The tablet discharges faster than it charges. Why does my tablet battery drain quickly?

Do you want to know, how to increase tablet operating time? Read below.

Now almost any tablet computer can boast of mobility and functionality, but it must be said that it will be better if these parameters are available to us for as long as possible without the need to recharge the computer.

Mobility is based on the fact that we will be able to use it for a long time offline mode. In the event that you need to charge your tablet computer every couple of hours, there will be no talk of any mobility, according to at least, this parameter won't be that impressive anymore. How can you avoid this?
Selecting a tablet
It must be said that there are interesting techniques that will allow you to enjoy using your tablet computer for a much longer period of time. For example, it’s worth starting with the banal - you should approach the choice of the tablet computer itself as best and as responsibly as possible.

It is worth noting that this is not always done as simply as you would like, but a high-quality result will not keep you waiting long. Browse a large number of forums and discussions, study the technical characteristics of tablet computers. Pay attention not only to its power, but also to how much it can withstand in a particular operating mode, which will allow you to make a truly high-quality choice. In addition, the duration of operation of a tablet computer without recharging is indirect evidence of how well the manufacturing company treated its brainchild, as well as the requirements of ordinary buyers.

Reducing backlight power

If you decide to fight a problem, you must fight its cause. What consumes so much energy on a tablet computer that you don’t have enough charge for more or less normal activities, be it reading or chatting with friends? In fact, the screen consumes the most, no matter how trivial it may sound. About 57% of the energy consumed by the entire tablet computer comes from the screen, specifically from the screen backlight. If you can afford to reduce the screen brightness, then do so - this move will allow you to significantly reduce battery consumption. Note that this is the simplest, not requiring third-party intervention, and the most safe way reducing the energy consumption of your tablet computer.

Extra processes

Next, it is necessary to note a method that can rather be called something like a forced measure. The point is that we need to check whether the program we were using has closed completely or is still in working order, just hidden from our eyes. This must be done using the task manager. The procedure is not complicated, and gradually you will be able to understand which programs you need and which ones you can ignore.

In principle, there is nothing incredible in the development of such an approach. It is very conveniently used by a wide variety of users. It is worth saying that there is another way to protect your tablet computer from too much quick loss battery charge. It is necessary to turn off all energy consumers, and these are Wi-Fi, 3G, Bluetooth, NFC, GPS and much more. Don't think that this won't help much.

It is this energy that may not be enough for you to be able to use this device throughout the day. Be that as it may, you have already seen that there are quite a lot of subtleties in this matter. You will be happy with the result if you use the capabilities that are at your fingertips.

Where to begin

Sooner or later, all owners of various electronic devices, mainly smartphones or tablets, are faced with the problem of quickly draining the battery of their gadget. Some users immediately contact service centers or stores, believing that the fault lies in some components, such as the battery. Others try to solve the problem by installing different firmware or trying to modify the installed software. Still others immediately begin to scold the manufacturer and change the device with the hope that this will not happen again. In this article, we propose to understand the issue and understand what to do right if your smartphone or tablet is quickly discharged. Let's start with the main thing - before you panic and take any action, you need to ask yourself three questions:

1 How long should my device last? A day, two, maybe a week? What operating time do I expect from it?

2 How often do I use it? Every five minutes or once a day? What if I don’t turn it off at all? Or, on the contrary, I don’t use it?

3 What is the use case for it? Do I play games or listen to music? Or maybe I constantly hang out on social networks? What exactly do I use most often?

Answers to these simple questions will help us understand the situation and understand whether something really happened to our smartphone or tablet or whether it’s something else.

How long should an Android smartphone or tablet last?

First you need to understand that the operating time of the device depends on huge amount factors, and not just the battery capacity (this, by the way, is one of the most common misconceptions).

