VPN setup and management. VPN: setup

In this article I will talk about how to raise your VPN server to bypass any unreasonable blocking, and configure your computer (Windows) and phone (Android) to work through this server. Nice bonus- this server will free first two month.

What is a VPN and why is it needed?

Basically, VPN is a technology that allows you to connect devices into a network on top of another network. For example, on top of the Internet. But let's not bother with terminology, we'll just make sure that you surf the Internet through a server in San Francisco or London or Amsterdam, etc. In general, where there is no Rostelecom.

Why do you need your own VPN (or why others are bad).

Of course, you can use someone else's paid or free VPN servers. Thousands of them!

I clicked on the first link and looked at the prices - not too optimistic.

So, the disadvantages of other people's VPNs:

1. Price - good VPNs they cost good money.
2. Listening to traffic - you don’t know who runs the VPN, but he knows what sites you go to, what passwords you send, who you communicate with, etc. Https, of course, partially solves this problem, but not all sites have switched to https yet, and it remains the same Man attack in the middle - the VPN owner can return their certificates and certification authorities to you, initiate a transition to more old version SSL, give you their websites under the guise of the ones you are looking for, etc.
3. VPN can be “dirty” - perhaps before you or in parallel with you, the same VPN server (and its IP address) is used for its business by the Massachusetts Pedophile Association - and, besides, these men (and this IP address) have already is being tracked by the FBI.
4. The VPN may be overexposed - for example, spam was sent through it and it has already been blacklisted - and you will not be able to log into your favorite site because you are already banned.
5. Traffic modification - if your traffic is not encrypted, or the VPN owner can decrypt it, then the sites you request will be returned with “extra banners” or modified BTC addresses and ETH for payment, etc.
In general, in a nutshell, if you just want to hang out on entertainment sites, then take any free one - sometimes they won’t work, sometimes they will be very slow, but it’s free.

If you need a VPN for work, take a good paid one.
If you are paranoid, or you want to make money on rent, or you are just interested in how it’s all done, move on.

Deploying your VPN server

So, we need our own server on the Internet. In this article I’m looking at Digital Ocean, but any hosting where you can get a VDS will do. Simplest tariff plan- 5$/month, we don’t need more.
If you register using my link (if it doesn’t work, try this one), the site will loan you $10, which should be enough for two months of using the VPN for free.
What’s nice is that the IP will be yours and only yours, and no one else will go through your server (unless you allow it yourself, more on that later).
Follow the link above, register (when registering you need to indicate the card number, but nothing is debited from it), find the Create button at the top right and select Droplets

Choose Ubuntu and the cheapest tariff plan for $5

Select a region (San Francisco in the picture, but NO!! Take Europe- England, Germany, Holland - the signal across the ocean is slow), well, you can register the hostname so that it would be clearer for you - I wrote the vpn. Click Create

He will think a little and tell you the desired image, and you will have a droplet (virtual server)

An IP address, login and password will be sent to your email.

I don't hide them, because... I’m creating a droplet exclusively for the article, then it will be destroyed.
Now we need to connect to our new server and configure it. Download putty program(link), run it, enter the IP address from the letter and press Enter

Click "Yes"

Enter the username and password from the letter. The password will not be displayed, this is normal. Just copy it in the letter, click right click mouse in the putty window and the password will be inserted, then press Enter. Or just retype the password from the letter.

You are logged into the server, but your password needs to be changed. To do this, you are asked to indicate your current password, and then enter a new one (twice)

It doesn’t allow you to enter simple passwords, so you need to come up with something long - but this will benefit you, in any case - it will be difficult for hackers to hack you

Now it's time to actually deploy the VPN. Run the command

apt - get install pptpd

If asked for confirmation, press Y

Now run the commands (as before, you can copy everything from here and then right click there and it will paste)

echo "localip" >> /etc/pptpd. conf echo "remoteip" >> /etc/pptpd. conf echo "ms-dns" >> /etc/ppp/pptpd - options echo "ms-dns" >> /etc/ppp/pptpd - options echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1" > > /etc/sysctl. conf sysctl - p iptables - t nat - A POSTROUTING - o eth0 - j MASQUERADE && iptables - save

Now you need to come up with logins and passwords under which you can connect to the VPN. For example, user VasyaPupkin, password qwerty123. Substitute the passwords you created into the following command:

echo "VasyaPupkin pptpd qwerty123 *">>/etc/ppp/chap - secrets

And do it. If you want several users, then run the appropriate command for each.
Well, in the end, we restart the VPN.

service pptpd restart

That's it, the VPN setup is complete, you can use it.

