Setting up a local network via a server. Connection methods when creating a home local network

Hi all! Today's time is running, and computers are no longer perceived as a luxury. As technology advances and user-friendly operating systems appear, every family member can have a laptop or personal computer.

PCs help children with their studies, older people can communicate with distant relatives and friends whom they cannot meet, and adults use technology both for work and for entertainment. To make it easier to use multiple computers in a home, you can create a local area network between the “machines.” In today's article I will tell you - How to set up a local network between two computers.

This does not require special skills. You only need to purchase two cables (or more, depending on the number of machines) and a router, which you most likely already have. In this article, we will look at a quick and reliable option for creating a local network for laptops and personal computers, and we will also look at how to “distribute” the Internet on a local network.

Reasons: create a local network between computers

If a user accidentally stumbled upon this article, then he most likely has a question: “Why connect computers to each other at all?” I will give the following arguments:

1. Ability to quickly share files. This is perhaps the most useful feature on the local network. If you need to quickly transfer any files from one computer to another, then using a local network will be the fastest way. You will not need to look for flash drives, wait for recording, send files via e-mail etc. The speed of data transfer between computers is the highest.

2. Internet distribution. Let's imagine that you don't have a router, but cable internet connected to only one computer. If you connect the devices with a cable, the Internet can appear on both computers.

3. Possibility to play online, co-op use of hard disk of both computers. You can take necessary information from another PC and vice versa.

Typically, a local network includes 2-3 “machines”. If you distribute the Internet from one device to 3-4 computers, the speed will be low on all computers.

The methods described below are suitable for both laptops and computers, but portable devices present Wi-Fi module, which significantly simplifies the process of creating a local network. We will study these methods in detail.

Before connecting computers via a local network, you need to make sure that both machines have network cards. If this modern computers(not older than 10 years), then you don’t have to check it - the element is built into motherboard. This also applies to laptops. Now about the cables: for each computer you need to buy a cable that is crimped according to the “computer - router” scheme.

The “router+computer+computer” connection is optimal, since the local network will function properly. By connecting two devices directly with one computer-to-computer cable, you only get shared network, but there will be no access to the Internet.

You should also make sure that there are drivers for the network cards. To do this, click right click mouse over the “My Computer” icon. Select “Properties” from the list, as shown in the screenshot.

Go to the “Device Manager” section and look through the list.

Find the “Network adapters” section in the list. On the computer taken as an example, the network card and modules are working properly. If there are no drivers, the device will be unknown and there will be an icon next to it exclamation point against the background of a yellow triangle. If you have it, then simply click on the device and click “Update Drivers”. Check on both computers.

Now we connect the cables to the computers: one end into the network card connector, the other into the router. Eventually you will have a network. Wait until the identification of connected devices is completed.

Of course, in addition to these cables, the main cable through which the Internet will be connected must also be connected to the router. On some routers, the main cable connection location is highlighted or marked; on other models, there is no difference between the connectors at all. Determine which “machine” will be the main one.

On the main computer, go to “Start”, then find “Control Panel”. Here we are interested in the “Network and Internet” section. In it, click on the inscription “Network and Sharing Center”.

Here you will see that a local network has appeared. By default, the system defines it as public. Our task is to change the status to “home”. Click on the button " Home group", and then go to the page located in the lower left corner. Did you see a message about no connection? No problem, click on the inscription “What is the location on the network?”

In the window that opens, we need to select “Home Network”. We wait for the system to complete the home network settings. The next step is to select the elements that will be available on the second personal computer or laptop. Click on the “Next” button - the system will provide us with a password to access the data on the second computer. If the password is not needed, then cancel it, after which you can click on the “Done” button.

This will bring up a settings window where you can make changes to your homegroup. Here we need to click on the inscription “Change additional parameters..." Expand the “Work or Home” item, after which you need to place all the markers in the first item. Done, the local network has been created on the host computer. All we have to do is connect the second device to the home group.

