Plugins and modules for WordPress. WordPress plugins - only the best! WordPress security plugins

WordPress is one of the most widely used CMS in the world, with 2016 data showing that over 25% of all sites on the Internet use WordPress, and the number is steadily growing.

The popularity of this CMS is no coincidence - this content management system provides a lot of opportunities, it is free, quickly installed, and even with the most basic IT knowledge, a user can figure out how to manage it.

To ensure that the site meets the needs of users, there are many plugins, each of which can be installed on your site. Plugin is program module, an addition to the existing system, which expands its functionality and adds any new features.

How to install a WordPress plugin

  1. Go to the admin panel of your site and select the "Plugins" tab. On this page you will see all the plugins that are installed and you can also produce with them different actions: activate, deactivate, update, delete and so on.
  2. To install a new plugin, you need to click the "Add New" button next to the "Plugins" label.
  3. You have arrived at a page listing plugins. There are tabs "Favorites", "Popular", "Featured" and "Favorite". V last tab all plugins that you add to your favorites on will be shown (which is convenient in principle, since you can view the list of plugins, select your favorites and then load them through the admin panel).
  4. Select the plugin you want to install from the list provided or in the search by name and click the "Install" button next to its name. Also plugins can be installed using .zip file archives.
  5. After installation, you can immediately activate the plugin if it is distributed free of charge. For paid distribution, you may need a key to activate, which must be purchased on the website of the developer company.
  6. After installation and activation, the plugin may appear in the list general settings site so that you can set the required parameters. If a plugin does not appear in the list, then you can configure it by selecting it from the list with other plugins in the "Plugins" tab.

Basic plugins

These plugins are either preinstalled on your WordPress site or you will find them in the Favorites section.

1. Hello Dolly- this plugin is encountered by any user who has installed WordPress on their site. The overwhelming majority consider the plugin useless and immediately remove it - you can follow their example, because the only purpose of the plugin is to show a random line from the song "Hello, Dolly!" Louis Armstrong in the upper right corner of the admin panel. However, the plug-in can change - and you can replace the lyrics of this song with something else - for example, write motivating quotes or simply Interesting Facts... Naturally, all this will be visible only to you in the administration panel.

2. Akismet- installed by default plugin, which is among the most popular WordPress plugins... This plugin protects your site from spam - an extremely useful feature even if you started blogging just yesterday. In the plugin settings, you can choose one of the parameters: either Akismet will automatically remove suspicious comments from your site, or it will send them to the "Spam" folder, where you can track the plugin activity yourself (by default). I recommend staying on the second option, especially if you have just launched your site so that the comment of an ordinary user does not accidentally fall under the spam filter. To activate this plugin, you need to add a code that can be obtained from the official website. If you have a site without commercial benefit (for example, a blog), then you can get the key for free; in other cases, you must select one of the tariff plans.

3. Jetpack is a multifunctional plugin that allows you to improve security, increase performance and analyze traffic. The plugin has additional modules with which you can change appearance your site, add widgets or other useful features. Jetpack is free, but there are paid ones. tariff plans and additional functions(for example, backup and security check). After installation, the plugin needs to be linked to your account at In fact, this plugin has incorporated many of the functions of other plugins, so if you are just starting to customize your site, carefully read all the possibilities that Jetpack has to offer.

4. BuddyPress- thanks to this plugin you can turn your site into a community, forum or even social network... How is this possible? Users with full-fledged profiles will appear on your site, who will be able to add other users as friends, correspond with them, monitor their activity and much more. The popularity of this plugin is due precisely to the fact that it has no analogues. That being said, you can add other plugins in the BuddyPress series (for example, BuddyPress Album, which will allow users to create albums with photos) to expand the functionality of this plugin.

5. WP Super cache - This caching plugin will maximize the speed of loading your website pages. If you have a lot of visitors to your site, then caching will significantly reduce the load on the server. This is good not only for your readers, but also, for example, for SEO promotion, since Google takes into account the page load time. The plugin has many settings, but first of all, after activating it, you need to enable the caching function itself.

6.bbPress is a plugin that adds forum functionality to your site. Positive sides of this plugin: speed, simple and straightforward settings, RSS support, no significant server load. At the same time, you do not need to be limited to one forum - you can create several forums, and each of them has several categories or headings.

