Is it possible to return deleted correspondence in Odnoklassniki? How to delete, recover or read deleted messages in Odnoklassniki

Odnoklassniki is a comprehensive and ubiquitous social network. Here classmates, classmates, friends, relatives, lovers, colleagues or just acquaintances meet and correspond. Virtual social world sometimes replaces the real one. Here a person lives a completely full life: works, rests, makes friends, decides on various life important questions etc. And the correspondence, in addition to viewing and commenting on photographs and notes, amounts to the most important part this resource. Therefore, the question of how to restore correspondence in Odnoklassniki is very relevant. Often such messages contain very important and even unique specific person data. Therefore, when all correspondence suddenly disappears or is accidentally deleted, it becomes a real tragedy. Because of this, not only personal, but also business meetings and trips can be disrupted, and this already significantly affects financial well-being. Contrary to the very widespread belief that once deleted correspondence cannot be restored, there are several ways to try to restore correspondence in Odnoklassniki.

Restoring correspondence in Odnoklassniki using specialized programs

You can use special advertised programs to recover a variety of data. Such programs are offered on the Internet simply great amount. The most popular of them are Eisa Recovery, Vzlomster, SpotAuditor and others. But the whole problem is that often such programs don’t really work or don’t have free versions. In addition, when downloading them, you can catch a rather serious virus. Therefore, when searching for available alternatives for how to restore correspondence in Odnoklassniki, you should carefully analyze each proposed program.

How to restore correspondence in Odnoklassniki with the help of an opponent?

There is a way out - to contact the person with whom this correspondence was conducted. After all, all messages are duplicated for both sides. This is the simplest and effective way recovery of all information. In addition, it does not require any effort or time at all. But this option is absolutely not suitable for those who are wondering how to find out the correspondence in Odnoklassniki, for example, of a loved one.

How to find out correspondence in Odnoklassniki using spyware?

It is possible to install a program that records all actions performed by the user from a specific computer and keyboard. Its meaning is that it remembers the text that was typed from home computer keyboard. Therefore, knowing when the deleted message was written, you can use the program to easily restore the lost text. This is almost an ideal option for those who carefully monitor all the online activities of their loved ones or relatives and want to learn how to restore correspondence in Odnoklassniki. This way you can even find out specific passwords for accessing pages.
Each of the presented alternative options has both several undeniable advantages and disadvantages. And they are suitable exclusively for specific life situations. But first of all, you need to remember that all important information must be duplicated and re-recorded. Then such a painful and unpleasant question of how to restore correspondence in Odnoklassniki will not worry you.

They got angry, did it on purpose or by accident, but what is it, that is, they deleted the messages in Odnoklassniki. Deleted correspondence between classmates is deleted permanently. That is, if you want to view deleted posts in a few months, you won't succeed.

The same thing will happen if your page is stolen by scammers.
Let's say you were able to restore the page thanks to the link mobile phone to the page, but all your messages have been deleted.

What to do? If it's one thing, specific user, you can write to him and if he is an adequate person, he will send you the necessary correspondence.

How to restore a message in Odnoklassniki if it was deleted?

Completely deleting your posts makes the recovery process much more difficult.
Is it possible to restore your deleted messages on Odnoklassniki by writing to Technical Support?

It is worth noting that Odnoklassniki technical support does not restore correspondence. The reason is that you may be a scammer posing as a legitimate user and want to use the correspondence for personal gain.

So, what methods of message recovery are there?

View messages in the browser cache

If you recently deleted correspondence, pressing the back button in your browser will return you to a cached version of the page along with all posts.
Unfortunately, this method only works for a limited time. If several hours or days have passed, the method will not work.

Copies of messages by email

Open the e-mail specified during registration. By default, notifications about replies and their contents are sent by e-mail. However, your correspondence will still be unavailable. Any sent files and attachments will also not be saved.