Connecting to a VPN server - Windows

I'm giving an example for Windows 10, but you can always Google "Windows pptp" for instructions for any other OS version.
Start, look for VPN, find “Change virtual private networks”

Click, add a VPN connection

As the server address, we indicate the IP of our server (from the letter), login and password - those that we ourselves came up with

Now we have a connection, click on it, click connect

If you did everything correctly, the status should change to “Connected”

We check:

The IP has changed. We check access to sites:
https://exmo.com/ - opened

Checking telegram:

Works! Let's turn off the VPN for a while (click on the network connection icon):

Telegram is dead :) I'll turn it back on so that everything works.

Now about connecting to VPN from your phone.

I use Android, 6.0.1, from Samsung, I think there will be something similar in other versions and on iOS - it must be, IMHO).
So let's go to settings - connections - other settings - VPN

Click add VPN, indicate the IP of your server, leave the type as PPTP

Click save - and it appears in VPN list. After that, click on it, enter your login/password (save if you don’t want to enter it manually every time):

and, if everything is done correctly, they will write to you that it is connected, and a key will appear in the tray, like this:

Congratulations, you have connected to your VPN server!]


Now that you have your own VPN server, and you decide where to go and what to watch, you can puff out your cheeks and tell your friends that you have the opportunity to get a fast, reliable VPN for only $5 a month... And give access to the same server by dozens of people (under different logins and passwords). And make a beautiful website with prices, and advertise on it, etc.

And a very important point - I’ll tell you now :) I prepared most of the article on Saturday, I was going to post it on the site, but circumstances distracted me and I couldn’t finish it and got distracted. And you remember - I created VPN user VasyaPupkin and the password qwerty123 - both are in the dictionary of every novice hacker.... In general, on Monday I received a letter from DigitalOcean saying that they had to cut off my droplet from the network, because... there was wild traffic and some sites were DDOSed)) In general, the service with a crap login/password didn’t hang for even two full days, the passwords were picked up and posted on different sites with lists of free VPNs :) Another server - I installed normal ones there logins/passwords, lives normally for several weeks. So don't waste your time, come up with ideas good passwords, otherwise you won’t be the only one using your VPN!

Well, I hope the length of the article didn’t scare you - it looks complicated and cumbersome, but in reality there’s only 5 minutes worth of work, well, maybe a little more if you haven’t dealt with Linux and so on before. But, even so, after suffering a little, you will get a good useful thing, and at the same time learn something new)

I wish that everything works out well and quickly for everyone, if something is wrong, write in the comments, we will figure it out and fix it)

This is the most unusual article in this issue. Its peculiarity is that I tried to publish it several months ago, but every time I submitted the issue I forgot to do it. The first time I forgot it on my work computer. I thought, no big deal, I’ll publish it later on the site. “Later” turned into three weeks. Sometimes I didn’t have enough time, sometimes I simply forgot. When I remembered, I looked at the calendar. It was just the beginning of the month, and I decided to publish it in the upcoming issue. I recorded an article from work on a flash drive and... forgot the flash drive at work. Has it broken down again? I didn’t want to hold the number for another day, so I gave up on the matter and set a reminder in my phone. I’m sure I won’t forget by the next issue? What do you think, by the time the next issue was due, I forgot it again. This time, as usual. I brought the article home, and when I was collecting all the articles in a pile to send to the layout designer, I forgot to copy it from the flash drive. I don’t think it’s necessary to tell the result? Here's the story. The main thing is that now the article is in its place, and you can finally read it. Enjoy reading!

What is a VPN?

Our magazine is read by many newbies in computer matters, so I consider it my duty to start with the most basic thing - with the definition of VPN. Understanding technology without knowing the basics will not lead to anything good. It's better to move gradually.

VPN is an abbreviation for Virtual Private Network, or in Russian - “Virtual private network" The essence of this wonderful technology is that it allows you to organize networks/multiple network connections over another network. Another network usually means the Internet, but a regular network can also serve this role.