7. Theme Check- this plugin is used to check if the theme matches modern standards WordPress. First of all, this plugin will be useful for developers who want to understand how good code they wrote. It is also important for webmasters who want their website themes to fully meet all the requirements. CMS WordPress... Similar functionality can be found at - I recommend checking all templates there (especially from unreliable sources) for malicious code and hidden links before installing.

Most popular plugins

You will find these plugins in the "Popular" section, where all plugins are sorted from most downloaded to least downloaded. In this article, I will cover all the plugins that have been downloaded over a million times as of April 2016.

8. Regenerate Thumbnails- This plugin does a small but extremely important function: it re-creates the thumbnails of the images that you have uploaded to your media library. This is especially important for those who decide to change the used WordPress theme, and in new topic there is a different markup, which means different inline image sizes are needed. Some developers believe that the functionality of this plugin needs to be added to the base WordPress functions, it is the high demand that explains the popularity of this plugin.

9. Yoast SEO- this plugin can be safely called the most popular among SEO optimization plugins. The plugin is quite easy to learn, so it will be useful for both novice webmasters and professionals. Main function SEO optimization - optimize your site for search services, or rather, bring it to the first lines of search results and attract as many visitors to your site as possible, or potential clients(if your site is commercialized). This plugin has many different settings, including those related to security and the ability to flexibly customize the sitemap. With the correct setting of each of the parameters, you can quickly get additional traffic to your site.

10. All in One SEO Pack- the functions of this plugin are similar to those of the previous one, their number is less than in Yoast SEO, but this plugin has its advantages. For example, it immediately automatically generates descriptions and keywords based on the content of the pages, this is especially useful if you have many records, and it is not possible to add metadata to each of them.

Yoast SEO and All in One SEO Pack- two of the best SEO plugins. Make your choice based on personal preference, but do not forget that it is highly discouraged to install both plugins on your site.

11. Google XML Sitemap s - Speaking of SEO, this plugin should be mentioned. It helps to get your site indexed quickly by search engines. The operation of the plugin is simple: it generates a sitemap.xml file in the root directory of your site, this file will automatically update the sitemap version, and then report changes to the content on the site to all search engines. Although the plugin contains word google in its name, it helps indexing and other search engines. This plugin is an indispensable tool for all webmasters and blogging authors.

12. Google Analytics by MonsterInsights- This plugin is the most downloaded plugin among other plugins with similar features, although the name may be unfamiliar to many. The thing is that the plugin used to be called “Google Analytics for WordPress”, Which was developed by Joost de Valk, an employee of the Yoast company (one of the plugins of this company was described above). Advanced plugin settings - for example, controlling the number of outbound links and downloads - allows you to get a large amount of useful information about your visitors. If you are looking for a time-tested plugin that will help you track statistics, I recommend that you pay attention to Google Analytics by MonsterInsights.

13. Contact Form 7 - this plugin will allow you to add a feedback form to your website. It is irreplaceable if you are blogging or providing any kind of service. Convenient and understandable settings will allow you to create exactly the form you want. If you decide to install this plugin, I advise you to additionally install other plugins, for example, Contact Form 7 Style will allow you to edit the appearance of your form, and you can not only choose one of the ready-made cards, but also create your own unique design.

14. Really Simple CAPTCHA- this plugin can become useful addition to Contact Form 7. It's easy to guess that the main purpose of this plugin is to fight spam and bots. However, due to the fact that the plugin was originally developed as an add-on module for Contact Form 7, it has a number of limitations and imperfections: for example, for many bots its pictures with letters and numbers are no longer a problem, since pictures have too good readability. Therefore, for reliable protection, I recommend using another plugin for creating captcha, for example, No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA (for use with Contact Form 7, you must use a special plugin No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA Plugin for Contact Form 7).

15. NextGEN Gallery- This popular plugin gives you the ability to create photo galleries and albums on your blog that can be beautifully placed on your pages. NextGEN Gallery allows you to choose the style of viewing your photos, create slideshows, put your watermark on your photos and much more. It is not surprising that with such great possibilities, the plugin has already been downloaded by more than 10 million people.

