Laptop asus n53sv specifications reviews. Review and test of ASUS N53Sv laptop

The official announcement of processors with Sandy Bridge microarchitecture took place on January 3 this year, which was displayed in detail on pages of our website. Compared to its predecessors, there are no revolutionary changes in Sandy Bridge; rather, it is a serious refinement of an existing product by increasing the degree of integration of the processor chip and a number of optimizations. The trend of moving northbridge components into the processor began to be implemented a long time ago: in the same Arrandale, in addition to integrated memory controllers and the PCI Express bus, an integrated graphics core appeared, albeit implemented by a separate 45-nm crystal. Sandy Bridge puts the final point in this evolution: desktop and mobile CPUs with a new microarchitecture combine computing cores, cache memory, a memory controller, a PCI Express bus controller and a graphics core in a single semiconductor chip. The density of the above, coupled with the use of innovation in the form of a ring bus, allowed Intel engineers to achieve greater efficiency in interaction between Sandy Bridge modules. The graphics core now has direct access not only to the memory controller, but also to other processor components, in particular, the L3 cache. At the microarchitectural level, processors have added support for a new set of vector instructions AVX (Advanced Vector Extensions). In general, all the improvements had a beneficial effect on the performance and efficiency of the new processors. However, we have so far been convinced of this by the example of desktop models, but today we have to check how productive and economical the mobile Sandy Bridge turned out to be.

Simultaneously with the 32-nanometer processors, ten sets of system logic were introduced, or rather, now essentially only southbridges under the general name Cougar Point - both for desktops (P67, H67, Q65, Q67 and B65) and for mobile solutions ( QS67, QM67, HM67, HM65 and UM67). The Sandy Bridge and Cougar Point tandem in the mobile segment is called Huron River. Laptops on the new platform acquired native Bluetooth support, but, unfortunately, did not have their own USB 3.0 controller. In addition to the system logic and processor, the complete Huron River kit includes a wired network adapter codenamed Lewisville and a Rainbow Peak wireless WLAN module.

Today we have the opportunity to get acquainted with a stripped-down (with “non-native” network and WiFi adapters) version of the new platform, presented in the form of the ASUS N53SV multimedia laptop.

In addition to the used Sandy Bridge processor and 6th generation system logic, the N53SV is equipped with a new NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M graphics accelerator, linked to the integrated Intel HD Graphics 3000 video adapter using Optimus technology: depending on the load, one or the other chip may be activated.

Packaging and delivery

ASUS N53SV is packaged in a black cardboard box with a white bottom and a lot of intersecting blue and white lines on a black background. There is a plastic handle on top for easy transportation. The inscriptions “ASUS” and “Smart Notebook” speak about the contents inside only in general terms; you can find out the exact model of the laptop from the sticker on the end of the box. Another sticker talks about a coupon included with the laptop with a code for the right to try out StarCraft II.

ASUS N53SV: packaging box

Minus the laptop itself, the box contained a laconic minimum of the following contents: a rechargeable battery with a capacity of 4400 mAh (6-cell), an AC adapter, a pack of brochures, including a two-year warranty card and a user manual in Russian, a tie for Velcro wires and “Driver & Utility ver. 2.0 for N53SV series laptops."

ASUS N53SV: package kit

That's all, no nice little things like a mouse or a carrying bag were included.

Pre-installed software

With software the picture is quite trivial. The laptop comes with 64-bit Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium pre-installed. In case of serious problems associated with the operation of the operating system, the N53SV is equipped with a Recovery system, which can be launched by the user in two ways: using a hidden recovery partition on the hard drive (by pressing the “F9” key when turning on the laptop) or using the one included in the package resuscitation disk. The recovery process from optical media takes quite a long time; recovery from a hard drive is much faster.

There is also a third way to restore the system - with user-created Recovery discs written using the AI ​​Recovery Burner utility, which allows you to create a backup copy of the current state of the operating system. The program's appetite is growing enormously: to record the resuscitation kit of the ASUS N53SV model, the application already requires as many as six DVD discs.

AI Recovery Burner

To work with the built-in webcam, ASUS provides two proprietary utilities: LifeFrame and SmartLogon. ASUS LifeFrame allows the webcam and microphone to work together or separately, with which you can conduct video conferences, shoot videos, take photos and record audio files. LifeFrame also has a function that automatically starts shooting when motion is detected.

ASUS LifeFrame

The program has a built-in graphic editor with very modest capabilities. ASUS LifeFrame has several shooting modes depending on the lighting. The range of resolutions for photographs falls within the range from 160x120 to 1600x1200, for videos - up to 640x480, it is possible to change the extension of the created file (photo - “*.bmp”, “*.jpg” or “*.gif”, video - “*.asf” , “*.wmv” or “*.avi”), its quality, setting the timer (5-10 sec) and continuous shooting mode (up to 15 frames). The utility contains a rich set of special effects, which allows you to add frames, filters to the picture from the camera in real time, or try on all kinds of hats and other objects.

The ASUS SmartLogon application is designed to recognize the user's face when logging in. The weak point of this kind of utilities, and SmartLogon is no exception, is their dependence on the influence of external factors, in particular, the brightness of the lighting, whether the user is wearing glasses or a hat. To prevent the very likely situation of being denied access to the computer, before starting a photo shoot, SmartLogon requires you to create an account password, with which the user will be able to log in in any case. After setting the password, the utility gives the go-ahead to create a photo bank.

ASUS Smart Logon

As always, the power saving of the laptop is managed by the Power4Gear Hybrid program. For both types of power (mains/battery), the application provides four operating modes: “High Performance”, “Entertainment”, “Quiet Office” and “Battery Saving”. In addition to typical manipulations such as changing screen brightness, turning off the hard drive or screen, limiting processor performance, which standard Windows power plans also have, the program allows you to disable the webcam and optical drive. The version of Power4Gear Hybrid used in the laptop is slightly cut down and does not allow it to slow down the operation of wireless adapters.

Power4Gear Hybrid

Like all ASUS laptops, the N53SV features proprietary ASUS Splendid Video Enhancement technology, which is responsible for controlling color reproduction by selecting from preset modes that change color saturation and color temperature. In addition to the five modes provided by the manufacturer (“Normal”, “Gamma”, “Vivid”, “Theater” and “Soft”), you can create your own. To do this, you need to select the “My Profile” item in the application, and then use the proposed settings to achieve the desired effect. Switching modes is carried out by a combination of the “Fn” and “C” keys.

Selecting ASUS Splendid Video Enhancement mode

The ASUS Fast Boot application was created to speed up the system startup and, according to the manufacturer, allows you to save up to 40% of the time when starting your computer.

ASUS Fast Boot

Adjustments to the sound quality of the Bang & Olufsen ICEpower speakers built into the laptop, connected headphones and external speaker systems, as well as microphone sensitivity are standardly made using the Realtek HD Manager.

Realtek HD Manager

You can achieve greater sound purity from branded speakers using ASUS SonicMaster. True, to notice the effect, you need to switch to external acoustics, since the sound of the built-in one, no matter what ringing name it bears, still leaves much to be desired.

ASUS SonicMaster

To combat viruses and prevent various Internet attacks, ASUS offers a trial version of the Trend Micro Titanium program. The application scans incoming email messages, detects and removes spyware, and limits user access to sites that, according to the creators of Trend Micro Titanium, contain data that is dangerous for the computer.

Trend Micro Titanium

Syncables Desktop SE is a program for synchronizing and exchanging photos, music, videos and other data between your laptop and other computers that have Syncables Desktop SE installed.

Syncables Desktop SE

DVD Suite is a media processor camouflaged as ASUS for creating and processing CyberLink recordings, consisting of a whole set of programs.

DVD Suite

The first, CyberLink Power2Go, is designed to work with optical media. The application allows you to copy discs and burn files, music, videos and photos to discs of all formats, including Blu-Ray (which is not relevant in our case, since the laptop does not have a Blu-Ray burner). In addition to standard features, Power2Go includes built-in composition tools that allow you to edit movies and personalize discs with menus and tables of contents. The program can also work in the Express version.

CyberLink Power2Go

CyberLink LabelPrint is a specialized tool for creating, editing, printing covers and labeling discs. The label creation process involves four steps: selecting a template type, entering disc information, placing text and a background image, and clicking the “Print” button.

CyberLink LabelPrint

CyberLink PowerDirector is a tool for editing multimedia data and creating professional-quality videos.

CyberLink PowerDirector

CyberLink Media Converter is a universal converter designed to quickly prepare any video file for viewing on any common device.

CyberLink Media Converter

The ASUS N53SV uses CyberLink PowerDVD player as a DVD player.

CyberLink PowerDVD

Contrary to the usual use of the free Adobe Reader application on all laptop computers for working with files in the “*.pdf” format, the laptop under study is equipped with the Nuance PDF reader 6.0 application. The program supports playback of built-in Flash animation and videos. In addition, Nuance PDF reader has functions for filling out and saving PDF file forms, which most similar utilities cannot boast of.

Nuance PDF reader 6.0

To work with other text documents, the ASUS N53SV has Microsoft Office Starter 2010, which, if desired, can be upgraded to the level of a full-fledged Microsoft Office 2010.

Microsoft Office Starter 2010

The Elan Smart-Pad application is designed to configure the laptop's touchpad.

Elan Smart-Pad

Often the software supplied by the manufacturer carries almost zero meaning. One of these utilities is ASUS FancyStart, which allows you to select a welcome image and music when you turn on the laptop.

ASUS FancyStart

Among other software, the laptop comes with the “Wireless Console 3” application, which contains a pair of “WLAN” and “Bluetooth” icons, which corresponds to the wireless adapters available in the ASUS N53SV, and allows you to enable and disable them.

Wireless Console 3

In addition to the above, the following icons are displayed on the laptop desktop:

Collection of casual games - “Game Pack” with demo samples included;

Game Pack

ASUS @Vibe Digital Content Bank;

ASUS @Vibe

And free online data storage ASUS WebStorage (up to 500 GB of remote space).

ASUS WebStorage

The latest one running under Windows is the “ASUS Live Update” application, which allows you to automatically receive updates for all proprietary software pre-installed on the ASUS N53SV.

