Google Easter eggs. Easter eggs from Google

Do you know about the cool features of the famous search engine?

Hello! Today I have prepared for you a new selection of cool features of the largest search engine on the planet. These are not simple Google secrets, making it easier to find information, but real jokes created by the search engine developers themselves.

Yes, yes, you were not mistaken: all the “Easter eggs” presented in this article were invented by “Gosh” himself - it turns out that he also has a sense of humor and there are also Easter eggs in his services.

I recommend reading

Don't know what Easter eggs are? To put it simply, this is the name for a type of jokes that the developers themselves put into their programs, websites or games (sometimes they can be found in films). So, on Google services you can also see similar things. Look at the search engine from the other side - it's worth it, believe me.

Google Easter eggs

Enter in the search field on the main page Google page the following phrases and enjoy interesting effects:

  1. do a barrel roll

After you enter the phrase “do a barrel roll” into the Google search line, the page with search results will make a “barrel” and start scrolling 360 degrees

  1. zerg rush

Type the phrase “zerg rush” into Google and you will witness how open page they will attack and gradually “eat” her small letters “o”. Having done their job, these letters will form the word GG.

  1. tilt

Google "skew": after entering this word in the search line, the page with search results will noticeably tilt.

  1. blink tag

Experienced webmasters probably remember the ancient html tag “blink” that terribly annoyed users, causing the text to blink heavily. Try typing “blink tag” or “blink html” into Google and see what happens.

→ My post -

  1. A game called "Life"

What is life? What laws govern it? How did she appear? These burning questions have worried the minds of many philosophers and other scientists for several millennia. The Game of Life, created by John Conway, contains nothing but descriptions of conditions and two rules. But what a rich abundance of life forms is available to it! Watch how cellular civilization develops or take part in the “creation” of new life forms by typing the phrase “conway’s game of life” into Google.

  1. 3D graphics

Just type the following phrase into Google: “exp(-((x-4)^2+(y-4)^2)^2/1000) + exp(-((x +4)^2+(y+4 )^2)^2/1000) + 0.1exp(-((x +4)^2+(y+4)^2)^2)+0.1exp(-((x -4)^2+(y -4)^2)^2)". Attention: to view 3D graphics, you must have a web browser and an operating system that supports WebGL technology on your computer.

  1. Monkey unit converter

If you think that the Google unit converter is only capable of translating standard units, then you are very mistaken. You'll be surprised to see results for queries like "radius of the Earth in monkeys" or "boa constrictor in parrots."

  1. Change the Google logo to your name

To do this, type in the search phrase (without quotes): “webdriver torso”

  1. Destroy Google!
  1. Underwater Google

Using this link you can play with Google and with water.

  1. Spherical Google

Google sphere is here:

  1. Play the guitar

Follow the link, and you can play a simple melody on the guitar with your mouse. This guitar page was created in honor of Paul Les's (no idea who that is) birthday. If you just open this page and leave it for a while, search results for the phrase “Les Paul” will begin to appear on it.

Well, now you also know the secrets of Google put into it by its developers. But that is not all.

A little funny from Google

  1. Entertainment.

If you enter the phrase “Entertain me or something” into the search, the first result in the search results will be a page with the title “Entertain yourself, you crazy!”

  1. Google is not a light bulb at all!

Dial in search bar“Google – you’re a light bulb” and see what answer comes up first.

  1. Open Google Earth and enter coordinates 52.376552, 5.198303. By enlarging the picture, you will see a man dragging a corpse to the lake (strange, isn’t it?).
A couple more jokes from Google)
  1. Google is for stupid people

If you are tired of stupid requests to find something, send everyone to the site

  1. Google is for idiots

Address for this category of society:

  1. Colored Google

Love life in bright colors? Then this is the place for you:

  • You can also read about it if you are interested in the topic;)

IN Lately I often began to run into some hidden jokes and anecdotes from Google. I decided to put together everything I know (+ what I managed to google).

I think everyone has known a lot of this for a long time. But I hope there will be new information here for some readers. I just wanted to decorate it beautifully and put it together in one pile.

