Is it possible to install windows on ssd. Optimizing SSD disk performance under Windows

Hello! Decide to prepare an article in which you will talk about how to properly install Windows 7 on an SSD drive, and how to configure Windows 7 on an SSD drive after installation so that it works for a long time and without problems. I recently bought a laptop, took an Asus K56CM and immediately bought an SSD drive for it OCZ Vertex 4 by 128 GB, I really wanted to feel all the speed that the SSD gives.

In our case, the laptop/computer model and SSD drive it doesn’t matter, my instructions can be said to be universal. I will write what needs to be done immediately after installing an SSD drive into a computer and how to configure the operating system after installation on the SSD.
If this is your first time encountering an SSD, then you are probably wondering why there is such attention to setting up the operating system for these drives compared to conventional ones. hard drives. I will now explain everything in simple words.

SSD drives have a limited failure time compared to hard drives. Simply put, they have certain number rewrites. Now I won’t say what this number is, it varies and what is true and what is not is difficult to understand. For example, for my OCZ Vertex 4 in the characteristics it was written that the operating time between failures is 2 million hours. And the operating system writes a lot during operation, deletes and writes again various temporary files, etc. Services such as defragmentation, indexing, etc. serve to speed up the system on normal hard drives. And they only harm SSD drives and reduce their service life.

In fact, installing Windows 7 on SSD almost no different from installing on HDD. But after installation, you will need to make some adjustments to the operation of Windows 7, but there is nothing complicated there, we will do everything using the utility SSD Mini Tweaker 2.1.

What should you do before installing Windows 7 on an SSD drive?

Well, first you need to install an SSD drive in a laptop or computer, it doesn’t matter. I will not describe this process. There is nothing complicated about this, and this is a topic for another article. Let's say that you have already installed the SSD, or it has already been installed.

If you will use a regular hard drive in your computer next to the SSD drive, then I advise you to disable it while installing Windows 7, this is so that you do not get confused when choosing a partition to install the OS, but this is not necessary.

All you need to do before installation is to check if our solid state drive is working in AHCI. To do this, go to the BIOS; if you don’t know how, read the article How to enter the BIOS. Next, go to the tab "Advanced" and select the item “SATA Configuration”.

Select an item “Sata mode selection”, a window will open in which we select AHCI(if you had another mode enabled). Click F10 to save settings.

Now you can begin installing Windows 7. The installation process on a solid-state drive is no different from installing on a hard drive. I just want to give you one piece of advice:

Try to install the original image of the operating system Windows 7 or Windows 8. I recommend installing only one of these operating systems, because only seven and eight can work with SSD drives. Do not use different assemblies, and if you install an assembly of Windows 7 or Windows 8 downloaded from the Internet, then try to choose an image close to the original one.

We install the operating system. You may find the following articles useful:

  • How to record Windows image to disk? We create installation disk with Windows 7 (XP, Vista, 8)
  • How to set the BIOS to boot from a drive or flash drive
  • How to install Windows 7
  • How to break new hard disk when installing Windows 7
  • Windows installation 8 second system next to Windows 7 on one computer

Once the operating system is installed, you can proceed to setting up Windows for SSD.

Setting up Windows 7 to work with an SSD drive

More precisely, Windows 7 will work anyway, our task is to make sure that our solid-state drive lasts as long as possible and without various errors.

As I already wrote at the beginning of the article, for Windows optimization for a solid-state drive, we will use the SSD Mini Tweaker utility. You can disable all unnecessary options manually, but in the SSD Mini Tweaker program this can all be done in a few clicks. You will only need to manually disable indexing of files on local drives.

First we need to download SSD Mini Tweaker. Download version 2.1 from the link below:

SSD Mini Tweaker 2.1 Versions for x32 and x64.

There is no need to install the program, just extract it from the archive and run it.

Launch the SSD Mini Tweaker utility.

