The board game dobble on aliexpress is cheap, almost the same price. Dobble Game double

“Dobble” is a series of mini-games testing reaction speed, attentiveness and pattern recognition skills. These games always take place in a fun and relaxed atmosphere and are enjoyed by children of all ages.

Progress of the game

The game "Dobble" uses a set of round cards with many pictures. All cards are unique, but each pair has one common picture. The gameplay is based on finding matches. The rules provide for five game options of varying degrees of difficulty.

Hell Tower

Each player receives one card, and the remaining cards are placed face up in a stack in the center of the table. Players must quickly find a picture on their card that matches the picture on an open card in the deck. The fastest player takes the card for himself. The goal of the game is to collect the most cards.


All cards from the deck are dealt equally to the players. As a result, one card remains, which is placed face up in the center of the table. Participants then simultaneously reveal the top card of their deck and try to quickly match the pictures on the card on the table. The fastest one throws his card into the center of the table. The game continues until one player runs out of cards. The goal of the game is to get rid of all your cards.

Hot potato

For this variation, each participant is dealt one card face down. Players cover their cards with their palms. Then, at the start of the game, everyone turns over their cards at the same time so that the images are clearly visible. You need to quickly find a picture that matches the image on the other player’s card and cover this card with your palm. Now this player must find a match on the won card and the cards of the remaining players. If he succeeds, he discards all the cards from his hand. In this game, the one who collects the most cards loses.

Collect them all!

At the beginning of the round, one card is placed face up on the table, and around there are as many cards as there are players in the game. Then all players simultaneously turn over their cards and look for a picture on the center card that matches the picture on any of the open cards. The fastest player takes the guessed card for himself. The winner will be the one who collects the most cards.

Poisoned gift

Before the game begins, one card is placed face down in front of each participant, and the remaining deck is placed face up in the center of the table. Players then turn over their cards. The task is to find, faster than others, the picture on another player’s card that matches the picture on the card in the center of the table. The first one to find such a match gives the guessed card to the player whose card he found a match with. The winner is the player who collects the fewest cards.

Who is this game for?

The board game "Dobble" will provide a fun and exciting pastime for any children's company. The game serves as an excellent trainer for attentiveness, intelligence and speed of reaction.

The board game Dobble develops reaction and attentiveness, it is a holiday and fun. Compact, educational fun suitable for adults and children. She has been walking for a long time, and I recently found out about her by accident.

I was traveling on the train, hoping for chatty neighbors to help me while away the long journey. And here a cheerful group of adults is invited to play a children's game. I didn’t try to persuade myself, I quickly sat down to learn the rules.

I can say for sure that for adults it is relaxation and entertainment, switching brain activity, and an opportunity to have a great time. On the train it was funny to watch us, sometimes losing control, the adult woman shouting words loudly, trying to be the first, getting rid of the cards. Later I found out that we were playing “The Well”.

Buy Dobble game cheap

Having appreciated all the delights of leisure, of course, my question was: “where did you buy it?”, “how much does it cost?” Having learned that such a cool little thing costs more than 1,200 rubles (original) and can only be purchased in big cities, I was a little upset. At home I asked my son to find at least something similar on Aliexpress, called Spot it.

I was pleasantly surprised when he found exactly the same option, and you can buy the Dobble game for almost 3 times cheaper. Without hesitation, I immediately wrote it out, not only for myself and for the grandchildren of my friends (with English, Russian words, various little animals).

The parcel arrived a month later, the cards with pictures were packed in plastic, with a bag for further storage. It differs from the original in thinner cardboard; if during the game two or three people pull one cardboard with images towards them, it can be torn. But this moment does not bother me at all, do not use the rules of the “Tower”, where in the process there are cases of several participants pulling the card in order to take it for themselves.

Dobble game on Aliexpress

Included in the package

Not original from Aliexpress:

  1. Set of 55 cards
  2. Storage bag or box
  3. Description not in Russian

It will be a little more expensive with a box.


  • bright packaging box;
  • round, tin box;
  • 55 round cards, each with 8 multi-colored images (animals, symbols, words, emoticons, objects, etc.);
  • instructions in Russian.

There are more pros than cons

The manufacturer offers 5 options, but imagination does not limit the variety of the process. The number of participants is from 2 to 8, the occupied time is 15-30 minutes, the child does not have time to get tired, warming up excitement and emotions with positivity.

With children, add some zest with the help of the interesting board game Dobble while sitting at the table, and not jumping into outdoor games, especially since it’s not always possible to run. And for everyone, this is the joy of victory, excitement, bitterness of defeat, although the child will have to give in. Kids have a hard time with their first defeats, they always want to win, but it is in a playful way that it is easier to teach them to cope with a loss with dignity and strive for new victories. Entertainment brings you closer, bonds you, lifts your spirits, removes the “feeling of guilt” that clings to adults for not having time for your children.

