Instagram profile description. How to make a beautiful Instagram profile header for business

So what to write about yourself in your Instagram bio, we have collected original, cool, beautiful examples for your Instagram profile.

Users of the service create accounts not only for entertainment, but also for work. There are more than a billion people on Instagram, and among them are potential clients, employers or colleagues. To attract attention, you need to fill out your account details with the correct information.

You can fit 150 characters into your profile bio, so write only the most important things. To correctly calculate the number of characters in Russian, first type in Word or use an online counting service:


And after that, copy it to your profile.

Important! Read about why you need an Instagram business card in another article.

Tips with examples: how and what to write about yourself in an Instagram header in 150 characters in Russian:

  • Switch to a business account. What are the benefits: Buttons for quick access to your email, location or phone number. Below your name is a profile category that makes it immediately clear what you do. Example: writer, blogger, actor, etc. You will be able to view statistics.
  • Write in Russian what exactly you do. Example: sale of furniture, shellac, cleaning services.
  • Leave a link to your website, blog, resume or social media page. networks. This is necessary so that a potential client or employer can find everything that interests them - the price of the product, availability of delivery, work experience, quality of service, reviews.
  • Add relevant information if it is important: 15% discount until April 15th. This will encourage the client to make a purchase faster.
  • What you can write about yourself on Instagram in an original way: insert something unexpected for the reader into the list of your services. For example: I write scripts, plays, optimize texts for keys, blog, drink. The main thing is that it is appropriate and not to the detriment of oneself. We’ll tell you how to create a link to WhatsApp on Instagram in another review.
  • Write a brand hashtag to make you easier to find. However, there is no need to spam tags. Example: #vacuum cleaners, #inexpensive vacuum cleaners, #volgograd vacuum cleaners, #Volgograd buy, #discount vacuum cleaners, #inexpensive vacuum cleaners - cannot be used. This will not attract more buyers and looks frivolous.
  • Add emoticons. The main thing is not to overdo it. If this is the account of a young, frivolous girl blogger, then stars, hearts and unicorns are acceptable. But if this is an account for a metal structures manufacturing company, not so much.
    What they write about themselves on Instagram is now clear – only important things and links. Let's look at formatting and design.

You have heard more than once how important the first impression is: on social networks it works one hundred percent. The Instagram header is the first thing a new audience will look at. Correct and competent design is crucial. Will users follow you? Will they click on the website link? Will your account be shared with friends? For a business, this is a key factor - to be one click away from the client.

What is a profile header on Instagram: 10 of its components

The profile header on Instagram occupies the top space, where there are several fields.

  1. Photo. The profile page should contain an attractive photo related to the company: logo or product photo. Some companies and celebrities have a verified badge to identify them as an official account.
  2. Nickname and username. They appear at the top of the page. In a more prominent place in the biography is the name, which appears in bold. They are used in searches, so write them carefully.
  3. Text field. 150 characters, talk about areas of activity and encourage action.
  4. Web site. Specify the page to which you want to drive traffic. Think about what address to provide to retain customers.
  5. Category. Displayed under the business name and listed on the associated Facebook page. This feature requires a business account. Do not waste bio space with unnecessary words, indicate the type of activity in a special field.
  6. Action buttons. Additional links for business accounts free up space in the bio. Displayed in the mobile application. You can find these fields when you click Edit Profile, Contact Methods. If you don't see them, make sure you have a business account. Main advantages: quick communication with the company and unloading of posts: no need to indicate contact information under each post.
  7. Mail. Enter your email address and receive the corresponding button in your profile. When a customer clicks “Email,” Instagram suggests the default email app on the phone.
  8. Location. Helps clients easily find a company. When customers click on this button, it will offer them the map app on their phone.
  9. Telephone. Another way to include contact information in your business profile is to add a phone number. When someone presses the button, a prompt appears to call the company directly.
  10. Call to action. What do you want visitors to do after visiting your profile?

