Undefined variable in php registration from. Undefined variable in php registration from Furnishing registration php lang

Why are cookies useful?

We use functional cookies to analyze how visitors use our website, as well as track and improve our website’s performance and function. This allows us to provide a high-quality customer experience by quickly identifying and fixing any issues that may arise. For example, we might use cookies to keep track of which website pages are most popular and which method of linking between website pages is most effective. The latter also helps us to track if you were referred to us by another website and improve our future advertising campaigns.

Another use of cookies is to store your log in sessions, meaning that when you log in to the Members Area to deposit funds, a "session cookie" is set so that the website remembers that you have already logged in. If the website did not set this cookie, you will be asked for your login and password on each new page as you progress through the funding process.

In addition, functional cookies, for example, are used to allow us to remember your preferences and identify you as a user, ensure your information is secure and operate more reliably and efficiently. For example, cookies save you the trouble of typing in your username every time you access our trading platform, and recall your preferences, such as which language you wish to see when you log in.

Here is an overview of some of the functions our cookies provide us with:

  • Verifying your identity and detecting the country you are currently visiting from
  • Checking browser type and device
  • Tracking which site the user was referred from
  • Allowing third parties to customize content accordingly

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses analytical cookies placed on your computer, to help the website analyze a user "s use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) may be transmitted to and stored by Google on their servers. Google may use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties, where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on behalf of Google. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held. By using this website, you give your consent to Google to process data about you in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

Continuing my previous post "Connecting to PHP and MYSQL Database and Creating Tables Only Once", I created a registration form with PHP and server code validation. I am getting some errors as below. those. all errors happen in the place where I try to print errors in their respected class. " I have made the html text "span class" bold for easy recognition. If there are any additional solutions for better form performance, please let me know ...

List of errors:

Note. Undefined variable: error_name in C: \ wamp \ www \ 18+ \ register.
Note. Undefined variable: error_username in C: \ wamp \ www \ 18+ \ register.php
Note. Undefined variable: error_password in C: \ wamp \ www \ 18+ \ register.php
Note. Undefined variable: error_password2 in C: \ wamp \ www \ 18+ \ register.php
Note. Undefined variable: error_email in C: \ wamp \ www \ 18+ \ register.php



**** **** **** **** ****

The note:

Please do not use mysql_ * functions in new code... They are no longer supported and are officially deprecated. Cm. Red frame? Learn about prepared instructions and use PDO or MySQLi - this article will help you decide which one. If you choose PDO, here is a good tutorial.

First of all you need to correct the quote in include "database.php"; include "database.php"; never use curly quote because it will block all your code.

You can check if a variable exists or not using isset () eg if you want to print the value of the variable $ val then use this if (isset ($ val)) echo $ val;


You can easily use an array to store errors: just use

$ error ["name"] = "Enter Fullname ...";

And to check if the name error exists use

If (isset ($ error ["name"])) (// Its an error print error)

you may need to define this variable at the top of the page before using them in your code, something like this.

$ error_name = ""; $ error_username = ""; $ error_password = ""; $ error_password2 = ""; $ error_email = "";

Put another in your if (isset ($ _ POST ["submit"]))

Else (/ * What if the user didn "t click submit? Else is the answer * / $ error_name =" "; $ error_username =" "; $ error_password =" "; $ error_password2 =" "; $ error_email =" "; )

MM Clearing System- this payment acceptance system was created by "Money Movers" company from scratch, which was developed in accordance with the requirements of the international market. It includes a modern hardware and software system, which is fully developed by a team of professionals from our company.

MMCS- The principle of operation, at first glance, is simple: the system receives payments online from the network of agents and transfers it to the service provider. Thus, the system consolidates traffic at one point, which is beneficial for both the service provider and the agent. Integration is done at one point for both sides, which means the following - No additional costs!

Agent it is an entity that has points of acceptance of payments: a website, a self-service terminal, a service center for accepting payments, etc.

Service Provider represents a Legal entity that sells a service or product online.

World of Tanks, Odnoklassniki, Mail.ru Group, Skype, Vivus, Netcredit, Yandex, WebMoney, Valve, iTunes, Georgian and foreign mobile operators and up to 700 other service providers

Experienced Prefer MMCS!

Agents connected to MMCS cover a number of countries around the world, including: Turkey, Italy, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, China, Azerbaijan, Armenia and others.

