The gs 8306 receiver does not turn on. General symptoms of malfunctions characteristic of all models of Tricolor receivers

The most common malfunctions that occur when watching satellite television Tricolor TV or NTV+ and how to deal with them yourself, as well as approximate prices for repairs and Maintenance satellite equipment in Shchelkovsky, Pushkinsky, Noginsky and Mytishchi districts of the Moscow region.

1. No signal.

First of all, you need to make sure that the video signal from the receiver is output to the TV, and that the receiver itself is turned on. When you press the "menu" button on the receiver's remote control, the "Main Menu" of the satellite receiver should appear on the TV screen. This will guarantee that you did not accidentally switch the TV to some other video input and the receiver is working, and the message about no signal is a message from the receiver.

Approximately once a quarter, satellite television providers carry out scheduled preventive maintenance of transmission equipment, with the removal of broadcasting. Most often, these works are carried out before 10 a.m., occasionally until 2 p.m. Always, a few days before the preventive maintenance, on the Infoconal of Tricolor TV, as well as NTV+, a warning about upcoming work is constantly repeated, but who is watching it...

The signal may disappear for one of several reasons:

1.1 The satellite dish has curled slightly to the side.

A displacement of 1 cm is enough and there is no signal. It is strongly not recommended to twist the antenna; in 99% of cases, after trying to tune a satellite dish to a satellite on your own, you will have to call a professional installer, even if the problem was a short-term interruption in the provider’s broadcasting. If something falls on the plate from above and it has visible damage, then it must be replaced. Changing Geometry satellite dish Tricolor or NTV+ excludes it further use.

Setting up a satellite dish located in an easily accessible place costs approximately 1,500 rubles, replacing the converter + 500 rubles. Complete antenna replacement 2500 - 3000 rub.

1.2 The cable from the antenna to the receiver is damaged.

If you can find the location of the damage, then having a special F female-F female adapter (barrel) and two F connectors, it is easy to connect the damaged cable.

1.3 The cable just came out a little from the F connector screwed onto the receiver.

In this case, it is enough to forcefully push the cable inward.

1.4 The converter has failed.

Standard guarantee period for converters - 1 year. On average they work for 3-5 years. There are cases of 10-year work, but this is for converters made earlier, and earlier, as you know, the water was sweeter... It is not difficult to replace a converter, but it can be more difficult to find one. If you buy and change it yourself, please note: CIRCULAR should be written on the converter.

1.5 There is an obstacle between the receiving satellite antenna and the satellite.

It could be a 16-story building that has been built, a tree that has grown, or snow stuck to the antenna; in any of these cases, the signal does not pass through. It’s easy enough to shake off the snow, a little more difficult with a tree, with the house everything is gone. A temporary obstacle may appear due to weather conditions: the signal does not pass through a thundercloud, you need to wait until it moves away from the imaginary line from the antenna to the satellite and everything will continue to work fine. Also, the signal does not pass through very heavy snow or rain; if you can’t see anything on the street and it’s dark due to a tropical downpour or blizzard, then you just need to wait. All the same( weather) may also be at the point where the signal is transmitted to the satellite.

1.6 The receiver itself, or rather the motherboard in it, has failed.

Not often, but it happens. If the warranty period is valid, the receiver must be taken to the service center, not forgetting the warranty card. If the warranty has expired, depending on the model, you need to look at how feasible it is to repair the receiver. For Tricolor receivers, Lately, the manufacturer GS establishes a warranty period of 3 years. There is no point in repairing old NTV receivers; you can easily buy them at online flea markets for 1000 - 1500 rubles. a working used receiver, the repair of which can cost 3-4 thousand rubles. New receiver NTV+ costs 6-7 tr. depending on the model. A new receiver for watching Tricolor TV usually costs between 7-8 thousand rubles, depending on the model and subscriptions included in the price. Replacement motherboard on Tricolor receivers of brands 5000, 5001, 5003, 7300 can be done at your home for about 2 - 3 tr.

1.7 Some kind of failure in the receiver or someone accidentally changed the settings.

You need to go to the menu, settings, find the factory settings and reset to factory settings. Then try to configure the channels again.

2. Coded signal or no access.

The problem is more common among Tricolor TV subscribers. With NTV+, if the card reader or access module malfunctions, the following message is usually displayed: the smart card is not inserted; if the receiver displays an inscription instead of a picture - geographical restrictions, you need to find out if there is money in your account subscriber service NTV+. Tricolor TV users need to know that Tricolor has a “Basic” package, which should work without any fees. About a dozen federal channels should always work, so if nothing works for you at all, you don’t need to run to pay for paid packages, pay for a broken receiver, it’s like throwing money in the trash.