Instagram profile header: examples of how to design it in an original way

How to beautifully design a profile header on Instagram

A good bio should serve certain purposes: show what the business does and characterize your ideal buyer. Encourage your subscriber to take the first action.

For whom: ideal audience

Use a header to attract your ideal audience. She needs to understand who you are before she can be yours. A good Instagram description explains your business and what you do.
If you want to highlight a specific skill, profession, hobby or interest, you need to include it in the header. It's a good idea to describe who you help and how you inspire your ideal audience.
Write a bio about your target audience, this will attract more followers that match the brand. Potential clients will find you.

Links inside Instagram

Action and communication buttons

If you want your profile to be an attractive store for new visitors, you will need to make it easy for them to contact you or indicate your exact location. Go to your business profile. In addition to creating advanced posts and ads, adding links to Instagram Stories, and accessing built-in analytics, switching to a business profile also gives you the ability to add important contact information to your bio. You can include your email address, phone number, and physical address in your profile. It's easy for your profile visitor to click on any of the links and contact you directly via email or phone.

Pinned Instagram Stories

Text decoration

Get creative: use spaces, line breaks, and emotions. Remember that they are displayed well in the mobile version, but may move off in the desktop version.

Add emotions

Using emotion in your header gives your profile a nice vibe, helping your brand stand out. They take up less space, allowing you to add additional information.

  1. Be creative and try a combination of words mixed with emojis.
  2. Use emojis as markers. Emphasize key points in your content to break up the text and make it easier to read. Emojis should always be relevant to the brand and increase the relevance of the header.
  3. It is not recommended to use just emojis on their own without text. This can be confusing to your audience and is a waste of precious branding space.
  4. Emojis should change. Play with different emotions to find the right ones for your brand.

Small bright emoticons are another way to make a beautiful profile header on Instagram.

What to write in the profile header on Instagram

"Name" field in profile

People searching for you will use your name or company name. These are the only fields that are included in the search. But this does not mean that you cannot fantasize. Do you have a specialty or industry niche? Do you offer a specific service? Do you know something special? You can also include these details in the name to add more meaning.

Keywords for content

The search does not work by keywords, but they will focus attention on the profile's activity and will help you communicate with subscribers in their language. Add the core values ​​of the company and target audience to the keys. If you use Instagram for business, spend some time creating a “profile” of your ideal follower. Find pain points and interests. What keywords will help you get the most response? This will help users better understand who you are and what you can offer.



A good biography clearly explains what your business is, what your company does. If you want to show off your skills, profession, hobbies or interests, include a couple of lines in the header. Think about what sets you apart from your competitors. A unique set of skills or experiences that might be of interest to your followers?
Highlight what makes you special, what sets you apart from your competitors. What interesting facts can you tell users about your brand?

Opening hours

Please indicate your opening hours. A simple detail saves followers time.

Simple ideas for designing a profile header on Instagram

  1. Emphasize the formality of the brand page.
  2. Share branded hashtags.
  3. Leave the slogan, the main idea of ​​the brand, in the bio.
  4. Be minimalist. PUMA writes short, simple phrases and lets their images and famous logo speak for themselves. A simplified bio allows customers to determine exactly what the brand wants to receive.
  5. Inspire your subscriber to purchase a product from a specified website.
  6. Offer to download your materials.
  7. Replace some words with emotions.
  8. Provide a link to the Instagram page of the company director or moderators.
  9. Leave bio blank if famous without further ado.

Let's sum it up

Think about how you can use the 150 characters in your bio to create a description that will attract potential clients. Numerous examples of how to fill out a profile header on Instagram will provide tips for creating your own style and original story.
As you can see, your masthead is an important part of attracting your ideal audience. It increases traffic and sales of goods and services. Make sure you make a great first impression.

