General information about the conference. Report on the II scientific and practical conference of students “New Wonders of the World” Report on the conference at school

Report on the student conferencewithin the framework of the research and design competition

“The best educational research and project work of students”

In accordance with the work plan of the KGA POU "DITK" for the 2015-2016 academic year April 27, 2016 A student conference was held at the college as part of the research and design work competition “The best educational, research and design work of students.”

The purpose of the event is to stimulate students’ interest in studying and researching current problems in various fields of knowledge and life. Increasing the prestige and popularization of scientific knowledge and intellectual and creative activity among students. Identification and support of creative, talented students. Giving them the opportunity to express themselves, encouraging the best achievements. Formation of prerequisites for social adaptation of students, development of their communication skills. Exchange of experience in the interests of further improving the level of design and research activities. Creation of an electronic collection of creative works of students, which can be used in the educational process. Identification and encouragement of teachers conducting educational and research work with students.

8 student works were presented at the Conference. Students became the most active groups 201 by profession "Hardware and Software Engineer"

A competent jury evaluated the work of the conference participants. Composition of the expert commission:

  1. Matveeva Valentina Gennadievna, Director of KGA POU "DITK" - Chairman of the expert commission

Members of the expert commission:

  1. Kustova Tamara Vasilievna, head master
  2. , Deputy Director for Development of the Far Eastern Federal University branch in Dalnegorsk
  3. Oshkina Daria, student of group 302 “Secretary”
  4. Moskalenko Maxim, student of group 303 “electrician for ROE”

The participants of the Conference were students of various professions, whose scientific supervisors were teachers of general education disciplines and professional disciplines, masters of industrial training.

The participants of the Conference were welcomed by the director of the college Valentina Gennadievna Matveeva and Deputy Director for Development of the Far Eastern Federal University branch in Dalnegorsk Goryachenko Ekaterina Andreevna. Research, educational and research works and creative projects were presented at the Conference. We got acquainted with modern information technologies.

General information about the participants of the Student Conference and the results are presented in the table.

Table 1 – Information about the participants of the Student Conference. Results of the Conference.

No. Full name of the student participant group Profession Nomination Job title Scientific director Conference results
1 Kopteva Victoria Konstantinovna 201 Messengers in our lives Lakiychuk Mikhail Veniami newbie 84.7 points



2 Tikhonova Tatyana Andreevna 201 Hardware and software engineer Chewing gum - harm or benefit? Fertikova Elena Nikolaevna 83.1 points

Certificate of participation

3 Zyryanova Valeria Alekseevna 201 Hardware and software engineer Research work Gaming activity as a value of a modern student Arkhipova Elena Nikolaevna 87 points



4 Davydova Ekaterina Anatolevna 201 Hardware and software engineer Educational and research work Global problems of our time Zikeeva Olga Nikolaevna 74.8 points

Certificate of participation

5 Osachev Kirill Yurievich 204 Auto Mechanic Creative project My dream car Trofimova Dilnoza Faizullaevna 91.4 points



6 Pereedenko Inna Andreevna; Akimova Svetlana Georgievna 106 Cook, pastry chef Educational and research work "Energy drinks and their effect on the human body" Ilyina Olga Borisovna 83 points

Certificate of participation

7 Pokrepina Ekaterina Nikolaevna 106 Cook, pastry chef Educational and research work A culinary journey based on the work of N.V. Gogol "Old World Landowners" Kobylkevich Elena Yurievna

Spitsyna Valentina Ivanovna

80.9 points

Certificate of participation

8 Kapustin Sergey Sergeevich 203 Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment

(by industry)

Creative project Family dynasties of power engineers as a guarantee of professional excellence 84.7 points



The participants of the Conference defended their works in the form of a presentation.

At the Conference, a car was presented from start to finish, invented by a student of group 204 by profession “Auto mechanic” by Osachev Kirill and assembled by his hands.

The reports presented at the Conference aroused keen interest among the participants. The speakers were asked questions and inquired about the content of the work.

For most students, participation in the Conference is the first step into science. Of course, not everything worked out for everyone. Not all of the presented works were original research by the authors, but the reports touched on current and pressing problems of modern society and the educational process as a whole. The research contained elements of novelty and was focused on exploratory creativity and an in-depth study of the issue under consideration. The topics chosen by the contestants were mainly those that were insufficiently researched or were not considered from such an angle. Creativity, intellectual productivity, and the generation of new ideas by students were valuable. Each research work had to have a practical part, based on the author’s own research. All the contestants, without exception, demonstrated the practical section of their work, presenting their independent research.

