Natasha Lanskaya Borodina's friend who is she. Natalie Pushkina: biography, personal life, real name

Oldfisher has this video, naturally, without censorship...

In general, it shows the finale of the bright life path of the 35-year-old Russian beauty Natalia Borodina

"A native of the Chelyabinsk region died tragically while on vacation in the Dominican Republic, hitting her head on a road sign at high speed
On your page VC Natalya Borisova (Borodina) often posted photographs taken while traveling around the world. She carefully monitored her appearance and loved to show it off on camera. The woman turned 35 years old.
The woman provided herself with a beautiful life by selling real estate abroad to Russians.
True, Natalya’s classmate does not exclude the possibility that she could work in export.
The beauty's life was tragically interrupted on October 11 while on vacation in the Dominican Republic. On the way to the airport, contrary to all safety rules, she wanted to “ride like a breeze,” leaning out of the car literally up to her waist.
A friend who was driving decided to film her antics. In the footage, the girl is captured in almost negligee - she is wearing nothing except panties.
Completely forgetting about safety, the woman did not notice the approaching road sign. At great speed, she hit her head on a pole.
The impact was so strong that the passenger was thrown out of the cabin. The woman lost consciousness and never regained consciousness, died in the hospital.
According to media reports, Natalya’s friend from Ukraine, Ivanna Boyrachuk, was driving the car. The police detained her on suspicion of drunk driving.
At the time of her death, Natalya was only 35 years old. She left behind an 11-year-old son.
Natalya's mother and sister were faced with the problem of raising money to transport her body to her homeland."

The clear and daring 35-year-old Natasha Borodina did not like to get involved with little mermaids, just as other beautiful Russian ladies don’t get involved with little mermaids now...
Well, unless the little mermaid is an oligarch...
And so all the beautiful Russian ladies are now starting in Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia...
But Natalya Borodina was cooler than ordinary Russian ladies and she went to the sunny Dominican Republic to have sex with dark-skinned macho men...
There, her friend from the Kyiv Russian World, Ivanna Boyrachuk, got involved with her, and Natalya Borodina herself was from the Urals...
Daring Natasha Borodina showed off her beautiful tanned and trained body, leaning completely out of the car window at full speed...
Natasha from Ukraine was driving...
Everything went smoothly and looked cool...
Daring Natashas showed off in the Dominican Republic in full and rushed to the airport...
But in the way of the flexible and daring Natasha Borodina, who was leaning out of the window, there was a road sign, about which she cracked her head while walking...
Now Natasha’s relatives face the difficult task of transporting her beautiful body from the sunny Dominican Republic to the sunny Urals...
By the way, Natasha’s 11-year-old son is growing up there...
And officially in life, Natasha Borodina was an RSP pawn...
Here's her photo, little mermaids...
Admire them, in real life such ladies are not for you in your Russian World...

Her many subscribers watch the happy family life of Ksenia Borodina every day. The TV presenter and mother of two daughters constantly posts on her Instagram photos of their leisure time with her husband and children. One of Ksenia’s recent posts on the microblog was dedicated to their unusual weekend. The celebrity's husband, businessman Kurban Omarov, decided to give his beloved a truly extreme walk and took Ksenia and her six-year-old daughter Marusya to the famous Volen ski slope near Moscow.

Together with Kseniy and Kurban, a friend of the TV presenter, Natalya Alaiskaya, and her daughter, the same age as Marusya, went to enjoy winter holidays in the fresh air. The girls, like their mothers, have been friends for a long time and often appear together in photographs on their parents’ microblogs. This time, too, they spent the weekend together and even tried their hand at extreme sports, skiing.

Ksenia and Natalya simultaneously posted a photo of two little friends skiing on Instagram, proud of the children’s success. True, some subscribers did not recognize Alaiskaya’s daughter in a sports jumpsuit in the photo, deciding that the son of Borodina’s husband, Omar, was standing next to Marusya. In this regard, several perplexing questions appeared in the comments to the post - why did they put a hat with rhinestones on the boy? But more attentive followers quickly explained that they confused Omar with the daughter of Ksenia’s friend.

