Residual images on the TV screen. Is image retention a problem on Retina displays?

The presence of image retention can be observed on all LCD displays, regardless of the manufacturer. There’s no need to worry too much about this, just as you don’t need to run to a service center to get your iMac or MacBook Pro.

Image persistence effect

This is exactly the name it bears this effect V English language. In the technical literature you can also find the term image retention, which essentially means the same thing. Often an afterimage can be observed with the system login window, if it long time was open. After entering the password, this window remains visible in the background of the operating system desktop that opens.

Apple: There's nothing wrong with your computer

According to specialists from the Apple corporation, you can hand over your Mac to warranty repair when this phenomenon is detected, it is not necessary. Unlike cathode ray tubes and plasma panels, all liquid crystal displays created using IPS technology, have the indicated disadvantage. Nevertheless, afterimage does not affect performance in any way and will not affect it in the future. LCD matrices do not burn out, unlike CRT monitors.

How to deal with the effect?

On this moment You won’t be able to get rid of image retention on your monitor, but you can try to reduce its visible consequences using mac OS. For this purpose in operating system there are special functions. By default, they are always enabled, but when setting up the computer, the user himself could change their startup period or even remove them altogether.

Sleeping mode

Enabling this function will not only help you get rid of the residual effect of images, but also save energy or extend the battery drain time Mac laptop. The trigger time can be set based on how often and for how long the computer remains on but not running. The function is enabled and configured in the following order:

You need to go to the menu System Settings -> Energy Saving. This can be done through the left Top Menu on the desktop.

Slider " Monitor sleep mode» must be moved by the required amount.

For laptops, this parameter should also be set on the “ Battery" - this will extend the battery life. It's also worth turning off screen saver, which also consumes charge.

Summing up

Owners of MacBook Pro and iMac with Retina monitors, as well as Apple devices Thunderbolt Display and Apple Cinema Display are highly likely to experience this effect. It is absolutely safe for the computer and does not affect the life of the monitor. You can get rid of it by reducing the period of display of a static image on the screen, for example, by setting the time for switching to sleep mode.

Image retention or burn-in can occur as a result of wear and tear on the phosphor coating of the pixels, as well as when they lose their original light characteristics. This happens due to their uneven operation over a long period of time. IN in this case TV repairs will be inevitable. Plasma is capable of “remembering” the side black stripes if, with a 16:9 format, a picture in 4:3 format is visible on it. In addition, logos of TV channels, menu items, etc. may remain on it. More modern models Plasma panels are less susceptible to burnout than those that were produced several years ago. But if they are used incorrectly, TV repairs cannot be avoided. That's why the most effective way To combat residual images is correct operation, as well as timely prevention. What exactly should be done to prevent the need for TV repair in the near future? 1. To avoid image retention, you must turn off your plasma TV after viewing. You cannot leave a frozen picture on a plasma screen, even for a short time. 2. Also, you should not leave any kind of static on the screen, such as on-screen menus or game system screensavers. 3. Proper use of the built-in screen cleaning mode will help avoid this problem. Modern plasma panels have a separate function designed to eliminate minor or temporary residual images on the screen. At the same time, its frequent activation can lead to wear and tear of the plasma, which will require TV repairs at a service center. You should not immediately start cleaning the screen if a small piece of the logo appears in the corner of the screen. It is quite possible that he will disappear on his own. 4. Sometimes it makes sense to use a DVD corrector designed to straighten the picture on a plasma panel. Specially created video correctors such as PlasmaSaver are able to clean up residual images due to selected movements of shadow and light. 5. Don’t panic every time a part of the picture “freezes” on the matrix. For example, the afterimage of a line running at the bottom of the screen after viewing a football score is not burn-in. This means that it will disappear on its own and the TV will not need to be repaired. 6. Using plasma panel common sense must be used. Its correct use will allow you to enjoy high-quality image for a long time. 7. If the device nevertheless fails, repair of all TV models in Kyiv can be performed by specialists from service centers.

Let's look at an example of repairing an outdated Philips TV 14PT1354 with a 37 cm kinescope. It does not turn on, but the control panel blinks. According to the client, they connected an antenna with an amplifier and it went out. We always repair TVs, so after visual inspection it became clear that it was already under repair. After the impact, the circuit board was cracked and they tried to restore it. During the diagnostics performed, it was found that two modules failed at the same time - horizontal and vertical scanning. In this case, TV repair involves the restoration of these components. In addition, the installation of the board was restored (cracks in 3 places, a corner was broken off). General prophylaxis was carried out. The user is given a number of recommendations, as well as explanations that the malfunction that has arisen has nothing to do with the antenna connection! (that's a coincidence).

