PageRank - what is it and how to check it. We prohibit the transfer of static weight through external links

Greetings, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will continue to consider the main indicators of the success of promoting your website and will dwell on the concept of Google PageRank, or PR for short. we talked in the above article

Today we will look at all these same issues in detail, but in relation to the PageRank indicator.

The importance of Google and its PageRank for a Runet webmaster

The role of PR will be especially important when ranking pages for a one-word query (when the user enters only one word in the search bar). In this case, it turns out that a lot of documents will be relevant this request. It is in this case that our hero will play a key role in determining the positions for these documents of equal relevance (compliance with the entered query).

The PageRank indicator was invented by the founders of the campaign (Sergey Brin and Larry Page), who then successfully applied it in their currently most popular search engine in the world. The merit of this little belly in their success is undeniable. Let's now take a little closer look at what PR is, how you can increase it, how to measure it, and how to set a counter that displays its current value.

Its main difference from the Yandex TIC is that it is calculated for each page of the site (document) separately. But the same scheme for assessing authority from the scientific world is taken as a basis, when the rank of a particular author depends on the quantity and quality of references to him from the scientific works of other authors.

The more instructions and the better quality they are (the student can put an instruction in his course work or a professor, with heavy weight in the scientific world), the more authority it will receive this work by this author.

Those. The main criterion when calculating PageRank, as well as when calculating the TIC, are links to site pages. But unlike the Yandex bloater, what is assessed here is not the authority of the author of scientific works (the entire resource), but the authority of individual scientific works of this author (website pages or, in other words, documents). True, Yandex has a similar belly meter (VIC), but it is little known, because no one will ever be able to even approximately estimate its value.

It's true, because various works The same author may differ significantly in the quality of execution and relevance of the information contained in them. It is thanks to this selectivity that it becomes possible to use this sizer to rank documents in search results, if according to the main indicators of relevance they turn out to be equally significant.

The ranking of pages in Google search results can be simplified as follows:

  • First, the machine finds in its main index (there is also a snotty index that is not searched) all documents that contain words from the user’s request
  • Then among them those with higher density are selected keywords(from a user request) in the text of the document, in its TITLE, in accent tags (H1 -H6, STRONG, EM), etc.
  • Also, leads from other projects to these documents. This text also analyzes the density of keywords from the user's query. This thing is called link ranking.
  • Well, in the end, the results obtained can be slightly adjusted taking into account the indicator Page Rank. As a result, documents with equal relevance for a given query will be placed in their places in the search results. Yandex also uses its WCI (weighted citation index) to adjust its results
  • What is PR, how is it measured and how is it formed

    In essence, it is a kind of measure (criterion of value) of a particular page on the Internet. Its value depends on quantity and quality backlinks, leading from other pages to this document. The more links there are, the higher the PR value will be.

    But it is also very important what static weight value the page from which links to the document has. The fact is that the link transmits part of the PageRank value of the donor page.

    But that's not all. The fact is that if several links are placed from the donor’s page (one of which is to our document), then the transferred static weight will be divided equally between all these links.

    The amount of PR that a page can transmit via a link is much less than its own value (previously it was 85 percent, but now, according to observations, it is already less than 10%). This amount of status will be divided between the documents to which it refers.

    The ideal case would be if a link is placed to your document from a page with a Page Rank of 10 (maximum value). And it will be absolutely great if she is the only one.

    In this case, a gigantic weight will be transferred to your document, probably sufficient for the PR of your page to rise to 9. If several more links are added from this ideal donor (including yours), then the weight transferred to each of them will already be divided you won’t get even a nine for the total number. It's a shame, isn't it? And I wanted it that way.

    Yes, I almost forgot to talk about how and in what terms the PageRank value is measured, as well as how to prohibit the transfer of votes (weight) via a link leading from the pages of your project. First, about units of measurement. There are two scales and, accordingly, two meanings.

    The first of the representation options expresses it as a real number and has a linear nature of change. Those. an increase in this value will be proportional to the increase in the amount of static weight transferred to this document via links from other Internet resources. This number is updated almost in real time and is constantly taken into account when ranking.