Contacting technical support

You can try to restore the correspondence by writing a request to Odnoklassniki technical support. However, you should not place high hopes on this method: the administration of the social network is reluctant to make concessions and restore remote correspondence very rare.

What other ways can you recover deleted messages in Odnoklassniki?

If you have previously saved a page for offline use or made a pdf copy of it, you can read the destroyed posts.

Screenshot of correspondence. The existing screenshots of your correspondence will allow you to read the messages again by viewing the screenshots.

By the way, here’s what Odnoklassniki support writes, what to do if you need to recover deleted messages in Odnoklassniki

So take care of your correspondence and you won’t have to restore it.

IN Lately social networks are gaining more and more popularity. For many people, such platforms are comfortable and operational means for information exchange and communication. IN Russian Federation(as well as abroad) one of popular services is the Odnoklassniki website. There are cases when the correspondence of participants in a conversation is blocked by the site administration and all correspondence becomes inaccessible. There are frequent cases of account hacking by attackers, and all correspondence may also be lost forever. In this article we will consider the question of how to return correspondence in Odnoklassniki.

Letter to a dialogue participant

With this option, a person needs to contact the second participant in the dialogue with a request to forward the lost part of the dialogue. The disadvantage of this method may be the reluctance of your interlocutor to provide you with the lost information, for various reasons.

Letter to the administrator or technical support

Another option for how to restore correspondence in Odnoklassniki after deletion almost always provides a 100% result, but it may take quite a long period of time (the period specified by the operating procedures for responding to the user), since most often the service technical support quite busy.

To restore lost information (correspondence), you must send a request to the technical support service. Algorithm of actions for communicating with technical support:

  1. Click on your avatar in the upper right corner of the site. In the window that appears, click on “Help”.
  2. In the search box, enter “How to write to support.”
  3. Carefully study the rules that are in Odnoklassniki, then by clicking on the link you will go to the required section.
  4. In the field next to “Purpose of contact,” enter “My Profile.” The “Appeal Subject” field is optional. Specify email address. In the line of the letter, write a request to the technical support staff to restore messages with another user (you must provide a link to this user).
  5. Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to restore correspondence in Odnoklassniki that was deleted at the user’s initiative. The rules of the site indicate that correspondence deleted at the request of the user cannot be restored. But the technical support service has the ability to restore correspondence if it was recently deleted.

Backup to personal email

How to restore correspondence in Odnoklassniki using Reserve copy? This option can be used in cases where the user has linked mail to his account until the messages were deleted or lost.

In the case where no email was associated with the account, this method cannot be applied. Algorithm of actions for linking mail to your page in Odnoklassniki:

  1. Log in to the “Settings” tab in your profile. To do this, you need to click the “More” button on your account page and select the “Settings” field in the tab that appears. Another way is to simply click the desired item under your profile picture.
  2. In the block that appears on the left, select the “Notifications” field.
  3. If your profile does not yet have an email associated with it, click on the desired button to attach it.
  4. In the window that appears, enter the password for your Odnoklassniki account and the address Email. This action does not pose a threat to your personal security, you don’t have to worry about the leakage of your personal data. After these steps, the service will prompt you to enter a phone number, and a one-time confirmation code will be sent to it.
  5. Next, you need to go to the email address specified in the previous form. Service "Odnoklassniki" for this mailing address An email has been sent with an activation link. You must open this email and follow the activation link by clicking on this link.
  6. After your email is confirmed, you need to reload the settings page.
  7. In the “Notify me” window, activate the checkbox next to “About new messages”. The checkbox is located under the “Email” line.
  8. Next, you need to click on the “Save” button.
  9. As a result previous actions all messages received will also be sent by email. If correspondence in Odnoklassniki is deleted, you can read a copy of it in letters in your mailbox.