You can tick all the boxes, or rather, it’s not possible, but it’s necessary. I have checked all the boxes, except that you can leave only SuperFetch; disabling this service may increase the startup time of programs. Check the boxes necessary services, and click the “Apply changes” button. Almost everything, in the same utility there is a “Manual” item, this means that you need to manually disable services. There are two of them, disk defragmentation on a schedule and indexing the contents of files on the disk.

If scheduled defragmentation is disabled automatically after the changes we have made, then indexing of files on the disk must be disabled manually on each local partition.

Disable indexing of file contents on disk

Go to “My Computer” and click right click to one of local disks. Select “Properties”.

A window will open in which you need to uncheck the “Allow the contents of files on this drive to be indexed in addition to file properties.” Click “Apply”.

Another window will appear, click “Ok”.

We are waiting for the process to complete.

When you do this procedure on drive C, you will most likely receive a message stating that you do not have rights to change system files. I just clicked “Skip all”, I think that if you skip a few files, then nothing bad will happen.

That's all, Windows setup under the solid state drive is completed. You know, many people say that these are different myths, that nothing needs to be turned off, etc. Maybe so, but if they came up with it, then it means it’s necessary and I think that in any case it won’t hurt.

It seems that I wrote everything I wanted, if you have additions, comments, or something is not clear, then write in the comments, we’ll figure it out. Good luck!

SSD is a digital information recording device based on flash memory chips, which implies the absence of mechanical elements. High performance, fairly high price and limited quantity rewrite cycles are the main differences between SSDs and magnetic platter drives. Last feature First of all, it excites the minds of owners of solid-state drives or those who are going to purchase such a device to install Windows 7 or 10 x64 on it in order to improve the performance of the computer. This procedure is practically no different in both systems. Therefore, it can equally be considered that SSD setup in Windows 7 is absolutely identical to Windows 10.

In this article we will understand how this happens SSD setup, installing the operating system on it and setting up some Windows settings 7 or 10, allowing to extend the operating time of such a drive. The fact is that the “seven” or “ten” repeatedly refers to system partition not only for the purpose of reading any files, but also writes temporary files to disk, a paging file, and performs indexing. These and others similar actions The SSD's working life will be used up at a significant rate and the disk will wear out faster than expected.

Transferring temporary files

The “Temp” directory is a directory for storing files with intermediate calculations during the operation of Windows 7 or 10. This service folder must be transferred to your hard drive after completion Windows installation 7 or 10. This action will slightly slow down the computer, which will be virtually invisible to the user, but will increase the service life of the SSD.

This is done as follows:

  • Let's go to context menu“My Computer” and call it “Properties”. Or right-click on the “Start” button and select “System” from the drop-down menu.
  • In the left frame, click on the “Advanced Settings” tab.
  • Go to the “Advanced” tab and click on the “ Environment Variables...", as in the screenshot.
  • Next, new values ​​of environment variables are set.
  • Select the “Temp” directory and click “Change”.

  • In the “Default” line, set the full path to the directory where temporary files will be stored. It is recommended to transfer them to the disk that is first in the list of HDD partitions.
  • We do the same for the “Tmp” directory.

From now on magnetic disk will keep official Windows files 7 or 10 x64, saving the SSD from unnecessary wear and tear.

Disabling sleep mode

Sleep mode or hibernation - turning off the computer while recording content random access memory on system disk to the hiberfil.sys file. This mode allows you to perform quick start PC with Windows 7 or 10. For computers with large amounts of memory (8 GB or more), this factor of SSD wear becomes even more relevant. To avoid unnecessary overwriting of unimportant information onto a solid-state drive, it is necessary correct setting operating system. To increase the life of the drive, it is worth abandoning hibernation, especially since 7 or 10 starts up instantly anyway.

  • Disabling hibernation is done with the command “powercfg –H off” entered into the command line launched with administrator privileges.