16. WooCommerce- the most famous plugin for creating an online store on WordPress base... Many people choose WooCommerce precisely because this plugin provides great options for customizing their project; also its functions have already been tested by many users around the world. This is a great option for those looking to launch their online store with zero investment, while WooCommerce can be extended with other plugins that it works well with.

17. Wordfence Security is another plugin that you will surely find in the list of the most frequently installed add-on modules. This is not surprising - it is a kind of antivirus program for your site, which will be useful not only for preventive purposes, but even when malicious code has already started up on your site. In addition to the fact that Wordfence Security monitors files on your server, it also analyzes all links on the pages of your site, protects against brute force hacking, notifies of suspicious changes on the site, and much more. Optionally, you can also purchase paid version, which has advanced features and will strengthen the protection of your site.

18. WP-PageNavi- this plugin is used to create page navigation on your website. Pagination is convenient not only for users, but also for search engines, so using this plugin will greatly improve your site. Naturally, this feature is especially needed by sites with a large number of posts (for example, blogs), so if your site consists of only a few pages, there is no point in installing this plugin.

19.W3 Total Cache - this popular plugin will help provide high load your site. Of course, this is not the only caching plugin in existence, but its popularity is due to the large number of settings, as well as its safety in use. W3 Total Cache will improve your site's performance, increase conversions, speed up page loading, and save traffic by minifying and compressing HTTP code. That is why this plugin can be safely recommended as one of the first ones that you install on your site.

20. WordPress Importer- the functions of this plugin are clear from the name: it is required to import information (posts, comments, tags and other data) from one WordPress site to another. If you need to use this plugin, then before transferring data, I recommend making a backup - in case something does not go as planned. This plugin is quite easy to use, which is why it has gained such popularity.

21. TinyMCE Advanced- this plugin is the most popular plugin to expand the number of buttons visual editor... At the same time, which buttons you need and which not, you can decide on your own by adding required settings in the plugin parameters. It is an indispensable blogging tool that will make your posts look the most accurate, beautiful and correct.

22. Advanced Custom Fields- this plugin allows you to add custom fields to the site records. This means that now, in addition to the main fields, you can add some more data to the records and even choose their format. This is useful if, for example, you want to inform your visitors about your location when you write a message or want each post to have its own thumbnail ... In other words, this plugin is quite powerful and will help you make your site content detailed and unique.

23. Duplicate Post- a convenient plugin for creating copies of posts and pages. It will not be useful to you if your records are very different from each other, but it will be extremely useful if you have your own online store and you need to create several records of very similar products. Or if your recordings have some standard structure that you can use when creating new material. This is why the plugin is often used and is included in the list of the most downloaded WordPress plugins.


Choose and install only those plugins that you need. As is obvious from this article, not all popular plugins are required to be installed, however, some that affect system part, must be on your site, even if their work is invisible at first glance. I also want to note that the popularity of plugins is not always related to their superiority: a large number of downloads may be due to the fact that they were developed earlier than others and were the best in their time. Therefore, if the work of the plugin does not meet your requirements, try to find another, more modern and convenient analogue. Good luck!

While work on the updated WordPress course is in full swing, we decided to present to your attention a selection of 50 of the most popular plugins for this engine. Short description of each plugin will help you understand the essence of their work, but you will find complete information on their pages and then you will be able to decide for yourself whether they are right for you or not.

So let's go:

This is the most popular free plugin for ecommerce, with which you can sell anything, and do it beautifully. It allows you to quickly and easily create own online store while spending a minimum of effort, but in return getting the maximum benefit from the time spent on tuning.

The WordPress engine itself is very search engine friendly. But for more effective promotion it is advisable to use special plugins. Yoast SEO is one of the most popular and most user-friendly SEO plugins for your website. V functionality which includes setting the most key points for website promotion and with the help of a user-friendly interface, you can easily customize them.

Another very popular and equally useful and convenient plugin for seo site optimization. All in One SEO Pack is slightly more stripped down in functionality from the previous version, but at the same time it is no less convenient to set up and use. Working with it will not give you much work and problems, due to the popularity of these two plugins, you can ask questions on any webmaster forum and get a quick response, thanks to the large number of fans and web developers who use them.