By the way, Natalya Alaiskaya, following her beloved friend, is preparing to become a mother for the second time. So her eldest daughter will soon have a little sister or brother. But Marusya has already waited for a new addition to the family - her younger sister Teona was born in December last year.

Not long ago, the TV presenter jokingly said that she “infected” three friends with her pregnancy, who, following Ksenia’s example, decided to become mothers again. In addition to Natalya Alaiskaya, the “House-2” star Daria Pynzar and designer Natalya Pushkina took over the “baton” from her friend’s light hand. All the girls are strong friends with each other. In addition to frequent meetings, famous mothers constantly correspond in a general chat, which, by the way, they funnyly called “Zhalnya”, share news with each other and their followers, and also humorously discuss annoying advertising comments that literally fill their microblog posts.

It is worth noting that Ksenia’s husband often spoils his beloved wife and mother of his little daughter with surprises. Recently, the TV presenter received a huge bouquet of roses from Kurban, which she talked about on her Instagram.

“How nice, husband! You don't need a reason to make your loved one happy! I love your flowers, and the best part is that they last the longest!” Ksenia wrote with love, not forgetting to mention in the caption to the post the very culprit of her joy - her husband Kurban, known on social networks under the nickname Zima.

At the end of last year, the famous TV presenter Ksenia Borodina and her husband, businessman Kurban Omarov, became the parents of a little girl, Teona. While happy Ksenia is enjoying the moments of motherhood, her close friends are also not wasting time and preparing for the addition to their families. It is well known to everyone that Borodin inspired the Dom-2 star Daria Pynzar to become pregnant for the second time. But, it turns out, thanks to Ksenia’s “light hand,” two more of her friends found themselves in an interesting position - designer Natalya Pushkina and Natalya Alaiskaya. Moreover, all three lucky girls will become mothers for the second time, just like Ksenia Borodina herself.

“Three girlfriends who were infected, in the good sense of the word. Who's next in line, please? I'm always happy to help. A light hand,” Ksenia wrote in the caption for a post on her Instagram, where she posted a collage of three photographs of pregnant girls.

It seems that Ksenia really has a “light hand”. Now, probably all of Ksenia’s subscribers, of whom, by the way, she already has more than four million, will line up in line to get pregnant after their favorite TV presenter. But Ksenia does not undertake to answer for the gender of her future children. Despite the fact that she gave birth to a girl for the second time, Daria Pynzar, as is already known, is expecting a boy, by the way, also her second. The first-born of Daria and Sergei Pynzari, Tema, is now four years old.

“A friend of mine couldn’t get pregnant for seven years, she drank after me and gave birth to a great boy. If you have anything, please contact me,” continues the star mother.

She spoke about the fact that Ksenia Borodina “infected” some of her friends with pregnancy on a microblog even before she gave birth to Teona. But at that time she did not disclose the names of the expectant mothers. Now, almost every one of the three happy girls has rounded bellies so noticeable that there is no point in hiding their interesting position.

Ksenia herself does not hide her happiness from the new addition to the family. She often posts photos with her husband and children on Instagram. Let us remember that in the star family, in addition to little Teona, Ksenia’s six-year-old daughter Marusya and Kurban’s son Omar are growing up. The children got very used to each other and were happy to receive the news that their parents had little Thea.

Ksenia, despite her maternal concerns, does not forget about social life. Not long ago she went to work and has already managed to conduct several broadcasts on Dom-2. She doesn’t forget about her friends either - the girls still meet often and post common photos on their social networks.

The number of Natalia Pushkina’s followers on Instagram is approaching 3 thousand, but the girl owes such popularity not only to her joint photo with her famous friend Ksyusha Borodina, but also to her sincerity and openness, which she demonstrates on her blog. Natalya leads a non-public lifestyle, and you cannot call her a typical socialite. Almost nothing is known about the girl’s past, but anyone can track her present on her Instagram page.