Participation in the Conference is a good lesson in public speaking for students, where they hone their skills in expressing ideas. Public speaking develops confidence and improves self-esteem.

The discussion resulted in conclusions and recommendations to the Conference participants:

  1. Davydova Ekaterina to continue her work on studying global problems of our time, expanding the category of respondents. The material can be used in social studies lessons.
  2. Victoria Kopteva was asked to finalize the material and send her work for publication in the collection of scientific articles of the FEFU branch.
  3. Zyryanova Valeria, Tikhonova Tatyana Tatyana, Pereedenko Inna and Akimova Svetlana use their research for the purpose of educational work among college students and schoolchildren of the Dalnegorsk urban district.
  4. Ekaterina Pokrepina will continue her work in terms of studying various dishes through acquaintance with the immortal works of Russian classics. Use culinary recipes in practical training lessons.
  5. The scientific article by Sergei Kapustin “Family dynasties of power engineers as a guarantee of professional excellence” is recommended for publication in the media. The material can also be used to decorate the “Our Dynasties” corner in the college museum.
  6. The research project of student Kirill Osachev can be presented on the vocational education website.
  7. Based on the Conference materials, create an electronic collection of student articles.

All student winners of the Conference received Diplomas, and all participants received Certificates. The scientific supervisors who trained the students were awarded Certificates.

The results of the Conference were covered in the media (DGO television, DalTV channel)


Competition leaders:

Deremeshko Olga Dmitrievna, Deputy Director for Education and Science

Butkovskaya Natalia Alexandrovna, head of SNIPS (student research professional community)

Yesterday I attended the Oracle APPS Day 2007 conference. I really enjoyed the conference and decided to share my observations with you.
The conference program is available. First, a general impression of the organization and conduct.
The conference took place in Reddisson Slavyanskaya. There were probably about 300-400 participants. The conference was opened by Vitas with ballet and closed by an excellent buffet lunch. Lunch also did not disappoint
Now the content part.
I attended the plenary session and the sections “Effective Methods for Successful Implementations”, “Best Company Management Practices” and “Oracle Solutions for Growing Businesses”.
So, what's new in Oracle's plans for business applications. The company stated that it will continue to pursue an active policy of acquiring market leaders in those areas where Oracle's own competence is lacking.
Recently, the company has strengthened in the following areas:
Logistics and Supply Chain Management. G-Log was acquired. I strongly advise you to view this presentation. From it, for example, you can find out that G-Log was the market leader before the takeover, and i2 occupied only 3rd place. I think you will see a lot in common with the challenges facing postal logistics.
CRM and business analytics. Acquired Siebel. You can read it here - Demand Management Solution(forecasting, etc.). We bought Demantra.
Hyperion now also from Oracle.
I don’t write about older acquisitions.

This year, Oracle released the 12th version of Oracle E Business Suite. Now all Oracle business applications are initially released in Russian.
A strategy for lifelong support of purchased solutions has been announced. Those. no one will force the transition from Siebel to Oracle, etc. All purchased solutions will continue to be supported and developed. When the user is ready to change platforms, then he will switch. You can read
More details in English.
Fusion is a single integration platform for all Oracle applications. Those. all new versions of purchased systems already function on this new platform. Read about the Fusion platform

Planned release in 2008 Oracle Fusion Applications which will include all the best developments from all systems purchased recently. But it was emphasized a bunch of times that no one will force you to switch to it. Support for existing systems will continue.
It was announced that support for Oracle applications is now available not only from the company itself but also from independent suppliers. For example from IBM. Those. You can enter into agreements to support anything directly with IBM, and he will solve all problems with Oracle.
It was very interesting to hear about the CEP program

The point of the program is that Oracle consultants can work/involve for any project as external independent auditors.
Oracle now provides services for financing the purchase of its software. There are agreements with Russian banks on lending. Don't be afraid that it's in English. The program also works in Russia.
Well, the last global direction in Oracle services is actually consulting. Participation is possible in a completely different way, from the general contractor for the project to the provision of specialists in specific areas. The coolest thing is that they have the following advantages:
1. Several Russian partners can be involved in one project.
2. Can communicate deeply with system developers.
3. Closely connected with the support team.
So there is something to think about when introducing new/complex solutions J
The general idea of ​​the speakers from real business representatives. When implementing ERP systems, it is not an IT solution that is being implemented, but a new way of interaction between people to achieve the desired results. Therefore, first of all, you need to go from the processes and then only select the systems. Such projects must be business projects. Business goals and leadership should always be clearly defined