All developers want to speed up their site so that users with low speed Internet connection was comfortable to visit their project and it is known that high speed page load has a positive effect on search engine rankings. To speed up the loading of sites, page caching technology is used and the W3 Total Cache plugin will help you configure this for you.

Jetpack gives standalone sites a set of features previously only available to users hosted on This is a whole bunch of settings and plugins that will help you add many great features to your site. With it, you can view information about site visitors, use various security tools, quickly perform the necessary operations with images, and also attract even more visitors.

Most sites use forms to collect some kind of information from users. it Feedback, reviews, subscription, registration, etc. For simple and quick creation of such forms, special plugins are used, with the help of which, even a person who is not very skilled in web development can easily make and integrate a form into his site. And the free Contact Form 7 plugin will help you with this task, as it is very easy to install and work with.

NextGEN Gallery is the most popular photo gallery plugin for WordPress. Compared to the competition, this solution has the following advantages: uploading large images, grouping galleries into albums, importing metadata, editing thumbnails, etc.

This is a powerful plugin for configuring the security of the engine against hacking, which is available in both paid and free versions... The plugin has reliable mechanism a scan that notifies you of all suspicious activity and tracks more than just malware software, but also any changes in files, injection of pieces of code, attempts to log in and so on.

This CAPTCHA plugin does not work on its own, it needs to be used in conjunction with other plugins that control the input of some information to your site. It was originally created to work with the Contact Form 7 form plugin, but you can use it in conjunction with others.

Page Builder is the most popular WordPress page builder plugin. Namely with the help convenient control and special widgets you can create beautiful responsive pages and manage them like a designer, dragging and dropping content according to your needs.

Another software module seo setting, but this time, it only touches on one specific part of the work package. Namely, this plugin will generate custom XML Sitemap to help search engines index your site better. With a card like this, search robots they will see the complete structure of the site faster and index it more efficiently.

It is a plugin that allows you to clone a post or page and edit it like a new project. You can clone date, status, attachments and use them when creating new posts or pages. This makes it much easier to create copies of your site's content.

This plugin checks comments on your site for spam using the Akismet web service. To work, you will need to register on this service and get a personal API key that can be used for free outside of commercial applications, and for company websites you will need to purchase this feature.

With this plugin you can be more flexible with fields, so it is the perfect solution for any WordPress website that needs more flexible data like other content management systems.

Another popular plugin that is used for caching and, at the same time, speeding up page loading. This plugin generates static HTML files from your dynamic WordPress blog. After the HTML file is created on your web server, it will load instead of constantly processing relatively heavy pages.

This is the most popular Google Analytics for your WordPress blog. It is immensely popular due to the fact that it uses a universal or asynchronous code google tracking Analytics is the fastest and most reliable tracking code.

This plugin is for importing data types into WordPress such as posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, tags and more. All of this you can easily do with the WordPress Importer extension.

Regularly backing up your WordPress site is a vital step for every developer and site owner. Of course, there are also many solutions here, but one of the most popular is the UpdraftPlus plugin, which allows you to do this quickly and efficiently.

If you want to conveniently format the content of your blog, without knowledge of HTML and CSS languages, the TinyMCE Advanced plugin will be useful to you. With its help, the user can simply select an element or text and apply the appropriate format using the drop-down menu that is in the visual editor.

It is one of the most popular and frequently used plugins for creating beautiful and convenient navigation through your blog pages. With the help of the built-in function wp_pagenavi () familiar links ← Back | Next → will change to attractive pagination.

With this plugin, you get sorted access to all collected Google information Analytics on your website. A widget in the panel allows a quick glance to evaluate key indicators collected traffic statistics, the most popular posts and pages, evaluate key queries and main traffic sources, as well as bounce rates, visits and views for individual materials.

This plugin allows you to completely disable all comments on pages of the specified type: posts, pages, media files. It also removes all related comments on the site and on multi-site services allows you to disable comments across the entire web.

The Duplicator plugin is used to clone sites and allow them to be used on other resources. It comes in very handy in case you need to create an exact copy of the site and use it as a testing environment on your local server or on the hosting of your account.

Most WordPress admins don't know they are vulnerable, but iThemes Security works to protect your site. It is designed to fix common holes, prevent automated attacks, and harden user credentials.