ASUS Live Update

At the end of the list of pre-installed software, let’s briefly talk about ASUS Express Gate Cloud. We have already described this “fast-loading” shell more than once on the pages of our website dedicated to ASUS laptops. To launch Express Gate, you need to press the button of the same name, the longest in the row of “fast” keys (when Windows is loaded, it is used to select the Power4Gear Hybrid power mode). The Express Gate interface looks visually attractive; the Internet messengers and music player present in the previous version have disappeared, but support for the Trend Micro Instant Security program has appeared, which prevents the penetration of viruses, and separate Facebook, YouTube and calendar pages have been added. As before, there is a web browser, built-in online games and a simple photo viewer with the ability to run slide shows. From the moment you press the shell launch button until the ASUS message appears, notifying the user about entering the ASUS Express Gate Cloud, at least 10 seconds pass, and a full system boot takes more than 20 seconds, which exceeds the time the laptop comes out of the “sleep” state under Windows OS - so this boot can only be called “fast” in quotation marks.

Exterior: design and ergonomics

In the manufacture of the ASUS N53SV case, two materials were used: the usual plastic and rough polished aluminum with a light texture visible to the eye. There are virtually no glossy elements, so the laptop retains its elegance despite the inevitable touches and settling dust. The strength of the materials used has a beneficial effect when you press the back of the cover: no blurry spots appear on the screen. The corners of the case are softly rounded, the black and gray colors used are harmoniously combined, thanks to which, despite the rather large size of the laptop, the ASUS N53SV looks very elegant.

ASUS N53SV: front view

The cover on the back side has a strong bend towards the base, thereby highlighting the hinge hinges, which are its continuation. Naturally, there is no display lock. The hinges rigidly fix the lid at the required angle and in the lowered state. The laptop swings open to about 130 degrees, the design of the hinges does not allow it to go any further.

ASUS N53SV: opening angle

The picture inside is similar to the outside: everything is black and gray. The wrist pad has the same texture as the lid. A minus to the designers for the impractical glossy frame around the screen, such a fashionable trend lately. Raising and adjusting the angle of the display is an everyday manipulation, therefore, the appearance of fingerprints on the frame cannot be avoided. Interesting decorative elements of the laptop include the raised (against the background of recessed hinge blocks) part of the base on the rear side, made of aluminum with frequently drilled small holes, under which a pair of Bang & Olufsen ICEpower speakers are hidden.

ASUS N53SV: open

The built-in 2-megapixel webcam, located in the center of the upper part of the frame around the screen and deprived of the ability to independently rotate, is equipped with an iris diaphragm. To activate the device, you need to move the slider to the “On” position and turn on the camera, after which the green indicator next to the lens will light up. A couple of centimeters to the right is the hole for the built-in microphone.

ASUS N53SV: webcam

ASUS N53SV is equipped with a widescreen (16:9 aspect ratio) 15.6-inch matrix with a maximum resolution of 1366x768 pixels (there are also models with a resolution of 1920x1080). The surface of the screen is glossy, therefore, a cluster of glare and reflections is inevitable. As compensation for these inconveniences, the user receives greater image richness and contrast. The vertical viewing angles are not very great; tilting the lid back turns the picture into a negative, and when looking at the screen from above, the picture turns white. Things are much better with horizontal ones.

The number of brightness levels of the laptop computer under study is standard for laptops with the ASUS logo - eleven. Even the lower levels do not make it difficult to work with the laptop. The brightness is adjusted by pressing the “Fn” and “F5” or “F6” keys together.

The ASUS N53SV keyboard has 102 black keys; contrary to fashion trends, the buttons are not free-standing. The press is soft and relatively quiet, there is no backlash in the buttons, and the moment of operation is perfectly felt. What’s unpleasant is that the keyboard “breathes” a fair amount, mainly when pressed in the middle. There is no ergonomic recess on the keys; on the side facing the user, each button has a small chamfer.

ASUS N53SV: keys in profile

Three of the four cursor keys are located in line with the bottom row of buttons, thereby increasing the risk of accidental presses. In addition to their direct responsibilities, the “arrows”, through the “Fn” key, perform the functions of multimedia player keys. The function keys are greatly reduced in height (due to the bevel on the front side they become completely narrow) and slightly in width, as well as the row that closes them on the right “Pause”, “Print Screen”, “Delete”, located above the main keyboard, and “ Home”, “Page Up”, “Page Down” and “End” - above the number pad, it’s difficult to place your finger on them. The coloring of letters and symbols is not quite in the ASUS style: the Latin layout is printed in white, the Russian layout is printed in greenish, but smaller font, usually pale blue keys that work after pressing and holding “Fn”, the N53SV is also white.

ASUS N53SV: keyboard

On the right, with a small gap from the main keyboard, which is slightly larger than the distance between the keys, the Num block is adjacent to it. The numeric keypad has the standard four vertical columns of buttons, albeit with minor flaws: firstly, the right “arrow”, wedged into the block, occupies the rightful half of the area of ​​the “0” key; secondly, four buttons “Home”, “Page Up” ", "Page Down" and "End" are located in an additional horizontal row on top of the numeric keypad. It takes some time to get used to this layout.

The transparent power key of the laptop with a mirror backing is placed above the right edge of the keyboard and is illuminated by a white LED, the same as the indicators to the left of it, which include (from left to right):

ASUS N53SV: power button and indicators

Numeric keypad indicator (Num Lock);
Caps Lock indicator;
Video system mode indicator (lights blue when the built-in graphics adapter is active, white when the discrete one is active).

Five “fast” keys of the laptop are located symmetrically on the left:

ASUS N53SV: shortcut keys

The “ASUS Express Gate Cloud” key is twice as large as the others, loading an additional shell when the laptop is turned off and changing the “Power4Gear Hybrid” power modes when the Windows operating system is running;
Mute key;
Two volume down/up keys;
And the play/pause key.

Sound buttons work in all applications, play/pause only in Windows Media Center. Above the “quick” buttons, indicators and the laptop power key there are corresponding symbols.

The surface of the touch panel has a slight roughness, matching the surrounding surface, and is slightly recessed. The touchpad responds well to finger touches. The touchpad supports the multi-touch function, which means that: touching with one finger performs the standard functions of moving the cursor, pressing the left mouse button and entering (quick double-click), using two fingers simultaneously allows you to scroll vertically and horizontally, three imitates pressing the right mouse buttons. There are also zoom functions, for which you need to close or spread your fingers while touching the panel, and rotate objects by scrolling with two spread fingers on the touchpad surface. At the base of the device there is one, devoid of a separator, glossy black (why?!) rocker key with a short, soft stroke and an actuation moment accompanied by a muted click. To achieve an adequate response from pressing the mouse keys, it is better to press them further from the center of the “swing”. Closer to the middle of a single button, the response becomes sluggish, and in the center it completely disappears.

ASUS N53SV: Touchpad

All remaining system indicators, with symbols above them, are placed by the manufacturer on the leading edge of the base in front of the touchpad (from left to right):

ASUS N53SV: system indicators

Power indicator (lights white when the laptop is turned on; flashes together with the indicator on the power button when the PC is in sleep mode; when the computer is turned off, the indicator does not light);
Battery charging indicator (lights orange when the battery is charging; off - completely discharged; flashes orange if the battery charge is less than 10%, lights green when the battery is more than 95% charged and the laptop is plugged in);
Activity indicator (shows the computer is accessing the hard drive or optical drive, lighting up at the moment of access);
Wireless interface indicator.

The lowered top cover completely hides the LEDs when looking at the laptop from above; the legend is invisible from any angle. To navigate the meaning of the lit indicators when the laptop is closed, the user needs to know their named location.

The following components are located on the left side of the ASUS N53SV (from left to right):

ASUS N53SV: left view

HDMI connector for connecting external monitors and TVs;
Connector for connecting a laptop to a local network (RJ-45);
Built-in 3-in-1 card reader that supports memory cards of the following standards: Memory Stick, Multi Media Card and Secure Digital;
USB 2.0 port;
USB 3.0 port.

The following is located on the right side of the laptop:

ASUS N53SV: right view

Standard 3.5 mm headphone jack combined with optical digital output S/PDIF;
Microphone connector;
Two USB 2.0 ports;
An optical drive with an activity indicator, a CD eject button and an emergency opening;
Mechanical switch for wireless interfaces.

On the back of the laptop, despite the specific design of the lid, there was a place:

ASUS N53SV: rear view

Connector for connecting a power source;
15-pin D-Sub connector for connecting an external monitor;
Kensington lock port.

ASUS N53SV is equipped with a 4400 mAh battery (6-cell). The battery is designed for a voltage of 10.8 V, which when converted to watt-hours is 47 Wh.

ASUS N53SV: battery

At the “bottom” of the laptop there are two battery latches (spring and mechanical), a sticker with the number of the operating system, covers of the RAM and hard drive compartments, as well as the so-called service compartment.

ASUS N53SV: bottom part

To get to the RAM and hard drive compartments, you need to remove the rubber feet located on the cover, since a pair of mounting screws are located under them. Why all these far-fetched complications, honestly, is unclear.

Internal content

The ASUS N53SV is based on the new Huron River platform, the head of which (in our case) is a dual-core Intel Core i5 2410M processor clocked at 2.30 GHz. The code name of the core is Sandy Bridge, it is produced using a 32 nm process technology and has a 3072 KB third-level cache combined for both cores. The typical heat dissipation of the Intel Core i5 2410M is 35 W. As mentioned earlier, Sandy Bridge contains in a single chip: computing cores, cache memory, memory controller, PCI Express bus controller and graphics core.

Intel Core i5 2410M in two test power modes

Second-generation Intel Core i5 processors support Enhanced Intel SpeedStep (EIST) energy-saving technology, which allows the multiplier and, accordingly, the operating frequency to be reduced during idle moments. There is support for Intel Hyper-Threading on board, which “emulates” a quad-core processor - accordingly, four cores will be visible in the Windows task manager instead of two. It also supports updated Intel Turbo Boost technology, which allows you to increase the processor clock speed in cases where only one of its cores is loaded. For the Intel Core i5 2410M, the maximum frequency during Turbo Boost operation is 2.9 GHz, changes in which can be visually tracked in a special window on the laptop desktop.