V All-Russian practical conference-seminar
"State and municipal procurement - 2010"

On October 26-27, 2010, the anniversary V All-Russian practical conference-seminar “State and municipal procurement - 2010” was successfully held at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 84). For the fifth year in a row, experts in the field of placing state and municipal orders had the opportunity to exchange experiences in the field of state and municipal orders and discuss the latest changes in legislation on placing orders in the Russian Federation.
The organizer of the scientific and practical event was traditionally the Institute of Public Procurement of the Civil Registry of State Civil Service.
The conference is held with the aim of establishing a uniform practice of applying the norms of the Federal Law of July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ “On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs”, exchange of practical experience and existing best practices, discussion by procurement specialists changes in legislation on placing orders and the formation of proposals for its further improvement.
This year, 152 representatives of federal and regional authorities, local governments, budgetary organizations, suppliers and specialized organizations took part in the conference.
Among the conference participants were representatives of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the World Bank, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, the Administrations of the Volgograd and Kemerovo Regions, the Perm Territory, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic, the Ministry of Health of the Sakhalin Region, the Ministry of Competition Policy and Goods Kaluga region, Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Rostov region, ministries of economics of the Udmurd Republic, Ulyanovsk region, Altai Territory Administration Committee on Finance, Tax and Credit Policy, state procurement committees of the Vologda region, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, administrations of the cities of Vladivostok, Tula, Salekhard and many other institutions and organizations.
During the conference, teleconferences were organized with live broadcasts of speakers' speeches in the cities of Arkhangelsk, Vladivostok, Irkutsk, Kazan, Krasnodar (two reception points), Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk. At the same time, two-way communication was carried out: conference participants in the regions had the opportunity not only to listen to the speakers’ speeches, but also to ask them questions via the Internet. The total number of teleconference participants was more than 1,500 people.
The conference program included 43 reports on various topics related to placing orders for state and municipal needs. The main issues presented at the conference were the prospects for the development of legislation on the placement of orders, the establishment of a federal contract system in the Russian Federation, the formation of initial (maximum) prices by state and municipal customers, inspections by control bodies of the activities of customers and authorized bodies for compliance with the legislation on the placement of orders .
State Secretary - Deputy Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service Andrey Yuryevich Tsarikovsky made a report on the results of the work of the Federal Antimonopoly Service at the conference. During his speech, he noted that currently the FAS Russia, together with the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, is preparing a number of regulatory legal acts that should provide a solution to such pressing problems in the field of government procurement as:
- simplifying the procedure and reducing the time of judicial procedures when considering cases related to the placement of state and municipal orders, including issues of contract termination;
- establishing a procedure for the formation of initial (maximum) contract prices in relation to average market prices for purchased products in the region, as well as establishing the obligation of customers to justify the initial (maximum) contract price in the order placement documentation;
- determining the parameters of equivalence of medical equipment and consumables from different manufacturers intended for the same therapeutic and diagnostic purposes, as well as establishing a closed list of requirements for the characteristics of medicines and medical equipment, which customers have the right to include in bidding documentation.
In addition, FAS Russia currently does not exclude the possibility of initiating a bill to establish criminal liability for violations of legislation on the placement of orders, as well as introducing disqualification of officials as a measure of administrative liability in the field of government procurement.
We are proud to note that during his speech, Andrei Yuryevich Tsarikovsky solemnly presented certificates of honor and gratitude from the Federal Antimonopoly Service to the management and employees of the Institute of Public Procurement of the Civil Registry of Civil Registry of Civil Registration. For fruitful cooperation and great personal contribution to the development of the personnel potential of state civil servants in the public procurement system, the director of the Institute of Public Procurement of RAGS Andrey Aleksandrovich Khramkin was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Federal Antimonopoly Service. The following employees of the institute were also awarded certificates and thanks from the FAS Russia: O.M. Vorobyova, P.N. Kornilov, L.N. Mikhailova, T.A. Shustrova.