You can try disconnecting the receiver from the network and turning it on (reboot) after 5 seconds. Helps in 99% of cases, all computer technology tends to freeze sometimes. Rebooting is very simple and effective method struggle.

2.2 If the reboot does not help: first of all, you should make sure that the receiver sees the number of the smart card or built-in conditional access module. In the old Tricolor DRE receivers, DRS, GS - 4000, 5000, 5001, 5003, 7300 and the relatively new GS 8300M, you need to press the "Status" button on the receiver's remote control or find the status in the "Menu". There is a lot in status various information about the software and the receiver itself, including the DRE ID should be displayed, opposite there should be a 12-digit number. If there is no number, you can try to disconnect the receiver from the network and after 5 seconds turn it on (reboot). If after several reboots the number does not appear, this is a sure sign of a breakdown of the built-in conditional access module. If the DRE ID number is not determined, but is known to you, there is an option to use the “Equipment Exchange” promotion. If the number is not known or there is no promotion, there is only one option left - to purchase a new receiver. There is no point in repairing... Replacing a module at a service center costs 4,000 rubles, a 3-month warranty. But there is no guarantee that a motherboard worth 2-4 thousand rubles will not fail in a couple of months. or power supply - 1500 rub. The new receiver of the GS U510 HD brand with a paid annual subscription “Maximum HD” costs approximately 8,000 rubles, and will immediately show approximately 160 channels, of which 25 are in HD quality.

2.3 The DRE ID number is displayed, but the receiver does not decode the channels. Most likely it's a matter of outdated version software. For self-replacement Software needs to be found current version Software and using a computer and a “Nulmodem cable”, using special program pour in new version V satellite receiver. After this you need to either write to the central service technical support or independently, through Personal Area subscriber to repeat the “activation command” to your receiver. After which you need to leave the receiver turned on on some encrypted channel until everything works... In fact, few subscribers can cope with replacing the software on their own. A visit with diagnostics and software replacement at your home usually costs 1,500 rubles.

2.4 There is no access or a coded channel for relatively new receivers for viewing Tricolor TV GS 8300, GS 8300N, GS 8304, GS8305, GS 8306, GS 8307, GS 8308, GS 9303, GS 9305, GS U510. All of these receivers use a smart card in their design. Just as in the case of older receivers, you should make sure that the receiver sees the smart card (DRE ID number and smart card number are the same thing, it’s also the equipment number). For new receivers on the remote control remote control There is a No. ID button, which performs the same function as the “Status” button on older remote controls. By pressing the ID No. button or going to the menu, in the status section, you need to see whether the smart card No. is determined by the receiver.

If the DRE ID No. is displayed and the channels are scrambled, the problem may be with an outdated software version.

But first you need to make sure you have subscriptions, to do this you need to go to the main menu, find conditional access, subscriptions and see if there are any active subscriptions. Class 000 is the “Basic” package; if this subscription class is displayed, then a dozen federal channels located approximately at the end of the general list of channels should work. If these channels are working, and the rest are encrypted and only class 000 is in subscriptions, then payment has ended paid package and you need to pay for the “Optimum” package for receivers 8300 and 8304 worth 600 rubles. or the "Maximum HD" package for receivers 8305, 8306, 8307, 8308, 9303, 9305, U510 worth 900 rubles. After payment, leave the receiver turned on until everything works.

If the smart card is not detected: first you need to remove the card and insert it back, while disconnecting the receiver from the network. In all receivers, with the exception of GS 8305 and GS 8306, the smart card is inserted with the chip facing up; in 8305 and 8306, the smart card is inserted from the side and with the chip facing down. If after these manipulations and reboots the smart card is not detected, it makes sense to try placing something the size of a card but a little thinner under the card; sometimes the contacts in the card reader do not fit tightly and pressing the card more tightly can help in this case.

If the DRE ID number is determined and there are subscriptions, but the channels are encrypted, it is possible that your receiver has not been working for a long time and it will be enough for it to be turned on and everything will work. This is subject to the current software version. If the software is outdated, it needs to be updated. It’s not difficult to do this yourself, of course, if you have a computer and certain skills. A visit with diagnostics and software replacement at your home usually costs 1,500 rubles.

