Open ports in windows 7 command line. Opening ports on an ASUS router

Not everyone knows how to open ports on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, but many PC users have probably heard about them. However, for some online games or programs that require Internet access, opening additional connections becomes necessary. Sometimes you need to open or check already open ports.

A port is a specific numeric code that allows the system to exchange data with hosting providers from the Internet. This is a kind of path that helps the necessary data to be checked and reached with remote server exactly to your computer, exactly to the address.

Some applications do not require opening an additional connection, since it is already open. But for some closed resources, games (for example, Minecraft), you have to do this manually.

Opening methods

Easiest general way

Most available method pretty simple. Below is an algorithm of actions that need to be performed:

  • In the “Control Panel” we find the “System and Security” item, then open “Windows Firewall”.

Open Windows Firewall

  • Select "Advanced options"
  • In the window that appears, select “Rules for incoming connections” (left column).

Select “Rules for incoming connections”

  • Next, you need to create a rule, click on the corresponding icon.
  • Rule type “For port”, click the “Next” button, put a marker on “TCP Protocol” and enter the number (you need to check it exactly). Click “Next” again.

Place a marker on “TCP Protocol”

  • Leave all the checkboxes - they determine which profiles the rule will apply to.

Leave all the boxes ticked

  • Then you will need to come up with a name and, if you require it, a description. Click “Finish”.

Specifying a name

That's it - you have a new rule, now the computer will be able to connect to the desired server.

Connection for the program

This method may be required if the previous one could not provide required application required network activity. That is, simply, the required program still does not connect to the Internet.

  1. By to the previous algorithm we get to the place where you need to select the type of rule, select the type of rule “For program”
  2. Place a marker on the “Program Path”, select using the “Browse” button, or manually enter the program address.
  3. Click “Next” and check “Allow connection”.
  4. Then we repeat everything we did with the previous method.

As a result, this program will be allowed to connect to the network.

By itself, it can often block many connections, so in some cases you can simply try disabling it. However, if you do not have any antivirus installed on your computer, then using the Internet with the firewall disabled can be dangerous for your computer.

To disable the firewall, you just need to go into it, select the item “Turn Windows Firewall on or off”, in the settings settings, check the “Disable” Windows firewall" and click "OK".


You don't always need to drive new number and choose a protocol, sometimes it is enough to know how to check if a port is open. This can be done using special team. First, enter “cmd” (without quotes) in the command line (opened by pressing Win+R), then click “OK”, and in the window that appears, enter the command “netstat -a”. Then a list of all will appear open protocols. This way it is easy to check their quantity. Such a check can be carried out on various free Internet services, which will also provide this information.

It's quite easy to open new connections or disable blocking them altogether. These restrictions, with small skills, will not prevent you from gaining access to necessary information or data from the Internet. Now, if necessary, you can both open a port on your computer and check which ones are open.

Which was dedicated to fans of the game Minecraft, I once again focused on the fact that network security is everything to us. After all, no one wants some bad guy to gain access to your personal electronic wallet, or, for example, to encrypt all the files on your computer.

Of course, we all use modern ones, but sometimes we ourselves give attackers an extra reason to come visit us without an invitation. Now I mean “forwarding” ports for the needs of various online games and other network applications.

So it's time to talk about how check open ports computer via the command line. And believe me, it's very simple. Even a first grader can cope with this. 😉

All further actions will be shown on Windows example 10, although in other versions of this OS everything happens similarly. So, let's begin to “conjure.” To do this, first of all click right click mouse on the “Start” button and open the command line.

In it we enter a simple command like the following:

After this, the scanning process will start. Naturally, here you need to wait a little, so you need to stock up on patience or tea. 😉 And so, in the picture below, open ports are shown in a yellow frame. As you can see, in the “Status” column they are marked as “LISTENING” (that is, listening).

If instead of this value there is the inscription “ESTABLISHED”, it means that at this time the connection is established and data is being transferred between two network nodes. This is how it looks visually.

Look, the second and third columns show these nodes. In my case there is no danger, since the address "" refers to the same local computer. That is, everything happens within the confines of a home computer, external threat No.

The general list may also contain values ​​like “CLOSE_WAIT” (waiting for the connection to close) and “TIME_WAIT” (exceeding the response time). Pay attention to the screenshot below.

Okay, so we found out which ports are open, but what to do next with this facility? It's actually simple. Let's consider the situation at real example. Let’s say we want to find out which program opens port “1688” (it is highlighted in the figure above).

To do this, you need to copy the value from the last column, which is called "PID". In our case, this is the number “9184”. Now you should open the manager Windows tasks by simultaneously pressing the “Ctrl+Alt+Del” keys, and then go to the “Details” tab.

Next, in the “Process ID” column, you can easily find the value we need and understand what kind of application is using it. By right-clicking, for example, on the name of the process involved, you will be able to read about it on the Internet or immediately go to the folder where its executive files are located.