You've probably seen popular blogs on Instagram. They are always distinguished by one common characteristic - a high-quality picture! In recent years, the social network has come a long way in its development. This is no longer the photo editing app it was originally intended to be. But the main thing remains the same - visuals are still a key factor in successful promotion.

Unusual and successful photographs are remembered, create the first impression of the brand, and motivate to buy the product/subscribe. Easily readable text information also plays a role in visual perception. In this article, we have collected tips that will help you find your target audience and make them your subscribers.

How to beautifully design the “About Me” section on your Instagram profile (with an example)

You can run a personal or sales blog. In both cases, it is important to first come up with its concept. That is, understand what it will be about, what exactly you want to convey to readers. These two points need to be reflected in the header. These are a few lines under your avatar. The main task of the description is to briefly and interestingly tell a casual visitor about who you are (short, catchy name) and what he will find here. These could be the types of products or services you offer. The following information is also often indicated:

  • Address and opening hours.
  • Terms of cooperation/sale (availability of delivery throughout the city, country or world).
  • Discounts, competitions.
  • USP. Your difference from competitors.
  • Link to another company website.
  • Contacts.

To enter information, click on “Edit Profile” at the top of the page next to the photo.

Visual design “About me”

Add emojis that match the name and other information. Don't overdo it, or the hat will look messy. One, or maximum two, images per field. In this example, there is clear information about what kind of resource it is, mail, a call to target action, emotions.

Sometimes, to prevent points from merging, the interval between them is increased. To do this, write the text according to the following scheme. The sentence (there should be no space after it) - move to a new line - put a space in it - break and the next phrase. The easiest way to do this is in notes or a notepad, and then copy it to the desired section.

How else to make a beautiful Instagram header design

You can also connect a business account to make your profile look more neat and attractive. It is distinguished from a regular account by greater functionality and the presence of a gray mark under the username/brand name. The inscription can be different: personal blog, art, fictional character. It attracts attention.

How to implement

Go to settings (three dots or the wheel in the upper right corner), scroll through the suggested actions and select the one you need. Next, follow the instructions of the application.

The end result will look like this.

How to beautifully design an Instagram page: profile photo

In edit mode you can change your avatar. This is also important if you want to collect many targeted subscribers. Choose a bright picture that reflects the essence of your activity and is similar in style to other publications. It must meet two requirements:

  • Grab attention.
  • Be clear (the details do not merge into one).

If you have a suitable image from other social networks, consider the instagram format. If the cropped photo maintains meaning and composition, everything is fine. Otherwise, it's better to create something new. You need to devote time and effort to this, since a person searching for your product/service/topic will most likely receive a long list of offers. A nondescript avatar will reduce your chances of attracting a subscriber.

How to maintain a beautiful Instagram profile: photo secrets

This is one of the most difficult parts of blogging. From the outside it may seem that posting pictures every day costs nothing. In fact, this is a lot of work. Because they should not only be pleasing to the eye, but also original. The competition in this social network is simply enormous. Let's give some tips:

  • Take shots in reserve. They will save you on a day when there are no opportunities for shooting. Yes, it is important to post every day.
  • Choose interesting angles. Use your imagination and create scenes and unusual combinations of objects.
  • Study lectures on composition, lighting and practice, practice. Over time, the photos will turn out better and better.
  • Regularly look through well-known profiles with a large number of subscribers, notice the details.
  • Don't overload the image. Let it carry one, main idea.
  • Don't post shots that don't fit into the idea of ​​your Instagram.

Test popular filters and choose the one that suits the concept of your blog. Here are a few apps: VSCO Cam, Lightroom, A Color Story.

How to beautifully manage Instagram in the same style: examples and tips

This is the simplest and most common design method. You've probably noticed famous accounts that share one color or detail in their photos. You can repeat the shade using the background, processing in programs, elements of the object being photographed.