In the above screenshots, it is easy to see that the laptop has a pair of two-gigabyte DDR3 memory sticks with a frequency of 1333 MHz (there are four slots in total!). Two identical modules allow the RAM to operate in the most productive dual-channel mode. The installed memory capacity can be doubled if desired.

The ASUS N53SV uses an Intel Cougar Point HM65 chip as its chipset. The thermal package of the installed NMS is 3.9 W. The northbridge of the chipset, like that of the 5th generation Calpella NMC, has been abolished; all its components have safely moved into the processor. The South Bridge supports interfaces: SATA (up to 6 ports), USB 2.0 (up to 12) and up to eight PCI Express 2.0 x1 lines. There is also a built-in Intel High Definition Audio sound core.

Intel Cougar Point HM65

The Atheros AR9285 wireless network adapter installed in the laptop, which, according to the technical specifications of the ASUS N53SV, supports only low-speed data transfer standards 802.11 b/g, and the usual wired Realtek RTL8168/8111 adapter installed in the laptop do not fit into the concept of the Huron River platform. Also, due to the absence of a USB 3.0 controller in the 6th generation chipsets, the laptop has a Fresco Logic USB 3.0 xHCI Controller, thanks to which there is a blue connector on its left side.

The graphics subsystem of the laptop under study is built on a hybrid engine using NVIDIA Optimus technology. We've seen Optimus technology in action before, but this was completely different.

As before, at moments of minimal load, ASUS N53SV uses the new Intel HD Graphics 3000 integrated into the processor case, made using a 32-nm process technology and operating at a frequency of up to 650 MHz, as a graphics accelerator. HD Graphics 3000 adds support for Shader Model 4.1 and DirectX 10.1. Moreover, Intel even thought about implementing full-screen anti-aliasing using its graphics core! Intel engineers also managed to implement the Enhanced Intel SpeedStep and Turbo Boost technologies simultaneously and independently for the graphics and processor cores. As a result, the performance of integrated graphics has increased significantly and has become comparable to entry-level discrete video cards.

If an application requires a more powerful graphics solution, and the modest capabilities of the Intel HD Graphics 3000 are not enough, the computer automatically switches to the discrete NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M, as indicated by the corresponding indicator on the laptop case. The video accelerator is based on the GF108 core, made according to a technical process in compliance with 40 nm standards and operating at a frequency of 672 MHz. The pixel shader pipeline operates at 1344 MHz, DDR3 memory – 900 MHz. The memory bus has a 128-bit interface. The GPU supports DirectX 11 and PhysX and CUDA technologies. The characteristics of the NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M installed in the ASUS N53SV, taken using the GPU-Z program, can be seen in the screenshot below.

NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M

The laptop computer is equipped with a Seagate ST9500420AS 2.5" form factor hard drive with a spindle speed of 7200 rpm, a SATA interface and a capacity of 500 GB. The laptop is also equipped with a Matsushita UJ8A0ASW DVD burner drive.

Below is a table with detailed technical characteristics of the tested ASUS N53SV:

Testing methodology

Before testing, the ASUS N53SV had its hard drive formatted, then the Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate x64 operating system (English version) was installed. The drivers were taken from the recovery disk included in the package and from laptop manufacturer website.

During testing, the following parameters were set:

Screen Saver – disabled;
Windows Defender – disabled;
System Protection – disabled;
Windows Update - disabled;
Scheduled disk defragmentation – disabled;
Enabled deletion of files immediately after placing them in the trash;
Screen brightness is set to maximum;
The resolution of the liquid crystal matrix is ​​maximum, 1366x768;
Aero interface – activated;
Desktop theme – Windows 7;
Volume level – 10%.

The test package is divided into two parts:

Part 1: tests to measure the performance of both the system as a whole and its individual components:

Synthetic tests for general performance (PCMark Vantage 1.0.2 and SYSmark 2007);
Gaming performance tests (3DMark 2006 1.2.0, 3DMark Vantage 1.0.2, 3DMark 2011 1.0.0, Resident Evil 5, Far Cry 2, F1 2010, Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X., Lost Planet 2, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars , World in Conflict, Mafia 2).

Part 2: determining the battery life of a laptop computer, measurements were made using the MobileMark 2007 test application.

MobileMark 2007 contains three operating modes:

Productivity mode – shock load on the system with long pauses;
Reader mode – emulation of reading a pdf file (in the “Read” test mode, pages are flipped every 2 minutes);
DVD movie viewing mode (uses the movie supplied with MobileMark 2007).

SYSmark 2007 and MobileMark 2007 used the appropriately named application vendor power plans installed using the BAPCo-AutoConfig utility.

In addition to the above, 3DMark 2006 1.2.0 scenes were repeatedly run on the laptop, after which, using an infrared remote thermometer, the temperatures of the LCD panel, keyboard, bottom surface, “exhaust” (the point with the maximum temperature was looked for on each surface) and the processor (using CPUID Hardware Monitor programs). This test was carried out twice: when working on a hard, smooth table surface and on a soft, fluffy fabric surface.

Performance testing

Traditionally, testing opens with the synthetic application Futuremark PCMark Vantage. The overall test result is calculated using the formula: PCMark Score = 87 x (Geometric Average of Main Tests), where the geometric mean is (result 1 * result 2 * ...) ^ (1 / number of results). In the Vantage version, the results are presented in relation to typical operating scenarios, and not to computer components:

The “Memories” scenario evaluates the performance of systems when working with digital media archives, including amateur photographs and home videos.
The TV and Movies test uses high-definition video playback and transcoding as a load.
The Gaming test measures the suitability of platforms for running 3D gaming applications.
The "Music" script is mainly devoted to transcoding audio files of various formats.
The “Communication” test simulates visiting web resources, working with email and using IP telephony.
“Productivity” is another simple scenario that simulates working with typical office applications;
And the last one, “HDD,” evaluates the performance of the hard drive only.

In the PCMark Vantage test, ASUS N53SV, as in other resource-intensive applications, uses a discrete graphics adapter. The results obtained are even visually superior to the level of Arrandale processors. When changing power to a rechargeable battery, the performance is halved due to connected energy-saving technologies.

SYSmark 2007 simulates the user experience aimed at solving specific problems in several of the most common applications. At the output, the package produces several indices showing system performance demonstrated under various activity scenarios, measuring system performance in real applications when solving specific problems.

With the SYSmark 2007 test package, which focuses primarily on the processor component of a laptop computer, the picture is very close to PCMark Vantage, since the Intel Core i5 2410M behaves in a similar way.

The 3DMark test program is a set of three-dimensional scenes based on its own graphics engine that load the video subsystem in various ways. In 3DMark 2006, the maximum screen resolution was set to 1366x768 and the first test circle was launched, the second test was carried out under the same conditions, but with anisotropic filtering set to 16x and full-screen anti-aliasing 4x. In 3DMark Vantage and 3DMark 2011, the laptop was tested at only one difficulty level, “Entry,” with a resolution of 1024x768 and 1024x600, respectively. Feature tests had to be disabled in 3DMark Vantage due to the vertical resolution being less than 1000 pixels

The mid-range mobile graphics card NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M looks very decent in synthetic 3DMark applications. Of course, it is far from the performance of top-end adapters, but the gap is also significant from budget models. Changing the diet gives a slight drop in performance. In general, the ASUS N53SV will allow its owner to use not only the powerful computing capabilities of a processor with Sandy Bridge microarchitecture, but also the graphics capabilities, which will be confirmed by real numbers in games.

For each game (Resident Evil 5, Far Cry 2, F1 2010, Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X., Lost Planet 2, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, World in Conflict, Mafia 2) several types of settings were set: from mandatory maximum (anisotropic filtering included 16x and 4x full screen antialiasing, all other parameters set to "high" to minimum (all parameters set to "low" whenever possible). All games were tested only on mains power to show the best results without connecting power saving systems The most severe settings for the graphics subsystem were chosen in order to compare the results of the laptop with the “desktop” video cards that we regularly test... Testing was carried out at the maximum resolution of the laptop (in our case, 1366x768).

ASUS N53SV, of course, is not tailored for the gaming audience, but its performance level is quite sufficient for many games. A user with not too high demands on graphics quality will be more than satisfied with the capabilities of the tested laptop computer.

To be able to compare with other laptops tested in our test laboratory, we present a table with the same games at a resolution of 1280x720 with maximum graphics quality settings.

Battery life and temperature characteristics

Battery life is one of the key characteristics of a laptop computer, sometimes even more important than performance. Therefore, the measurement of this particular value is carried out in a test block separate from productivity. Testing was performed using the MobileMark 2007 package. During the tests, the laptop's transitions to the StandBy and Hibernate states were disabled.

The first scenario (Productivity), which was used to measure the battery life of a laptop, is based on simulating the user's work in typical office applications. The load is not constant, one might even say “ragged”; the user is continually interrupted from doing the work. The second test is to measure the battery life of the laptop while simply reading text. Adobe Reader was used as a program that displayed the document on the screen. The third and final scenario used in our “tests” simulated the use of a mobile computer to play video in DVD format using the InterVideo WinDVD player.

In terms of battery consumption, the ASUS N53SV demonstrated a fairly good result for its class - a powerful laptop with discrete graphics - almost three hours when watching a movie and more than 3.5 hours when reading a book.

At the end of the testing, we present the temperature readings of the laptop during idle operation and after running 3DMark 2006 for half an hour, on hard and soft surfaces. The temperature was measured using an infrared thermometer, and the point with the maximum temperature was looked for on each surface. The processor heating was measured using the CPUID Hardware Monitor utility. The temperature in the room at the time of testing was 23 degrees Celsius.

The ASUS N53SV heats up very moderately, remaining quite quiet even under heavy loads. Placing the laptop on a soft, fleecy surface has a minimal effect on heating both the case and the processor. The latter, although it shows a temperature of 65 degrees when running 3DMark 2006, is still far from the critical maximum.

Advantages and disadvantages of ASUS N53SV


Attractive design and durable body due to the use of aluminum and plastic;
Decent level of performance;
High-quality operating system recovery system;
Good (by laptop standards) acoustics;
Four RAM slots;
Availability of USB 3.0 port;
Reasonable cost.