Factors that affect battery consumption:

1 Usage scenario. The more tasks you assign to the device, and the more complex these tasks are, the faster the battery drains. If you play games with excellent graphics, watch videos, use the Internet or GPS, like to set the screen backlight to maximum brightness - don’t expect your smartphone or tablet to show battery life records; usually, with this mode of use, it runs out in 3-5 hours.

2 Quality and quantity of applications used. Today, the profession of a programmer is more popular than ever. Everyone wants to write their own application, get into the top downloads and earn fame as a famous developer. In pursuit of these achievements, programmers write thousands of programs and add them to Play Store or similar stores. However, not all users understand that the quality of written applications can vary, because... not everyone who wrote these applications are truly experts, or want to benefit other people. A large number of applications have low quality or some hidden features that will clearly not benefit your device. For example, the application code may have a bunch of errors that force the device to constantly work and prevent it from falling asleep, or have functions for collecting and sending a large amount of statistical data to third party servers. As a result, the processor will operate at higher frequencies, consume battery power and constantly leak traffic with your personal data, which will lead to excessive heating and inefficient charge consumption. Quantity installed applications also greatly affects the operating time; below we will explain why and invite you to verify this.

3 Technical condition of the device. All things invariably break down and become obsolete, and the same fate befalls electronic devices. Over time, the battery capacity decreases and some components may fail. As a result, battery life begins to decrease. Firmware (operating system) can also accumulate errors that lead to unstable work device, its freezes, slowdowns, and rapid discharge.

4 External circumstances. For example, these include weather(at low temperatures, the useful capacity of the battery decreases sharply; on a sunny day, the backlight should work at a higher brightness to improve readability) or the quality of work third party services and services (reception level cellular communications; quality Wi-Fi signal; correct synchronization of data with third-party servers).

5 Technical characteristics of the device. Engineering solutions may not always be successful. For example, if a smartphone has a large device diagonal, but a small battery capacity, then it will run out in a matter of hours. But it is no coincidence that we put this factor on last place. In 99% of cases, all characteristics change proportionally ( bigger screen or more powerful processor- larger battery capacity), so the average operating time is always approximately the same. In addition, to technical specifications also include the characteristics of the components from which it is made. The fact is that not all of them have the same energy efficiency and performance. How newer device, the more energy-efficient and productive components are used in it. This can be easily seen in the example of the line of flagship smartphones and Samsung tablets Galaxy. With each new generation, the screen resolution increases, the processor power increases, additional functions appear, but the battery capacity increases only by a small amount of mAh (by the way, we will also explain why this happens a little lower). However, the average operating time does not decrease, but rather increases. In particular, this is due to the use of more energy-efficient components (the size of the components is constantly decreasing, and with them heating and energy consumption).

Let's summarize: answer the question: “My phone runs out of charge in so many hours, is this normal?” very difficult, for this you need to collect a lot of information. To better guide you, we will indicate the operating time in average mode (per day: a couple of hours of music, an hour of Internet surfing, a couple of hours in navigator mode, 40 minutes of calls, instant messengers or mail in moderation), this is approximately one or two days. But remember that everything is individual.

How to increase the operating time of an Android smartphone or tablet

Now let's see how we can eliminate the reasons mentioned above, or at least try to reduce their influence.

1 If you honestly answered the questions above and came to the conclusion that you do not let go of your smartphone or tablet, then we have bad news for you. It is impossible to increase the operating time with this use, since this requires absolutely new type batteries, which humanity has not yet invented. But don’t despair, there is always a backup option. In your case, this is a purchase external battery, in which you can carry spare energy and recharge the main battery of the device. These batteries are available in different capacities, and you can easily choose the one that suits your needs.

In addition, I would like to immediately answer frequently asked question, why didn’t Samsung make a standard battery with a larger capacity. The fact is that not everyone plays games, watches videos or surfs the Internet. Most people use their smartphone sparingly, don't load it with a lot of apps, and a standard battery is enough for them, for example, the author of the article uses a Galaxy S5 and it lasts for two days. If a standard battery had a larger capacity, firstly, the size of already rather large devices would be much larger (you can’t put it in your trouser pocket anymore), and secondly, the price would also increase. That is why, with the help additional accessories We suggest increasing the capacity exactly to the one you need.