1. Searching for the word “recursion” leads to itself

2. The answer to the main question of life.

In Douglas Adams's The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, "Response to main question life, the universe and everything" was supposed to solve all the problems of the universe. All intelligent races were eagerly awaiting this answer. It was obtained as a result of seven and a half million years of continuous calculations on a specially built computer, Deep Thought. According to the computer, the answer has been checked several times for correctness, but it may upset everyone. It turned out that the answer to the question is “42”. (source - wikipedia)

4. How many horns does a unicorn have?

And you can get an answer to this question!

Some easter eggs are region specific, so if something doesn't work in your regional version, try the English version this link.

Breakout game

If you type into the search bar Atari breakout and switch to the “Pictures” section, you can play the famous Atari arcade game, where pictures from search results are used as blocks.

Block from Super Mario Bros

A tribute to another cult game - Super Mario Bros. The same block from which a quick plumber knocks out upgrades for himself can be seen right on the search results page. super mario bros. Moreover, it works the same way as in the game.

Crooked search

You can prank a friend by searching on their computer. askew. After this, the entire page and its content will become skewed. True, any other query entered will return everything back.

Flashing text

There is a special tag in HTML that makes all the text framed by it blink. If you try to search blink html, you will immediately understand what we are talking about and remember the tag itself.


Festivus is not very common in our country, but is a very popular phenomenon in Western Europe. popular culture. This is the antipode of Christmas and an annual holiday, the main symbol of which is a metal pole on a stand. This is what he adds next to search results request festivus.

Make a barrel!

A reference to another game - the Star Fox flying game, where the player could do a barrel roll, becoming invulnerable for one second. To make the search page “make a barrel”, you need to enter do a barrel roll. By the way, this also works in Google Now, and even for voice queries.

Back to the past

Didn't catch the beginning of the web, but want to know what the first one looked like Google version? It's easy to arrange: just type it into the search google in 1998.

We drown for the zerg

An Easter egg especially for Starcraft fans who are very familiar with the tactics of the same name, when in the first seconds of the game opponents are defeated with small, cheap units. Request zerg rush will release a cloud of zerglings in the form of the letters “o” onto the page, which will destroy all its contents.

Decipher it!

Request betchley park will give information about the mansion in which the main encryption unit of Great Britain was located. It was here that the Enigma codes were broken. In tribute to this, the name "Bletchley Park" on the card is decoded from the cipher before our eyes.

Heads or tails?

When you don’t have a coin at hand and you can’t make a decision, a request will help flip a coin. The search engine will flip a coin and give the result - Heads (heads) or Tails (tails). By the way, there is another option roll a die. Try it too!

Dreidel game

Another trick with an element of chance. Right on the search page you can play the Jewish game dreidel, where you need to spin a four-sided top. To do this, you need to enter play dreidel.

Bacon Counter

Hollywood actor Kevin Bacon's theory is that every actor he's ever acted with has worked with every other actor. The number of connections from any actor to Bacon is what Google will give if you enter a query. bacon number actor_name.

Recursion in Action

If you ask Google what recursion is, it will clearly explain it to you, endlessly repeating its "Perhaps you meant 'recursion'."

Cellular automaton "Life"

Easter egg conway's game of life refers us to the invented English mathematician game “Life”, which is a cellular automaton that simulates the evolution and development of life.

Webdriver Torso

A story with unusual testing Google quality The video on YouTube was so full of mysteries that, after being exposed, it acquired its own Easter egg. If you enter webdriver torso into the search bar, the Google logo will turn into those same red and blue rectangles.

Anagram example

As with recursion, the query anagram will clearly demonstrate to you what it is.

Pac-Man game

The cult game that influenced the gaming industry and spawned many clones is available right on the search page. Especially for Pac-Man's 30th anniversary, the developers hid an Easter egg for fans. You can find it by request google pacman.

The answer to life's main question

According to Douglas Adams' book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything was supposed to solve all the world's problems. Special computer I have been looking for the answer to this for 7.5 million years. Google can calculate it in a second, you just need to enter the answer to the ultimate question of life the universe and everything. And don’t be surprised later if you didn’t know.

