Means qr code. Scanning a QR code on Android devices

Most likely on your phone already installed by default QR code scanner, you can easily use it to scan your first QR code. This is very easy to do. Just follow our instructions.

1. Open the QR code reader on your phone.

2. Hold your device over the QR code so that it is clearly visible on your smartphone screen.

If you hold your smartphone correctly over the QR code, then the following will happen:

  • The phone automatically scans the code.
  • In some apps, you have to click on an image to scan a code, rather than on a button like you would to take a photo on your smartphone.

3. Press the indicated button, if required.

Super! Your smartphone reads the code and follows the given link, which does not always happen instantly. On most devices this may take a few seconds.

You will start seeing QR codes everywhere. They are used to teach, inform, explain and many other things. Find them and scan them! QR codes will save you a lot of time and effort.

How to Scan QR Codes on Android

Now we will tell you how to use the QR code scanning app on Android.

1. Open Play Store .
2. Search QR code reader .
3. Select QR Code Reader(via Scan).
4. Click " Install".
5. Open the program QR code reading.
7. Point the camera at the QR code.
8. Click " OK".

Step 1. Open Play Store on Android. This is an icon in an application or on the home screen.

Step 2. Enter QR code reader in the search engine. A list of applications for reading the QR code will appear.

  • This article explains how to use QR Code Reader, but you can choose the app you like. Just be sure to read about the app before downloading.
  • The steps should be the same for all QR code reading apps.

Step 3.Click QR Code Reader developed by Scan. The developer's name is listed below each application. You may have to scroll down to find the app made by Scan.

Step 4.Click Install. A pop-up window will appear asking you to grant permission to access the information on your Android.

Step 5.Click Accept. QR Code Reader will now be installed on your Android device.

    • When the application is downloaded, the “Install” button will change to “Open”, and you will have new icon in the application.

Step 6.Open QR Code Reader. This is an icon that looks like a QR code in the app. An application will open that looks like standard screen cameras.

Step 7Align the QR code in the camera frame. A bit like how you take photos, except you don't have to press any buttons. When the barcode scanner reads the code, a pop-up window will appear with the URL in the code.

Step 8Click "OK" to open the website. This launches your default web browser and navigates to the URL in the QR code.

QR Code Reader allows you to read encrypted QR codes, display text or links on the screen for later opening in the browser. The program interface is extremely simple. It is enough to point the device's camera at the image so that the application can read it. In low light conditions, the program is able to activate the flashlight.


QR Code Reader is one of the most fast applications, capable of reading the code and deciphering it in just a few seconds. If the text contains a link to any Internet resource, the user has the opportunity to immediately follow it. For this purpose there is a dedicated special button on the menu. If the code contains only text, the user can read and study it. Other features include:

  • any QR code formats are supported;
  • you can turn on the flashlight if there is too little light around for the camera;
  • extremely small client size - only a few megabytes.

Even a person who has little understanding of how a phone works can figure out the controls. Simply move the camera closer to the QR code image and then start scanning. At the same time, if there is not enough lighting, you can turn on the flashlight. During the process, it is advisable to hold the device level and not shake it, otherwise there is a chance that the scanning will fail and the code will be read incorrectly. In any case, the user will have to start all over again.

The program has virtually no settings as such, which greatly simplifies its use. The application is distributed free of charge, which has greatly increased the target audience.


The QR Code Reader program has a very good level of performance. The interface quickly responds to any user commands, and scanning takes only a few seconds. However, this indicator depends on the power of the phone, and the process may take more than long term. Nevertheless, the program still remains one of the best on the market.

How to scan a QR code on Android for different purposes ( Wifi connections, authorization in Viber messengers, Whatsapp, viewing products on Aliexpress) we will look at in detail in this publication. Let's look at how built-in Android capabilities, and third-party applications.

I am sure that many of you often come across similar “drawings” on the Internet, on advertisements, product packaging, etc.:

So, we are dealing with such a concept as “ Quick Response Code", which was created for the Japanese automobile industry, but after a while gained popularity throughout the world. " Q Ar"is a type of barcode where, using the unique arrangement and size of black blocks, almost any information is encrypted - links to websites, text descriptions, geographical coordinates, order and payment information.

