Chrome cache won't clear. Instructions for increasing the cache in the Google Chrome browser

For those who don't know, the browser caches a lot of things. Let me explain what this is with an example: when you first visit the site, the browser downloads pictures from the site, videos, and other files (styles, scripts). All these files are of a size and do not need to be loaded when moving from page to page identical files, the browser stores them in its memory (on the computer disk) and later takes them from there. This procedure is called caching.

Sometimes you need to clear the site's cache, for example, this is necessary when work is being done on the site and static files are changing. The changes made are not visible due to the fact that you do not see the real file, but the file from the browser cache. To see the real picture, you need to clear the cache. IN Google Chrome It is possible to clear the cache completely. This type of cleaning deletes the cache of all sites you have visited. Typically, this type of cleaning deletes all data: cookies, images saved from the site and other static files, browsing history, etc.

Completely clear Google Chrome browser cache

To completely clear the Google Chrome cache, you need to go into history (Ctrl+H), then click “clear history”, in the window that appears, click “Clear history” (in the same window you can choose what exactly to clear):

Clearing the cache of an individual site in Google Chrome (selective clearing)

Sometimes there is no need to clear the entire cache; a lot is still stored in it and this creates a lot of convenience. For example, authorization on some sites, search history, etc. But at the same time you need to delete the cache of an individual site. You can do it like this:

  1. Open developer tools: Ctrl+Shift+I
  2. Now, leaving the panel open, left-click on the “Update” button (next to the address bar) and do not release the button.
  3. After a few seconds, you will see a drop-down menu with the following item: Clear cache and hard reset.

To reload the page without using cache files, you can use the combination Ctrl keys+F5 or Ctrl+Shift+R .

Deleting cookies of an individual page

To delete cookies for an individual site from the history:

  1. Dial in address bar: chrome://settings/cookies ;
  2. Enter part of the site domain in the search field;
  3. Delete any cookies found;

In the same window, you can conveniently delete cookies individually and not all at once:

Removal separate cookie separate site

Today we will talk about such a simple thing as clearing the cache in Google Chrome. Every Internet user periodically needs this procedure, since clearing the cache eliminates some common page loading problems, which is especially important for bloggers and webmasters.

What is cache

cache - English. "cache, secret reserve"

Before clearing the cache, it would be useful to find out what it is and what its purpose is. Without going into technical details, a cache is a storage facility for quick access to files that you have already downloaded from the Internet: video and audio files, photographs, texts, web pages. The cache remembers everything and puts it in the computer's memory.

For example, if you watched a video over the Internet, then it is stored in the cache until it is cleared by itself or with your help. If you want to watch the video again, it will be loaded from the cache, which significantly saves traffic and speeds up loading - and these two main functions are its purpose.


cache saves traffic and speeds up loading

The same goes for browsing web pages: the cache “photographs” them and places them in memory. The next time you download it, it will offer you the copy first, not the original. And here lies important point for webmasters and bloggers who work with their websites. In some cases, the cache does a disservice by loading outdated page images. Exactly because of this reason changes made are not always displayed correctly in the browser.

When should you clear your cache?

If you have made any changes to the html code, for example, changed the font of the title of your site or the design, often the cache shows the previous saved version of the page, and updating does not always help - the page looks as if nothing was changed in it. This happens to me quite often. In this case, open the page in another browser, make sure that the changes are recorded, and then return to Google and clear the cache. Next time you refresh the page, you will see updated version.

The cache requires clearing even if if pages are not displayed correctly. This is not a panacea for solving all problems that happen with page loading, but it is one of the first steps.

Clearing the cache often helps when problems occur. , which is a frequent visitor in all browsers.

It is recommended to clear the cache even if there are any problems downloading, for example video files, when the internet goes down. In this case, the display continues until the point where the connection was lost. And to overcome this rubicon, clearing the cache is required.

How to quickly clear cache in Google Chrome

  • The fastest way to clear the cache:

While the browser is open, simultaneously press three buttons on the keyboard

Shift + Ctrl + Delete

You can use in a fast way.

And more detailed explanation for those who want to understand deeper and know where to look for the cache in the browser. And at the very end of the article you will find a video on how to clear the cache in Google Chrome.

On the right top corner top panel browser there is a menu button, which in older versions looked like a gear, but now it is three bold lines located one below the other. When you hover your mouse over it, the following message appears: “SETUP AND MANAGE Google Chrome.” Click on it.

  • In the drop-down window select “ SETTINGS". Go to the tab that opens.
  • Next you need to go to the very bottom of the page and find the line "SHOW ADDITIONAL SETTINGS«.
  • In the expanded window we find the section “ PERSONAL DATA" and click on the menu " CLEAR THE HISTORY". The following picture appears:

  • We put a tick in the line “ CLEAR CACHE"(we uncheck the rest of the boxes if we don’t want to delete something else) and select a time period in the top panel. If the problem with loading pages started recently, you can start with small periods of time - over the past hour or yesterday.
  • Press the button " CLEAR THE HISTORY«.
  • After which you can close the settings window and try to load or update the problematic page. If the problem does not disappear after cleaning, choose a longer period.