  • It is launched using the "cmd" command in search bar Start or through the desktop context menu.

Disabling the page file

The page file is used by Windows 7 or 10 to write little-used data when there is low RAM until it has its turn. The speed of information exchange between HDD and RAM depends on many factors, but is significantly inferior to the operating time of RAM. The paging file not only slows down the work on a PC with a small amount of RAM, but also requires repeated writes to the solid-state drive .

If you want to extend the life of an SSD on Windows 7 or 10, disable the page file (it’s better to buy a stick of RAM, it will never be superfluous). To get maximum speed from your computer, you will have to sacrifice the working resource of the drive.

Disabling the paging file is done as follows.

  • Go to “Advanced parameters”, as in the previous method.

  • In the “Performance” tab, click on the “Options” button.

  • In the tab, as in the screenshot, click “Change”.

  • Uncheck the “Automatically select...” option.

  • Move the trigger switch to the “No paging file” position,
  • If you want to use a swap file, select HDD partition, preferably the first one, and set pagefile equal to the amount of installed RAM.

Disable drive optimization

Defragmentation is the process of collecting file fragments scattered across the surface of the media into one. Fragmentation occurs while writing information to disk due to imperfection of the file NTFS systems. High degree Fragmentation negatively affects the performance of the drive due to the fact that the reading magnetic head has to make significantly more movements than if the file fragments were located in neighboring clusters. But on an SSD, document fragmentation has virtually no effect on performance, so it is not recommended to defragment it and you need to turn off defragmentation on a schedule (setting up and disabling SDD defragmentation in Windows 10 occurs automatically).

  • Go to the properties of the SSD disk and go to the “Service” tab.
  • Click “Run defragmentation”.

  • Click “Set up schedule” and uncheck the box next to “Run according to schedule.”


Indexing is the procedure for entering data about files stored on disk into special list, called an index. This data is needed to search for information on a PC with Windows 7 or 10. If your SSD does not store hundreds or thousands of personal files and the need to search for something on the disk rarely arises (for this you can use the functionality of Total Commander or other applications), it is reasonable to deactivate indexing. This will slightly reduce the number of accesses to the drive in write mode. The setup is performed as follows.

  • Select the disk and select “Properties” from the context menu.
  • Uncheck the box next to “Allow indexing...”, as in the screenshot.

Program cache

Many applications, such as Internet browsers, use data caching to obtain quick access see them next time. The situation here is the same as with the swap file and temporary directories: if you want maximum speed– sacrifice the resource of the SSD, the storage is expensive – transfer the cache or install the browser itself on your hard drive .

As an option, use the free amount of RAM to create a RAM disk on which the browser cache and other programs will be stored. Setting up and creating such a disk is a simple process, but it looks different for each application, which is beyond the scope of our article.

Restore points

Disable point creation Windows rollback 7 or 10, which will also have a positive effect on the service life of the SSD.

  • To do this, go to “Properties” of the “My Computer” directory.
  • In the “System Protection” tab, select the system drive and click configure.

  • Move the switch to the “Disable system protection” position, click “Delete” and save the changes.

Simplifying the setup process

When using SSD Mini Tweaker Windows setup 7 or 10 to use solid state drive is carried out in several steps.

  • Download, install and launch the application.
  • Checking the boxes next to unnecessary options carried out using the knowledge acquired above.

  • Click “Apply changes”.
  • Setting new parameters will take effect after rebooting the PC, so we restart the system.

Setting most of the parameters in SSD Mini Tweaker is done manually, but through the program, settings windows open with one click.

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Installing Windows 7 on an SSD drive is done in two simple steps, which are described in detail in our post today. If you have carefully read the information about working with proprietary operating systems from Microsoft, then you should not have many questions. Of course, except for those “misunderstandings” that are associated with the use of a solid-state drive. The next paragraph begins with the traditional section for inexperienced users, where we will get to know this device a little, after which we can safely begin setting up Windows.