Connecting a second computer

We sit down at the second computer, connected the cable to the router and to the computer. We go back to the network center, the path to the menu is indicated in the instructions for creating a local network. Click "Home Group".

If the creation of a local network was successful, then you will see the “Join” button - click on it and enter the password that the system generated before. Now we perform the same procedures as with the first computer. That is, we select files that can be accessible on the first device, etc.

Done, you have created home network between two computers. To check the network status, go to the Network Management Center. There you can verify that the network is now home.

Important point: providing access to folders and files

Surely you do not want to open access to all folders on your hard drive, because they may contain personal information. To open access to specific folder we need to right-click on it and then select context menu"Sharing" item.

None of the users. The mode is set by default and has no relation to the local network.
--- Home group (reading). By selecting this item, the user of the second computer will be able to watch movies in this folder, read
files, listen to music and even use applications, but he will not be able to copy anything from the folder.
--- Home group (read and write). This mode allows you to copy and work with files in this folder.
--- Specific users. This point also concerns access to data on one computer for different users.

If you are ready to provide all the data for users of another computer, then you can immediately open access to hard section disk.

To do this, you need to right-click on the partition and disk and select access in the same way as with a folder. In addition, you can set up a local network between two computers via Wi-Fi. Let's look at this with you.

Connecting two computers Wi-Fi assistance(if there is a built-in or plug-in module)

This method is most often used by laptop owners. You don't need to spend money on cables, since you can connect the device via Wi-Fi. First of all, check if the adapters are enabled on both computers. Go to “Control Panel” - “Network and Internet”, then go to the Network Control Center.

Here we click on “Change adapter settings”. Inside you will see whether the wireless network module is enabled. If it is disabled, the icon will be gray. Turn on wireless connection on every laptop.

Now you can start creating the network. Again we go to the network center, where we carried out previous actions. In the main menu, find the item “Set up a new connection...” and click on it.

After this it will start automatic settings. Select “Set up a computer-to-computer wireless network.”

The next window is informational. Review the networking requirements and precautions. Next we need to enter the basic parameters. SSID is the name of the network that will be displayed in connections. WPA2 Personal and WEP are encryption options. You can select “No authentication”, then the network will not ask you for a password. We recommend setting up WPA2 (letter and number password) as it is harder to crack than WEP.

Done, the connection has been created. Now you will see your network in the list of connections. It remains to open general access. It is enabled in the Network and Sharing Center in the “Network” section. Click on the house icon, after which an inscription will appear at the top of the empty window.

Click on it and select the item that opens general access. Setting up folders is done in the same way as with personal computers.

Connecting computers to the Internet on the same local network

The instructions are suitable for connecting via cable or Wi-Fi. The information will be useful for those who have the Internet on one computer, but not on other devices on the local network. We need a computer connected to the Internet. Go to the connection properties: from network management go to the “Changing adapter settings” section. Select the active connection and right-click. Go to the “Properties” menu.

Here we need to select the “Access” tab.

Check the box next to “Allow other users...”.

Done, use the Internet on all devices. That's all for today. If you have any questions, ask in the comments.

The need to create a local network arises when you want to connect more than two computers. A local network is needed to work together with shared files, with one printer, scanner, etc. In this article we will take a detailed look at creating a local network.

How to create a local network?

Materials and tools:

  • Tester
  • Roulette

Technology for creating a local network

Prepare a diagram that will show where all the computers, switch and server for your future local network are located.

Measure the distance between the computer and the power outlet or switch.

Prepare patch cords of the appropriate length for each computer.

Connect your computer and power socket prepared patch cord. Each computer has a connector specifically designed for a patch cord.

Turn on your computer.

After the computer turns on, you will see the LED next to the connector light up. green, or orange. This means the patch cord is connected correctly.

Repeat similar steps for connection to other computers of the future local network.

So, you have completed connecting the computers. But the creation of a local network is just beginning. In order for computers to “see” each other, each computer must be configured programmatically. For example, we will use a peer-to-peer network, i.e. "working group".