The conference was attended by Mikhail Yakovlevich Evraev, Head of the Directorate for Control of Placement of State Orders of the Federal Antimonopoly Service. His report was devoted to the prospects for the development of legislation on placing orders; in addition, M.Ya. Evraev answered numerous practical questions from the audience on the application of legislation on state and municipal orders.
The prospects for the creation and development of the All-Russian official website for posting information on placing orders were the subject of a report by the Deputy Head of the Federal Treasury, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Russian Academy of Civil Art, Honored Economist of the Russian Federation Stanislav Evgenievich Prokofiev and Deputy Head of the Federal Treasury Department Mikhail Aleksandrovich Gorbuntsov.
In his report, S.E. Prokofiev highlighted the issues of integration of the official website of the Russian Federation with the official websites of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, as well as the issues of issuing by the Federal Treasury to representatives of state and municipal customers certificates of keys for electronic digital signatures of a new unified sample for registration on the All-Russian official website and posting on it information about ongoing customer procedures.
At the end of the speech S.E. Prokofiev noted that the All-Russian official website created by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Federal Treasury should become an important tool that promotes the efficiency of spending budget funds, significantly reducing the degree of corruption in the country and improving the public procurement system in the Russian Federation.
The plenary sessions chaired by the director of the Institute of Public Procurement of the Russian Civil Civil Service, Ph.D., Andrei Aleksandrovich Khramkin, were attended by the head of the inspection of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Sergei Georgievich Antonov, the Deputy Minister of Economy of the Moscow Region, Lidiya Viktorovna Nikifirova, and the director of the State Institution IMEI under the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Ivanovich Smirnov. , Deputy Director of the Department of Internal Control and Audit of the State Corporation "Rosatom" Pavel Anatolyevich Tikhomirov and other conference participants.
At the conference, reports were presented by experts from the Institute of Public Procurement of the Civil Registry of Civil Registration, whose presentations discussed such applied topics as:
- State support through the system of state and municipal orders (Olga Mikhailovna Vorobyova, Deputy Director of the Institute);
- State and budgetary institutions: changes in the legal status of customers from January 1, 2011 (Pavel Nikolaevich Kornilov, head of the Institute’s expert consulting center);
- Manifestation of unfair competition in the field of government procurement: measures to protect customers from unscrupulous suppliers (Yulia Aleksandrovna Shavylina, leading legal adviser);
- Practical problems when conducting open auctions in electronic form according to Chapter 3.1. Law on placing orders and ways to solve them (Alexander Nikolaevich Evstashenkov, leading legal adviser);
- Problems of applying the criterion “quality of work and (or) qualifications of the participant” (using the example of procurement of R&D and design work) (Anna Valentinovna Ermakova, deputy head of the expert consulting center);
- The procedure for calculating the volume of orders to be placed with small businesses (Yulia Aleksandrovna Shavylina, leading legal adviser);
- Current issues of energy saving when placing state and municipal orders (Valentina Viktorovna Kosheleva, leading legal adviser).
Also at the conference, presentations were made by: Head of the Service for Legal and Property Issues of the State Tretyakov Gallery Olga Konstantinovna Lisovenko with the topic “Features of placing orders for the needs of cultural institutions”, General Director of the Center for Effective Procurement of LLC Kirill Vladimirovich Kuznetsov, whose speech was dedicated to the problems of manipulating the results of tenders, General Director of the State Order Placement Center LLC Alexander Andreevich Stroganov, who covered judicial practice in the field of placing state and municipal orders, General Director of Consulting and Procurement CJSC Gleb Vitalievich Kolomyts with the topic “Features of conducting selection competitions audit organizations for conducting mandatory audits,” Sales Director of the electronic platform of Sberbank-AST CJSC Yulia Igorevna Obalyaeva with the topic “Electronic trading for procurement and sales.”
During each presentation, time was allocated for answering questions, which for most presentations resulted in an active discussion among conference participants.
The reports of all participants are included in the collection “State and municipal procurement - 2010. Collection of reports of the V All-Russian Practical Conference of the Seminar.” This publication, published on the date of the conference, is the result of the latest scientific, methodological and practical developments in the field of ordering and is intended, first of all, as an applied manual for practitioners in government procurement.
Based on the results of the conference, experts from the Institute of Public Procurement of the Russian Civil Registry of Civil Registration (RAGS) will prepare proposals for improving the legislation on the placement of orders. Proposals will be officially sent to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the next VI All-Russian practical conference-seminar “State and municipal procurement - 2011” will take place in a year, on October 25-26, 2011. We invite all interested specialists to take part in it as speakers or listeners.