The Dobble game develops attention, reaction, visual memory, competitive spirit, awakens emotions and the will to win.

Modern leisure is filled with entertainment gadgets; people have stopped communicating, seeing and hearing each other. Starting from a young age, children cannot be torn away from the tablet or monitor. A new hobby will paint a child’s world with bright colors and impressions, and will bring the family closer together while spending time together.

Dobble game rules

Each card contains 8 color, different size, spatial arrangement images. One image must be the same between all the cards; it must be quickly found and spoken loudly.

The game mechanics are based on reaction and attention.

List of proposed mini-games:

  • "Tower";
  • "Poisoned Gift";
  • "Well";
  • "Hot potato";
  • "Collect them all."


The players are dealt one card face down, and a “Tower” is formed in the center from the remaining deck with the front side open. Upon a signal, participants open their images. The first one who saw and shouted out a coincidence in himself and on the “Tower” takes the picture, building his own personal tower.

The winning card of the winner and the previous cards of the remaining players enter the new round. Rivals are looking for a match with the new top of the structure. Whoever builds the largest “Tower” is the winner.

Sent gift

"Tower" is the opposite. Players try to get rid of the images by throwing them to someone else. They look for matches on the “Tower” with a neighbor’s card, quickly voicing him. The one with the fewest pictures wins.


All pictures, except the last one, are distributed to the participants. The latter is placed in the center in an open form. The goal is to find a match with the central card and quickly get rid of all yours. Whoever runs out of cards first is the most attentive and fastest.

Hot potato

One card at a time is dealt face down, on command, the cards are revealed. Whoever shouts out the first coincidence he sees places his card on the opponent's card, the loser takes the entire deck. In a new round everything starts all over again. The winner scores the minimum.

Collect them all

In each round, one card is dealt face down, the central one is revealed. On command, everyone opens their cards and looks for a match with the center on all cards. Whoever finds a match first takes the opponent's card for himself. When all the pictures have been sorted out, the central one is placed at the bottom of the deck, and the deal begins for a new round. The fastest and most attentive wins, gaining the maximum.

Video with rules

All ages are submissive

"Child Game!" - the skeptic will say, but we all come from childhood, we give ourselves respectability with the passing years. The simplicity and excitement of the game is fascinating; you can see numerous positive reviews in the forums. This is a wonderful gift, leisure time within the family, a game of “wishes” in a student dormitory, a fun time. Delight and positivity with the educational board game “Dobble” » on long winter evenings, on rainy summer days, in moments of fatigue.

It turned out that our children's library has a free activity - a toy library. It was there that we were introduced to the board games Dobble or Spot It, Traffic Jam, and . We were recommended to buy all these games or make them ourselves.

Double (Dobble, Dobble or Spot It) is a game with round cards. One card is dealt to each player. Each card has several pictures of objects. The top one is taken from the stack of face-down cards, after which players must find one of the items that is on the new open card, as well as on their card. Whoever names the item first takes the card. The player places the winning card on top of his own, and it is with this that he continues to play. If several players name an item at the same time, the card is hidden in the middle of the deck to be played again later. If a player names an item that is not on his card, then the card is taken from him. The one who collects the most cards wins.

I already brought the game Spot It from the American Amazon. But for some reason the game together with a child did not impress. At the toy room in the library I came across how children get excited and compete with each other. What was surprising was that I, an adult, did not even have time to look at the card before the answer sounded.

In general, the game perfectly trains attentiveness, memory and reaction speed. You just need to create a competitive atmosphere.

I even found it on TaoBao at the same price, but I also need to add delivery to Russia and intermediary services. But I haven’t really mastered TaoBao yet, so it’s quite possible that the same Chinese version of this game could be cheaper. Or maybe it’s not the English name you need to look for.

In Russian stores prices for the game Dobble / Spot It! start at about 1000 rubles.

The largest selection of different varieties of Dobble / Spot It! of course on the American Amazon. Here you can find not only options with objects, but also with geometric shapes, numbers, the English alphabet, as well as various thematic options. So you can not only expand your child’s vocabulary, but also learn numbers, letters, shapes, etc. In addition to a large selection, Amazon boasts original games, not fakes. But the price with delivery from the USA will of course be approximately at the level of Russian stores (which certainly do not have such a large selection).

Have you played Spot It! or Dobble? What other educational board games do you recommend?

Update (September 19, 2016)
The Chinese version from AliExpress turned out to have a paint smell: (True, the card games ordered from the Russian My-Shop also smelled like paint, but, according to subjective feelings, less so.