2 Let's look at what is important to know and understand when installing applications.

Every time you decide to install a new application, pay attention to his permissions. Permissions are a list of actions that an application will be able to perform on your device after downloading it. The more permissions an application has, the more system resources it will use, and the more difficult it will be for the device to go into energy saving mode (the so-called sleep mode), because the application can work in background and will constantly wake him up, even if the screen of your gadget is turned off and no one is using it. You can read more about permissions in our article.

Necessarily control the number of installed applications, because, as we found out, every application has permissions, and if there are many applications, then the permissions increase significantly. If there unnecessary application- remove it, do not leave it in reserve.

Try to choose applications that are written by famous authors, have been downloaded many times and have a high rating. Of course, this is not a guarantee of stability, but it significantly reduces the risks. It is also useful to know that the functionality and stability of the application may not only improve, but also deteriorate with its updates. It often happens that no new applications were installed on the device, but suddenly it began to quickly discharge. The problem may be a poorly written update for some application.

To diagnose your device, you can use safe mode. It differs from the usual one in that they only work in it standard applications, and all downloaded ones are disabled and have no effect on the system. If the problem disappears in safe mode, you can safely conclude that downloaded applications are to blame. However, on this moment There is no tool that allows you to find out what exactly this application is, so this is what they usually do: load the gadget in safe mode and check for the problem. If the fault disappears, then they are loaded into normal mode and begin to remove those applications that were most recently installed or updated until they find the culprit. By the way, you can try this test: boot your device in safe mode, note the time it runs on one charge, and compare it with the operating time in normal mode, we assure you, you will be surprised. Read more about safe mode You can read it in our special article.

The author of the article also encountered comments from users that pre-installed (built-in) applications are also to blame for the discharge. It is possible that there is some truth in this, but numerous experiments indicate that if there is an influence, it is extremely insignificant. Moreover, the operating system is designed in such a way that the operation of many applications depends on each other and their thoughtless removal can only harm the device.

However, it would be dishonest not to tell about all the possibilities, so we share with you the “secrets”: part pre-installed applications can be disabled so that they do not affect the running system, i.e. they seem to fall asleep. You can see how to do this in this article. If necessary, you can turn them back on.

3 Now let’s look at which components can affect the operating time of the device. There are two possible reasons:

Battery - its service life is designed for a certain number of charge-discharge cycles. During use, useful capacity
begins to decrease until the battery no longer holds a charge at all. That is why the battery needs to be replaced every one to three years(depending on the intensity of use). Buy original batteries You can visit authorized Samsung service centers, branded stores, as well as partner companies. The required model can be found on the old battery.

In addition, there are several myths that are firmly entrenched among users, so I would like to separately note the following: you can charge the battery in the way that is convenient for you, you do not need to discharge it to zero, keep it on charge for 15 hours, and do not be afraid to use your device, nothing will happen to it.

The motherboard is the most important component of your device. May have completely different damage, as a result of which the device may quickly discharge. Professionals are taught to understand these damages, so if you are convinced that the problem is not in the battery or something else, we strongly recommend that you do not experiment on your own, but contact any of our service centers in our article.

Change mobile operator, if the coverage area does not suit you :)

What other advice can we give? There are few of them, but they are also very important:

Disable auto-sync for added accounts or configure it selectively.

Synchronization is the process of transferring various data from a smartphone to a server and vice versa. This data can be anything: new contacts, music, mail, photos, achievements in games, etc. When you are not using the device, it is in "sleep" mode, in which energy consumption is greatly reduced. Synchronization works in the background, so you may not even notice how it wakes up your device. If this happens very often, the device may discharge much faster, even if you are not using it.