Glossy coating of the matrix and the frame around it;
Poor visibility of status indicators when the lid is lowered;
Poverty of the delivery set;
Difficulty opening the cover of the RAM and hard drive compartments;
Small screen resolution.


ASUS N53SV, based on the new SandyBridge microarchitecture coupled with NVIDIA Optimus technology, turned out to be a worthy and very interesting representative of multimedia laptops with a reasonable price. Ergonomic, elegant, productive - these are just a few of the adjectives that apply to the N53SV. Relatively powerful discrete graphics will allow the owner of a laptop computer to use the laptop as a gaming solution, and automatic switching to the integrated video core under low loads provides more than three hours of battery life, which is a good result for a laptop of this class.

Check the availability and cost of ASUS N53SV laptops "> Check the availability and cost of ASUS N53SV laptops

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Laptop announced at the end of 2010 and demonstrated at the beginning of this year ASUS N53Sv(among three more new ASUSTeK products with second-generation Intel Core i7 processors) finally appeared in our test laboratory. At first glance, this laptop is a typical representative of the multimedia series ASUS N. This applies to both the appearance - an elegantly strict and durable aluminum body with smooth curves, and the audiovisual part - a high-contrast glossy HD screen, Bang & Olufsen ICEpower stereo speakers with SonicMaster technology.

Meanwhile, the most important innovations affected the hardware, primarily the processor. The laptop is powered by, no less than, an Intel processor from the second-generation Core i7 family, which is built on the new Sandy Bridge architecture (hence, perhaps, the letter S in the model name), production of which started literally on January 6. We will look at the features of this architecture and the processor built on its basis below; we only note that Intel promises a significant increase in performance compared to the first generation of Core i7 mobile CPUs.

The video subsystem has undergone no less profound changes. The Intel HD Graphics 3000 core built into the Sandy Bridge architecture has previously unprecedented characteristics for its class. In addition, the laptop also has a discrete video card - also a new product from NVIDIA, the fifth-generation GeForce GT 540M graphics accelerator. The significance of this configuration is not only that the user will be able to enjoy the most complex 3D effects in games and applications, but also that at the same time the battery charge will be consumed much more economically, primarily due to the expanded capabilities of the built-in video accelerator.

So, starting a detailed review and testing, comparing this laptop with previous models of the ASUS N53 series, we expect enhanced graphics, gaming potential of the ASUS N53Sv and advanced energy efficiency, especially in the active use of multimedia functions. Let's see what results we come to in the end.

Review and test of ASUS N53Sv. Specifications and equipment

The laptop is packed in a cardboard box with a traditional ASUS N-series coloring. On a black background, there is a pattern of intersecting white and blue lines and two white stripes, thinner on top and thicker on the bottom (the ASUS logo is printed on it in the corner). There are stickers glued to the side edges, one indicates a coupon inside the box containing a code for a trial download of the StarCraft game, the second calls for purchasing an extended license for the MS Office package (in fact, the MS Office 2010 Starter version is already pre-installed on the laptop).

The vertical content packaging method continues the trends characteristic of modern mid-class ASUS laptops. Here, the manufacturer also abandoned the top insert box for the adapter with a cable: the cord connecting the adapter to the AC mains is simply placed on top of a specially folded sheet of cardboard, which separates it from the laptop. The laptop and all accessories included in the package are protected by cardboard spacers and seals. The battery, adapter and all printed materials with the disc are packed in a large envelope with pockets on the sides. The pockets contain the AC adapter and battery, respectively. The envelope is equipped with a convenient slot-handle for removal.

The adapter is a rectangular block with rounded edges, quite impressive in size. (Which shouldn't be surprising given the level of performance of the laptop's system). There is an LED indicator built into the adapter at the top, and 4 small round rubber feet are mounted on the back side for stability and protection of the laptop's power.

The battery is a parallelepiped of irregular shape, combined with the rear side edge, and is quite compact, which even made it possible to move a number of ports to the rear edge, while maintaining the traditional loading mechanism (horizontal sliding into the slot from the rear edge). The capacity indicated on the battery is 4400 mAh or 48 Wh.

The composition of printed products is similar to most mass-produced ASUS laptops and includes:
- warranty card (an ordinary book with silver stripes on the cover);
- Quick Installation Guide (quick installation manual, as usual, without Russian, unfortunately);
- User manual (here already - exclusively in Russian, detailed and understandable);
- Leaflet “Freedom without wires” (illustrated instructions on the technology for making wireless connections);
- ASUS Notebook Update Information leaflet;
- new item included - an nVidia flyer (or as it is called by the manufacturer - “coupon”) with a code for downloading a promotional version of the three-dimensional game StarCraft.

Of course, the kit included space for a disk with drivers and proprietary utilities, as well as a proprietary Velcro strap for tying the adapter cord.

The delivery package, I must say, is quite ordinary; the contents of the attached manuals make it easy to master all the functions of a mobile computer.

Specifications ASUS N53Sv are given in the table below:

  • Processor: Intel Core i7-2630QM (2000 MHz)
  • Bus: 2.5 GT/s 6, MB level 3 cache
  • RAM: 6144 MB DDR3-1333 MHz
  • Screen: 15.6" Mirror (Glare), LED-backlit
  • Resolution: 1366x768 (HD)
  • Video card: nVidia GeForce GT 540M, 1024+1632 MB, Add. card: Intel HD Graphics 3000, 64+1632
  • Sound card: Bang & Olufsen ICEpower with SonicMaster technology
  • Hard drive: 500 GB (7200 rpm), SATA
  • CD drive: DVD±RW (DL)
  • Communication: LAN 10/100/1000
  • Wireless: Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR, WiFi (802.11a/b/g)
  • Ports: 4xUSB(3.0/2.0), Kensington security, Line out (S/PDIF support), HDMI, Mic-in, VGA
  • Card reader: SD/MMC/MS/Pro
  • Camera - 2.0 MP
  • Express Gate
  • Battery: Li-ion, 4400 mAh (up to 4.5 hours)
  • Weight: 2.96 kg
  • Case: silver / gray, dimensions - 39.1 x 26.6 x 4 cm
  • OS: Windows 7 Home Premium (64)
  • International manufacturer's warranty: 2 years

The laptop's computing system is built using a second-generation Intel Core i7 processor. Processors of this family, the production of which was launched quite recently, in January 2011, are based on the new Sandy Bridge microarchitecture. This architecture contains a number of advantages that significantly increase the performance and flexibility of the system, and, above all, in the multimedia and gaming area, compared to the first generation.

In contrast, second-generation processors based on the Sandy Bridge architecture have all 4 physical CPU cores, as well as a built-in graphics accelerator, cache, and system logic, assembled on one chip according to the 32-nm process technology. In this regard, the performance should naturally increase and the heat dissipation and power consumption of the processor should decrease, in comparison with the previous solution, where the Intel GMA HD graphics core and most of the northbridge control chips were assembled on a separate chip using a 45-nm process technology.

Another advantage of the new processor is rooted in the technology of the graphics core itself. The new Intel HD Graphics 3000 core achieves the performance of entry-level discrete graphics cards, thereby transferring a wide range of multimedia and gaming functions to the processor. Now decoding Full HD video with the “picture-in-picture” function, running 3D graphic applications and gameplay in some 3D games will do without the resources of a discrete video card, which will save battery power.

An important step in dynamically increasing system performance was the improved Intel Turbo Boost Technology, which received the index 2.0. If in the first edition, a short-term increase in the clock frequency in a multi-core processor was carried out by disabling non-working cores (in order to control heat generation), now Intel engineers have achieved the technology working without such a disabling, i.e. the frequency can be overclocked on 1/2/4 cores at once. This allows, according to Intel representatives, to use the technology not at load peaks, as before, but in a wider range of situations.

Another very important innovation is the appearance of a new 256-bit Advanced Vector Extensions (Intel AVX) instruction set, which is actually an extension of the 128-bit SSE set.

To position its updated processors, Intel introduced new logos and 4-digit CPU model indexes instead of the previous three-digit ones.

In particular, the representative of the new generation Intel Core i7-2630QM installed in the ASUS N53Sv laptop has 4 physical cores, each of which operates at a frequency of 2000 MHz (in Turbo Boost 2.0 mode the operating frequency increases to 2800 MHz). “Last level cache,” as Intel now writes (previously L3 cache), distributes a rather large volume of 6 MB between all cores dynamically. Maximum thermal package - 45 W. The processor supports technologies such as Advanced Vector Extensions, Enhanced Intel SpeedStep, Idle State, Execute Disable Bit, Intel 64 Architecture, as well as Intel Virtualization (VT-x / VT-d). In operation, the Core i7-2630QM is guided by an already expanded set of SIMD instructions: MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE 4.1, SSE 4.2, AES.

The laptop's graphics subsystem is represented by an Intel HD Graphics 3000 graphics accelerator built into the processor (the capabilities of which have already been mentioned above) and a discrete nVidia GeForce GT 540M video card. This is one of the new products from the world's leading vendor in the field of graphics accelerators (in general, the 500-series of mobile video cards was introduced quite recently). Today it occupies a middle position in the product line, but has a very high performance reserve and works with almost all existing advanced graphics technologies. The processor clock frequency is as much as 1344 MHz, the number of shaders (or CUDA cores) is 96, the bus width is 128 bits, DDR3 / 900 MHz video memory support. In our case, the video memory is 1 GB. The video card supports the latest versions of standards: Shader Model 5.0, OpenGL 4.0, MS DirectX 11. Such characteristics should be sufficient for high-quality and smooth playback of gameplay, video processing up to Full HD 1080p, and reliable display of website content in the HTML5 standard.

Of course, NVIDIA Optimus technology is supported, which automatically switches tasks between the built-in and discrete video adapter to save battery power. And, I must say, the modern built-in solution from Intel, namely the HD Graphics 3000 graphics core, allows you to greatly relieve the NVIDIA video chip. The enhanced graphics of the new Intel processors built on the Sandy Bridge microarchitecture sets a higher bar for discrete video adapters, and, in this case, the nVidia GeForce GT 540M fully meets this level.

