Plugins (extensions) for the Google Chrome browser. Google Chrome Extensions: Frequently Asked Questions

In an Internet browser Google Chrome built into the final version. However, for security reasons the developers disabled it automatic start. It was logical to make one button to start playing Flash content on the page, but the developers hid it so that you can’t find it without the help of a friend.

How to enable Flash Player in Google Chrome: Browser Plugins

Due to Google's fierce policy in the fight against the plugin, I am posting a current working method to make it work. I would like to clarify that in connection with constant changes, please write in the comments whether it worked or not Flash Player in Chrome.

The article has already said that, firstly, required page you need to allow the plugin to run. Click on the icon next to the site address and allow Flash Player to run on this resource. But even after adding a site to the allowed list, you will see at the top the inscription “When you close the settings browser Adobe Flash Player will be reset” and every time you start Google Chrome again, you will repeat this procedure again.

The problem is solved this way:

  1. IN address bar write chrome://flags/#enable-ephemeral-flash-permissions
  2. If the first point did not work, then type chrome://flags/ and find the item “Enable Ephemeral Flash Permissions”
  3. We transfer it to the Disabled state
  4. Click on the Restart Now button
  5. We add all the necessary sites to the exception: now the plugin will always work on them

To be able to use Flash in Google Chrome, you need to enable Flash Player as follows:

How to enable Flash Player in Google Chrome


For those whose address is unavailable plugins:
In the new Chrome, permission to launch Flash Player is made at chrome://settings/content
In the window that opens, find the Flash header and check the “ Allow Flash on sites«.

  1. In the site name on the right side, find the puzzle icon, click on it and select “Allow.”
  2. If you came to the site from green icon « Secure connection"(as on our website) or a closed lock, then click on the icon - click on the arrows to the right of Flash Settings - set "Always Allow" - refresh the page using the F5 button on the keyboard.


If, as a result of the above steps, it does not start in Google Chrome, install it yourself latest version plugin using the button below. Then repeat the procedure again.

You can choose to install one of the plugin versions:

  • Online installer- small in size, connects to the Adobe server and downloads everything necessary files
  • Offline installer— large in size, installation does not require an Internet connection.

Chrome no longer supports any plugin other than Flash, and even Flash won't launch automatically unless you give it permission.

Click on the settings icon and select the settings menu item. You will then need to click on the advanced settings link.

Scroll down until you see the privacy (personal information) section, and then click the Content Settings button.

Scroll down to the Flash section. Select "Request permission to use Flash (recommended)" and Chrome will require your explicit permission before the site can run Flash plugin content.

You can also select the "Block Flash on sites" option. This will block Flash from running on every website, and Chrome won't even prompt you to enable Flash when you visit a webpage that tries to use it. However, you can still click the website permissions menu to give permission to the website to run Flash. Regardless of which option you choose for an individual website, you can override the primary option you select here.

Manage playback permissions

When you visit a website that uses Flash content, you will see an icon with a gray, empty plugin that should have Flash content. Click it and you can allow Flash content on this website.

Once you use this click-to-play feature and give permission to a website to run Flash content, it will be able to automatically play Flash content when you visit it in the future.

However, you can control which websites have permission to run Flash content and which should use the click game. While browsing a website, you can click the "i" icon on the left side of Chrome's address bar to view the permissions on the site. In the Flash section, you can choose whether a website should ask you for permission to run Flash or whether you want to always allow or always block Flash on that site.

Remember that if you set your settings to "Ask" and then give a site permission to run Flash once, Chrome will change the website's permission to "Allow" and it will always be allowed to run Flash content as long as you do not change this setting again.

You can also manage the list of websites that are allowed to run Flash content from the Settings page. Go to menu > Settings > Show additional settings> Content settings. In the Flash section, click Manage Exceptions.

You will see a list of websites that you have either given permission to run Flash or have prevented launch Flash. To remove Flash permissions from a website and return it to play mode, click the "x" button to remove the website from this list or change its behavior to "Ask" using the drop-down list.

Unfortunately, there is no longer a way to force sites to "always ask" to play Flash content. However, if you have granted permission to use a website for Flash content and want to restore click-to-play behavior, you can easily revoke Flash permission from your browser's address bar.

You have probably encountered such a problem when, in the most later versions Google Chrome or any other browser plugin? Previously, in older versions of the browser, you could go to special page plugin settings in Google Chrome, it is called chrome://plugins. There you could disable/enable and even delete built-in and installed plugins. But the developers decided to remove it in current versions Chrome is no longer there. Therefore, there is no way to go in and restore the functionality of the plugins.

The chrome://plugins page is not accessible, but chrome://settings/content works

It's definitely bad when you don't have access to plugin settings. But don’t despair, because Google still employs very prudent and smart people. They replaced chrome://plugins with a more user-friendly and user-friendly page, you can go to it at chrome://settings/content. It configures all the plugins that are available in Google Chrome. There you can enable or disable the flash player, configure cookies and cache files, allow or disable the use of JavaScript. In short, full set settings. And it should be noted that the new plugin settings turned out to be much more convenient than the old version.

On the chrome://settings/content page you can very easily and conveniently configure almost any application in Google Chrome. And what’s important is that everything can be configured in just a few clicks.

However, be very careful when making changes, because unintentionally and without even knowing it, you can disable very important settings, which may negatively affect normal work browser.

Hello, friends! In this article, we will look at what plugins are, how to enable or disable them in Google Chrome, and also look at how to block the one you need in the browser.

Browser plugins - what are they?

As always, first of all, a little theory from me, so that in the future you understand what and why you are doing. Or maybe you don’t need it at all. Kidding)

Plugins are special applications, which are installed in the browser and significantly expand it functionality. They can be roughly divided into two types: user and service.

