Google Glass is your little assistant in everyday activities. Smart glasses - prices, descriptions, characteristics of smart glasses, everything about smart glasses from different brands, buy smart glasses or place a pre-order for products

Smart glasses supplemented Google reality Glass was introduced relatively long ago - in 2012. Prototypes of the device were then released to developers, and the long process of testing the product began. Google Glass became available to a wider audience in May 2014. Their price at that time was $1,500.

The device is a headset that is used in conjunction with a smartphone. It is sometimes also called a wearable computer. It runs on the Android operating system. The gadget is very different from other similar models. Its body consists of special lenses and arms to which the display is attached. It is located just above the right eye. Google Glass also has a built-in camera that can record high-quality videos.

Google released true reality glasses with several goals in mind. The concept of this device is based on 3 main functions: the creation of augmented reality, mobile communications, the Internet and the ability to keep a user’s video diary. The first version of the device that was released quite fully implemented the functions of a video diary, but the augmented reality and communication part did not live up to the expectations placed on them. It is assumed that in next version These points will be improved.

Despite these shortcomings, many still fell in love with Google Glass, and posted a review of their capabilities and their impressions of the device on the Internet great amount users.

Of particular interest is the process of interaction and control of the gadget. It is carried out through voice commands user. First you need to say the standard phrase “Ok, glass”, after which you can say any command, for example, open an application, start recording a video, or anything else. Interestingly, gestures can also be transmitted through the device. On one of the arms there is a miniature touchpad that is sensitive to such signals. The image transmitted by Google glasses is perceived by the eye using a small screen.

Specifications (system requirements)

Now it’s worth taking a closer look at the main capabilities and features of Google Glass.

Device specifications:

  • Built-in camera: 5 MP;
  • Screen resolution: 640*360;
  • Bluetooth, Wi-Fi;
  • Built-in memory: 16 GB (of which 12 MB is available to the user);
  • RAM capacity: 2 GB;
  • microUSB connector;
  • Operating system: Android;
  • Battery capacity 750 mAh.

So, the main functions that Google Glass perform are video, communication and the creation of augmented reality. It is worth turning a little to the last of them. To immerse yourself in the world of augmented reality, the gadget uses a special sound transmission mechanism. It is transmitted to the user in the form of vibrations that affect the bones of the skull.

Cost of virtual glasses in Russia

Many users have been using such a device as Google Glass smart glasses for a long time; their price starts from 90 thousand rubles. Of course, this model cannot be called budget. In many ways, this price is due to the fact that this is the first such gadget with such a set of functions. It is worth noting that this model has won the attention and trust of users all over the world, which rarely happens with virtual and augmented reality devices. There are practically no offers similar to this gadget. The device differs greatly in the technologies used and the tasks assigned to it.

Just ten years ago, it would have been difficult to imagine how much the world around us would change thanks to technological improvements in minimizing production processes and creating technology with functionality that the generation of the early 2000s could only dream of while reading science fiction novels. As new technologies are introduced and development communication links through global network Internet with search engines, social networks and mega-portals, technology that became in demand, in the process of use by users, required more and more power and direct implementation in human activity at home and at work. We are at the beginning of the development of humanity, where digital information will play a key role in the formation of personality, and the speed of processing and methods of obtaining data will be the standard of success.

The appearance of the first wearable computers appears to us en masse in the form of “smart” glasses, which allow us to receive and create digital content without interrupting your main activity, which saves a lot of time. The pioneer in this area was Google, which has far-reaching plans for development. digital world, but the company will not become a monopolist in the production of computer glasses, since competitors are already stepping on their heels and are releasing or finishing developing their analogues.

Review of smart glasses

The brains of the world wide web, Google aims for even greater market dominance digital technologies, releasing a mass wearable computer in the form of glasses. The gadget will have an operating system Android system 4.0.4, as well as good hardware. The overview screen will use the latest technology to view the image through a transparent display, allowing you to focus on your surroundings along with what's happening on the glasses monitor. On at this stage development of new items connected together the phone mobile communications, Internet and augmented reality, which means the integration of real objects into virtual environment through a recording camera with a resolution of 5 megapixels and allowing you to record video at 720p. The headset is controlled through voice commands, as well as gestures and touches recognized by the touchpad located behind the screen on the arm of the glasses. Sound will be transmitted through vibration through bone conduction behind the ear.