The technology has such a wide range of applications that you can list it for hours on end. For example, I recently purchased VR glasses for a Xiaomi smartphone, and in order not to look for special application in the Play Market, all you had to do was scan the QR on the packaging and immediately proceed to download the software.

The reading procedure takes a few seconds, and a necessary condition is a connection to the global Internet networks. Let's take a closer look at the tools.

Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to use them. Old versions of the OS installed on phones older than 5 years are unlikely to support this method. But more modern firmware cope with the task almost automatically.

For example, on my Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 yes standard application « Scanner" In addition, you just need to turn on the camera and point it at the QR code so that the “ Read more…", and in a new window you will see a link (or other information):

Again, it all depends on Android and the installed shell - in MIUI (in Xiaomi/Xiaomi) and Flyme (for Meizu) these functions are implemented, although in the latter case you need to select the appropriate shooting mode:

Try looking for something similar in your home, rummage through the settings. If you don’t find it, go to the list of useful utilities.

How to scan a QR code on Android with third-party programs

IN official store Google Play By this request you can find a lot of software that can be used to recognize codes different types. But you should only use software with a high rating; it is advisable to choose options without advertising (although there are few of them). I have prepared a list that is current for 2018. Perhaps more advanced solutions will appear in the future. Although, what new can a utility of this purpose offer?

  • Lightning Scanner;

I will not specifically describe the interface and capabilities of each tool, since they are identical and have the same operating principle, namely:

  • Connect to the Internet (mobile or Wi-Fi);
  • Launch the application;
  • Select a mode (if offered);
  • When a square appears on the screen, you should point the camera at the desired element that you want to scan;
  • After a couple of seconds, the result will be found and you will see information on the display;
  • Then you can go to the site (if you received a link), read the description, share on in social networks(messengers), copy for later pasting into notes, etc.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. When writing the last article about I discovered on their home page, a tricky code for smartphones that has not yet become commonplace. I recently became acquainted with this topic and therefore today I want to talk about such a thing as QR codes.

For many, this type of barcode has already become commonplace, while others still don’t quite understand what it’s actually about. we're talking about. It is precisely for such comrades (to whom, until recently, I myself was one) that this article is dedicated.

Let's start with the fact that the popularity of this type of information encoding is explained primarily by the development of technology and the almost universal distribution of phones with a good camera and decent performance. To decrypt a QR code, it is enough to have a regular mobile phone and a decoding program installed on it.

What is usually encrypted in this way? Well, first of all, this is logistics (i.e. replacing the usual barcode), bank receipts to speed up the reading of information from them, as well as ordinary things: links to advertising posters or websites and business card data, which will immediately be open in your cell phone's browser, or entered into his address book.

Purpose of QR codes and their use

QR codes are primarily about convenience. But let's see how you can create them yourself in online generators, as well as read and decrypt them on your cell phones. Well, due to the fact that this blog belongs to the topic of webmastering, we will consider plugins for WordPress that will allow you to display a barcode with its URL address om, for example, to add it to your smartphone bookmarks.

This barcode variation looks something like this:

It consists of an image in which, as a rule, one can always distinguish three large squares. They serve as guidelines when deciphering the code by programs for reading it - they help determine the level of inclination and clearly refer to the scale. Previously, a simpler one-dimensional (linear) barcode was used everywhere:

Using a barcode, you can encrypt only 20 to 30 characters and this was quite enough, for example, for the needs. QR is one of the varieties of a two-dimensional barcode and allows you to significantly increase the amount of information contained in it. Ideally, it can be used to convert up to two and a half printed pages of text into a relatively small image.

In reality they code from several tens to hundreds of characters, because a larger number may cause difficulties in decoding by mobile phones in non-ideal conditions. In addition, up to 30 percent of the information can be given over to redundancy, which will allow the QR code to be decrypted even if it is partially damaged or in poor conditions.