Next time you're bored, try searching for fun facts- learn a lot of new things. True, in English, but at the same time you will practice, if you do not speak the language perfectly, the definitions there are simple.

Roulette "I'm feeling lucky"

Everyone knows about the “I’m feeling lucky” function (or “I’m feeling lucky”, as in the original I’m feeling lucky), which returns the first page that comes up from the search. IN English version it has several options. If you hover the cursor over the button and hold it for a while, i’m feeling lucky will be replaced by another feeling like trendy, hungry, artistic. Depending on what you choose, Google will show you current queries, a list of restaurants or museums.

Hi all! I was recently scrolling through Twitter and came across a tweet from Google Russia. Google decided to remind you of its Easter eggs. I decided to see what was cooked there. Now I want to tell you! Everything is under cut...
1) Back to 1998.
So the first Easter egg takes us back to the past, namely to 1998. It was in 1998 that Google was registered as a private company. In this way, Google is trying to show that they have always fought for simplicity. user interface. In order to see this with your own eyes, enter the following in the English version of the search engine " google in 1998", without quotes and the results will appear in the interface that you had search network in 1998.

2) Sweet Android surprises.
Many people know about this Easter egg, and Google is simply crazy about it! Back in 2010, in Android 2.3 Gingerbread, users could stumble upon an interesting Easter egg in the settings. It’s not clear what state the user had to be in to poke at the Android version, but there was a stoned dude who poked at the version and told the whole world. As I already wrote, to find an Easter egg you need to go to the settings of your phone and click on Android version.
  • IN Gingerbread a zombie gingerbread appears and an Android figurine surrounded by zombies;
  • IN Honeycomb(Android 3.0) an Android bee appears on the screen;
  • Easter egg in Ice Cream Sandwich(Android 4.0) - this is Android in pixel art, if you hold your finger on it for a long time, then many of the same figures will fly across the screen;
  • IN Jellybean Beans fly across the screen. And in KitKat an animated mosaic of pictures appears, indicating different versions Android.

3) Take me upstairs, Scotty.
To be honest, I didn’t understand what we were talking about. And I didn’t understand the explanation after. As Google writes this phrase from the series “ Star Trek" I won’t lie, I haven’t seen the series and this is actually the first time I’ve heard about it. The phrase “Beam Me Up Scotty” is the starship captain’s signature address to the engineer and means that he needs to be transferred to the ship. To see this Easter egg with your own eyes, enter the following in the YouTybe search engine: “ Beam Me Up Scotty” without quotes and enjoy.

4) Surprise in a phone booth.
It’s hard to find, but it’s not necessary because there’s a link. I remember when I was little I watched the series “Doctor Who” on TV, I really liked it even more than the drug addicted “Pokimon”. Google simply could not pass by and prepared a surprise for us in London. If you walk around Google maps and go into the right telephone booth, you can find yourself in the Tardis - the time machine and spaceship of Doctor Who.

5) Pony.
Everyone likes ponies, from little girls to even brutal bikers. Google realized this. Now there are ponies on Hangouts. True, they only live in the desktop version. We can only hope that ponies will come to our smartphones. To see cute ponies you need to type the following in the message box " /ponystream" without quotes and scream with joy.

6) Search games.
Google's favorite destination. How all companies love to make users nervous, but Google loves to make people happy. Below are some search jokes:
  • If you enter into the search engine “ Do A Barrel Roll" without the quotes, this will cause the search page to do a "barrel". Even my IQ of 11 points does not allow me to understand what a “barrel” is.
  • Enter this " Tilt" without quotes and you'll get a lopsided page. I didn’t notice right away, I’m blind.
  • Typing the following phrase "blink HTML" without quotes causes the words "blink" and "HTML" to blink. I don't know what else to say, it's cool.
  • This phrase “Atari Breakout” without quotes includes the famous arcade game in the image search. This is probably a publicity stunt. No, they just want to capture our minds.

