phones - analog. Today's devices are mostly digital, and their radiation levels are much lower. So all these are the machinations of ill-wishers.

Soon, the dispute between supporters and opponents of the cancer theory moved to a non-medical level - legal firms specializing in claims from offended consumers against large companies accused scientists, who believe that there is no particular harm in cellular communications, of colluding with telephone companies. Scientists, in turn, emphasize that the noise raised around mobile phones plays into the hands of lawyers, who are attracted by high fees.

The raging phobia began to spread in Moscow. As you know, almost every sixth able-bodied resident uses cellular communication services here. Representatives of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences made a statement on this matter: the harmful effects of cell phones on the human body are possible only in conjunction with other factors that enhance their effects. The list of such factors is very extensive. These include radiation exposure, contact with chemical carcinogens, genetic predisposition, increased nervous stress, and so on. With such a gentlemanly set, it is still unknown what exactly causes cancer. Nobody argues: it would be nice to live a completely healthy life, getting rid of all harmful environmental factors and stress. True, this is only possible if you take off your clothes, take a club and go deep into the taiga.

In Belarus there is no such phobia. This is not surprising - there are only slightly more than 30 thousand cellular network subscribers in our republic. Cellular network services are too expensive for the vast majority of Belarusians. And it’s not just the low level of income of our population. It’s just that providers are not very keen on entering our market, and those that have already arrived, not seeing serious competition, are in no hurry to reduce prices for their services. All the stories about the dangers of using cell phones could seriously frighten mobile network subscribers and even ruin small companies, if not for one thing. 120 years ago they said the same thing about the ordinary telephone, which is now in every home...

A NEW FRONT OF THE FIGHT AGAINST "KOGAI" L. Mikhailov // based on materials from the website "JAPAN TODAY MAGAZINE"

Industrial progress is often accompanied by unwanted side effects that negatively affect the environment. In Japan, in the early 60s, the term “kogai” even appeared, meaning one or another man-made harm. At first, it referred specifically to air and water pollution from industrial emissions. Then the meaning of this term began to be perceived more broadly, covering a variety of areas - from prohibitive levels of noise on the streets to the “littering” of space with rocket debris. Recently, debates about the negative impact on nature and humans have become heated again due to the widespread use of mobile phones.

...38-year-old designer Azusa Yamakawa came to the clinic complaining of constant and very acute headaches. Doctors had to spend a lot of time and effort before they connected Yamakawa’s illness with the purchase of a cell phone. Due to the nature of his profession, Yamakawa had to communicate with clients quite often by phone, and conversations sometimes lasted more than half an hour. This was, according to experts, the cause of severe migraines provoked by prolonged exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

Almost every Japanese clinic can give its own and far from isolated examples of such diseases. And their number is increasing every year. After all, increased electromagnetic background is created not only by mobile phones, but also by televisions, computers, microwave ovens and even household refrigerators. Not to mention high voltage power lines.

Back in 1992, the Karolinska Institute in Sweden published a report on how dangerous it is to be near power lines. A significant number of infants living in areas adjacent to power lines showed signs of leukemia. It must be admitted that this evidence was disputed by doctors in other countries. But a few years later, the National Institute of Environmental Research in the USA was forced to state: although the direct dependence of diseases on exposure to electromagnetic waves has not yet been conclusively proven, it is impossible to recognize these waves as absolutely safe for human health.

Another alarming signal came in May of this year from Britain. Scientists there warned that exposure to electromagnetic waves emitted by mobile phones could be especially harmful to children and adolescents, whose bodies have not yet fully formed and are easily susceptible to even mild external influences. British scientists have proposed limiting the use of such phones to children under 16 years of age.

If hygienists around the world are persistently trying to prevent the negative effects of various chemicals on the human body, is it acceptable to overlook the harmful effects of exposure to electromagnetic waves? In addition to Japanese specialists, scientists from 12 countries, including American and Western European ones, joined these studies. They hope to release final findings on the issue by 2004, which will help formulate science-based electromagnetic radiation limits for each household appliance. In the near future, the largest manufacturers of cell phones intend to jointly develop a unified standard for measuring the level of absorbed radiation and indicate this figure on the packaging of phones. In the meantime...

In the meantime, each Japanese department has its own way of determining the degree of danger and methods of combating it. The Ministry of Communications, for example, is ready to introduce a limit - no more than 2 watts of emitted energy per 1 kg of human body. However, no one can clearly explain why this particular figure was chosen. Last year, the US Federal Communications Commission suggested that the manufacturer of cell phones, the Japanese company Sony, recall 60 thousand units of this product supplied to the American market. To which the Japanese reacted like this: wouldn’t it be easier to increase the maximum permissible level of radiation, since there are no scientifically based standards yet?