The Japanese got the whole world hooked on this “infection”. One of their companies developed the principles of encoding and decryption in the mid-nineties of the last century. Well, the widespread use of cell phones in the land of the rising sun has provided the majority of the population with personal barcode scanners.

The fashion for QR codes is slowly sweeping the post-Soviet space. In any case, these intricate pictures are already found quite often on websites or in subway advertising. Yes, and there will be a barcode on the business card good decision, allowing you to add all your coordinates to your potential partner’s mobile phone with one click (the scanner program will not only decipher the encoded information, but also send the data to contacts or open the link in the browser):

If, for example, you wanted to add an interesting article to your cell phone bookmarks (for reading it on the road), then for everyone modern browsers There are add-ons and plugins that allow you to encode URL addresses into QR, and then you can read it with your mobile phone camera and the specified page will be opened in mobile browser. The same applies to selected text fragments.

How to create a QR code - online generators

A little higher we looked at generators integrated into browsers, but they look much more functional online versions, which can encode the information you need (URL address, text, personal data with business card, SMS, phone number, etc.) and create a picture of the size you need. You can save the resulting barcode image on your computer or get a link to it.

    QR Hacker— serves to create exclusive images with barcodes that you can color, round their corners and even add your logo. Because Since this technology initially contains code redundancy (up to 30%), these abuses will not lead to loss of information.

    First, in the left panel of the generator, select the data type - this is necessary so that the decryptor program in your mobile phone knows what to do with this data in the future - open a link in the browser, show text, add data to contacts, or do something else. In the next step, in the form located just below, enter what you want to encode (in my case, this is the URL - https://site) and click on the “Generate” button.

    A regular black and white QR code will appear in the editor window, which can either be saved as is or colored. All editor tools are located in the right panel. If we consider them from top to bottom, then first comes the engine for rounding corners of elements, then tools for setting the background color, or loading and adjusting the transparency of the background image.

    Well, just below are the tools for coloring the elements themselves (just like Pet Shop children’s coloring books) and placing the logo on the surface of the created barcode. Below the image you are mocking is a color scale that indirectly characterizes its readability. In the screenshot just above, readability is on the verge, although my phone has installed program decoding I-nigma (consonant with, isn’t it) coped with this task with a bang.

    QR— a simple barcode generator with an interface in Russian. First, you should select the type of information that you want to embed in the picture (text, business card, SMS or URL) so that the reader will offer you necessary options further actions. For example, in the case of a business card, you will be asked to fill out the following fields:

    For links, this will be opening in the browser, and for business card data, saving in contacts (or dialing the number from the business card):

  1. another Russian-language QR code generator with slightly more advanced functionality, which is primarily associated with a wide variety of types of information that can be encoded and color settings final picture:

    There is a possibility of encoding Email addresses and the whole mail message indicating the addressee, subject and text of the letter. In addition, you can encode a phone number (it would be convenient if girls wore badges or bags with such a barcode), Twitter messages and even coordinates on Google maps. Plague!

    In general, of course, the Qrmania service can be called the apotheosis of QR generators, because the created image can not only be saved on your computer, but also ordered to be printed on a T-shirt, baseball cap, badge, bag and other small items for quite reasonable money:

  2. is a less pretentious, but also functional Russian online generator with the ability to order printing of the created QR code on clothes and things.
  3. There are several more generators from the Kaywa service (one and two), which do not stand out in anything special, but they have their place.
  4. The developers of the popular barcode also have their own barcode creator mobile scanner i-nigma.
  5. Oh, yes, another bourgeois service is worth mentioning, because the design is nice. Well, that's enough, I guess.

Yes, at the beginning of the article I mentioned something that would allow you to generate QRs on the fly for your blog pages. I almost forgot about this, but I’ll still provide a link to the page of the author of these plugins. I myself have not yet realized the need to attach a barcode to all blog pages, but perhaps I will change my mind over time.

Well, and finally, I won’t fail to provide a link to the article, where you can see several dozen highly artistic barcodes. It is noteworthy that all the pictures from this article I checked can be confidently deciphered by a mobile phone.