    The second version of the PR presentation is derived from the first. This value is called the toolbar value and has a range from 0 to 10 (a total of eleven possible options). The toolbar digit is obtained from real number according to a law close to logarithmic (highly nonlinear):

    Real number denoting the real status Toolbar number obtained as a result
    from 0.00000001 to 51
    from 6 to 252
    from 26 to 1253
    from 126 to 6254
    from 626 to 31255
    from 3126 to 156256
    from 15626 to 781257
    from 78126 to 3906258
    from 390626 to 19531259
    from 1953126 to infinity10

    The toolbar number is not updated often - once every few months. New resources or projects that have been banned by Google usually have a zero value, and only a few giants on the entire Internet have a value of 10.

    As you can see from the table above, at first increasing Page Rank will not require many links with good weight, but with each new number its further increase becomes more and more difficult, and often an impossible task.

    On average, well-optimized (both internally and externally) resources have a PR home page equal to 4 or 5, and some even achieve six, but further growth of this indicator is only possible for very serious and global projects.

    So, the limit of our dreams and possibilities is most likely 6, and even then it’s unlikely. Will you say that I am a pessimist?! No, I'm more of a realist. But if you suddenly get (or have already received) a Page Rank equal to 7, then please write about it in the comments (and be sure to put a link to the https://site so that everything will be fine for me too).

    We prohibit the transfer of static weight through external links

    In principle, this is not at all difficult to do. Google made sure that it was possible not to give your vote to another resource. To do this, it will be enough to add the A attribute to the link tag (a little higher I already provided a link to an article where this is all explained in detail). For example like this:

    Everything about creating websites, blogs, forums, online stores, their promotion in search engines and making money on the site

    After this, the state weight from the donor will not be transferred to the acceptor (the document to which the link leads). Why might it be necessary to prohibit weight transfer? Everything is quite simple here. You just need to remember that PR can be transmitted not only through links leading to other projects, but also through links leading to internal pages your own resource.

    Now imagine a situation where you have ten internal and ten external links in one document. There are twenty in total. The static weight transferred for each of them will be equal to one twentieth of the maximum possible that a given document (donor) is capable of giving. Consequently, acceptors will receive one-twentieth of the maximum possible weight (page rank).

    Now imagine that you have added the attribute to all external links, thereby prohibiting the transfer of weight through them. As a result, all the weight that the donor is able to give will be distributed between ten internal links. For each of them, a weight of one tenth of the maximum possible will be transferred, which is twice as much as in the case without using the attribute.

    Thus, you prevent PageRank from leaking from your project, accumulating it inside and increasing your own belly. As a result, these pages of your resource, all other things being equal, will be able to take a higher place in the search engine. Google results due to saved status.

    P.S. There is an opinion that Google has now somewhat changed the effect of the attribute and your internal documents in the example given, they will still receive one-twentieth of the weight, and the rest will flow away to God knows where. The opinion is controversial, but...

    However, I still make sure to include A in tags and other elements. And even when posting guards for a fee through the GGL, RotaPost, GetGoodLinks, Miralinks or WebArtex exchanges, the main requirement is often minimal amount links through which weight is transferred.

    What can lead to an increase (decrease) in PR

    The weight transferred via a backlink depends on the PR value of the donor document and the total number of links originating from it. Please note that I spoke not only about external, but also about internal links. Thanks to this wonderful feature and proper internal linking, you can increase PaidRank for most of the documents in your project, even without using external links at all.

    When calculating PageRank, all external and internal backlinks will be taken into account, except those from banned sites. Those. Your ill-wishers will not be able to harm your site by placing links to it from the pages of banned websites (after the introduction of the Penguin algorithm in Google, this statement can be considered controversial). But if you yourself post backlinks to banned projects (or simply to outright GS), then a sad fate may befall you.

    The static weight of your documents may decrease if some of the leading links to them suddenly disappear or the Page Rank of some of them decreases. Despite the fact that status weight affects the position of documents in Google search results, a high PR value does not at all guarantee a high position in search results. Otherwise, for any query entered, only supertrusts with PR 10 and 9 would be in first place in Google search results.