Recovering messages using a mobile application

Another way to restore correspondence in Odnoklassniki after its loss is to use the application for cell phones. It also has the ability to restore lost correspondence by writing to the second participant in the dialogue with a wish to forward the correspondence or write to the site’s technical support service. Using a simple algorithm, you will understand how to return correspondence in Odnoklassniki after deletion using mobile application and technical services:

  1. The hidden menu on the left side of the screen must be moved by moving your finger across the screen from left to right. In the menu columns that will appear in the curtain that opens, find the “Write to developers” window.
  2. In the “Purpose of appeal” window, select “My profile”, and in the “Subject of appeal” window, indicate “Technical problems”.
  3. Please provide your email address so that technical support can contact you.
  4. Next, you need to write a message to the technical support service with information about your desire to restore the dialogue or any part of it. The message must include a link to the profile of the second participant in the dialogue that you would like to return.
  5. Next, click the “Submit” button. After some time, the technical support service will respond to you with detailed explanations on how to recover lost information.

It must be remembered that standard rules they prohibit restoring messages, but as elsewhere, there are a number of exceptions, using which you can restore lost correspondence. We hope that this article answered many questions, especially how to restore correspondence in Odnoklassniki after deletion!

The use of social networks has not surprised anyone for a long time. For many users, they have completely replaced live communication and have become an indispensable part of their lives. But from time to time, even such people want to take a break from them and delete their pages or correspondence. Or, for example, their page was stolen, but access to it was restored. True, all information was deleted by the attacker, including correspondence with one or all users. What to do in this case? How to restore correspondence in Odnoklassniki? More on this below.

Let us say right away that it is impossible to completely restore correspondence if it has been deleted, period. If somewhere the user sees that there are programs that can do this, then we will immediately say that they can only distribute viruses and Trojans. Even technical support will tell the user that it is impossible to restore deleted correspondence.

However, something can still be done. If, for example, we're talking about about a dialogue with one user, then you can simply write to him and have him send some piece of correspondence. It is unlikely that the user should be refused.

Deleted messages do not end up in the trash, but are instantly erased. The social network does not have built-in tools for restoring them, so it warns the user before deleting correspondence. In some cases, it is possible to return communication history.

Searching for incoming messages via e-mail

If in the settings social network you indicated your email address, some of the correspondence can be restored through it. By default, Odnoklassniki sends users notifications about new incoming chats by e-mail. To check, log in to your account on the email registration site. Find emails received from mailbox « [email protected]».

Chat text appears under the sender's name, next to their avatar. Even if the correspondence is deleted in Odnoklassniki, the letters remain in the mail. If they are not in the “Inbox” folder, check the “Spam” directory, where the letters may have ended up by mistake.

Note! When the user is in Odnoklassniki, notifications are not sent by email. Outgoing messages are not recovered by this method.

Cancel during deletion

Information is removed from the dialogue only after confirmation. When deleting, a pop-up window appears indicating that the data will be permanently erased. Under this inscription there are two options for further actions:

  • Delete
  • Cancel

If you clicked on this item not on purpose, select the second option and the entry will not be deleted from the chat.

Unlike VKontakte, entries in Odnoklassniki cannot be restored via a link immediately after deletion. The chat will only display the phrase “Message deleted.” Several programs for restoring dialogues are available for download on the Internet. But such utilities do not perform their functions. Some of them are developed by hackers to steal accounts. Other applications are paid, but even after purchase they do not perform recovery.

Advice! Any services and applications offering to recover deleted messages on a social network are a scam. Do not enter your login and password from classmates on other sites.

Training video: Quickly recover deleted correspondence in Odnoklassniki

Recovery via sender

You can restore all deleted data from a dialogue only with the help of the interlocutor with whom you communicated. Write to the user that you unintentionally deleted your communication history. Ask to copy the chat text and send it to you. The interlocutor will need to select all messages, press the combination “Ctrl+C” on the keyboard and press “Ctrl+V” in the text field. Also used for copying and pasting text context menu, caused right click mice.