What is an SSD and how to use it.

So, before moving on to the main stage of the “Installing Windows 7 on an SSD” section, let’s try to expand our understanding of modern storage media. As you may have guessed, an SSD is nicknamed a “solid-state” device, which is used for permanent recording and storage of your files. Unlike the old ones hard drives, this instance uses a slightly different operating principle - flash memory. It is thanks to it that after installation many users are shocked that their the brand new "Seven" boots in 9-10 seconds, and in general the speed of response of the system compared to regular disk increases significantly!

Successfully installing Windows 7 on an SSD does not require maximum knowledge of the operating principles of this device, so we will not go into details. The main thing is that “solid-state” ones can be used almost everywhere, where their main trump card lies. Most of these drives work via SATA, so they start working faster than regular ones hard disks . In addition, drives of this class have a decent margin of safety, low noise during operation, and sometimes no noise at all, internal cooling consisting of copper tubes, as well as a pair of fans. A whole power plant in a small plastic box! Still, for such convenience and great amount Gigabyte or even Terabyte, you have to pay and pay a lot. Perhaps this is the only disadvantage of this device, which did not prevent this line of devices from reaching the first podium of the technology market.

Installing Windows 7 on SSD.

So, the installation of Windows 7 on SSD begins, do not forget to take a pen and notepad. You can also have a snack before a long journey... SSD drive with installed Windows can also be used on a laptop, so this post will be useful to all segments of the population. As usual, you need to get a disk or flash drive with installation package 7s. If you haven’t forgotten yet, installing Windows from these media looks almost the same. You can read more about installing Windows 7 from a flash drive, and from a disk

Next, connect the disk or flash drive to your computer. Please note that by this time the SSD drive should already be installed and connected. Installing Windows 7 on an SSD proceeds as usual. We will need to enter the BIOS and install a new drive in the system so that it can be used as a “native” one. hard drive. Inside the Advanced tab you need to find the SATA Conf menu. After this, without fear or risk to our own health, we go to the menu on the lower tier - Sata Mode Selection. This setting characterizes the performance of your SSD. There you need to install AHCI mode. After this, we leave our colorful Bios, saving the settings! Along the way, you need to select the device from which reading will be done - this is the same drive in which your Windows assembly 7. Read more about how to set the BIOS to boot from a disk or flash drive.

Installation of Windows 7 on SSD will begin immediately after reboot again computer. As usual, the system will ask you to provide some data, after which a window will pop up with the found hard drives. Here you need to select your solid-state device, format it, and then begin the installation. The computer will reboot several times, while you enter your time zone information and configure your language keyboard layout. License key, which you will need to enter a little later, you can ignore, then download a special activator and enjoy the glorious life of a digital pirate.

You can also watch the video below, which shows in detail how to install the Windows 7 operating system.

Transferring the system to SSD is effective method computer organization. In addition, after purchasing a flash drive, you will not need to install the OS on it from scratch and configure all the drivers. Moving to disk already existing system will save time and free up your PC disk for storing other files.

Together with Windows migration Absolutely all programs, games, settings and drivers that are already installed on the PC will be transferred to the SSD. You can solve the problem in one of two ways:

  • Using built-in OS functions;
  • Using third party utilities.

Please note, depending on Windows versions and the parameters of the purchased flash drive, transfer methods may vary.

What data can be transferred toSSD

Storing the operating system on an SSD not only speeds up its operation, but also improves the response of other programs and files that are stored on the disk. The user can transfer the following types of data to a flash drive:

  • Operating system . It is added to the SSD with all ready-made drivers and settings. In essence, a duplicate of it is created, which was previously stored on the HDD;
  • Programs – choose yourself which applications you want to add to the SSD and which you want to leave on the computer’s hard drive (HDD). We advise you to leave extensive programs for video editing and software development/testing on your computer - this way they will work many times faster;
  • User files . This can be any of your documents, photos, music, videos and other types of data.