Proceed to setting up your network card. Start - Settings - Control Panel - Network connections- Local network connections.

Click on the “Local Area Connection” icon with the right mouse button. A menu will appear.

Select "properties". A settings window will appear.

Select the “Internet Protocol TCP\IP” component and click on the “properties” button.

Check the “Use the following address” checkbox.

Dial the IP address ( The subnet mask will be set automatically and will look like this: (

Click on the "OK" button.

Click "OK" again.

All you have to do is enter your computer into the peer-to-peer network. Go to settings. Start - Settings - Control Panel - System - “Computer name” tab - “change” button.

Enter your computer name (required) with Latin letters, you can only use letters and numbers).

Check the “is a member of the working group” checkbox.

Come up with a name for the working group and enter it in Latin in the working group name field.

Click on the "OK" button.

Click "OK" again. The system will prompt you to reboot for the changes to take effect.

Agree and reboot.

Congratulations, you have added your first computer to your workgroup. To create a local network, carry out similar operations for the remaining computers, choosing for each of them a unique name, a different IP address from the others (i.e. - 192.168.0...).

Important: In the settings of each computer on the local network, you must specify the same workgroup name.

The creation of the local network is completed.

Nowadays, a computer is no longer a luxury item, as it was 10 years ago. Almost every family has more than one computer, and maybe even every family member has one. By computer we mean not only a desktop PC, but also a laptop. Very convenient when everything computer devices connected to one home local network.

Why do you need a home local network?

First of all, a local network is needed to distribute one Internet connection to several devices. That is, if you are connected to the Internet and you need to have simultaneous access to it from several devices, then a local network is required for this. In addition, most modern TVs, players and receivers have the ability to directly connect to the Internet, both for viewing Web pages and downloading content. Thus, the listed devices also require simultaneous Internet access with other devices. This also includes mobile gadgets: smartphones and tablets. To access the Internet simultaneously, all these devices must be on the same local network. However, a local network is needed not only for distributing Internet traffic, but also for direct purposes, for example, by connecting all devices into one local network, you can play games with each other network games, exchange data and share access to some files on your computer. The advantage of a local network is that all devices on the network can access the printer, which is very convenient if several members of your family need to print documents frequently.

As stated above, modern televisions and players have the ability to work over a network, thanks to its creation you will be able to give the TV access to your disks where the media files will be located, and you will not have to rewrite them to an external HDD or flash drive.

In a word, the advantages of a local network are obvious, now let's look at how to set up a local network between computers and other devices

How to create a local network via Wi-FiFi router

To create a local network, you need a device that will connect all computer equipment into one network. Such a device is a router, which not only physically connects local network devices, but also allows them to be separately identified by assigning IP addresses to devices - identifiers on the network.

It is quite possible that some of our readers who more or less have information on creating local networks will quite rightly note that the router is not the only device that allows you to create a local network. Yes, in addition to a router, a switch will help in creating a local network at home, but this option creating a local network is not practical for a number of reasons, which we will briefly describe. Firstly, despite the relatively low price Compared to a router, a switch is more difficult to configure a local network, whereas the router does this on its own. Secondly, the router is more functional, its main advantage is the distribution of the Internet from one connection to the provider to all devices from the local network, when the switch does not have the function of distributing the Internet, it is only intended to create a local network without access to the global network. Based on this, it is not advisable to purchase a device that limits your capabilities, especially since sooner or later you will still have to buy a router.

We would like to recommend that you create a local wired and wireless network. Why? In most cases, routers have 4 Ethernet ports, so you can only connect 4 devices via a wired connection. IN in this case Having such a limitation is not very convenient, and in addition, you need to lay a cable to each device, which is far from the best option. Thanks to the creation of a wireless local network, you can connect some devices to the local network via Wi-Fi, for which you do not need to lay wires, since the connection will be “over the air”, but in addition, you can connect as many devices as you need .