If there is a network through which we can already connect to remote computers, then why bother with a VPN? It's actually simple. First of all, it's safety... VPN connections are protected because all traffic between them is encrypted. Consequently, even if an attacker manages to intercept your traffic, he will not extract anything useful from it. So the key point using a VPN- safety.

Let's consider another vital situation. Imagine that you need to connect to your corporate network. How to do it? If we're talking about about connecting to one computer, then the problem can be solved simply using the tools remote administration, of which there are a lot now. A striking example of such tools is the one already familiar to many - Remote Administrator or, as people say: “Radmin”. You install the server part on the computer with which you will connect, and install the client for yourself. Everything is brilliantly simple and, in principle, safe, because... Radmin encrypts its traffic well, so the attacker is again left out.

The use of a VPN is by no means limited to creating access to remote networks. This technology is used by many Internet providers today. For example, my ISP provides free access to resources local network, and to access the Internet, you need to establish a VPN connection.

In general, VPN allows you to provide three types of connections - node-to-node, node-to-network and network-to-network. You can always read more about this on the endless Internet. If you can’t find literature, contact me and I’ll share useful links.

VPN tunnels

You could see this phrase in various literature and especially in the magazine ][aker. It has already repeatedly described the nuances of creating and non-standard use this technology. If you are interested in hacking and security, I recommend going to the official website of the magazine and looking at the electronic binder. 100% that you will find a lot of interesting things.

Let's return to our rabbits. Oh! I wanted to say VPN tunnels. So, VPN tunnels are usually called the channel that is formed as a result of connecting a VPN client to a VPN server. You already know that such a connection is secure and all data transmitted over it is securely encrypted. If you have ever seen various university textbooks on networks, they usually use the term “point-to-point channel.” Concepts " VPN tunnel" and "point-to-point channel" are identical and you can use either one. Throughout the entire article I will use “VPN tunnel”. I like it better.

Peers, but those who are in Torrents

Another important term in the VPN field is peers. Those who use torrent trackers are probably aware of the meaning of this word in that environment. In VPN, this term is applied to computers that have established a VPN connection. Those. when you install from your PC VPN connection, you can safely be called a feast.

A little about encryption

Encryption is one of the key points in VPN. The topic is quite large and you can write more than one good article on it. I will not go into details and will only say that both peers that established the tunnel are responsible for encryption. For example, we have two networks connected via VPN gateways. This model can be schematically represented as follows:

Network A -> VPN Gateway A -> INTERNET -> VPN Gateway B-> Network B.

In this situation, the algorithm will be like this. Data from network A is transmitted to VPN gateway A absolutely unchanged. Then (already at the gateway) they are encrypted and transmitted through a VPN tunnel, forwarded, through an insecure network. In my example, the insecure network is the INTERNET. Having received an encrypted set of data, VPN Gateway B will decrypt it and send a clean set to Network B. Based on the above, we conclude that the data remains encrypted only during its transmission through the VPN tunnel. Once delivery is complete, the data is no longer encrypted.

Please note that encryption applies to the entire IP packet. The packet headers themselves (i.e., the sender and recipient addresses) are also replaced. The new recipient and sender addresses will be the VPN gateway addresses. Thus, when intercepting a packet, it will only be possible to determine the addresses of the VPN gateways, and not the addresses of the end clients of the internal network.

A little about the principles of VPN operation

In general, all VPNs adhere to a few general rules:

1. Identification of nodes before creating a VPN tunnel.

2. Determining for both clients a list of data encryption protocols allowed to be used. You understand that if I use the DES algorithm, and you use AES, then we simply will not understand each other and will not be able to exchange data. More precisely, you can exchange, but you cannot decipher.

3. After checking the encryption algorithms used (of course, if it was successful), a key will be created. In the future, it will be used in symmetric algorithm for encryption/decryption of data packets.

Let's practice

I conveyed the most necessary theory to you and now I need to try this whole thing in practice. When I wrote the first version of the article, I devoted it entirely to setting up a VPN server on Kerio WinRoute. Of course, I could have done just that - left everything as it is and not change anything, but on the very last day before handing over this issue, I decided to set aside a few hours of time and diversify the information. Start with the most simple example, which will definitely be useful for beginners, and in the next parts of the article we will consider more specific things, such as raising a VPN server using OpenVPN and Kerio Winroute. So, let's start with the simplest example - organizing a VPN tunnel between two computers running under Windows control XP. Important point. No additional software I won't use it. Everything will be done using standard means.