How to decrypt a barcode - programs and online services

Another question is how one can decipher such intricate pictures on a mobile phone. Kit similar programs quite large and a lot will depend on the type of your phone, or more precisely on the OS on which it runs (Android, iOS, etc.).

Personally I use Nokia phone E72 and most of all I liked I-nigma - just follow this link from your cell phone, the developers’ website will automatically determine the type of your device and offer to download a program for reading and decoding QR codes. In my opinion, everything you can think of is supported (in terms of phone models). You can find a screenshot of I-nigma’s work just above the text.

However, before considering any further scanning programs for mobile phones, I want to stop at online services that help you decipher any barcode. You can’t imagine why this might be needed right off the bat, but if such services exist, then there is a need for them too.

I think more online services, allowing you to decode any barcode, will not be required, because these are rather force majeure actions that have nothing to do with the convenience of mobile recognition.

Yes, still worth mentioning desktop program, because he also has the right to life. It's called BarCapture.

It will be enough to simply circle the area with the QR code and after releasing the mouse you will find out the answer to what exactly was encrypted in it. In my opinion, this program works worse than its counterparts on cell phone, so I don’t particularly recommend using it, except in case of force majeure and the lack of a mobile phone at hand.

Well, now is the time to move on to the most popular programs barcode reading and decoding for mobile phones:

  1. I-nigma - already mentioned this program, which exists for different mobile platforms
  2. Barcodes Scanner - popular app, which exists in variations for Android and iOS.
  3. QuickMark - suitable for almost any mobile device
  4. BeeTagg is another one universal program for scanning and recognizing QR codes, suitable for a huge number of mobile phone models
  5. UpCode is again a multi-platform scanner and decoder
  6. Neo Reader - well, you get the idea
  7. Decipher a QR code yourself - an article on Habré about how to do without reading programs

Well, I want to say goodbye in an unconventional manner:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Sometimes situations arise when you need to read a QR code, but you don’t have a smartphone at hand. What to do? The only thing that comes to mind is to try to read it manually. If anyone has encountered such situations or is simply curious about how QR codes are read by machines, then this article will help you understand this problem. The article discusses the basic features of QR codes and the method of decrypting information without the use of computers. Let's consider the solution to the problem of directly reading information from a QR picture using two codes as an example.
To understand how to extract data from code, you need to understand the algorithm. There are several standards in the QR code family, with their basic principles can be found in the specifications. Let me briefly explain: the data that needs to be encoded is divided into blocks depending on the encoding mode. A header is added to the data divided into blocks, indicating the mode and number of blocks. There are also modes that use a more complex structure for placing information. We will not consider these modes, since it is impractical to manually extract information from them. However, based on the principles described below, you can adapt to these modes. In case of incorrect reading of data in QR, special codes, which can correct shortcomings when reading. These are the so-called Reed-Solomon codes. We will not consider the principle of calculating codes, as well as correcting errors in blocks of information; this is the topic of a separate article. Error-correcting Reed-Solomon (RS) codes are written after all information data. This greatly simplifies the task of directly reading information: you can simply read the data without touching the codes. As practice shows, usually most of the QR matrix is ​​occupied by corrective RS codes.

According to the standard, data with RS codes are “mixed” before being recorded in the image. For these purposes, special masks are used. There are 8 algorithms, among which the best is selected. The selection criteria are based on a system of penalties, which you can also read about in the specifications. The “mixed” data is written in a special sequence onto a template image, where it is added Technical information for decoding devices. Based on the described algorithm, we can distinguish a scheme for extracting data from a QR code:
Here, the points that will need to be implemented when directly reading the code are underlined with a green felt-tip pen. The remaining points can be omitted in view of the fact that the reading is performed by a person.