How to set up a local network between computers and other network devices

In order for the local network setup to be simple, and the local network you create to cover all your needs, it is very important, which we talked about in our next article. So, when the router is purchased, we begin setting up the local network.

First, you must determine where the router will be installed. It's pretty important question, and also very complex, since determining the location depends on very large quantity factors. The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a place to install a router: so that its coverage area allows you to provide high-quality wireless signal. It is best to install the router in the room that is located in the center of the house or apartment. The next factor is the close location of the devices that will be connected via cable, so that you don’t have to pull it across the entire apartment twisted pair. And one more factor is the location of the provider’s cable; it is very good if it is directly connected to the router, without connectors. Based on this, you choose where to install the router, after which we proceed to setting it up.

In order to set up a local network and the Internet on the router, it must be connected to the computer via a cable.

To access the router setup menu, enter the address in the browser line:

In the router settings, you need to configure Internet access and distribution for the local network. If your provider works with a dynamic IP address, then you need to set this parameter in the Connection Type section. Otherwise, the router will independently “raise” the Internet connection. If your provider uses a login and password to connect to the server, then enter the settings in accordance with the instructions that the provider gave you when connecting to the Internet. Then you will need, the configuration of which we devoted a separate article to. The main thing is to select the encryption type and enter strong password so that no one else can connect to your local network.

When you have figured out the router settings, let's move on to connecting devices to the local network. Determine the devices that you will connect to the router via network cable, and which ones via Wi-Fi. By connecting the device via a network cable, the Internet and local network should appear on their own, without the need to enter any settings. On TVs and players, you may need to set the network connection option to: automatically. To set up a local network via Wi-Fi, just select in the settings wireless connection your router and enter the password.

If you have an external hard drive, we recommend connecting it to the router so that all users of the local network and on all network devices had access to it. This is very convenient when all members of your family and with different devices Access to files is constantly required. For example, in this way you can save your space on the desktop hard drive of your computer without duplicating files. That is, it is better to store family photos, music and a collection of films on an external hard drive connected to the router, so that each of you does not have this information. Also, each member of your family will be able to download to this disk movie and watch it on a TV that has access to this hard drive via a local network.

The principle of creating a local network in any Windows versions(XP, 7, 8, 10) practically nothing is not different. Exceptions are complex multi-level corporate networks, where several subnets, proxy servers and VPN are used.

But in this article we will look at how to create home network without resorting to purchasing expensive equipment, but using a regular switch or router with Wi-Fi support.

What is needed to create a network

First of all, to create a local network of a certain number of computers, we need equipment:

note: if a direct connection is used (i.e. we insert a twisted pair cable into both devices without using a router), then you will not need standard cable, A crossover, except when modern ones are installed network cards with MDI-X support. In this case you can use standard method crimping.

How to create a local network

Now let's proceed directly to creation. First we need to prepare:

  • Install all equipment in its place - computers, routers, etc.
  • We crimp cable, if necessary.
  • Let's do wiring, i.e. we extend the twisted pair to the equipment.
  • Connecting twisted pair equipment.

Costs note, that when the connection is made and all devices are started, the connection connectors on the computers should shine. The same applies to routers with routers, only they have light bulbs located on front panel. If any light is not lit, then the connection has been made. wrong.

When the connection is made, you need to configure the network in operating system.

To start checking working group, for which we go to properties " My computer" You don’t have to open the properties, but use the combination Win+ R and enter in the window sysdm. cpl.

On all devices working group must be is the same, otherwise the computers will not see each other.

To change the group, just click on the button change and enter the group name. Name must be entered Latin alphabet, and match on all devices.

Then we look for network icon in the notification area and with its help we get to Network and Sharing Center.

Here we are interested in the link change additional parameters, it's third from the left and will allow you to edit sharing settings. In each profile we select: Turn on network discovery , auto-tuning And general access to files and printers.

Scrolling page and below turn off shared with password protection. All other settings can be left. Click Save changes and exit.