3. All signs on the receiver display blink.

A characteristic sign for old receivers with a built-in power supply is the failure of this same power supply. Most often it happens from a power surge. Usage surge protector or a voltage stabilizer most often helps to avoid this problem. Repairs are possible in almost any teleworkshop. Replacing the power supply with on-site diagnostics of the entire satellite television system at your home costs 1,500 rubles.

4. All signs (eights) are continuously lit on the scoreboard.

Most often it is a sign of software damage, and occasionally a failure of the motherboard. Typically, software damage occurs when the power is turned off during automatic update Software from satellite (OTA). It turns out that the old software has already been erased, but the new one has not yet been uploaded. You need to fill it manually. The price of firmware at home is 1500 rubles.

5. The receiver does not respond to the remote control.

First, you should use the control buttons on the receiver itself to make sure that the receiver is operational. Then you need to try replacing the batteries in the remote control and rebooting. If it doesn't help, try another remote control. In the receiver itself, the element receiving the signal from the remote control very rarely fails, but if the remote control is even slightly dropped on the floor, then the probability of its failure is quite high. The cost of the remote control is on average 300 rubles.

6. By all indications, the receiver is working, and on the TV screen blue screen or an inscription - the signal is weak or absent.

The main sign of a working receiver of all models (except for 8305 and 8306, they do not have a display) is that the display shows the channel number and to the left of the numbers an icon indicating the presence of a signal from the antenna (if the display shows the time and the icon on the right, this means that the receiver is turned off and is in standby mode, it must be turned on from the remote control or by pressing the + button that switches channels).

On the receiver's remote control, press the Menu button. The main menu of the satellite receiver should appear on the TV screen. If a dotted rectangle appears on the receiver display, but there is still nothing on the TV screen, you need to pick up the TV remote control and switch the TV to the video input to which you have the satellite receiver connected.

Receivers GS 8305, GS 8306, GS8307, GS 8308 each have two video outputs - HDMI and SD, and they work alternately! If you accidentally press the “Input Signal” button on the receiver’s remote control, the receiver will switch and output a signal to another output. When HDMI is working, for GS 8305 and 8306 on the indicator located on the front panel on the left, the light is lit at the bottom of the indicator, for receivers GS 8307 and 8308 in the left part of the indicator, respectively, when the SD output is working, for 8305 and 8306 the light is lit at the top, and for 8307 and 8308 on the right. Having decided which output works for you, you need to look where and with what cord the receiver is connected to the TV. And if, for example, on your 8306 receiver, the light on the indicator lights up at the bottom, and an old-style TV that does not have HDMI input and the receiver is connected to the TV with a 3 RCA - 3 RCA (tulips) cord, then you need to press the “Input Signal” button on the receiver’s remote control, the indicator on the receiver should blink, this means that the receiver has received a signal, then the indicator should light up completely , this is an intermediate loading state, at this time the receiver does not produce a video signal and does not respond to commands. After some time, the receiver should switch to the correct output, and if the input to which the receiver is connected is turned on on the TV, then everything will work.

Also in work time You can get advice from Tricolor TV Technical Support staff by calling: 8 800 500 01 23 (free call) or 8 812 332 34 98 (calls are charged at intercity rates).

NTV+ subscriber service phone number 8 495 755 67 89

First, let's try to divide the receiver models into groups, united common features and having similar characteristics.

GS, DRE, DRS, these are all essentially the same manufacturer.

1. 5000, 5001, 5003, 7300 - only accept MPEG 2, approximately 50 channels in total are available.

2. 8300, 8300 M, 8300 N

Starting with 8302, an external power supply is typical, with the exception of 9303 and 9305

3. 8302, 8304 - do not support HD.

4. 8305, 8306 - these models do not have a display.

7. GS U210, GS U510

8. GS B210, GS B211, GS B212 - these models do not have a display.

General symptoms of malfunctions characteristic of all models of Tricolor receivers.

If the Tricolor receiver shows no signs of operability at all, nothing lights up, you first need to figure out the power supply to the receiver.

Receivers GS 8302, GS 8304, GS 8305, GS 8306, GS 8307, GS 8308, GS B210, GS B211, GS B 212, GSU510, GSU210 have an external power supply. You should start by checking its functionality.

1. Message on the TV screen: no signal.

First, you should make sure that the message displayed on the TV is from the Tricolor receiver, and that the receiver itself is connected to the network and is showing signs of life. When the button is pressed Menu on the receiver remote control, the TV screen should display Main menu receiver Tricolor TV. This will guarantee that you did not accidentally switch the TV to some other video input and the Tricolor receiver is working and the message about the absence of a signal is a message from the receiver about the absence of a signal from the satellite.