Components to move

To add used Windows to the SSD, the following objects are required:

If you only work with OS resources, you won't need to install third party utility.

Computer requirements

Before you perform any OS migration steps, make sure that your device meets all the minimum requirements that allow the utility to interact with the SSD and transfer large amounts of data. Minimum Requirements are listed in the following table:

You can compare your computer's settings with the specifications listed above using the About window. It displays correct data about the main hardware and software components of the device:

Fig. 2 – window for viewing Windows and computer parameters

We use the built-in capabilities of Windows

Follow the instructions to transfer the operating system to a flash device:

  • Open the Disk Management window. To do this, enter the command diskmgmt.msc in the Run window and confirm the action;

Fig.3 - launching disk management tool

  • Now you need to reduce the size of the OS on the disk. You can perform this action using the “Shrink Volume” function. All data will remain in the same state, only the space occupied on the HDD will decrease. Right-click on the “System” section and then on “Shrink Volume”;

Fig.4 - Volume compression

  • After successfully reducing the size of the OS, a free partition will appear in the disk layout. This means that everything was done correctly;
  • Connect the drive to your computer and restart the Disk Management window;
  • Now click on the “Wizard” tab and select “OS SSD Transfer” from the list;

Fig.5 - “Master” tab

  • Will open standard utility to clone an operating system. Click on the “Next” button to go to the settings;
  • Click on the “Unallocated space” item and go to the next window;

Fig.6 – disk space selection

  • Now you can independently change the size of the future disk or leave all parameters unchanged;

Fig.7 - changing the disk partition size

  • After clicking the “Next” button, the wizard will begin moving the system. After completing the action, you can turn off the computer and the next time you boot, select the OS that is located on the SSD.

Windows will also remain on the hard drive. You can remove it or use it as backup copy when you need to restore the system.

Fig. 8 - the result of a successful Windows move

Don't forget to click on the "Apply" button in the upper left part of the "Disk Management" window, otherwise all changes made will not be saved. If you encounter error windows or freezes during the transfer, you should reset the settings, restart your PC, and try the transfer again.

Fig.9 - applying changes

Instructions forSSD fromSamsung

Samsung Company released official utility, which allows you to quickly move the OS from your hard drive to a purchased flash drive. The utility is called Samsung Data Migration. You can download it for free from the company’s official website (section “Memory” - “SSD”) or using the disk that comes with the device.

Start window The program looks like this:

Fig. 10 – window Samsung utilities Data Migration

Immediately after launching the utility, connect the SSD to your computer using the appropriate adapter. Click on the “Start” button. Next, the application will automatically scan the HDD in use and display information about the remaining free space and sections of the media.

Fig. 11 – analysis of a disk with an installed copy of Windows

After analysis, the program will automatically detect the SSD connected to the computer and display it on the screen:

Fig. 12 – reconciliation of the source and destination disk

If the space occupied by Windows on the HDD does not exceed the available space on the SSD, you can immediately begin the transfer by clicking on the “Start” button. The automatic movement of all components will begin. The procedure can take from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on the version of Windows used.

Fig. 13 - successful system transfer

As a result, you will receive a notification that the operating system has been successfully cloned to the flash drive. Close the window and delete all Windows data from the HDD.

Plus using Samsung Data Migration is about simple interface. The program will do all the work for you and minimize the likelihood of errors or bugs appearing after transferring the OS.

What to do if during the analysis stage you find that there is not enough space for the OS on the SSD? In this case, you need to clean Windows of unused data and applications. You can do this directly in the Samsung Data Migration utility window.

Fig. 14 - Error. Not enough SSD space

After the error text appears (highlighted in red), click on the “Next” button and in a new window, delete all library files that are cluttering the system. Clean the OS until the text “Ready to clone to SSD” appears in the main utility window.