    Identical links placed from one page will be counted by Google as one, and links from a web page to itself are not taken into account at all when calculating PageRank (you cannot vote for yourself). By the way, it is not a fact that the main one will have the highest status indicator among all the others. There may be internal pages equal or even superior to the main one in Rank value.

    It must be taken into account that search robot Google is quite inert and does not take into account all backlinks instantly. It may take time (up to several months) to fully account for them.

    Where and how you can see the Page Rank of any site

    You can enter one or more URLs into the provided form, and then click on the “Check PR” button:

    This method allows you to carry out a mass verification of PaidRank for a large number of projects at once. However, in most cases the best option would be to install SEO extensions for the browsers you use. In this case, the PageRank value for the page opened in the browser will be displayed on its panel.

    For Opera browser exists, as well as:

    Counter options for displaying PR

    There are several options for counters that display Paydrank for the document on which they are installed. True, there are options that show the PR of only the main page, because it is, as a rule, the highest and should make a greater impression, for example, on advertisers. You can see an example of such a counter.

    You can get the code for a similar informer. In the window that opens, you will need to enter the Home URL in the “Site URL” field (its value will be displayed in this case on the created counter):

    Click on the “Submit” button, and then select the desired informer design. As a result, an area with the result code will appear:

    All you have to do is insert it into the right place on your website template or into the text of some page (for example, intended for advertisers).

    Choose appearance informer and copy its code into the area located to the right of the counter image. You will need to insert this code into your project template, as a result of which it will show PR to visitors open page. For example, like this:

    As a guide to inserting code into a template, you can use tips on inserting attendance counters into Joomla template, WordPress and SMF - and .

    How to check PR for all pages of your or someone else’s website

    It is often necessary to find out the Page Rank indicator for all documents available on a project. Doing this individually can be very time consuming. It is for these cases that quite convenient services have been created.

    Also, to understand how the Google search engine treats you, it will be useful to know how many of your documents are in its main index, and how many are in the additional one, which is often called the Supplemental Index. Why is it so important to know this? Well, everything is quite simple here. The search is carried out only for documents located in the main index.

    Site pages located in the Supplemental Index are not included in the search, except in very rare cases. Therefore, from the point of view of attracting visitors, they are completely useless ballast.

    Of course, there is no need to get rid of them, but it will be useful to know their number. Read about all this in detail in the article “”.

    Page Rank (page rank) - invented by two friends Sergey Brin and Larry Page in 1996, who a little later founded Google company. After a little time, this invention is already dictating its rules on the Internet, especially in the matter of the operation of the Google ranking search engine.

    What is Google Page Rank? Where does it come from? How to increase it? How can you use it to your advantage? Let's talk about this in more detail.

    Page Rank is a kind of algorithm for calculating the authority of a page (assessing the importance of a page). Unlike Titz, PR is calculated for each website page separately .

    High Page Rank gives:

    • direct page authority;
    • high positions in Google search (one of the criteria influencing search);
    • more quality links to the page;
    • as a consequence of the above, a large number of visits to the page is possible.

    What is it measured in? Google meaning PageRank?

    There are two meanings of PR (two scales of measurement).

    • The first is the so-called toolbar PageRank. This is an integer from 0 to 10 and varies according to the logarithmic law. It is updated quite rarely, maybe once a year, or maybe once every 3 months. The meaning of toolbar PR is open to everyone and we can find it out.

    • The second version of the PR representation is a real number from 0.00000001 to infinity, called real PR and has a linear change. The exact value of real PR is known only to Google and we cannot see it anywhere. Based on it, sites are ranked in search results. This PR, unlike the toolbar PR, is updated in real time, depending on the links to the page.

    The toolbar value is obtained from a real number according to a law close to logarithmic, and we can see the relationship between these two values ​​in this table:

    Real number PageRank indicating the real weight of the page Toolbar PageRank value obtained as a result
    from 0.00000001 to 5 1
    from 6 to 25 2
    from 26 to 125 3
    from 126 to 625 4
    from 626 to 3125 5
    from 3126 to 15625 6
    from 15626 to 78125 7
    from 78126 to 390625 8
    from 390626 to 1953125 9
    from 1953126 to infinity 10

    Since the toolbar value is available to the public, everyone follows it. Therefore, when they say that the page PR is 4, this means that the toolbar PageRang value is 4.

