How many followers can you earn on Instagram? Real numbers on how much you can earn on Instagram

Review of the best ways to make money on Instagram.

Every day the number of users is only growing, despite the fact that it is just a phone application.

And, as you know, popularity on Instagram is influenced by the number of subscribers.

What affects income?

How to make money by posting several pictures a day?

4 ways to make money on Instagram

1. Make money on Instagram using advertising

Everyone has long known that the main way to earn money on the Internet is by placing advertisements on websites.

This is the easiest, proven and reliable way to get money.

4. Earn money on Instagram using various services

And of course, Instagram has not been spared by various services with which people usually make money on websites.

Names such as Userator, VKtarget and Twite are familiar to many.

The system and essence of these services is very simple: the user completes tasks - he is credited with money. And these systems have their own tricks, so before registering you should carefully read the user agreement.

A more reliable source of income is Instagram post exchanges, such as or Snapfluence.

Working as a media marketer, the user simply posts photos of the company’s products on Instagram that he needs to promote and receives money for it.

How much do they earn on Instagram?

The first condition for successful earnings is subscribers. The more there are, the higher the income from advertising posts will be. Services pay for subscribers (on average 1 ruble), for likes on photos and for the number of clicks on the page.

You should also remember that there are a lot of bots on Instagram. Out of 50,000 subscribers, only 1000-2000 thousand people can be real. This is where money will be paid.

Possible when the account is active and popular.

There is simple arithmetic here: the more advertising they order from the owner of a popular Instagram, the greater the profit. The average income from advertising is about 7,000 rubles. This is provided that the advertisement is ordered several times.

Companies promoting their brands are on average willing to pay from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles for one post with their products.

The social network Instagram is not only a great place to share photos and communicate, but also a wonderful marketplace. It's no secret that popular personalities use their Insta account to make money. If you ask any successful blogger what profit depends on, you will get the following answer: the number of followers. In this material we will figure out how many subscribers you need on Instagram to earn money. We will also look at ways to generate income from your personal page on a social network.

The Instagram media platform is focused on publishing photos and short videos. Posts appear in the feeds of people who decide to follow your profile. If a person has several thousand fans, then they can become potential clients for various stores and other resources. There are advertising exchanges on the Internet where advertisers find suitable platforms, in our case these are bloggers’ pages.

When choosing a suitable candidate, the customer analyzes the profile using special services. The following data is important to him:

  • City and country. If an advertiser wants to talk about a restaurant or cafe located in Moscow, then residents of the capital should know about it. The customer will check where the main percentage of your audience lives.
  • Age and gender. For example, let's take the most popular profile in Russia, Olga Buzova. More than 80% of her audience are young girls. On such a page it is beneficial to post posts about cosmetics, beauty salons, perfumes, etc.
  • Activity. If all the followers are “bought”, then they will not regularly like your publications, and there will also be a minimum of comments under such posts. It is important for an advertiser that the page is “alive”.

A person has gained an audience of 2000 people and wants to know how much he will receive. The standard rule applies here: quality is more important than quantity. If you are followed by real people who correspond in the comments under publications, like them and regularly view your posts, then 1000 users will be enough. If a profile has 50 thousand bots subscribed to it, the customer will know about it.

A novice blogger needs to understand that Instagram is a platform with high commercial indicators. It’s easier to promote your product and earn money here compared to Odnoklassniki or VKontakte.

If you have a large audience or have plans to become a blogger, you need to know about the sources of income that are present on Insta. Let's start with the main thing - Affiliate programs. You need to find products that overlap with the theme of your profile. For example, you love traveling; trip reports and beautiful landscapes regularly appear in your feed. You can collaborate with stores that sell travel gear by posting links in your profile. Every click and purchase is a guaranteed profit for you.

There is only one pitfall here - active links on Instagram can only be placed in the profile description. It is possible to place addresses under photographs and videos, but such links will not be active; the user will need to copy it and paste it into the address bar of the browser.