Fig. 15 - successful cleaning of unnecessary files

Acronis True Image utility

Fig. 16 – main window of the Acroins application

To move the system, connect removable media to the computer and in the program window, click on the “Disk cloning” - “Copying partitions” tile. In the window that opens, select auto mode movement. It is suitable for all tasks and copies data quickly.

Fig.17 - selection of cloning mode

All partitions will be copied to the flash drive. All data that was on the SSD before cloning will be deleted. The disk itself will become bootable and can only be used to run operating systems installed on it.

Fig. 18 – copying process

Seagate DiscWizard utility

The utility completely replicates the Acronis interface. It must be used if your PC has at least one hard drive from the manufacturer Seagate. To clone, you should follow the same steps as described in the previous paragraph of the article.

Fig. 19 – Seagate Disc Wizard main window

Changing bootloader configuration

After cloning the system, a copy of the OS will remain on the computer, and every time you boot, a window will appear with a boot selection. After the transfer, we recommend that you perform a number of actions:

  • Without deleting the original copy from the HDD, test the operation of Windows on the HDD. There are times when the system starts to slow down and performance deteriorates. This happens extremely rarely and depends solely on the selected SSD. As long as the first copy is not deleted, you will always have the opportunity to return to using it and remove the OS from the SSD;
  • Change your system bootloader settings.

The boot manager is a built-in component that helps your computer determine which installed operating system to run. You can also configure the startup order of hardware components.

Immediately after cloning, the manager will show two systems with identical names - the original and the copied one. When normal operation Windows on an SSD, you need to remove the version that remains on the computer’s hard drive. Follow the instructions:

  • Restart your PC and run the version that was moved to the flash drive;
  • Open a command prompt Windows string;
  • Enter the command shown in the figure below, giving the OS copies on the SSD a unique name;

Now many users are upgrading their personal computers and laptops by installing on them SSD drives– solid state drives. Compared to the already familiar HDDs, solid state drives actually have a significant advantage in operating speed. operating systems and working with data.

Many people have a completely logical question: is it necessary to make any additional adjustments to personal computers and laptops when installing a new SSD? In our article, we will try to consider in detail how to work with SSDs in the two most popular operating systems – Windows 7 and Windows 10 (the actions that we will perform in the “top ten” can also be used on Windows 8).

In the notes, we note some features of SSD manufacturers, as well as some nuances for working with SSDs in laptops. So how is the SSD configured to receive maximum return modern equipment purchased and installed by us?

Microsoft, when creating the Windows 7 operating system, initially intended this system to be compatible with SSD solid-state drives, and when such drives are detected, the system settings will occur automatically. However, it is best to manually check all your computer settings to get the most out of your SSD.

  • AHCI mode

To perform its functions, the system requires the SATA controller to operate in AHCI mode. To do this, you need to find the SATA configuration menu in the BIOS (Cohfigure SATA As). Typically these configurations are located in Main section, and switch them to AHCI mode. You can check the system in a simple way: “Start Menu” – “Control Panel” – “System” item. Select “Device Manager” and find the item IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers there. If this item is present, then expand it and find controllers with AHCI in the names in the lists. If we find AHCI names there, then our system operates in the mode we need. If there are no such names, then the system is not switched to work in AHCI mode. Naturally, it is necessary that the BIOS itself supports operation in this mode.

  • TRIM command

After we have made sure that the system is switched to AHCI mode, we need to check whether the TRIM command is enabled. TRIM improves system performance on solid-state drives by telling operating systems which blocks of previously written data are no longer needed because the data in them has been deleted or formatted. Simply put, the TRIM command “removes garbage” and significantly speeds up the operation of an SSD drive, being a replacement for defragmentation on conventional HDDs.


* For SSD operation in the Windows 7 operating system it is best to combine computers SSD and HDD. This will allow us to combine improved speed performance with HDD reliability.