What is known about Natalya Pushkina

There is not much information on the Internet about Pushkina’s biography. But since 2011, the girl has been maintaining her microblog on Instagram, where she shares photos and stories about her personal life. Now her page is followed by 262 thousand subscribers. Natalya often posts photos of her family, their holidays together, and also writes about various culinary tricks, beauty recipes, proper nutrition and workouts.

She is married and together with her husband she is raising two daughters - the eldest Daniela and the younger Seraphima. The girls bear their father’s surname – Marusov (emphasis on the first syllable), but Natalya herself decided to remain Pushkina.

Also, an aspiring blogger once shared an interesting fact about herself. It turns out that her last name, unlike her first name, is not a pseudonym, the girl is really a distant relative of the great poet. But the romantic “Natalie” is not a real name. This is just an Instagram nickname and brand name.

By the way, Pushkina’s main activity is the design of a line of women’s clothing. Her outfits are not a cheap hobby, but it should be noted that the products are famous for their good quality.

Natalya is not limited to Instagram. She also has her own YouTube channel, which the aspiring designer created a year ago, but at the moment there are no new videos appearing there.

Natalia's family life

Natalya and her husband Alexey have been together for 12 years. They have very strong seeds. Spouses often share photos together on their Instagram accounts. Their two daughters also often appear on their pages.

The eldest girl, Daniela, has entered the 5th grade and constantly pleases her parents with her success in sports. She enjoys gymnastics and ballroom dancing, and she and her mother visit the hippodrome. The youngest Seraphim is only two years old, her older sister dotes on her. Natalya and her daughters often like to dress up in family looks.

Now Pushkina and her family are enjoying their summer vacation. She often publishes photos of them together from various resorts, dachas, or just watching a movie.

Photos of her daughters and husband dominate the girl’s Instagram account, and it’s even difficult to immediately assume that she is a designer. However, the number of blog subscribers is growing and, according to the followers themselves, they are more interested in her family life and leisure than work.

Friendship with the Queen of Instagram Ksyusha Borodina

In addition to family and recreation, Natalya Pushkina often shares photos from various girls’ get-togethers on social networks. And often in such photographs you can see the famous host of the Dom-2 TV show Ksenia Borodina. Such photos get a lot of likes. And some subscribers even suspected Natalya of selfish interests, claiming that the girl was trying to “promote” her page at the expense of her more popular friend. But there are also those who disagree with such guesses, since the girls have been friends since early youth and spend a lot of time together, which is why they have many photos together. In addition, you can often see Natalya on Ksyusha’s page.

Together, friends go to the cinema and restaurants, attend birthday parties and various parties. Sometimes their husbands also appear in their company. They also celebrated the New Year in pairs at a ski resort.

Pushkina was a bridesmaid at Borodina’s wedding, and she was one of the first to publish the news about the presenter’s pregnancy.

The girl also supports her friend in her creativity. Natalie loves to attend events where Ksenia performs as a DJ, and is a fan of clothes from Bang Bang Borodina.

Internet users have probably heard about a girl who, while her car was moving at high speed, leaned out of the window and collided with a road sign standing on the side of the road. Having received a serious traumatic brain injury, the tragically famous Russian woman died in the hospital. The case caused a stir in the community due to the availability of a video showing the incident. Natalya Borodina did not register Instagram or it was deleted after her death. Users managed to get a photo of the girl and find out her story using the social network Vkontakte, where her page is still present - here is the link.

Having studied her VKontakte profile, she could not find an account on Insta; perhaps her personal page was closed. In this case, Instagram does not show the person in search results. This material describes in detail the incident that led to the girl's death. Readers will also be able to read a short biography of the extravagant native of Chrysostom, who died in the Dominican Republic. Photos are presented from a page on the VK social network.