If you find this technique boring, try it for a week. And then change the gamma. Alternate them with each other or come up with new ones for different periods of time. There are several apps that can help you plan this kind of content. Here they are:

  • Plan + Preview for Instagram.
  • Inpreview.
  • UNUM.
  • Snug for Instagram.

The second method is a chessboard. This means that you combine two colors or a visual and textual component (quotes, post title, etc.). It looks stylish and fits well with store profiles. This way you create an even distribution of entertaining, selling and useful information.

The third technique is changing the boundaries of the image. You can outline them with a white, black frame, or even make them round. There are also applications for this: Instafit, Whitagram, Diptic, Frame Swagg.

Perhaps you want to try all the options. This is doable, the main thing is to adhere to the concept of your brand and not post pictures that do not fit into it. Choose the treatment that is easiest for you to maintain over the long term.

How to write a beautiful post on Instagram

On Instagram, not only photos and videos are important, but also texts. To gain popularity, they need to contain useful and interesting information for users and be well designed. What does this mean?

  • The length of the note is any – up to 2200 characters. Blogs contain both longread instructions and short surveys/signatures.
  • If there is a lot of information, be sure to divide it into parts. One paragraph - one thought. Also, a period is often placed between the lines. There should be no space at the end of phrases!
  • Use a small number of emoji to focus attention on the desired fragment or enliven the text.
  • Lists can be created by highlighting items with arrows or dashes.

It happens that everything written does not fit into a post. In this case, there are two options. The first is to continue in the comments. This is not always convenient for readers. The second is to type the signature in the editor on your phone or notepad, and then take screenshots and post them in the gallery with the main photo. This method also helps if Instagram still sticks paragraphs together. Only this time they transfer the copied information.

See an example of a properly formatted note.

How to design beautiful stories and videos

Two more effective tools for creating popular content. Online visitors like short videos, and advertising is developing rapidly in stories. This could be just a sequence of successful photos, a live broadcast, or shooting something interesting. There are several tricks that will help you make good material.

  • Come up with a plot. Even if it is a set of pictures, arrange them in such a way that logic and consistency can be traced.
  • Change angles. Shoot not only the main action, but also the surrounding world and details.
  • Use 10-15 frames. This will create a sense of length in the video.
  • Add suitable music.

There are many apps with different features for editing stories. You can add stickers to them, update the format, crop them, and save them in the highest possible quality. Examples of such programs: Story Splitter, Story Size, RepostToStories for Instagram, No Crop Story for Instagram and others. Among them there are both paid and free tools.

We told you how to make a beautiful Instagram account in the same style and other ways to get attractive content. The visual perception of a page by users plays a key role in its popularity. Don't despair if you don't have a budget for a photographer. Above we showed a screenshot from a bookstore account with an interesting presentation, where the pictures were created by employees. Any blog will become noticeably better if you follow all the recommendations from this article. Start working on your mistakes, engage in advertising promotion and the response from the audience will not be long in coming

More than 500 million people use Instagram every day, and more than five million businesses use Instagram for business to visually tell their stories, connect with their fans, and build their brand.

People new to Instagram may be intimidated by the need to stand out from such a large crowd. But getting started with Instagram is much easier than it seems.

How to use Instagram for business

This article covers the basics of using Instagram for business, from creating an account, setting up a profile, designing your page, and posting photos or stories, to more advanced things like Instagram analytics and using tools to grow your following.

1. Set up your account and profile

The Instagram app can be downloaded from the App Store, Google Play Store, or Microsoft Store. When creating an Instagram account, the app walks the user through a few basic setup steps. There are two things to take into account:

Profile photo

It will be displayed in the shape of a circle. When using your business logo, you need to make sure it stays in the center of the image. Additionally, the avatar will appear relatively small in the app, so avoid using text and instead try to make it stand out.

Profile information

The app won't ask you to fill out your profile information, but it will be helpful to do so. To do this, you need to go to your profile in the application and click on “Edit profile”. You will be able to fill out two fields: website and information about yourself.