Home computing power there will be a TI OMAP 4430 ARM Cortex-A9 processor. RAM memory is 1 GB, and volume shared memory equals 16 GB. The gadget has all wireless interfaces that will allow you to quickly connect to the Internet or another device. Earlier, some skeptics voiced the opinion that in Russia “smart” glasses would be banned from circulation, as they fall under the law on special technical means For covert surveillance, prohibited by the FSB for sale en masse. But law enforcement officials denied this information and stated that the purchase of Google Glass on the territory of the Russian Federation is legal, since the camera is not hidden.

An interesting option for smart glasses, different from Google themes, which is not a stand-alone device, but a continuation of a mobile device, interaction with which is carried out through wireless communication Bluetooth and uses operating system Android or Windows Phone. The picture is displayed through a small rectangular display located in the corner of the lens of the glasses, on which the image is projected using a microprojector built into the temple. The result is a picture with a resolution of 320×240 pixels with the ability to display simple graphics and text messages, which is quite enough for an undemanding user. The gadget's feature set includes an electronic compass, an accelerometer, an altimeter and a light measurement option.

A sports analogue of Google Glass, which has a full set small computer, which includes 2x nuclear processor, display, camera and GPS. There are also sensors that will help people leading active image life is a thermometer, gyroscope, accelerometer, altimeter and magnetometer. The design of smart glasses is designed for extreme overloads, during sports or during work in the field. The device has a camera that allows you to shoot in 720p mode and volume internal memory 8 GB and also wireless interface Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Today it is one of the main competitors of Google Glass.

Another Google competitor with quite powerful filling, allowing multimedia applications such as games. The device is equipped with an OMAP 4430 processor with a frequency of 1 GHz and RAM 1 GB, built-in memory is 4 GB. In its arsenal it has headphones, a camera, a miniature screen, but unlike its older brother, it does not have a transparent structure, which does not at all limit the all-round view. The image size for the eye is comparable to a 4-inch screen located at a distance of 30 cm. The device can work with devices on Android based and iOS, and also duplicates information from the display of a mobile device via wireless bluetooth connection and Wi-Fi. The camera is capable of recording at 720p resolution. The device will provide comfortable work with a web browser and has GPS.

The most stylish competitor to Google Glass from Japanese developers, with a thin temple that looks impressive on the user's head. The device does not have a screen and projects the image in front of your right eye, in the same way as if you were looking at a five-inch screen. Is not standalone device and works in tandem with a smartphone under Android control, iOS or Windows Phone. The arc-shaped structure of the device has headphones and a microphone and looks more like an old-style headset. The manufacturer carried out the development in the spirit of the Japanese technological model, which is far ahead of its competitors.

The term “smart glasses” began to be widely used after the presentation by Google Google devices Glass. The developers called their brainchild an augmented reality display. Electronic gadget made in the form factor of glasses and is not inferior in functionality the latest smartphones. Smart glasses can display the most various information, make voice and video calls, controlled using voice commands, virtual keyboard and head movements.

The idea of ​​smart glasses is not new. Augmented reality displays have been developed by many companies over several decades. recent years. In 2008, Apple filed a patent for a laser display that was mounted in front of the eyes. Almost at the same time Microsoft time and Sony have patented their own technologies for miniature monitors worn on the head. Google Glass smart glasses turned out to be a breakthrough not in the field of technology, but in the field of design.

The modern market offers users smart glasses, which can be purchased in a variety of designs, with different set functions. Experts say that in a couple of years, smart glasses will become commonplace and will be used everywhere. Smart glasses belong to the wearable computing segment. By and large, today the term “smart glasses” applies to devices worn on the head in the form of glasses, equipped with computer attributes - processor, memory, input/output devices, communication modules, etc. The main drawback that almost all smart glasses suffer from is the price of the device. There are not many smart glasses manufacturers on the market.

Actually, all smart glasses work on the same principle - the user sees the information displayed by the display on top of real objects. This technology is called augmented reality effect. The display of smart glasses can be monocular, when information is displayed on one display, or binocular, when the image is simultaneously projected onto two eyes. Today, binocular smart glasses are in the development and beta testing stage in the technical laboratories of many companies.

Smart glasses have become widespread in professional and amateur sports. are able to increase the effectiveness of training, improve technique, and analyze mistakes. With the emergence of new manufacturers offering smart glasses on the market, the price of smart devices is falling, and the functionality of gadgets is constantly expanding. designed to provide the maximum in real time useful information– current speed, heart rate, distance traveled, altitude, cadence, calories burned, pace, effort efficiency.