* It is, of course, preferable to install the operating system on an SSD, like all major programs

* About 20 percent of the total volume solid state drive When installing the operating system, it is advisable to leave them unallocated. With natural wear and tear, the SSD will take clusters from there for its work.

Optimization in Windows 7 for working with SSD

  • Disabling system protection

To limit unnecessary write operations and return available space to the SSD, disable the “System Protection” function as follows: right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select “Properties” from the drop-down menu. In the window that opens, find the “System Protection” tab and go to it. Click the “Configure” button and select “Disable system protection”.

Some experts warn that System Protection may degrade the performance of the SSD over time and negatively impact the TRIM function due to its data recording nature.

  • Disable disk indexing

Due to the high performance of SSDs, the disk indexing function is not useful to us, because Disk indexing was designed specifically to speed up work on HDDs. To do this, on the “My Computer” icon, call up the drop-down menu with the right mouse button and select “Properties” again. In the “General” section, uncheck the box next to “Allow the contents of files on this drive to be indexed in addition to file properties.”

  • Disabling the page file

If you have a 64-bit operating system installed and the amount of RAM exceeds 8 Gigabytes, it would be advisable to disable the Paging File function. To do this, call up the drop-down menu again by right-clicking on the “My Computer” icon and select “Properties”. In the “Properties” window, find the “Advanced Settings” tab, then the “Performance” item, then the “Options” item, select the “Advanced” item and find the “ Virtual memory" Check the “No paging file” option and click “Set”. When working with the page file, you need to remember that with some applications that use a large number of RAM resources when disabling the use of the paging file, difficulties may arise.

  • Disabling hibernation

Hibernation was created so that the work you were doing on your computer could be resumed almost instantly. So, when the hibernation function is enabled, the entire contents of the RAM are reset to the hard drive, and then, upon awakening, they are immediately read. When working with an SSD, this function is not necessary, since the resumption of work is already quite fast. This way we save precious space on our SSD.

We disable the function like this: in the search bar in the “Start Menu” we type cmd command and call the command line utility. Then in the command line we type the command: powercfg –h off and press the “Enter” key.

It is worth noting that it is not always advisable to disable hibernation. For example, on laptops, disabling hibernation will result in the computer having to be restarted every time it is closed.

  • Disabling Memory Management

When enabled, Superfetch caches the most frequently used data, while Prefetch is responsible for preload frequently used applications. In the case of working on an SSD disk, due to high speed We will no longer need these functions to access data and we will be able to free up memory and give our drive work only when it is needed. To disable we do the following actions: in the “Start Menu” in the search bar, type the command regedit, thereby opening the window for working with the registry. We consistently search for and select registry items: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters. Then, with the right mouse button, call up the submenu on the EnableSuperfetch and EnablePrefetcher items one by one. Select the “Change” item and change the values ​​to zero.

In the same way, we change the values ​​to zero in the ClearPageFileAtShutdown and LargeSystemCache parameters. The LargeSystemCache setting specifies the size and frequency of flushing the cached page to disk, and the ClearPageFileAtShutdown setting clears the page file when the PC is shut down, which results in additional writes that we no longer need. Path to parameters: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\Memory Management. Select the ClearPageFileAtShutdown and LargeSystemCache items, go to their menu with the right mouse button and, selecting “Change” in each item, set the parameter to zero.

After this, reboot the computer.

  • Disable Windows write caching

Since SSDs are much faster than traditional HDDs, the enabled write caching function does not give us any special speed advantages, so you can deactivate it. But, in turn, the manufacturer Intel SSD warns that the refusal of this function will negatively affect the performance of the solid-state drives they produce. Disable caching feature Windows entries We can do this as follows: in the root folder of Explorer “My Computer”, right-click and select “Device Manager” through the “Properties” item. Select the item “ Disk devices"and right-click on our SSD, thereby calling up a submenu. In the submenu, select the “Properties” section and in the properties window on the “Policies” tab, uncheck the “Allow caching of records for this device” checkbox. Then press the OK button.

