New design on twitter. Are all the changes for the better? How to beautifully design an account on a social network: sizes of design elements

Recently appeared on Twitter interesting feature– you can add a “header” to your account with interesting design. It will look especially original if it matches your profile photo. Thanks to this combination, you can have an absolutely unique page that will not only be beautiful, but also unlike any others.

How it's done?

Initially you should select interesting picture, then create in some graphic editor(even standard Paint is suitable for these purposes) new document and set the main guides. The next step is to make and save separate images for the avatar and header, and then upload each separate element on Twitter and create a unique design for your own profile. The standard header size for Twitter should be at least 1252x626. If the image is larger, then the aspect ratio should be approximately the same. Since it is this size of the header on Twitter that allows you to get an informative and at the same time full-fledged picture.

Initially, we search on the Internet or on our computer for a suitable header image for Twitter, and then open it, for example, in Paint. It is advisable to immediately find a picture that will be equal to the standard suggested by the header sizes for Twitter, or have the same ratio. To implement a unique version of the picture, it is advisable to make sure that some separate small part of the future “header” can serve as your profile avatar. Having opened the selected image in Paint, click the “Select” button and circle the area that will serve as our avatar, then click right click mouse and select “Crop”.

Now you have two pictures - one larger and rectangular, the other smaller and square. Go to our Twitter profile, click on the egg image on the right top corner and click “Show my profile”. Next, click “Edit profile” and in the window that appears, click on “Add a header”.

After everything has been added, click “Save Changes”. All is ready! This way you can create a wide variety of beautiful Twitter headers.

This is just the first step towards creating original design blog on Twitter. Below we will tell you about many other things you can do to improve your account.

When an Internet user first sees your Twitter profile, they pay attention to its design, and then read the description and tweets. In this article, you will learn how to increase the visual appeal of your profile on a microblogging service and increase your efficiency. social marketing using Twitter headers.

How to add a header on Twitter

To install the header, follow the described algorithm:

  • Log in to your Twitter account.
  • Use the "Edit Profile" menu in the upper right corner of the page.
  • Select the "Add Header" option.
  • Select the prepared image on your computer's hard drive. The recommended header size is 1500 by 500 pixels.
  • Save your changes.

You can also use cover change apps, such as TwitrCovers. Just select the header you like, authorize the application in your account and save the changes. Finally, you can create your own header using Canva or other visual content tools.

How to Use Twitter Covers to Promote Your Business

Headers help draw attention to your account. However, it is not enough to simply choose a bright image and wait for new followers. For covers to work effectively, they need to convey an impression of you and your business, as well as convey basic information. Below you will find examples of creative uses of Twitter headers.

1. Build trust with your cover

Pay attention to the Internet marketer account Rebecca Radice. The bright color of the header and the photo of the account owner easily attract the attention of users. In addition, the cover includes information that builds trust in the specialist:

  • Information about sites publishing expert articles.
  • The address of the marketer’s personal website.
  • Achievement Details: Rebecca Radice reports being named one of the Top 10 Content Marketers of 2014 by
  • Advertising declaration. The specialist briefly explains the benefits her clients receive.

Marketing Tip: do you have reasons to be proud? Tell us about them in the account header.

2. Turn your header into an information banner

Agency Twitter account header WebSearchSocial- is it informational or advertising banner. It briefly describes the essence of the company's business. It only takes a second for Twitter users to determine whether they are interested in interacting with an agency.

Marketing Tip: Use your cover to tell potential clients how you can help their business.

3. Announce an industry event

Marketing agency MCNG used a masthead to announce an industry conference. The head of the agency will speak at it as a speaker. The cover effectively attracts attention thanks to bright colors in design, informs users about the event and encourages them to take part in it.

Marketing Tip: Don’t miss the opportunity to tell your followers about the events in which you are taking part.

4. Show the product with your face

On the hat Russian Forbes magazine numbers are shown. Manufacturer of goods for healthy image life Fitbit uses photos of people who are actively relaxing. You can also use an image of your product as your cover image.

Marketing Tip: If you produce and sell products, don't worry about hat options. Take professional product photos, add a tagline, and upload them to Twitter. If you sell services, take photos of your employees and clients. Imagine what an interesting hat he can make dental clinic, auto repair shop or construction company.

5. Announce large forms of content

Marketing agency OverGo published e-book. The organization communicates this to its followers using the account cover.

Marketing Tip: If you have published a book, conducted important research, published a white paper, announce such content using a header. Change the URL in your profile to direct Twitter users to a page where you can download the book.