The affiliate program is beneficial for account owners with a large audience that fits the topic. If the majority of your followers are tourists, then the chance of making a profit from affiliate links increases significantly.

A simpler and more popular option is Sponsored Publications. The method is simpler in that the money is received immediately - you only need to post the desired photo and add a prepared description. You make a profit, no matter whether sales increase or not. In social networks, such earnings are called Sponsored Posts. In order for your account to attract such “sponsors” you must have many living followers.

The requirements will be strict: there must be a lot of activity on the page, the audience must correspond to the service or product being promoted. So, how many subscribers do you need to make money on Instagram from advertising? The audience should be large - 3-4 thousand will be the initial threshold. The higher this number, the greater the chance of attracting sponsors. Typically, popular bloggers do not need to search for orders - advertisers independently find them and write to them in a personal message.

How much do they earn from followers on Instagram?

You can promote your business through Instagram - this is the most profitable way to generate income from the social network. Business account owners use two types of publications:

  1. Interesting moments from the life of the organization.
  2. Satisfied customers who have used the service or chosen your product.

If you decide to promote services or a specific product, it is not necessary to have a large audience. It is important that you can create motivating photos and descriptions for your posts. Another important point: publications should not look like intrusive advertising. We have studied the main ways to make money on Instagram from subscribers.

It is worth creating an account to distribute certain goods or services if you have an online store or a ready-made platform. You won’t be able to negotiate a sale directly on Insta - it’s inconvenient. The exception is the sale of photographs, but only professionals can handle this activity. Photo masters sell directly on their profile. The scheme is extremely simple:

  • You took an amazing photo and want to sell it.
  • Add watermarks to your photo and post your images.
  • When sold, the watermark is removed.

Selling such materials should be considered as additional income. The last method is to sell accounts. This is illegal, but we have no real “punishments”.

How many subscribers do you need to have to make money on Instagram?

Beginning bloggers with an audience of 500-1000 followers can safely charge $50-100 for a sponsored post. Successful bloggers with several thousand followers require $150-250. There are no real statistics, since the issue is discussed directly with the customer.

It is important for a potential customer that the followers are real, because he is interested in attracting new clients. Take care of the quality of your social network profile. We figured out how many subscribers you should have on Instagram to make money. The main thing is to make a firm decision that you want to make a profit from the media platform. Take the matter seriously - this is the basis for success in any endeavor.

In this article we will talk about how much you can earn on the Instagram social network, as well as how to gain popularity and subscribers to your Instagram profile.


Surely you know or have heard stories of Instagram users who make money from their photos through monetization and partnerships with other brands and companies. It is worth noting that you can monetize your publications, if, of course, you already have a sufficient number of subscribers. Well, if there are no subscribers yet, then there is no need to be upset, because today we will tell you how to gain popularity and subscribers to your profile.

A huge number of bloggers, YouTubers, and anyone who has built an audience around their content is already monetizing their Instagram users anyway. If you have an audience of millions, then this is a factor of fame and influence, and therefore the opportunity to make money from it. I would like to note that nothing is more valuable on Instagram than influence and money.

So these two things together provide an opportunity for Instagram creators to explore multiple potential profit streams, whether they want to or not. But this is still a huge prospect for the growth of Instagram, which will allow them to build an entire empire and allow creators to increase their profits significantly.

How many followers do you need to make money on Instagram?

If you are wondering how many followers you need to make money on Instagram, then we would like to immediately surprise you with the fact that these are not the numbers that you think or suspect. Many people think that you can only earn money if you have 100,000 subscribers, but this is not true.

Earning money from an Instagram page depends on the following factors:

  • What niche are you in and how easily can you link your account directly to a product category (fashion, food, beauty, and fitness are the most popular niches that rely on hashtags for popularity).
  • How active are your followers and how often do they visit Instagram (1,000,000 boosted followers will not give you any profit, and such followers are of no use).
  • What revenue channels do you use and how widely are they used?

Naturally, the more followers you have on your Instagram profile, the better.