An important component of the discrete card is NVIDIA 3D Vision technology. It is capable of turning many games into stereoscopic, playing Blu-Ray 3D movies, streaming 3D videos and 3D photos. You can also enjoy 3D games and movies on your big TV thanks to NVIDIA 3D TV Play. By the way, a mobile computer with such a card can effectively stream video to the largest monitors available today with the highest resolution (up to 2560x1600 pixels). We will check the real capabilities of the video subsystem using synthetic benchmarks and game tests.

The laptop system contains 4 RAM slots. In our sample, three of them were occupied by identical Elpida EBJ21UE8BFU0-DJ-F strips, 2 GB each. The memory interface is the most advanced - DDR3, maximum frequency: 1333 MHz. This is quite a decent amount to unleash the increased capabilities of second-generation Intel Core i7 processors; there is also the possibility of an upgrade. The hard drive from Seagate (model ST9500420AS, SATA-II interface) has a capacity of 500 GB that is quite adequate for a multimedia laptop, and has a maximum known spindle speed of 7200 rpm.

The optical drive installed in the laptop, manufactured by LG Electronics (model HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GT34N), is a regular multi-drive that reads and writes all types of CD/DVD discs, including double-layer DVDs. A modern multimedia computer, especially one that is fully prepared to work with Full HD content, including 3D, like the ASUS N53Sv, would be more complete, with the ability to at least read Blu-ray. By the way, such configuration options for the ASUS N53Sv exist, and the right of choice remains with the user.

The set of ASUS N53Sv ports provides extensive communication capabilities in common modern standards, including USB 3.0. Image transfer to an external monitor is possible both via analog (D-SUB) and digital (HDMI). The audio jack also supports S/PDIF digital output. In general, the set of ports covers all multimedia needs. The card reader accepts 5 memory card formats. To connect to a wired network, a gigabit network card is installed. There is also an Express Gate port.

A set of wireless communication protocols is typical for modern mass-produced laptops - Bluetooth 2.1 and WiFi. The built-in camera has the highest resolution in its class of 2 megapixels.

In general, the characteristics of the ASUS N53Sv laptop put it in the position of one of the most advanced multimedia mobile computers on the market. It should be able to handle the most demanding multimedia content and the latest versions of 3D games with a reserve.

Review and test of ASUS N53Sv. Exterior, design, safety

The ASUS N53Sv laptop comes in a body that is similar to other ASUS N53 models, for example, ASUS N53Jn recently analyzed by us. Let us note only the main features of the case. When closed, the body is slightly thicker towards the rear edge. The designers have found a very harmonious combination of straight lines and smooth curves. The transition from the lid to the hinges looks especially interesting.

The lid is made of a solid sheet of polished aluminum with a small oblong plastic insert, which is convenient to hold when opening. A low visor on the front edge of the lid also adds convenience when opening.

A solid matte aluminum plate also covers the area on the topcase in front of the keyboard. The entire environment of the keyboard unit, as well as the keys themselves, are made of gray matte plastic. Closer to the screen, in a special recess in the topcase, a metal grille of speakers is installed.

The front side of the laptop does not contain any ports or structural elements. Approximately in the middle, in the touchpad area, the light of LED indicators of the laptop’s status shines through from under the closed lid.

The placement of elements on the side faces also follows the pattern adopted in other models of the ASUS N53 series.

On the right, starting from the front edge, there are built-in pairs of ports: two audio jacks and two USB 2.0. The location of the USB ports, most suitable for connecting a mouse, close to the front edge is not entirely successful. Almost all of the remaining space is taken up by the front cover of the optical drive tray. The lid has a bizarre shape. It is difficult to describe it, it is better to look at the photographs. On the island, limited by the drive cover and the bend of the case, a sliding mechanical switch for wireless communications fits.

On the left side (from left to right) we see such design details. The first is a very wide, considering the size of the laptop, grille for exhausting heated air. Afterwards, two ports are installed, HDMI and an RJ-45 network connection. To the left of it is a slot for a universal card reader. Last, and accordingly, closer to the leading edge, which is very convenient and always at hand, you can find high-speed data exchange ports - E-SATA and USB 3.0, the use of which gives an advantage of up to 10 times in speed compared to USB 2.0. The ports are placed quite freely.

The back side is also used to accommodate ports, since the length of the battery does not occupy the entire area of ​​​​this side. The engineers very rationally placed connectors that are not often used here. To the left of the battery border there is a socket for the power cable. To the right of the battery is a D-SUB video output port and a Kensington security port.

The appearance of the bottom surface also has much in common with the previously reviewed ASUS N53Jn model. In particular, the hatch for access to the RAM modules and hard drive is common, the battery is inserted from the back and secured with two latches, and a special small compartment is made under it for access by specialists. The differences lie in the larger number of ventilation grilles, in particular, they appeared under the hard drive. Another difference is the thickening of the case in the area of ​​RAM and chipset.

The case stands firmly on a horizontal surface, supported by 4 large rectangular rubber feet.

The battery is inserted into the rear side slot and secured with two latches. Even with one clamp, the battery sits firmly, without the slightest play.

Review and test of ASUS N53Sv. Screen, camera and sound

The lid with the monitor opens to an angle of approximately 130 degrees, however, this will be enough in most situations. Wide, more than 2 cm hinges clearly fix the lid in any open or closed position. The screen frame is made of black glossy plastic, without any special edging. The mechanical protection of the screen is formed by 4 rectangular rubber seals (2 at the top, on the sides of the camera, 2 on the left and right, respectively).

The screen is glossy. The matrix with regular HD resolution manufactured by SAMSUNG (model LTN156AT02P09) has a visible area of ​​34 x 19 cm (15.3 inches), an aspect ratio of 16:9. The manufacturer did not improve the quality of the monitor compared to previous models in the series; in fact, these are the basic characteristics for a modern laptop monitor. The image quality in most applications is very high, the contrast and color saturation are high, the viewing angles are significant, even with the strongest deviation the colors are not inverted, only reflections appear on the glossy surface. However, a monitor with a higher resolution would allow the full capabilities of the powerful graphics subsystem to be revealed, in particular Full HD viewing.

The audio sound in ASUS N53 series laptops with the Bang & Olufsen ICEpower system always evokes positive reviews. The new model is no exception: stereo speakers, built, as usual, on the topcase, under the monitor, behind the aluminum grille, produce sound with a large volume reserve, strong and dense bass, good imaging and spatial localization. A special utility, SonicMaster, controls various sound effects: bass, ambience effects and vocal quality. The effect of its use is significant, the sound changes greatly, it becomes interestingly colored, but it is difficult to say unequivocally what is subjectively better, the sound with or without the SonicMaster settings enabled.

The camera is built into the top frame of the screen, strictly in the middle. The camera eye is inscribed in a small rectangular area, on which there is also an LED indicator, as well as a lever that opens and closes the camera shutter. A few centimeters to the right of this block you can see a small round microphone hole. The control block is not highlighted structurally, it is only indicated by contrasting, visual symbols. By analogy with other ASUS laptops, photos and videos are taken using the proprietary LifeFrame utility. There is also the ability to restrict access by facial recognition using the Smart LogOn application.

Review and test of ASUS N53Sv. Input Devices

The keyboard in its type, layout, shape and size of the keys corresponds to the previous models of the ASUS N53 series. Let us remind you that this is an island keyboard with small gaps between the keys placed on a matte backing. The buttons themselves are also matte, gray, square, with a beveled bottom edge, which is why the rows of keys descend in terraces, like a “ladder”. The dimensions of the letter keys are 17x17 mm. The number pad buttons are slightly compressed horizontally - 17 x 11 mm, and the top row is narrowed to 17 x 9 mm.

Above the keyboard block, the designers built a thin, stylish, translucent plastic panel into which the control keys are located. The left group is opened by a combined Express Gate “Quick Start” key (pressing which when the laptop is turned off quickly loads the Linux environment, in which you can use the main multimedia modes of the laptop) and Power4Gear (while Windows 7 is running, it allows you to quickly switch power modes). To the right there are 4 built-in media file control keys in the corresponding applications.

The symbols, traditionally for ASUS, are contrasting and printed in 3 colors. Quick touch typing seemed quite comfortable; when pressed with medium force, the keyboard block sagged in the central zone.

In the right block, the power button (Express Gate) is in the far right position. To the left of it, LED indicators periodically light up, signaling the active CapsLock and NumLock modes.

All buttons and indicators are illuminated with a soft, diffused translucent panel of light, the power supply is blue, the rest are lunar-white light.

The medium-sized touchpad, 8.5 x 5.3 cm, is slightly recessed into the top case and has a similar matte, slightly rough surface. The touchpad handles both single touches and movements with one or several fingers at once. The buttons under the touchpad are covered with a single silver rocker panel.

Review and test of ASUS N53Sv. Wireless connection

Known for its quality performance, the Atheros AR9285 wireless adapter provides highly sensitive and reliable connections.

Wireless connections can be managed using both the built-in Windows 7 manager and the proprietary Wireless Console utility.

The Bluetooth BT-270 radio module supports the 2.1 + EDR protocols that are widely used today.

Review and test of ASUS N53Sv. Software and General Notes

The laptop comes pre-installed with Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit OS. By tradition, ASUSTeK equips its mobile computers with a good set of programs for working in various areas. The multimedia laptop also contains applications for managing and processing media files.

Management of various laptop functions is entrusted to a package of proprietary utilities familiar from other models with a visual three-dimensional interface. Virus protection is provided by Trend Micro Internet Security.

To work with documents, the MS Office 2010 Starter package is preinstalled. Unlike most laptops from ASUS and other brands, PDF Reader software is not used to read PDF files, but rather proprietary PDF Reader for ASUS with similar functionality.

Media content management is fully covered by the CyberLink Blu-ray Suite applications and the proprietary ASUS VideoMagic package.

Review and test of ASUS N53Sv. Benchmarks

To objectively and comprehensively evaluate the performance of the ASUS N53Sv laptop, we used the following tests:

Everest- obtaining complete information about the system and comprehensive testing, including the hard drive;
PCMark04 And PCMark05- tests designed to measure computer performance when working with office and other similar applications;
PCMark Vantage- synthetic test
3Dmark06- general performance tests in 3D games;

Battery Eater- test for the battery life of a laptop in reading mode.

The measurement results can be viewed by clicking on the corresponding mini-pictures.

The heating of the processor cores, both at maximum load and on average, exceeds the known optimal figure of 70 degrees, however, it is worth considering that achieving maximum load on this one of the most powerful mobile processors is not easy.