    New pages or pages to which no one links, as well as resources that have been banned by Google can have a zero value. And the chosen ones have a value of 10; you can count them on one hand on the entire Internet.

    By the way, the value can also be n/a (not defined). It means that Google has not yet assigned any value to pr (as a rule, this applies to completely new pages) or it is being recalculated (revised).

    Please note that PR 1-3 are quite easy to obtain. For example, for PR 1, good internal linking and a sufficient number of pages are enough. But PR 5-6 is no longer an easy task.

    How is page PR calculated?

    • number of links;
    • the quality of the page (its PR value) from which the link was placed;
    • the number of outgoing links on the page from which the link was placed.

    Firstly, the more links pointing to a page, the higher the PR will be. Everything here is simple and clear.

    Secondly, the quality of linking pages also matters great importance. The higher the PagePank of the page that links to your page, the more weight will be transferred in your favor. For example, in order to get PR 2, we need about 100 links from pages that have PR = 1, or just one link from a page that has PR = 4 is enough. That is. You can take it by quantity, or you can take it by quality. Page quality criterion, conditionally = its PR value (page weight).

    In fact, the quality of the page, we conditionally assigned the PR value, in fact this is not everything, but perhaps this is one of the most important parameters, for quick analysis.

    • The ideal scenario for increasing pr is one of your links on a page with PR = 10.
    • A terrible option, this is one of your links among 1000 others on a page that has PR=0.

    Calculation table pr. How many links do you need for PR8?

    This plate shows the required number of links with different pages PR is needed to achieve.

    Horizontally – PR pages that link to your page. (1)
    Vertical – acquired PR. (2)

    At the intersection of rows and columns is the number of links from pages (1) to yours (2) to achieve required value PageRank.

    PR 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    1 101 19 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
    2 555 101 19 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
    3 3 055 555 101 19 4 1 1 1 1 1 1
    4 16 803 3 055 555 101 19 4 1 1 1 1 1
    5 92 414 16 803 3055 555 101 19 4 1 1 1 1
    6 508 277 92 414 16 803 3 055 555 101 19 4 1 1 1
    7 2 795 522 508 277 92 414 16 803 3 055 555 101 19 4 1 1
    8 15 375 379 2 795 522 508 277 92 414 16 803 3 055 555 101 19 4 1
    9 84 564 584 15 375 379 2 795 522 508 277 92 414 16 803 3 055 555 101 19 4
    10 449 527 525 84 564 584 15 375 379 2 795 522 508 277 92 414 16 803 3 055 555 101 19
    • It should be noted that the table shows the approximate dependence of the PR of your page on the PR and the number of other pages linking to it. Also, the calculation is carried out subject to one link from the page! If there is more than one link, then the weight transferred through such a link decreases in proportion to the number of outgoing links.

    For example, if the site (its PR = 10), install a link to your page, then you will receive PR 8 with the next update. If you do the right thing internal linking, then from one page with PR 8, you can make a dozen more good PR pages, and sell links for a very high price. It's a small matter, all that remains is to come to an agreement with Google

    How is it prohibited to transfer the weight of a webmaster? In what cases is weight not transferred?

    Yes, they exist different ways so that the weight does not flow.

    The question is, why would anyone need this? It’s simple, remember that weight is transferred not only through links leading to other sites, but also through links leading to the internal pages of your own resource. That is, if a page contains 10 links to external sites and 10 links to internal pages of your site, then exactly half the weight goes to someone, not to you!

    BUT if you close the leak, then your 10 inner pages receive all the transmitting weight. And this results in higher positions in Google search, all other things being equal, only due to the saved pagerank weight.

    How to check the PR value for a site or page?

    There are a number of services or programs for this:

    Oh these animals (only the best):

    Today I want to tell you about methods for checking the PR of internal website pages. Everyone knows how to check the pr of the main page.