Hi all!
It's been a while since people online started talking about something new coming soon. twitter design accounts. And recently (I can’t say exactly when) it happened! Now we have the opportunity to change the old account design to a new one. Many began to be indignant and say that this design is very reminiscent of . And indeed it is. In the new design, our avatar is located on the left, and the header is on top, like on Facebook. Personally I'm satisfied this type my twitter profile. But for those who don’t want my design, Twitter gives the opportunity to stay with the old design. But for how long? This remains a question, because We all remember how VKontakte gave us the opportunity not to use the microblog wall, while some took full advantage of the new functions of the wall. But then one day we all just changed the wall to a microblog. And a wave of indignation rolled in, and the inscription “Durov, return the wall!” filled out the entire contact. Then, of course, some concessions were made and some functions were changed. But users never received the old wall.
It seems to me that the same will happen with Twitter. I think after a while the old design will be completely removed and only the new will be left.
So let's stock up right away beautiful hats and avatars.

New Twitter design. Header and avatar sizes

So according to the new standards in twitter header It is recommended to put the image in size 1500 to 500 pixels.
Avatar in turn, it is recommended to set the size 400 to 400 pixels.
Enough big avatar Compared to the same Facebook it turns out. So there is room to turn around =)

What else is new in this design?
In the same update, we are given the opportunity to pin one tweet at the top of our profile. As for me, this is some kind of status. In principle, this is a useful thing. Especially if you have some kind of corporate microblog on Twitter, then you can interesting offers, competitions or promotions should be attached at the top so that every Twitter user who visits your profile can see the most interesting information.

Attach Tweet very simple. All you need to do is click on the three dots below the tweet and select “Attach to your profile page”

A pinned tweet will appear in a larger font than the rest of your feed, making it hard to miss.

We have also changed the display of blocks " current topics of the day" and "close in spirit." Now they are on the right.
In principle, I like the new design of Twitter. Quite comfortable, and most importantly, now there is room to expand - the header will be larger than on Facebook! In the meantime, we have not been introduced any restrictions on images and text on the header - you can write all sorts of calls to action on it, or again voice some promotions, or write contacts. So let’s use innovations to our advantage! =)

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! As I have repeatedly noted, in promoting a blog or website, including one created on CMS WordPress, there can be no trifles. Everything is important: SEO (internal and external optimization), SMO and SMM (promotion on social networks).

And the latest trends are such that there is a rapid increase in the importance of social networks for the development of a project, since search engines pay increased attention to social signals. The data obtained in this way is increasingly taken into account when ranking.

Twitter is not lagging behind in this sense (about registration, setting up an account and using Twitter). Therefore, it is very important to spend a little time designing the background, header, and choosing the right photo or avatar. In general, work on the design to attract the attention of potential subscribers. I think for ordinary users The following information below will not be superfluous.

By the way, from other articles you can learn how, as well as how to create and upload pictures for a VK avatar () and how to use the numerous opportunities for listening to music, watching videos, drawing graffiti on VKontakte (), using programs and applications of this largest social network. networks in RuNet.

How to change (add) photos and headers for Twitter

When someone on Twitter opens your profile, the first thing they notice is the page design. account. If the design is standard, set by default, this will not serve as a repulsive moment, because for some reason the person came to your page, most likely he was hooked by some tweet or message.

In this case, first of all, he will get to know your news feed, number of subscribers and more useful information. But imagine that you are, say, a web designer, and the Twitter header, background or theme of your profile do not represent anything outstanding. In this case, the person who was planning to place an order may be put off by this circumstance.

Of course, it is not a fact that everyone potential client will leave this without hesitation Twitter page, but, you see, in such cases every user is important. But if the background on Twitter, the same photo or a beautifully designed header amazes the imagination with its uniqueness, this may be the decisive factor to turn to such a master. I hope you understand why I'm rambling here. Well, now let’s first look at how to add a photo to Twitter or change it.

So, to quickly edit a photo and write brief information about yourself, click on the “Edit Profile” button located immediately under the header on the right, after which the editing mechanism will immediately be activated and you will be able to perform the necessary actions (upload a photo to Twitter or delete it, enter concise information about yourself and your website, and also indicate your location if desired:

You can also change the color of the theme (links, background of icons, icons). After you click on Twitter headers. After clicking on “Edit profile”, in addition to editing the data described above, you will be able to change the header images. For this purpose, you can upload a suitable image from your computer:

You should keep in mind the recommendation that it is advisable to maintain the image resolution (1500x500). If you ignore this limitation, the header image may not look as desired. By the way, you can successfully make a picture for a header using online editor, which is essentially a simplified version of Photoshop.