If you tried all the recommendations in this article except contacting the service center, but nothing helped, then you need to reset the settings.

Resetting the settings is returning the device to factory settings, which erases all data, and along with them the errors that accumulate in the device after active use. Factory reset is the best prevention against errors that arise over time V operating system and applications. This is especially noticeable if you use your smartphone or tablet after the reset without immediately loading a bunch of other applications onto it. And especially It is important to reset after updating software (firmware). Not everyone knows, but the process of flashing the firmware independently and in service center is very different, which is why many people start to lose battery power after the update. This does not mean that the update is bad, it means that it was not installed quite correctly. Therefore, we repeat once again: be sure to do a reset after the update, this will greatly reduce the likelihood of various troubles occurring with your gadget.

Tablet computers actively fill life modern man. They make you happy bright colors screen, smooth lines of shapes, many useful functions solving problems, helping and entertaining their owners. But sometimes one problem somewhat overshadows communication with an electronic friend - the tablet’s battery drains quickly. It’s especially unpleasant if an alarm signal that the device needs charging catches the owner of the tablet in transport, a store, or other public place, in general, away from the power source.

It is clear that problems fast discharge The tablet battery cannot be solved using the methods that help. This requires completely different activities and knowledge.

The reasons that the tablet battery quickly discharges may be hidden, on the one hand, in the type of battery used, its charging modes, storage and operating conditions, on the other hand, in the intensity of use of the tablet and the nature of the functions it performs.

Modern tablet computers work with lithium-ion (Li-ion) or lithium-polymer (Li-pol) batteries. Unlike older nickel-cadmium (NiCd) and nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries, lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries are not subject to the memory effect, which means they are less demanding when it comes to charging. They do not necessarily need to be completely discharged before charging again. Nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride batteries, on the contrary, lose capacity when not used. complete discharge before the next charge cycle (memory effect). Obviously, when choosing a tablet, it is better to choose an option that has a lithium-ion or lithium polymer battery. A lithium-polymer battery is almost 2 times thinner and lighter than a lithium-ion battery (with the same capacity), but it is more fragile and much more sensitive to falls, shocks, etc. stress.

When purchasing a tablet equipped with a lithium battery (Li-ion or Li-pol), or a separate lithium battery, you need to pay attention to the release date of the device, since the battery loses about 20% of its capacity per year even without use. If the device has been in storage for about 2 years, it is better to refrain from purchasing it.

In order for the lithium battery to perform its functions for as long as possible, you must adhere to simple rules:

  • store the battery at 40% charge at a temperature from 0 to 10 º C;
  • avoid extreme operating conditions, especially high temperatures and direct sunlight, high humidity;
  • do not allow falls, impacts, or exposure to aggressive substances to the elements of the tablet and battery;
  • do not allow liquid to come into contact with the tablet and battery elements;
  • use a tablet that has been at low temperatures after it has naturally warmed to room temperature.

Optimal battery consumption is achieved by controlling the main energy consumers. To save battery power and recharge your tablet session, you need to:

  • If possible, reduce the screen brightness;
  • turn off unused applications;
  • enable WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth and other connections only for the period of use, and not during constant mode;
  • disable screen rotation, since the processor can respond to the accelerometer even in an inactive state.

By following the above rules, you can significantly extend the period of time you use your tablet between charges. And you need to remember that if the tablet battery drains quickly because you often watch a movie, enjoy a game or other interesting activities, then this is not a problem. Time just flies with a tablet!

Hello, dear friends! One of the most common questions I hear regarding tablets is “Why does my tablet run out of battery so quickly.” What to do and the most important thing you need to know so that the power consumption of the tablet is as moderate as possible and you do not have to constantly charge it.

We will try to understand this and other important things in today’s episode.