This completes the setup. The network should work, but only if your router distributes dynamic addresses.

If you used a router, or the devices were connected directly with a cable, then you need to make a few more settings.

Network settings

When direct connection or using a router, we need change IP addresses of computers. For this necessary:

We will not describe what each setting is responsible for, because... This is quite a large topic. It is enough to enter the addresses described above on all computers.

After making all the above settings, the network should work. However, do not forget that a firewall or antivirus software can completely block the network. Therefore, if nothing works, check their settings or temporarily disable them altogether.

Local network via WiFi router

Setting up a network through a router is absolutely nothing is not different from what we described above.

If the device is configured to distribute dynamic addresses, then there is no need to change the addresses. Well, what if IP users static, then you will have to use the previous section.

Also, there will be no difference between whether the device is connected by cable or via Wi-Fi; in most routers, the settings for distributing addresses are configured simultaneously and wireless and on wired connection.

How to make shared folders

After everything is configured, you need to create shared folders for information exchange.

Until recently, most users had only one computer at home, but times have quickly changed, and each apartment has not only a desktop PC, but also a laptop or even several netbooks and other computer equipment.

Not to mention printers, scanners, tablet computers, smartphones, etc. This anticipated the user's question about the need to create a LAN at home.

Below is a guide to LAN settings using the example of an operating room Windows systems 7, but the creation principle is the same and the instructions given are suitable for owners of PCs running Windows XP, 8 and 10.

What is LAN?

These are interconnected into single network PCs, office equipment and other similar equipment for storing and exchanging information.

They are divided into two categories:

  1. local;
  2. global.

The first ones are created within a specific space (apartment, institution, locality and so on.);

The latter allow devices to access the global network and use information from global networks.

“LAN” or for advanced users it is more common to use the abbreviation “LAN” (Local Area Network), which in Russian means “Local Area Network” - PCs, office equipment and other similar equipment interconnected into a single network for storing and exchanging data.

For normal operation, in addition to the listed devices, you also need optional equipment. For example, network adapters, routers, switches, etc. They are interconnected by cable and wireless connections.

It is necessary to note the importance of using for work LAN software software, that is, OS and special protocols for data exchange.

In a LAN, PCs are not spatially distant from each other, since the use of, for example, a twisted pair cable leads to signal attenuation as the distance increases.

If it is necessary to combine into one “LAN” several networks that are geographically located far away (even at different ends of the world, tens of thousands of kilometers from each other), VPN is used - virtual private network technology.

  1. The network creator has a unified security policy at his disposal. In simple words the administrator no longer relies on the conscience and caution of LAN clients, but solely controls, records and limits the actions of individual users;
  2. Efficiency of information and file exchange. Eliminates the need to use external drives(flash drives, floppy disks, USB hard drives, CDs, etc.) to transfer data from one PC to another;
  3. When using a LAN in offices, it is ensured collaboration without taking the employee away from his desk, as well as the introduction of electronic office work;
  4. Simultaneous work of several users in a single file without duplicating information in each individual PC;
  5. Use of network office equipment. There is no need to buy and connect your own printer, plotter, scanner and other similar equipment to each PC.

Thanks to development wireless technologies transmission of information and the use of secure radio channels, there is no need to install cables to network devices.

Using wi-fi routers, mixed systems are organized using wired and wireless methods transfer of information.

Data transfer methods

In “LAN” they are divided into wired and wireless.


From the name it immediately becomes clear that a wire is used to transmit information.

PCs can be connected to each other only with a cable without the use of additional intermediate equipment, but since this requires computers to be equipped with two network cards(one for reception, the second for transmission), and also taking into account the impossibility of providing general access to the global Internet, this method is used extremely rarely.

It is advisable to use a switch between PCs. This switch allows you to create a network of several PCs, and those of only 2, as in the method described above. And most importantly, each PC has access to the Internet and network office equipment.