Some models of smart glasses offer a navigator option, displaying an image of a map of the area. Using the GPS module, smart glasses determine the user’s current coordinates and synchronize them with the map. An athlete can build routes, stick to them during training, compete with himself, trying to improve his results every time.

Smart glasses can be universal, like Google Glass or specialized ones, such as smart glasses for cyclists, snowboarders, etc. IN different models implemented various options controls - some can be controlled using buttons in the frame of the glasses, others use a touchpad. Some models of smart glasses support 3D visualization, others are equipped with a projector display. An important condition when choosing smart glasses is multilingual support. It is not always enough to choose smart glasses, buy smart gadget and place it on your head. When choosing smart glasses, you should pay attention to specifications, design, time battery life. Some smart glasses only support English language, and you should pay attention to this before purchasing.

Constantly improving. Already today, many models of smart glasses suggest the possibility of using conventional corrective lenses, technology bone conduction sound, can help people with impaired hearing, extreme athletes, water sports enthusiasts, racers, and will allow you to capture every moment of the journey.

Smart glasses, which also include glasses virtual reality, are a piece of wearable electronics that a user can use to obtain information while wearing it on their head like regular glasses - Google Glass and others, or like a helmet-mask - Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR etc.

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Almost all of us were in complete admiration after she showed off her Hololens augmented reality device. Simultaneously with this event, there was interest in Google Glass in its current version, and many agreed that Google does not offer the technology that users would like to have in their lives. However, Google there is a backup plan, and the video that I suggest you watch says that the plan is very good.

“Where there is demand, there is supply” - this simple truth They know this very well in Electronics, often “snooping” on competitors’ popular features of their products. Therefore, in the manufacturer’s desire to develop a new, potentially profitable area virtual reality glasses there is nothing surprising - you need to challenge the Oculus Rift, right?

Latest news from the blog Sam Mobile they are convinced that the release of Korean glasses is just around the corner. More details - under the cut.

While teenagers spend almost 24 hours a day with their smartphones (), most older people are skeptical about the reign of the Internet and the popularity of gadgets that have access to it. And a new era of wearable electronics is already upon us, and perhaps in a year a grandmother who has barely mastered SMS will have to be introduced to Glass. Studio Fine Brothers Productions I decided to show the smart glasses to the older generation and film their reaction on video. What came out of this can be seen below.

Recently, US residents had the opportunity to purchase such a high-tech gadget as Google Glass for one day. In order to be one of the first owners of the device of the future, they had to shell out $1,500 from their wallets. Quite a lot of money, considering so far limited opportunities Glass, both in the field of applications and in elementary . It becomes doubly interesting to know how much it costs to assemble one Google Glass? You will find the answer to this question below.

The idea of ​​“smart” glasses haunts gadget developers even after the actual failure of a similar project by Google. Developers from Laforge Optical claim that they managed to create alternative model glasses, which takes into account and corrects all the shortcomings of the “Google” model.

Several years ago, Google engineers decided to realize the long-standing dream of many people - to expand the capabilities of human perception with the help of innovative “smart” glasses. However Google project actually failed, this happened for several reasons, but the most important of them was that the glasses created were far from the ideal of comfort, practicality and functionality. And while Google is trying to create new “professional” glasses today, the mass consumer market has effectively lost the opportunity to get their hands on something similar.

The situation was changed by inventors from Laforge Optical, who created their own “smart” glasses for Everyday life. The invention was called Shima Glasses. The glasses implemented fundamentally new methods of displaying and collecting important information. The main achievement of Shima Glasses is that the device actually does not need active management from the user's side.

The functionality of Shima Glasses is extremely wide. Glasses can work in conjunction with any mobile device and support GPS technology, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Used as lenses magnifying glasses with prescription forms. This combination allows the device to be not only glasses, but also display a wide variety of information on the lens-screens.

With Shima Glasses you can listen to music, read notifications, mail, SMS and do many other things. The glasses will tell you the weather forecast and last news, will be reminded of important events. In other words, the new glasses create “additional reality.” It is also important that the data displayed on the lenses is visible only from the “user” side of the lenses.

In addition to all of the above, innovative glasses can work as a fitness tracker. They will display the speed of movement and remember the number of steps. The glasses will also switch to "driver" mode when driving speed increases over 17 mph. In the new mode, Shima Glasses will also display road signs, display important driving information on the display, including information about traffic jams in the city.