Nowadays, modern devices allow you to communicate and receive accessible information anytime, anywhere. Access to the Internet is possible from anywhere in the world. The main thing is to have a device with you that allows you to do these actions. It's very convenient and fast. But there is a drawback to any modern device. The problem is that the charge level does not last long and it quickly runs out. Charging any device depends on its use and on the battery itself. In operating mode, the device does not discharge for up to 4-5 days. But sometimes the charge is not enough for one day. The tablet discharges quickly - this is a common problem of our century.

Small smartphone screens make it difficult to fully watch a movie or get work done. You don't always have a computer or laptop at hand. But in modern world gadgets are improving. Computers have been replaced by tablets touch screen over the entire surface. You don't need to buy a keyboard and mouse for it. All control occurs via touch screen. It is convenient to take it with you, because... it is compact. New gadget allows you to work and listen to music at the same time, as well as go online to different pages.

So, in front of us is a tablet that shows that the battery is completely discharged. I suggest you consider the main reasons and factors for the tablet to discharge.

Let's figure out why the tablet discharges quickly? What factors contributed to this? In general, there are actually a lot of reasons, as well as factors.

I - Battery life.

Any rechargeable battery has its own expiration date. You can change it yourself or take it to a workshop. Usually it is enough for 1000 charges. And if you charge the phone every day, the battery will not last even three years. But the reason may not be the battery at all. If new tablet If it lasted only one year, then it’s worth figuring out what’s causing the rapid discharge of your device.

II - Original adapter.

Let's consider another technical point. It is best to use the original adapter with the parameters indicated on the charger itself. And, if the adapter fails, it is better to purchase an original one Charger with similar parameters. Otherwise, the battery overheats quickly and does not last long. The adapter can also cause the tablet to overheat.

After charging with an uncertified adapter, the device may show full charge, But actually it is not. The tablet discharges quickly, because... Actually it wasn't fully charged.

I also want to draw your attention to the fact that you should not use a power adapter with other parameters, because it will not fit your device and will disrupt the operation of your device.

III - Temperature regime.

The tablet discharges quickly at temperatures below 0 degrees and above + 30 degrees. But already at room temperature it will return to normal. Therefore, you should not leave your device for a long time in the cold or in the sun, even next to a heater. And also talk for a long time on the street at this temperature. In all cases, they heat up and discharge quickly. You must remember this.

IV - Screen brightness.

Another reason is bright screen. The brighter the backlight, the faster the gadget discharges. You can turn on auto-backlight, which will only work when necessary. After all, the optimal screen brightness is 50%. In bright sunshine, in order to see something on the screen, you can increase the brightness to 100%, but it is better to do this manually. In other cases, it is better to reduce the brightness to a minimum and set the brightness to auto-connect.

V - Device modules.

There are features like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS and others that consume a lot of power. These modules work even in sleep mode. And thus they continue to discharge the tablet. Modern devices allow you to turn off these functions with one click. Function control buttons are located on the control panel near the clock. You can use the “Wi-Fi Optimization” option to save battery power by checking the box next to the name in additional functions. Geolocation is needed to determine your location; this function will be very helpful in another city or an unfamiliar area of ​​your city. But at home it is better to turn off this function. You just have to turn down the brightness and turn off functions like WI-FI or GPS so that the battery is not wasted in sleep mode.

If bad connection, respectively, a smartphone or tablet spends a long time searching for a connection point, which causes the gadget’s charge to quickly drain. In the zone confident reception signal, the device will not waste a lot of battery power.

VI - Software update.

After installing all applications, the software is automatically loaded. And for this reason, the application runs in the background, so you better control this process. Must be left required applications, disable the rest if possible. But it is important to know that not all updates can be disabled yourself.

VII - Turn off the tablet.

When you constantly turn the gadget on and off, the battery charge quickly runs out. If you turn on the tablet and leave it for an hour, it will use less charge than turning it off for an hour and then turning it on again. Therefore, you should not turn the device on or off, thinking that you can save the charge for long time. Remember - this is not true.