Transferring a significant graphics load to the processor, optimizing components, NVIDIA Optimus and other energy-saving technologies have borne fruit: in reading mode, the most powerful multimedia laptop worked for 4 hours 52 minutes, i.e. almost half an hour longer than the time stated by the manufacturer.

The performance indicators for processing 3D graphics in the 3DMark 06 tests and according to Windows 7 are confidently placed in the upper segment of the range of values.

The data from synthetic tests can be more clearly compared with the performance of a laptop from another manufacturer, built on a similar processor, as well as with the results of a test of a laptop with a first-generation Intel Core i7 processor. For comparison, we chose compatriots of the brand and constant competitors of ASUS, multimedia models of laptops from the Taiwanese corporation Acer with quad-core Intel Core i7 processors and video cards with 1GB of video memory.

The Acer Aspire 5950G-2636G64Biss LX.RE302.009 model, like the ASUS N53Sv (90N1QA868W6319VD13AY), uses a second generation Intel Core i7 processor with Sandy Bridge architecture, model 2630QM. The discrete video card is a very “hot” AMD 6000 series Mobility Radeon HD 6650 accelerator. The Acer Aspire 5745DG-748G75Biks laptop (LX.R0202.023) uses a previous generation Intel Core i7 processor (model 740QM, base frequency 1.73 GHz vs 2.0 GHz 2630QM). Just like the subject of our ASUS N53Sv review, it has a mid-class graphics accelerator from NVIDIA, although not the 5th, as in ASUS, but the 4th series (GeForce GT 425M).

We have compiled the laptop test data into a comparative table.

Win7 Processor Win7 Memory Win7 Disk
ASUS N53Sv 7.4 7.4 5.9
Acer Aspire 5950G 7.4 7.4 5.9
Acer Aspire 5745DG 7.1 7.5 7.5

3DMark PCMark Vantage Score PCMark Productivity Battery Eater (read)
ASUS N53Sv 7982 7121 9318 270
Acer Aspire 5950G 7658 6751 8475 420
Acer Aspire 5745DG 7488 6386 5528 360

As can be seen from the comparison table, second-generation Intel Core i7 processors provide a noticeable increase in performance compared to last year's models: the Windows 7 processor performance score is three-tenths of a point higher, and the PCMark Productivity score is one and a half times higher. The Acer Aspire 5745DG snatched only one tenth of a point from its rivals in terms of speed with RAM due to its larger volume: 8 GB versus 6 GB.

In terms of hard drive speed, all models froze at 5.9: this is the physical limit for the fastest HDDs available today with a spindle speed of 7200 rpm.

In the debate between two laptops on Intel Core i7 Sandy Bridge processors, the ASUS N53Sv we are considering was ahead in almost all synthetic tests (albeit a little). An explanation for this phenomenon can be found in the differences in video cards from the world's two leading manufacturers. Its counterpart from ACER can work more than 2 hours longer thanks to the use of a more capacious battery (6000 mAh). It’s also worth considering that the ACER model is about $300 more expensive than our today’s hero.

Review and test of ASUS N53Sv. Conclusion

N53Sv Thanks to the use of the ultra-modern second generation Intel Core i7 processor based on Sandy Bridge architecture, it boldly takes the lead in performance not only in its multimedia class, but also clearly crowds out the ranks of powerful mobile gaming stations. In the second quality, it is helped, again, by the ultra-modern NVIDIA 5-series video card with support for DirectX 11 and other latest graphics technologies. This model, which has become the flagship of the ASUS N53 series, can be confidently classified as a mid-class gaming laptop.

New processor and video card technologies have increased the integration of these nodes and, at the same time, the battery life of the laptop.

Otherwise, the characteristics of the laptop remained within the framework familiar to the ASUS N53 series. Here you can pay attention to both the high-quality built-in Bang & Olufsen ICEpower acoustics with SonicMaster technology, and the rather mediocre screen resolution (simple HD, although the N53 line has models with higher, up to Full HD, resolution), average equipment and configuration.

However, the main advantage and benefit of the model is its computing and graphics performance. In fact, this mid-priced multimedia laptop is one of the fastest in the world today.

- highest computing and graphics performance
- powerful and high-quality acoustics
- durable, elegant body, resistant to fingerprints and scratches
- high (for a multimedia laptop) battery life

- basic screen resolution
- standard equipment and complete set
- flexing keyboard

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N series laptops are the best that ASUS can offer to the demanding home user. They have the typical attributes of middle-class consumer models: stylish corporate design, powerful but inexpensive hardware components, high-quality built-in speakers. Interestingly, the line includes laptops of several sizes - with screens of 14″, 15.6″, 17.3″ and even 18″, but the model range is updated infrequently and, as a rule, not synchronously with the release of new hardware platforms. Nevertheless, despite the rather high price, this is one of the most popular series of home laptops in the upper price range.

Our review will consider a 15-inch model of the N53S series, built on the Intel Huron River platform and equipped with switchable graphics (mid-class discrete video card). This laptop is available in several configurations and has a wide range of prices. Our copy is relatively affordable: it has a normal resolution screen, a low-end processor, a GeForce GT 540M video card and an inexpensive hard drive.

We will compare the N53SV with two direct analogues that have a similar level of performance and price range. The first laptop is the no less popular HP Pavilion dv6 6000 series, the second is less known here, but popular in the USA, Dell XPS 15/L502X.


Initially, the N53 series laptops were based on Intel Calpella, since they entered the market back in 2010, before the appearance of the new Intel platform. The modernization was carried out transparently, without introducing anything new to the design or functionality. The N53S series laptops are equipped with a 15.6″ screen, a 2- or 4-core second-generation Core processor, a switchable NVIDIA Optimus graphics card, a standard hard drive and an optical drive. The main feature of this series is the use of speakers developed with the participation of the famous company Bang & Olufsen.

Let us note several interesting details that distinguish ASUS N53S from its analogues. Firstly, many configurations come with a Full HD (1920x1080) screen, while HP, for example, does not offer such screens at all within the Pavilion dv6 line. Secondly, the ASUS laptop has four memory slots (usually there are two), which allows you to equip it with 16 GB of memory. True, this is only possible for 4-core Core i7 processors of the 2700, 2800 and 2900 series; other Intel processors only support 8 GB of memory.

All N53S series laptops support NVIDIA Optimus technology. Activation of a discrete video card is performed programmatically, in accordance with the settings for specific applications. Moreover, only ASUS has an LED indication of the type of graphics card operating at a particular time. The N53SV model being tested is equipped with a GeForce GT 540M graphics card, while the N53SN model is equipped with a more powerful GeForce GT 550M.

The functionality of the tested laptop is quite modest, without any interesting discoveries from the developers. In terms of peripheral connection capabilities, it is inferior to its main competitors. The ASUS laptop has four USB ports, but only one complies with the USB 3.0 specification, as well as two video outputs (VGA, HDMI). The standard 2-channel audio codec serves two analog ports and one digital S/PDIF output.

This model does not have an ExpressCard slot, eSATA and DisplayPort interfaces are not supported, and connecting multi-channel speakers with analog inputs is impossible. Yes, there are configurations with a built-in rather than external TV tuner, but they are quite rare on sale.

Design, construction, materials

From a design point of view, the N53 series models are made almost flawlessly. The appearance of the case is original, moderately strict, and well recognizable. There is no feeling of bulkiness or heaviness inherent in 17-inch N73 laptops, because the proportions are chosen well.

The thick, durable lid is covered on the outside with a smooth steel-colored aluminum sheet with a matt lacquered surface and cross-polished finish. The inside of the lid is glossy black, like all ASUS consumer laptops.

The central part of the interior is a massive wide “growth” at the end of the case, located in the recess behind the keyboard. The laptop's speakers are located under a steel-colored perforated metal panel; the ends of the “growth” are covered with simple glossy plastic.

The keyboard has a custom design with flat keys angled at the front. It is made of high-quality dark gray plastic and is framed by the same plastic on the sides. The wrist panel is a separate piece in dark gray lacquered metal with a barely noticeable fine polish. The small, rough touchpad is equipped with a solid mirror button.

Between the keyboard and the perforated speaker panel there is a thin mirror strip, which integrates four indicators, a power button, a power mode switch and multimedia control buttons.

The wide flat body is surrounded around the perimeter by a plastic decorative frame matching the color of the lid. In general, the laptop looks noble, expensive and solid, has many details of different textures, and is made of durable and very high-quality materials.

Many users appreciate the practicality and simplicity of laptops. In the case of ASUS, a certain compromise has been achieved between the “glossy” appearance and practicality. Its lid hardly gets dirty, but on the panel under the wrists fingerprints and rubber shock absorbers of the lid appear over time. Well, the screen frame, of course, requires constant care.

ASUS N53SV is one of the largest and heaviest laptops not only in its class, but also in its generation. It's very wide, fairly thick, and weighs like a mobile workstation. The design of the device has good, although not ideal, rigidity, and practically does not deform either in the corners or around the keyboard. The lid has an excellent hinge and is securely fixed in both the open and closed positions. A large compartment on the bottom provides access to the hard drive and RAM, but not to the cooling system.

The quality of the parts and assembly of the case is very high. Only one traditional detail spoils the overall feeling of reliability and quality - the keyboard. It has a flexing backing that “waves” when typing. Of course, there are worse situations with budget laptops, but the N53 is by no means cheap.

Screen and sound

Our N53SV sample was equipped with a Samsung LCD matrix with a resolution of 1366x768 pixels, while more expensive configurations are equipped with Full HD matrices. The quality of the screen in this case is inconsistent, but visually the picture is quite good.

Saturated, realistic colors in photographs, horizontal viewing angles are slightly above average, less pronounced coldness than usual (only dark shades appear purple), normal contrast. The calibrator showed good color gamut, almost accurate gamma and effective compensation of backlight color temperature. The actual contrast is, however, at an average level, and the vertical viewing angle, as usual, is very small.

Bang & Olufsen speakers provide the ASUS laptop with clear, pleasant sound, and the proprietary Sonic Master settings panel adds expressiveness and volume (although it does introduce slight distortion). There is some volume reserve, there is bass, albeit weak and shallow - still, a low-frequency speaker would not hurt.