The photo shows the TV from behind. All labels indicating the TV model, its serial number and other information are in place. The body of the device is very dusty, especially a lot of dust has accumulated in the ventilation grilles. This TV was used for a long time, and no maintenance was carried out. As a result, the TV needs to be repaired at a service center.

The TV in the photo is from one that has already been taken back cover. The kinescope board is clearly visible here. All cables and wires of the main board are in place. After the impact, the board cracked in several places at once; they tried to restore it in another service workshop. But such TV repairs did not bring the desired result. That is why the user contacted us.

After the preventive maintenance was carried out, the board on which restoration work was carried out is in good condition, it is free of dust. In this case, the horizontal and vertical scans were restored. TV repairs of such complexity should be carried out exclusively in stationary conditions service center which is equipped with modern equipment.

Plasma screens offer higher contrast, deeper blacks, and larger panel sizes than screens using competing technologies. However, plasma also has weakness- the so-called afterimage.

The afterimage or, as it is also called, burn-in occurs due to wear and tear of the special phosphor coating of the pixels and the loss of their primary light characteristics by the pixels as a result of their uneven operation over a long time.

A plasma screen “remembers” the black side bars if, for example, with a 16:9 format, it often displays a 4:3 picture, and a residual image can remain in the form of well-known TV channel logos, menu items, etc. Modern plasma TVs are less susceptible to burnout than models released 3-5 years ago, but still such troubles also happen to them, especially if they are used incorrectly. Therefore, experts note that the most effective way to combat residual images on plasma screens remains correct operation and prevention.

With operating rules for each specific model Plasma TV can always be found in the user manual, which is required to be supplied with it. As for the prevention of afterimages, here you should follow a few simple recommendations.

1. to prevent afterimages from appearingturn off the plasma TV , if you pause it, including when any playback device is connected to it. You should not leave a frozen picture on the plasma screen for a long time, even if you are going to leave for just a few minutes.

2. to prevent afterimages from appearing, Withtry not to leave any static on the screen like an on-screen menu or screen saver gaming system. By the way, greatest danger for plasma they represent just game consoles, since it is in the on-screen game menus that there are always a lot of stationary elements - statistics panels, game equipment, maps, etc.

It is possible that residual images on the screen after playing a game can be “erased” by simply switching the TV to normal TV or video playback. However, we must remember that toys are main enemy plasma. Therefore, before launching a gaming application on the plasma TV screen, you should definitely adjust the brightness and contrast settings manually, or use a special gaming preset, which is probably provided in the menu of your TV and allows you to quickly configure it to optimal mode work in a game environment.

3. G Use the built-in screen cleaning mode wisely (image cleaner). Modern plasma TVs have a separate function to eliminate minor or temporary residual images on the screen. However, its frequent activation leads to increased wear of the plasma panel and significantly reduces its lifespan. In this regard, you should not immediately start cleaning the screen (wipe or clean) as soon as you notice a piece of the channel logo in the corner of the screen. It may well be that after some time it will disappear on its own, if it did not disappear after switching to another channel.

4. so that the afterimage does not appear - VIn some cases, you can use DVD correctors , designed for aligning images on plasma screens. In fact, any movie played continuously can achieve a similar effect. But specially designed video correctors like PlasmaSaver, which clean up residual images (light burnout) on the plasma screen due to specially selected movements of light and shadow.

It's worth noting that Plasma Display Coalition testers recently suggested that minor image retention is not due to changes in the phosphor coating, but due to electric charge individual pixels. Thus, you can effectively combat it with the so-called “white fill” of the screen.

5. don't panic every time when parts of the video image “freeze” on the plasma screen. The residual image, for example, of a ticker at the bottom of the screen after watching the news or a football score is not a burn-out, and they will disappear very quickly on their own.

6. use common sense . Today, few people remember that once upon a time, even on the screen of a CRT TV, a residual image could appear if it was not used according to the rules. Modern plasma, when used correctly, can work for many years without any significant burnout, and to damage the screen in this way you have to try hard.

7. so that the afterimage does not appear - Withshould know that In the first 100-200 hours of operation of a plasma TV, the process of wear of the phosphor in the plasma cells occurs most actively. Because It is recommended to “break in” new TVs . Firstly, it is better to display the image on them in the working format (usually 16:9), and secondly, you can use special screen fills, which are simply reproduced in slide show mode and allow you to obtain the most uniform characteristics of the phosphor over the area of ​​the plasma panel . After 100-200 hours in the running-in mode, the characteristics of the panel will become more stable and it can be properly calibrated.

And further: Almost every new plasma has the “Vivid” or “Vibrant” mode active by default, which is designed to work in a brightly lit supermarket hall, but should never be used at home, since it involves very high level image contrast and leads to screen burn-in.