VIII - Performing multiple tasks.

Another reason is multitasking. Modern devices allow you to open several pages at the same time. After opening an application to read a book, you open another application to watch a movie. Then you open social media. At the same time, the previous pages are open and continue to work. For all open applications charging is wasted, because even in the background, these applications are not closed.

IX - Application synchronization.

It is worth remembering that there is auto-synchronization of all applications. Synchronization helps save data or backups. In the settings you can see where you can uncheck the box if constant synchronization is not required. And if possible, you can disable the synchronization of certain functions.

X - 3D wallpaper.

Modern gadgets allow you to install 3D pictures or live wallpaper functions that change with a short duration. It's very beautiful and fashionable. But beautiful wallpaper is not always convenient. Such modern wallpapers are not suitable for saving battery. The tablet quickly discharges and fails. The difficulty arises if you are away from home or work and there is no way to charge. Then you can be left without access.

Here the question arises: “Do you need to have beautiful 3D pictures on your tablet?” Maybe you should install a simple picture or photo? As you can see, even harmless live wallpapers can also waste your tablet’s energy. In general, for complete savings, set a black background.

XI - Games.

This is perhaps the most important factor why the tablet quickly discharges. Download challenging game on your device, you can lose all the charge in a couple of hours when playing. The game may waste charge due to high game functionality parameters. Therefore, it is worth being prepared for this in advance. Another option I can advise you is to play online games, although this will also drain the tablet.
Having considered all possible options for discharging the battery, the question remains: “Why does the tablet even run out of power when it’s turned off?” There are several factors that explain this fact.

1)The tablet is not completely turned off, i.e. You need to press the power button for 10 seconds until it exits completely.

2) The Wi-Fi module is not turned off, although the tablet is turned off.

3) Technical problems.

So what to do in these cases? The first two points are easily eliminated. In the third case, you should take the tablet to a specialist. The problem here is more serious. In standby mode, when your tablet quickly discharges in one day, the reason for this is most often a software update. Your gadget never stops this process. How more apps installed, the more often it turns on software update one program or another.

Not all manufacturers state true denominations battery, so you can use special equipment to determine this. To increase battery life, you must remember correct charging. You don't need to discharge your tablet often. But if this happens, then do not allow the discharge to be less than 20%.

How can I prevent my tablet from draining quickly?

— Observe all precautions for using the tablet.

— Turn off the brightness and use at normal temperature.

— View all applications that waste a lot of energy. And if necessary, turn them off.

— Install an antiviral system to exclude mobile viruses. They may be discreet, but they waste a lot of battery.

— Turn off resource-intensive modules such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, navigator or others.

— Quit applications completely before entering a new one.

At the end of this article, I would like to say on my own behalf that no matter what model you buy, the problems most often arise are the same. Sometimes they are eliminated quickly and easily. Remember that the tablet will serve you for many years if correct use. Don't forget also that technology is improving. Yesterday the world used a computer and everyone was happy with this machine. Replaced portable laptop. It is easy to move and take with you. In our age, a tablet has come to our aid. The tablet is very popular among adults and children. Games, books, movies - all this is accessible and convenient to use using a tablet.

It is not surprising that a new device may soon appear that will have more more features and such a device will not only be wireless, but also charge in a natural way and perhaps even remotely.

Most users are faced with the fact that their mobile device quickly loses charge. Why does the tablet only work for a few hours, what is the reason for the rapid discharge and how to avoid it? We will try to look at and find out why the tablet discharges quickly.

A possible problem could be technical condition power supply systems. has a finite shelf life and a certain maximum number of charge/discharge cycles.

Power supply life may be reduced if charging using inappropriate power adapters. This causes the battery to overload and overheat. This option is unlikely, but possible. After thorough testing with special equipment, the battery must be replaced.