Keyboard and touchpad, display, additional buttons

Many ASUS laptops use a chiclet keyboard, but the N series models (as well as the budget “doubles” of the A and X series) have a different keyboard design. Flat keys with gaps of less than 1 mm have a characteristic bevel at the front, a square shape with right angles, and a pleasant, slightly rough surface. The keyboard mechanism is unique - moderately tight, with a mechanical click and a normal stroke depth (2 mm).

Two things cause inconvenience when typing. Firstly, when a key is fully recessed, your finger touches the edges or corners of adjacent keys. Secondly, the base of the keyboard flexes greatly and springs almost over the entire surface area. The layout also has some nuances: the numeric field is reduced in width, the cursor keys are integrated into the general field (and the “right” key is separated from the rest, as it falls into the numeric field), and the navigation keys are greatly reduced.

As usual, the key markings make a positive impression - with the original Latin font and contrasting green Cyrillic, clear icons. There are a lot of “hot” combinations, since ASUS offers a whole set of utilities for setting up and managing the screen, webcam, power consumption, speakers, etc.

The indication consists of two blocks. One, according to tradition, is placed under the touchpad and includes LEDs for power, battery charge, disk access and Wi-Fi. Lock indicators are placed in a mirror strip above the keyboard. Next to them there is a video card LED: when discrete graphics are connected, it lights up white, and when only the integrated graphics are working, it turns blue.

The touchpad of the ASUS laptop has relatively small dimensions (84x45 mm) and is located in a recess, shifted slightly to the left. The device is made by Elan, has a rough surface and high sensitivity. The software component is implemented well, especially in terms of multi-touch: scrolling, zooming, rotating, turning pages work clearly and predictably.

Interfaces and ports

As we already wrote above, in terms of the set of ports, the ASUS laptop is closer to the average than to the top class. The location of the ports is traditional, although there is enough space at the end of the case to accommodate most of the connectors. On the left side, in front of the large ventilation grille, there are USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 ports, a card reader, a power socket and an HDMI output. The ports are located quite close to each other, which may interfere with the connection of peripherals.

As I already wrote, at some point I had to worry about replacing my traveling Acer Aspire 1810T netbook with something clearly more powerful. The netbook turned out to be simply excellent, it was a shame to sell it, but I found out that while it is ideal for short trips - small, lightweight, excellent battery life - then it is actually not suitable for full-time work away from the home computer park. good. Mainly due to the small screen resolution (1366x768), small display size (11.6"), and not a particularly fast processor. I have an Apple Cinema monitor at home with a FullHD resolution (1920x1080), and I'm so used to these vast the vastness of the desktop, that even on displays with 1680x900 it’s not particularly comfortable for me to work, and even on 1366x768 - on such screens my usual work applications just don’t really fit. In addition, at some point the importance of the battery life factor has practically disappeared - just due to the fact that I always carry an iPad with me, which provides ten hours of video viewing. Accordingly, I was faced with the question of choosing and purchasing a desktop - a powerful laptop that would meet the following tasks.

  • FullHD resolution
  • Display 15.5-17"
  • Good processor
  • Relatively fast and large hard drive
  • Quiet operation
  • At least three USB ports
  • Minimum 4 GB memory
  • Glitch-free
Weight and battery life were not particularly important. The price, in general, was the same, but I still wanted a more or less optimal price-quality ratio. As part of the selection of a suitable desktop laptop, I “felt” about five models from different manufacturers. I wrote reviews on two of them - Sony VAIO VPC-F13S1R/B and Eurocom W86CU Couguar. The Sony desktop, in general, was not bad, but, as usual, expensive, and besides, I am very annoyed by these Sony games with all sorts of protections, which is why I cannot watch original zone DVDs on its drive, which includes the fifth zone . Well, because of this, some other problems appear on all Sony Vaios, so this was not the main contender for victory. I did not consider Eurocom as an option at all - for many reasons outlined in the review. At one time I was leaning towards Samsung (there are a lot of interesting models there) - simply because I think laptops from this company are the best in terms of price and quality ratio (I bought them for relatives and friends many times - I was never disappointed in anything), but there was one serious problem - Samsung doesn’t have desktops with FullHD at all, only 1680x900. I didn’t want half measures - it says FullHD, which means FullHD. I played with the ThinkPad, but just as I initially understood that it was completely not for me, this impression remained. I also seriously considered the new top-end MacBook Pro, which costs like a plane, but I’m definitely not going to switch to MacOS in the near future (for many reasons, which can be written in a separate article), and installing Windows 7 on this laptop is stupid, yes and at the same time it loses a significant part of its advantages (battery life, operating speed, and so on). As a result, after considering the parameters of a number of well-known brands, I was left with only two options. Either ASUS N53SV series (there are several configuration options), or new desktops from Acer, but Acer’s new models were greatly delayed, so I had practically no options left. As a result, I went to twirl it in my hands and choose the ASUS N53SV. There are generally three main models offered on i3, i5 and i7 processors with a 15.6" display, which can be with a resolution of either 1366x768 or 1920x1080. Well, the rest of the configuration options can change as you like: memory, graphics, hard drive size, drive The i7 usually had 6-8 GB of memory and the laptop was equipped with a Blu-ray drive (writing or non-writing), the i5 usually had 4 GB of memory and DVD-RW. In terms of price, they were distributed in the following ranges: i3 - 25-30 thousand rubles (depending on the configuration); i5 - 30-35 thousand rubles (depending on the configuration); i7 - 40-45 thousand rubles (depending on the configuration). It is clear that I had a choice between the i5 and i7 models. At first I wanted to just take the top-end version on the i7, but then I thought that the practical difference between the i5 and i7 wouldn’t be particularly big (I have a home computer on i5), I don’t seem to need 6-8 GB of memory, let alone Blu A -ray drive, especially a writing one, is of absolutely no use to me at all, because I am not going to watch BR discs on this laptop. As a result, I settled on the following configuration of ASUS N53SV: Core i5 2410M 2.3 GHz/15.6"/1920x1080/4096Mb/500Gb/DVD-RW/Wi-Fi/Win 7 HP. This machine then cost around 35 thousand rubles, which I quite satisfied. Now let's take a closer look at what this model is, and I will share my impressions of working on it. ASUS N53SV.


operating system: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
CPU: Dual-core Intel Core i5-2410M (2.3 GHz) (Sandy Bridge)
Memory: DDR3-1066/1333 4 GB (expandable to 8 GB)
HDD: 500 GB S-ATA 7200 rpm
Drive unit: DVD-RW
Display: 15.6" 16:9 /Full HD (1920x1080) LED backlight Asus Splendid Video Intelligent Technology, glossy
Graphics system: NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 540M with 1GB DDR3 VRAM
Networks: Gigabit Ethernet, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n, Bluetooth
Webcam: 2 megapixels
Ports: Ethernet, three USB 2.0, one USB 3.0, VGA, HDMI, Line Out, microphone input
Slots: 3-in-1 card reader (SD/MS/MMC)
Battery: Li-Ion 5200 mAh
Dimensions: 391 x 266 x 305 mm
Weight: 2.7 kgWhat is more or less exotic here? Well, maybe USB 3.0 - these ports have just begun to appear, and they are very useful, because there are already external drives on the market that support USB 3.0, and their speed is five times higher than that of USB 2.0. The rest of the configuration more or less normal. The hard drive has 7200 revolutions, not 5400, as is usually the case with laptops. But let's see if this will not lead to overheating. The display here is glossy, which many users do not like, but a matte display is now very difficult to find, and gloss does not particularly irritate me. Although I, like other users, do not understand this fashion at all and do not understand why manufacturers refuse to produce matte displays, which, of course, do not have such rich colors, but they do not glare, unlike glossy ones. I will also note that the weight for such a model it is relatively small: less than 3 kilograms. Appearance, indicators and controls ASUS laptops have always looked very decent, and this one is no exception. A silver aluminum cover, gray plastic keyboard part, a nice solution with a speaker panel, glossy black plastic front part of the display - in general, it’s quite a business laptop.

Back view

View from above

The touchpad is almost ordinary, but there is one long button, which has different clicks on the left and right sides. As far as I remember, Apple was the first to use this, but now they have completely abandoned the buttons, which are now hidden under the touchpad field.


Below the touchpad are indicators: operating mode, battery, hard drive, wireless networks. Above the keyboard there is also a line of indicators/buttons. On the right side are NumLock, CapsLock, video system mode indicator (blue when the built-in graphics adapter is working, white when the discrete adapter is working), the power button, which is also the power indicator.

Indicators on the right

On the left side of this line there are buttons: power saving mode (also known as enabling a simplified shell when booting), volume off, volume down, volume up, play/pause.

Control buttons

The keyboard of this model is, in my opinion, very good. The distance between the keys is literally a millimeter (I don’t like free-standing keys, as Sony and Apple do), the location of the keys is tolerable (the main thing here is that Ctrl is the leftmost key, and not Fn, like some models). The laptop is rather large, so A full-size keyboard with a numpad (digital part) fit in there. Many users grumble that it would be better to make all sorts of useful keys instead of the numpad, but they are actually there - just press NumLock, and the digital part is replaced with cursors, PgUp-PgDown, Home-End, and so on. In this mode, this part of the keyboard is convenient to use.


The key travel is good and soft, but many users really don’t like the fact that when typing, the entire lower part of the keyboard seems to sags slightly, creating a feeling of flimsiness and unreliability. On the one hand, I don’t really like this either, but on the other hand, my laptop works for two months in very fast typing mode for 14 hours a day - and nothing, the keyboard lives. Now let’s look at the ports. They are located at the left, right and rear ends. The rear end has power supply, VGA output, lock. Right - headphones, microphone, two USB 2.0, DVD drive, wireless networks on/off. The left side has a cooler grille, HDMI, Ethernet, card reader, USB 2.0, USB 3.0.


The location of the ports is convenient, two USB on each side - generally excellent. There is no eSata and FireWire, but I don’t need them at all. USB 3.0 - eSata easily replaces it, but I have nothing to use FireWire with at all. At the top of the display there is a camera, which for some reason is also covered with a special curtain. I don’t know why this might be needed - it’s easier, in my opinion, just not to turn on the camera if it’s not needed.