Several times a year, satellite television operators carry out scheduled technical work on transmission equipment, including the removal of broadcasts. Usually these works are carried out before 10 a.m., sometimes until 2 p.m. Always, some time before the start technical work, on Information channel Tricolor TV, NTV+ also constantly repeats warnings about upcoming work.

The satellite signal may disappear for one of several reasons:

1.1 The Tricolor antenna has moved slightly to the side.

A 1 cm shift is enough and the signal will disappear. It is not recommended to twist the antenna yourself; most often, after trying to set up the Tricolor satellite dish on your own, you will have to call a professional installer, even if the problem was due to a short-term outage at the technology partner of Tricolor TV. If something falls on the plate from above and it shows signs of visible damage, it will have to be replaced. A slight change in the geometry of the receiving surface of the Tricolor or NTV+ antenna makes its further use impossible.

Setting up the Tricolor antenna, located in an easily accessible place costs approximately 1500 rubles, replacement of the converter + 500 rubles. Complete antenna replacement 2500 - 3000 rub.

1.2 Damage to the transmitting cable on the way from the antenna to the receiver.

If you can find the location of the damage, then having a special F female-F female adapter (barrel) and two F connectors, it is easy to connect the damaged cable. Otherwise, you will have to change the entire cable.

1.3 The antenna cable came out a little from the F connector screwed onto the receiver input.

It is enough to forcefully push the cable inwards.

1.4 The Tricolor converter stopped working.

The standard warranty period for converters is 1 year. Average term service 3-5 years. There are cases of 10-year work. It is easy to change the converter; it can be more difficult to find one on sale. When purchasing, please note: CIRCULAR must be written on the converter.

1.5 An obstacle has arisen between the satellite dish mirror and the satellite.

This could be a built apartment building, a grown tree, or snow stuck to the antenna, or laundry hung out by neighbors; in any of these cases, the signal does not pass through. You can simply shake off the snow, but with a tree it is more difficult; in the case of a house, you will have to look for a place to reinstall the antenna. A temporary obstacle may appear due to weather conditions; the signal does not pass through the thundercloud; it is enough to wait until it moves away from the imaginary line directed from the antenna to the satellite. Satellite signal does not pass through very heavy snow or rain, you also need to be patient. The same weather conditions precluding the possibility of using satellite television, may also be at the broadcast location TV signal to the satellite.

1.6 The Tricolor receiver is out of order.

This also happens. During the warranty period, receiver Tricolor should be taken to specialized service center Tricolor TV, necessarily with a warranty card. If warranty period for the Tricolor receiver ended, it is not always advisable to repair the receiver. For relatively modern Tricolor receivers, the manufacturer establishes a warranty period of 1 year. There is no point in repairing old NTV receivers; you can easily buy them at online flea markets for 1000 - 1500 rubles. a working used receiver, the repair of which can cost 3-4 thousand rubles. New receiver for NTV+OpentechOHS 1740V price: 6500(with contract RUR 1,200 included), free delivery.

A new receiver for the Tricolor TV exchange promotion costs 4,000 rubles.

1.7 Software failure in the Tricolor receiver or accidental change of settings.

Algorithm of actions: menu button - OK button, settings - OK, factory settings - OK, confirm reset. Then re-tune the channels using Tricolor receiver user manual.

2. Coded signal or no access.

The problem is standard for Tricolor TV subscribers. On receivers for viewing NTV+, if there is a malfunction of the card reader or access module, the following message may be displayed: smart card not inserted, If NTV+ receiver Instead of a picture it displays the inscription - geographical restriction, you need to find out if there is money in the contract account at the subscriber service. Tricolor TV users need to know what is included in Tricolor Basic package, who must work without any payment. Now there are only two channels - First ORT and NTV, they should always work, so if nothing works for you at all, you don’t need to run to pay 1200 rub. for the Single Package.

You should disconnect the receiver from the electricity, and after 5 minutes turn it on again (reboot). Helps in 99% of cases, all computers tend to freeze sometimes. A digital satellite receiver- a receiver is nothing more than a computer created to perform certain tasks.

If rebooting does not help, you should first make sure that the receiver sees the ID of the smart card or built-in DRE conditional access module. In older receivers for viewing Tricolor TV models: DRE, DRS, GS - 4000, 5000, 5001, 5003, 7300, 8300M you should press the "Status" button on the remote control of the Tricolor receiver or find the status: Menu button, Status - OK. On the page called up by pressing these buttons, there is information about the software and the receiver itself, including the DRE ID should be displayed, opposite there should be a multi-digit number. If there is no number, you can try to reboot. If after several reboots the number does not appear, this is a sure sign of a breakdown of the built-in conditional access module.