7) Unicorns!
At first I thought it was cute that Google liked ponies. But now it's Google's craze. Or maybe some of Google’s shareholders are cute ponies, so they advertise themselves in every way. To see this Easter egg you need to go to the site Google Play and click search. It will automatically search for the word unicorns.

8) Fibonacci sequence.
I have already spoken about my “high” iq, but I don’t know who this Fibonacci is. I hope you know and tell me in the comments. In short, if you enter in YouTube search If you follow the phrase “Fibonacci” without quotes, you will learn about Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio from the animation.

9) German beatbox.
You've probably heard and seen a lot about this; I'll just give one example.
You need to install translation from German to German and enter the following sequence of letters: pv zk pv pv zk pv zk kz zk pv pv pv zk pv zk zk pzk pzk pvzkpkzvpvzk kkkkkk bsch.Next click on the speakers to listen. The people have accumulated a lot of them. If you know more sequences, write in the comments.

10) Greetings from California.
If you wander onto the Google campus in Mountain View, you can see Google team Maps fully assembled with a “We love Street View” poster.

And that's all! Bye!

| 26.04.2016

Each of us has heard about Easter eggs at least once. But in our post we will not talk about a real and edible attribute of the Easter holiday, but about a virtual “Easter egg” (popularly often simply called an Easter egg). What does it mean? The definition of the term is perfectly described in Wikipedia:

"Easter Egg" is a type of secret left in a game, film or software creators...

...Most often, to “receive” an Easter egg, a complex and/or non-standard set of actions must be performed, which makes accidental discovery unlikely or virtually impossible. The name comes from a popular family event in the United States and former British colonies, the egg hunt, usually held on the eve of Easter, in which participants must, with the help of clues, find as many Easter eggs (or other eggs) hidden around the area as possible. objects in the form of such eggs).

As you can see, an Easter egg is a kind of joke, a prank that developers hide in their products. Such secrets are found not only in programs, toys and films. Quite often, Easter eggs are found on websites and web applications. One of these sites is the well-known Google, which is very generous with various jokes - from small pranks to hidden games. So, below are the most original Google Easter eggs, which you can see by clicking on the links * .

* Unfortunately, some Easter eggs may be removed over time, and there is nothing we can do about it.

The best Easter eggs from Google

Do a barrel roll

Dial in Google search the phrase do a barrel roll , and the page will rotate 360 ​​degrees.


Another trick with the search page is to type the word askew to make it tilt.

Blink HTML

Once upon a time there was a tag in HTML , which caused the text to blink, which annoyed many. Now this tag is not included in the HTML specification, and its use is frowned upon and leads to invalid code. For those who are looking for information about him in a search engine, Google has prepared an Easter egg. Enter the query blink html or blink tag and look at the result. After this, you probably won't want to use this style on your site!

Bletchley Park

Bletchley Park, or Station X, is a mansion in the city of Milton Keynes in central England. During the Second World War, the main encryption unit of Great Britain was here - the Government School of Codes and Ciphers. There is a Google Easter egg dedicated to Bletchy Park: write bletchley park in the search bar and you will see how the Knowledge Graph deciphers the name.

What is the loneliest number?

What is the loneliest number? Ask Google: what is the loneliest number.

Zerg Rush

Large Zergling Army on Google! Write zerg rush in the search engine and fight.

Atari Breakout

You can play this popular arcade game on the page Google Images. Just type atari breakout.

Mirror Google exists! It is available at On the page you will also find links to other interesting pages, such as Google Guitar (here you can play a virtual Google guitar), Google Terminal (imagine what Google would look like in the 80s), Google Snake (Snake game) and others.

Use the force, Luke

The request to use the force luke should be written on Youtube. As a result, the page takes on a slightly… drug-addicted look.

Dinosaur Google Chrome

Did you know that when you are not connected to the Internet, you can entertain yourself not only by playing solitaire, which is pre-installed on your computer? IN Google browser Chrome has an arcade toy hidden away. How to find her? A small dinosaur is displayed on the page announcing that there is no Internet connection. Press the space bar and the game will start. You need to jump over cacti by pressing the space bar. You can view this Easter egg by turning off the Internet.

If you found other Easter eggs on Google, please share them in the comments!