You can also change your username here (i.e. @username).

Ready! Instagram account is set up!

2. Post photos or videos

To do this, you just need to click the “+” icon at the bottom of the screen. Instagram will show new photos in the user's photo library. You can also take a new photo or video by clicking on “Photo” or “Video” respectively.

A few tips:

  • When you select a photo from your library, you can upload the photo as a portrait or landscape. To do this, select a photo and click on the icon with two arrows in the lower left corner of the preview. Then you can move and zoom the photo to customize it to your liking.
  • You can upload up to 10 photos and videos per Instagram post. You need to click on the icon with two overlapping squares in the lower right corner of the preview and select a photo or video.
  • When shooting a new video, you need to press and hold the record button to record the video. If you want to shoot several different things, you can release the button, point the camera at something else, and press and hold the button again to continue recording.

Once the material for the post is selected, you can apply a filter or edit its orientation, brightness, contrast, and much more. When everything is ready, you need to click “Next” to fill out the post details.

One of the most successful methods for growing an Instagram account is to post regularly. After studying 55 brands on Instagram, Union Metrics found that some brands lost followers when they stopped posting regularly.

3. Post Instagram Stories

More than 250 million people post stories on Instagram every day. Instagram stories are a new content format. These are photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. Verified accounts can add a link to their stories to direct people to their site.

Unlike regular posts, stories do not appear in the profile gallery or followers' feed. They're hidden behind your profile photo in a separate ribbon at the top of the app.

To post a story, you need to swipe your Instagram feed to the right. The app will go into camera mode, where you can take a photo or video, or upload one from those taken within the past 24 hours. Once a photo is taken or selected, you can add stickers (including hash and location tag stickers), drag, and add text.

10 Different Ways to Use Instagram Stories:

It would be great to follow your clients. Although they can be quite difficult to find, there are some ways:

When people follow your Instagram profile, you will receive a notification. It's worth checking out their profiles and following them as well.

5. Comment on posts

On social media, it’s not just about posting, it’s about engagement. To comment on a post, you need to click on the bubble icon below the photo or video. You can either leave a new comment or reply to another comment.

When followers comment on photos, such as leaving comments or asking questions, you need to respond to them as quickly as possible to show that you care.

After surveying more than 1,000 people, Sprout Social found that 70% of people surveyed are more likely to use a product or service from a brand that interacts with them on social media. If a brand doesn't respond, 30% of them will go to a competitor.

Connecting with your followers helps you build your brand, as well as convert them into customers and customers into loyal customers.

6. Turn your account into a business profile

This is recommended for anyone who uses Instagram for business or their company. A business profile allows you to add additional information about your business and promote your posts. More importantly, analytics for the account appear.

All you need to turn your profile into a business profile is a Facebook page. Here's how to do it:

7. Use free analytics

Instagram Insights is a free analytics tool for Instagram accounts with a business profile. It provides a wealth of data that you can use to measure and improve your Instagram marketing.

To access Instagram Insights, you need to go to your profile and click on the chart icon.

How you can use data in Instagram Insights:

  • See your key metrics, such as subscriber growth, change over the past seven days
  • Find out when readers are most active to find the best times to publish
  • Find out which posts and stories are most effective
  • Find out the demographics of your subscribers

8. Use additional tools

Finally, if you're willing to experiment, it's time to learn about some Instagram tools that will help you create better content, save time, and post consistently. A few tools to get you started:

  • Photo Editor by Aviary – for photo editing (web and mobile app)
  • Display Purpose – for finding the best hash tags to use (web app)
  • Adobe Spark - for creating amazing Instagram stories (web and mobile app)
  • Buffer for Instagram – for sequential publishing of posts (web and mobile app)

Conclusions on how to use Instagram for business:

  1. Create and configure a profile
  2. Post photos or videos
  3. Post Instagram Stories
  4. Subscribe to other profiles