VPN tunnel for Windows XP

As I already said, we will start with the simplest. Not many people know that Windows XP has a built-in VPN server. Do you smell what it smells like? You can easily forward a tunnel to remote computer and enjoy all the joys of a VPN.

Let's not dabble in one thing at a time, but let's get down to business. First let's learn to accept external VPN connections, i.e. Let's prepare a VPN server. Sit down at the computer that will serve as a server and take the following steps.

1. START -> Settings -> Network connections.

2. Launch the New Connection Wizard.

3. In the first window (see Figure 1) select the item: “Install direct connection to another computer" and click "Next".

4. In the next window (Figure 2), select “Accept incoming connections”. Click "Next".

5. In the next window (Figure 3), the wizard for creating a new connection will ask you “Allow virtual private connections or not?” We are actually going to accept connections, so we select “Allow”. After this, click “Next”. It is likely that the appearance of your window will be different from what is shown in Figure 3. Don’t pay attention to this, just click “Next”. The next window should look like this.

6. In the next window (Figure 4) you need to define users who can connect. Choose from a list of existing ones or create new ones. Don’t forget, when you create a user, set a password. When finished, click “Next”.

7. Our efforts are nearing completion. At the next step, we are required to configure network parameters. You can leave everything as is. The only thing required is to configure the TCP/IP protocol. Select this item and click the “Properties” button. A window will appear in front of you as in Figure 5. Set the “Allow callers access to the local network” flag in it. Check the box “Specify TCP/IP addresses explicitly.” After that, write down the range “from” and “to”. I specified the following option here: All clients that connect to us will receive IP addresses from this range. So, almost everything, all that remains is to uncheck the “Allow the caller to indicate their IP address.” That's it now. Click Ok and then “Next”.

8. The next step of the wizard is purely formal and all you have to do is click on the “Next” button.

That's it, now our VPN server is ready to accept connections. Note that we didn’t have to do anything complicated. Now let's see how you can connect to this server from another computer. This requires even fewer steps:

1. Launch the already familiar “New Connection Wizard”. After the first information step, select “Connect to the network at your workplace” (Figure 6). Click next.

2. Now you need to select the type of connection to create. Two options are available:
- Connection remote access
- Connection to a virtual private network.
It is not difficult to guess that we are interested in the second option (Figure 7).

3. Here we need to enter the name of the connection. Enter any name here. This makes no difference. Click on “Next” again.

4. At this step, the wizard will ask you to decide whether you need to connect to a public network before establishing a VPN connection. For example, if the VPN server is located on the Internet, then you first need to establish a connection to the Internet, and only then try to connect to the VPN server. For myself, I chose the “Do not dial pre-connection number” option.

5. This is the final step. Here you need to enter the IP address of the VPN server. My VPN server is on the local network and has the address That’s it, click “Next” and then you’re done.

Try testing our connection. If you did everything correctly, the connection will be established and you will receive an IP address from the range we have defined. You can show dexterity and share the Internet on a computer server. Thus, you will have the opportunity to surf the Internet over a secure connection.

Connecting Complete

That's all for today. Conduct experiments with established connection– try to find a practical application for it (for example, organize Internet access for a VPN client), and in the next issue I’ll tell you about setting up and practical application OpenVPN. Good luck with your research.

Written by Igor Antonov aka Spider_NET

In this article I will talk about how to create your own own VPN server for safe Internet use. Learn how to set up a computer (Windows) and phone (IOS and Android) to work through this server.

In simple terms, VPN is a technology that allows you to network devices over another network. For example, on top of the Internet. But let's not bother with terminology, we'll just make sure that you surf the Internet through a server in San Francisco, London or Amsterdam. In general, where there is no Rostelecom.

Why do you need your own VPN or why others’ ones are bad?

Of course, you can use other people's paid or free VPN servers. Fortunately, there are a lot of them on the Internet. Write to Yandex VPN and get great amount proposals.