Step 0. QR code

Looking at the pictures, you can see several distinct areas. These areas are used to detect the QR code. This data is not of interest from the point of view of the recorded information, but you need to cross them out or simply remember their location so that they do not interfere. The rest of the code field already contains useful information. It can be divided into two parts: system information and data. There is also information about the code version. Depends on the code version maximum volume data that can be written to code. When the version is upgraded, they are added special blocks, for example like here: You can use them to navigate and understand which version of the QR is in front of you. Higher version codes are also usually impractical to read manually. Accommodation system information shown in the picture:
System information is duplicated, which significantly reduces the likelihood of errors occurring when detecting and reading the code. System information is 15 bits of data, among which the first 5 are helpful information, and the remaining 10 are BCH (15.5) code, which allows you to correct errors in system data. The class of BCH codes also includes RS codes. Please note that in the figure the two 15-bit strips do not intersect.

Step 1: Read 5 bits of system information

As already mentioned, only the first 5 bits are of interest. Of which 2 bits indicate the error correction level, and the remaining 3 bits indicate which mask out of the available 8 is applied to the data. In the QR codes under consideration, system information contains:

Step 2. Mask for system information

In addition to the already announced schemes for protecting system information, in addition, a static mask is used, which is applied to any system information. It looks like: 101010000010010 . Since only the first 5 bits are of interest, the mask can be shortened and easily remembered: 10101 (ten-one hundred one). After applying the “exclusive or” (xor) operation, we obtain information. Possible error correction levels:
L 01
M 00
Q 11
H 10
Possible masks:
000 (i + j) mod 2 = 0
001 i mod 2 = 0
010 j mod 3 = 0
011 (i + j) mod 3 = 0
100 ((i div 2) + (j div 3)) mod 2 = 0
101 (i j) mod 2 + (i j) mod 3 = 0
110 ((i j) mod 2 + (i j) mod 3) mod 2 = 0
111 ((i+j) mod 2 + (i j) mod 3) mod 2 = 0

Step 3: Reading the Data Header

To understand what data you have to deal with, you must initially read the 4-bit header, which contains information about the mode. The specifics of reading data are shown in the picture:
List of possible modes:

Step 4: Apply a mask to the title

After extracting the 4 bits that describe the mode, you need to apply a mask to them.
In our case, different masks are used for the two codes. The mask is determined by the expression given in the table above. If this expression reduces to TRUE for the bit with coordinates (i,j), then the bit is inverted, otherwise everything remains unchanged. Origin on the left top corner (0,0) . Looking at the expressions, you can notice patterns in them. For the QR codes under consideration, the masks will look like this: We get the modes:

Step 5: Read Data

After receiving data about the mode, you can start reading the information. It should be noted that it is most interesting to read numeric and alphanumeric data, since they are easy to interpret. But don't be afraid of 8-bit either. It can also be easily interpreted information. For example, many online generators QR text is encoded in this mode using . Another reason why you should initially read the mode is that the number of data packets depends on it. Which also depends on the code version. For versions one through nine, block lengths for more readable modes are: The first block after the mode indicator is the number of characters. For numeric mode, the quantity is encoded in the next 10 bits, and for 8-bit mode in 8 bits (sorry for the tautology).
The figure shows that in the left QR code, as noted, the number 5 is written. This can be seen from the indicator of the number of characters and the 4 bits following it. In numeric mode, along with 10-bit blocks, 4-bit blocks are used to save space if 10-bit space is not necessary. In the right code, 4 characters are encrypted. On this moment it is unknown what is encrypted in it. Therefore, it is necessary to proceed to reading the next column to extract all 4 blocks of information.
The figure shows that all 4 packets are ASCII codes Latin letters, forming the word “habr” Naturally in the best possible way All that remains is to take the phone out of your pocket and, pointing the camera at the QR picture, read all the information. However, in emergency cases, the described technique can also be useful. Of course, you can’t keep all the indicators of modes and types of masks in your head, as well as ASCII characters, but you can remember popular combinations (at least those discussed in the article).


BS ISO/IEC 18004:2006. Information technology. Automatic identification and data capture techniques. QR Code 2005 bar code symbology specification. London: BSI. 2007. p. 126. ISBN 978-0-580-67368-9. P.S. Follow the resource rules and conditions Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)