Associated Schools of UNESCO
“Implementation of project activities
UNESCO Associated Schools in the South Caucasus region in UNESCO priority areas.
Achievements, problems, prospects"

On November 1, 2013, a regional scientific and practical conference “Implementation of project activities of UNESCO Associated Schools in the South-Caucasus region in UNESCO priority areas” was held at the Interschool Aesthetic Center of Krasnodar. Achievements, problems, prospects”, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the UNESCO Associated Schools project. The initiator and organizer of the event was the coordination center of the ASYU project in the South-Caucasus region, the Interschool Aesthetic Center.

The purpose of the Conference is the concentration, systematization and dissemination of scientific, educational and educational ideas, research and technologies for the implementation of projects of various directions in the Associated Schools of UNESCO.

The conference was attended by 25 representatives of Associated Schools from the Rostov Region, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, and the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria.

The conference was held in 3 thematic sections corresponding to the priority areas of activity of the UNESCO Associated Schools in the South Caucasus region. At the first sectional session “Adoption of a culture of peace, denial of violence, education of tolerance” the following made reports and presentations:

1.Bumagina Maria Vladimirovna

“Interschool Aesthetic Center - UNESCO Associated School. Achievements and prospects"

2. Logacheva Taisiya Vladimirovna

“Learning a foreign language as a form of familiarization with the world cultural heritage”


3.Rekina Svetlana Vladimirovna

“Experience and prospects for the implementation of creative projects in the multicultural and environmental areas of ASLU activities”


4. Khukazova Lidiya Fedorovna and Rumyantseva Alla Sergeevna

“From the experience of working on multicultural education”

MBOU Secondary School No. 12, Pyatigorsk

5. Prokhorenko Tatyana Grigorievna

“Project Days of the Native Language at the Private Secondary School “Personality”

6. Uvarova Tatyana Anatolyevna

“The media as a means of forming a multicultural space”

MBOU Secondary School No. 12, Pyatigorsk

7. Kanametova Indira Khasanovna

MBOU "Secondary School No. 2" p. Cuba, Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria

8. Korablina Elena Ivanovna and Kikteva Elena Ivanovna

“Tolerance and dialogue of cultures in ASLU projects”

Non-profit educational institution "Interlingua", Voronezh

During the work of the section, issues of expanding intercultural interaction and multicultural communication were discussed, the consequence of which would be strengthening social stability - as one of the aspects of sustainable development - and promoting peace. The reports emphasized that one of the main goals of education can be considered the formation of a person capable of active and effective life in a multinational and multicultural space, who has a developed sense of understanding and respect for other cultures, the ability to live in peace and harmony with people of different nationalities, races, beliefs . Participants of the regional conference had the opportunity to discuss projects and events aimed at developing a tolerant personality and strengthening peace, which were implemented by the Interschool Aesthetic Center of the city of Krasnodar, Secondary School with In-Depth Study of English No. 12 of the city of Pyatigorsk, and the Private Educational Institution Secondary School “Personality” of the city of Novorossiysk , Secondary school No. 2 s.p. Cuba Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria.

Representatives of the NOU “Interlingua” in Voronezh took part in the regional conference. General Director of the NOU "Interlingua" Elena Ivanovna Kikteva and Elena Ivanovna Korablina, director of work with regional divisions, made a report-presentation on the topic "Tolerance and dialogue of cultures in ASLU projects", as well as a proposal for interregional cooperation of the Associated Schools of the South-Caucasus region "and Associated Schools of the "Center" region.

The theme of the second section “Environmental protection, its study, care of natural objects” was revealed in the reports and presentations of the following conference participants:

1. Nikitin Grigory Mikhailovich

“Planning and implementation of environmental projects at the Private Secondary School “Alternative”, Krasnodar

2. Bozadzhiev Vadim Yurievich

"The experience of Gymnasium No. 117 of the city of Rostov-on-Don in the field of environmental and environmental education and upbringing of students, using the example of the Children and Youth Environmental Social Movement "Eco-Friends""

MBOU Gymnasium No. 117, Rostov-on-Don

3. Kuganova Inna Alekseevna

“The Year of Environmental Protection in Orlyonok: Experience in Environmental Education and Education”

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok" Novomikhailovsky village

4.Biradyan Karine Saakovna

“Planning and implementation of environmental and legal projects”