How to make money on an Instagram page?

Depending on your unique brand and content on your Instagram page, your audience, and your level of commitment, you can make money on Instagram in the following ways:

  • Publish sponsored posts for brands that want to get some of your audience's attention.
  • Become an affiliate and earn commissions by selling products from other manufacturers, brands and companies.
  • Create and sell a physical or digital product, or offer a paid service. Don’t forget about the way to make money through coaching, webinars and master classes.
  • Sell ​​unique photos, or make money by selling your own photos.
  • If you are a girl with a fairly attractive appearance, then making money here is to create another stream of income, without excluding the ones mentioned above.

So let's start with the most common approach to monetizing Instagram: collaboration with brands as an influencing factor.

Working with brands for advertising posts

It is worth noting that the term "Influence" plays a huge role in the social network Instagram.

Leaders are basically individuals who have built a reputation for themselves on the social network by posting daily photos of themselves and interesting life moments. It is very important for the audience and subscribers how much their tastes in fashion or food are respected. Therefore, it is very important to take them into account, and if you do this, you will undoubtedly come to success.

Many brands can't compete in this situation, so they partner with Instagram influencers instead of making sponsored posts that will let manufacturers know how necessary their products are.

But still, most brands offer to advertise products that are not entirely good and effective, for example, this applies to dietary supplements, which the manufacturer sometimes overestimates. You, in turn, should not enter into a partnership with such a sponsor, since publications of this kind will greatly undermine the trust and attitude of your subscribers towards you.

Therefore, if you want to be conscientious and remain a creator for your subscribers, then you need to carefully select what you advertise on your page, as well as what exactly a particular brand offers. If you publish just anything, the audience will lose interest in you, and this will have an extremely negative impact on your earnings.

How to enter into partnerships with companies and brands?

Typically, entering into a partnership with other partners is about attracting an audience and creating content on your Instagram page. For example, this could be a regular post or video publication, but permission to publish using a brand or any brand must be supported by permission from the manufacturer of this brand and brand.

Keep in mind that when concluding a partnership, you will need to tell the advertising customer how large the audience is for your Instagram profile, as well as what the average reach of an advertising post is.

In a survey of 5,000 Instagram influencers, approximately 42% said they charged between $200 and $400 per sponsored post. We presented the numbers for a reason, but to give you an idea of ​​how much you can earn by publishing one advertising post on your page. Now you probably understand that some brands are willing to pay a lot of money to advertise their products.

How to find brands to partner with?

If you have a large enough audience on Instagram, then you have a huge number of opportunities and choices to enter into a partnership.

Worth noting That you can also look for brands to partner with that are on the same level in terms of your personality and the values ​​you prefer. This way your audience won't feel like you're “sold out”.

You can contact any customer directly to try to make a deal. But you can also establish yourself on one of the advertising platforms, or find your own advertiser and sponsor.

Please note that the rules change when it comes to sponsored content. But if you love and respect your audience, and want to maintain your audience's trust in you, then you can add to the sponsored post #hashtag, thereby marking the advertising post.

Become an affiliate partner

Unlike regular sponsorship or partnership with a company, affilate partnership is much better.

  • Firstly you choose what to advertise, what product to choose, and how to present it to your audience.
  • Secondly, earnings from an affilate partnership are much greater than earnings from a regular partnership with a company, since here earnings depend on you and how effectively you promote your advertised product.

Since Instagram doesn't allow you to use links in every post, you need to choose one product and promote it. It is very important to include a link to the product in your profile description. "About Me".

You can also contact one of the many online stores that offer affiliate programs that you can participate in, or you can visit popular online stores like:

  • Clickbank— an affiliate platform that has more than 100 products. Clickbank is open to all Internet users, so you can take part in it too.
  • RewardStyle is an affiliate platform that includes more than 250 products on the topics: fashion and lifestyle. For each product sold, the affiliate platform offers a 20% commission on the cost of the product.
  • Affiliate program from Amazon: The most popular platform that pays 10% commission on the price of the product.