    Check PR pages

    Hello to all regular readers. If you haven’t become one yet, check out the blog news immediately! 🙂

    The system for sending comments on the blog did not work for a day. Thank you for informing me about the problem in a timely manner. I would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused. The error has been fixed. Now everything works.

    Today I want to tell you about methods for checking the internal pages of a website. Everyone knows how to check the pr of the main page. This is not particularly difficult, because... There are many services for such checking. There you can also check internal pages, but you will have to enter them all manually and only one at a time.

    If there are ten such pages, then the problem does not seem so serious. But if there are more than a dozen, or even hundreds of them? This is where the difficulties begin. Luckily for us there is good people, who created free services for checking the pr of internal pages.

    Working with the service is very simple, and the results are always correct. To do this, you don’t need to download anything at a time: enter the address of the sitemap (sitemap.xml file) located directly on , enter a number to protect against robots. That's all. In a couple of seconds you get the pr of each page. There is only one limitation: the service only processes the first 300 addresses. At large quantities The site pages are not very convenient.

    If you do not need to check all the internal pages of the site, but only some of them, there is one batch (entering the address of each page manually).

    You can also use all Google data centers.

    With today's trend towards closing all external links with "noindex" and "nofollow" attributes, I recommend using a tool to close all links, including internal ones.

    That's basically all for today. I wish you good results. 🙂

    PageRank is important indicator, which can affect search results on Google. It is PR that is key point in search engine work Google systems, which predetermines the site’s position in search results for various queries.

    Today we will figure out what it is and how to check it.

    Almost every website you can find

    and - directly depends on search engine in terms of receiving constant traffic. That is why everyone knows that you should be “friends” with the search engine and adhere to all its rules, so as not to fall under such unpleasant things as pessimization and, especially, a filter.

    When viewing various TOP sites for certain queries, you can notice competition for one or another query that arises between them - how are such situations resolved by the search engine? Of course, there are indicators and criteria by which content is sorted and the site receives a kind of rank. The more the site follows the rules and contains quality content- the higher the positions he will have, the rest will be located below him, or will have problems with issuing. Problems can be, as I already wrote, in the form of pessimization or a filter: among which we have already considered the sensational ones, .

    What is PageRank

    First of all, it is worth noting that such an algorithm as PageRank was invented by Stanford University graduate students Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998. The patent was created only in 2001 and it belongs to Stanford University, not Google.

    PageRank is one of the link ranking algorithms that assigns each document its own authority index (page importance), which is expressed as a certain value (takes on a value of 0-10). Specifics this parameter is that it is calculated depending on . In simple words: PR is the total authority of a page, which directly depends on all the sites linking to it and the final result of the total weight of these links. It is the weight of all links that will determine such a value as PageRank.

    Generally, this algorithm similar to, the only difference is that PR is calculated for each page, and TCI for the entire site in general. The basis is similar, taken from the scientific world, according to the principle: the more

    The more authors refer to a work, the higher its quality and importance. In general, the parameters should be of a similar nature, but still have their own specifics, which we can notice everywhere.

    It should be noted that PR does not take into account the number of links, but rather their weight - so great amount spammy links will not make a picture, not to mention subsequent sanctions from various filters. This is another reason to check links carefully and choose only high-quality donors, in order to avoid all sorts of problems, including PageRank.

    If you think about the differences between the Yandex and Google algorithms, then it’s worth remembering such an indicator as, the operating principle of which is kept under seven locks by the search engine employees. It makes sense to draw a parallel with the PR algorithm - judging by all the facts, they really have a lot in common... But, alas, we are not allowed to know this. By at least, to date.

    In any case, the existence of such an algorithm as PageRank and VIC is quite natural: even the work of one author can have completely different quality or importance of an individual article in any field (even if we take the original one - science). Not to mention the fact that there may be a whole team of authors on the site - there should be a different weight for each page, if we talk about quality content.

    Features of PR

    As you already understand, without such an indicator as PR there is no question of search engine promotion The site cannot exist - you need to work with it. I want to say right away that PageRank will not be able to directly influence the promotion of the site, since it is auxiliary, but very useful.