When replacing the battery, an uncertified power source may be installed. It will work within the stated parameters and provide the passport period battery life, but not for long. After a fairly short time, the problem will return - the tablet will begin to discharge quickly. Such difficulties with charging a battery from a third-party manufacturer are typical for.

Problems with the power controller are another one. Although the tablet shows 100% charge, it actually isn't and the battery drains quickly. Such a problem is almost impossible to solve - you need to change the microcircuit. This is expensive and is done in a workshop. In addition, the reason may be of a completely different kind.

Temperature conditions

Modern batteries are quite capricious. They have a clear operating temperature range, but the accompanying documentation does not indicate what will be the same at low and high temperature. There are two main types of batteries, each with their own characteristics.

Li-ion battery

This type of battery is already obsolete and has a lower specific capacity compared to modern ones. Has the following characteristics:

  • more stable at different temperatures;
  • When the load increases, the charge is consumed faster.

For optimal operating time, such a battery requires constant and “even” charge consumption.

Lithium polymer battery

The most modern battery. Small, capacious, stress-resistant. Has the following:

  • variation in tablet battery life depending on temperature;
  • with varying loads, more stable and predictable work schedules are provided.

If the tablet begins to discharge faster when installed on it lithium polymer battery, this may be due to its operation at sub-zero temperatures.

To the concept " temperature regime“This applies not only to the weather outside. The load from which the tablet heats up also plays a role.

Operation of communications

In the "sleep" mode of the tablet, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi modules. They spend little by little. An interesting picture is observed - a sleeping or switched-off tablet discharges faster than a switched-on one.

To avoid similar problem, you must disable communication modules manually. These include:

  • Wi-Fi;
  • Bluetooth;
  • telephone module.

If you want to use the battery to the maximum, turn it off immediately.

Screen backlight

Set the level to medium or minimally comfortable. Many devices are equipped with a light sensor and automatically change the backlight. If the mode of using the tablet does not provide for changing the external lighting level, disable the auto-adjustment function. This will significantly save battery.

Set a time that is convenient for you automatic shutdown screen. Or you can switch the auto-off mode to “always on.”

Setting up the operating system

In standard mode there are several unnecessary services, which produce useful, but not always necessary actions. The short list looks like this:

  • automatic ;
  • periodic network polling;
  • updating data by running applications;
  • update servers are polled installed programs and services.

Automatic synchronization

Android loves to check everything. Works by default Google profile and other data sources. For optimal charge consumption, it is better to do synchronization manually, turning off the automation. This will reduce the load - unnecessary services will not work.

Network polling

The tablet is constantly looking for something and exchanging “call signs” with someone - with new ones wireless networks, devices and gadgets “in the neighborhood”, cell towers. Because of this, the tablet's battery drains quickly. It is better to turn off unnecessary communications. If you can't do without Wi-Fi, put your device in stealth mode. Turn off auto search features. The latter have an “optimized Wi-Fi” option.

Data update by applications

Skype, browsers and social networks all periodically poll their own services about changes. Remote servers can send control signals directly to applications, which can cause the tablet to quickly run out of power. Turn off everything you don't use.

Search for updates

Particularly noticeable similar work on devices. It constantly checks the network for new updates, which takes up a lot of adapter resources and eats up the battery. In addition, updates can be frankly “crude”, and as a result the tablet quickly runs out of power.


Another standard feature is that closed applications continue to run in the background, thereby taking up a lot of system resources. The user does not see this, he only notes the continuous discharge of the battery. It is best to close applications completely and remove them from RAM.

Additional effects

Turn off all useless bells and whistles. Static wallpaper, quiet system sounds(if they are needed), headphones instead of built-in speakers, a disabled vibration motor, silence of the tablet in response to pressing - here is the list simple measures, which will increase battery life.

The Secret to Long Lasting Work

If the tablet begins to discharge quickly, you should not immediately run to the workshop. Most often, there is a simple explanation for what happens. Use it, optimize your work, and the device will definitely show good results work.