Don't forget that affiliate marketing is an art, and you'll have a better chance of success if you already have a plan to promote your product online.

Well, today we looked at how to gain a million followers on Instagram, as well as how to make money on Instagram.

Video: How to make money on Instagram?

Instagram today is one of the most popular and in-demand social networks both for communication and for earning hundreds of thousands of rubles a month. The main idea of ​​this project is to share your impressions and emotions through photographs. Perhaps it was because of this idea that the project began to gain rapid popularity, and in just three years of work, the Instagram service had more than 200 million active users.

Thanks to this social network, almost every girl has learned to form a duck’s lips and find a good angle for a selfie. But the platform attracts not only the number and variety of charming photos, but also a good opportunity to make money on Instagram.

Previously, users created YouTube channels to promote themselves and make money from their subscribers. Now a similar earnings scheme has moved to Instagram. But making money in this project has a number of advantages:

Ease of content creation

Maintaining your profile is relatively simple. You just need to choose the topic of your account, and it can be multidisciplinary.

You can safely alternate pictures of yourself with pictures of nature and attractions, as well as with shots of restaurant food and, at worst, your feet in the bath! These seemingly oddities have become Instagram classics.

People just love to view any beautiful, high-quality and colorful images. A little imagination and developed taste - and your profile can become popular.

Promoting your page is easier than on other social networks

Perhaps because Instagram is a relatively young project, it is much easier to attract the public here. For example, many beautiful girls have a lot of subscribers, and they did not offer any special efforts for this, but became famous solely due to their attractive appearance.

In the world of Instagram, it’s enough just to post high-quality materials, respond to the mood of your audience, conduct a dialogue with the public - and popularity will appear.

For example, Olga Buzova’s income from her page exceeds one million rubles a day.

Why is there such a strong emphasis on popularity in this article? Because she is the one who will help you earn really good money on Instagram.

(2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Instagram has become one of the most popular networks in the world, used by 800 million people. Business develops more easily than on other resources on the World Wide Web.

How much can you earn on Instagram?

  • 4 – 10 thousand people. — from 500 to 1000 rub. ($ 8 — 16) for 1 post;
  • 20 - 30 thousandfrom 2000 to 5000 ($ 32 — 80);
  • 50 - 80 thousand- from 10 to 30 thousand. ($ 160 — 481);
  • popular - over 100,000 ($ 1604).

Many people are interested in how much Instagram pays for views. It all depends on the number of subscribers.

First thing a niche is selected, in which you feel free, you can achieve success. It’s not just millionaires who receive income. Below are recommendations with the intention of receiving funds for a new recruit.

Drawing up a promotion plan

Main - account theme. Content is divided into 3 categories:

  1. Educational or entertaining.
  2. Private.
  3. Selling.

Post about yourself and your work process inside. The visitor wants to see a person, not a robot. Publish posts better morning and evening around 8-9 o'clock. The best option is 1 publication per day. Characters under photos are limited up to 2000, divide the text into parts and fit in 500−1000 characters. Divide the text into small paragraphs, it’s more pleasant to read. Use the image in square resolution with the same style. Video clip must catch with original content understandable without sound:

  1. Applications for purposes photo processing: VSCO, Snapseed, Afterlight, Pinterest.
  2. Applications for video enhancement: Imovie, InShot, Flipagram, Hyperlapse, Boomerang.
  3. Applications for the sake of creating stories: Story Lab, Story Maker, Story Art, Unfold, InstaMini.
  4. Ideas looking for on Pinterest and on the Internet.

It’s difficult to immediately say how much certain bloggers are paid per million followers on Instagram.

Media content optimization

How to get promoted? Content plan created in advance flexible, includes unplanned events:

  1. Rubric.
  2. Post type.
  3. Periodicity.
  4. Hashtags.

To attract buyers you need 5 ways to get people active:

  1. Practical jokes.
  2. Competitions with prizes.
  3. Marathons. It does not take long, 5-10 days will be enough.
  4. Geo-location. Potential clients from your city appear.
  5. Hashtags.