The former are also called browser add-ons or extensions. You can install them in Google Chrome either using the Chrome Online Store, or by going to the website of the developer of the selected extension on the Internet. The user can independently decide which modules to connect in Google Chrome to comfortable work in the browser. These could be extensions for blocking ads, downloading music, viewing mail, or adding visual bookmarks.

Service - designed to correctly display the page you are viewing in the browser. The most popular include Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Reader, Java, QuickTime, Windows Media Player. Such plugins allow you to play audio and video on websites, view files in pdf format, display all site content correctly.

Installed chrome plugins automatically. At the same time, when you go to a certain site, you may see a window asking you to install the missing one, confirm the installation. If you need to download it, save the proposed one and restart the browser.

Now let's take a closer look at the service plugins that are installed in Google Chrome.

Attention!!! Dear readers, browser developers have disabled the ability to manage service plugins via the link chrome://plugins/. On this moment she is not working. You can manage add-ons such as Adobe Flash Player, Java by going to the menu item “Settings” - “Show additional settings” - “Personal data” - “Content settings”

Enable plugin

You will not find all the service ones in the list of extensions installed in the browser. To do this, open Chrome and type chrome://plugins/ into the address bar and press Enter.

In the next window you will see the list of interest to us, they are all installed in the browser. Typically, such plugins do not need to be enabled, since the Internet browser does this automatically.

If it is not possible on sites, for example, to view files in pdf format, then the corresponding module in the browser is either not installed or disabled. If you see the required plugin in the list, you need to enable it. To do this, click on the button below it in the form of the “Enable” link.

Disable plugins

In order to completely disable unnecessary ones in Google Chrome, open the list as described above. Select the one you want to disable and click the “Disable” button under it.

If you go to a site where you need exactly the one that was disabled, you won’t be able to enable it directly from the page. Will need to reopen this list, and click on the corresponding button.

Plugin blocking

In some cases, Google Chrome automatically blocks those that are outdated or rarely used. If you want to block some of them yourself, do the following.

Click on the button at the top right in the form of three horizontal lines and select “Settings” from the list.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Show advanced settings.”

Then, in the Personal Information group, click Content Settings.

“Launch content of all plugins” – when you open the browser, all updated plugins will be launched;

"Find and launch important content plugins” – they will launch only when they are needed;

“Request permission to run plugin content” – the browser will block their launch on sites. To run it manually, click on it right click mouse and select from context menu"Launch plugin."

After this, click on the “Done” button.

That's all. I think now you understand what plugins are and how they can be enabled, disabled or blocked in the Google Chrome browser.

Many features in the Google Chrome browser depend on additional plug-ins called plugins. They introduce many new functions to the program’s functionality and “teach” it to recognize various technologies and data formats. You can change the settings of some extensions in the browser settings menu. The control panel with the most important addons is hidden from users so that they cannot disrupt the normal operation of the program. This article describes how to add, enable, and disable plugins for Google Chrome.

Extension Manager is a special interface in Chrome with which users can easily enable and disable existing installed extensions, and also delete it from your browser. In addition, through it you can open Google’s online application store and add new useful add-ons. To open the manager, users need to do the following:

This page provides a list of all addons that are connected to your web browser. Opposite each of them there are checkboxes with which applications can be temporarily disabled and enabled again. The trash can icon allows you to completely remove the plugin and all associated information.

Some addons allow you to change their configurations. Click on the “Settings” hyperlink under the element’s name to go to its settings page. Here you can enable or disable the use of extensions in incognito mode.

Alternative way get to this page through the menu Google settings Chrome. You need to open the control panel and open the section called “Settings”. On the left side of the page that opens there will be navigation menu, with which you can go to the desired section.

Adding new extensions

By default, the Google Chrome distribution contains practically no extensions, with the exception of an add-on for working with documents online. At the same time, there is great amount plugins that can make your work with the browser much more convenient. This page describes the most useful applications for Chrome.

In order for the plugin to start working, you need to install and enable it. There are 2 ways to do this: through the Google online catalog and through the official website of the application. The first method is universal, since not every addon that you want to install has its own website.

The second one is faster, since you don’t have to look for extensions among a large catalog. You just need to go to the right resource and click on the “Install” button. For example, this way you can connect Yandex Elements. Go to and click “Install” next to the desired application.

To get to the Google directory, you need to click on the “More Extentions” hyperlink in the plugin manager. An alternative way is to go to Here you can use the search menu, as well as sort by category or rating to find the addon you need. Select the application and click the "Install" button to enable it.

Two types of plugins

All plugins for Chrome can be divided into 2 types: user and service. The first ones are intended for the convenience of people who work at a computer. These are various translators, programs for downloading music, ad blockers, postal services and widgets for the toolbar.

Service addons are installed and connected automatically, without user intervention. They are needed for correct operation browser with different technologies and interfaces. A striking example is Adobe Flash Player. It is included in the Google Chrome distribution and updates itself. Without it, it would be impossible to play most browser games, watch videos, listen to music, use online banking services, and so on.

To prevent users from accidentally deleting or disabling any of the important addons, the developers “hid” them in separate menu. It cannot be accessed through the Chrome browser settings. How to do this is written later in the article.

About Plugins

This is a special panel designed for experienced Google Chrome users. Here you can disable any of the service plugins, configure their launch, or find out detailed information about the technologies used.

To get to this page You must enter the command “chrome://plugins/” or “about://plugins/” in the address bar and press Enter. You will see a list of all utility plugins used. Each of them can be easily disabled using the “Disable” hyperlink.