The feasibility of the repair is questionable. Replacing a module at a service center costs RUB 4,000, with a 3-month warranty. There is no guarantee that a motherboard worth 4 thousand rubles will not fail in a couple of months. or power supply - 1500 rub.

A new receiver for the Tricolor Exchange promotion costs 4,000.

2.1 ID is displayed, but the receiver does not decode the channels.

This may be due to an outdated version of the software. To replace the software yourself, you need to find the current version of the software on the GS manufacturer’s website. Then, using a computer and a “Nulmodem cable”, using DRE Burner program upload the new software version to the satellite receiver. Then you should repeat through the subscriber’s personal account activation command to your receiver number. Then leave the receiver on until everything works.

Tricolor receiver software update, with a visit to the customer it costs 1500 rubles.

2.2 There is no access or a coded channel for Tricolor TV receivers GS 8300, GS 8300N, GS 8304, GS8305, GS 8306, GS 8307, GS 8308, GS 9303, GS 9305, GS U510.

All these receivers will not decode channels without a smart card. First you need to make sure that the receiver sees the smart card, DRE number ID and smart card number are one and the same. New receivers have a No. ID button on the control panel. By pressing the No. ID button or using the menu button, going to the status section, you need to see whether the smart card is detected by the receiver.

If the ID number is displayed and there are valid subscriptions, but the channels are still encrypted, the problem may be with an outdated software version.

You can check for valid subscriptions in the main menu - OK, conditional access - OK, subscriptions - OK and see if there are valid subscriptions. Class 000 is the “Basic” package; if this class is displayed, then ORT and NTV should work. If these channels are working, and the rest are encrypted and there is only class 000 in subscriptions, then the payment for the paid package has ended and you need to make a payment Single package costing 1200 RUR. Before paying, turn on the Tricolor receiver and keep it on until everything starts to open.

Pilot 2 years ago

No need to panic. Reset the settings to factory settings, correct “top” and “bottom” in the antenna settings from 10750 to 10751. I installed 10753. All channels in normal mode are 269 pieces on the “single” tariff. My region is the main one. I don't know for other regions.

Anonymous 2 years ago

Replacing the cable helped. We'll see.

Nikolay 2 years ago

Sent by: GS8603 receiver. Software version 1.9.160. Sound drops out from time to time via HDMI. What is this? Software glitch? Is he famous? When will they fix it?

Sent by: DREID:32002315155433 Hello, Nikolay! You are connected, please wait for the consultant to respond. Your request is first in line. Please wait. The first available consultant will answer you. Received: Hello, my name is Timur Klychev, technical support specialist for Tricolor TV subscribers.

Sent: Hello.

Sent: Sdraftfuiti. Received: Please switch to the Tricolor TV Info Channel. Please press the red button on the remote control twice (the first in a row of four colored buttons, “F1”) and once green button(second in a row of four colored buttons, “F2”). Two scales will appear at the bottom of the screen. Please tell me approximately how full they are?

Posted by: just a minute

Sent: 93 and 100

Posted by: Do you know how many people are complaining about this? What does signal strength have to do with it?

Sent: I already checked everything is fine on the bells. The problem is HDMI. Before the September software update, everything worked.

Sent: https://site/question/97177 Received: Try replacing the HDMI cable Sent: here's the site, look at how many people are complaining about sound loss

Sent: The cable has already been replaced. How many of them should I buy? Received: You can send your comments and suggestions by official letter to the claims department at [email protected]. You can also fill out a form of comments, suggestions and complaints on the website by following the link: (The link must be copied from the chat window to your browser and then opened).

Sent: The problem arose precisely after the software update from September of this year. The cable has nothing to do with it. Received: In this situation, you can contact the manufacturer and developer of the software. Received: Is there anything else I can help you with?

Sent: Vfy haven't helped me with anything yet.

Posted: Are you aware of this problem?