This is the most popular free WordPress slider. It is very easy to set up and install. To add a slider to your website, simply select the pictures in the file library, drag them to the slider area, give titles to each slide, and fill in the links in the SEO fields. And also you can choose from four types of slideshows (Flex Slider, Nivo Slider, Responsive Slides, Coin Slider).

This is another free and easy to use plugin for creating forms in minutes. The work on the forms will take place in a simple and user-friendly interface module without embedding it into the code, so any novice developer or site administrator can cope with this task.

This is one of the most popular services to collect subscribers and send mailings to e-mail on the WordPress platform. MailChimp allows you to add more subscribers to the lists of the database, compared to other services. You can create engaging opt-in forms or integrate the opt-in feature with any other already created form on your site.

In the base of this plugin, you will find a huge number of necessary shortcodes that you can offer to your users. It includes over 50 shortcodes for buttons, tabs, and more.

Hello dear readers of the iklife blog.

Let's talk about such an important topic as essential plugins for WordPress. Extensions that a good website cannot do without. Below I will present a list of modules, grouped by categories, each of which is important and useful for your site in its own way.

This will be a kind of top best extensions for WordPress, and I hope that it will help you decide on the choice of the necessary software for your project. So let's not waste any time and get started.

Surely you know what SEO is - it is it that is responsible for optimizing your site for search engines. The standard functionality of WordPress is hardly enough for competent tuning for search engines.

For this reason, we must definitely install one of the SEO modules below. It is important to understand that all of these add-ons have their own set of tools and settings. Which one is more preferable - decide for yourself.

This is the most popular add-on for search engine optimization, which is presented in the official catalog. Has over 5 million installations and a huge army of fans. Rating - 5 out of 5, almost complete support for the Russian language and a wide range of features are not all the reasons why this plugin deserves to be installed on your site. On top of all that said, Yoast boasts tech support, an extended premium version, and regular updates.

Yoast SEO has all the features you need:

  • SEO design - title and description;
  • checking the text for readability (support for the Russian language);
  • optimization of text for SEO and checking for the presence of keys;
  • XML sitemap and robots editor, htaccess;
  • a handy snippet showing how the article will look in the SERP.

There are some more cool features in the premium version. You can find out about them from the official website or from a separate article.

Installing Yoast is very simple: you just need to go to the directory, find it in the list and click on the button. We will take a closer look at how to configure this plugin separately.

Another mastodon of the WordPress directory, which has over 3 million active installations. In the top of the best SEO plugins, it takes an honorable second place, but there are no less opportunities here.

The add-on also has support for the Russian language and is distinguished by the presence of a large number of very different functions. From auto-generated meta tags (which Yoast lacks) to WooCommerce integration. A significant advantage of this module is its versatility. You just need to install.

Of the entire abundance of tools, one can single out:

  • support for Google AMP and Analytics;
  • notification of search engines about the release of new articles;
  • no duplication;
  • XML sitemap, etc.

This plugin is available for installation from the WordPress admin area.

A small plugin that creates xml sitemaps for search engines. Only needed if you are not satisfied with the map built into a larger SEO module. It is possible to create a separate xml file for each category of your site. Also available are tools for more fine tuning code in the xml document (remove some elements or add them on the contrary).

Available for download and installation in the default directory.

  • The SEO Framework

A young plug-in that has just appeared. It is positioned by developers as a fully automated solution for website promotion. Possesses all standard tools... You can install from the panel.


A solution to help increase the download speed of your project. The bottom line is caching pages on your site that have much less weight than the main page. Has several customization options:

  1. Simple ones are for beginners.
  2. Advanced - for advanced users.

There is also an opportunity to connect the site to a CDN, which will further speed up its loading. Apart from this, in the advanced settings there are many different functions and settings. If you organize them correctly, the web resource will just fly. Otherwise, it is a small but functional module. Recommended for installation.

Does the same as the previous extension. However, there are still some useful functions... For example, minification - reducing the weight of html and css files, thereby reducing their load time. Setting up W3 Total Cache requires an accurate understanding of what you are doing. With this add-on, you can significantly improve the performance of your web resource.

Automatic minifier for html, css and js files in WordPress. Autoptimize reduces the weight of your website files, making them load faster. Due to the fact that the loading of a web resource is fast, this creates convenience for users and it is more appreciated by search engines. Plugin functions are already built into the previous one - W3 Total Cache, but if you do not need all the rest of the functionality, then Autoptimize is a good solution.