MBOU Secondary School No. 31, Novorossiysk

5. Gorobets Alexander Ivanovich

“Environmental education within the framework of the Academy of School Forestries”

Department of Forestry, Forest Taxation and Forest Management, Voronezh Forestry Academy, Voronezh

As part of this thematic section, conference participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with reports, presentations, and video materials revealing the activities of the UNESCO Associated Schools in the South Caucasus region in the direction of “Environmental protection, its study, care of natural objects.” An interesting experience of the work of the Children's and youth environmental public movement "Eco-Friends" and the school environmental club "Drofa" was presented by conference participants from the city of Rostov-on-Don. Alexander Ivanovich Gorobets (Associate Professor of the Department of Forestry, Forestry Taxation and Forest Management of the Voronezh Forestry Academy, Voronezh) made a report on the work of the Academy of School Forestry and a proposal for cooperation between the UNESCO Associated Schools in the South Caucasus region and the Voronezh State Forestry Academy. All conference participants noted that environmental events organized and implemented by UNESCO Associated Schools are aimed at teaching schoolchildren to take part of the responsibility for our common home - the Earth, share opinions, propose solutions, and take an active life position.

The final third section of the conference summarized the experience of project work of the Associated Schools of UNESCO and was devoted to the topic: “Development and implementation of projects, events and actions within the framework of the Associated Schools of UNESCO project.” The main speakers of this section were:

1. Lebedinskaya Tatyana Mikhailovna
“Possibilities of using online tools for organizing online cooperation and networking between ASLU and UNESCO departments” MBOU Secondary School No. 12, Pyatigorsk

2. Shvelidze Elena Ivanovna and Kramar Elena Nikolaevna
“Best practices in the use of ICT in the development and implementation of projects, events, and actions within the framework of the ASYU project”
MBOU Secondary School No. 12, Pyatigorsk

3.Rudik Elena Leonidovna
“Participation in the International Project “School Where Literacy Thrives”
CHOU Secondary School “Personality”, Novorossiysk

4. Filippova Galina Grigorievna
“The influence of modern priorities of education in the interests of sustainable development on the development and practical implementation of ASLU project activities”
MBOU Gymnasium "Eureka" Anapa

The speakers' presentations presented experience in implementing project work using modern information and communication technologies and online tools. The fruitful participation of the private secondary school “Personality” of the city of Novorossiysk in the International project “School where literacy flourishes”, the systematic work of the school teachers and the results of this activity were of interest to the conference participants. Elena Leonidovna Rudik, deputy director of the secondary school “Personality” for NMR, made a proposal to develop joint events to spread literacy in the South Caucasus region.

The conference ended with summing up the results of the implementation of the UNESCO Associated Schools project, identifying and supporting positive initiatives, discussing problems and prospects for work in various areas of UNESCO's activities. Coordinator of the “UNESCO Associated Schools” project in the South Caucasus region, director of the Interschool Aesthetic Center-UNESCO Associated School Margarita Arainovna Ambartsumyan addressed the conference participants with a message about recommendations for the strategy and action plan of the UNESCO Associated Schools at the international, national, regional and school levels, which were developed and adopted at the National Council of the project “Associated Schools of UNESCO” in the Russian Federation, which took place in October 2013 in the city of Izhevsk. In her concluding remarks, Margarita Arainovna emphasized the need to intensify the activities of educational institutions in the region in the interests of sustainable development, identifying effective mechanisms and ways to develop partnerships with associated UNESCO chairs.

Participants of the conference “Implementation of project activities of UNESCO Associated Schools in the South Caucasus region in UNESCO priority areas. Achievements, problems, prospects” had the opportunity not only to make presentations, but also to exchange views, ask questions, make comments and opinions. All participants noted the importance and necessity of such meetings, and the work in the conference format made it possible to achieve the main goal set by the conference organizers, namely the concentration, systematization and dissemination of scientific, educational and educational ideas, research and technologies for the implementation of projects of various directions in the Associated UNESCO schools.

UNESCO is not just an organization with headquarters in distant Paris, it is really present in the life of our schools through participation in projects and programs of the Associated Schools of UNESCO. Proof of this was the ASLU Regional Conference in the South Caucasus region, held on November 1.