The material, which you will access via the link provided, describes all the features of this program. If you don’t want to strain yourself, you can download an image from the Internet, and then, after processing it, including adjusting the dimensions in a graphics editor (I myself often use the program in such cases), then upload it to Twitter.

How to change background on Twitter

As with the header, the background or themes for Twitter can be created in several ways, including using a ready-made image that you have on your computer. Below we will look at how to change without unnecessary headaches, having ready-made themes, including through the application available for these purposes.

Select background directly from your account

Now, first, let’s work a little on the design of the page and see how to set images for Twitter on the background using the sample themes available directly in the account options and give it uniqueness, this is also of considerable importance. IN top menu click on the avatar with your photo, then from context menu select “Settings”:

A list of options will appear on the left side of the account window, in which we find the “Design” section, to which we go:

You can select an image from those offered. In this case, changing the background for Twitter is very quick and easy - you just need to left-click on the picture you like. The selected background will be applied immediately. Going through the pictures in this way, then, after choosing the final version, do not forget to save the changes using the button located at the very bottom. Below is a block with which you can upload your own picture:

You can upload a small image and then check the Tile option. This will allow you to get a background with multiple repetitions of the loaded image, which sometimes looks very impressive. There is also a setting for the background position (left, center, right), its color and the color of the links. To select a shade, left-click directly on the colored rectangle, a color palette will appear, which you can use. Here's how to change the background on Twitter, as you can see, it's not complicated.

Choosing a Twitter Theme Using the Colourlovers App

If you managed to notice, Twitter offers various applications, which are located in the section of the same name on the left, including those intended to simplify and speed up the editing of various elements. If you look carefully at the previous screenshot, you will see at the very bottom of the topic block a link to the option Themeleon for Twitter by Colourlovers app..

Once on the page of this service, you can simplify your actions with the variety of themes and backgrounds offered there. To do this, you need to synchronize your Twitter account with Click on “Login to Twitter”, as a result of which a warning sign will appear with information about what the application can and cannot do when accessing part of the data:

Click on “Authorize”, after which you will be redirected again to the Themeleon Colourlovers page, but with your profile on it. This will greatly speed up editing and simplify the selection of available backgrounds and themes. Unfortunately, the application is English language, so I will have to give some explanations about the possible options. So, let's go in order:

At the very top is a collection of themes. To select, simply click on it with the left mouse button, as a result of which the image will be immediately applied in the form background picture. The same image will appear in the Background block located just below on the left. Here, by the way, you can choose to use various patterns instead of the proposed theme, a collection of which is located in the “Patterns” tab.

I note that using a theme for Twitter entails not only setting the selected image, but also automatic editing other elements, such as link colors. In addition, you can upload your image by selecting the file and clicking “Upload”. Don't want to use the picture? No problem, just click on the appropriate area for this purpose. Then you can simply use color palette in the “Layout” tab (appearance) to get a background without pictures:

Select the desired palette collection from the drop-down menu to create your theme, click on the desired option and immediately see the changes that have occurred. By the way, by clicking on the lower five squares one by one, you can also change the shades of all other design elements (background, links, etc.).

That's probably all. In conclusion, I will explain the meaning of the buttons located between the “Background” and “Layout” blocks:

  • Undo - to cancel, that is, to go one step back. This is if you want to cancel the previous option.
  • Shuffle layuot colors - mix colors appearance.
  • Apply layout colors to background colors - convert appearance colors to background colors.
  • Apply background colors to the layout colors - the reverse operation: converting background colors to appearance colors. By the way, this operation is not possible if you decide to use ready theme Twitter designs from the top collection.

As an example, I’ll give you my

Once you've created a Twitter profile, you'll see a standard page design that you can customize to personalize your account.

How to change background on Twitter

Until recently, Twitter allowed users to set a custom background (color or picture) that was displayed on all pages they visited, but as of July 2015, this feature was no longer in effect. To date, all participants social network they see the standard one in their accounts Gray background, which cannot be changed.

How to change the header on Twitter

There are two ways to change your Twitter header. The first option is better for those who want to change only the theme color. In this case go to settings

select the “Profile Design” tab

change the “Theme Color” to whatever you want.

If you want to upload your own picture, then use the second method. On home page profile, select “Edit profile”

Click on “Add header” and upload the image you need from your computer.

Before uploading a picture, edit the image taking into account that Twitter header size is: 1263×320 px.

How to change your avatar on Twitter

To change the avatar of your Twitter page Click on the “Edit Profile” button and click on the “Change Profile Photo” that appears. In the window that opens, you will be prompted to upload an image from your computer or take a photo using a webcam.

When uploading an image to your avatar, keep in mind that the standard The size of the profile photo is 200x200 px.