  • WP-Optimize

Databases can get clogged too. As a rule, this happens when active use all kinds of modules, templates, and so on. To keep your resource clean, it is recommended to use this solution.

With WP-Optimize, you can clean up your databases from unnecessary tables MySQL data... Your project will run much faster if there is no garbage in it.

Another multifunctional plugin to optimize your WP website. Unlike the previous ones, this one has a very tasty function for optimizing images (reducing their weight without losing quality). The module is fairly new, but it already has a decent number of installations. Also, developers delight their users with frequent updates.

  • Smush Image Compression and Optimization

SICO is a great tool for optimizing images in WordPress. It has an intuitive interface and great features. With the help of this extension, you can easily reduce the weight of images, thanks to which your site will open very quickly.

A large module for comprehensive optimization of resources on WordPress. There is a huge variety of functions here. Minification, disable unnecessary WP tools, automatic creation required files, alt filling for images, support for meta tags, and much more. This extension has appeared recently, and the developers promise to make it even better.


A well-known fighter against spam - Akismet will help you forget about annoying slimming creams and new super-ways to make money forever, which for some reason “kind” commentators decided to talk about on the pages of your blog. Yes, it is antispam and very powerful.

My experience is that the plugin is simply irreplaceable. If you do not install it in time, then with almost one hundred percent probability your web resource will end up in the spam database, from where tons of spam will come.

You can get this plugin absolutely free, provided that it will be used on a personal site. In the case of corporate solutions, you will have to buy a license.

  • Wordfence Security - Firewall & Malware Scan

Just a huge plugin that provides full protection site on WP. Wordfence Security has in its arsenal a lot of different tools and tricks to ensure the security of your web projects. It has a firewall, a Malware scanner, access settings and a lot more.

  • All In One WP Security & Firewall

A solution that has the same features and tools as the plugin above. Quite a good choice, considering that the creators of the All In One series of modules have proven themselves to be excellent. Their products highest quality, so it's worth paying attention to this addition as well. As in the previous case, All In One WP Security has everything you need to protect your WordPress project.


  • Cyr to Lat reloaded

Usually, if you use Russian, all your links are also generated in Cyrillic. If you don't want to change them manually every time, Cyr-To-Lat will solve this problem for you. As you might have guessed, the plugin will automatically transliterate your links to the Latin alphabet. In addition to the main functionality, it is possible to transliterate the names of images.

  • WP Translitera

Performs exactly the same functions as the extension above. The interface is also in Russian, which makes it extremely easy to use. I use it on my projects because of its simplicity and lightness. The function of replacing characters with lowercase in downloaded files (plus their transliteration, respectively) is also encouraging.

It is on the example of this plugin that we considered. The solution is truly multipurpose and you cannot tell in a few words about it. However, Jetpack is an example of a very functional and convenient solution... With it you will get access to a huge number topics, statistics, marketing and security tools.

  • Regenerate Thumbnails

As soon as you decide to change the usual design for something else, you will certainly need help recreating the thumbnails. Otherwise there will be display problems. Regenerate Thumbnails was created for just this purpose. The RT interface is clear and simple, you just need to click and it will do everything automatically.

  • UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin

Backups are extremely important at all stages of working with a web resource. One awkward move and your site will fall, you will need a backup to restore it. Hosting usually provides built-in backup tools, but they may be paid or not very convenient.

Updraft Plus helps you create backup and even automatically upload it to Google Drive, Amazon or other well-known data storage services. You can also upload files to your computer, after which, using the same plug-in, you can quickly recover. Not bad free solution that won't hurt your project.

  • Duplicate Post

You work a lot with content, you often need to “copy” the structure or individual elements your posts? Duplicate Post will help you do this with just one click. Intuitive toolkit in Russian makes this plugin an attractive proposition to install.


Today we figured out the plugins that are recommended for installation for different purposes. I sincerely hope that this top will help you make your choice. I must say right away that this is not all. The article will be gradually replenished with all the new solutions that will appear on the Internet. Therefore, check out our blog more often.