If we talk about paid servers, then the prices there are far from cheap. It's not even worth talking about free ones. Other VPNs have the following disadvantages:

  1. Price – Good VPNs cost good money.
  2. Traffic eavesdropping - you don’t know who runs the VPN, but he knows what sites you go to, what passwords you send, who you communicate with, and so on. Https, of course, partially solves this problem, but not all sites have switched to https yet. The Man in the middle attack also remains - the VPN owner can return his certificates and certification authorities to you. Initiate a transition to an older version of SSL, palm off their sites on you under the guise of the ones you are looking for.
  3. The VPN may be “dirty” - perhaps, before you or in parallel with you, the same VPN server (and its IP address) is used by some hacker from the USA - and this IP address is already being tracked by the FBI.
  4. The VPN may be exposed - for example, spam was sent through it and it has already been blacklisted - and you will not be able to log into your favorite site because you are already banned.
  5. Traffic modification - if your traffic is not encrypted or the VPN owner can decrypt it, then the sites you request will be returned with “extra banners” or modified BTC and ETH addresses for payment, and so on.

In general, if you just want to hang out on entertainment sites, then take any free one - sometimes they won’t work, sometimes they will be very slow, but it’s free.

If you need a VPN for work, take a good paid one. If you are paranoid, or you want to make money on rent, or you are just interested in how it’s all done, move on.

Deploying your VPN server

In order to raise our VPN, we will need our own server on the Internet. In this article we will look at an example on Zomro, but any hosting where you can get a VDS will do. The simplest tariff plan is $2.99 ​​per month, we don’t need more.

Go to the site: go. Select the “Optimal VDS/VPS” section, select the VDS/VPS “Micro” tariff and click order.

Fill out the registration form and go to Personal Area. Now you need to top up your balance by $3. Select “Top up balance” in the taskbar

Enter the replenishment amount and select convenient way payment. After replenishment, go to the “Products / Services” section and select “ virtual servers" Click “Order”

We choose the very first tariff “VDS/VPS “Micro” (1 CPU/1 GB RAM/20 GB SSD)”

After that, in the order form, where the operating system is, select “Ubuntu-16.04-amd64”. We agree to the terms and click “Add to Cart”.

After that, click pay in the cart. After processing your order, you will receive an IP address, login, password, and a link to the server management page and login details. Technical domain and so on. This important information don't tell it to anyone.

What’s nice is that the IP will be yours and only yours, and no one else will go through your server (unless you allow it yourself, but more on that later).

Connecting and setting up a server

Now we need to connect to our new server and configure it. Download the putty program ( link). We launch the program and enter the IP address from the letter in the “Host Name” window, click the “Open” button.

On the window that appears, click “Yes”. A terminal window will open in front of us, where we need to enter the login and password from the letter. In order to paste text into the terminal, you need to press the right mouse button. Enter your login and press enter. Enter the password (when typing, the characters will not be displayed as if you were not typing anything - this is normal) and press enter. For ease of entry, you can copy the password and paste it into the terminal with the right mouse button. After connecting, minimize (do not close) the terminal and move on to the next step.

Deploying a VPN server

  1. Now it's time to actually deploy your VPN. In your browser go to the site: openvpn.net"Community".

2. In the tab "Downloads""Access Server Downloads"

6. Now we return to putty and download the package to the server. To do this, run the command in the program:

7. Install the downloaded package. To do this, run the command:

dpkg -i openvpn-as-*.deb

where is the parameter " -i» initializes package installation

8. Change the password for the openvpn user, who is the default administrator. To do this, run the command:

passwd openvpn

Enter New Password and confirm the change (remember that password characters are not displayed).

9. After successfully changing the password, you can connect to the web interface of your VPN to change the settings according to your requirements. By default, the connection address is as follows:

https://Х.Х.Х.Х:943/admin/ (where Х.Х.Х.Х – IP of your server)

The default login is: openvpn, and you created the password in step 8.

Automatic settings and configuration files for a client connection to your VPN can be downloaded by connecting to the client link to OpenVPN, which looks like this:

https://Х.Х.Х.Х:943/ (where Х.Х.Х.Х is your server IP)

Connecting to VPN on Windows

  1. To connect to the created VPN, you need to enter the address in the browser: https://Х.Х.Х.Х:943/ (where Х.Х.Х.Х is the IP of your server). In the window that appears, enter your username, password and select “Connect”

2. Next, click “click here to continue”. After clicking it will be available for download installation file with extension .msi, which includes both the client program and the correct configuration file. Download and install the program.