Video on how to clear the cache in Google Chrome:

After clearing the cache for the first time, pages that loaded quickly before may load more slowly. This is fine. As soon as the cleared cache saves them to its storage, everything will be restored.

Well, what if you are a creator blog on WordPress, the cache needs to be cleared after every change in the editor code, so as not to be surprised why you did something and nothing changed.

This article will focus on the question of how to clear the cache in the Chrome browser and in general, what is cache and why is it needed?. We recommend reading the note on how to install Google Chrome for free.

You can view the history of visits to websites by pressing Ctrl+H in the browser you need.

  • Cleaning the history of website visits (informative article on what a website is and what they are like). Need this in different cases, for example, at the workplace, if you don’t want your bosses to scold you for visiting unnecessary sites during working hours.
  • Or you just want to give a gift and choose something on specialized sites, so that your wife (husband) does not notice anything - you need to clear the history of site visits, which is stored in the browser cache (a special storage of visited pages).
  • It also stores passwords for sites on which you logged in or otherwise entered your username and password. That is, it will not be difficult for attackers to steal them from the cache. As a result, we conclude that you should know how to clear the cache in Chrome yourself.
  • Moreover, it takes extra bed on the hard drive and sooner or later it may run out, so it’s worth cleaning it up from time to time.

Also a little advice, if you open the page using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+N, the so-called “incognito mode” will open

It does not save anything done on this page after closing it. It’s very convenient if you need to quickly search for something on the Internet in an unfamiliar place, but then you don’t want to bother clearing the cache (or you can forget about it altogether.)

And so, we need to press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Delete - a window for the history of this browser will appear:

As you can see, there are some parameters here:

  • For what period of time should the deletion be performed (it is possible for the entire period of operation of the browser)
  • Which files and elements should be deleted. Here it is at your discretion, although of course it is advisable to delete everything. But keep in mind that you will have to log in again on sites to which login was automatic, for example, social media and so on. So make sure right away - Do you remember all the necessary passwords?

You can also configure your browser to automatic removal cache. To do this, go to Chrome settings:

“Content Settings” will appear a little lower. And now here we are on the menu “ cookies"Select "Delete local data when closing the browser" (although it may also be "Save local data only until the browser is closed"):

Although, of course, with this setting we do not delete the entire cache, but only cookies - this is only part of the work elements Chrome browser. In order to cleanse all personal information from the “memory” of the Google Chrome browser you need to install additional expansion Click&Clean.

Installing this extension is easy. To do this, go to the settings and select there - “Tools” - “Extensions”:

Then at the very bottom select “More extensions”, this will open Google store Chrome and we can get this extension there for free. Once in the store, enter our extension in the search bar - “Click&Clean”:

The search results will offer, in addition to our not exactly an extension, the “Click&Clean app” application (in the description we learn that this is quite powerful application to protect your data), more similar apps and extensions that can also be installed by reading their description.

Everything you like here can be installed without problems, because it official store Google Chrome and there can be nothing dangerous here. Now let's take a closer look at this issue. A cache is a place for temporary files where the browser (informative article on what a browser is) places everything it deals with on the Internet.

Everything means, literally everything - these are thumbnails of all the pages that you load in the browser and all the video and audio files that you listen to or watch in general, as well as passwords, in general, as you understand all the information from the Internet. Why is this necessary? The fact is that Internet speed is limited, and files, for example, movies, are large, on average several gigabytes.

That is, in order to immediately watch a movie without additional downloads, you need very high speed Internet. And this, in turn, is either expensive or there simply aren’t any technical capabilities in a specific area.

It’s precisely in this situation that the cache helps - this is a place on the hard drive of a computer or laptop where all the information we view in the browser is downloaded

That is, if you start watching a movie in a browser, it is first downloaded to the cache and then played from there, just like a movie from a hard drive.

Moreover, when re-downloading or playing a file or page, the process will occur noticeably faster, because some of the files are loaded from the cache on the hard drive. It is very convenient and effective.

And this happens with any file, even if just a picture was loaded - it will still end up in the cache. It would seem that everything is fine, but the fact is that the space on the hard drive is not unlimited and sooner or later it will run out. In this case, it is better to clear the cache. This can be done like third party programs, and in the browser itself.

In this article we looked at the question of how to clean chrome cache. A very interesting and important topic, especially in our time. electronic payments and rampant fraud and espionage.

Category ~ Browser – Igor (Administrator)

Google updates its Chrome browser quite often. But, at the time of writing this tip, there is still no setting for setting a cache size limit. But the cache can grow very large if it is not periodically cleared. You may be very surprised to find out how much space the cache takes up. For example, on this moment My browser's cache takes up 423 MB. Agree that this is not a very small number. By default, the entire cache is located in the folder "C:\Users\(User)\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default", where "(User)" is your user. Just look at the size of this folder.