In the afternoon, Borodina and her friend, who was driving a Kia Picanto compact car, went to the city. Natalya's companion was driving the car, but this did not stop her from filming the passenger on her smartphone. Borodina demonstrated defiant behavior, or to be more precise, she leaned topless out of an open car window. Judging by the video, she repeated this action several times, and the last attempt was fatal. The filming ends when a naked Russian woman hits her head on a road sign. A friend can be heard screaming while driving a Kia Picanto.

The deceased was a native of the town of Zlatoust, part of the Chelyabinsk region. She was 35 years old. Thanks to the Dominican police and the media, it was possible to obtain additional information about the incident. It is not known whether the woman fell out of the car after the collision or whether her friend managed to drag her back into the car. The girl was quickly taken to the nearest clinic, and doctors diagnosed a serious open head injury. Unfortunately, the outrageous socialite died from her injuries. The latest photos from the hospital are online.

After the accident, local publications published a photo of the sign that Borodina hit, and the interior of the Kia Picanto, which was covered in blood. There is also a hospital photograph showing Borodina still alive. Users of the global web had other questions - who was the friend? She turned out to be Ivanna Boyrachuk; according to information from online sources, she is a resident of Ukraine. Recently, new details of the accident appeared - Ivanna was drunk while driving the car. At the moment, there is no more detailed information about the Kia driver on the Internet. It is unknown whether the friend, who was driving and acting as operator, was charged. Perhaps she got too close to the side of the road, since the road sign was a meter away from the car.

Natalia Borodina Dominican Instagram

Natasha lived in Cannes for the last couple of years, judging by materials from VK, she led a social life. The pictures show various cities around the world, but relatives living in Russia cannot boast of such wealth. They live in Zlatoust. Recently, the media, citing the sister of the notorious Russian woman, reported a lack of funds to send the body home for further burial. The family has already refused cremation.

It also became known that the deceased left behind an 11-year-old son. Natalya's sister and mother are raising him. After the tragedy, the father came to see his son. Users especially complained about the child, his mother left him, and he rarely saw his father. In any case, Borodina will be buried in her homeland, her family has already confirmed this information.

Borodina Natalya Borisovna Instagram

As for social networks, Internet users were only able to find the VKontakte page. There the deceased has a profile, she is signed under the same name, but her last name has been changed - Borisova. In her personal information, she underestimated her real age by 3 years, so finding her was problematic. The profile contains more than one and a half thousand photos. You can view the publications on VK, go to this link. Most likely, Natalya Borodina was 35 years old and had an Instagram account. After the tragic incident, friends of the deceased could contact Insta’s support service with a request to delete Natasha’s profile. Also, the page could be closed.

Based on materials published on VKontakte, you can find out details from the life of the notorious Russian woman. She was fond of traveling and went on vacation to the Dominican Republic. A car was rented for these purposes. Natasha also loved winter sports, as evidenced by photographs from various resorts. She was a regular guest at social parties. On the page you can also see short poems attached to various images.

The girl was quite popular, as evidenced by the many likes on her photos and a large number of subscribers. Friends of the tragically deceased socialite report that this was not just a stupid prank. Perhaps she made money from these videos. This information has not been confirmed. In early photos on the social network you can see his little son, who is already 11 years old today.

Russian woman killed in the Dominican Republic Instagram

The activities of tourists raise the most questions among the Internet audience. It is known that she moved from Zlatoust to Chelyabinsk, and then lived in the capital of Russia. The outrageous lady has spent the last few years on the French Riviera. From some sources you can find out that Borodina was connected with real estate. There were reports in the media that she was selling housing to visiting Russians.

There are also versions about escort services provided for wealthy foreigners. There is no reliable information, so such versions remain only guesses. Unfortunately, accidents can often be seen on live television lately. Natalya Borodina The deceased’s Instagram link is not available, but in the summer of 2019, two Ukrainian women died in a road accident. They broadcast live on Insta.

Despite the large flow of Russian tourists to the Dominican Republic, there is no Russian embassy there. The functions of this institution are taken over by the diplomatic mission; it is located in Venezuela, the distance to the Dominican Republic is short.