Important! Tags work as navigation; they make it easier to find a post on a specific topic, just as consumers are found in the case of geo-location. The application is limited to 30 pieces.

Statistics tracking

Statistics are irreplaceable when buying PR. Switch to business account and statistics can be viewed on Instagram, and the profile must be open. Available only after connection; if you turn it off, all data will be lost.

The following are visible functions:

  1. Page views and stories.
  2. Coverage.
  3. Impressions.
  4. Clicks in the link area specified in the profile.
  5. Clicks on the “Contact” button.
  6. Engagement (total number of actions).
  7. Saves.

Activity data shows:

  • gender, age, geography of visitors;
  • activity during the week.

It is important to know! Follower information is visible to users with 100 followers or more.

Quality and reputation are paramount

Once you have enough readers, you can make a terrible mistake. Daily and Frequent product advertising is the killer of all efforts. Be more loyal, treat people with respect, choose a service based on the topic.

Only with quality management will there be development.

Compliance with site and advertiser rules

Instagram has the right block user:

  1. Cheating likes and followers.
  2. Not regular posts (otherwise they will no longer be visible in the feed).
  3. Using the same type copied content.
  4. Be active in moderation.

Today the limit on likes, comments and subscriptions is stricter. All limits in force at this stage may change at any time. Be careful, blocking and bans are happening more and more often.

Selling your products

Sales feature - picture. Now there is a trend towards a healthy lifestyle, by removing all harmful components from your creation, demand will begin to grow. It is effective to promote entire collections of inventions before holidays, on occasions such as weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries.

Important! Don’t be afraid of mistakes, strive for perfection.

Product advertising

Advertising- an effective way to attract future followers. Don't skimp on advertising. Before buying PR, make your profile visually beautiful, let it be published from 6 posts.

Goals for popularization on Instagram:

  • services and assortment for which there is no demand in Google;
  • educational courses, trainings, events;
  • firm, company, brand;
  • establishments, points.

Types of promotion:

  1. Story. Popular, convenient, covering over 500 million similarities.
  2. Photo. Convenient and simple type of advertising.
  3. Video. Video in landscape, square format.
  4. Circular gallery. Posting several photos/videos.
  5. Selection. It is beneficial to present products and inspire customers to buy using videos and photos.

You should also clearly understand how to get money for views on Instagram.

Using affiliate programs

What is an affiliate program and how does it work? It's not the product that's being promoted, purchasing raw materials using a promo code or registering on the website. The income will come from the customer who buys something, and not just clicks on the link.

In the affiliate program you can make a profit without having your own website by posting a referral link on forums, social networks. networks, blog. Don't send spam- these are violations of the program after which you will get blocked.

You are guaranteed:

  1. Official registration and payments.
  2. Online statistics.
  3. Training and support.

Attention! Part of the earnings from income will be lost to pay taxes.

Like and subscribe

The best affiliate programs for arbitration - mass liking and mass following. They are suitable for new recruits. The simplest way to make modest profits paid likes, comments.

Attention! After registering on, v-like you begin to receive profit for completed tasks.

For every 100 likes, an average of 6 users arrive. Subscribe to people who bet hashtags#followme #likeforlike, they will follow back. Common tags are #instagood #photooftheday.

How many subscribers do you need?

You can start making money on Instagram already with several thousand subscribers. A lot depends on the topic of the blog. If the topic is narrowly focused, then even with 5−10,000 followers, you can earn from 5 to 50 thousand rubles. for publication.

Just by looking at the topic, you can say exactly how much to charge for advertising on Instagram.

How much do they pay on Instagram for 1000 subscribers?

For initial earnings it should be approximately 1−2 thousand subscribers, you can type them in different ways.

Bloggers with 1-10 thousand. subscribers can earn from 1000 rub. and more depending on the topic of the page.