Of course, you can limit the size using special parameters, which need to be added to the launch shortcut, but this is not exactly what we would like. If you are interested, you can do this using following parameters: –disk-cache-dir=”c:\cache” –disk-cache-size=102345678. Where the parameter “–disk-cache-dir” specifies the cache storage location. And the parameter "–disk-cache-size" - maximum size in bytes.

Note: it is also worth clearing the cache if you have problems displaying your favorite sites. Without going into technical details, the main problem is that some of the site’s elements have been updated, but the browser still loads elements from the cache when loading the site.

Viewing the cache using "about:cache"

There are a few in various ways to view the cache. The browser itself has special team to view the cache. Type "about:cache" (without quotes and without spaces, but with a colon) in the address bar. The contents of the cache will be displayed in the browser window. If you have a large enough cache, this operation may take some time. Of course, this is not the most convenient way viewing and is more suitable for tech-savvy users. But, nevertheless, this is still a way.

Clear cache from browser

You can clear the cache in certain period time from the Chrome toolbar.

  1. Open the dropdown menu. Three stripes icon
  2. Hover your mouse over "Tools"
  3. Select "Delete browsing data..."
  4. In the menu that appears, select the period for which you want to clear data
  5. Select the required data to clear. For the data you want to save, uncheck the boxes.
  6. Click the "Clear history" button

Viewing your cache using NirSoft's ChromeCacheView

ChromeCacheView is small free utility, which allows you to view and selectively copy Chrome browser cache entries. It also allows you to view information about each cache file. You can download this utility from this link. The program does not require installation and works great on Windows XP, Vista and 7.

Google Chrome cache is a storage for temporary files. Photos, audio and video streams, text, animated pictures are placed in it during the loading process of the web page requested by the user. When you need to open it again, Google Chrome will “move” its elements from the cache to the tab, without wasting time and network traffic to re-download them from the server from the site.

In Google Chrome, sometimes users need to find out where the cache storage is located, how to view it (find the necessary data in it), disable it, and how to move it to another directory (disk partition, folder). Read on to learn more about how these actions and settings are performed.

Where is the cache stored?

To open the directory containing the cache files, follow these instructions:

1. Close your browser.

2. Press the "Win" and "R" keys together.

3. Copy and paste this path into the “Open” line in the “Run” panel:

%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache

4. Click "OK".

5. The browser cache (a group of data files) will be displayed in a new window.

How to delete cache?

To update the cache and remove all previously loaded information from it, call the panel for settings and perform a clear (update) using the key combination “Ctrl + Shift + Del”. Learn more about how this procedure is performed.

How to view the contents of the storage?

1. In the Chrome address bar, type the request - chrome://cashe. Press "Enter".

2. All data saved in the cache will be displayed in a new tab (in the form of links).

3. To quickly find in the list necessary information, press the “Ctrl + F” keys simultaneously. In the mini-panel that appears at the top right, enter necessary request(name of domain, file) and press “Enter”.

4. The found data will be highlighted in the list.

Advice! Also fast access The cache can be accessed using the Click&Clean addon. In its menu there is a button “View cache...”.

How to move the storage folder to another directory?

If you need to move cache files to another drive or folder due to low disk space or security or data privacy concerns, follow these steps:

1. Close the Chrome window.

2. Open the Run panel (Win + R).

3. In the “Open” line, enter:

%userprofile%\\local settings\\application data\\google\\chrome

4. Press "Enter".

5. Opens system window With folder User Data. Copy it: click right click→ Copy.

6. Paste the copied folder into the directory where you want to place it. Wait for the data transfer to complete.

7. Right-click on the browser shortcut on your desktop.

8. B context menu Click Properties.

9. In the line “Object” after the path to executable file Indented with one space, add a command in the format:

--user-data-dir="C:\\User Data"

Where C:\\User Data is the path to the new cache storage location (you may have a different value!).

10. Click "Apply" and "OK".

Using the same method of adding additional commands in the shortcut properties you can create other add-ons for Google cache Chrome. For example:

Disk-cache-size= - change (increase/decrease) the cache size (if you set the value to “0”, it will be disabled);

How to disable saving data to cache?

1. Press the key combination “Ctrl + Shift + I”.

2. In the block that opens, click the “three dots” button.

3. In the drop-down menu, click the “Settings” line.

4. In the “Preferences” subsection, find the “Network” block (scroll down the list of settings a little).

5. Check the box next to the “Disable cashe...” option.

6. Close everything additional windows(click on the “cross” icon).

If a temporary shutdown is required, you can switch to anonymous web surfing. When enabled, files are not saved to the storage.

It is activated like this:

1. Click on the “Menu” button.

2. Select “New window in incognito mode.”

Good luck clearing and setting up your cache in Chrome!