The disadvantage of this method is the mandatory manual setting with entering IP addresses in Windows 7. If there are many PCs on the network, then the process, despite the ease of execution, is labor-intensive and time-consuming.


The method of creating a local network using wireless routers. Modern routers are capable of connecting dozens of devices and computers on a LAN. It should be noted that even a novice user can quickly set up such a network.

Devices used

As noted above, it is advisable to use the connection of intermediate devices when creating a LAN. Next, we will consider popular equipment for achieving this goal.


In Russian, this device is called “Repeater”, but, as often happens in our country, the English name “HUB” remains familiar to the user. In colloquial language it sounds like “hub”.

Everything that is connected to this small box is repeated. The repeater is assigned one IP address and connects connected PCs to each other. The hub receives data into one of the ports and transmits it through the remaining ports.

There is a direct correlation between the increase in network load and the number of clients connected to the hub, so this technology is gradually being replaced by more advanced ones. After all, everyone needs a stable and high speed data reception and transmission regardless of the number of equipment on the LAN.

However, due to the affordability of such technology, it continues to be used by some users to connect a small number of PCs. Sometimes in the documentation you can find the name of this device as a “hub”.


"Switch" is already over modern equipment compared to "HUB". It does not have the disadvantages of a hub. Each device that is connected to the Switch has its own IP.

If working in a hub is similar to talking on parallel-connected phones, then a PC connected to the Switch receives information that remains inaccessible to other participants in the LAN. This reduces the load on the network.

However, if the provider cannot provide the required number of IP addresses, then problems immediately arise. Therefore, this method is gradually becoming a thing of the past. Depending on the size of the LAN being created, switches of various models are produced.

Functionally, they are equipped with special ports, for example, for printers and other office equipment.

Hubs and switches cannot share the speed for accessing the global network between PCs; therefore, routers have become widespread.

This device no longer has the disadvantages of all the devices described above. There are various modifications of routers, which allows each user to choose a router suitable for their purposes.

Routers are often equipped with internal or external antennas to broadcast a wireless signal to devices equipped with Wi-Fi modules.

Expensive models are equipped with USB ports to which you can connect network printers and USB modems.

The device is configured using the program (firmware) installed in it. Its own interface provides convenient input of network parameters. The router web configurator provides control and safe work in subnets.

Currently, routers are used not only by commercial companies, but they can also often be found in home use. Through them, access to worldwide network any of the LAN components.

Access point

It differs from a router in that it is like a signal extender (wired or wireless). An “access point” (AP) or “Access Point” (AP) does not have such wide capabilities as a router. Does not create subnets.

"AR" can be purchased as separate equipment, but it should be noted that any router is capable of operating in AP mode, as well as computers connected to the Internet or mobile devices devices that have a Wi-Fi module can be used as an AP.

Setup process

In all Windows process the settings are almost the same. Below is an example based on the seventh generation operating system from Microsoft.

Configuring Windows network settings

You need to do the following:

Note: In the IP address, the last digit can be any number from one to 255, the main thing is that different IPs are registered in all computers on the LAN.

Router configuration if available

If you have a router at home, you can create a LAN through it. In fact, if you use a router to communicate with global network of all home devices, we can state the fact that these gadgets are already on the common network.

It makes no difference which devices are connected to the router wired connection, and which ones via WI-FI. They are already connected by a network. Its configuration looks like a “Star”.

The basic element here is a router, to which the following are connected by cables or via a wireless signal: PCs, mobile gadgets, netbooks, set-top boxes, etc.

The router is connected to the provider’s network, thanks to which each of the network clients has the opportunity to access the World Wide Web.

A network access password is set through the router's web interface. Logging into the interface is usually done through any Internet browser by entering the address, for example, “”.

The accompanying documentation for the router indicates the address for entering its settings and an access code with a name for authorization.

Due to the wide variety of router model manufacturers and their use different modifications software It is required to use individual instructions for the network configuration settings created by the instruments.

How to check the network operation?