We are breaking the Borders!

MMCS processes more than 40-60 million transactions annually worth several hundred million dollars.

Who is using the MM Clearing System?

Companies (service providers)
Companies (service providers) that sell specific products or services and wish to accept payments over a wide network. Thanks to the system, they save money and energy, since by joining the MMCS they are connected to the vast network of the payment market and they no longer need to connect to multiple payment systems separately.
Individuals or legal entities
Individuals or legal entities who are ready to accept payment with their own infrastructure in favor of various service providers. Joining MMCS allows one integration to receive payments in favor of 400 service providers with the highest commission available on the market for each executed payment.

The advantages of our system in comparison with other similar systems:

  • We are the largest aggregator in Georgia;
  • Representation of the world's leading e-wallets;
  • We have Direct contracts with major providers;
  • We cooperate with up to 700 service providers;
  • Processing 40-60 million transactions annually;
  • The largest network of agents in Georgia and abroad;
  • We cooperate with 80 companies in 12 different countries;
  • The ability to replenish money using up to 100,000 self-service terminals, both in Georgia and in different countries;
  • The most flexible management method for agents with a modern control panel;
  • Modern technical support and security systems;
  • Fully automated workflow;
  • > Daily and periodic complex statistics.


Profile picture

The profile picture can only be uploaded in jpg, jpeg and png format.

The applicant

male female

Čeština English Deutsch Italiano Slovenčina Русский Slovenščina Eλληνικά Español Hrvatski Srpski Français Român Magyar Türk


Aruba Andorra Afghanistan Angola Albania United Arab Emirates Argentina Armenia American Samoa Antigua and Barbuda Australia Austria Azerbaijan Burundi Belgium Benin Burkina Faso Bangladesh Bulgaria Bahrain Bahamas, The Bosnia and Herzegovina Belarus Belize Bermuda Bolivia Brazil Barbados Brunei Islands Darussalam Bhutan Switzerland Botswana Central Republic China Cote d "Ivoire Cameroon Congo, Rep. Colombia Comoros Cape Verde Costa Rica Cuba Curacao Cayman Islands Cyprus Czech Republic Germany Djibouti Dominica Denmark Dominican Republic Algeria Ecuador Egypt, Arab Rep. Eritrea Spain Estonia Ethiopia Finland Fiji France Faeroe Islands Micronesia, Fed. Sts . Gabon United Kingdom Georgia Ghana Gibraltar Guinea Gambia, The Guinea-Bissau Equatorial Guinea Greece Grenada Greenland Guatemala Guam Guyana Hong Kong SAR, China Honduras Croatia Haiti Hungary Indonesia Isle of Man India Ireland Iran, Islamic Rep. Iraq Iceland Israel Italy Jamaica Jordan Japan Kazakhsta n Kenya Kyrgyz Republic Cambodia Kiribati St. Kitts and Nevis Korea, Rep. Kosovo Kuwait Lao PDR Lebanon Liberia Libya St. Lucia Liechtenstein Sri Lanka Lesotho Lithuania Luxembourg Latvia Macao SAR, China St. Martin (French part) Morocco Monaco Moldova Madagascar Maldives Mexico Marshall Islands Macedonia, FYR Mali Malta Myanmar Montenegro Mongolia Northern Mariana Islands Mozambique Mauritania Mauritius Malawi Malaysia Mayotte Namibia New Caledonia Niger Nigeria Nicaragua Netherlands Norway Nepal New Zealand Philippines Panine Poland Puerto Rico Korea, Dem. Rep. Portugal Paraguay French Polynesia Qatar Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saudi Arabia Sudan Senegal Singapore Solomon Islands Sierra Leone El Salvador San Marino Somalia Serbia S? O Tom? and Principe Suriname Slovak Republic Slovenia Sweden Swaziland Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Seychelles Syrian Arab Republic Turks and Caicos Islands Chad Togo Thailand Tajikistan Turkmenistan Timor-Leste Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Tuvalu Tanzania Uganda Ukraine Uruguay United States Uzbekistan St. Vincent and the Grenadines Venezuela, RB Virgin Islands (U.S.) Vietnam Vanuatu West Bank and Gaza Samoa Yemen, Rep. South Africa Congo, Dem. Rep. Zambia Zimbabwe Abkhazia

2021 gtavrl.ru.