3. The OpenVPN client is installed in automatic mode(during installation the antivirus program will swear, we agree and allow all actions). Once the installation is complete, a shortcut will appear on your desktop OpenVPN connect, which needs to be launched.

4. In the window that appears, enter the user name and password, then click on the "Connect" button

The connection status can be monitored through the OpenVPN client icon in the taskbar

Connecting to VPN on iOS

  1. Download from App Store program OpenVPN.

2. Just like on Windows, you need it in your browser ios devices enter the address: https://Х.Х.Х.Х:943/ (where Х.Х.Х.Х is the IP of your server).

3. In the window that appears, enter your username and password. Next, select the lowest line.

5. You will automatically be taken to the program. Here you need to click the green cross.

6. Agree by clicking “Allow”

7. To add a VPN to your device, enter your password or fingerprint.

8. This completes the setup. To connect, simply press the button where it says “Disconnected.” When you connect, the VPN icon will be displayed at the top. To disconnect, just click the button next to “Conntcted”

Connection to Android device done in the same way:

  1. Download and install the program
  2. Enter https://Х.Х.Х.Х:943/ in your browser (where Х.Х.Х.Х is the IP of your server).
  3. Follow the link below
  4. Open the package through the program
  5. Add VPN settings
  6. Connect by clicking the “Connected” button

Video instructions for creating your own VPN

Don't forget to connect VPN when using free wifi in a cafe or entertainment center. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

The technology that creates a logical network in another network received the abbreviation “VPN”, which literally means English language stands for "Virtual Private Network". Speaking in simple language, VPN includes different methods of communication between devices within another network and provides the ability to use various ways protection, which significantly increases the safety of information exchanged between computers.

And this is in modern world very important, for example, for networks of large commercial corporations and, of course, banks. Below are detailed guides on how to create a VPN, instructions on the procedure for making a VPN connection, and how to properly configure the created VPN connection.


To make it easier to understand what a VPN is, you just need to know what it can do. A VPN connection allocates a specific sector in an existing network and all the computers located in it, and digital technology have constant communication together. But the most important thing is that this sector is completely closed and protected for everyone else in large network devices.

How to connect a VPN

Despite the initial apparent complexity of determining a VPN, its creation on Windows computers and even setting up a VPN itself will not be particularly difficult if you have detailed guide. The main requirement is to strictly follow the strict sequence of the steps below:

Next, the VPN setup is carried out, taking into account the various associated nuances.

How to set up a VPN?

It is necessary to configure it taking into account the individual characteristics of not only the operating system, but also the operator providing communication services.

Windows XP

To VPN in the operating room Windows system XP successfully carried out its work, it is necessary to take the following sequential steps:

Then, when functioning in the created environment, you can use some convenient functions. To do this you need to do the following:

Note: entering parameters is always carried out differently, since they depend not only on the server, but also on the communication service provider.

Windows 8

In this OS, the question of how to set up a VPN should not cause much difficulty, because here it is almost automated.

The sequence of actions consists of the following steps:

Next you need to specify network options. To this end, perform the following actions:

Note: Settings entered may vary significantly depending on your network configuration.

Windows 7

The process of making settings in Windows 7 is simple and accessible even to inexperienced computer users.

To produce them Windows user 7 you need to take the following sequential steps:

Note: for the purpose correct operation careful individual selection of all parameters is required.


To set up normal functioning gadget with Android OS in a VPN environment, you need to do several steps:

Connection characteristics

This technology includes different types delays during data transfer procedures. Delays occur due to the following factors:

  1. It takes some time to establish a connection;
  2. There is a constant process of encoding the transmitted information;
  3. blocks of transmitted information.

The most significant differences are found in the technology itself; for example, VPN does not require routers or separate lines. To function effectively, all you need is access to world wide web and applications that provide information encoding.

In the meantime, while the authorities and the RKN are building a fence for us that does not allow us to access blocked sites, the developers software solved all the problems for us. All that remains for ordinary users to do to open blocked sites is to turn on the VPN.

Now VPN is built in almost everywhere, every browser has an add-on. In addition, there are 100,500 applications for smartphones, and thousands of instructions for Windows.

Today I want to close this issue once and for all with this page of my blog. In this post, I will try to mention everything so that everyone can find their instructions and understand how to enable VPN on their device.