This is the story about how to check open computer ports through the command line Windows string Versions 10 and 7 have come to completion. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments to the publication.

And soon I will show you another one for these purposes, which is designed to further automate the process of identifying active network connections. That's all for now and let's watch an interesting video.

Surely many have heard that in some cases it is necessary to open ports so that, for example, some resource becomes available on the Internet. True, not everyone knows how to use Windows 7, one of the most popular operating systems of our time. Let's look at the aspect of general solutions to this issue, and also deal with some of the nuances.

Why are ports needed?

Let's not go deeper into the weeds system processes, but let’s try to figure out how to open ports on Windows 7. First of all, everyone should know that ports, in fact, in the broadest sense, are some kind of universal communication channels through which you can connect to certain resources on the Internet. This is sometimes prerequisite to be able to participate in an online game or gain access to a closed server.

In addition, some specific ports are used various devices in the system itself. Let's dwell on this separately.

How to on Windows 7: general solution

So, initially this whole procedure comes down to changing the firewall settings. Let's say it right away: this common decision can only be used in cases where the connection is made directly through a cable and not a router such as a Wi-Fi router (in this case, the ports will need to be configured on the device itself).

How to open ports on Windows 7? As easy as pie. First, go to where we select the system and security section. After that, select the firewall settings. In this section we are interested in additional parameters, after selecting which the mode parameters window will open increased security.

Here, at the top left, we enable the rule line for incoming connections, and then create a new one (a port is selected as a component). At the next stage we indicate TCP protocol, number desired port, after which we allow the connection. Next, the profile settings that appear can be left unchanged. Then enter the name of the new rule and click the “Finish” button.

Issues of opening and changing com ports

As for how Windows 7 com ports are opened, there is nothing particularly complicated here either. Sometimes such a procedure will be needed in order to reassign reserved ports for some devices or simply remove unused ones.

First, click on the computer icon on the Desktop and select the properties line. On the additional tab, click on the button, after which you will need to create a new variable called DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES with a value of 1 (this will allow you to display all ports and devices that use them in the corresponding manager).

Now call it either from the Control Panel or with the command devmgmt.msc, enter “Run” in the menu bar. In it you need to sort the list of devices by type. In the COM and LPT ports section, all unused devices that unnecessarily occupy the corresponding ports will become visible. They can be completely easily removed. Port reassignment is done in the properties submenu of any component installed in the system.

How to open ports on Windows 7 for Minecraft

As for opening ports for one of the most popular online games under called Minecraft, here you can use two main methods: configure them manually or use special utilities, which is much simpler. Let's start with the second one.

You can install a small utility called Simple Port Forwarding. After starting the program, you need to specify the port number 25565, your IP address and set some additional parameters. But here you should take into account that the application is shareware, and a week after you start using it you will have to buy it.

This means that the user will need to know how to open ports on Windows 7 specifically for this game manually. Let's look at the situation using routers as an example. First, through the browser you need to enter its settings and go to the Port Forwarding section. Here you will have to create a new connection, and in the settings sheet enter the IP of the router itself, the IP of the provider's server, the number of the required port (25565) and do not forget to check the box next to enabling the TCP protocol. After this, you need to save the settings and simply restart the router and computer (laptop). As you can see, this technique is somewhat more complicated, since you will have to contact the provider (by at least, in order to find out the address of its server).


To summarize, we can note that there is nothing particularly difficult about opening ports in the “seven”, however, as in any other system. Here you just need to pay attention to the type of port being opened, since the specifics of the procedure being performed will depend on this. It goes without saying that you should also take into account the type of Internet connection, because the general technique only works in cases direct connection computer or laptop via For a Wi-Fi connection, setting up the router is the same as connecting to Minecraft servers. As a last resort, all the necessary data can be obtained from the provider if automatic setting Some parameters are not provided. Finally, nothing may work out if some ports are simply not supported by the provider or are blocked for some reason.

While the program is running, the computer and servers communicate on the network through activated open ports. To ensure connection and create network access for PC programs, it is useful for each user to know how to open ports on Windows 7. They can be thought of as special paths for connecting the PC to resources world wide web. For example, without them it is impossible to participate in an online game or contact a specific server.

Ports 80 and 443

They are open by default, so regular user can learn about their existence only after problems with Internet access appear. The vast majority of Internet pages are opened using No. 80. There are ports that have and specific purpose, for example, No. 443. Often some program gives the user a message about the need to enable No. 443.

Main reasons for port closures

Usually the cause of this problem is your computer's firewall or firewall. Almost all PCs are equipped with the Firewall utility. 80 and 443 are very rarely on the list of closed ones, but it happens that it is your own firewall that does not allow access to the network. Sometimes access to it is closed by the network administrator or it is simply not listed in the router.

To find out and eliminate the true cause, you will need to study in detail the operation of a particular computer on the network.