Also, keep in mind that new products are constantly being added to the internal plugin directory. Feel free to try them out, as they may turn out to be much more advanced than their earlier counterparts.

I would like to suggest that you go through Vasily Blinov. On it you will learn how easy and simple it is to create your own website, so that later you can also earn real money on it.

Today, in an era of high competition on the Internet, everything, every little thing matters for website promotion. And the design of the page is in the first place. In this article, we will bring you WordPress website design plugins that will help you make your project more beautiful and better.

Website design affects website promotion in three areas:

  • Adaptability, cross-browser compatibility and cross-platform compatibility. If the site is displayed on any device, operating system or the browser is somehow incorrect, not fully functional, then this will have a bad effect on its ranking under the conditions under which it works poorly.
  • Usability and behavioral factors. The location of elements on the site, their appearance affect usability, usability and behavioral factors. Also, the overall impression of appearance is also not in last place for behavioral factors. Website promotion also depends on it.
  • Readability. Well-designed texts are easy to read and understand for your visitors. This has a positive effect on behavioral factors and generally on the opinion of the site.


A handy plugin that creates spoilers. Spoilers are elements that hide some of the text. If you click on them, the text expands. Thus, you can conveniently save space in long articles by removing text in the spoiler that, most likely, the reader will not need. Whoever needs it can deploy the spoiler.

The plugin is very easy to use. After activation, in the post editor appears special button... If you click on it, the editor of a new spoiler will open, in which you can write text, select a style and mark whether it will be opened or closed by default.

BBSpoiler is in Russian and is free. Developed by Flector and has over 9,000 installations.

Shortcodes Ultimate

Perhaps the most feature-rich plugin among all that we will cover in this article. Its essence is that it creates additional new shortcodes in WordPress that allow you to display various design elements on pages and posts, which, moreover, can be customized at your discretion.

Upon activation, the editor displays new button, clicking on which opens all possible shortcodes, divided into categories. There are headlines, drop caps, spoilers, accordions, video players, images, lists, quotes, and more.

The plugin has several add-ons that expand its functionality, as well as many settings.

This is a free plugin, developed by Russian-speaking programmer Vladimir Anokhin, and has over 700,000 downloads.

WPi Designer Button

Lets you create beautiful buttons. It has many ready-made styles and icons. For buttons, you can set your own styles, descriptions with tips, labels, links.

Plugin on English language, but it is easy to use and has an intuitive interface. After activating it, a special button will appear in the editor, with which you need to start working.

Designed by wooprali, installed over 6,000 times, completely free.

Cool Tag Cloud

WordPress site design plugins continue the one that creates a tag cloud. WordPress has its own built-in cloud widget. However, it is primitive, it does not look very nice and there are few settings in it.

Cool Tag Cloud creates a new widget that looks much prettier than the built-in one, and also has a lot of style and color settings.

The plugin is completely free and in Russian. Developed by Flector and has over 10,000 installations.

Menu Icons

A very simple plugin that adds the ability to assign icons to navigation items to the built-in WordPress menu editor. Upon activation, a new option appears to add an icon. You can choose a picture from a ready-made set.

The plugin has no other settings. Therefore, everything is very simple. Developed by ThemeIsle and has over 100,000 active installations. And of course it's free.


This WordPress website design plugin is useful for helping to create sticky menus. This is a menu that, when scrolling, always remains in the field of view at the top of the screen. This technique is used in many contemporary themes and it's comfortable.

Unfortunately, this plugin cannot be said to be easy to use. In addition, the lack of the Russian language complicates the use. And also it will not work immediately after activation, it will need to be configured. Therefore, it can be recommended only to those webmasters who already have some experience.

The plugin is free, developed by m.r.d.a, has over 30,000 installations.

SiteOrigin CSS

If we talk about plugins for website design on WordPRess, then among them there must be one that allows you to change the appearance of the activated theme. SiteOrigin CSS is one of those options.

After activating the plugin, it becomes possible to change the elements of the theme - fonts, colors, sizes, indents and other parameters. And, despite the English interface, it is intuitively easy to use and understandable - you just need to mark the desired element in the editor with the mouse, and change it according to your own preferences using the toolbar. And for professionals, it is possible to add custom CSS for more complete change type of design.

The plugin is free, developed by specialists from SiteOrigin.