  • Disable Windows Search

Windows Search creates indexes separate files, documents and folders on your hard drive. The index is stored in a separate Search folder on drive C and takes up to 10% of the volume of indexed documents, so that when searching, part of the index is loaded into memory and significantly speeds it up. In the case of an SSD, again, this function will not give us a noticeable increase in speed. But indexes take up space on the solid-state drive, and the enabled this function can really negatively affect the performance of the SSD. Therefore, we disable the function Windows Search as follows: in the search bar in the Start Menu, type services.msc and press Enter to bring up a menu with a list of local services. Find Superfetch in the list and right-click on it to bring up the service menu. In the Startup Type drop-down menu, select Disabled and click OK. Then find the service Windows Search and right-click on it again, select “Properties” and click on the “Stop” button, and then in the “Startup Type” menu, also select the “Disabled” option and click OK.

  • Transferring TEMP folders

For release extra space on SSD and unnecessary overwriting, we transfer folders with temporary files to another drive. To do this, go to the “Control Panel”, select the “My Computer” icon, then the “Advanced system settings” section and in the “Advanced” tab go to the “Environment Variables” menu, where we click the change button, and change the final addresses of the folders with temporary storage data for new ones.

  • Transferring user folders

To perform the same task as in the previous paragraph, we transfer everything custom folders to another drive (including the “Video”, “Audio”, “Downloads”, “Favorites” and others folders). We create separate folder user on another drive and in “Folder Options”, which we call by right-clicking on the selected folder, on the “Location” tab, click the move button and set a new location for the folders to be moved.

  • Disable NTFS journaling

You can also disable NTFS system journaling. To do this, in the Start menu, in the search bar, type cmd and open the command line. In the command line, type the command: fsutil usn deletejournal /D C: and press “Enter”.

  • Disable regular defragmentation

As mentioned above, the defragmentation function is intended to work with HDDs and we do not need it when working with SSDs. Therefore, we disable it as follows: in the “Start” menu, in the search bar, type the word “defragmentation”, select the found disk defragmentation program, find the “Schedule” tab and uncheck the “Run on a schedule” checkbox.

  • Setting Energy Consumption

For best performance your SSD needs to manually configure its power supply. To do this, call the “Control Panel”, find “Power Options” there and set following parameters: In “Set up power plan” in the parameters, select “High performance” and click “Apply”. Go to “Setting the power plan” and in the “Change” Extra options Power”, select the “Hard disk” item, the “Turn off the hard drive after” sub-item and set the “Never” option, that is, “00 minutes”.

Optimization in Windows 10 (8) for working with SSD

When working with the Windows 10 (8) operating system, it is best to complete all the points related to Windows 7. The fact is that “Ten” independently makes some changes when it detects a solid-state drive. Here is a list of standard automatic system optimizations:

  • Disable defragmentation;
  • Connecting the TRIM function;
  • Disable ReadyBoost feature;
  • SSD power optimization;
  • Enable the Superfetch option.

All other optimization items will have to be performed manually. You can proceed according to the scheme with the Windows 7 operating system that we proposed above.

There is another option. You can download the free SSD Mini Tweaker utility, run it, check the boxes required to complete it, and apply the changes. It is recommended to check all optimization menu options offered by SSD program Mini Tweaker.


*For maximum performance when using an SSD, it is recommended to connect it to SATA 3 ports operating at 6 Gigabits per second.

* Don't forget to periodically check your SSD manufacturer's website for firmware updates and install them.

As we can see from the article, optimizing the system for working with a solid-state drive requires some settings. And if Windows 7 has to be carefully configured manually, then in operating Windows systems 10 and 8, some settings are applied automatically when the system detects a solid-state drive during installation, and adjustment to work with an SSD drive in the system can be done using a free software specially designed for this purpose. SSD utility Mini Tweaker.