Posted: Will it be resolved? Or switch to NTV+? Received: The need for periodic software updates is stipulated in the terms of service of Tricolor TV. Clause 4.3. “Terms of Service”: NSC is exempt from liability for failure to comply with the terms of Service in the event of: ... 4.3.10. failure to perform or improper (including untimely) performance by the Subscriber of actions provided for by the manufacturer of the software embedded in the Software or the manufacturer of the Software, in terms of modernization, updating of software embedded in the Software. -

Sent: It’s not realistic to watch, the sound on the GS 8306 randomly turns off after the update from September of this year

Sent: and what condition did I not fulfill? Received: Perhaps during the update there was a failure in receiving an update from the satellite. Received: You can try to update the equipment yourself or contact a service center for diagnostics Sent: from so many people that I gave you the link? Received: We do not have the ability to check your links. This is handled by another department.

Posted: I have this problem on two tuners. In two independent houses.

Sent: After I insert a flash drive with software files from September of this year, the tuner does not start flashing. because it matches the version with mine. Received: In this situation, please contact the service center. Contact details of the nearest service center You can find out more by following the link: You can also contact the Tricolor TV Sales and Service Center. To find your nearest Sales and Service Center, please follow the link:

Sent: The service was there and they said that this was a problem with the software you were broadcasting in September of this year. Why don't you admit this? Received: "Tricolor TV" is not a manufacturer of software for receiving equipment, nor is it a manufacturer of receiving equipment.

Sent: The service is unable to help in this situation. Defective Broadcast Software your company they can't fix it. Received: Tricolor TV is only a signal repeater.

Sent: When I resell pies, I must be responsible for the quality of these pies. So are you. Received: Tricolor TV does not sell receiving equipment.

Sent: OK, you agree with me that the software has an error or is not correct. Even if it's not your fault? Received: Specialized stores do this. Received: Also, receiving equipment passed compatibility for correct viewing of channels.

Posted: What does that have to do with the sale of equipment. I just gave this example with natural creatures. You provide a service and the service must be of high quality. Received: "Tricolor TV" only provides access to viewing channels.

Sent: Well, give me access to view channels. Tell me, do your channels have soundtrack? Received: All channels have an audio track. "Tricolor TV" broadcasts normally without interruptions.

Sent: So the problem is that I can’t reproduce it on the equipment you recommend. Received: You are losing sound on your HDMI cable. On the bells, he broadcasts correctly

Posted by: Do you broadcast channels in HD quality? Received: Absolutely correct. Received: "Tricolor TV" provides HD quality channels

Posted by: How can I see this quality on RCA connectors? which in principle do not support HD quality? Received: You can use special adapters.

Posted: and now the question is about HDMI. I want to hear an answer from you. Why does the sound disappear through this output after a software update in September of this year? Is this a software glitch? Received: This information You can check with the software developer.

Sent: Tell me in the chat form that we are talking now, is there a section for questions related to the operation of the software? I came exactly on this issue. So what is the problem for me to answer?

Sent: What is this chat for with the ability to ask questions from the software section. Should you send this question to the developer? Received: Features of version 1.9.160: The interface in this software version is the same as it was before version 2.5... on all Stingrays. In this version of the software, the scales are called up by pressing the Red button twice and the Green button once. The "Tricolor TV Magazine", "Hunting and Fishing" and "Weather" applications are not available on this software version. This version does not support connecting a tablet/smartphone in dependent (mirror) viewing mode. The recording function is not available on this software version. Info banners on this version of the software can be disabled by filling out the form, as on other receivers with the Stingray software platform http://operatorscript/Questionary/Index Favorite lists

Posted: It's the same as if you ate a pie with potatoes. And the potatoes turned out to be wormy or rotten. You come to me and express your claim. And I’m telling you, Uncle Vasya grew the potatoes, go to them and ask him why they are rotten. So what? Received: You have already received an answer from me to this question, if you have no other questions, I will be forced to end the chat.

Sent: just a minute

Sent: You can repeat the answer again Received: Thank you for your message. To save a copy of the dialogue, you can copy the text to your device. The conversation session is closed. Thank you for your message. If you need to save the information provided, you can copy it to the device you are using in a way convenient for you.

Anonymous 2 years ago

Nikolay, it’s better to write a complaint to their general director Kholodov. We, as their clients, should not be concerned that their software suppliers have cooked up a crappy update, they work with them, not us, we don’t know who a satellite is and don’t want to know, they have a contract with them for the supply of software, let them complain to them and present it, and it is THEY who force us to update the receiver. they sit like robots (or parrots), it’s impossible to achieve anything, they’ve driven thousands of people to a state of white heat, freaks.