In April this year Around 12,000 posters were posted at train stations in Japan urging cell phone owners to turn off their phones while traveling on trains. The point is not only that sudden calls irritate fellow travelers, although the latter could well go to court with a complaint about noise pollution ("kogai"), and whose rights - the phone owners or the complainants - the court would protect is anyone's guess. In this case, the railway company came to the defense of its passengers who use pacemakers. Electromagnetic waves diverging from a working radiotelephone can disrupt the set rate of operation of the pacemaker and even stop it. To do this, however, it is necessary that the distance does not exceed 20-25 cm, but during rush hours passengers are simply pressed against each other, and then troubles cannot be avoided.

Japanese airlines also want to resort to the same measures. Doctors recommend that the ban on the use of mobile phones be equal to the ban on smoking on board.

There are currently more than 57 million cell phones and mobile phones in circulation in Japan. Almost 45% of the country's population uses them. Three to five years will pass, and this figure will approach the 100% mark. But will the suspicious and health-conscious Japanese decide that the level of harmfulness of phones exceeds the level of convenience they provide?


The conclusions made by scientists from various countries are clear: radiation from mobile phones and antennas causes irreparable harm to the human body. Today we will talk about the effect of radiation on the blood, brain and fetal formation during pregnancy.

Conclusions have been received from the international studio ICRESERVE on the effect of radiation on human blood. Results obtained from a study of the blood of people who have mobile phones and live in areas with sufficient antennas show that their blood composition is different from normal. The number of immature red blood cells is increased. They pass from the bone marrow into the bloodstream earlier due to pulsating radiation from mobile phones and antennas. Immature blood cells absorb much less oxygen than mature ones. Thus, the body does not receive enough oxygen for a long time.

Russian scientists, with the participation of the head of the biological department of Deutsche Telekom AG, analyzed the brain activity of people who were exposed to radiation from mobile phones (GSM standard) and antennas in a state of sleep. Unlike people not exposed to radiation, the subjects showed significant changes in brain function. People immersed in sleep were exposed to radiation equal to that of a mobile phone or antenna located at close range. Based on these experiments, scientists came to the conclusion that the electromagnetic field created by a mobile phone changes the structure of sleep, shortening its deep phase. This leads to impaired recovery of the body, chronic fatigue and a deterioration in the general state of human health.

Radiation from mobile phones and antennas can lead to more tragic consequences. In July of this year in Augsburg (Germany), in an area with high electromagnetic radiation and in close proximity to an antenna, a child was born with many abnormalities and deformities. The child has a heart defect, fused nostrils, a deformation of the left ear, a visual defect, and slow growth. The doctor examining this baby connects these body disorders with the close proximity of the mobile antenna, which is located only 25 meters from the house where the child lives. Radiations at this location range from 10,000 to 50,000 microwatts per square meter.

Research in this area continues... What will scientists say in a month? What other danger does a small mobile phone pose?

So, I hope I have proven to you that using a mobile phone brings not only the joy of communication, but also certain problems, which in turn can be solved by simple precautions that you learned about from this article.

List of used literature

1. Broadcast of the radio station “Echo of Moscow” from August 12, 2005: interview with Gennady Onishchenko, the chief sanitary doctor of Russia.

6. Interview with Oleg Grigoriev, director of the Center for Electromagnetic Safety, published on the website

10. Waves of Fear: The world wants to know the whole truth about cell phones. Shvedova A. // News of July 19, 2000

11. Cellular communications - a cure for colds? // News from February 6, 1999 (Based on materials from the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet).

12. Evil version about a radiotelephone. Ziegler B. // BUSINESS PEC No. 6, 1994. P. 48-49.

13. Delayed death. Valentin GRAKOVICH, deputy chairman of the "Cedar" movement // "Evening Novosibirsk", 06.08.99

14. Tubes have not become any safer. // (According to

15. Bangladeshi authorities intend to ban children from using mobile phones. // (Based on materials from RosBusinessKansaltin, June 3, 2002)

17. Cell phone and health safety. // (Based on materials from the website, July 26, 2000)

18. Age limit for using a mobile phone. // (Materials from ZDNet UK, May 11, 2000)

20. Cell phone: friend or foe? Svetlana Litskevich.// "Soviet Belarus". No. 24 (21021), January 26, 2001 IN

21. A new front in the fight against “KOGAI” L. Mikhailov // based on materials from the website “JAPAN TODAY MAGAZINE”

This child constantly asks for food (that is, to top up his account or charge), and with the insistence of a Tamagotchi. And you immediately have an obsessive fear that it will be stolen from you. You have seen for yourself how many stolen mobile phones are sold in strange places for half the price.