Teachers from Krasnodar, Pyatigorsk, Voronezh, Novomikhailovsky, Rostov-on-Don shared their experience of various forms of working with students in the main areas of UNESCO. During the meeting, I believe that all participants felt like-minded people and enriched their creative imagination for the further implementation of the main aspects of education in the 21st century: learn to know, learn to be able to, learn to live and learn to live together.

The conference organizers created a festive atmosphere, especially during the concert of creative groups and soloists of the International Economic Center. Behind all the ease and ease of the atmosphere, we saw the colossal work of the team, and, of course, the leader, who presented such a bright event.

Until next time, Prokhorenko T.G., Rudik E.L.

The conference was educational and fruitful. So many positive emotions and useful information. Thank you for organizing such a wonderful event.

Karine Biradyan, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 31, Novorossiysk

First of all, I would like to say “Thank you very much!” for the unique opportunity to participate in this conference. It was truly an invaluable experience: an active audience, interesting questions, wonderful reports and equally wonderful discussions during the break. The participants' reports were interesting and rich, they made you think. Thank you for the excellent organization and for the work done - and I think there was a lot of it - everything turned out at the highest level!

In general, ideal conditions were created for exchanging experiences and improving!

The organization of the conference is simply wonderful, I want to thank the organizers for such work.

Bozadzhiev V.Yu., UNESCO PAS coordinator at MBOU Gymnasium No. 117 of the city of Rostov-on-Don.

Report on the results of the conference dedicated to

70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. “Patriotism is the source of the Great Victory. Little Heroes of the Great War" at the Akcheevskaya Secondary School

April 28, 2015 year, a conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 was held at the Akcheevskaya Secondary School.“Patriotism is the source of the Great Victory. Little Heroes of the Great War"

Purpose of the conference: preservation and maintenance of cultural and moral values, respect for the heroic past, historical exploits of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, our fellow countrymen, home front workers, children of war.
The conference was opened by listening to the anthem of the Russian Federation. Further, history teacher Alim Khasyanovich Meshcherov opened the first part of the conference, in which he noted that outstanding commanders, philosophers, writers and poets of our Fatherland devoted their thoughts and reflections to the topic of courage and heroism, and examples were given. Using the wall map “The Great Patriotic War,” Alim Khasyanovich gave a brief historical background on the important sources of the Victory of the Russian people in the Second World War. This is Russian patriotism, the unity of all the peoples of the country, spiritual cohesion, and the moral fortitude of the Soviet people.
From video materials prepared by the history teacher, students learned about the beginning of the war and the feat of M.P. Devyatayev. A In the presentation, which was dedicated to the natives of the villages of Akcheevo, Kabanovo, Churino, the children recognized their grandfathers and great-grandfathers. 9th grade students made a presentation dedicated to our fellow countryman, full holder of the Order of Glory - Zarif Ibrahimovich Meshcherov.

The teacher of Russian language and literature, Rumiya Kamilyevna Shekhmametyeva, held a competition of creative works among students in grades 6-11, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, during March-April. At the conference, students: Denis Galdin (6th grade), Diana Kutueva (6th grade), Dinara Utesheva (9th grade), Galya Tangalycheva (11th grade) presented their works. These were poems of his own composition, and essays on the topic of the Great Patriotic War, and stories about his great-grandfathers, veterans.

Students in grades 5-8, together with the senior counselor, took an active part in the conference, preparing reports about pioneer heroes (who committed heroic deeds, received orders and medals, four pioneers were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.), and read poetry. Their performances were accompanied by the presentation “Little Heroes of the Great War”. It was also noted that children of the war years completely replaced adults in the rear. They fought along with adults both in the active army and in partisan detachments. Childhood taken away by the war, suffering, and hunger made the children adults early, instilling in them fortitude, courage, and the ability to self-sacrifice. The girls' school ensemble "Harmony" performed a song about the pioneer heroes "Eaglet". Students honored the memory of those who fell during the Second World War with a minute of silence. A video about pioneer heroes “Dedicated to Young Heroes...” was shown to those present.

Summing up the results of the conference, the senior counselor drew the children’s attention to the fact that a sign of a person’s culture and education is knowledge of the history of his Fatherland, its heroes, the desire to follow historical and military traditions, and respect for state and social values. The conference ended with listening to the anthem of the Republic of Mordovia.

We hope that the goals of the conference were achieved, that each student was able to feel like an heir and continuer of the cultural, historical and military traditions of their Fatherland, their people.

The report was prepared by: Deputy. school director for VR S.A. Galdina

School director: S.V. Mescherova