    Its role is precisely to resolve the situation that I described at the beginning about the competition of several sites for the same request - it is PR that can predetermine the outcome and place in the best positions those sites that have

    this figure will be high.

    In addition to this situation, it will help us in such an interesting situation when the user enters an ambiguous query. Such queries most often include one-word queries - “site”, “salad” and other general queries. There will be a huge number of relevant documents that will at least somehow be involved in this request. It is in this situation that PageRank will play that decisive role and can even provide us with better positions in such a request.

    PageRank has 2 meanings:

    • real;

    In turn, it is constantly updated and participates directly in the ranking. It is this indicator that measures the exact weight transmitted by links.

    • toolbar;

    It comes from a real value and represents a certain assessment that can take the value 0-10. It is updated quite rarely - about once a month.

    Most often, young projects or those who fell under the filter have a zero toolbar value. Achieve more and more high level quite difficult, and some set the limit at 5.

    Real value Toolbar value
    0,00000001…5 1
    6…25 2
    26…125 3
    126…625 4
    626…3125 5
    3126…15625 6
    15626…78125 7
    78126…390625 8
    390626…1953125 9
    1953126…∞ 10

    It is worth noting that increasing PR can be achieved not only by external links from other sites, but also by internal linking of pages - which we will look at shortly. Thus, you can increase your PR score without resorting to using external links at all, but the ideal option is a combination of both methods.

    How to check PageRank

    There are many services for checking PR, the choice of which depends only on you - since almost all of them do their job correctly.

    - does its job perfectly. The service’s interface is extremely simple: just enter one or more links to the site, click “check PR” and get the PageRank value. It is ideal for mass check one or even several projects - which greatly simplifies the task and makes the service pleasant to use.

    In addition, there are a lot of extensions for any browser, which allows you to view PR and other SEO indicators without using the service - in real time. This is very convenient if there is a need to constantly view data about the site.

    If you want to view information about your PR indicator on the site, you can install a special counter that can be provided by a service such as. IN this service You can receive not only PR, but also TCI of the site in the form of a small widget. You can read how to install it in - the algorithm for installing the Yandex Metrica counter is described there, but in this way you can install absolutely any counter. The only difference can be the location - if the counter is needed in the footer, then it must be placed in the required template without disturbing the tag structure.

    For a mass or automated check of all website pages, you can use special services, which we will talk about in the next article. With this I say goodbye to you - I hope the information was useful and relevant for you!

    The real PageRank detection service will try to detect the future PR of your site based on the quality and quantity of backlinks. Note that Expected PageRank can only be considered a guess. The future Google PageRank of a site generated by our service may not be accurate.

    We can say that this is not entirely PageRank Forecast, this is largely the definition of real PR. It's no secret that Google usually assigns PR less than it should be. The reasons are different, from selling links to the youth of the site and minor violations Google rules, which you may not know about.
    Therefore, usually the real Page Rank should be higher than what you see on the Google toolbar. Our service determining real PageRank will show you what your PR should be if you remove all the Google reducing factors.

    A free comprehensive SEO audit service has opened on our website, which also calculates the Real PR described here.
    As a result, during the determination of the real pagerank, you will be directed to the page of the results of a comprehensive analysis of the site being checked, which also contains the calculated values ​​of the Real PR.

    Keep in mind, the results are from www. and without www. may vary significantly.
    Attention, the test results are saved in the database. You can track changes in real PR indicators over the past period on historical PageRank forecast charts.

    The Page Rank forecast service tries to predict the resource's PR, what it could be with the next PageRank update. The tool for determining the Real PR produces complex calculations and conducts a comprehensive analysis to determine the future Google PageRank of the site.

    We calculate the predicted PageRank value, but don't round it up like Google does. Therefore, the real PR values ​​vary from 0.00 to 10.00, i.e. thousand point scale.

    PageRank and Google is trade marks Google Inc. If you want to find out the nominal Page Rank (i.e. toolbar) of your site, you need to download the Google toolbar.

    You can discuss the work of this service on our SEO Forum in the topic.
    Your comments and suggestions will definitely be taken into account.