Buy the board game Dobble:

  • Dobble: Spot It! Numbers & Shapes, Asmodee:

The Dobble game is a fun, fast-paced game for participants of all ages. Here everyone will train concentration, reaction, visual perception and other skills, so the board is invaluable for children. The recommended age for playing Dobble is 6+.

Difficulty level: easy

Number of players: 2-8

Develops skills: intelligence, speed, reaction


There are 55 cards with colorful images hidden in a small tin box. They are distributed in such a way that every 2 cards contain a common element - a plant, an animal, an inscription, a smiley face, and more. Find the common one out of eight images faster than your opponent and become the winner of Dobble!

Getting to know the game

Before starting a game, it is recommended to conduct warm-up rounds, especially for those who have not played board games before. After a couple of training stages, beginners will get involved in the process and become real rivals with whom they will have to fight for victory.

To do this, you need to draw two random cards with images face down and place them in front of the Dobble players. Look for matches on both cards (this will often be the same color, similar shape, but the size may vary). The first player to discover the similarities must say loudly, or better yet, shout them out. After which he draws the next two cards, and the procedure continues until the actions are brought to automaticity.

There are more pros than cons

The developers of the board game recommend 5 variations, but the players’ imagination does not in any way restrain the variety of the game. Since the approximate game time is 20-30 minutes, even a small child will not get bored with the game, which is almost the key factor when choosing entertainment.

Not all board games keep a child occupied, unlike most active games. “Dobble” will help parents get out of the situation: it will develop attentiveness, reaction, visual memory, and also awaken emotions and the will to win. In addition, the game really brings you closer together and improves your mood!

Five advantages of Dobble

  1. Compactness of the desktop. Game lovers often face the problem of transporting or storing their entertainment. The size of the tin box is only 10 cm, which will definitely please Dobble owners.
  2. Simple rules for everyone. When the main idea of ​​buying a game is to develop the child’s skills, then the availability of the rules is a priority for parents. In the Dobble entertainment, you don’t need to read out endless sheets of nuances; it’s enough to tell the essence on your fingers (and pictures).
  3. Variations of the game. Often games of the same type dishearten adults. And when the main audience is children who never sit still, it’s difficult to get them to sit at the same thing. This is provided for in the Dobble board, and it is also not forbidden to come up with new rules when the child gets bored with five options. Also, the child himself will wish for a separate object so that the parents will look for it in a panic.
  4. For any company. It is not forbidden to play “Dobble” either alone or with a friendly group of friends and relatives. This is an excellent solution for mothers who want to somehow keep their child occupied with educational entertainment. Also, after waiting for the whole family in the evening, it’s a good idea to repeat the games with a new lineup.
  5. For any age category. Although the developers recommend fighting with rivals for children aged 6 years and older, mothers often buy Dobble for very young seekers. Of course, you shouldn’t expect a quick reaction at first, but after several months of playing, the child will definitely give any adult a head start.

The game suits all ages

Many people think that since the game has elementary mechanics and a small set of elements, Dobble is only suitable for younger participants. But that's not true! After all, the simplicity and excitement of the game is fascinating; judging by the reviews on the forums, the board game is popular in every age category.

Who will like it

  • “Dobble” is suitable for children and parents as an exciting entertainment;
  • family for playing on the road: train, car, commuter train - the game is as compact as possible;
  • for parents as educational entertainment for their child;
  • for those who like to play together;
  • for a cheerful company of relatives and friends who do not want to suffer with strategies and exploration of the playing field;
  • for get-togethers in the hostel as a fun pastime on winter evenings or in moments of fatigue before exams;

Rules of the game "Dobble"

For the Dobble board, the rules are determined by the choice of mini-game that will be played between the participants. There are 5 of them, but no one forbids players to come up with new variations of games. This will only make the process more interesting! Below are the Dobble mini-games that we recommend you get acquainted with. And they have one thing in common - speed, and it doesn’t matter whether you need to get rid of cards or, conversely, keep them in your hand. The winner of the board game is the participant who wins the most mini-games proposed in the rules.

There are often controversial moments in Dobble entertainment, and no one wants to give in to their opponent. The winner is the one who correctly identified the similar component the fastest. But if the action happened at the same time, then the one who first took the card for himself, gave it to someone else, or threw it away (depending on the specific mini-game) wins.

There are also games that result in a draw. Then the participants who have collected an equal number of pictures are pitted against each other (it is also easy to judge the participants with a “Hot Potato” round if there are more than two of them). Each participant in Dobble takes a card and turns it over at the same time as their opponent. The first one to find the similarity between the images will win the serious duel.


Participants in the Dobble game receive one face-down card; a “Tower” is formed in the center from the remaining stack face up. At the same time, the players turn over the cards. A player who sees a similar component of his card with the image on the “Tower” and shouts about it gets the card for himself, assembling his own tower. This continues until the cards in the center are completed, and the one who builds a large structure wins. The Dobble winner will receive +1 point for each picture, and the person who collects the most pictures will receive +5 points.