General step-by-step instructions

In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to perform the following actions:

Thus, the procedure for opening ports on Windows 7 is not a difficult task and does not require much time at all. You just need to enter the data carefully.

Other reasons

If the user managed to find out the reason, for example, some ports were closed by the network administrator, then in this case there are only two ways to eliminate the inconvenience: 1. talk to management or 2. talk to the network administrator.

If you have problems with the router, you will need to study the device manual. There is no unambiguous instruction suitable for all models of router devices, because a lot depends on the developer software router.

If not all, then many users, especially those who prefer online team games, know that for some applications on Windows systems special ports must be used, without which correct functioning Some programs that require access to Internet resources in their work will not be possible. For example, the same Skype application uses port 443, corresponding to the TCP protocol; browsers mainly use port 80. We will discuss how to open the port on Windows 7 below. I would immediately like to reassure all users who are far from understanding such technologies that after reading this material, they will be able to open ports on their own and use them, for example, for popular Minecraft games.

What are ports and why are they needed?

Before considering the main question regarding how to open a port on Windows 7, let’s dwell a little on theoretical information.

What are the ports in general understanding? These are certain communication channels that are allocated for the operation of certain applications. However, only the program for which they are assigned uses them. Each port corresponds to a protocol (TCP or UDP), that is, a set of rules governing the Internet connection with the right resource and the implementation of data reception and transmission.

Usually in the operating system for standard (typical applications) produce manual settings no need. But just for some specific programs (for example, the game Minecraft), the ports must be opened independently. Also, open ports in Windows 7 or similar systems allow you to use them to provide access to some resources inside local network, and not just on the Internet. In general, the scope of use of ports is quite extensive.

How to open a port on a computer with Windows 7: general technique

Now let's move on to practical actions. The whole methodology comes down to setting the firewall parameters. Please note right away that opening ports using operating system is used exclusively for wired connections. If you access the network or the Internet via wireless communication, when a router or ADSL modem acts as a router, this technique is not suitable. And the ports will have to be opened or reassigned exclusively on the router.

So, first we call the standard “Control Panel” and go to the firewall section in it. In the main settings window, use the line additional parameters, located in the menu on the left, after which you will be asked to open them as an administrator. We agree.

This will open the settings window in enhanced security mode. Now the question of how to open a port on Windows 7 involves creating a new rule (the column with the corresponding line is in the right menu).

In the new window, which is a kind of “Configuration Wizard”, in the rule type, select creating a rule for the port and click the continue button.

The next step is to set the type of protocol to use, since applications can use both TCP and UDP. We select TCP, and then indicate for which ports the new rule will be used (for all or for a specific one). Let's use opening port 443 to Skype programs and specify it in the settings.

At the next stage, you must give permission to connect using the port being opened. Mark the corresponding line ( secure connection with authentication it is better not to use).

Next, the profile settings can be left unchanged (the checkboxes will be checked opposite all the items), then enter an arbitrary name for the new rule and click on the “Finish” button. All. The created rule is active and the port is available for use.

Note: in some cases, such settings may not produce results if the port being opened is blocked by your provider for some reason.

How to open a port on Windows 7 via the command console?

As you can see, the firewall settings are quite simple. However, there is one more effective technique. In Windows 7, the command line makes it even easier and less time-consuming to open a port of any type, although many users clearly do not like using it. Nevertheless, we will dwell on this option.

Let's launch command console as an administrator using the main Start menu or the Run menu with the cmd command. Then we write a combination of the following content:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="RULE_NAME" protocol="PORT_NUMBER" localport=Port action=allow dir=IN.

The name of the rule, as in the case of firewall settings, is entered arbitrarily, and the port number that should be opened is indicated (for example, 443, as in the previous method).

View open ports

Now you need to make sure everything is done correctly. Open ports on a computer with Windows 7, you can view it through the same command console, in which you should enter the command netstat -a.

A list of all open ports will be displayed on the screen. Each of them will have a specific description, where:

  • ESTABLISHED - connection is established and the port is in use;
  • TIME_WAIT - the port is in waiting mode for opening to establish communication;
  • CLOSE_WAIT - port in standby mode;
  • LISTENING - the port is in listening mode.

Port reassignment issues

In principle, for this you can use the section variable environments(line additional options in computer properties), create in it new parameter DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES and assign the value as one. After this, we call the standard “Device Manager”, sort the devices by type, and in the LPT and COM ports section you can immediately identify all the devices that use these ports, without any need. Reassignment can be done from additional menus, corresponding to each device (or delete them altogether).

Brief summary

If we draw a line under all of the above, I think optimal solution The least time-consuming option is to use the command line. But for a beginner will suit the user and the first method due to its simplicity and accessibility.

As for the issues of reassigning ports, it is not recommended to do this unnecessarily, otherwise some devices will stop working altogether. Opening ports on routers was not considered, since in this case only a web browser is used among the operating system tools, and the opening technology is somewhat different from that adopted as a standard in the system.