Somehow it turns out that after last update Firmware for the GS 8306 receiver up to version 1.9.160, the previously normally working receiver becomes somehow uncontrollable. If, of course, it happens at all. After all, many receivers cannot withstand the process of flashing to version 1.9.160 and stop turning on. The same receivers that still completed the firmware procedure are buggy on the new firmware in different ways. They may freeze when watching, freeze when switching channels, display a “no signal” message, or display out-of-sync audio and video streams. And in general, do a number of other things dear to the heart. And having received such a receiver after flashing, you can decide that it is simply broken. But common sense dictates that it just worked perfectly on the old firmware, which means that the problem is not in the hardware component of the GS 8306 receiver.

What can happen to the GS 8306 receiver after updating to firmware ver. 1.9.160

1. Tricolor TV receiver gs 8306 does not turn on after update

In such a situation, it can be assumed that the firmware was not completed completely. It means that old firmware has already been erased, and the new one has not been loaded into the receiver’s memory. In this situation, the receiver turns, as they say in slang, “into a brick.” Similar problem can be solved either by replacing the receiver's motherboard (which is quite expensive and difficult to find a replacement board), or by separately flashing the receiver's flash memory chip with new normal firmware. To perform separate firmware, you need to unsolder the flash memory chip of the GS 8306 receiver, then use the programmer to “fill” the new flash memory necessary firmware and finally solder the flash chip to the receiver board again. In the presence of necessary equipment and experience in handling it, the entire procedure takes 50-60 minutes.

2. Tricolor TV receiver gs 8306 does not show via hdmi

In the new firmware 1.9.160, the active video output control mode has been updated. If previously the active video output on the receiver was selected using the “in” key. sing" on the remote control, pressing which alternately activated either the 3RCA (tulip) or the HDMI video output, but now the receiver has learned to independently determine which video output to make active. But in order for the mechanism automatic detection active video output worked correctly, it is recommended to connect the 8306 receiver to the TV at a time with only one cord. If both 3RCA and HDMI cords, then the receiver may not understand which video output to activate.

Another important aspect is changing the operating mode of the LED indication on the front panel of the receiver. Now the uniform glow of the top LED means that the receiver is in standby mode and to start viewing it still needs to be turned on using the remote control (on firmware up to 1.9.160, the glow of the top LED meant that the receiver is turned on and working via the 3RCA output)

3. Tricolor TV receiver gs 8306 produces a pink picture

There are videos on YouTube that show how wonderful the picture from the gs 8306 looks in pink. This bug is associated with the update to 1.9.160. The problem is temporarily resolved by resetting the receiver to factory settings and searching for channels again. But then it appears again. The problem can be completely eliminated by updating the receiver to a different software version.

4. Tricolor TV receiver gs 8306 constantly freezes after flashing the firmware

The reason for this is presumably the same firmware. Which presumably has greater load per processor than the previous version. Eliminating such a problem again leads to the need to replace the firmware.

5. The Tricolor TV receiver gs 8306 after updating it often loses the signal and writes no signal.

Also, the problem under consideration can be expressed in the fact that when searching for channels, a random number of channels is found; if you’re lucky, the receiver can find 86 channels, after a minute 140, and after another minute 57. Possible Solution in such a situation - a change in the local oscillator frequency by 1 Mg up to a value of 10751 MHz (both the upper and lower frequencies of the local oscillator). We performed this frequency increase on several receivers, after which the receiver began to operate more stably and stopped losing signal.

What to do if the GS 8306 does not work, but you don’t have the slightest desire to repair it or replace it with a new one?

If only 20 main federal channels are sufficient for television viewing, it will be possible to switch to receiving digital terrestrial television. Reception of digital terrestrial television broadcasts is available in large quantities settlements Russian Federation. As of December 1, 2016, digital terrestrial television broadcast in open mode and it can be viewed without subscription fee. But it is important to understand that a satellite dish is not suitable for digital reception. air signal, which means for confident reception signal will have to be set to normal terrestrial antenna(internal or external), as well as purchase a digital DVB-T2 receiver (this is the case if there is not one built into the TV itself)

GS 8306 - how to return previous version Software after updating to 1 9 160

Rolling back the software of the 8306 receiver from version 1.9.160 to the previous version is possible only with the help of a programmer - the flash memory chip containing the firmware is unsoldered, placed in the programmer, flashed with the selected firmware and soldered back to the receiver board. Roll back to previous versions when USB help The drive and firmware will not work on it - the new software does not allow updating to previous versions.

These are the thoughts that have accumulated regarding firmware 1.9.160 for the GS 8306 receiver as of December 1, 2016, from the date of its release - September 27, 2016.

What are the prospects for the GS 8306 receiver? To the landfill? For replacement?