Enable VPN in Yandex Browser

If you are from Ukraine, the first problem you will encounter is loading the browser itself. All you need is to download the browser from the Yandex mirror. You can download the browser from this link - https://getyabrowser.com/ru/

Right after VPN installations you will already have it turned on. If suddenly blocked sites do not open for you, you need to do the following:

  • Open settings. On the right top corner 3 dashes - ≡ and click settings.
  • Scroll to the "Turbo" section and select "Automatically turn on...".
  • Press 3 keys at the same time – Ctrl+Shift+Del and delete “files saved in the cache”.
  • Restart your browser and enjoy free surfing.

Second way:

If the above does not work for you for some reason, do not be upset. Yandex Browser supports all extensions from “Opera” and you can easily install a VPN plugin.

To do this, click on the 3 dashes ≡ in the upper right corner and click “Extensions”. Then scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Catalog of extensions for Yandex.Browser”. Next, write VPN in the search and install any of the suggested plugins. Restart your browser, you're done!

Enable VPN in Opera

In Opera it’s exactly the same as in Yandex Browser. To be more precise, you can enable VPN in two ways:

  1. Built-in from Opera
  2. Install extension

Let's now look at each method separately.

Method one - built-in VPN

  1. Tap Menu, then Settings.
  2. Select "Security" from the left menu. You need the VPN section (enable it by checking the box).
  1. Ready. Now, next to the address bar you have a corresponding button where you can turn the VPN on/off and change the country in case of outages.

The second way is to install the extension.

I can’t even imagine why the built-in VPN didn’t suit you, but I think, just in case, it’s worth writing an alternative option:

To install the extension, you can open the directory through the “menu” button and write VPN in the search. Or just paste/open this link in address bar— https://addons.opera.com/ru/search/?query=vpn

After installing the extension, restart your browser and you can open any blocked site.

Enable VPN in Google Chrome

Google Chrome does not have a built-in VPN, but it has the most large collection extensions, among which you can quickly find everything and for free.

To enable VPN in Chrome you need to:

  • Click on the ellipsis in the upper right corner. Next “Additional tools”, then “Extensions”. Or paste in the address bar - chrome://extensions/
  • In the search, write “VPN”.
  • Install the selected extension.

I have " Free proxy server VPN Hotspot Shield- unblocking sites." Works flawlessly and has never slowed down. If you also want to install it for yourself, you can immediately follow the link - chrome://extensions/?id=and download.

VPN in Mozilla Firefox

As you understand, it’s exactly the same as in other browsers, but to get the full picture I’ll describe it in detail. To open access to all sites, do the following:

  • Paste/follow the link - https://addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/
  • On the right side you have the “Search for add-ons”. Type “VPN” into the search and press “Enter”
  • Then the choice is yours, but I recommend installing “Hoxx VPN Proxy” or “Hotspot Shield free VPN Proxy".
  • Install the add-on, activate, restart the browser.

Ready. Now you have access to all resources on the Internet. As you can see, nothing complicated.

Browsers with built-in VPN

If you have no desire to install anything additional, you can use browsers that already have Proxy support built into their product. I certainly recommend using the ones discussed above, but suddenly you need a different one.

List of browsers with built-in Proxy:

  1. Yandex.Browser (about it above).
  2. Opera. See above.
  3. TOR. Old, popular. Download here - https://www.torproject.org/download/download-easy

During downloading, do not forget to select Russian language.

  1. Browser Go! From mail.ru. Download here - https://gobro.mail.ru
  2. Orbitum - it’s unclear what, I’m not leaving a link.
  3. FreeU is a bit dumb. I don't recommend it.

VPN for Android

If you use one of the browsers listed above, then enable VPN in it in the same way as in a regular browser (see above). If you prefer to use another application, then you need to install another one that will give full access.

To install a VPN on Android, you need:

  1. Open « Google play” and write “VPN” in the search.
  2. Select one of the applications and install.
  3. Launch the application and minimize it. Now you can open your browser and view any sites.

Personally, I would recommend you the application “Turbo VPN – Unlimited Free VPN" It is fast, light, and works more or less stably. Available at the link - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=free.vpn.unblock.proxy.turbovpn

That's all. Nothing complicated!

2024 gtavrl.ru.