"Sent Gift"

This is a variation on the Dobble, called the Tower in reverse. Here the participants need to quickly get rid of the images by throwing them to their competitor. “Dobble” players must look for similar components in the opponent’s card, voicing what they find at a pace. The participant who has the minimum number of cards left will win, and he will earn after +20 points.


This is a mini-game where participants are dealt all the pictures from the pile, except for the last one, which is placed open on the central part of the table. The goal in the board game is to find a match with the center card and get rid of the images in your hand. The winner is the one who gets rid of the cards faster, and he will receive +20 points, and the loser will receive -20 points.

"Hot potato"

Participants in “Dobble” are given a card face down. On a given command, they open them, and the one who first shouts out the recognized match places his own card on the opponent’s card, and the loser takes the entire deck. Actions are repeated from one round to the next. The one with the minimum number of images left wins, with the loser receiving -5 points.

"Collect them all"

In this mini-game “Dobble”, in each round, players are dealt an arbitrary card face down, with the central one open. At the same time, everyone opens the resulting images, then searches for similar components to the center one. The one who finds the similarities faster than others takes the opponent's card for himself. At the moment when the images are sorted out, the initially open card is placed at the bottom of the stack, and the next round is dealt. The winner is the one who collects the largest number of cards, showing attentiveness and reaction, for each participant will earn +1 point.

Can you make the game yourself?

“Dobble” is an educational board game, but not everyone is willing to pay about 1,000 rubles for a small stack of cards. For particularly inventive users, there is an option to make the game yourself. There are hundreds of templates with images on the web. You don't even have to draw. It is necessary to print the finished templates on thick paper, or at least on a regular A4 landscape sheet. One sheet contains six circles with pictures, and the rules of the game are also easy to print. You can store such a homemade tabletop in a candy can, for example.

For fans of tournaments on the Internet, there are also ready-made tables for counting points in Dobble, where it is convenient to enter information about completed mini-games.

Other versions of the game

The board game “Dobble Beach” is an entertainment designed in a marine theme. Plastic cards are designed to be taken with you on vacation without fear of getting them wet. The mechanics remained the same as in the classic version of the board game, but the developers took into account that among the fans of the game are children under 6 years old, and created a special format for them.

"Dobble Numbers and Shapes" is also a version for the youngest players. Every two pictures have matches in form, colors, numbers, which will lead to the rapid assimilation of such concepts even by a child. Mini-games also work in this modification of the exciting entertainment "Dobble".

Composition of the board game Dobble: 55 round cards and game rules in Russian. Dobble (or Spot It!) is a fast, fun game developing visual perception, attentiveness and reaction. Definitely suitable for different ages, just like Wild Jungle. Officially recommended for children aged 6 years and older, but also accessible to children and will bring pleasure to adults too :)

Compact round box contains round cards with many pictures: these can be animals, plants, symbols, inscriptions, emoticons... Each card is unique, but each pair of cards has one (and only one) picture common to these cards. It is on the search for this coincidence that the board game Dobble (or Spot It!) is built.

The rules offer 5 options for mini-games in Dobble, in accordance with which players need to collect more cards or, conversely, get rid of them the fastest by pointing to the same pictures. For example, here is one of the game options: each player takes one card, a stack of cards is placed in the center of the table face up. Players simultaneously turn over their cards and compare the pictures on their card with the pictures on the top card in the center pile. The player who sees the match names the symbol found and takes the card for himself. Players now compare their cards to the new top card in the center of the table. The winner was the one who was the fastest and most attentive and was able to collect the most cards. Since everyone acts at the same time, the game is very dynamic and fun!

The rules offer 5 options for Dobble mini-games, according to which players need to collect more cards or, conversely, get rid of them the fastest by pointing to the same pictures.

Dobbles are round cards with many pictures: these can be animals, plants, symbols, inscriptions, emoticons... Each card is unique, but each pair of cards has one (and only one) picture common to these cards. Dobbles are round cards with many pictures: these can be animals, plants, symbols, inscriptions, emoticons... Each card is unique, but each pair of cards has one (and only one) picture common to these cards.

Rules in Russian are now in every box with the board game Dobble, because since May 2012 the game has been localized.

Also on the Game Expert website you can find recommendations for using the board game Dobble in the development and upbringing of children. In the article “Dobble. Everything ingenious is simple!” , which was specially prepared for you by speech therapist of the highest category Shmeleva I.A., medical psychologist Loshinskaya E.A. and teacher-defectologist Evstashena O.M., you can learn not only new rules for playing with children of different ages, but also receive valuable recommendations from specialists.