Device operation This is what the desktop of a loaded desktop looks like.


There are two specific gadgets: one for switching the maximum performance mode and the battery saving mode, the other with a demonstration of the Turbo Boost mode - this is an automatic increase in the processor frequency above the nominal (intelligent self-overclocking). Let's look at the performance plate. First - the standard one from Windows 7. We get this.


Compare with the Sony Vaio, which I reviewed.


Sony has snappier regular graphics. The rest is almost the same, except that the performance of 3D graphics and graphics for games is slightly better here. Compare with my work desktop.

Work desktop

Well, with the previous netbook - just to understand what was changed for what. The difference is very noticeable, in almost all respects.

Acer Aspire 1810T

I also ran CPU and graphics tests using the Cinebench program. She, however, compared the results with significantly more powerful processors and graphics chips.

CPU test

Graphics test

Programs and features Among the control programs that sit in the notification area are Realtek HD Manager, Wireles Console, ASUS Sonic Master. RealtekHD - control of audio output modes.

Realtek HD

Wireless Console - turn Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on and off.

Wireless Console

ASUS Sonic Master - improving sound using special technologies.

ASUS Sonic Master

Of the installed programs, the following were detected. AI Recovery Burner- creating a backup copy of the installed system. By the way, system recovery can be launched from the hard drive using the F9 key during reboot or from the included DVD. ASUS Life, Frame- work with a webcam and a simple editor. Video shooting, photography, processing. There is a mode to enable recording when motion is detected.


ASUS Smart Logon- user recognition by face when logging in. It can store several images and can let you in using a password if your face suddenly changes beyond recognition. By the way, it is configured and works quite clearly. I deliberately made faces at her - nothing, more or less tracks. At the time of setup, it takes about twenty of your photos, and the more varied expressions you demonstrate, the less likely there are to make mistakes in the future.


ASUS FastBoot - in a convenient form controls the loading of programs and services at system startup.


Power4Gear Hybrid- an advanced power management utility in various modes and using various profiles.

Power4Gear Hybrid

- fine-tuning color rendering.

ASUS Splendid Video Enhancement

Elan SmartPad- an application that allows you to customize gestures on the touchpad. However, I don’t use a touchpad, so I couldn’t evaluate how convenient it all is.

Elan SmartPad

ASUS VideoMagic- a whole set of utilities from Cyberlink for working with videos and images: watching videos, burning various types of data to DVD and CD, processing videos and music, converting videos, creating photo albums, and so on.

ASUS VideoMagic

In general, the set is not bad. At least, the vast majority of programs and utilities can be quite useful. Well, another feature is the nice icons of various modes that pop up on the screen when adjusting the sound, changing the power mode, and so on.

Increase sound volume

Switching to battery power

Video Two video subsystems are used here: the Intel HD Graphics 3000 graphics chipset integrated into the processor and the discrete NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M. In normal mode, the integrated chipset works (to save resources), and when its power is not enough, the system switches to a discrete 540M, and this is reflected in the special indicator that I wrote about. FullHD resolution is exactly what I need. Someone said that such a resolution on a 15.6" screen is nonsense, because it will be too small. However, I work with this resolution, setting the standard size of the letters (by default the letters are set slightly enlarged, but I hate this option), and I’m more than happy with this. Finally, on my laptop, everything fits on the screen! From the point of view of video playback, everything is in perfect order - the laptop can play any videos up to 1080p without any problems. When displaying FullHD in the Matryoshka container, the processor is loaded by 40-43 percent.

I'm not interested in games as a class, but I played a couple to see how well the desktop could handle them. It turned out that you don’t experience any discomfort here - the N53SV even handles heavy graphic games, if not in maximum, then in high quality mode without any brakes. Sound This desktop is also oriented for various multimedia applications - it is noticeable, the sound here is very, very decent. At maximum volume, the sound level and quality are quite sufficient for several people to watch video from it, the speakers do not wheeze or rattle. Webcam The webcam works well, with image quality clearly at 2 megapixels.


ASUS Expres Gate Cloud This is a special simplified operating mode that can be called up when turning on or restarting the laptop using a special key. At first I thought that there would be some kind of media player that would allow you to watch movies and listen to music - otherwise why else would you do a quick download? However, it turned out that there is a system called Express Gate Cloud, with which you turn your advanced desktop into some kind of unfinished tablet without a touch screen.

Express Gate Cloud Desktop

Interestingly, the video cannot be viewed here. But you can scroll through photos, play some primitive toys, and most importantly, use saved bookmarks to call up some sites in a very primitive browser. Well, what the hell, I ask you? Loading the operating system on this laptop takes less than a minute, so why call this stub that can’t really do anything? I'd rather boot into a normal system. Autonomous operation I usually test battery life in three different modes.

    Reading mode without wireless networks. Office work mode with wireless networks and active use of the Internet. Video viewing mode (TV series).
At the same time, I set the screen brightness to my usual comfortable level, but here the brightness was turned up to full - the display is not so bright. So what did I get?
    Reading mode - 3.7 hours. Office work plus Internet - 3.5 hours. Video viewing - 2.8 hours.
In my opinion, more than decent. For such components, 3.5 hours of active work with the Internet is very good, and the video played at full brightness for almost three hours - that’s great. Practice and conclusions As I already said, this desktop computer now serves as my main work machine and I’ve been testing it for almost two months in a very intensive mode. So far I haven’t found any glitches or problems - everything works as it should (pah-pah-pah), and I’m happy with the machine. In general, the speed is enough, although in certain cases I still think that 6 or 8 A gigabyte would obviously be useful to me (the system is still 64-bit, and there are applications that eat up the memory), and a more powerful processor would also be nice. So now, I’d probably still take the top model. However, this one did not disappoint. For its money, it plows at least a four, it is convenient and comfortable to work on. I would especially like to note the quiet operation of the cooling system - in all my time I have never heard the noise of the cooler. When the desktop is actively loaded, hot air comes out of the ventilation hole on the right side (you can feel it if you bring your hand close enough), but nothing makes any noise. This is great, otherwise I remember how I was annoyed by the almost constant howling of the cooler turning on on the Sony Vaio TX3-XRP. What conclusions can be drawn from all of the above? In my opinion, a very worthy machine. Good equipment, a completely reasonable price, and most importantly, it performed even better than expected. Of course, final conclusions can only be drawn after about a year of operation (by the way, it comes with a 2-year company warranty), otherwise it will die tragically in a month just as if by itself, which will terribly disappoint me, but at the moment - I satisfied. What else do I need from myself? Nothing more. Upd: Still, the apparent flimsiness of the keyboard turned out to be not apparent: after a month from the start of use, one key began to seriously sink and two others began to sink slightly. Moreover, this happened literally a couple of days after the publication of this review. So the machine is quite decent, but the keyboard is an obvious sore spot. Of course, the load on my keyboard is an order of magnitude greater than that of ordinary users, but about five laptops lasted for several years with periodically very active use.

    A year ago

    Performance (version with i7) is still relevant Availability, ATTENTION! 4 memory slots. Calmly install 32GB of memory, and don’t listen to the manufacturer. The chipset is pulling. Normal video, even built-in from Intel. Availability of a BD-Drive that can be thrown out and replaced with a hefty hard drive.

    2 years ago

    I bought it in 2011, and all the time the keyboard just flew off due to my fault, I don’t mind playing games)) and the battery died after 5 years, but surprisingly it’s an excellent laptop, I have an i5 gt540m 1g, Dota 2 at maximum settings is a blast, and I don’t need any more. Next know I'll take Asus for me a reliable laptop!!!

    2 years ago

    A normal laptop (not a gaming one), which I bought about five years ago

    3 years ago

    The keyboard is good

    3 years ago

    Indestructible Beautiful design Stable operation Can be upgraded Relevant even today Pulls toys at fairly high settings Works for a long time without charging "Curtain" on the camera :) High-quality sound Loud speakers Never overheated Never encountered a problem whenever it started up

    3 years ago

    fast and nimble pulls at maximum games until 2012...2013 did not try bang - column (I think it’s cool)

    3 years ago

    Well made, nice metal case, strong power supply that doesn’t boil under load, large display. Convenient access to replacing the hard drive and RAM for the purpose of updating them; inside, unlike some models, the hard drive was securely fastened with screws, with a thread lock, and was not simply stuck in.

    3 years ago

    It has been working for 5 years already! Excellent laptop (i5 percent), the battery still lasts for a couple of hours, watch a movie on the road..

    4 years ago

    Productivity, still relevant in 2016. Webcam blind for the paranoid. 4 slots for RAM. You can replace the network adapter with any other one with a miniPCI-E interface. Maintainability, scattering the laptop for cleaning and/or repair/upgrade and putting it back together is not difficult. I upgraded to Windows 10 without any problems.

    5 years ago

    the appearance is very good, the speakers, the processor, quiet, doesn’t get too hot, bright, comfortable keyboard doesn’t wear out quickly for me

    A year ago

    Weight (well, I knew what I was getting into) Glossy matrix Weight of the charger (I bought a more compact one and carry it with me) Aluminum is good, but still scratches And the display frame cracks, but this happened after 4 years. There is a fastening for the frame such that the plastic is tightened Unfortunately, the available wifi refused and was replaced. I would like to be able to disable the nvidia video card in the BIOS. Well, the laptop is old, I would like support for three monitors, I would like a Display Port or another HDMI instead of a VGA connector

    2 years ago

    3 years later the screw broke, the same year the charger broke

    3 years ago

    Weak, Hangs, Weak percent,

    3 years ago

    It's heavy, but I don't consider this a huge disadvantage

    3 years ago

    I didn’t find it... everything worked out as always asus is asus

    3 years ago

    It may be too heavy for some. :)

    3 years ago

    No disadvantages

    4 years ago

    You might end up with a laptop from a bad batch and end up having to replace the motherboard. The webcam is disgusting, I'm thinking about getting one from another laptop. The display frame also cracks over time.

    5 years ago

    no backlit keys, that's it

    5 years ago

    It might be a little heavy for some, but for me it’s not critical. Over the entire period of use, the battery died after about a year, but this is not critical, fortunately there are plenty of Chinese stores, I ordered and a new one arrived, and it still serves faithfully.