In the event that the developer releases a new corrected firmware for the GS 8306 receiver, the prospects for this receiver are no worse than the prospects for other HD-class receivers for tricolor TV. About the need for release new firmware for GS 8306, our service center specialists have already informed the technical support of the tricolor TV operator by phone. 8-800-500-0123. Other tricolor TV users can do this too. If new software for the receiver does not appear, its operation may cause some difficulties.

If your receiver model GS 8306 from Tricolor TV does not turn on, there may be a variety of reasons. Often, they are explained by a “banal” lack of power, due to the unstable - “shaky” position of the plug in the socket, but sometimes, the “silence” of the receiver means the presence of a real technical problem. Below, we will try to find ways to make a suddenly broken device turn on.

Technical description

First of all, it is necessary to emphasize that the GS 8300 series receivers are quite common equipment in the telecommunications system. Depending on the model, receivers have some differences in characteristics and layout, but fundamentally, their designs are very unified. Let's start getting acquainted with the 8306 model that interests us from the rear panel of the device. All outputs of the Tricolor receiver have letter designations, and this will make our task much easier.

Back panel

Let's understand the notation and functional Rear panel output assignments:

If the Tricolor receiver freezes on a “black screen” or does not respond to the remote control, be sure to make sure that there are connections on the rear panel and that the supply cables are intact.

Front Panel

The peculiarity of the “zero sixth” is that this receiver does not have a scoreboard where you can track it working condition. Instead, the functionality and malfunctions of the receiver can be identified thanks to signals from indicator lights on its front panel. Therefore, the purpose and operation of these alarms should be considered in more detail:

Of the GS 8300 series receivers, the GS 8305 and GS 8306 models are equipped with indicators. Beyond this model range, LED signaling devices have the GS b211 prefix. Notification about the operation of the device and its possible malfunctions in these receivers occurs in a similar way.

There are other reasons for a situation when the Tricolor TV GS 8306 receiver does not turn on. Let's look at them in detail.

"No signal" message

Information about the absence of a signal may indicate for various reasons malfunctions. Let's look at the main ones:

  1. May mean routine maintenance is carried out by a television broadcast operator. In this case, there is a temporary disconnection of subscribers, which lasts several hours. Tricolor usually warns about such events in advance.
  2. Mechanical cable disconnection between the set-top box and the antenna. Opening most often occurs at the adapter location. Find this connection restart is not difficult.
  3. Happened antenna misalignment or damage. Even with a minimal change in the position of the satellite dish, the television may turn off, or some channels may disappear from the package. In this case, there is only one piece of advice - call customer service for new installation and settings. If the antenna has traces mechanical damage, then you will need to replace it.
  4. The converter is broken. The tricolor will not show if this most important element is out of order. The standard service life of the device is from one to three years. Although, there are often cases when even the most simple converter, which has been working “day and night” for 5 years, continues to work like new and does not think of turning off.
  5. Something is preventing reception. Relevant for dense urban areas. Sometimes channels disappear, there is interference, or the receiver simply cannot find a stable signal. The problem is solved by moving the antenna to a more open place.
  6. System failure or receiver failure. Whether you are using the “good old” GS 6301, the “hard workers” from the GS 8300 series or the latest GS b211 and GS b520, remember - equipment has the ability to exhaust its resource. Practice shows that if your receiver begins to confuse the channels or has a habit of turning off unexpectedly, it is not worth repairing. Buy new - save more.

The first thing to do in this case is to make sure you have basic package Tricolor. When some channels work and others don't, it's usually in payment. Almost always, the television company warns the subscriber about the expiration of the deadline. Own balance can be found on the service provider's website. If everything is fine, try turning off and, after a while, turning on again. If it doesn't help, call Technical Assistance.

Why the TV does not work with similar “symptoms” is sometimes explained by the lack of contacts in the smart card slot.

Reboot it, remove it and insert it into old place. The technique works quite often.

Random blinking of indicators

These signs indicate a failure in software device or the failure of its motherboard. Repairing or reprogramming a device involves costs with minimal guarantee of its subsequent productive operation. In such cases, it is better to buy a new device.

Another reason could be power supply failure. This problem often happens with older models where the unit is built into the receiver. On the GS 8306 it is located separately. Replacing with a new one may help.

The receiver does not turn on from the remote control

Everything is simple here. When the receiver “does not want” to turn on or off, or does not change channels, try replace batteries. If it doesn’t work, you should check the controls directly on the receiver itself. If it is fully functional and responds to button presses, buy a new remote control. It's about him.