- It is much easier to send a message to a person using SMS than to do it in person at a meeting or over the phone.

This way they can send you too.

When you have nothing to do, your hands automatically pull out your mobile phone and begin to manipulate it. You immediately come up with a lot of things to do: send SMS, play games or delete something on your phone; You go online, download new melodies and screensavers.

Every time my friend almost knelt in front of me because he needed to send another SMS instead of communicating with me. The witness at my friend’s wedding was a truly business-like person: he had two mobile phones that were ringing every three minutes in turn, and the man in his haste did not notice how he and the witness were shouting: “Bitter!” He was constantly distracted from each dish; Instead of toasts, he gave instructions to his business partners, and generally soon forgot where he was. Moreover, loud dissatisfaction from the guests did not affect his business activity in any way.

Considering that every self-respecting newspaper or magazine publishes many services for mobile phones, and if you are traveling on the subway, new pictures and new ringtones for your mobile phone are constantly flashing on the screen, then you always have somewhere to spend your time and money.

When will we start using our mobile phones for their intended purpose?

Long live healthy competition! Each operator fights for the client and offers a bunch of services, promotions and other noodles to inexperienced ears.

Eyes run wild, ears sag from the noodles, and the person refuses mobile communications altogether. Or he starts jumping from one operator to another and at the same time does not remember a single one of his numbers.

Recently, international roaming has expanded significantly. They may call you, thinking that you are at home, but at that time you are in some kind of Brechland, and your acquaintances pay you the same amount for calls as usual.

But at the same time, ten times more money is withdrawn from your account. And if a foreigner comes to you and also has roaming, you can, of course, call him, but don’t be surprised if all the money is immediately withdrawn from your account.

You save money for a long time and buy the coolest mobile phone you can afford, not even stopping at the installment plan.

Advertising, your acquaintances, friends and even people you don’t know are happy to include you in the game: “Whose is cooler?” You already, at the level of an unconditional reflex, compare their phone with yours, and are terribly upset when your model is worse.

One day, a wealthy student came to visit my friend, whose mobile phone had a video camera and a voice recorder built into it; and the tipsy mother searched long and hard for the same tricks in her phone, although, of course, they never existed there, and she knew about it.

People learn everything about mobile phones from the media. But what exactly is there to find out? - there are only a few buttons and even instructions to boot.

The latest ad claims that if you don't have a cell phone, you're probably from another planet. A friend of mine failed several interviews due to the lack of a mobile phone. Employers believed that if you don’t have a mobile phone, then you simply cannot be a business person. My grandmother, who was against buying a mobile phone because she read that it was unhealthy, fell in love with it almost as much as I did.

However, practice shows that if a person has an overly pompous mobile phone, then it was clearly not purchased with his salary. When you buy a mobile phone at a discount or a used one, you have a suspicion that you bought an item either pawned at a pawnshop or stolen.

There is no need to pay cash for each call, as was the case in the good Soviet times. Such an expression as “ordering international negotiations” has disappeared from the vocabulary of modern people.

A mobile phone whose account has run out of money is as useful as a brick. Where is the guarantee that you won’t feel like a complete idiot when they can call or write to you, and you’re like hell! In addition, some operators immediately block your number, and then they cannot call you either.

You can be found everywhere and always, and now you can catch the right people at any time of the day or night. Now a person will no longer get away with the phrase: “I called, but you were not at home.”

Rest only in our dreams!!! When you turn off your phone, your parents think you're making love or got hit by a car. And at this time you are just in a theater, museum or church, where they ask you to turn off your cell phone service. When a person tells you that his mobile phone was stolen, you suspect that he simply changed his operator and does not want to communicate with you.

You always have the number of the caller displayed, and there is such a blessing as blocking unnecessary numbers. If some maniac starts calling your mobile phone, you just need to change the operator, and the problem will disappear by itself.

They can call you from the mobile of someone they know or from a new one. One young man periodically broke through to his ex-girlfriend through her best friend’s number. Therefore, she was forced to clarify each time: “Lesya, is that you?”

- Each phone has its own one and only charger.

It becomes very bad at heart when you leave for a long time and realize with horror that you have your phone in one place and your charger in another, and you won’t be able to combine them until the end of your trip. Do you remember the joke: at the station they announce: “Whoever has lost such and such a mobile phone, bring a charger.”

- Why buy an alarm clock? Your mobile phone will wake you up and remind you of important events.

So think about whether you need this expensive toy or not.

© Nina Dyachenko, Alexandra Pilipenko,
Article publication date: December 14, 2006